April Community Connection

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City of


April 2016 No. 199


We believe in a Fridley that is a safe, vibrant, friendly and stable home for families and businesses.

6431 University Avenue NE Fridley, MN 55432 phone: 763-571-3450 www.FridleyMN.gov e-mail: info@FridleyMN.gov Mayor – Scott J. Lund Councilmember-at-Large – Robert L. Barnette Councilmember 1st Ward – James T. Saefke Councilmember 2nd Ward – Dolores M. Varichak Councilmember 3rd Ward – Ann R. Bolkcom City Manager – Wally Wysopal

What’s Inside Help Create an Artistic Vision............2 New Finance Director .......................2 City Hall Update...............................2 Mobile Pet Clinics.............................2 Filing Dates for City Council ..............2 Property Appraisals ..........................3

Lunchtime Gets Exciting with Cops in the Café Who is having more fun – the kids or the cops? When Fridley Police Officers invade lunchtime at Hayes and Stevenson Schools, everyone smiles. Officer Mark Mickelson joins the lunch crowd at Hayes.

It is a special treat when a parent gets to eat lunch at school with their child, but not every parent has that flexibility. Jennie Marquardt, a paraprofessional at Hayes Elementary, noticed and came to the staff at Fridley Police with a unique idea. “I work in the cafeteria, and I am one of the few staff fortunate enough to see all of our students each day,” says Jennie Marquardt. “We have parents that come to dine in our cafeteria with students each week. I see how students love this, and I also see many who could greatly benefit from a few minutes of friendship, leadership and mentoring.”

2016 Street Project ...........................3 Getting Shady in Fridley....................4 Spring Recycling...............................4 Are You Throwing Away $.................5 Stormwater Pollution .........................5

The idea took shape and grew from there. Now, twice a month students at Hayes and Stevenson Elementary Schools get to eat lunch with a very special guest – a Fridley police officer.

New Fridley Firefighters ....................6 Home Improvement Loans ..................6 Yard Sale Reminders .........................7

Director of

Severe Weather Awareness ...............7

Public Safety

SNC Construction .........................8

Brian Weierke connects with

Stay Connected!

a student over football.

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Kids get a chance for an informal Q &A during officer lunch visits.

A small group of students is selected each time by teachers to sit at the cop table, but the excitement is shared by the entire 3rd and 4th grade student body. This is a chance for students to ask questions, one-on-one at the lunch table for those select students or during an informal Q&A that gives the other students a chance to learn more. “Cops in the Café” launched this year, and is already a popular event at both Hayes and Stevenson Elementary Schools. Fridley Police hope to continue growing the program and making those personal, positive connections with kids in our community.

Join Fridley Police, Fire and Recreation for 2 fun-filled days of learning and friendship!


safety camp! Tuesday & Wednesday June 21 & 22, 2016 • 8 am - 4:30 pm $30.00

(Hurry! Registration required and spots fill fast!)

Commons Park, rain or shine

For youth completing grades 2-3 Questions: Call Liz at (763) 572-3626 or liz.chevalier@fridleymn.gov To Register: (763) 572-3570 or online at FridleyMN.gov

Safety topics and games include: • Fire safety • Seat belts • Animals • Bicycle • First aid • Outdoors • Electrical • Personal and water safety, bullying & more Snacks and lunch served daily. The event concludes with a family graduation ceremony at Fridley Middle School the evening of June 22.

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