How To Present July 2012

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JULY 2012

IN THIS ISSUE Jim Cathcart CSP, CPAE shares his tips for presenting Top Tips for INFLUENCE at Work Are you too EGOcentric? Why netWORK? Difficult customers made easy Letting Go... SUCCESS Stories PowerPoint Tips FREE Business Book Give-away PLUS: Parents Corner Style Tips

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


DIARY DATE INFLUENTIAL PRESENTATION SKILLS (2-day Public Program) Join Michelle at her next public program IN SYDNEY: • August 22-23 • October 16-17 • December 3-4 IN MELBOURNE: • August 29-30 IN BRISBANE: • October 24-25 To register or chat about your specific needs please email:

Who is Michelle Bowden? Michelle is an expert in influential presentation skills in business. She has run her 2-day Influential Presentation Skills program over 570 times with many thousands of people and she’s been nominated for Educator of the Year 3 years running. Michelle is one of only 25 Australian females who is a Certified Speaking Professional - the highest designation for speakers in the world. For a list of Michelle’s clients please go to:

Michelle’s Update Welcome to the July issue of How to Present. This issue is packed with articles that will assist you to present with greater confidence and influence. I’m in the process of piloting a ground breaking new Persuasiveness Style Indicator that focusses purely on your ability to persuade in business. The exciting news is that in the next month or so you’ll be able to complete the indicator for free! As persuasion and influence are such fundamental skills for success in business, I thought I’d share some thoughts on Influencing at work with you. And check out our cover story this month! Jim Cathcart is a legend! He’s a CSP, CPAE and a past national president of the National Speakers Association USA, a former board member of the Global Speakers Network, the author of 16 books including 2 international bestsellers, and has delivered over 2,700 paid presentations around the world. Gasp! Jim is best known as the original author of Relationship Selling and he has received virtually every major award and designation known in the speaking profession. He's the founder/CEO of a dozen businesses spanning 36 years in the human development field including the Cathcart Institute. You’ll certainly enjoy his tips for presenting in business. PLUS read Lorna Patten’s take on the importance of making time to Let Go, Ken Warren’s tips for Managing Difficult Customers, and ask yourself Are you TOO EGOcentric? PLUS remind yourself of some essential PowerPoint Tips and be inspired as a parent by Ty Bennet’s Leadership Tips for Parents. Robin Powis shares her Style Tips, Kathleen Ronald helps us get out and get netWORKING, I share some inspiring success stories, plus much much more - what an issue! So grab yourself a ’cuppa’, put your feet up and have a read! And most importantly, make sure you put the invaluable advice into immediate action so you see some fast results. Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012



What kind of presenting do you do at work?! Mostly sales presentations to customers and partners. My presentations are a very important part of business development and customer relationship management. What prompted you to attend Michelle's Influential Presentation Skills program? When I was the ANZ Sales Director at Compuware we took employee development very seriously. We recognised that if we wanted to present effectively we needed to learn from the best so Michelle’s program was the program everyone did; especially pre-sales, sales and management. It was many years ago now, but I still use her techniques daily. How did Michelle's program change your attitude to presenting in business?! Michelle's program gave me a great "framework" that helps me build strong presentations and communicate more effectively in less time.!

Van is the CEO of International IT Resources (iITr) which was founded in 2003. His key responsibility is to help expand the company's business to cover the region which includes Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), South-East Asian!Nations (ASEAN), Taiwan, and Hong Kong. iITr's key contributor to customer satisfaction is their ability to quickly and accurately identify the needs of their customers and provide the right solutions to meet those needs. Prior to iITr, Van worked for Compuware for ten years and his last two roles at Compuware were APAC Enterprise Sales Manager and then ANZ Regional Sales Director. It was at Compuware that he met and was coached by Michelle in Advanced Presentation Skills.

What positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your presentation skills? Presentations are a key part of the sales cycle. Strong presentations create a powerful impression for the customer which helps shorten the sales cycle. The presentations from Michelle's "13-step framework" are interesting, engaging and easy for my audiences to follow. And the good news for me is that with the "13step framework" my presentations can be prepared much faster and more effectively. What were your top three take aways from Michelle's program? 1. Use the 13-steps as a presentation "framework" to help prepare presentations faster and more effectively. 2. Ensure your message is audience focused easy to follow, interesting, and engaging. 3. Despite the fact it was a while ago I still remember the training fondly. Working with Michelle is a great pleasure.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO NETWORK? BY KATHLEEN RONALD Why would anyone want to NetWORK? Oh come on Kathleen, be serious! Alright, consider how your nervous system reacts when you see, or read, or say the word NetWORK. If 99% of the words in the English language trigger a response from our nervous systems, might not NetWORK evoke a negative neuro-emotional response? I’ve asked my audiences for words that come to mind when I say “WORK,” and common responses included “long,” “hard,” “boring,” “stressful,” “rather not go.” Now and then I hear a few positive responses, but mostly, thoughts of NetWORKing send subconscious nervous systems into panic. No wonder so many people don’t like to network. My passion is to help reframe words to transform a negative charge into a positive response. The next time you network, try out these new word-twists to support a great and positive experience. NetCurious ~*~ Net-Fun ~*~ Net-Support ~*~ NetShare ~*~ Net-Serve … If you approach NetWorking from this new vantage point, I’m certain you will thrive at Net-Play!

Be Playful. Be Curious. Be Fun. Be supportive, be sharing, and be of service. Remember, you network computers but you connect with people. Focus on these values and you’ll create a win-win every time. Kathleen Ronald is the “Queen of Business Connecting” and an unparalleled networker, internationally renowned speaker and the founder of Speaktacular.

TESTIMONIAL FROM STEVE WESTON, MANAGING DIRECTOR RETAIL LENDING BARCLAYS UK RETAIL AND BUSINESS BANK "Very valuable.! Michelle is a life changer." For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW GOOD YOUR MESSAGE IS - IF NO ONE’S LISTENING! BY MICHELLE BOWDEN An engineer in one of my recent training programs said to the group, “but I’m an engineer, I don’t have to be interesting!” Ahhh! Are you serious?! This is a classic misconception! This engineer is not the first person in a program of mine who thinks that his superior intelligence, his technically robust subject matter and his overloaded PowerPoint slides are enough to WOW an audience. People often think that their expertise and information will sell itself. This is actually not true.

In fact, it doesn’t matter how smart you are, how robust your research is, or how conclusive your opinion is if no one is listening! Surely the people who present the most technical and dry content need to try even harder than the rest of us to be interesting? How to help people to want to listen... Think about your audience - what do they WANT to hear? Structure your message with this in mind. Be sure to open with some kind of statement that reflects that you understand where your audience is coming from in relation to your message. Show them that you care about both them and their perspective - even if you disagree with them.

Work out what your emotional objective is. In other words, what do you want to your audience to feel? Make sure you feel it to, and convey it with every part of you! Make sure your delivery is engaging enough with lots of direct, connected eye contact, clear audience focused messages and excellent PowerPoint slides. Be sure to use a variety of interesting props, flipcharts, handouts, and gestures that all help your audience to focus on your key messages. Walk across your stage with purpose and direction. Use your stage positioning to reinforce your points. And while you’re at it - think about your voice. Speak loud and soft, high and low, fast and slow. Try some alliteration, tri-colon, epistrophe, anaphora and repetition. Emphasise key words as you say them. This way, people will want to listen to your message, no matter how technical or dry it is.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


INFLUENCE AT WORK BY MICHELLE BOWDEN From the most common task of resolving a misunderstanding with a colleague, to more complex tasks like negotiating the terms of a deal, we all use a variety of communication strategies aimed at influencing the people around us every single day. Maybe there is someone you would like to be more influential with (a boss, an interviewer, an employee, a parent, a teenager) or maybe you would like to be more generally influential in your life. When it comes to careers, we know for sure, from the wide variety of studies on influence in the workplace since the 1960s, that influencing skills are integral to good leadership. Regardless of whether you are the team member managing upwards, the team leader managing your team or perhaps you are even tasked with managing both, when you need to get people to do something for you or agree with your assertions it is preferable to rely on strong influencing skills than on your authority. What descriptors come to mind when you hear the word 'influence'; arouse, charm, tempt, entice, cajole, shape, force, negotiate, brainwash, manipulate, impress, incite, convince, lead, persuade, sell, woo, urge, inspire, sway, transform. How many of these words do you see as positive or negative? These are all value-laden words that may affect your view of what is desirable influencing and what is overstepping the line into the realm of unethical manipulating or misuse of power.

Have you ever wondered whether successful influencers are born or made? Is there a proven formula for being influential that can be learnt? Should everybody therefore strive to influence in the same way? Or, does everyone have a natural influencing style? If so, can we change the way we communicate so that we become more influential? Influencing Styles Some people by virtue of their personality are naturally active influencers. They are driven to communicate, network, lobby, propose, canvas support, and 'play the politics' in the workplace in order to ‘get their way’ or have their ideas adopted. Others of us are not so naturally inclined and may feel that we are not the influential type. Interestingly, the overt ‘push’ style of influencing is not always the most effective and more subtle, ‘pull’ styles of influencing can be more effective in certain situations.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


INFLUENCE AT WORK (CONT.) In general, your degree of influence depends on your approach to communication and the way you interact with others, and therefore people do tend to develop established ways of communicating for achieving their day-to-day needs. In other words, we all have a preferred style of influencing. However, the good news is that everybody can modify or adapt the way they communicate so that they are more influential. Most influencing styles models refer not to personality traits but to patterns of behaviour. So you can change your influence style by consciously and routinely practicing new communication behaviours. Becoming more Influential The effectiveness of any influencing style will obviously depend on the situation. For instance, the culture of an organisation, the personalities involved, the way they make decisions and their

view of their own expertise and that of the person attempting to influence all impact on how influential a given style will be. Influencing skills can definitely be developed, regardless of your preferred I-Style. I recently worked with the CEO who had been lobbying unsuccessfully for 3 years to close one of the branch offices as a way of improving the financial performance of the company. After learning a number of new influencing skills relevant to the level of board presentation, he received the board approval that he needed on the spot. I have also worked with many actuaries who must pitch for multi-million dollar projects where those involved would certainly not describe themselves as ‘people people’. Yet once they learnt the simple steps to influencing they too have won their bids. In order to improve your power to influence you must appreciate that not everyone will be influenced by the same things and in the same way as you. It is critical then, to learn ways of flexing or adapting your influencing style to suit the needs and decision-making behaviour of your stakeholder. As well, it’s close to impossible to influence others based only on an understanding of IStyles. If you are serious about increasing your chances of hearing the word ‘yes’ then you must also seek to develop specific influencing skills in your influence toolkit.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


INFLUENCE AT WORK (CONT.) power words; and joining words to increase your influence.

Top Influencing Tips 1. Build your credibility over time. Your personal credibility has a significant impact on your degree of influence. Your credibility is determined by such things as your self confidence, your presence, your charisma, your experience, your work networks and your skill level. Solid credibility gives you a solid foundation on which to plan an influential communication strategy. 2. Be connected: Be clear in your mind about why and who you should connect to. Why do others need what you have to offer or why should they change to your approach? What is the strategic value you have to offer? Apart from anything else, if you are really clear about this you will have more success in matching your influencing style to the situation.

6. Use social Influence. Take time to understand and apply Cialdini’s six principles of social influence. 1. Social Proof – we look to what others do to guide our behaviour. 2. Reciprocity – we feel obligated to return favours performed for us. 3. Commitment and Consistency – we want to act consistently with our commitments and values. 4. Authority – we look to experts to show us the way. 5. Scarcity – the less available the resource, the more we want it. 6. Liking – the more we like people the more we want to say yes to them.

3. Build rapport. Zig Ziglar famously said: “They don’t care what you know until they know how much you care”. Work on your rapport-building skills because others cannot be persuaded unless they feel an affinity with you. Rapport is about, trust, a common connection, mutual understanding in which both parties feel at ease. Rapport-building is a science and there is much to learn for those to whom it does not come naturally.

There are a variety of approaches to influencing worth learning and trying throughout your day at work. Remember, it doesn’t matter how good your company is, how good your products or service are, how good your ideas are or how good your message is if no one’s listening.

4. Be assertive. Powerful influencing requires a high degree of assertiveness. In the 21st century people are much less likely to allow people with authority to dictate. And an unassertive person will not be heard in our increasingly competitive world. So, communicate your assertion in a clear, direct and concise way whilst being sure to show respect for the position and feelings of others.

Michelle Bowden is one of only 25 female CSPs in Australia (CSP is the highest designation for conference speakers in the world). She’s also a 4-time nominee for the Educator Award for Excellence and the author of Don’t Picture me Naked – how to present your ideas and influence people using techniques that actually work. Become one of the many thousands of people who have benefited from her insights by visiting

5. Develop persuasive language. Language is a powerful tool in your influence toolkit. Learn how to use linguistic devices such as: alliteration; anaphora; tricolon; epistrophe;

Influencing techniques will increase the chance that you’ll hear the word ‘yes’ more often in your life. Good luck!

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


TESTIMONIAL FROM GAIL JONES, E-SOLUTIONS MANAGER, RGA REINSURANCE OF AUSTRALIA Thank you Michelle, I am stoked!!I recently had the chance to speak in America.!Due to some last minute changes I ended up being the closing speaker. After listening to everyone else I was feeling pretty nervous because my style and the flow of the message, was totally different to everyone else. I was worried they wouldn't get it.!How wrong could I be, they actually loved it! Immediately after I had finished I was approached to speak at next years conference in Arizona with over 1000 in attendance. I also got the best score of all the speakers. The coaching I did with you!has helped me structure a compelling message that engages with an extra zing! Awesome job coach! For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

STYLE TIPS - HOW TO WEAR BLACK BY ROBIN POWIS Black is everywhere, it’s very safe and all the designers use it as their!hallmark colour. !It is chic and goes with everything however it isn’t flattering to most skin tones.! If you have fair or red hair, with light eyes and light skin it is especially not for you.! To find out if you can wear black, and with what, consider booking a Colour Consultation with Robin on 0419468272. Rules to wear Black to best flatter your colouring.! Combine with one of your best colours i.e. 'WOW" colour that looks great.! It could be a scarf, jewellery,!collar or tie for men. Ensure there is great colour contrast i.e you wear another colour that flatters you like orange, pink, red, purple or green. ! Girls, wear brighter makeup, or jewellery in your most flattering tone, either silver or gold.! Show plenty of skin as it lightens your appearance. A low neckline looks better than a high neckline. Consider carefully the colours you wear above the waist.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


DIFFICULT CUSTOMERS MADE EASY BY KEN WARREN Many of us are in roles where we regularly deal with difficult customers. No matter what the role, I often find that most people, if they are given a choice, prefer to prevent problems occurring, rather than to deal with problem behaviour when it arises. ! Here are five ways you can minimise the likelihood of difficulties occurring with your customers or clients. Give speedy attention: We all know the stereotype of reception staff engaged in meaningless gossip while we wait for their attention. But in the real world, people also get frustrated when 3 staff are working on the one task when one could be free to provide service. When people arrive at a reception desk, they expect that staff will stop what they are doing to give them attention rather than continuing in a routine task that could be finished later. It is also frustrating for customers when they have to go through multiple telephone options and wait 30 minutes before they get to speak with a real person. It is no wonder that many people customers become 'difficult' when they experience unnecessary delays. People who provide great customer service give speedy attention - greeting people when they arrive (or at least acknowledging their presence if they are busy) and endeavouring to answer phone calls within 3 rings.! ! Make a personal connection: Customers, even when they are upset, like to deal with a real person, not someone who is simply in work-mode

with their work-voice on. There is a time and place for using your work-voice. But when you are wanting to make good connections with customers, you need to be yourself as well as helpful and friendly. Use their name if you know it and let them know yours. Here it is your attitude and personability that are most important. ! Adjust yourself for the individual: People who excel in customer service are great at reading people and adjusting themselves to the individual before them. For someone who is upset, they give a caring, helpful response. For those with a story to tell, they give them time and attention. For those who are in a hurry, they speed things along. When you adjust yourself to what others are needing you will tend to get more of the behaviour you would prefer to see. Set expectations at the right level: Some customers expect the ‘world’ and for others to deliver it to them. When you are aware of unreasonable expectations from clients, this is good as it gives you a chance to speak about

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


DIFFICULT CUSTOMERS MADE EASY (CONT.) what you can and can't do. When you are not sure what people are expecting it is a good idea to actually ask them. Most times, their expectations will become obvious the more you speak to them or the more you watch their behaviour.! There are different ways to set expectations at the right level. Simply letting people know what you can and cannot do is a good start. The sooner you can do this, the better. Others let their clients know the best way to work with them. Some workplaces do this by providing a written statement of rights and responsibilities to clients which they are required to read and sign. Some workplaces have recorded messages when people are on-hold, letting people know the wait times or what they will need to work with that agency. Others have signage in the waiting room. I recall one hospital emergency ward that had a sign up saying, 'Please treat us with respect. This will help us to help you'. There was another sign that said, 'By respect, we mean no shouting, no threats, and no swearing.' Must be a tough group of patients they have there! At least they are letting their patients know the best way to work with them. Of course, when clients have reasonable expectations of your workplace, you need to deliver. If you say you will get back to someone on the same day, then make sure you do. A good rule-of-thumb is to under-promise and overdeliver. If you think it will be 2 hours before you can get back to a customer, then tell them it will be at least four hours. That way, if you are slightly delayed, it won't matter. But if you get back to them earlier than what you have said, they will feel good about this. If you can't meet the reasonable expectations of your customers, at least provide an explanation and an apology. ! Be willing to go the extra mile: It is hard for customers to stay upset at someone who is genuinely trying to help them, who is going

‘above and beyond’ what would usually occur. I see people going the ‘extra mile’, for instance, when they offer to look into a matter and respond the same day, when they show flexibility with the usual procedures, or when a replacement part is given outside of warranty at no additional cost. ! Of course, providing great service does not completely eliminate rude, demanding and aggressive customers, However, it does greatly reduce any contribution our workplace may be making to people's frustration. If you deal with rude, demanding or aggressive customers in your work, you really need to be part of my upcoming workshop below, Defusing Explosive Situations: Responding Well to Demanding Behaviour. Details are below. We all love great service. What can you and your workplace do to improve customer service and minimise the likelihood of difficulties occurring? ! "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." - Bill Gates Ken Warren is Director at : http://

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


INFLUENCE - ARE YOU TOO EGOCENTRIC? BY MICHELLE BOWDEN When a stakeholder is deciding whether to meet your deadline, email you that information, approve your request, or buy your service, product or idea, they are likely to be thinking one thing: ‘me, me, me’, and they are in what is called ‘first position’. ‘First position’ is when you are communicating totally ‘in your own shoes’. It is useful to remind yourself that most people approach an interaction from the good old WIIFM or ‘What’s in it for me’ stance. Of course, your stakeholder has a right to this stance because they are in a position of power in this transaction.

If you also fall into the trap of being totally preoccupied with your own needs, you are also in ‘first position’. Both parties cannot be in first position if you need to reach an outcome. You are much more likely to be influential if you stay away from ‘first position’ during the actual communication phase. To move out of ‘first position’, consciously focus on your stakeholder and demonstrate an understanding of their needs. Now you are in a great position to make a request.

FREE GIVE AWAY WORK AS IF YOU OWN IT At some point in our lives most of us have thought about:

start up to success.

being our OWN BOSS working our OWN HOURS making our OWN CHOICES … But few have the courage to make it happen. If you have dared to take the path less travelled and have embraced your entrepreneurial spirit then this is the book for you. Whether you enter the world of commission sales through real estate, the automotive industry, network marketing, mortgage broking, financial planning, insurance or recruitment (just to name a few) you should be working as if you own the business. In this practical ‘how to’ book authored by Kirsty Spraggon ( you will be guided every step of the way from

Discover how to: ✓ master the transition from employee to entrepreneur ✓ identify the beliefs and mindset barriers that may hold you back ✓ set up and run like a business with a clear plan & strategy ✓ position yourself as an expert and create a perception around your brand ✓ master the art of delegation, outsourcing and making the most of your time ✓ thrive instead of just survive by planning for the long haul ✓! achieve all this while still maintaining balance … and your sanity Be one of the first 5 readers to email with the words “work as if you own it” and receive your very own copy of this essential business text for people in sales.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


LET GO.... BY LORNA PATTEN I believe it’s time to let go of fear as the predominant operating context and embrace LOVE ... by and for every human being on our glorious planet. We have seen enough evidence on the world stage of late that those who choose to hang onto ‘the way it was’ are being ‘forced’ out of the equation. Those who choose to let go of the past, are free to go forward and play a role in creating a new reality. Letting go is a relentless moment by moment activity. When you are willing to let go of your expectations that the content of your life (things, other people, yourself) should be different, you will experience the freedom you seek ... freedom to BE who you are and to let others BE who and how they are. When you free yourself from expectation and judgement and accept, allow, embrace and respond to what's so moment by moment then nothing is a problem and everything that occurs affords you an opportunity to respond from love. When you are attached to things/people/yourself being a certain way, it's a surefire prescription for

disappointment. The constant need to manage, protect and defend your own position in relation to yourself, others and whatever is happening is exhausting ... not to mention futile in achieving lasting transformation. The paradox is this: When you are willing to let go of your attachment to any and all of the content and focus on BEING who you are and responding moment by moment from a context of LOVE, you will have everything you ever dreamed of! What it really takes is choosing to let go of fear and then keep choosing to let go, and let go and let go ...


Keep it simple Keywords only, no sentences Never read your slides, talk freely Remember that your slides are only there to support, not to replace your presentation! It’s important that you, the presenter, tell the story, describe your data and use the slides to reinforce your key messages. The audience can read faster in their head than you can read it aloud. So let them - then re-claim your space and engage them with a verbal explanation of what they have just seen on the slide.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012



IS IT TIME IMPROVED YOUR PRESENTATION SKILLS? COME JOIN ME! Dramatically improve the way you present and influence.

programs and who has been nominated for Educator of the Year for the last 3 years.

Attend one of my Influential Presentation Skills programs.

Absorb yourself in a generative and experiential approach. Learn something then practice, then learn something then practice…

It’s a life changing experience! Risk free - 100% moneyback guarantee. Endorsed by thousands of people from over a hundred corporations around Australia. Interactive and personalised. Facilitated by Michelle Bowden who has over 18 years experience running her

Group sizes are limited to only 10 people per program. Risk free approach to a subject most people find ‘daunting’! Plenty of time for you to get personal one-on-one time with Michelle’s during the program. Address your specific, personal needs.

Learning with lots of laughter. Techniques are embedded so you remember them decades later. SYDNEY DATES: August 22-23 October 16-17 December 3-4! MELBOURNE DATES: August 29-30 BRISBANE DATES: October 24-25 To chat about your specific needs or receive more information please email Michelle directly:

TESTIMONIAL I just want to say a big THANK YOU for your book Don't Picture me Naked. It has already made a huge impact in my business & personal presentation skills. I have changed my thoughts on presenting from nervous/anxious to EXCITING/WHAT A THRILL! "It's not about me - It's all about the audience" has helped me to stay focused on what the audience wants and this in itself has removed the nervousness I usually feel. Thank you for providing a system that is easy to pick up and use from my everyday 1:1 presentations to large team meetings. Ayla, NAB

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


5 TIPS TO WOW YOUR AUDIENCE WITH POWERPOINT BY PAUL COELHO Leaving a lasting impression with your audience can be one of the hardest marketing challenges you ever deal with. Despite the apparent challenge it can be done successfully. Slidemaster has put together 5 tips to make your presentation really stand out. 1. Remember, the point of your presentation is to convey a message. Focusing on what is relevant is the key to communicate effectively. 2. The presentation should walk through a logical flow of information and get to a persuasive point quickly. 3. Know clearly what you want to say before you start building your presentation. Establish the problem early and then move on to how you solve it. 4. Know your audience and how to approach them. Each presentation can require a different type and amount of information.

5. Always end with a summary slide of your key points and final benefits. Slidemaster can work with you to deliver a compelling, wow presentation that engages your audience. Their creative approach proves that PowerPoint can be so much more than simple bullets points. Take the next step now and contact Slidemaster. +61 2 8971 6297 |

TEST YOUR PERSUASIVENESS - FREE! Michelle Bowden Enterprises is in the process of piloting a ground breaking psychometric test that focusses purely on your ability to persuade in business. Stay tuned - the Persuasiveness Style Indicator will be available for FREE in the next month or so. How exciting!

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


ARE YOU A LEADER WHO ENABLES OR EMPOWERS? BY TY BENNETT I believe the most important leadership role anyone has in this life is that of a parent.

into the role of mentor. (Someone who can analyze what worked, what didn't and where they can improve).

As a parent my ultimate goal is to raise productive, self-sufficient adults, who achieve and who contribute more to the world than I do. If you think about it, shouldn't that be the goal of every business leader as well? Ralph Nader said, "The function of leaders is to produce other leaders not just other followers." And that is the essence of a true leader - one who not only inspires followers but empowers them to go on to be great leaders. So how do we do that? Well, let's think about it from a parents perspective and there are three simple strategies that I think move us away from enabling and into the empowerment process. 1. Allow For Collaboration in Decision Making As a parent you need to let your kids be part of making decisions so that they learn through experience the process as well as the positive and negative consequences of decisions. In the business world, our people need to be able to collaborate and participate in the decisionmaking process, giving them a voice as well as the big picture mindset of all of the parameters to consider. 2. Give Them Opportunities To Lead If we want our children to be leaders then we need to let them lead. That sounds simple and equally as applicable in the business world, yet it is hard to loosen the rains. Micromanaging and overseeing every project, initiative, etc... not only burdens you as the leader but it stifles the growth of your people. Let them lead and move

3. Challenge Them Leadership requires growth and the best way to stimulate growth is to challenge them. It is in the struggle that the stretching, learning and developing occurs. I am grateful for my parents for pushing me and I am grateful for business leaders who expected greatness from me and gave me the challenge to step up. Leaders can learn a lot from great parents. I don't claim to be one, but I do know that the goal of every parent should be the goal of every leader - To Create More Leaders. When Ty was 21 years old he started a business with his brother Scott, which they built to over $20 million in revenue while still in their twenties. Because of this experience and success Ty has been able to speak to hundreds of thousands of people in more than a dozen countries. Ty’s early entrepreneurial success led New York Times Bestselling Author Bob Burg to say, “I wish I could get back to Ty’s age and know what Ty knows. He will amaze you!” As a speaker Ty is a young, fresh voice with a fun, engaging style. He speaks on Leadership, Influence and Storytelling. Ty is the author of The Power of Influence as well as the video training program, Facts Tell, Stories Sell. His message is changing lives and reaching people around the world. Ty lives in Utah with his wife Sarah, daughter Andie, and sons Tanner and Drew

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012




1. It's not the speaker, the message, or even the audience that matters the most. What matters most is: What the Audience can DO with the speaker's message. So focus on the application of your ideas, not just the delivery.! 2. People have to like or respect you before they will make room in their mind for your message. So like and respect THEM first! Consciously seek reasons to like and admire or respect them. Make it a habit to always compliment your audience or their organization.! 3. If you're nervous, you’re thinking about yourself too much. Stop worrying and start focusing on how THEY can USE your message. Take the focus off of you.! 4. Structure your speech around this model: Know what you believe about this topic. Test and prove what you think is so. Once it's proven…Live it! Make it a part of everything you do in this category.!

Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE is past national president of the National Speakers Association USA, former board member of the Global Speakers Network, the author of 16 books including 2 international bestsellers, and has delivered over 2,700 paid presentations around the world. Jim is best known as the original author of Relationship Selling and he has received virtually every major award and designation known in the speaking profession. He's the founder/CEO of a dozen businesses spanning 36 years in the human development field including the Cathcart Institute.

5. In every story you tell, YOU are the characters. Become the characters physically and audibly. Sound like the person you're describing, stand and move like that person. Bring your characters to life.!

Here are Jim’s top 10 tips for presenting in

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


TIPS FROM A PROFESSIONAL SPEAKER (CONT.) 6. Befriend your introducer. They may be nervous about doing your intro. Give them an easy short bio that works in the context of the event. Tell them it's OK to just stand and read it and make it OK if they mess it up. Don't ever criticize the introducer when they blow it.! 7. If you are speaking through translators, become the translators' best friend! Meet with them before the speech, compliment them for their amazing ability and the difficulty of their task. Give them an outline of your key points and show them your visual aids/slides. Explain what each point means to this audience and tell them the punch lines in your stories. Listen to their advice on how you can make their task easier. Explain why the punch lines are funny, or should be. And always,!thank them from the stage.!

8. Never hesitate to pick up your notes and glance at them. Make it natural and obvious. They know you have notes. They don't expect you to recite your lines but rather they want you to just talk to them truthfully. Be real.! 9. Be the speaker who keeps things on time. If the previous presenters ran over time, then YOU be the one who cuts short to put everyone back on track. Be a pro, don't whine about your time frame, just use it well. You'll be loved for it.! 10. Seek opportunities to speak only when you can add value. Don't accept engagements when you are not the right choice. !

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012





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Thinking of improving your presentation skills but don’t want to go on a training program? You need to grab a copy of How to Present - Tips from the Master. Tips from 14 of Australia’s top public speakers. Go to my website

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How to Present Magazine

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JULY 2012


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How to Present Magazine

JULY 2012


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