IN THIS ISSUE Karen Jacobsen shares her tips for professional presenting How to INFLUENCE people Running Successful Events Clever LINGUISTICS for business people Avoid Fashion Faux Pas PLUS: SUCCESS Stories PowerPoint Tips AND much much more....
How to Present Magazine
DIARY DATE INFLUENTIAL PRESENTATION SKILLS (2-day Public Program) Join Michelle at her next public program IN SYDNEY: • September 11-12 • October 16-17 • November 13-14 • December 3-4 IN BRISBANE: • October 24-25 To register or chat about your specific needs please email:
Who is Michelle Bowden? Michelle is an expert in influential presentation skills in business. She has run her 2-day Influential Presentation Skills program over 600 times with many thousands of people and she’s been nominated for Educator of the Year 3 years running. Michelle is one of only 25 Australian females who is a Certified Speaking Professional the highest designation for speakers in the world. For a list of Michelle’s clients please go to:
Michelle’s Update Welcome to the September issue of How to Present! This issue is packed with articles that will assist you to present with greater confidence and influence at work. You may already know that I am passionate about the masterful use of linguistics when presenting in business. These clever additions make the best presentations better. They help you to be more persuasive, more engaging and more impressive when you convey your messages at work. I just know you’ll love my article on Clever Linguistics for Business Presenters. And check out our beautiful cover girl month! Karen Jacobsen is the GPS girl. She’s an Aussie achieving great things in her career. I know you’ll enjoy her tips for presenting in business. PLUS I’ve shared some of my tips to Make your life as a Speaker easy, and How to Influence People. Paul Coehlo from SlideMaster explains How to Embed YouTube in your PowerPoint slides, Kathleen Ronald reminds us of the importance of not getting to caught up in Me, Me, Me Thinking, Robin Powis shares her advice on how to Avoid Fashion Paux Pas, and Lorna Patten shares her thoughts on Positive Thinking. And that’s not all! Jim Cathcart gives us his thoughts on Motivation and Event Managers take note: Christine Cashen shares her tips for Running Successful Events. Plus PowerPoint Tips, and some inspiring Success Stories. Are you enjoying my magazine? Please take the time to enter the competitions and post your comments on my facebook business page And please do tell everyone you know about this fabulous free magazine to help you present more effectively at work. Now, please grab yourself a ’cuppa’, put your feet up and have a read! And most importantly, make sure you put the invaluable advice into immediate action so you see some fast results. Happy Presenting!
How to Present Magazine
MAKE YOUR LIFE EASY AS A SPEAKER! BY MICHELLE BOWDEN If you are going to be presenting at a conference soon it’s important you make it as easy as possible for yourself and the people organising the event. Here are some tips to make you life easy: Make a checklist of all the things that need to be done 1 month, 1 week and 1 day before the event. Tick the boxes as you complete the tasks. Before you begin speaking… SEND your information. Your photo, presentation title and blurb, AV Requirements etc. DON’T wait for them to chase you! Be proactive and make it easy for the organiser. WRITE an introduction. Email it to the organiser and also print it out and take it with you. Make it fun and focussed more on your message than on you. TAKE your presentation slides. Take it on a USB, and name it with YOUR name. Not just the conference name. Make sure it is the ONLY file on the USB to avoid confusion. ARRIVE in the conference room early. FIND OUT what has happened before your presentation and what will be happening afterwards. Things to remember when on the stage…
1. Don’t say, “I’ll get to that in a few minutes”, or “I’ll speak about that later in my talk”. 2. Don’t read your slides - your audience can read. 3. Don’t use someone else’s material without attribution to the original source. Do make the organiser look good. If authentic, praise them from the stage. Do acknowledge the time remaining signs held up at the back of the room (or elsewhere) with a nod. And finally, make sure you know the actual finish time and length of talk, so you finish on time, no matter what!
TESTIMONIAL FROM: SHELLY BOGDAN, SALES REPRESENTATIVE, NOVARTIS ONCOLOGY “Thank you so much for putting together a truly inspirational and valuable presentation that has been without exception of massive benefit to me.” For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to
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workshops, and the occasional industry conference. Why did you attend Michelle’s program? I was invited to make up numbers and broaden the range of experience on the course. Given that I'd been presenting for over 20 years I really wasn't expecting to see anything new, but I was soon proven wrong! Michelle completely exceeded my expectations and now my entire team and many key stakeholders have completed the program too. How did attending Michelle’s program improve your presentation skills? It was great to unpack the psychology of influencing and presenting so that in future presentations I could really capture all of the audience - not just most of them.
Steve is a Chartered Engineer and management professional who began his career as an Engineer Officer in the Royal Navy’s Submarine Service. Chasing the sun to Australia, he first moved into consulting with KPMG, before being invited to join a team to establish the Sydney office of Saha International - recently acquired by Deloitte. Four years ago Steve joined Country Energy (now Essential Energy) on a full time basis, leading a number of high profile business improvement projects. Now entering its fourth exciting year of operation, Steve was instrumental in launching the Continuous Business Improvement Group at Essential to drive a sustainable culture of improvement. What kind of presenting do you do at work? A really broad range from Board and Executive briefs to business unit information sessions and
What positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your presentation skills? Faster, targeted preparation; punchier messages; and 100% engagement. In what specific ways have your presentation skills improved since completing Michelle's training? Michelle's approach has challenged us to step up the levels of excellence in presenting in our business - close enough is no longer good enough! What were your top three take aways from Michelle's program? 1. A great structure in 4MAT, 2. Capture the whole audience, get into their world... 3. and of course don't picture them naked!
How to Present Magazine
ALRIGHT? YOU KNOW? BASICALLY AND OBVIOUSLY AND OK? BY MICHELLE BOWDEN There are certain words that can cause your audience to disagree with you. So it’s a good idea to be careful because you want your audience to be in rapport with you for as much of your presentation as possible. Certain words should be reduced if you want to reduce the likelihood that people will disagree with your point of view. They are: ‘OK’, ‘Basically’, ‘Obviously’, ‘You know?’, and ‘Alright?’ When you say words such as these, it’s possible that some people in your audience will say, ‘no it isn’t!’ or ‘no I don’t!’, and it encourages them to start looking for other parts of your message that might be inconsistent or inaccurate in some way.
What should I say instead of these words? Consider replacing these words with a pause and a diaphragmatic breath. Eventually you will find you eliminate this habit when you speak.
This person displays negative, pessimistic and depressingly dreary behaviour. They are quick to point out why something won’t work but unlikely to offer any positive suggestions. Tactics:
Try to focus them on the things they and the group can do and have achieved. Give them some glory to bask in to make their thoughts turn towards the positive. Don’t let them infect others at the meeting – use your body language and ‘call’ the behaviour if you must.
How to Present Magazine
POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE RUBBISH! BY LORNA PATTEN Ever said this to yourself: "I am going to think positive" or "I want to be more positive" or something along those lines? And you have probably experienced it's not sustainable and that's because ... there's no such thing (really) as positive OR negative thinking ... in fact nothing is really positive or negative ... nothing! Positive and negative are simply judgements that signal to the world your preferences, your likes and your dislikes. They are completely subjective and as such are completely made up by you according to your model/map/filter of the world. And as with all judgements they are Context dependent. In one context killing another human being is seen as negative while in another context killing another is seen as positive. So which one is the right one? Which reality is the real one? Answer: Both and neither (love the paradox!) The whole idea that "thinking positive" is better than "thinking negative" is simply more fuel for the not-good-enough fire that burns within. And your ego-mind will work hard to convince you that only focussing on one side of the polarity (positive please!) and separating what is actually whole, will bring lasting rewards ... it does not. At best, all you really get is half the story, part of the experience, a bit of the whole. And unless you can accept, acknowledge and embrace the WHOLE nothing really changes.
when you persist in judging yourself, others and everything that occurs though a polarised filter of negative or positive, it's almost impossible to accept yourself as cause of the whole. Your fearful ego-mind will kick in and whisper (or shout!): "You couldn't have created this awful/ terrible etc. thing ... you wouldn't create something like this!" and you will agree and nothing will really change. When you detach from your insidious habit of judging everything you create as positive or negative, when you truly step into the space of BEING the one who chooses your WHOLE reality, when you accept whatever you have created as yours and respond rather than react out of your judgements, you will discover the joy and freedom and ease of creating the whole of your own reality from love.
The paradigm of ultimate cause, lasting peace, and divine love says; I Create The WHOLE Of My Own Reality ... nothing to do with positive or negative ... just the whole, the all, everything. Yet
How to Present Magazine
FASHION FAUX PAS! BY ROBIN POWIS DON’T LET SQUEAKY SHOES RUIN YOUR PRESENTATION! Solve your problem now! Shoes can squeak due to a number of reasons. Manufacturing process Shoes can squeak when materials in the shoe make contact with other parts of the shoe, eg; the insole moving on the inside against the leather. If you take out the insole there is no squeak. If the inner sole is glued down, take it off and add baby powder before replacing it.
Wet shoes Another common reason for squeakiness is when the soles of shoes get wet, and this is usually solved by drying the shoe. Brand new shoes If the shoes are brand new the squeak is coming from between the sole and the surface of the floor, it will probably go away once you have scuffed your new soles. Go outside to your driveway and rub the bottom of the shoe on it.
You can also resolve the problem with Neatsfoot Oil, a natural preservative for leather which repels water. It also protects against stiffening and cracking and restores pliability to dried-out leather. The hard part is getting the lubricant in between the layers of leather; if you have a syringe this would be perfect.
TESTIMONIAL FROM: PETER PHILLIPS, CLINICAL SUPPORT MANAGER, SERVIER LABORATORIES "Practical and professional. I feel like we’ve been introduced to the “secrets” of exceptional presenters! I came to the course not knowing exactly what/how it was going to be presented. To discover Michelle Bowden is a very likeable, dynamic and knowledgeable presentation skills trainer far exceeded any expectations I might have had. The program was fun, comprehensive and supportive of the participants. A great framework was presented and practiced with all participants given lots of attention, positive feedback and coaching tips. Thanks heaps Michelle!” Peter Phillips, Clinical Study Support Manager For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to
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USING YOU TUBE IN YOUR SLIDE PRESENTATIONS BY PAUL COEHLO One of the most exciting features of PowerPoint is the ability to embed multimedia content, such as YouTube videos. Inserting YouTube Videos into PowerPoint Presentations could help you to WOW YOUR AUDIENCE. Here’s how you do it. The first method requires an Internet connection to display YouTube videos and another approach that doesn’t. For the first method, which requires Internet access, follow the next steps: 1. Download and install the YouTube Wizard plug-in and it will add a new “Insert YouTube Video” command to your PowerPoint Toolbar. 2. Then you simply have to type the URL of the YouTube video and follow the wizard to embed
the YouTube video player in your current PowerPoint slide. You can re-size and reposition the video player just like any other object on the slide. If you plan to deliver a presentation where there will be no Internet, take the following approach. 1. First download the YouTube video to your computer in either Windows Media or AVI format. 2. Once the video is saved as an AVI or WMV file, switch to PowerPoint and choose Insert –> Movie –> “Movie from file” to put the YouTube video into the current slide. Slidemaster can work with you to deliver a compelling, wow presentation that engages your audience. Take the next step now and contact Slidemaster. T. +61 2 8971 6297
FREE GIVE AWAY HOW TO PRESENT - TIPS FROM THE MASTERS Fast-Track Your Presentation and Speaking Skills Success By Discovering the Presentation Secrets What would be possible for your career and income if you absorbed the wisdom of Australia’s top speaking professionals and could learn from their tips and their mistakes? Well, now you can in this 10-disc audio series of interviews by Australia’s #1 Presentation Skills Expert - Michelle Bowden.
Be one of the first 5 readers to email with the words “Tips from the Masters” and receive your very own copy of this essential audio series for people who want to be exceptional presenters.
How to Present Magazine
HOW TO INFLUENCE PEOPLE BY MICHELLE BOWDEN Understand the person’s personality filters – the way they experience, respond to and manage their environment. Make a plan – what do you want to achieve? Use pacing and leading – pacing involves being like your audience in your dress, body language, eye contact, vocal variety, style, language, interests and attitudes. Some people call this ‘matching or mirroring’. Leading is taking the audience where you want them to go. Your audience won’t follow you or give you permission to lead them unless they feel an affiliation with you. You really can’t ask for anything until you have first built rapport. Show them what’s in it for them to change – we know this as the WIIFM or ‘what’s in it for me’.
Cialdini’s influence patterns help you identify the other strategies to use – for more information I recommend you read Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini.
DO I REVEAL ALL MY POWERPOINT BULLETS AT ONCE OR REVEAL THEM ONE AT A TIME? BY MICHELLE BOWDEN My suggestion is that you don’t use PowerPoint AT ALL for bullet points controversial I know! Instead try using a flipchart, whiteboard or refer your audience to your handout for a visual reminder of the bullet points. PowerPoint is to reinforce your emotional objective on your slides, not to remind you what to say next. ‘use it for graphs and pictures If you really must put bullets on a slide, then it’s good to know that half the people in your
audience will like points to be revealed one at a time. The rest will prefer you flash all the points up at the same time and then go through them one by one. There is no strict rule. In my experience the reveal option works well because it creates Response Potential (i.e. audience is thinking ‘what’s coming next?’) and it also prevents people from racing ahead of you. This option would only work with three points per slide, otherwise the constant ushering-in of a new point will become monotonous and could trance your audience.
How to Present Magazine
to Put Yourself In the Driver’s Seat by using road rules and directions as an analogy for business and life. Her book “The GPS Girl’s Road Map for Your Future” shows how to move from the passenger seat to the Driver’s Seat, to learn to listen to your Inner GPS and to Recalculate at any time in life just as we do when driving. The GPS Girl's Top Ten Directions for Presenting 1. 2.
Be yourself. Remember you are having a conversation with people even if you are on stage. 3. You can never be too immaculately presented. 4. The most effective way to reach people is to let your guard down. 5. Have the intention of speaking into people's hearts. 6. Be deliberate. 7. Make direct eye contact. 8. Let your passion shine through. 9. Thoroughly prepare your beginning and ending. 10. If all else fails, at least be sure you are enjoying yourself, and your audience will too!
The GPS Girl®, Karen Jacobsen’s speaking voice is in over 25 million GPS units giving drivers directions worldwide as “Australian Karen”. A recent TEDx speaker, she has appeared on ABC World News Tonight, the CBS Early Show, in The New York Times, NY Daily News, Glamour magazine and was named one of People Magazine¹s Most Intriguing People.
How to Present -‐ Presenta-on Skills Tips from the Masters features essen-al business presenta-on skills -ps, and techniques from 14 of Australia’s top keynote speakers. You can listen to all the interviews that share invaluable advice by purchasing your very own copy of this must-‐ have business resource. Purchase your own copy here.
Now New York based, The GPS Girl® gives great tips in a fun and accessible way on how
How to Present Magazine
ME ME ME - IT’S ALL ABOUT ME! BY KATHLEEN RONALD ME ME ME… Sing along - It is all about ME… Let’s talk more about ME! Watch as I walk into the room, wearing my million dollar suit; I throw a bright red feather boa around my neck and start singing… ME … ME … ME … It’s ALL About ME … And Did I Tell You About ME … Oh And One More Thing About ME …
off: Not special… not important… not cared about… invisible… rude… no connection… repulsed… Unfortunately ME ME has NO idea how this strategy sabotages any chance of success. My Dad always said, "God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason." Be certain to double your listening and you will be the big winner at all events. Are you listening?
You’re seeing the ME ME ME Sin Of Networking. You know the type. They commandeer the conversation, never asking YOU a single question. You might be familiar with the tune. Maybe as ME ME approaches your mind hammers “Run, Forest, Run!” Sadly, they don’t realize the first impression they give with their behavior.
Kathleen Ronald is the “Queen of Business Connecting” and is an unparalleled networker, internationally renowned speaker-, award winning business consultant and the founder of Speaktacular.
Recently, presenting at a Los Angeles eWomenNetwork event I asked “how does meeting a ME ME ME person feel?” They fired
WHAT WOMEN WANT IN THEIR MEN! BY ROBIN POWIS Women love men who take pride in their appearance and make an effort, as long as you don't spend more time in the bathroom than they do. Age appropriate dressing is essential always, don't look like you are dressed in your son's or father's clothes. For the office or on a date adapt a suave look with sharp tailoring. For weekend try quality casual wear with an air of elegance. The polo shirt is iconic and will
always stay that way. Jeans should not be too baggy, they should be slender but not too snug. Shoes - Put your best foot forward in contemporary styles that are well heeled and polished. Holes in shoes are not on. Hair - A great haircut should be maintained regularly. Make sure your cut flatters your face and no comb overs. Beards are masculine and George Clooney carries his off with panache, however this does take commitment and requires regular maintenance.
How to Present Magazine
CLEVER LINGUISTICS FOR BUSINESS PRESENTERS BY MICHELLE BOWDEN There are two interesting linguistic patterns that help you engage your audience. The first is Tricolon – or the rule of three. The second is called Anaphora and is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses. Anaphora builds toward a climax thus creating a strong emotional effect. How do I use the TRICOLON and ANAPHORA in my presentations? Despite the fact that people like Obama and the late Steve Jobs use them with such elegance, mastery and artfulness, it’s pretty common for people to feel scared of using such linguistic patterns out of fear of sounding ‘artificial’, ‘false’ or ‘dramatic.’ So here are some tips to make it use of these powerful linguistic devices: 1.Write out your presentation script (as you would usually do). 2.Then go over your script and see where you can introduce the TRICOLON. All you need to do is look through your script for places you have used either a noun, a verb or an adjective and simply add two more! (note see below examples: “challenge, real stretch, wonderful way”; “committed, excited and capable”; “exciting, stimulating and results focused”). 3.Next, see if you can massage the sentences so they begin with the same one or two words (note: see below: “These KPIs”; “This project”; “We pulled through”)
this is a bit of a ‘nothing’ way to express the point. To make this more inspiring, all you need to do is add two more words to the word stretch. For example: “These KPIs are going to be a challenge. These KPIs are going to be a real stretch for many of us. Yes these KPIs are going to be a wonderful way for us to really achieve something this quarter!” See how it works? Awesome!
Example of a TRICOLON: Here’s an example of a TRICOLON. Let’s say you’ve originally written, “These KPIs are going to be a stretch for many of us.” You can see that
How to Present Magazine
CLEVER LINGUISTICS FOR PRESENTERS (CONT.) ANAPHORA in all my examples here. For fun, here’s one more example:
Example of an ANAPHORA: You might be going to say to your manager: “I’d really like to work on this project”. But if you’re sick of asking for more responsibility and being ignored, overlooked or passed over, in fact if you’re sick of feeling like you have way more knowledge, skills and abilities than people give you credit for, why not try the following: “This project is something I’d like to work on very much. This project would utilize the skills I’ve developed in my role so far and this project would give me a chance to show you how committed, excited and capable I am at achieving results for our team.” I mean really, how could they say no? Example of both the TRICOLON and the ANAPHORA together: Well actually, if you’re concentrating you’ll see that I’ve used both the TRICOLON and
Let’s say you were going to say, “2011 was a tough year but we all pulled together to achieve a pleasing result”. Now this is OK as a statement but not very memorable. So, break the sentence into three sentences and begin with something more memorable: For example, “We pulled together even though it was a tough year. We pulled together and formed a cohesive team. We pulled together and produced a very pleasing result and now we’re set for an exciting, stimulating and results focused Q4”. TRICOLON and ANAPHORA make all of these revisions far more memorable than the original sentences and phrases. So the next time you’re giving a presentation, give these two techniques a try. And notice what an improvement this makes to your overall effectiveness. p.s. why don’t you go through this article and see where I’ve added the TRICOLON and ANAPHORA to make this article more interesting for you? Cheeky hey? Happy Presenting!
How to Present Magazine
SO WHAT IF MOTIVATION DOESN’T LAST? BY JIM CATHCART, CSP, CPAE right inspiring idea or interpersonal encouragement at the right time. Every person, in order to sustain productivity and well being, needs a sense of purpose or meaning in their life. This can come at work or at home, but it is a fundamental human need that, if unfulfilled, leads to apathy and depression. Some find meaning through relationships, some through challenging work, some through compassion, some through intellectual pursuits. It varies from one person to the next, but the need for meaning is universal. Once we advance beyond survival and safety concerns we become aware of the desire for meaning. It is so easy to be a skeptic. Gather a few statistics and reinforce the negatives. Use sensational items to draw strength to the criticism. Then use those stats to trash the subject of your scrutiny. But skepticism always seems to beg the question, "what is the alternative and how well does it work?" To not motivate, reward or train people in how to think and act effectively would leave us with only natural selection as our way of advancement, let the strong survive. If we were to further explore the subjects of motivation and inspiration, to find their value or lack of it, we would need to examine the top performers as well as the less productive ones. In over 30 years of working as a trainer, consultant and professional speaker, I have seen many examples of people who were previously unsuccessful and unmotivated yet they turned their lives and careers around as the result of the
That's where motivation comes in. Its root word is Motive, a stimulating incentive or desire which sparks action. What motivation really boils down to is stimulating the motives in people. For some that means strengthening your relationship with them, for others it is allowing them to pursue a challenge, or showing how what they do truly helps others, or stimulating their minds with knowledge and fascination. The reason so many people find their work unsatisfying, despite the company's efforts to "motivate" them, is that they are probably poorly suited for the position they hold. The problem was often a hiring error, not faulty motivation. Part of the hiring process needs to focus on personal values, aspirations and individual abilities. People need to be in jobs in which they they are capable of doing well, about which they care and from which they see the potential for reaching their desired results.
How to Present Magazine
SO WHAT IF MOTIVATION DOESN’T LAST? Skeptics may say, "But not all jobs can be fulfilling. Somebody has to do the grunt-work, jobs that are hard, dirty and boring." Of course they do, and parts of all jobs fall into those same categories, so what? When the job itself is not particularly meaningful, then the working relationships and the work environment must be stronger. Walt Disney is said to have involved and motivated the builders of Disneyland in creative ways which helped them stay focused on the wonderland they were building rather than the usual logistical frustrations of construction and thereby reduced dramatically the labor problems normally expected with such a project. To the old line: I don't believe in motivation because it doesn't last, I reply is: Neither does a bath, but it's still a good idea now and then. Lots of useful things don't last; a smile, exercise,
eating and more. But let's not stop doing them. Let's clean up our act and realize that motivation has a valid place in the world and that the great leaders of all time were the story tellers, dreamers, writers, and motivators who caused us to advance to a society which, despite all the problems that still exist, is providing more reliable services and benefits to more people for less relative cost than ever before in human history. Jim Cathcart, CSP, CPAE is the author of 16 books including 2 international bestsellers, and has delivered over 2,700 paid presentations around the world. He has received virtually every major award and designation known in the speaking profession.
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IS IT TIME IMPROVED YOUR PRESENTATION SKILLS? COME JOIN ME! Dramatically improve the way you present and influence.
programs and who has been nominated for Educator of the Year for the last 3 years.
Attend one of my Influential Presentation Skills programs.
Absorb yourself in a generative and experiential approach. Learn something then practice, then learn something then practice…
It’s a life changing experience! Risk free - 100% moneyback guarantee. Endorsed by thousands of people from over a hundred corporations around Australia. Interactive and personalised. Facilitated by Michelle Bowden who has over 18 years experience running her
Group sizes are limited to only 10 people per program.
Learning with lots of laughter. Techniques are embedded so you remember them decades later. SYDNEY DATES: September 11-12 October 16-17 November 13-14 December 3-4
Risk free approach to a subject most people find ‘daunting’!
BRISBANE DATES: October 24-25
Plenty of time for you to get personal one-on-one time with Michelle’s during the program.
To chat about your specific needs or receive more information please email Michelle directly:
Address your specific, personal needs.
TESTIMONIAL I just want to say a big THANK YOU for your book Don't Picture me Naked. It has already made a huge impact in my business & personal presentation skills. I have changed my thoughts on presenting from nervous/anxious to EXCITING/WHAT A THRILL! "It's not about me - It's all about the audience" has helped me to stay focused on what the audience wants and this in itself has removed the nervousness I usually feel. Thank you for providing a system that is easy to pick up and use from my everyday 1:1 presentations to large team meetings. Ayla, NAB
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higher when everyone is packed in the room - as long as no fire codes are broken.
Yes, it is important to hire a dynamic, interesting and fun speaker who has great content. It isn't enough. You can have the best speaker in the world, but if the audience can’t see, can’t hear and is distracted then your entire investment may end up in the tank. Help us help you get the most out your speaker investment.
Agenda Awareness
Ask For A Raise A raised platform is preferred if you have more than 50 people. This will give audience members a clear, unobstructed view the speaker. Don't make your audience bob and weave although it is a good ab workout. Let the speaker know the drape color. A black suit against a black background makes someone look like a dancing head on an IMAG projection screen.
If you have agenda items lasting more than 30 minutes prior to your speaker’s presentation, consider giving the audience a brief stretch break before the introduction. Please do not announce any bad news before your speaker. "Sorry to tell you that our beloved Hal passed away yesterday. And now, please welcome our hilarious speaker... Christine Cashen!" Get the speaker to give you an introduction in advance, and please read it without saying things like, "The speaker gave me this to read to you," or adding your own commentary. I once had a client read my intro and add, "she is also easy on the eyes." Ugh!
Stellar Set-Up Set chairs to face the longest wall (i.e., set the room wide, not narrow like a bowling alley). Do not use a center aisle (prime viewing space). Instead, use two smaller aisles on either side of the center and chevron the seats. Seat the audience as close to each other and as close to the speaker (six feet is ideal) as possible with each chair facing center stage. I once had a dance floor in front of the stage. It was hard to get energy over the "grand canyon." Match the number of chairs to the number of people. Keep extra chairs stacked-up at the back of the room to avoid empty seats. Energy is
Christine Cashen is a hilarious keynote speaker and author of, THE GOOD STUFF, named 2011 Motivational Book of the Year by the Indie Book Awards. She has dazzled audiences for over 15 years with class, humor and wit, providing real-life strategies on sparking ideas, handling conflict, reducing stress and energizing employees. Check out
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FIGHT FREE RADICALS Priori CoffeeBerry Natureceuticals fight free radicals and premature aging
CD OF THE MONTH Thinking of improving your presentation skills but don’t want to go on a training program? You need to grab a copy of How to Present - Tips from the Master. Tips from 14 of Australia’s top public speakers. Go to my website
FRAGRANT BEAUTY La Source 60 Second Fix for Hands. Restore dry, parched hands to silky smoothness in just two easy steps.
MICHELLE Here are some of my favourite things for you
The international award-winning hit Legally Blonde The Musical will have its Australian Premiere Season at the Sydney Lyric from 21 September. I’ve got my tickets and I can’t wait!
Schwarzkopf Professional 3DMension Molding Wax is a maximum moldability cream wax to re-invent hair styles with gravity defying shapes. The wax has a natural shine finish.
HEALTH AND FITNESS Get your body moving using light weights only. Speed up that metabolism too!
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OK, I know it’s MY book! If you are serious about really improving your business presentation skills then you need this book. Go to my website
CHARITY For women in the third world a bra is often unobtainable or unaffordable.This project collects new and second hand bras and sends them wherever they have requests. Please get involved!
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