How To Present December 2015

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PLUS: FREE book giveaway PowerPoint Tips Success Stories Engage from the START Answering Questions

 Speaker Amanda Stevens shares her tips for presenting in business How to review your sales calls If not ‘HELL YES!’ then no! What are you GRATEFUL for? The business of FEELINGS Gorgeous FREE images for your slides Persuasion Tips

How BAD is your staff training?

A well dressed man Conference Speaking Tips What NOT to do

How to Present Magazine




MELBOURNE March 29-30


WHO IS MICHELLE BOWDEN? Michelle is an expert in persuasive presentation skills in business. She has run her 2-day Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass over 700 times with more than 7000 people and she’s been nominated for Educator of the Year for 7 years running. Michelle is one of only 35 Australian females who is a Certified Speaking Professional - the highest designation for speakers in the world. For a list of Michelle’s clients please go to:

Michelle’s Update Welcome to the December issue of How to Present - this issue is packed with articles that will assist you to present with greater confidence and influence at work. NEWS BREAK: Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones! I wish you lots of joy and cheer for the festive season. How to Present will be back in your inbox in February 2016.

Welcome this month to TEC, Drinkworks, ADG Architects Welcome back Revlon, Novartis, Teradata, Department of Defence, Alexion Pharmaceuticals and Department of Human Services! You’ll see some terrific photos in the back of this edition!

My world famous Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass will be held every month starting February 2016 (only 10 places per program). GREAT NEWS - I’M COMING TO MELBOURNE AND BRISBANE IN 2016 TOO! If you are keen to attend please Register asap. Visit my website.

And there’s more breaking news! My Speakers Club is launching in Sydney on December 9th (next week) with plans for Melbourne and Brisbane later this year. Speakers Club is a funky, contemporary, enjoyable way to practice you business presenting or public speaking. Anyone can be an engaging, confident and persuasive presenter – it’s just a matter of knowing what to do and doing it. The question is: where can you find a safe, cheap and interesting place with cool people to practice? Speakers Club is the answer! Speakers Club helps existing and emerging speakers learn and grow through peer-to-peer learning, world-class mentoring and networking with experts. Please register yourself for the 9th of December. Everyone is welcome. Get Started to join here!

And now to this month’s issue….Amanda Stevens is our delightful cover this month! Amanda is one of the top female speakers in Australia and you’ll enjoy reading her tips for presenting in business. PLUS in this edition I will help you with our regular features on What NOT to do, Persuasion Tips, Conference Speaking Tips and PowerPoint Tips. Plus I will help you with Answering Questions and Creating Emotional Hooks with your Slides and I’ll ask you Is your Staff Training so bad people Cringe or Cancel? The Consequences of PowerPoint Karaoke. Ken Warren will remind us to ask ourselves, What are you Grateful for? David Penglase our sales expert will help you to Review your Sales Calls. In addition, Greg Mowbray, explains, If it’s not ‘Hell Yes!’ then it’s NO! Lorna Patten gives us insight into The Business of Feelings. Plus read some inspiring presentation Success Stories. So grab yourself a ’cuppa’, put your feet up and have a read! And most importantly, make sure you put the invaluable advice into immediate action so you see some fast results. Happy presenting and Merry Christmas!

How to Present Magazine



Michelle Bowden’s Proven Presentation System The ultimate guide to presenting your ideas and influencing people using techniques that actually work Do you get nervous when presenting at work? Do you want to showcase your knowledge, influence people and accelerate your career? Would you like to learn the secrets of successful speaking, communicating and presenting? How to Present reveals how you can be a confident, clear and influential presenter every time. Presentation skills expert Michelle Bowden shares her internationally proven 13-step system to exceptional presenting, starting with analysis (plan what you would like to achieve), then design (put your presentation together) and delivery (communicate your message for results). Whether you’re presenting or speaking to one person or thousands, this is the essential guide to becoming an outstanding presenter.

How to Present will help you: • Maximise your impact in meetings,  conferences and conversations • Manage your nerves so you feel   calm and confident • Engage your audience and master the art of persuasion • Deliver your message clearly and with authority • Command attention and achieve your goals!

There is no other book on the market like this that will take you step-by-step through the process of successful presenting. — Steve Weston, Managing Director of Retail Lending, UK Retail and Business Banking division, Barclays

it now! Purchase your copyBuyhere

RRP AUD $27.95, NZD $31.99 | Available in print and ebook formats

How to Present Magazine




Tamlyn is the Key Account Manager for the New Zealand division of a global company that is the world leader in addiction t re a t m e n t . Ta m l y n i s a re g i s t e re d Psychologist, who also spent many years in various sectors of the medical and pharmaceutical industry, before merging her passion for understanding the unique journey that each person faces in their lives, with the company’s vision of ensuring unrestricted access to high-quality treatments for the conditions and co-morbidities of addiction. What kind of presenting do you do at work? In my role, I present to small and medium-sized groups internally, often to foster a greater

understanding of the unique dynamics of our New Zealand market and with an aim to tailoring our global corporate visions to best be understood and accepted by our local customers. I spend the majority of my time presenting to a range of healthcare professionals, members of the public health community, policymakers and funders, to humanise people suering from addiction, to support access to treatment and to advocate for the appropriate treatment of these clients.

What was the reason that you decided to participate in the Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass? The company is very supportive of further

How to Present Magazine



SUCCESS STORIES! (CONT.) skills development, and offered me the opportunity of being involved with Michelle’s Programme. As my role is a national one, I have a limited amount of time to spend with each customer and therefore need to ensure that my message delivery is succinct and effective. My goal with attending the program was to learn more about the technical aspects of presenting and to become more proficient at hitting the mark by adopting a more tailored approach and delivering my message in a powerful way.

How did Michelle’s program change your attitude to presenting in business? Michelle’s program reinforced my instinctual feeling about how pertinent it is to engage with the audience in front of me and to tailor what I am presenting accordingly. There are various ways to convey corporate messages and although the tools are provided by the company, this should be seen as a framework on which to put your personal stamp. Michelle’s message about the audience being present to listen to me, just as much as to listen to the message of my presentation, really resonated with me. One’s personality and inimitability sometimes gets lost in the necessity of needing to adhere to the content – Michelle’s program reiterated that not only is it acceptable for your uniqueness to shine through, but it is imperative to making a lasting impression!

What positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your presentation skills?

more confident themselves in sharing experiences related to the topics of our discussion. This reciprocal sharing and involvement with customers is going a long way in establishing understanding and the trust that is at the core of our corporate culture.

I n w h a t s p e c i fi c w a y s h a v e y o u r presentation skills improved? I believe that I have become a more confident, engaging and influential speaker. My presentations have become more inclusive and interesting. My opening statements are more compelling, with a clear leading statement that I reinforce throughout, build on with my call to action and accentuate with my close. It has been very rewarding to notice those moments during my presentation, when the delivery of rather technical information is transformed into insight.

What were your top 3 take-aways? Developing a purpose, based on an audience-focused version of my goal.

Designing a compelling opening to my presentation, using the ‘pace, pace, pace, lead’ approach.

Extending myself to place my attention on the audience and to enhance rapport with them.

The more I focus on my presentation skills a n d o n i m p ro v i n g t h e m , t h e g re a t e r confidence I develop. I have noticed my audience feeding off my increased confidence, which has translated into greater energy in the room and more connection with customers. I have in turn received very positive feedback from customers, who seem

How to Present Magazine



ANSWERING QUESTIONS BY MICHELLE BOWDEN When an audience member asks you a question from the floor, be careful of the ‘moth to a flame’ syndrome.

This is where you hone-in on the person who asked the question and exclude all others. This can break rapport with the group at large and you’ll have to try very hard to re-establish rapport.

And be super sure that you don’t turn your back on anyone when answering someone’s question. That’s just plain rude!

Tip: After the question has been asked, make sure that you acknowledge the question asker. Then open out to the whole group (look at as many people as you can) as you paraphrase the question so everyone knows what the questions was and you maintain your 100% inclusion. Happy Presenting!

PERSUASION TIP #12 BY MICHELLE BOWDEN “Start big” is a persuasion method that executives sometimes use when convincing their board.

The idea is that you ask for something ‘big’ that you really do want and then offer a smaller option just incase the ‘big’ one isn’t viable.

Charities sometimes use this tactic when they ask you for a ‘big’ monthly contribution and also give you the option of a one-off contribution so you feel “Phew! I want to help so I’ll give the smaller amount”

People will often go for the option that’s more manageable. Starting with the ‘big’ request and then offering smaller choices is one effective way to get more people involved.

How to Present Magazine



A WELL DRESSED MAN BY ROBIN POWIS “Looking good and well dressed is a necessity” Oscar Wilde In the workplace your appearance matters.

You are judged by your appearance before you utter a word. People will make an assumption of how successful you are solely based on your appearance. A sloppy image gives the impression you don’t care about how you look. This is then interpreted, as you don’t care about your career.

Look at anyone successful and you will notice they maintain an impeccable image. They firmly believe their image is part of their brand.

Looking great doesn’t have to cost you’re a fortunate, its more about the thought and effort you put into your appearance.

Making a great Impression is not just about what you wear, it’s your total image from top to toe. Immaculate grooming is essential to look well dressed. If you put effort into your appearance you always look good.

A well-maintained hair cut and a smart hairstyle goes a long way to make you look sharp. Men require a regular haircut every four

to six weeks depending on your hair growth. It goes without saying you are clean-shaven every day and leave the stubble for the w e e k e n d s . Channeling George Clooney is not the go. Dress professionally in clothing you love and enjoy wearing so you take better care of them.

Fit is really important, so make sure your garments are the right size and suit your body shape. Don’t wear anything too tight or loose. No loose threads, buttons, hems or linings. No frayed cuffs, sweater snags or pilling.

Polish your shoes regularly and invest in a good clothes brush.

Lastly but not least, have a warm smile, correct body posture, a firm handshake, and walk confidently. You are now a well-dressed gentleman, ready to take on the world. Good luck.

POWERPOINT TIP BY MICHELLE BOWDEN My favourite thing a presenter says: “I know you can’t read this, but I’m going to show you anyway!” Seriously! Most people are guilty of this little oops!

Please remember the golden rule when presenting with slides: If they can’t read it, don’t put it! If it’s too small, get it off your slides and give a handout instead. And don’t

apologize for anything on your slides. If you believe something will be hard to read or understand, don’t use it.

How to Present Magazine



GOREGOUS FREE IMAGES FOR YOUR SLIDES! BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Do you use slides when you present? And have you heard that there are HUGE fines for people who ‘rip off’ images from google images without paying the approproate royalty fees?

Well stand by for some GREAT news today!

Each of these stock photo resources provides stunning images that are free of copyright restrictions, and also free of charge. The image here is from Pexels. What a fantastic time waster! Enjoy!

CONFERENCE SPEAKING TIP #11 BY MICHELLE BOWDEN If anything goes wrong with your slides or the equipment, don't panic, keep cool. It happens to everyone at one time or another. The problem can probably very easily be fixed, and there will be several people ready to offer assistance. Best of all, the audience will be completely sympathetic to you.

Don’t make a fuss about the equipment and draw even more negative attention to yourself.

Remember that the audience is not expecting perfection, they’re not expecting the rapid pace of a TV show, but they DO want you to keep going and show you are in control.

Remain calm and proceed as best you can. There are no marks at stake and nobody will sack you! Take your time, tell the audience something they will find interesting, show enthusiasm for your topic, and the rest will fall into place. Count on the audience being friendly and supportive.

How to Present Magazine



WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL FOR? BY KEN WARREN “I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. It is surprising how contented one can be with nothing definite - only a sense of existence. Well, anything for variety. I am ready to try this for the next ten thousand years, and exhaust it. How sweet to think of! my extremities well charred, and my intellectual part too, so that there is no danger of worm or rot for a long while. My breath is sweet to me. O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches. No run on my bank can drain it, for my wealth is not possession but enjoyment.” ― Henry David Thoreau I recently asked my doctor how I was going after he had run a series of blood tests on me. He said, “Ken, if I was you, I would be grateful for every day I am alive.” There’s an endorsement if ever there was one. He was joking, of course. But, surely that is good advice for all of us. I think that too many of us spend too much of our time focusing on what is wrong in our lives and what could go wrong in the future. Though let me be quick to say that if you are presently dealing with very tough life circumstances, it can often be very hard to find anything to be grateful for. Whether you are doing it tough, at present, and wish to balance this with some appreciation of what is right in your life or you simply wish to become a more grateful person, here are three strategies that will help . Don’t take things for granted: There are many things to be deeply appreciative of things that we often take for granted - such

as our health or life itself. When people ask me how I am, I often say that I am glad to be alive. Those of us who have dealt with a significant health scare, or the death of a loved one know the preciousness of life. You can avoid taking things for granted by noticing the small and big things in your life that are special for you and to savour and appreciate them. For me, there are the big things to be grateful for – people who love me, my three beautiful boys, and work I enjoy. But there are also the small things – good coffee with a friend, ‘flying’ on my bike, and being near the water. What are small and big things in your life that are special to you? Gain some perspective on your life: For the early part of my life, I used to think that I was very unlucky to have had certain difficult life experiences. However, the older I became, the more I realised how lucky I was – that things could have been much worse. We all have to keep challenges in perspective. Yes, some are a very, very big deal. But for others, we can ask ourselves, how important are they really? Even though the end of a relationship can feel catastrophic, it’s importance somewhat fades when compared to your life overall. We can acknowledge the challenges and grieve the losses, but still appreciate that there are still some things to be grateful for. It is possible to grieve and be grateful at the same time. My wife, Christy, often tells our boys that if you are born in Australia, then you are among the most wealthy, fortunate, most privileged people on the planet. Yes, there are challenges here. But the great majority of us

How to Present Magazine



WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL FOR? (CONT.) have much to be grateful for. In some ways, many of us can say we have won the lottery of life, simply for having been born here. Make it a habit: Like most habits, gratefulness needs to be practised before it becomes automatic. However, some habits need to be practised intentionally for the rest of your life. On Facebook, over recent months, I have noticed people posting three things each day they are grateful for. This is a nice habit to practise, which also reminds others to value and appreciate what is special for them. For some years, with my sons, we have a lovely routine at every bedtime, when I ask each about the highlights of their day. Their answers range

from what they enjoyed eating that day, to the tickles I have given them, to ‘right now’ with mum and dad. We have to notice the special moments. Ultimately, ‘right now’ is all we really have. K e n Wa r r e n B A , M S o c S c , C S P i s a Relationships Specialist who helps teams to perform at their very best.Through his enjoyable and interactive speaking programs, Ken will help your people to: • Build even stronger, more positive and productive teams • Handle difficult conversations in a more confident and positive way • Enhance their resilience and well-being at work Check out all of his free resources through

How to Present Magazine



HOW TO REVIEW YOUR SALES CALLS BY DAVID PENGLASE Sometimes, in the absence of manager field visits, it’s hard to know how well you are actually performing in a sales role. Here are somet hings to think about after each sales call you make: What did I do to build rapport and gain trust?

Has the client made a commitment to buy?

What are the agreed next steps and have they been explained to the client?

What questions did I ask that helped the client clarify and articulate the value they were seeking?

What value did I discover that the client was seeking?

What solution did I present that will achieve the value the client was seeking?

How well did I seek their feedback and opinion on what I was presenting?

What obstacles or issues did they raise?

How did I deal with the obstacles or issues raised?

How did I ask the client for a buying decision?

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s speaking: FROM EMMA WILLIAMS, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO LISA GRIFFIN, AMP On behalf the AMP PA Network Committee we would like to thank you so much for your engaging enthusiastic presentation at our PA conference. We were blown away by your energy and you certainly left us all feeling so empowered to take our communication techniques to the next level. We have had such positive feedback on your session and hope that we can work with you again in the near future.

For more information on Michelle’s keynote speaking please go to

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ENGAGE FROM THE VERY START BY MICHELLE BOWDEN As humans, we can’t help but judge someone immediately within the first few seconds of meeting them. Researcher Nalini Ambady calls this quick first impression “thin-slicing.”

Remember that people’s first impression of you happens the moment someone sees you. It’s based on the way you talk, walk, gesture, dress, use your non-verbals, facial expression.

In fact there’s some research that suggests it takes 9 seconds to form a first impression.

For this reason it’s important to ‘turn on’ before you actually greet people, shake their hand or open your presentation. Engage with your ‘presence’ as soon as you enter a room.

Vanessa Van Edwards undertook some research into what it is about TED talks that makes certain talks out-rank others. Go to to watch some really fantastic speeches online. Van Edwards found that ‘participants made their decisions about the speaker and the entire talk in the first seven seconds of the video’.

I’ve been teaching this for 2 decades and it’s not rocket science is it? It’s critical to grab your audience with a catchy icebreaker: statistic, story, joke, fact, quote. And make sure it creates the personal brand you’re aiming for in your audience’s mind straight away.

And while you’re at it, make sure that your first slide has an incredible ‘by-line, with an even more impressive image on it. Start so you really ‘hook’ your audience’s attention. Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine



THE BUSINESS OF FEELINGS BY LORNA PATEN Your feelings and how you react or respond to emotional complexity is one of the most important things to master when building a successful business. Yet this is not a subject that I have ever seen adequately addressed in any training, MBA Program or University Degree about how to run a successful business! E v e r y problem you have in business (and in life) can be traced back to some emotional blockage. If you want to change something that’s not working; transform a relationship or situation; resolve a conflict ... first you need to tell the truth about what’s actually going on right now. You probably know how to tell most of the truth ... and yet when things don’t change, it’s because you have left out the most critical element of the whole truth ... the feelings ... yours and theirs.

In my experience, this single question can save a lot of time when dealing with conflict and the messy, unpredictable human element in business. And let’s face it, business is just people doing stuff! And why would you want to get feelings on the table? So you can respond to the whole of what’s going on at any point in time. Feelings are not facts ... when you respond to the feelings and let them be felt and released ... you then have space to discuss the “facts” in ways that actually work. And when you respond to the whole truth, everything changes. When you unblock the feelings, you liberate yourself and your business to become what you dream.

How often are you asked/do you ask this question in a business context … How are you feeling?

How to Present Magazine




A confident, persuasive speaking voice lies within you! Many of us know someone who has a strong, rich, resonant voice. Maybe it’s an actor like Sean Connery or Cate Blanchett. At some point you may have found yourself wishing that you could enhance your vocal quality and projection so you were more compelling, influential and persuasive when speaking in meetings, persuading your manager, or selling to your clients. Well you know it’s possible, and it’s easy! Creating a rich, resonant influential voice is all about warming up your voice, and this CD will take you through the warm-ups that actually work one by one. Enjoy!


Fast-track your presentation and speaking skills success by discovering the presentation secrets of 14 of Australia’s top conference keynote presenters. What would be possible for your career and income if you absorbed the wisdom of Australia’s top speaking professionals and could learn from their tips and their mistakes? Well, now you can in this series of insightful interviews by Australia’s #1 Presentation Skills Expert–Michelle Bowden. Learn critical presentation tips from the amazing: Amanda Gore, Lisa McInnes-Smith, Glenn Capelli, Alan Parker, Siimon Reynolds, Rodney Marks, Sam Cawthorn, Marty Wilson, Terry Hawkins, Dale Beaumont, Catherine DeVrye, David Penglase, Avril Henry and Bruce Sullivan.


You can design an exceptional presentation in a minimum amount of time! Imagine how helpful it would be if you could have your very own coach taking you through the design process for an exceptional presentation. That’s exactly what this DVD is for! If you have a presentation to write, simply play this DVD and Michelle Bowden will coach you through the design of an exceptional presentation from beginning to end. It couldn’t be simpler! An ideal accompaniment to Michelle’s book How to Present, you’ll be reminded how to identify the purpose of your presentation, analyse your audience and design a powerful message that influences your audience to change their thinking and/or behaviour using techniques that actually work!

How to Present Magazine



IF IT’S NOT A ‘HELL YES!’ THEN IT’S BY GREG MOWBRAY Imagine the next time you had to make a big decision you simply used this philosophy to guide you. If it doesn't feel like a 'hell yes' then it's a no. For example; You advertise for a position on your team to be filled. You interview the best applicants. You aren't impressed. They are OK but you still have doubts. You are under pressure to get someone on board and get the work done. You field an enquiry from a potential new client. They have money to spend and needs to satisfy. You go through the process of getting to know them and their challenges. You have a nagging feeling that something's not right, but there's a need to generate more business. A colleague proposes a joint venture. The opportunity is exciting but the level of commitment is significant and it will require a serious shift in focus and direction for you and your team.

Is your response to the opportunity a 'hell yes'? Are you passionate and excited about what it means for the future? Are you lit up by the potential? If it is not a 'hell yes', then you have probably compromised. You have made the decision for reasons other than what is truly best for the future. Imagine how much better our teams, our organisations and our relationships would be if we only said yes when it felt like a 'hell yes’!

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s Masterclass FROM MARISSA LARIA, BRAND MANAGER, REVLON “You are AMAZING! I didn't think a presentation skills training course could teach me anymore than I have already learnt, I merely thought it would remind and reinvigorate what I had learnt in the past and put it back into practice. Boy was I wrong! Thank you for the effort you took in personalising the 2 days to our needs, remembering our names and qualities AND above all the preparation. You didn't even use notes!!! You are the strongest coach and trainer I have ever come across. Plus all the extra material was a massive bonus which I will use constantly. Thank you!”

How to Present Magazine




audience to feel and take action on as a result of your session?

Add humour. When an audience is having a good time, they will absorb more of your message and remember it for longer.

Ensure your slides are clear and visually arresting. And if you don’t want to use a graphic designer to design your slides, use an online tool like Canva to create interesting images and graphics.

Interact with the audience. Take them on a journey of discovery and get them involved. It will make the process more fun for them. And you.

Amanda Stevens has been on the circuit for over a decade and is one of the most indemand female speakers in Australia. She's the best selling author of FIVE books on sales and marketing and is a renowned thought leader on how brands can grow by turning customers into advocates. On stage, Amanda is known for her humour, energy and quick witted style. Here are NAME’S tips for us when speaking in business:

The specialist will always win over the generalist. Decide on a topic area and own it. People need to be able to understand (and explain to a colleague) exactly what your area of expertise is. It’s fine to have a few keynote topics, but keep them within one topic theme.

Insist on an in-depth briefing process with your client. Understand the dynamics of what’s going on in the organisation and how the conference fits in with all of that. Also, who are the other speakers, who have they had in the past that really resonated with the audience and why? How do they want the

Use storytelling – it’s a powerful, yet underutilised communication tools. Your audience will recall a story you told them years down the track. The facts and data you shared with them will be forgotten much sooner.

Add value and connect with your audience before the event. A teaser video, article or blog post is a great way to give them some insight about what you’re going to be talking about.

Add value after you’ve walked off stage. Gift the audience an e-book, audio download or some sort of bonus that can extend their learning and add longevity to your message.

Thank the event organiser. Sounds obvious but a thoughtful thank you gift to the event organiser lets them know that this wasn’t ‘just another gig’ for you and that you’re grateful they trusted you on their stage.

Take time out after every engagement and ask yourself ‘what could I have done differently that would have made that better?” Even if you only make a 1% improvement each time, the power of cumulative affect will get you to rockstar status in no time!

How to Present Magazine



FREE BOOK GIVE AWAY BY ROBYN HENDERSON How to Master Networking is a networking survival guide. It provides a step-by-step plan to take the confusion out of attending networking events, exchanging business cards, keeping in touch without being pushy and building successful business and career networks. To claim your very own copy of How to Master Networking be the first to email with the words Master Networking in the subject line.

BY BRIAN R. BIRLEY The One Page Business Plan will change the way you run your business and will help you to achieve sustainable profitability in a rapidly changing business environment. Powerful enough to be effective Simple enough to be owned and used. To claim your very own copy of The One P a g e B u s i n e s s P l a n b e t h e fi r s t t o e m a i l with the words Business Plan in the subject line.

BY COLIN NICHOLSON Think like the Great Investors. Achieve a new level of investing and trading success by defeating your worst enemy yourself Successful trading relies on three vital skills: market analysis, money management, and decision-making. To claim your very own copy of Think like the Great Investors be the first to email with the words Think like the Great Investors in the subject line.

BY SHARON TIEMAN If I’m so successful how come I never get to be on top? If you’ve ever looked at other women in business (particularly mothers) and wondered, “How do they do it all?” then this book is for you. Sharon Tieman aka Madame Marketing exposes the shortcuts, myths & tricks to how she turned a run down business in the suburbs into a multi-million international success. Honest, passionate & to the point, it’s a must read for women in business. Published in 2007. To claim your very own copy of If I’m so successful how come I never get to be on top? be the first to email with the words If I’m so successful how come I never get to be on top? in the subject line.

How to Present Magazine




IS IT TIME IMPROVED YOUR PRESENTATION SKILLS? COME JOIN ME! Dramatically improve the way you present and influence. Attend one of my Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclasses in 2014 and change your life!

Absorb yourself in a generative and experiential approach. Learn something then practice, then learn something then practice…

Seriously, it’s a life changing

Group sizes are limited to only 10 people per program.


Risk free - 100% moneyback guarantee.

Risk free approach to a subject most people find ‘daunting’!

Endorsed by thousands of people from over a hundred corporations around Australia.

Plenty of time for you to get personal one-on-one time with Michelle’s during the program.

Interactive personalised.


Address your specific, personal needs.

Facilitated by Michelle Bowden who has over 20 years experience running her programs and who has been nominated for Educator of the Year for the last 4 years.

Techniques are embedded so you remember them decades later.

Learning with lots of laughter.

MELBOURNE: March 29-30


To chat about your specific n e e d s o r re c e i v e m o re information please email Michelle:

There’s no need for you to fear public speaking. Please don’t miss a career opportunity ever again because you couldn’t speak up! Anyone can be an exceptional presenter in business - 100% guaranteed.

DATES: NSW, VIC, QLD: SYDNEY: December 8-9

February 23-24


"A fantastic, high-energy presentation that was so well tailored to the group's needs. I've been to comedy clubs where the presenter wasn't as funny as Michelle. The energy in the room was electric, we definitely learnt while we laughed. We will all be better at persuasion from now on. Highly recommended!"

For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

How to Present Magazine



IS YOUR STAFF TRAINING SO BAD PEOPLE CRINGE OR CANCEL? THE RESULT OF POWERPOINT KARAOKE! BY MICHELLE BOWDEN In one of my Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclasses we were talking about how (contrary to popular belief) the slides are not ‘the presentation’. In fact, the slides are just one of your visual aids to reinforce your key messages for your audience. We were lamenting about how in some presentations it’s just all about the slides - particularly in staff training. The presenter just clicks through the slides one and time and says things like, “this slide is about ….” “and this is a slide to show you ….” “and on this slide you can see….”

invited to participate in staff training I make myself unavailable so I can do it on-line in my own time. I’m not interested in PowerPoint karaoke!” What he was saying, is that there is no difference between attending the live event and just watching the slides in your own time.

One of the fellows in the room just said, “Yes, that’s what ALL our staff training is like.” What he meant is that the trainer just clicks through one slide after the other and says nothing other than exactly what is written on each and every slide. He then said, “Whenever I’m

In 2016 please gift your trainers some worldclass presentation skills training so they can engage their audience, hook attention and truely change trainees behaviour through stimulating, generative, adult lear ning inititatives.

Let’s be clear: THIS IS NOT STAFF TRAINING. THIS IS SIMPLY A WASTE OF TIME! What a shame. Opportunity lost to engage and shift the hearts and minds of trainees. Such a shame.

WHAT NOT TO DO #10 BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Welcome to What NOT to do! This segment is dedicated to remind you of all those annoying habits you should get rid of immediately.

Don’t make the mistake most presenters do and start with, ‘Good morning, my name is Flossy Bloggs from (deptartment) and thanks for your time today.’ You know, it’s rare that an audience will attend a presentation where they don’t know who is presenting or where they are from so you don’t need to remind them. The sad fact is they probably don’t care anyway - at least not until they know what it is you have to say that is going to help them in some way. What’s in it for them?

W h a t should you do? Make your opening statement count. Use a relevant thought provoking icebreaker (fact, story, statistic, riddle), ask them a question or reflect somegthing about them so it shows you know where they are coming from. Do something memorable (the law of primacy and recency says audiences remember the first and last things you say. Hook their attention so that want to pay close attention to what you have to say next. Happy Presenting!

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