How to Present Magazine August 2015

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 Speaker Angela Vassallo shares her tips for presenting in business Cement your credibility - toot your horn! PowerPoint Tips Moving from CHAOS to Control DRESS to hide your HANGUPS! Grow your business the FUN way! Poor Performance Prevention better than cure Clients who are AGGRESSIVE Motivation is the key to better performance Video backdrops What if you FORGET a point? Position your questions Baby it’s COLD outside! What NOT to do!

PLUS: FREE book giveaway

How to Present Magazine



 DATES PERSUASIVE PRESENTATION SKILLS MASTERCLASS (2-day Public Program) SYDNEY 2015 August 18-19 September 15-16 October 13-14 November 17-18 December 8-9

To register or chat about your specific needs please email: au WHO IS BOWDEN?


Mi c h e l l e i s a n ex p e r t i n persuasive presentation skills in business. She has run her 2-day Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass over 700 times with more than 7000 people and she’s been nominated for Educator of the Year for 7 years running. Michelle is one of only 35 Australian females who is a Certified Speaking Professional - the highest designation for speakers in the world. For a list of Michelle’s clients please go to:

 Update Welcome to the August issue of How to Present - this issue is packed with articles that will assist you to present with greater confidence & influence at work. Welcome Australian Packaging Covenant, and welcome back to the Family Court of Australia, Sunrice, Australia Post, Challenger Group, Novartis, Department of Defence, and Jassen-Cilag. You’ll see some terrific photos in the back of this edition!

My world famous Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass is nearly full for the entire year (only 10 places per program). If you are thinking of coming along please don’t delay. Register today to be sure you can attend on the date you prefer. Visit my website.

Angela Vassallo is our gorgeous cover this month! Angela is the author of The Second Wives Guide, is a terrific speaker and you’ll enjoy reading her tips for presenting in business.

PLUS in this edition I will help you with our regular features on What NOT to do, Persuasion Tips, Voice Tips and Conference Speaking Tips and PowerPoint Tips. Plus I will help you with what to do if you Forget a Point. Ken Warren will give us some tips for better managing Aggressive Clients, David Penglase our sales expert will help you to Position your Questions and Robin Powis gives you some fashion advice for when Baby it’s Cold Outside and how to Dress to Hide your Hangups. In addition, our resident creative Emma Veiga-Malta showcases some Video Backdrops. PLUS I’ll remind you How to grow your business the FUN way and Phil Lee reminds us that Motivation is the Key to Better Performance. Plus read some inspiring presentation Success Stories.

So grab yourself a ’cuppa’, put your feet up and have a read! And most importantly, make sure you put the invaluable advice into immediate action so you see some fast results. Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine



Michelle Bowden’s Proven Presentation System The ultimate guide to presenting your ideas and influencing people using techniques that actually work Do you get nervous when presenting at work? Do you want to showcase your knowledge, influence people and accelerate your career? Would you like to learn the secrets of successful speaking, communicating and presenting? How to Present reveals how you can be a confident, clear and influential presenter every time. Presentation skills expert Michelle Bowden shares her internationally proven 13-step system to exceptional presenting, starting with analysis (plan what you would like to achieve), then design (put your presentation together) and delivery (communicate your message for results). Whether you’re presenting or speaking to one person or thousands, this is the essential guide to becoming an outstanding presenter.

How to Present will help you: • Maximise your impact in meetings,  conferences and conversations • Manage your nerves so you feel   calm and confident • Engage your audience and master the art of persuasion • Deliver your message clearly and with authority • Command attention and achieve your goals!

There is no other book on the market like this that will take you step-by-step through the process of successful presenting. — Steve Weston, Managing Director of Retail Lending, UK Retail and Business Banking division, Barclays

it now! Purchase your copyBuyhere

RRP AUD $27.95, NZD $31.99 | Available in print and ebook formats

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Geoffrey Ong is a Product and Marketing Manager, tailoring Avery labeling solutions to the branding and marketing needs of small businesses. He crafts ambitious strategies for services and businesses to use the do-ityourself labeling products and software to create eye catching marketing and merchandising collaterals in a competitive SME market. What kind of presenting do you do at work? I’m in a strategic product and marketing management role to retail, trade and small business. I present product, marketing and sales proposals to external clients from large corporates such as Officeworks, Costco to small business entrepreneurs. I conduct product training to stakeholders, trade bodies and customers. Internally, I present to senior leadership in Australia and internationally, such as the UK.

What prompted you to attend Michelle’s Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass? I gladly took up the opportunity to improve my presentation and influencing skills with Michelle Bowden given her reputation in the industry for

this type of training. I learnt to tailor my communication to specific audiences; influence others more quickly to my way of thinking and pace out objections and disagreements to develop a constructive way forward with my stakeholders. I have developed, maintained and improved on my relationships with stakeholders internally and externally. It was an enjoyable, practical and knowledge building 2-day course for me and I would recommend it to others.

How did Michelle’s program change your attitude to presenting? Michelle’s course challenges the status quo by encouraging structured thinking and advanced preparation. She introduced models of thinking that I hadn’t previously considered. The 4Mat model was especially helpful. It’s also very beneficial to focus on the needs of audiences with tools like pacing out objections and Michelle’s presentation building tools.

What positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your presentation skills? I have received very positive feedback from several presentations internally to senior leadership and externally with key clients winning several contracts. I have mastered the control of my nerves and fears related to presenting with vigorous application of the 13 steps. The lessons: preparation, anticipation, and being clear of your emotional objective; followed by practice, practice, practice, are fool proof in creating killer presentations.

In what specific ways have your presentation skills improved? My tools of trade are A3 pieces of paper, marker pens, and post it notes for Storyboarding the 4Mat of my presentation – Why? What? How? and What if?/What else?

What were your top 3 take-aways? 1. Pace, Pace, Pace, Lead.

2. Pacing Out Objections.

3. Practise, Practise, Practise.

How to Present Magazine



CEMENT YOUR CREDIBILITY - TOOT YOUR HORN BY MICHELLE BOWDEN You need to be able to hoot your own horn. Yes, you need to sing from the rooftops so people know what you offer! I know that in Australia we are worried about being seen as conceited if we tell people about our successes. And the fact is that if you worry about that, you’ll never persuade people about your great idea, or your service, or offer.

Here are my tips on how to get over your concern about boasting to your stakeholders.

Serve your stakeholder. Focus on what you can give, not what you can get. You have a gift that everyone needs. If you know that your target clients or stakeholders need what you have to offer then you must tell them! Not telling them means you are holding your ideas, products or service back from people who need them - that’s a disservice.

Stop caring about what people think. We often shy away from self promotion because we worry that will be judged as ‘up ourselves’. Well, the truth is that some people you deal with will like you and some

won’t. The question to ask yourself is: Who are you living your life for? If you are living your life to serve the people who need what you offer, then you need to let them know how you can make their lives easier. The people who don’t need what you offer are irrelevant to your thinking.

Don’t go overboard! There’s a fine line between telling people how you can help them and anoying them with your selfish ravings! Be sure to think about your stakeholder’s needs. What is bothering them? What is challenging for them? Can you fix these issues with your idea, product or service? If the answer is ‘yes’ then learn how to let them know so they hear it the first time and are compelled to take you up on your offer. Bernice McCarthey’s 4Mat model is one excellent model you might try. It helps you get to the point whilst avoiding boring repitition. Happy Persuading!

PERSUASION TIP #8 Build rapport. Zig Ziglar famously said: “They don’t care what you know until they know how much you care”. Work on your rapportbuilding skills because others cannot be persuaded unless they feel an affinity with you.

Rapport is about, trust, a common connection, mutual understanding in which both parties feel at ease. Rapport-building is a science and there is much to learn for those to whom it does not come naturally.

How to Present Magazine




Avoid clip-art. Try to use only your own photographs or purchase goodquality stock photos.

Avoid text-heavy slides. Don’t use paragraphs, quotes or complete sentences. Steve Jobs is quoted as suggesting: “no more than 9 words on a slide and get rid of bullet points all together”

Avoid small type. Use a minimum of 30-point font.

Use handouts to supplement your presentation. That way if they need the fine details they can see them on the paper in front of them.

STOP! Your PowerPoint is Killing me! Seriously - your slides are making me want to poke my eyes out with a sharp instrument! Here are some tips to help you create stunning slides that reinforce your key messages for your audience. Avoid distracting special effects. (fadeouts, dissolves) and sound effects.

Always have a back-up plan. The data projector bulb will blow up - it’s Murphy’s law! Be sure to have a backup and be just as comfortable presenting without slides as you are with them.

Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine



CHAOS TO CONTROL BY GREG MOWBRAY Where are you on the chaos to control scale? Ten is feeling completely chaotic and out of control. Zero is calm and in control. Five is borderline. Where are you now? The farmer who doesn't prepare his soil, misses the planting window and leaves fertilising too late will not reap his crop. It's simply impossible to cheat nature. The business leader who fails to take stock of where the business currently is, where it needs to be in the future and then put plans in place to achieve that vision, will also fail. The simple truth is that too many organisations are in chaos because their leaders have failed to plan appropriately. They say they haven't the time to plan. They say they don't know how. They say that they have done all right so far without planning. A culture where chaos is normal is not a good place to be. To get back in control, embrace these three basic strategic planning questions. 1. Where are we now? Do a SWOT Analysis (email me: and I'll send you a free template). 2. Where do we want to be? What do you want to look like and be like in 12 months time? Describe it.

3. How are you going to get there? Develop an action plan for your priorities based around 90 day projects. You owe it to yourself, those around you and your organisation to get back into control, and stay there. If this all sounds too hard or you still don't have time, click here and we can help. We specialise in strategic planning facilitation and have a proven methodology to get you focused again.

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BETWEEN HANG-UPS & A HARD PLACE BY ROBIN POWIS What we wear is a true reflection of the heart. Have you thought why you dress the way you do? What has influenced the way you feel about the way you look? As a Personal Stylist too often I hear of the hang-ups that plague both sexes. These hang ups based on what others have said or not said about their appearance date back to childhood, school years or early career. Dress to Influence There is no better time than now to change your beliefs and look at yourself in a new positive light. Lets work with what we have, rather than fight against it. We all are different and unique, so why do we push the same ideal? Top Styling Tips Stick to what works. Why reinvent the wheel when something works for you. If you love tailored pieces just update them each season. Play with your proportions. Tall or short wear the lengths that flatter your height and shape. Age with Attitude. Plan for mental, physical and style realignments at each decade or career stage.

and revel in You. If you love a relaxed look, wear it with Pizazz. Wear your good stuff now. Don’t wait till they go out of fashion, wear luxe if you love it and feel a million dollars. Others will sense it too. Strut your stuff this winter! Get grounded in rich neutral hues of charcoal, indigo, khaki and bronze paired with bold blues and lush greens. Invest in a soft cashmere scarf in a colour that warms your soul. Put your best foot forward in well-polished boots. If suede is your fave, care for it by rubbing stains off immediately with water and then rubbing with a towel. Cosy up in a textured chunky knit, an angora sweater, a print or check jumper; or a roll neck. A staple coat is a must in classic camel, deep navy, animal print or perennial black.

Know your own Style. Be comfortable in your own skin

How to Present Magazine



GROW YOUR BUSINESS THE FUN WAY! BY MICHELLE BOWDEN People often ask me how I manage to keep so many clients happy at the one time. For this reason I thought I’d share some of my process with you. Some may call this a sales process, others a persuasion approach and others a relationship management philosophy. Whatever you call this, here are my thoughts on how to love your work every day and make money in the process!

Be grateful! It’s so important to know which of your clients love you the most and give you the most business. Make sure you thank them appropriately and find ways to be sue you are adding the most value possible to their business. Offer them special deals, give them gifts that mean something, send them articles and links that will make their life easier.

Who is going to love you the most? Identify which of your clients are likely to fall in love with the products and services you offer any day now. Once you have identified them,

be sure to expedite the process by giving them everything they need to love what you do and quickly!

Discard where necessary and say No quickly! I know it sounds callous and you know what? You shouldn’t waste time chasing people who need convincing. Instead work with people you find fun and easy to deal with, the people with whom you have a natural rapport. In turn they will value what you have to offer and the rewards will flow. This means you shouldn’t waste time on clients who love your competitor or competitor products. These people are too much effort for too little return and they stop you spending time with the people who love you.

Life is short, be sure you enjoy your business or make a change.

TESTIMONIAL Michelle’s CONFERENCEabout SPEAKING TIP keynote: #7 FROM NAME BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Smile. Smiling increases endorphins, replacing anxiety with calm and making you feel good about your presentation. Smiling also exhibits confidence and enthusiasm to the crowd. And this tip works even if you’re presenting virtually via a webinar and people can't see you.

Just don't overdo it!

How to Present Magazine



POOR PERFORMANCE: PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE BY JON PRATLETT What if, despite persistent efforts, your employees are under-performing? If you look to replace them, there’ll be costs involved – not to mention disruption to the business. Furthermore, there’s no guarantee their replacements will perform any better. So what are your choices? The best long term choice is prevention. Ideally, preventing underperformance should start before you advertise a job. That’s when you need to think carefully about what you expect from a new employee and spell it out in a detailed job description. You also need to spell out how performance will be measured. Regular feedback will prevent small problems from developing into big ones and can help people feel more confident and secure. When you’re not sure whether you’re doing the right thing you’re likely to feel anxious and threatened. As leaders, we need to create clear boundaries and give clear instructions, and that means taking responsibility for the quality of our own communications and relationships.

Leaders who appreciate the kinds of behaviours that provoke a reward or threat response, and act accordingly, are more likely to lead a productive team. Research suggests there are five social needs that, if addressed, can help – the acronym CARER makes them easy to remember.

Certainty – providing clarity and transparency to leave little doubt. A utonomy – providing choices where appropriate. Relatedness, or getting on with people around you. Equity – treating people fairly. Reputation – maintaining/elevating status. They all interact so, for example, a micromanaging boss will undermine an employee’s autonomy, reputation and equity, and create a multiplying effect.

Being brain friendly Everything we think, feel and do starts with the brain. From an evolutionary point of view, the brain works on one key motivating principle – to minimise danger and maximise reward – and, if your management style takes this into account, you have a much better chance of keeping your employees engaged and motivated.

How to Present Magazine



POOR PERFORMANCE: PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE (CONT.) behaviour and that of others around you, alerting you to people you may clash with. Awareness of the different behavioural styles, coupled with practice, can help you to become more flexible and to modify your own style to better match theirs. You’d be surprised how effective this can be. The end of the road

This type of behaviour may lead the employee to feel uncertain about their tenure in their role. Conversely, when you’re a CARER, you’re continually building trust by meeting many of these drives. This can help to offset any issues that arise.”

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, an issue can’t be resolved. If someone has a deeplyentrenched belief that all bosses are the enemy you could face an upward battle to change their mindset. Other people may simply be not a good fit. In this case, if you’ve been following the CARER principles, giving and seeking regular feedback and discussing problems as they arise, there’s a good chance the employee will realise the role is not for them, thank you for the opportunity, and leave on good terms.

Round pegs in round holes People are far more likely to perform well when they’re operating within their behavioural comfort zone. If you have a people person sitting in front of a computer all day with no human interaction they may end up frustrated, miserable and ineffective. And someone who is naturally reserved and task orientated isn’t necessarily going to be good at sales. The DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness) behavioural styles assessment, which can be done online or face to face, is a quick and simple way of gaining insight into someone’s likely behaviour in a particular context. This could provide an indication of where an employee is likely to work most effectively. If you complete the assessment yourself it could also help you to understand your own

How to Present Magazine



CLIENTS WHO ARE AGGRESSIVE BY KEN WARREN One of my first roles as a young graduate was working as a Counsellor at a drug rehabilitation centre. I was very excited, enthusiastic, and fresh-faced. But I was also somewhat naïve.

I imagined that all of my clients would want to see me, would work hard to help themselves, and then be highly appreciative of my efforts. Although this was true for many, with others, I was in for a rude shock.

and who absolve themselves of any responsibility to help.

Housing workers who mediate disputes between residents, who often have very c o m p l e x p ro b l e m s a n d c h a l l e n g i n g behaviour.

Police and paramedics on the receiving end of violence from people who think that anyone in a uniform is ‘fair game’.

Some clients were literally dragged in by their family members to see me. Others seemed to work actively against their best interests. And a few directed their frustrations and unhappiness towards me, sometimes in a powerful way.

Over the past 30 years, I have been spat on, had knives pulled on me, been stalked, and on countless occasions I have been verbally abused.

I have worked with hundreds of couples who openly detested each other; many who were caught in a silent, cold war; others where one person had a long history of controlling and abusive behaviour.

I have refereed many hostile conversations, broken up numerous fights, some of them physical. I used to think if anyone was allowed to be cynical about relationships, then surely it would be me.

Although I have had my moments, I have kept some perspective by seeing progress with many of these clients. I have also had examples of very good relationships around me.

From workplaces I have supported over the years, I know that others have their challenging clients as well.

School staff who deal with hostile parents who believe everything their child has to say

Looking back, there have been many occasions with clients, where I could have handled things much better. I have learned the hard way that while the majority of our clients will be a pleasure to work with, we can’t be on automatic pilot. We need to be open to feedback and alert to the risk factors, which warn us of the need to take a different course of action.

We have to have plans and backup plans for responding to a range of challenging behaviours, from settling frustrated clients, to responding to verbal or physical aggression. Certainly, the way we respond can make a bad situation one that is much, much worse.

Working well and safely with clients who are

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CLIENTS WHO ARE AGGRESSIVE (CONT.) demanding or aggressive involves skills that can be learned. The good news is that the more we are alert to what helps, the more flexible and confident we become in responding.

Workplaces can also help by putting systems into place to minimise the risk to team members. For an emergency such as a fire, for example, systems and procedures are certainly put into place and rehearsed by most workplaces. Similarly, we don’t have to wait

until someone is verbally or physically assaulted before better systems are put into place. Workplaces also have a moral and legal obligation to ensure the safety of their employees.

Ken Warren BA, M Soc Sc, CSP is a Relationships Specialist who helps teams to perform at their very best. Through his enjoyable and interactive speaking programs, Ken will help your people to: Build even stronger, more positive and productive teams. Handle difficult conversations in a more confident and positive way. Enhance their resilience and well-being at work.

MOTIOVATION IS THE KEY TO BETTER PERFORMANCE BY PHIL LEE Think about your current sales or business goals. Now, add a reasonable amount that you would like to over-achieve. Be conservative make it something in the 10-25% range!

There are two things I can tell you about your goal, assuming you have the skills for the job:

1) The goal you set for yourself is achievable.

2) You have 100% chance of achieving it.

Picture this - someone very dear to you; your spouse, a parent, your child, has been kidnapped and held against their will. You have been told you will never see this person again unless you overachieve on your goal. You have thirty days. What will you do?

Will you end your workday at 5:00pm?

Will you seek out decision makers?

Will you just "call back next month"?

Will you do your paperwork during the day?

Will you waste time with office politics?

My guess is that you'll do whatever it takes to achieve your goal. So, why aren't you doing it now?

The answer is you don't have the motivation and desire to do the job to the best of your ability. What would it take to motivate you?

Good selling.

How to Present Magazine



VIDEO BACKGROUNDS BY EMMA VEIGA-MALTA 50% of users watch business related videos on YouTube once a week.

Conversion rates increase 51% when video is included in email marketing campaigns.

No need for technical set ups – 5 minutes and away you go!

This is why a backdrop that resonates with your audience is crucial for your business.

You’ll have a designer’s advice on a custom product that you KNOW looks great.

What are the benefits of a bespoke backdrop?

Easy assembly and storage, portable and durable.

You get a unique custom design that no-one in the world will have – this is NOT a run-ofthe-mill media wall!

At 2.7kg it’s light and easy to use.

Your videos will stand out from the crowd – no more dull white walls, generic CGIs, repeat pattern logos or random room backgrounds!

More than just a repeat print of your logo that anyone can do – it’s a glorious visual statement about you, your business and your story.

It emotionally resonates with your viewers.

You get to be part of the design process.

Peace of mind that every video or webinar will be on brand and visually consistent.

No more hassles with cumbersome and technical green screens.

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s speaking: FROM AMANDA MAMARI, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT MANAGER, FOODCO Michelle delivered her keynote presentation called Speak Up and Influence People for FoodCo in early 2015. Michelle’s enthusiastic nature makes learning her invaluable tips and techniques very easy and memorable. She worked very closely with me to ensure she understood the challenges we were facing and she used the most realistic examples when working our people through the techniques. The results have been immediate for us. Everyone's presentations have noticeably improved and they are also better equipped now to manage the difficult conversations that pop up in the workplace from time to time. We are turning NO into YES here at FoodCo thanks to Michelle! For more information on Michelle’s speaking or training please go to

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A confident, persuasive speaking voice lies within you! Many of us know someone who has a strong, rich, resonant voice. Maybe it’s an actor like Sean Connery or Cate Blanchett. At some point you may have found yourself wishing that you could enhance your vocal quality and projection so you were more compelling, influential and persuasive when speaking in meetings, persuading your manager, or selling to your clients. Well you know it’s possible, and it’s easy! Creating a rich, resonant influential voice is all about warming up your voice, and this CD will take you through the warm-ups that actually work one by one. Enjoy!


Fast-track your presentation and speaking skills success by discovering the presentation secrets of 14 of Australia’s top conference keynote presenters. What would be possible for your career and income if you absorbed the wisdom of Australia’s top speaking professionals and could learn from their tips and their mistakes? Well, now you can in this series of insightful interviews by Australia’s #1 Presentation Skills Expert–Michelle Bowden. Learn critical presentation tips from the amazing: Amanda Gore, Lisa McInnes-Smith, Glenn Capelli, Alan Parker, Siimon Reynolds, Rodney Marks, Sam Cawthorn, Marty Wilson, Terry Hawkins, Dale Beaumont, Catherine DeVrye, David Penglase, Avril Henry and Bruce Sullivan.


You can design an exceptional presentation in a minimum amount of time! Imagine how helpful it would be if you could have your very own coach taking you through the design process for an exceptional presentation. That’s exactly what this DVD is for! If you have a presentation to write, simply play this DVD and Michelle Bowden will coach you through the design of an exceptional presentation from beginning to end. It couldn’t be simpler! An ideal accompaniment to Michelle’s book How to Present, you’ll be reminded how to identify the purpose of your presentation, analyse your audience and design a powerful message that influences your audience to change their thinking and/or behaviour using techniques that actually work!

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WHAT IF I FORGET A POINT? BY MICHELLE BOWDEN If you forget a point or go blank, it’s important to remember that it’s not the end of the world. Great presenters lose their train of thought all the time. Just don’t apologise or make a fuss about forgetting because it causes the RAS in your audience members’ brain to track for other mistakes you might be about to make!

you keep your oxygen flowing. Remember oxygen in your brain means increased clarity of thought.

Great presenters have recovery strategies or tricks for when they go blank. Take a minute today to plan your recovery strategy for your next presentation. You’ll be confident whatever happens, because you have a plan! Here are some ideas:

One liner. Can you think of a witty ‘one-liner’ that you can say to get the a u d i e n c e laughing while you reclaim your thoughts?

Look up. If you’ve designed your presentation using the Storyboard technique, you could look up and try to see an imaginary Storyboard with your 4Mat and post-it-notes on the ceiling (above your eye line). This might stimulate your visual memory.

Keep breathing. It’s important to remember to keep breathing right into your belly, so

If you still can’t remember, then it’s completely fine to take a drink of water and check your notes.

The audience wants you to be confident, so show them you are confident.

Happy Presenting!

WHAT NOT TO DO #6 BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Welcome to What NOT to do! This segment is dedicated to remind you of all the funny little habits that you should get rid of immediately.

Here’s what NOT do to: Don’t let the facts speak for themselves.

“It doesn’t matter how good your message is if no one is listening!” Michelle Bowden

A common mistake that subject matter experts make is to think that your facts will speak for themselves. If you let your facts, data, and raw information overwhelm the presentation with

little focus on your emotional objectives your audience will not u n d e r s t a n d , r e m e m b e r, o r b e persuaded by what you've told them. Remember you have a responsibility to your audience and to yourself, to selectively and strategically present your key points with the appropriate delivery techniques (gestures, voice, visual aids, body movement, stories, eye contact etc.) to bring your content alive.

Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine




Routine - What is your routine before “lights, camera, action”? I start the day with some meditation. I also run through the presentation or interview in my mind. I do some basic voice and mouth exercises to loosen up my face muscles and warm up my vocal chords. I then perform my key points in front of the mirror. Intention - Focus on your intention. What do you want to happen from your presentation?

Angela Vassallo is the Author of the Amazon Certified TOP 50 Smash ‘The Second Wives' Guide.’ She is a speaker who has used her personal experience living as a Blended Family to create a global community for woman facing the challenges that come with what is at times murky territory. Featured on multiple morning shows across the US including the National Daytime and You & Me This Morning Chicago (just to name a few), Angela’s message and life experience are creating a life line for many women who are facing how to make their ‘Blended Family’ work. Here are Angela’s tips for us when speaking in business:

Learn your Lines - I studied acting for many years in my twenties so learning lines was everything before an audition or a performance. With presenting, I use the same method.I practice and practice my lines and always perform them in front of a mirror. What to Wear - Think about what you’re going to wear in advance. Maybe consider working with a stylist who can put together a few outfits for you. Your appearance and the way you present yourself is very important.

Message Focus on delivering your message as clear and precisely as you can. Aim to have your audience feel a specific emotion about what you are saying. Body Language - Think about where you are and what your body is doing. Practicing in front of the mirror is great for this. You can see what your face is doing, how your hand gestures are, and how you move. Discovering how to move with purpose will really help you in your presenting, and not look staged or wrong. Tell a Story - Whenever you can tell a story to get your message across, go for it! Bring it Home - How do you want to be remembered? Your closing statement needs to be your ‘kapow'! If they leave, feeling moved to do something like change their lives for the better, then you have succeeded. Progress is better than Perfection - Be a person who learns from mistakes and don’t beat yourself up because of them. This is easier said than done, trust me I know. I recently did an interview where I wished the ground could of swallowed me up. But these are the times we put our big girl pants on, go over what we did wrong, face it, then ask ourselves, “How could I have done better?” Learn from your mistakes.

How to Present Magazine



BABY IT’S COLD OUTSIDE! BY ROBIN POWIS Are you feeling the winter blues or, embracing winter and revelling in all it offers?

Treat yourself Rather than overindulging in food, why not splurge on an opulent coat that defines the season. Not only will you be toasty warm but turn heads wherever you go. And every time you wear it, it will repay itself.

Use colour Uplift your spirits in bright colours such as fire engine r e d , h o t p i n k , b u r n t orange, or golden yellow. An easy way to warm your soul.

Keep active while well rugged.

Boost your mood in luxurious fabrics such as soft calf leather, fluffy faux fur, sheepskin, lambs wool, crushed velvet or thick tweed.

Add an exotic touch with an animal print, elaborate brocade, bronze buttons or soft quilting.

Cook for health Slow cook healthy meals using in season vegetables such as leeks, fennel, and parsnip; and aromatic herbs. Experiment and have fun!

Overhaul your wardrobe

Have your winter woollies at arm’s reach. Scarves, hats, parkas and gloves to feel warm and cosy.

Put aside any summer clothes that don’t cut the chase.

Mend any garments that need repairing.

Depil your sweaters by removing the balls, one at a time, using a small pair of scissors or razor blade. (avoid cutting too close to the surface)

Prevent pilling by turning garment inside out b e f o re w a s h i n g ; f o l l o w i n g t h e c a re instructions. Brush regularly with a lint or bristled brush.

Reheel and resole your trusty boots.

Embrace winter and rug up in style

FREE BOOK GIVE AWAY BY ANGELA VASSALLO The Second Wives Guide is an inspirational book for creating functional relationships with everyone in your blended family. A fun and easy read, full of personal stories, case studies and valuable tips, this book helps you develop the self esteem and confidence to claim your place in the family and give yourself the tools (and permission) to succeed and be happy. It poses the question — Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy? To claim your very own copy of The Second Wives Guide be one of the first 5 to email with the words Get Real in the subject line.

How to Present Magazine




IS IT TIME IMPROVED YOUR PRESENTATION SKILLS? COME JOIN ME! Dramatically improve the way you present and influence. Attend one of my Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclasses in 2014 and change your life! Seriously, it’s a life changing


Absorb yourself in a generative and experiential approach. Learn something then practice, then lear n something then practice…

Group sizes are limited to only 10 people per program.

Risk free - 100% moneyback guarantee.

Risk free approach to a subject most people find ‘daunting’!

Endorsed by thousands of people from over a hundred corporations around Australia.

Plenty of time for you to get personal one-on-one time with Michelle’s during the program.

Interactive personalised.


Address your specific, personal needs.

Facilitated by Michelle Bowden who has over 20 years experience running her programs and who has been nominated for Educator of the Year for the last 4 years.

Learning with lots of laughter.

Techniques are embedded so you remember them decades later.

SYDNEY: 14-15 August

16-17 September

14-15 October

Progams are nearly ful for 2015! To chat about your specific needs or receive more information please email Michelle:

There’s no need for you to fear public speaking. Please don’t miss a career opportunity ever again because you couldn’t speak up! Anyone can be an exceptional presenter in business - 100% guaranteed.

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass: FROM RACHEL LANE, CHALLENGER GROUP “I think everyone would benefit from taking this course. I loved the structure. I feel confident I can write a great presentation and/or training course. I also loved the humour, vitality and hilarious stories.”

For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

How to Present Magazine



POSITION YOUR QUESTIONS BY DAVID PENGLASE Have you ever been in a situation where someone has asked you a question and you’ve thought to yourself something like.... "why would they be asking that?” When we're communicating with others, one of our prime goals should be to build and maintain trust through the thoughts we think, the words we use, the questions we ask and the actions we take. We want to keep the people with whom we're communicating engaged.

There are many ways that we can unintentionally cause a disengagement when communicating, most of which are based on a stress-fracturing of the trust levels between us and those with whom we are communicating. In sales, one of the most common forms of disengagement occurs when we ask a question that causes a client or prospect to think to themselves "why would you be asking me that question?” When a client's or prospect's internal voice says "why would you be asking me that question?", it is usually because we have asked a question that may seem to be without context, potentially confronting, confusing or has the chance of being misinterpreted or having an ulterior motive

The Purpose-Question process is a communication strategy that is designed to build trust, strengthen understanding and keep those with whom we are communicating engaged. Consider the following example:

"What insurance do you currently have?" Now consider the same question, if asked with the Purpose-Question Process:

"As a wealth adviser it's important for us to not only help you create wealth through an effective financial plan, it's also important for us to ensure that we help you protect that wealth, implement the plan and achieve

the lifestyle goals we’ve discussed. Insurance is something that a lot of people want to ignore or avoid, and yet it's essential for us to help protect the wealth creation plan that you're working toward. So one of the questions we need to consider is what insurance do you currently have?" Although this example is quite involved, it establishes purpose for the question before the question is asked. This helps the client understand why we're asking the question, and more importantly, why the question is important for them to answer....not just for us.... for them.

How to construct a Purpose-Question approach. The best way to construct a Purpose-Question approach is to first ask yourself this question "Why do I want to ask the client/prospect this question.....what's my reason or purpose.....why is this an important question for the client/prospect?” You won't want to use the Purpose-Question Process for every question. It will be most powerful and effective when you use it for any question that you believe is really important for your client/prospect to answer.

How to Present Magazine



BOOK OF THE MONTH OK, I know it’s MY book! If you are serious about really improving your business presentation skills then you need this book. Go to my website

CD OF THE MONTH Thinking of improving your presentation skills but don’t want to go on a training program? You need to grab a copy of How to Present - Tips from the Master. Tips from 14 of Australia’s top public speakers. Go to my website

GOTTA LOVE BOOKS! As a best selling author I have to tell you I LOVE bookshops! Without them people wouldn’t have access to my tips, tools and techniques. Please join in the fun on August 8 for National Bookshop Day. The only celebration of bookshops. https:// nationalbookshopday



Step up to the challenge! Children and adults living with cerebral palsy take on physical challenges every single day. Join teams from around the worlds and challenge yourself to take 10,000 steps for 28 days and raise vital funds for people living with cerebral palsy - a condition that affects movement.

Richard Goldsworthy’s music has been a central part of dinner time in my family for decades. I also play his beautiful tranquil music in my masterclasses. I know you will enjoy this work: http://


Here are some of my favourite things for you




I LOVE the Olsen Hotel - 637 Chapel Street South Yarra. What a stunning place! Highly recommended for business travelers. And with my Fine Arts Degree I was in heaven!

MantraBands - the PERFECT gift. I LOVE my MantraBands and so do my daughters!

MAC Phlox Garden limited edition fluidline eye-liner gel. Perfect for anyone with green eyes!

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