How to Present Magazine September 2015

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 Speaker Rob Edwards shares his tips for presenting in business Self doubt Keeping it in its place How do you find NEW sales opportunities? What is workplace bullying and what is it not? Who are you kidding? Put your best foot forward Persuasion Tips 5 MUST DOs when implementing CHANGE What NOT to do! Managing Upwards

PLUS: FREE book giveaway Success Stories Influencing Tips

How to Present Magazine



 DATES PERSUASIVE PRESENTATION SKILLS MASTERCLASS (2-day Public Masterclass) SYDNEY 2015 September 15-16 October 13-14 November 17-18 December 8-9

To register or chat about your specific needs please email:

 Update Welcome to the September issue of How to Present - this issue is packed with articles that will assist you to present with greater confidence and influence at work. Welcome Beacon Lighting, TH Real Estate, Delta Agribusiness, Waste Aid, Hire-A-Hubby, APPA, WALGA, and welcome back Jeld-Wen, Cochlear, Novartis, Unicef and Roads and Maritime Services! You’ll see some terrific photos in the back of this edition!

My world famous Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass is nearly full for the entire year (only 10 places per program). If you are thinking of coming along please don’t delay. Register today to be sure you can attend on the date you prefer. Visit my website.

Rob Edwards is our cover this month! Rob is a terrific speaker and you’ll enjoy reading his tips of presenting in business.

WHO IS MICHELLE BOWDEN? Michelle is an expert in persuasive presentation skills in business. She has run her 2-day Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass over 700 times with more than 7000 people and she’s been nominated for Educator of the Year for 7 years running. Michelle is one of only 35 Australian females who is a Certified Speaking Professional the highest designation for speakers in the world. For a list of Michelle’s clients please go to:

PLUS in this edition I will show you How to Improve your Influence and I share some of my Conference Speaking Tips, What NOT to Do, and some Persuasion Tips. Lorna Paten asks us ‘Who are you Kidding?’ and Robin Powis shares her tips for Putting your Best Foot Forward. Jenny McKay shares her tips on Self Doubt - Keeping it in it’s Place. Ken Warren explains What is and is NOT Bullying? plus he shares some insights on Managing Upwards and David Penglase helps us to Find New Sales. Greg Mowbray, reflects on 5 Things you Must do When Managing Change! Plus read some inspiring presentation Success Stories.

So grab yourself a ’cuppa’, put your feet up and have a read! And most importantly, make sure you put the invaluable advice into immediate action so you see some fast results. Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine



Michelle Bowden’s Proven Presentation System The ultimate guide to presenting your ideas and influencing people using techniques that actually work Do you get nervous when presenting at work? Do you want to showcase your knowledge, influence people and accelerate your career? Would you like to learn the secrets of successful speaking, communicating and presenting? How to Present reveals how you can be a confident, clear and influential presenter every time. Presentation skills expert Michelle Bowden shares her internationally proven 13-step system to exceptional presenting, starting with analysis (plan what you would like to achieve), then design (put your presentation together) and delivery (communicate your message for results). Whether you’re presenting or speaking to one person or thousands, this is the essential guide to becoming an outstanding presenter.

How to Present will help you: • Maximise your impact in meetings,  conferences and conversations • Manage your nerves so you feel   calm and confident • Engage your audience and master the art of persuasion • Deliver your message clearly and with authority • Command attention and achieve your goals!

There is no other book on the market like this that will take you step-by-step through the process of successful presenting. — Steve Weston, Managing Director of Retail Lending, UK Retail and Business Banking division, Barclays

Purchase your copyBuyhere it now!

RRP AUD $27.95, NZD $31.99 | Available in print and ebook formats

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and transition to operate within a communicative and truly customer focussed discipline. What kind of presenting do you do at work? The audience I present to at work ranges considerably from the development industry, government agencies, politicians, the executive team and public meetings.

What prompted you to attend Michelle's Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass?

With the work we are doing in the cultural and change management space within planning and local government, I frequently present at conferences etc. I thought it was critical to improve my skills to further engage the audience and get my message across.

Matt Brown's background is in town planning, building surveying, environmental and project management. He has 15 years' experience across a number of local Council's and the development industry private sector. Matt's passion is creating and driving a planning culture that is practical, accountable and outcome focused. Matt works with customers and stakeholders from all backgrounds to assist in creating resilient and adaptable communities that we can all enjoy. Matt believes in empowering town planning professionals to 'back themselves'

How did Michelle's Masterclass change your attitude to presenting in business?

The Masterclass gave me the tools and structure to get the balance right between content volume and effective delivery. The 4Mat model together with Michelle’s 13-Steps provide the basis for a system that really resonates well with me and can adapt readily to any situation – however it still allows for individuality in the presentation as well. Presenting is now something I look forward to and cherish as a great opportunity.

In general, what positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your skills? It’s early days, however I have certainly noticed an increase in follow up enquiries after the respective presentations. My presentations appear to generate much more interest from the community now that I’m using a best practice structure and different eye contact and delivery techniques.

How to Present Magazine



SUCCESS STORIES! (CONT.) Pace, pace, pace – build that rapport.

In what specific ways have your presentation skills improved since completing Michelle's training?

I was always comfortable with the technical content, but at times felt that more was better. Now with the philosophy that less is more, the key points are articulated with more meaning and power.

Preparation – what do you want the audience to think / feel / do at the end of your presentation? What is the journey you are taking them on?

Accordingly, my speed of delivery, confidence and stage presence has also improved – I didn’t realise how much of a science there was to it!
 What were your top three take always from Michelle's program?

'Click' with your audience - whites of the eyes.

PERSUASION TIP #9 BY MICHELLE BOWDEN examples. this is otherwise known as ‘social proof’.

Use your authority. A basic rule of influence is that people will pay attention to authority. That’s why certain advertisements use doctors to tell you what to do, or not to do.

How to convey authority? Do your research. Being able to quote relevant statistics increases your authority.

Know your content. Be a master of your topic. This means being able to answer as many diverse questions on your topic area as possible.

Work out how to communicate your authority through stories, case studies and

How to Present Magazine



SELF DOUBT - KEEPING IT IN IT’S PLACE BY JENNY MCKAY What is self-doubt? Let me explain with an illustration. It’s one of those days when selfdoubt feeders are having a field day. You’ve just walked out of your morning management meeting and you’re no longer feeling 10 feet tall. That encounter you had over the week’s figures with Julie has left you feeling severely diminished and not because the figures were bad.

You went into the meeting on a high but the exchange has left you wondering whether you’re really up to the job. And that’s not something you’ve felt since you started in the role. You’re enjoying your day less. You’ve lost your flow. Your enthusiasm for getting the report done ahead of deadline is no longer there. Even though you were confident this goal was achievable, you’re just not sure any more.

The causes are often hidden from view

Can you honestly say, at any moment during the day, you were conscious that a particular moment has influenced your self-belief? Often several elements are at play and it’s not uncommon for them to be hidden from view.

response. You’re usually so confident and easy about such things. Finding this confusing, your assistant starts asking specific questions rather more assertively than usual.

You retreat to your office feeling hurt, threatened and even more deflated. You sit down at your desk saying to yourself, “I can’t even help with a simple response to a simple question. I am hopeless”.

Such knock-on negative impacts are common and include:

Feeling shaky both inwardly and outwardly.

More difficult emotions that have negative effects on you and others.

Less likelihood of taking a stand on an issue even if it’s one that is ordinarily quite clear to you.

Annoying or even angering others whose responses then cause you to back away even more.

Becoming defensive.

Losing the inclination to work out what the feeders were.

They can be really small incidents and often involve people close to you. Was it that snatched conversation about the day’s challenges you had with your partner before you left for work or that throw-away line on the phone from your good friend?

Outsized knock-on impact

When your assistant asks you for a decision on the format of the report, to their complete surprise, you are reluctant to give a definitive

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As you think about what happened at the meeting, feeling hurt and defensive, you conclude that it was Julie’s questions that took your confidence away. You feel threatened and then angry, a natural emotion following the belief that something has been taken away or is at risk of being taken away from you.

When your assistant comes back to ask about the report again, feeling that another attack is coming, you protect yourself with a rather brittle request to stop bothering you with things they are quite capable of working out without you. Your normally easy and consultative relationship is disrupted as they retaliate with in-kind defensiveness.

do to make good; it’s time to suspend judgement and self-criticism as you revisit the day and make sense of how you have got to where you are now. If you’re finding this a struggle, it really helps to share the situation with a highly trusted, non-judgemental person – one who is not going to jump to making suggestions and offering solutions but will listen, prompt with questions and allow you to find your own way to a greater awareness.

Such properly directed reflection – most important but often least sought when the day is a busy one - is a pathway to greater peace of mind, better leadership, more effective interactions and more constructive achievement of what is most important to you.

How to break the selfperpetuating cycle

What is difficult is that just when i t ’s m o s t n e e d e d , y o u r awareness of your impact on your assistant – and potentially others – is reduced and that makes it even more difficult to make sense of their manner with you, which can again feed your l o w e r s e l f - e s t e e m . Yo u ’ v e effectively been collecting evidence to support your theory that you are indeed hopeless. It’s time to stop, step back and perhaps even make a conscious break with your past history of coping with self-doubt.

You need to give yourself the time and space to make better sense of your immediate state. It’s time to recognise what you’ve bought into and created, and work out what you need to

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WHO ARE YOU KIDDING? BY LORNA PATTEN Last week while waiting at the the pedestrian lights to cross a main road in the CBD, a woman with a pram in one hand and a small boy holding the other approached, looked both ways then proceeded to cross the road, seeming to ignore the bright red “Don’t Walk” sign. Her toddler cried out: "No, m u m m y, t h e l i g h t i s re d . . . ” whereupon the mother said, “It’s ok” and kept going, taking the reluctant small boy with her.

Now I can’t know if they talked about this further or indeed if the mother said anything at all to allay her child’s concern. I understand why she did what she did: She had checked and deemed it safe to cross and she did. This is a common occurrence in our busy cities. Lots of people all in a hurry to get somewhere and deciding in the moment what risks to take to get wherever quicker ... often with a lack of awareness of how their behaviour impacts those around them.

What I noticed was the energy of fear I felt from the child and it took me back to the first time in my childhood when my mother told me “everything is all right” when clearly it wasn’t. I remember feeling very scared about what was happening and when mum said what she did, I decided that what I was feeling must be wrong ... and by association that meant I was wrong ... not good enough ... painful and confusing.

Many years later, well into my personal journey, I had an 'ah-hah’ moment about this: her intention was loving and her communication was incomplete. I realised that my mother said what she did to reassure me that everything would be ok - that she was in charge and not

putting us at risk. However she didn’t communicate this explicitly to me ... she took the short-cut and said what she wanted me to hear: “everything IS all right” as if declaring it would make it so for me. What she didn’t know how to do was to acknowledge and respond to what I was feeling as well as telling me it would be ok. She did what she knew how to do out of her past - not safe to get “emotional”, let your intellect lead the way. A belief pattern that I also took on from an early age!

Becoming emotionally aware, resourced and upto-date has been a conscious focus throughout my own journey and in the work I do. Opening up about my childhood feelings with my mother and other family members has been healing and liberating. And I am very fortunate to have been able to have this specific conversation with my mother in the later years of her life.

I hope the mother and child I encountered last week have a chance to do the same.

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PUT YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD BY ROBIN POWIS When it comes to managing your personal brand, dressing well is right up there in importance with your expertise and committment. It seems so obvious and yet so many people still don’t get the importance of dressing well. So what’s your personal brand?

Looks do count and they can make or break your career. Wouldn’t you want to be seen as the professional who can handle anything?

Styling Tips that Work Keep it Clean Being neat, clean and tidy is a must. Shower every day. Clothes must be clean, well ironed with no holes or hanging threads. Shoes must be polished and not scuffed.

Polished and Perfect Immaculate grooming with clean well maintained hair, tidy nails and perfect makeup. Guys shave every day and no comb overs please!

Plan every Detail Co-ordinate your outfits so they work together in colour, shape and style.

Other Hiccups

Girls – No short skirts, revealing clothes, gaping garments, laddered hosiery or underwear that shows.

Guys – No stained clothes, overstuffed pockets, short ties, body odour or hair sticking out anywhere!

CONFERENCE SPEAKING TIP #8 BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Work on Your Pauses. When you're nervous, it's easy to speed up your speech and end up talking too fast, which in turn causes you to run out of breath, get more nervous, and panic!

Don't be afraid to slow down and use pauses in your speech. Pausing can be used to

emphasise certain points and to help your presentation feel more conversational.

Plus pausing is important for the audience. When you pause, they think - so they really need you to pause at times. You’ll be doing them a favour.

If you feel yourself losing control of your pacing, just take a nice pause and throw your attention out into your audience and really connect with the whites of their eyes.

How to Present Magazine



HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR INFLUENCE BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Influence is one of the main ways we get things done at work. Here are some tips to help you to be more influential:

1. Build your credibility over time. Your personal credibility has a significant impact on your degree of influence. Your credibility is determined by things like your self confidence, your presence, your charisma, your experience, your work networks and your skill level. Solid credibility gives you a solid foundation on which to plan an influential communication strategy.

2. Be connected. Be clear in your mind about the basis on which there is the potential for a connection between you and the people you would like to persuade. In other words, why do others need what you have to offer or why should they change in the way you would like? What is the strategic value you have to offer? Apart from anything else, if you are really clear about this you will have more success in matching your influencing style to the situation.

3. Build rapport. Zig Ziglar famously said: “They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. Work on your rapportbuilding skills because people will be persuaded when they feel an affinity with you. Rapport is about, trust, a common connection, mutual understanding and a functional relationship in which both parties feel at ease. Rapport-building is a science and there is much to learn for those to whom it does not come naturally.

4. Be assertive. Powerful influencing requires a high degree of assertiveness. In the 21st century people are much less likely to allow people with authority to dictate. Yet an unassertive person will not be heard in our increasingly competitive world. So, communicate your needs or position in a clear, direct and concise way whilst being sure to show respect for the position and feelings of others.

5. Develop persuasive language. Language is a powerful tool in your toolkit. Learn how to use linguistic devices such as: alliteration; anaphora; tricolon; epistrophe; power words; and joining words to increase your influence.

6. Use social Influence. Take time to understand and apply Cialdini’s six principles of social influence.


Social Proof – we look to what others do to guide our behaviour.


Reciprocity – we feel obligated to return favours performed for us.


Commitment and Consistency – we want to act consistently with our commitments and values.


Authority – we look to experts to show us the way.


Scarcity – the less available the resource, the more we want it.


Liking – the more we like people the more we want to say yes to them.

There are a variety of approaches to influencing worth learning and trying throughout your day at work. Remember, it doesn’t matter how good your company is, how good your products or service are, how good your ideas are or how good your message is if no one’s listening. Influencing techniques will help you ensure your message is heard and will increase the chance you’ll hear the word ‘yes’ more often in your life.

How to Present Magazine



WHAT DO YOU DO? BY MICHELLE BOWDEN I was at a sporting event with one of my children the other day and I met a few new parents. They were very friendly and keen to connect.

After the usual questions like, “Which one is your child?” “How old are they?” “How long have they played basketball?” I asked them: “What do you do?”

I’m often shocked when people can’t answer this question. I mean, it’s what you do - every day. Surely you know what you do, don’t you?

So how could you answer this question? Think about how you help people, what do you allow others to achieve or gain through your work. i.e. “we help cancer patients live longer”. “I edit a photography magazine that won People’s Choice last year”. “I help people create their perfect look with our gorgeous cosmetics range.” Spend some time today planning a short, clear, ‘other’s focused’ answer to the question, “what do you do?”

Why can’t people answer this question? Is it because it’s too complicated to summarise for an ‘outsider’ to their industry? Is it because they think I don’t really care? Maybe THEY don’t care!

Maybe it’s because people haven’t thought deeply enough about the answer this question. When people know what you do and how it relates to them they can refer you. It’s certainly the main way I get business. It might help you get that perfect next role too.

WHAT NOT TO DO #7 BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Welcome to What NOT to do! This segment is dedicated to remind you of all the funny little habits that you should get rid of immediately when presenting in business.

Please don’t tell yourself that mistakes mean failure. I’ve got some fantastic news for you today! Mistakes you make when presenting are okay. When no one

except you knows the content or structure of your presentation or which slides you’re supposed to show and when, it is perfect just the way you present it.

Doesn’t that give you some peace of mind?

Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine



MANAGING UPWARDS BY KEN WARREN A recent Gallup poll of more than one million workers showed the number one reason people quit their jobs is a bad boss or immediate supervisor. Gallup also found that on average, poorly managed work groups are 50 percent less productive than well-managed groups.

So what do you do if you have a supervisor you are unhappy with? You can leave, of course, or become miserable and make their life hell. You could also attempt to influence positive change. The challenge is how to manage upwards without them realizing?

The good news is that learning how to work with such managers can give you a sense of achievement and can also earn you a very good reputation.

challenges for them can help you be less likely to take their behaviour personally.

Here are six ways you can develop a more positive working relationship with your manager.

Make use of their motivators. Everyone cares about something. Your job is to find out what your manager cares about. Is it looking good in the eyes of their manager, achieving best practice, or outcomes being achieved? By appreciating their motivators, this can help you to use the right language and connect the changes you want to see with what is also important to them. You may be able to help them appreciate that the changes you want to see will help them achieve what they are wanting.

Get to know them. Look for opportunities to build a relationship with them. It could be opportunities that arise from time to time when they are more accessible and approachable i.e. days they are in a better mood or are speaking informally to you. Find out what is quality for them in their personal life - perhaps their children, a passion they have for a particular sport, or other interests they have. By building rapport and a more relaxed relationship over time, this helps to make them less intimidating, correcting any perceived power imbalance in your relationship. A more relaxed relationship also enables challenges to be more easily discussed.

Speak up and work it out. Rather than suffering in silence or complaining at length to your support people, find the courage to speak to them. This will be easier, of course, if you have already spent some time developing a better relationship with them. You can tread carefully if you like, perhaps waiting until you can catch them doing the right thing, or asking questions to clarify their expectations.

Try also to see things from their perspective. Managers are often under extraordinary pressure, so appreciating the

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MANAGING UPWARDS (CONT.) If you are concerned about them responding poorly to what you might say, you can also define the problem in a face-saving way - that everyone is under pressure, you have different personalities and ways of working and you need to get on the same page for the future. Make sure the solutions also take their perspective into account. Some clever people even manage to convince their supervisor that the solutions generated were their idea.

Some managers need a more direct approach letting them know specifically what you need or would find helpful. Of course, you also need to be open to hearing what they need from you. It shouldn’t be any surprise to know that open, honest and, often, robust conversations are typical of high-performance teams.

M a k e u s e o f t h e i r s t re n g t h s a n d accommodate their weaknesses. Just as good managers spend more time encouraging strengths than correcting weaknesses, the same is true when we are managing upwards. If they are strong in project management, seek their guidance when you need help with this. If they are poor at giving support, adjust your expectations and accommodate this by seeking support elsewhere. If they are disorganized and late to meetings, offer to start the next meeting for them. If they change their mind frequently, document your interactions so you can refer back to them.

Keep a good attitude and work ethic. While it might be tempting to become negative, disengaged, or complain about them to others, someone needs to be the adult here. It may as well be you. Irrespective of how you are managed, come to work with a good attitude, do quality work, and be professional in your dealings. People are watching you. Your attitude, work ethic, and responses to this manager will either work to advance your career or sabotage it.

By all means, whinge to your loved ones as much as you like. But put a time limit on it and limit who and where you do this venting. Then focus on doing your best at work.

Consider taking it further. If the behaviour you are experiencing is unreasonable, consider taking notes of the behaviour, what you did in return, and whether this resulted in any improvement. Ultimately, these notes will be of help if you need to speak with Human Resources or a supervisor. Alternatively, your notes will help HR or senior management appreciate the difficulty of your situation and how reasonable you have been in your responses. They may well decide to speak to your manager on your behalf or facilitate a work-it-out meeting to get on a better path. 
 Ultimately, you might decide to lodge a grievance or move yourself into a different team or workplace. While these are valid options, I think it is a shame when the earlier options are not fully exhausted and frustrations are left to escalate.

Remember there are no perfect managers or supervisors. And managers are often doing the best they know how. The smart ones learn through their mistakes, of course. For other managers, just like our team members, we need to support them to become the best they can be. 
 Ken Warren BA, M Soc Sc, CSP is a Relationships Specialist who helps teams to perform at their very best. Through his enjoyable and interactive speaking programs, Ken will help your people to build even stronger, more positive and productive teams; work more easily with difficult colleagues and clients; and enhance their resilience and well-being at work. Check out all of his free resources through his website

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5 THINGS YOU MUST DO WHEN IMPLEMENTING CHANGE BY GREG MOWBRAY The only constant in life is change. Leading is all about change, so if you want to be an effective leader, you need to be good at change.

1. Be the change you want to see in others. With thanks to Gandhi, we need to demonstrate to others that we are not above changing. Often leaders get frustrated that others won't or can't seem to change. My advice is to look in the mirror and start with you.

2. Be really certain that the change is needed and be able to clearly justify why. People won't come with you if they can't see why the change is needed. Mount a compelling case in support of the change. Link it to either your strategic direction or customer benefits, or both. If you can't, ask why you are doing it.

the first three steps right (listed above), resistance will be minimal. Generally, involving people in designing & implementing the change works better than announcing it to them.

5. Measure the change and anchor it. What gets measured gets done. Monitor the change and make adjustments if needed. If you take your focus off the change it is likely that things will go back to the old way. Once the change has been proven successful, anchor it. Make it the way you do things.

Bonus Tip: Start small, pilot or test things before completely committing. Chances are you will learn things from the test run. Once it looks like the change will work, ramp it up.

3. Describe exactly what success looks like. Before you start, work out what you want. What is your vision once the change is successfully implemented? Use this vision to convince others to come with you.

4. Understand and overcome resistance to the change. Who might resist the change and how might they resist it? How can you overcome this resistance? Usually, if you get

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s training: FROM TATIANA FRIERE, GLOBAL PRODUCT MANAGER, COCHLEAR Practical, engaging, great content, and Michelle has a fantastic ‘presence’. The program was very well organised and materials are second to none. Teaching techniques are better than any course I’ve seen before. Thank you Michelle for sharing your knowledge with us and teaching us to fly. For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training please go to

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A confident, persuasive speaking voice lies within you! Many of us know someone who has a strong, rich, resonant voice. Maybe it’s an actor like Sean Connery or Cate Blanchett. At some point you may have found yourself wishing that you could enhance your vocal quality and projection so you were more compelling, influential and persuasive when speaking in meetings, persuading your manager, or selling to your clients. Well you know it’s possible, and it’s easy! Creating a rich, resonant influential voice is all about warming up your voice, and this CD will take you through the warm-ups that actually work one by one. Enjoy!


Fast-track your presentation and speaking skills success by discovering the presentation secrets of 14 of Australia’s top conference keynote presenters. What would be possible for your career and income if you absorbed the wisdom of Australia’s top speaking professionals and could learn from their tips and their mistakes? Well, now you can in this series of insightful interviews by Australia’s #1 Presentation Skills Expert–Michelle Bowden. Learn critical presentation tips from the amazing: Amanda Gore, Lisa McInnes-Smith, Glenn Capelli, Alan Parker, Siimon Reynolds, Rodney Marks, Sam Cawthorn, Marty Wilson, Terry Hawkins, Dale Beaumont, Catherine DeVrye, David Penglase, Avril Henry and Bruce Sullivan.


You can design an exceptional presentation in a minimum amount of time! Imagine how helpful it would be if you could have your very own coach taking you through the design process for an exceptional presentation. That’s exactly what this DVD is for! If you have a presentation to write, simply play this DVD and Michelle Bowden will coach you through the design of an exceptional presentation from beginning to end. It couldn’t be simpler! An ideal accompaniment to Michelle’s book How to Present, you’ll be reminded how to identify the purpose of your presentation, analyse your audience and design a powerful message that influences your audience to change their thinking and/or behaviour using techniques that actually work!

How to Present Magazine



WHAT WORKPLACE BULLYING IS AND WHAT IT ISN’T BY KEN WARREN “If you're horrible to me, I'm going to write a song about it, and you won't like it. That's how I operate.” - Taylor Swift I think the word ‘bullying’ is bandied around way too quickly in many workplaces. From my experience in mediating disputes between colleagues, most of the time the challenges are not bullying at all. It is more people who are under pressure, who have not yet worked out how to work in well with each other, or people not appreciating that is part of a leaders job to speak to staff about performance concerns. Though, having said that, I have also worked with some pretty clear-cut examples. It often amazes me how one person’s awful behaviour can be tolerated for so long, despite it affecting so many people in the workplace. Safe Work Australia defines workplace bullying as repeated, unreasonable behaviour, that creates a risk to people’s health and safety. While you might think that the 'safety' part of that definition is official-speak, we have to remind ourselves that some people are subjected to physical harm and assaults in the worst examples of workplace bullying.

Unjustified criticism or complaints. Deliberately excluding someone from workplace activities. Withholding information that is vital for effective work performance. Setting unreasonable timelines or constantly changing deadlines. Setting tasks that are unreasonably below or beyond a person’s skill level .
 Denying access to information, supervision, or resources to the detriment of the worker. 
 Spreading misinformation or malicious rumours Changing work arrangements, such as rosters and leave, to deliberately inconvenience. If ever you have been on the receiving end of such behaviour, it certainly does come at a cost. A survey of people who have been bullied by No Bull! Australia in 2010, found: 100% say their morale was affected. 67% say productivity at their workplace reduced by up to 40%. 49.9% said that the bully was responsible for 4-7 staff leaving over past 1-2 years. About 80% of people targeted experience mental health or sleeping problems.

Examples of the more common behaviour that may be considered to be workplace bullying. These behaviours would need to be repeated, unreasonable and create a risk to people’s health and safety: Abusive, insulting or offensive language or comments.

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WHAT WORKPLACE BULLYING IS AND WHAT IT ISN’T (CONT.) There are, of course, other actions that leaders and team members can take to reduce the likelihood of bullying, respond effectively to complaints, and encourage stronger, more positive team relationships. For more information or help in your workplace contact me through the website below:

But there are a range of reasonable behaviours that are often misunderstood as bullying. These include: Speaking to a colleague about their unsatisfactory or inappropriate behaviour. Not selecting a worker for promotion where a reasonable process has been followed. Accessing support from colleagues. Differences of opinion and conflicts (these could easily escalate to bullying). A single incident of unreasonable behaviour, but this should not be ignored. Giving reasonable direction to team members. Taking disciplinary action when a reasonable process has been followed.

Ken Warren BA, M Soc Sc, CSP is a Relationships Specialist who helps teams to perform at their very best. Through his enjoyable and interactive speaking programs, Ken will help your people to build even stronger, more positive and productive teams; work more easily with difficult colleagues and clients; and enhance their resilience and wellbeing at work. Check out all of his free resources through his website

Some of us have been on the receiving end of unfair accusations that are taken at face value, that are poorly investigated, perhaps by a biased or poorly-skilled individual. Too readily, frustrations escalate to a formal grievance when issues could have been dealt with earlier and informally. So, it is important that workplaces have very good policies about what workplace bullying is, what to do to resolve difficulties, and how formal complaints will be dealt with.

How to Present Magazine



TIPS FROM A PROFESSIONAL SPEAKER D o y o u a s k h e a p s o f q u e s t i o n s ? Questions cause our brains to be more active and stuff sticks better.


Do you stick to your personal style? If you are quieter and personable, don't stand on tables and yell.

Do you use humour? Funny how people forget that “relevant” humour is gold.

Do you make excuses in front of an audience? "I'm a bit nervious" "I don't do this often" "It’s a tough topic". DO NOT do that! Fix it rather than excuse it.

For 20 years as a professional speaker Rob Edwards has been making audiences laugh and reflect, but most importantly leaving them with the motivation to do the small things in their lives that really matter. The things that make all the difference to their quality of life - personally and professionally. For more and some video of Rob on stage visit his website. Learn more about his foundation at the Its Foundation website. We have something a bit different this month. Rob is challenging you with some important questions. Give yourself a mark out of 10 for these. Then set and achieve a set of goals to ensure you are a 10/10 next time you speak.

Are you a bit up yourself? Audiences are not there for you - they are there for what you give them.

Do you use loops? Start a point/story/ message and close the loop later in your presentation.

Do you tell lots of stories? Ones that have meaning and bring your points home.

Are your slides super clear, super simple and super consistent?

How good are you -- really? Enjoy your journey to being great.

Are you technically very very good? The brick layer MUST get the basics right before delivering a beautiful building. Get skilled!

Do you truly care about changing the lives of the people in front of you? The great speakers do and audiences can tell.

How to Present Magazine



HOW DO YOU FIND NEW SALES BY DAVID PENGLASE Ask your existing clients for referrals.

Ask questions of your existing clients to check where you can deliver more value.

Try the 7x5x4 marketing approach as follows:

Write a marketing letter and attach something of value to it (for example, a content rich article, a sample product, summarized written testimonials from happy clients).

On Monday, send this letter and attachment out to seven prospects (you will need to have researched who you are targeting first).

On the Monday of the second week of this process, start calling the prospects you mailed the first Monday to seek appointments.

On Tuesday, send the letter out to seven more prospects. Do this each day through to Friday. That's the 7x5.

On the Tuesday of the second week, call the prospects you mailed on the previous Tuesday.

Now do this for 4 weeks and you have the 7x5x4 marketing approach almost complete. The real work starts when you call the prospect.

Continue this daily routine for the next four weeks (which will end up a five week marketing project) and you will have found some new sales opportunities. That's the 7x5x4!

FREE BOOK GIVE AWAY BY PETER STROHKORB There has never been a time when sales and marketing teams have needed to work together as closely, and as effectively, as today. The risks associated with Sales/Marketing mis-communication have never been greater, but neither have the potential rewards for effective collaboration. What is the most effective way to achieve the desired business results? This book describes the current Sales and Marketing landscape and proposes an expert method to move sales and marketing teams beyond mere alignment into true collaboration.

To claim your very own copy of The one team method be one of the first 5 to email with the words ‘The one team method’ in the subject line.

How to Present Magazine




IS IT TIME IMPROVED YOUR PRESENTATION SKILLS? COME JOIN ME! Dramatically improve the way you present and influence. Attend one of my Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclasses in 2014 and change your life! Seriously, it’s a life changing


Absorb yourself in a generative and experiential approach. Learn something then practice, then lear n something then practice…

Group sizes are limited to only 10 people per program.

Risk free - 100% moneyback guarantee.

Risk free approach to a subject most people find ‘daunting’!

Endorsed by thousands of people from over a hundred corporations around Australia.

Plenty of time for you to get personal one-on-one time with Michelle’s during the program.

Interactive personalised.


A d d re s s y o u r s p e c i fi c , personal needs.

Facilitated by Michelle Bowden who has over 20 years experience running her programs and who has been nominated for Educator of the Year for the last 4 years.

Learning with lots of laughter.

Techniques are embedded so you remember them decades later.

SYDNEY: 15-16 September

13-14 October

17-18 November

8-9 December

To chat about your specific needs or receive more information please email Michelle:

There’s no need for you to fear public speaking. Please don’t miss a career opportunity ever again because you couldn’t speak up! Anyone can be an exceptional presenter in business - 100% guaranteed.

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s training: FROM CAROLYN SHAW, LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONAL, JELD-WEN Michelle Bowden’s Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass is a solid staple in our annual Management Development Program curriculum. Year on year, our managers experience true transformational change - integrating practical models to craft a message that will engage and influence, and deliver more effectively with powerful stagecraft techniques. The feedback is always exceptional with the team truly valuing the skills, tools and expansive resources they add to their leadership arsenal. Our team move forward armed with both the confidence and capability to positively influence and impact every communication opportunity. For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

How to Present Magazine



BOOK OF THE MONTH OK, I know it’s MY book! If you are serious about really improving your business presentation skills then you need this book. Go to my website



Thinking of improving your presentation skills but don’t want to go on a training program? You need to grab a copy of How to Present - Tips from the Master. Tips from 14 of Australia’s top public speakers. Go to my website

With 5 times the flavour of balsamic, you’ll wonder how you have survived without this soft, black velvet Caramelised Balsamic. Arguably, it’s the most versatile of all products in your kitchen arsenal.



THAT SUGAR FILM is one man's journey to discover the bitter truth about sugar. highly recommended by Jamie Oiver and by me too!

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Here are some of my favourite things for you

INSPIRATION GLASSHOUSE Birds of a Feather Pink Sorbet candle is a summery blend of Grapefruit, Lemon and Watermelon. Like a refreshing treat on a warm afternoon surrounded by friends.



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MAC Phlox Garden limited edition fluidline eye-liner gel. Perfect for anyone with green eyes!

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