How to present july 2013 edition

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JULY 2013

IN THIS ISSUE Michelle Bowden CSP, shares her tips for professional presenting Work Life BALANCE checklist Style Tips Don’t Stress Delivery Tips for Presenting in Business What are you REALLY selling? Success Stories Be the Best FREE Give-away! PLUS: 10 Steps to Become Less BUSY You are NOT your Feelings!

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


DIARY DATE INFLUENTIAL PRESENTATION SKILLS TRAINING (2-day Public Program) Join Michelle at her next public program SYDNEY July 23-24 August 27-28 September 17-18

Michelle’s Update Welcome to the July issue of How to Present. This issue is packed with articles that will assist you to present with greater confidence and influence at work. I’ve just finished a sensational national tour delivering my keynote speeches called Speak Up and Influence People and Persuasive Presenting for the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAA). For the first time in my speaking career I facilitated an 80-minute question and answer session on presenting where I was the one to answer all the questions. The accountants asked questions such as how to structure a persuasive message, how to analyse your audience, how to breathe properly, how do you make sure you don’t go blank?


If you are a member of the ICAA you can subscribe and watch my session which was filmed ion Sydney.

CANBERRA October 10-11 To register or chat about your specific needs please email:

WHO IS MICHELLE BOWDEN? Michelle is an expert in influential presentation skills in business. She has run her 2-day Influential Presentation Skills program over 570 times with many thousands of people and she’s been nominated for Educator of the Year 5 years running. Michelle is one of only 25 Australian females who is a Certified Speaking Professional the highest designation for speakers in the world. For a list of Michelle’s clients please go to:

And if these questions are interesting to you I just know you’ll enjoy my Delivery tips for presenting in business. Plus, you’ll see some of the photos from these very successful and fun keynote presentations in the photo page at the back of How to Present magazine. PLUS I’ve shared some of my 10 tips for effective presenting in business, tips for 10 steps to be less busy, Lorna Paten reminds us that You are not your feelings. Plus David Penglase asks What are you really selling? Ty Bennett encourages you to Be the Best and Robin Powis give us her invaluable Style tips. Keep reading where Domonique Bertolucci reminds us: Don’t stress, and you can also read some inspiring success stories. So grab yourself a ’cuppa’, put your feet up and have a read! And most importantly, make sure you put the invaluable advice into immediate action so you see some fast results. Happy Presenting!

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


Michelle Bowden’s Proven Presentation System 7KH XOWLPDWH JXLGH WR SUHVHQWLQJ \RXU LGHDV DQG LQĂ€XHQFLQJ SHRSOH using  techniques  that  actually  work Do  you  get  nervous  when  presenting  at  work? Do  you  want  to  showcase  your  knowledge,  LQĂ€XHQFH SHRSOH DQG DFFHOHUDWH \RXU FDUHHU" Would  you  like  to  learn  the  secrets  of  successful  speaking,  communicating  and  presenting? How  to  Present  UHYHDOV KRZ \RX FDQ EH D FRQÂżGHQW FOHDU DQG LQĂ€XHQWLDO SUHVHQWHU HYHU\ WLPH 3UHVHQWDWLRQ skills  expert  Michelle  Bowden  shares  her  internationally  proven  13-­step  system  to  exceptional  presenting,  starting  with  analysis  (plan  what  you  would  like  to  achieve),  then  design  (put  your  presentation  together)  and  delivery  FRPPXQLFDWH \RXU PHVVDJH IRU UHVXOWV Whether  you’re  presenting  or  speaking  to  one  person  or  thousands,  this  is  the  essential  guide  to  becoming  an  RXWVWDQGLQJ SUHVHQWHU


There is no other book on the market like this that will take you step-by-step through the process of successful presenting. — Steve Weston, Managing Director of Retail Lending, UK Retail and Business Banking division, Barclays

it now! Purchase your copyBuyhere


How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


SUCCESS STORIES! is always keen to help SME owners get noticed. and


What kind of presenting do you do at work? Communications consultancy usually entails business development presentations to client teams, and may also include media training, pitching and related industry activities, such as presentations at seminars or conferences on an area of specialisation. What prompted you to attend Michelle's Influential Presentation Skills program?

As co-founder of two public relations businesses, Julianne Dowling has worked on both sides of the fence as a former Fairfax-trained journalist, writing on business and personal finance matters for Fairfax, News Limited, Reed and custom publications. She has over 20 years experience in financial PR, communications for not-for-profit organisations and investor relations, and

I’d heard about Michelle through peers, and knew she had just released her latest version of “How to Present,” a best-selling book on presentations with a foreword by Siimon Reynolds (another legendary presenter). So I bought her book online, read it and then signed up for the next workshop in order to get face time with Michelle. I know I like to see people in real time to learn from them, and presentation techniques require practice and structuring for every new talk you are giving. I had undertaken presentation training before with another top bid trainer many years ago, but take the view that you can never know enough about presenting because so much depends upon the outcome! Michelle has a completely different take on presentation design and delivery, and that was both refreshing and very helpful. Initially, I thought the time out for the workshop would be too much, but it made sense afterwards. Besides, investing in your skills always pays off. How did Michelle's program change your attitude to presenting in business? Michelle’s template and tips really turned my

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


SUCCESS STORIES! (CONT.) head around in terms of the ‘how to’ of speech making and working on large format presentations. One of my perennial problems is nerves; I hate talking in large forums and Michelle had a lot to say about managing stress. I really understood the meaning of practice when she told me how much a CEO may rehearse their speech – try 50 times! Over practice really can turn down stress levels plus having a set template to work with is the trick. In general, what positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your presentation skills? I do feel more confident about structuring the content. Talking from the ‘second person’ perspective always builds empathy and rapport, and Michelle is excellent at working this point. It may be obvious to communicators, but it’s easy in speechmaking to use phrases which may break rapport with your listener. I believe that women in business really need to develop their presentation style - it takes time and training. In what specific ways have your presentation skills improved since completing Michelle's training?

What were your top three take-aways from Michelle's program? Firstly, DON’T apologise if you stuff up your presentation flow because that only draws more attention to the problem. Michelle told us a great story about how one of the world’s top presenters accidentally fell off the stage after pacing around theatrically, and rather than apologise, she called out: “I’m still here!” (while lying on the ground). Then she leapt back up and continued on as if nothing had happened with the audience giving her more love. Now, that’s professionalism! It could have been a personal disaster but she used the power of her presentation techniques to power on through the rocky patch. As Michelle says, it gives a whole new meaning to break a leg! Secondly, do your pre-work on the content and have a deliberate structure (don’t be afraid to talk extemporaneously either if you have a handle on it). Finally, keep breathing and slow down the pace, and use body language to emphasise the key points.

I was kindly asked by Kim McGuinness to put together and moderate a panel session with Network Central on “finding women’s media voice” in Sydney not long after the training, Appearing with some pretty fabulous panellists, such as international marketer Kim McKay, Joanne Gray, editor of BOSS magazine; and Dee Madigan, advertising guru and TV commentator, put the pressure on. I had to deliver on the day, and hopefully my content, practice and delivery improved as a result. I had some lovely feedback.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


WORK LIFE BALANCE CHECKLIST BY JUSTIN TAMSETT Your first life-changing assignment to create balance for yourself is to take stock of your current situation and answer the following questions: •

How many hours do you work per day?

How many takeaway meals do you have per week?

How quickly do you respond to emails or return phone calls?

How often do you have a massage? q Often q Sometimes q Never

How many times a week do you go for a walk? q Often q Sometimes q Never

Is it time to make a change?

How often do you check your emails after 5:30 PM? q Often q Sometimes q Never

How do you respond to stress in your life?

The whole point of this quick exercise is to help you realise just how much time you spend working, as well as how much time you spend playing. I’ll bet my last hundred bucks work outweighs play …

Justin Tamsett is an author, speaker and 4th generation entrepreneur as well as an innovator, comfort zone challenger and thought leader. His generosity and desire to help all people achieve the best they can is evident in his own approach to life and business, and his enthusiasm for his work, his life and work-life balance. He combines his passion for small business with a passion for rugby. He is a former 1st grade coach at Northern Suburbs and is now Director of the Rugby Club and Cabana Bar & Lounge.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


DON’T STRESS! BY DOMONIQUE BERTOLUCCI “If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension." George F Burns It’s time to focus on raising your awareness to the various sources of stress in your life and the level of influence or control you have over each stressor. When you find your stress levels increasing, ask yourself: ‘what is the real cause of my stress?’ ‘Is this situation within or beyond my influence?’ and ‘what action do I need to take to manage both the cause and the impact of this stress?’ You will find that simply taking a moment to refocus in this way gives you a sense of control and has an immediate positive impact on your stress levels. And, if you get into the habit of asking these three simple questions every time you feel stressed, you will find that your ability to manage any necessary stresses in your life improves dramatically.

STYLE TIPS BY ROBIN POWIS This is Your Year - Make it Work for you. Define Your Style To develop your signature look give your style specific names eg. My style is Striking, Sophisticated and Cheeky. Having descriptive word helps clarify in your mind what you love and want you want to emulate. Think about how you want to look and feel. Get the Mindset Focus on being fulfilled and confident so that your beauty shines through. Once you are confident of your look, you’ll relax and be able to concentrate on the more important aspects of your life. Smile More Research has found that people who genuinely smile are considered more attractive.

Get Active Inspire an active mood by wearing sports clothes that provide a fresh and invigorating approach to working out. Dressing in brights and metallics packs a punch so you feel just as good in the gym as out. Robin Powis is an image consultant who believes some people are born stylish whilst others need to learn about style. She’s passionate about colour and creating a fresh and stylish new YOU.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


DELIVERY TIPS FOR PRESENTING IN BUSINESS BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Here are some delivery tips in bullet point format from my latest book: How to Present: an essential guide to presenting your ideas and influencing people using techniques that actually work. This book has been in the business best seller list since it’s launch on January 15th this year. Exciting! To grab your own copy go to this link:

Use the power of your mind to project the appropriate part of your personality. For example, a charismatic, warm, funny, professional, confident or compelling side of yourself to your audience. Your personality and nervousness are both controllable and changeable. In our society we do tend to associate credibility and authority with people who have a rich, resonant vocal quality.

I recommend Extending the Self as an effective way to manage your nerves and connect beautifully with your audience. To Extend the Self, simply imagine there is a ‘bubble’ around you and your audience. You are in the bubble too. Really see the individuals in your audience; look into the whites of your audience’s eyes, rather than skim their heads or pretend to look at them. Connect. Extending the Self is a powerful technique for reducing nervousness because it takes your focus off your nerves and places your attention on the audience. Exceptional presenters rehearse and rehearse and rehearse. Rehearsing is not the same thing as ‘rote’ learning your presentation. You should aim to rehearse in as many different locations as possible so you are used to delivering your message anywhere.

Remember, your voice is a powerful tool that must be warmed up to ensure you perform at your best and so you don’t injure yourself. You can warm up your breathing, your vocal quality and your articulation with a variety of exercises, such as the tense and relax, kiss/grin, raspberries and tongue twisters. Warm-ups create a rich, resonant voice. If you warm up you’ll come across as credible and persuasive and be more likely to get what you want. A smooth, confident voice is within us all. When our voice sounds confident, our audience is more likely to relax and listen.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


DELIVERY TIPS FOR PRESENTING IN BUSINESS If you want to be engaging and convincing when you speak, it’s important that you strive for a variety of pitch, speed and volume.

There are a variety of gestures with different meanings that can detract or add value to your message. Make sure you use the gesture that helps maximise the chance of influencing your audience.

Pitch is the highs and lows in your voice. Speed is all the different tempos between fast and slow. Volume is the variety between loud and soft. Pause is powerful and necessary for your audience. Pausing is where your audience catches up with you! Pausing will help you breathe deeply and diaphragmatically, which in turn will help you relax and maintain control of yourself as you present. The key is to try and use the most appropriate vocal variety for the message.

The audience’s left is their past and their right is their future.

A lapel microphone projects your voice so you don’t need to strain, and it projects a nice, even, round sound to the ears of your audience, so it’s easier for them too.

It’s a good idea to use the correct side of the room when you stand, move, gesture and give eye contact.

Clip-on microphones should be clipped onto your belt, so remember to wear a belt. It’s a great idea to remember to rehearse with the microphone if you can. If you have more than one presenter, have two microphones and have the second person wired up well before you complete your presentation. Gestures help engage your audience and reinforce your message.

Audiences are made up of people with a variety of personality filters. Presenters should consider stimulating the visual, auditory and kinesthetic filters. There are a variety of things presenters can do to stimulate the visual, auditory and kinesthetic preferences of their audience members. A d d s o m e fl i p c h a r t s , w h i t e b o a rd s , handouts, music, gestures and linguistics to your standard PowerPoints.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


DELIVERY TIPS FOR PRESENTING IN BUSINESS As a presenter you can cause both positive and negative ripples for your audience. Excellent presenters send out hundreds of positive ripples in a single event. You cause positive ripples by complimenting, smiling, acknowledging and giving status to your audience. Unskilled presenters can cause many ripples in their presentation and then wonder, ’What was wrong with that audience?’ You can cause negative ripples by demonstrating rudeness, insensitivity, ignoring or offending your audience. It’s simple to counteract a negative ripple with some positive ripples. I recommend you pay attention to disruptive behaviour and nip it in the bud as soon as you can to ensure the smooth running of your meeting or presentation. There are a number of strategies to help manage disruptive behavior including: rapport; turn to a friend; physical proximity; hand it over to the audience; calling the behavior; ignore the problem; pre-framing. Get what you want from your audience by connecting with them and using your slides and other visual aids to captivate

and influence. Distractions are distracting! So remove as many of them as you can. Ensure your audience is as comfortable in your environment as possible. Pay attention to chair style, temperature and catering. In meetings always seat the audience with their backs to distractions like a breathtaking view or glass walls. Consider requesting the room set-up you desire. You might just get what you want. Many people fear public speaking because they focus too much on their negative points and their nervousness rather than on their positive attributes. Whoever you are, you are gorgeous! Remember that and let your positive attributes as a presenter shine through. Setting up a positive feedback system (using a model like the 4 Step Feedback Model) can help you learn about what you are doing well. This can be terrific for your self-confidence. Happy Presenting!

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s training: FROM KARIN ADCOCK, FOUNDER OF PANDORA IN AUSTRALIA I loved getting tangible tools to use in my daily life when conducting meetings and doing presentations. Stating the obvious, it is a great help to do more of what works well and eliminate what is not effective. I liked the build-up over the two days from the 5-Step Analysis, to WIIFM and POO! Now I am aware I can be much more effective! The program had highly relevant content presented in a wonderful, fun and highly contagious way. Thank you! For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013



A confident, persuasive speaking voice lies within you! Many of us know someone who has a strong, rich, resonant voice. Maybe it’s an actor like Sean Connery or Cate Blanchett. At some point you may have found yourself wishing that you could enhance your vocal quality and projection so you were more compelling, influential and persuasive when speaking in meetings, persuading your manager, or selling to your clients. Well you know it’s possible, and it’s easy! Creating a rich, resonant influential voice is all about warming up your voice, and this CD will take you through the warm-ups that actually work one by one. Enjoy!


Fast-track your presentation and speaking skills success by discovering the presentation secrets of 14 of Australia’s top conference keynote presenters. What would be possible for your career and income if you absorbed the wisdom of Australia’s top speaking professionals and could learn from their tips and their mistakes? Well, now you can in this series of insightful interviews by Australia’s #1 Presentation Skills Expert–Michelle Bowden. Learn critical presentation tips from the amazing: Amanda Gore, Lisa McInnes-Smith, Glenn Capelli, Alan Parker, Siimon Reynolds, Rodney Marks, Sam Cawthorn, Marty Wilson, Terry Hawkins, Dale Beaumont, Catherine DeVrye, David Penglase, Avril Henry and Bruce Sullivan.


You can design an exceptional presentation in a minimum amount of time! Imagine how helpful it would be if you could have your very own coach taking you through the design process for an exceptional presentation. That’s exactly what this DVD is for! If you have a presentation to write, simply play this DVD and Michelle Bowden will coach you through the design of an exceptional presentation from beginning to end. It couldn’t be simpler! An ideal accompaniment to Michelle’s book How to Present, you’ll be reminded how to identify the purpose of your presentation, analyse your audience and design a powerful message that influences your audience to change their thinking and/or behaviour using techniques that actually work!

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


WHAT ARE YOU REALLY SELLING? BY DAVID PENGLASE People are fascinating aren't they! I had a meeting at the Star Casino ( was for business), and as I was walking through the Harbour Walk Mall, I noticed two ladies laughing and playing on a vending machine game. The vending machine was a supposed game of skill where you had to guide a claw across a row of chocolate bars, and at the right time push a button to capture your prize of a chocolate. As I watched, I soon realised they weren't having much luck, but were enjoying themselves...and I guess they'd spent about $6 in the two or so minutes that I was watching them - with no reward or success. On the other side of the Mall, directly opposite this vending machine, was a confectionary store that sold the same chocolate bars as the vending machine for $1.50 each. Here's my point and lesson. Create a buying experience that captures the imagination and meets the needs of your clients and there's a strong chance that you'll beat your competition who might offer the same as you, even if they're offering it at a lower price. (I'm not suggesting the outcome for the client is the same as that experienced by the two ladies at the vending machine....In reality, they weren't

trying to buy chocolates....they were buying the experience of chance and risk) What are you really selling and what are your clients really buying? What experiences are you creating for them that go beyond the value you create through the products or service you provide? David Penglase is an international conference speaker and leading expert on positive persuasion and intentional trust relationships.

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s training: FROM KEN TSE, SOLUTION CONSULTANT, CALL DESIGN “Best training course I have been to. Great presenter! I loved the 13 steps to exceptional presentation, the time to practice on the second day, that the presenter Michelle was very engaging the whole time, and that the content was relevant.” For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


BE THE BEST BY TY BENNETT Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were a kid? Was it an astronaut, a baseball player, a fireman, actor, lawyer or a doctor? Regardless of what you chose, there is a common element to childhood dreams: Every child dreams of being "The Best in the World." Think about it - you didn't dream about being a casual, better than average basketball player. You dreamed about being in the NBA and winning a world championship. And you didn't dream about being a writer whose book never got published. You dreamed of writing the bestselling book of all time. Children dream big, and don't see past their goal to envision all the work it will take to get there - they just dream. Yet somewhere between childhood and adulthood, we lose the "best in the world" part of our dreams and settle for the "that's good enough" mentality. Why? Is it because others talk us down from our perch? Do we start to see how much work is entailed and decide we don't want to go there? Do we decide that our dreams are not "realistic", and in order to be respectable and acceptable, we have to crank it back a few notches? Or do we simply find other things more exciting, or even just achievable, as we get older? Does the "real world" take the wind out of our sails? What happens? I was reminded of this when I was having a conversation recently and told my friend, "I want to be the best speaker in the world." He looked shocked and surprised. To clarify - I don't anticipate or expect anyone to crown me as the best speaker in the world, but I have come to realize that we get what we expect. And when we have a "that's good enough" mentality - we don't achieve very much. I think all of us should strive to be "The Best in the World" at whatever we do, not because there is a contest and we will ever really be known as the best, but because if we strive to be "The

Best in the World", we hold ourselves to a higher standard. We take the extra step, go the extra mile to set ourselves apart from the rest of the crowd. We have a desire to be an example to others in our field of the way we believe it should be done. The Best in the World is constantly learning and progressing. The Best in the World is open to feedback. The Best in the World surrounds themselves with others who make them better. The Best in the World has high goals, takes appropriate action and holds themselves accountable for the results of their efforts and the effect it will have on the lives of others. The Best in the World is driven by passion and purpose. The Best in the World treats their business or passion as a profession and not a hobby. Ty Bennett is the author of The Power of Influence as well as the video training program, Facts Tell, Stories Sell. More than one million people from 50 countries have learned from Ty’s insights on Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Communication.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


BEAUTIFUL BROWS TO FRAME YOUR FACE BY ROBIN POWIS The perfect arch opens up your eyes and frames your face. Follow Style Icons who embrace a natural shaped brow. Shape Up Tweezers are better than waxing as you will avoid 'barely there' brows. It's impossible to get your eyebrows to be identical, no parts of your body are. Outline your brows in powder to work out where the strays are. Use the right products to create definition. A brow powder creates a more natural looking stroke right at the roots and is easier to feather. It's the end of the brow that needs most definition so start at the tail, then feather into the arch and lastly the start point.

Robin Powis is an image consultant who believes some people are born stylish whilst others need to learn about style. She’s passionate about colour & creating a fresh & stylish new YOU. To look Spectacular call Robin on 0419 468 272 or

FREE BOOK GIVE AWAY BY DAVID KEANE In this book you will discover ... • How to tap into your deepest values so you engage fully with your goals. • Your unique style of work and how to boost your productivity. • Simple ways to reduce your stress levels significantly. • How to get alignment between what’s really important to you with how to manage your time. • Ways of becoming a more decisive decision maker – and less busy. • A framework to link your personal goals and aspirations with those of your organisation. To claim your very own copy of The Art of Deliberate Success be one of the first of 5 to email with the words Deliberate Success in the subject line.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013



IS IT TIME IMPROVED YOUR PRESENTATION SKILLS? COME JOIN ME! Dramatically improve the way you present and influence. Attend one of my Influential Presentation Skills programs.

then practice, then learn something then practice…

It’s a life changing experience!

Risk free approach to a subject most people find ‘daunting’!

Risk free - 100% moneyback guarantee. Endorsed by thousands of people from over a hundred corporations around Australia. Interactive and personalised. Facilitated by Michelle Bowden who has over 18 years experience running her programs and who has been nominated for Educator of the Year for the last 4 years. Absorb yourself in a generative and experiential approach. Learn something

Group sizes are limited to only 10 people per program.

SYDNEY DATES: July 23-24 August 27-28 September 17-18 October 22-23 November 13-14 December 3-4 February 18-19 March 25-26 April 8-9

Plenty of time for you to get personal one-on-one time with Michelle’s during the program.


Address your specific, personal needs.


Learning with lots of laughter.

SOUTH AUSTRALIA: September 3-4

Techniques are embedded so you remember them decades later.

CANBERRA: October 10-11

There’s no need for you to be nervous or miss a career opportunity ever again!

To chat about your specific needs or receive more information please email Michelle directly:

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s training: FROM VARSHA KANWAR, BUSINESS PROCESS LEAD, CISCO I loved Michelle’s facilitation style, the structure and the practical sessions. I also valued the safe environment to try new things and be able to step out of my comfort zone without fear of failing, and making the presentation an “achievable” dream. In fact, I loved every bit of it! Thank you for empowering me Michelle! For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


10 STEPS TO BECOME LESS BUSY BY DAVID KEANE How often have you been asked the question, “Are you busy?” It’s an interesting question because behind it lurks some fundamental assumptions that influences how you might answer – irrespective of the truth. Perhaps the most significant assumption is that being busy is a good thing. But is this true?

If you want to become less busy, and more successful, it pays to look at all aspects of your professional and personal life.

When you look at the lives of really successful people (as I have), you’ll notice that those who achieve extraordinary results don’t seem very busy at all. Indeed, one of the main reasons for their success is their ability to focus on the few things that really matter and then concentrate their attention until they achieve the outcomes they want. In contrast, less successful people tend to take on too much and have a more “scattergun” approach to their lives.

2. If there is excessive clutter in your life,

1. Do you know what’s truly important to you? Because we cannot do and be everything, we need to make choices about what we value, what our priorities are, and what we can ignore. what can be done to eliminate it?

3. In what ways do the things you say to yourself keep you busy on the wrong things?

4. How do you interact with information?

Are you an information junkie? Are you addicted to social media, phones, or email? If so, you are likely to be spending your time on activities that make you “busy” but are you being successful?

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


10 STEPS TO BECOME LESS BUSY (CONT>) 5. What are your beliefs about being busy?

Do you see it as a badge of honour? Perhaps by reviewing your beliefs, you’ll begin to notice that it’s your beliefs that drive your behaviour and therefore the results you get in your life.

6. When you are less busy, you’ll have more

energy for doing things that matter the most. On a scale of 1 to 10, where are you right now in terms of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy?

7. Are you a person who takes responsibility

for the circumstance of your life? If so, you’ll find it much easier to make good choices and live a life that is less hectic both professionally and personally.

8. When it comes to doing things, are you able to maintain concentration, or are you easily distracted? People who achieve more success are better able to zone into what needs to be done.

9. How are you with managing your time?

We all have the same amount of time every week – 168 hours. We don’t manage our time, but the use of our time.

10.Successful people constantly measure

how they are doing. If you are a busy person, can you review your life and ask yourself some good questions?

Years ago, the philosopher Confucius said that “the person who chases two rabbits catches neither.” Would you agree the same can be said of excessive busyness? Dr David Keane is a speaker, author and coach and an expert on helping professionals achieve extraordinary success in their lives. His acclaimed book, The Art of Deliberate Success: Transform Your Professional and Personal Life, is published worldwide by Wiley.

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


YOU ARE NOT YOUR FEELINGS BY LORNA PATEN Who you are is perfect LOVE - pure, simple, boundless, limitless, joyous, expansive, creative, powerful ... LOVE. Yet, what you often feel is anything but that ... AND yet, you are the one who chooses to feel the way you feel. Jill Bolte-Taylor made the observation that emotion (energy-in-motion) takes 90 seconds to complete it’s journey though you and be done. If any feelings lasts longer than 90 seconds ... you must be doing something to make them stay ... you start to feel something, then you agree with whatever meaning you make out of the feeling then you feel it even more and on it goes ... sometimes for a lifetime!

Now you may not like this or understand it ... in fact I can hear the silver-tongued fearful ego voice in your head saying ... ”this is nuts, I don’t choose all my feelings, sometimes other people just make me feel stuff”. No they don’t. No one can make you choose anything you do not choose. You always have a choice even when you feel you do not. The truth about “I didn’t have a choice” is actually: “I did not like any of the other options so I chose the least painful/awful of what was available to me at the time”. So, who taught you how to feel your feelings? Where did you learn how to respond to what you are feeling rather than react? My guess is ... no one did. In fact, you have probably had little or no education or training in what feelings are, what they mean and how to use them as a resource for change rather than as a reason to stay wounded and suffering. Consider this: How much of your life have you spent feeling that you are not good enough not worth enough, or deserving enough or pretty enough or smart enough or successful enough or strong enough or brave enough or lucky enough or quick enough or calm enough or ... just not enough?

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


YOU ARE NOT YOUR FEELINGS (CONT.) Well enough of feeling not ok, enough of doubting your own loving heart, enough of choosing the illusion of fear when only love is real. Enough of pretending to be who you are not when the truth about who you really are is magnificent. Step One ACCEPT and LET GO Choose to accept you are ok, lovable, valuable, powerful and unlimited EVEN WHEN you don’t feel it. Let go of needing to figure it all out rationally and just accept that you are LOVE and let yourself BE. Step Two REMEMBER: FEELINGS ARE NOT FACTS When you start to feel anything at all ... pause for a moment, take a breath, get present in your own body, breathe, and let the feeling (energy-inmotion) move through you - remember 90 seconds and the energy will shift. If you find yourself getting involved with your fearful thinking mind, tell yourself “this is just a feeling, it’s not a fact ... just because I feel X doesn’t mean X is true, it’s just true that I am feeling X and breathe ...

been before ... you are OK, you are perfect LOVE and you can experience this if you are willing to accept your magnificence and choose to live into WHO you are moment by moment, one loving breath at a time. It’s really very simple ... but don’t mistake simple for easy. Sometimes simple is the hardest to do and yet, when you accept, surrender your resistance and simply choose to accept LOVE rather than fear ... well it starts to get pretty simple! Lorna Patten is recognised, accepted and respected as an expert in helping people create fundamental shifts in relationships. You will find Lorna passionate, dynamic and warm. She rigorously questions the way things are, and challenges you to think differently about what’s really going on. But be warned: when you engage Lorna, she will confront you with breathtaking truths and take you to places in your mind, heart and soul that truly are life changing!

Step Three CHOOSE AGAIN Choose how you want to feel, what you want to do next and how you want to show up then BE and DO what you have chosen. Revisit Step One often and Step Two as needed! Whatever your story, wherever you are now, whatever has

How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


BOOK OF THE MONTH OK, I know it’s MY book! If you are serious about really improving your business presentation skills then you need this book. Go to my website

CD OF THE MONTH Thinking of improving your presentation skills but don’t want to go on a training program? You need to grab a copy of How to Present - Tips from the Master. Tips from 14 of Australia’s top public speakers. Go to my website

FASHION Dents ladies classic leather gloves,featuring a fine fleece lining and side wrist vent. Available in Chocolate, Teal, Slate, Dark Orange, Purple, Cognac, Hot Pink, Black, Red and Berry. Sizes small, medium and large.



This rhodium-plated design represents a petite version of Swarovski’s bestselling Chic ring. Shimmering in silver tones, it is encrusted with differentsized crystals set in the exclusive Pointiage® technique. The incredible sparkle is like a crystalline Milky Way!

Sass & Bide handmade camelia metal necklace with chain detail & bolo effect.

Here are some of my favourite things for you



Sparkling crystals create this eye catching Monique crystal flower brooch by Ooh la la. With a pin back closure adding this shimmering piece to any outfit is easy.


With five times the flavour of balsamic, you’ll wonder how you and your kitchen ever survived without this soft, black velvet Caramelised Balsamic. Arguably, it’s the most versatile of all products in your kitchen arsenal. http:// other-products/

How to Present Magazine

CHEAP AND CHIC Multicoloured patterned cotton shoulder bag from Moschino Cheap & Chic featuring a goldtone chain shoulder strap woven with black leather. Cool hey?

JULY 2013


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How to Present Magazine

JULY 2013


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