FCS Upper School New Family Guide 2021-2022

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From the Home & School Association

Friends’ Central Upper School N E W FA M I LY G U I D E 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2

UPCOMING EVENTS - MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Monday, August 23 Preseason Athletics begins for all fall sports except water polo, which will begin on Monday, August 30

Sunday, September 12, 2-4 pm FCS Community Celebration Tuesday, September 14, 7 pm Grades 9 & 10 Curriculum Night

Thursday, September 2 Orientation Day for all new students & all grade 9 students

Wednesday, September 22, 7 pm Grades 11 & 12 Curriculum Night

Thursday September 9 First Full Day of Classes, 8:20 am

Sunday, September 26, 1 pm All-School Cookout hosted by Parents of Students of Color (PSOC)

Picture and IDs for all US Students

Friday, November 5 Parent-Teacher Conferences (No Classes)


We’ve listed a few important fall dates to give you a head start, but don’t let the rest of the year sneak up on you! Once the school year begins, please look through the School Calendar, friendscentral.org/ calendar, and mark down any additional fall events and other important dates through the year (web calendar will be updated prior to start of the year).

DEAR NEW UPPER SCHOOL FAMILIES, On behalf of everyone here in the Upper School, it is my happy task to welcome you to Friends’ Central! I know you will find this to be a warm and friendly place, filled with people who are ready to help you. As a start to getting to know this vibrant community, this guide book contains useful information on everything from Meeting for Worship to extracurricular activities. I encourage you to read it and keep it handy. Additionally, I encourage you to be in touch about any other questions you may have as you begin your Friends’ Central experience. I look forward to seeing you on campus! Best,

Bill Kennedy Interim Upper School Principal

HELPFUL CONTACTS Bill Kennedy Interim Upper School Principal wkennedy@friendscentral.org 610.645.5101 Laurie Novo Interim Upper School Assistant Principal lnovo@friendscentral.org 610.645.5103 Tom MacFarlane Upper School Dean of Students tmacfarlane@friendscentral.org 610.645.5080 Maryclaire D’Orazio Upper School Administrative Assistant mdorazio@friendscentral.org 610.645.5075

GRADE DEANS Deborah Skapik Grade 9 Dean dskapik@friendscentral.org Jacob Fogel Grade 10 Dean jfogel@friendscentral.org Alex McDonnell Grade 11 Dean amcdonnell@friendscentral.org Frank Fisher Grade 12 Dean ffisher@friendscentral.org




w Homeroom begins at 8:20 am, first class begins at 8:30 am

q S ubmit Health Forms using the

wM onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and

Thursday classes end at 3:05 pm

w Friday classes end at 2:15 pm wH omework posted by 4 pm on Canvas

(student class management system) wW eekly School E-Newsletter - Just the FaCtS

Emailed on Fridays wC all the Upper School Attendance Line at 610.645.5136

or email usattend@friendscentral.org if your child will be staying home

w Snow closing is found on the website w Bus pick-up is from 3:10-3:25 pm w Back-to-School Info:

friendscentral.org/backtoschool2021 3

new Magnus Health System

q Summer Reading (Books & Assignments) q Mark Important Fall Dates q Review Technology Requirements q S et Up Canvas Preferences in the Canvas Parent Portal

q Transportation Plans q Lunch Plan with New Food Partner SAGE q C heck Emails for Preseason Athletics Participation Information

q R eview Contact Information in Veracross (myfcs.org)

CONTENTS Upcoming Events....................................................................1 Letter from the Principal & Helpful Contacts.................... 2 Fast Facts & New Parent Checklist..................................... 3 Orientation Day, Information & Communication.............. 5 Arrival & Departure Procedures & Transportation.......... 6 Dining Services...................................................................... 7 Academics.............................................................................. 7 City Avenue Campus Map.................................................... 8 Grades & Report Cards......................................................... 9 Student Support Services.................................................... 9 College Counseling.............................................................. 11 Technology............................................................................. 11 Extracurricular Activities & Service Learning................. 11 Our Quaker Culture..............................................................13 Diversity, Equity, Belonging, and Inclusivity....................13 Arts......................................................................................... 14 Athletics & Wellness............................................................15 How to Get Involved..............................................................15 Other Helpful Information.................................................. 16 Friends’ Central School Giving...........................................17 Helpful Resources & Links................................................. 18 4

ORIENTATION DAY To make the transition into the school year as smooth as possible, we welcome all new students, including all grade 9 students, to the Welcome Program on Thursday, September 2 (for the detailed schedule, please visit friendscentral.org/backtoschool2021). New students will connect with classmates, peer mentors, and a variety of Upper School students, advisors, and administrators. They will spend the time learning about the school culture, technology platforms, academic offerings, athletics and art opportunities, and what to expect in the first few weeks of school.

INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION Please spend some time exploring the School’s website, friendscentral.org, and the Veracross portal, myfcs.org. Both are extremely helpful sources of information. You can continue to use the Veracross credentials you used to sign in to the Admission and Enrollment portals. If you are not new to the School, the credentials you used previously will continue to work. If you have forgotten your password, go to the Veracross portal, myfcs.org, and click on the “forgot username or password?” link to receive an email with your username and a link to use to reset your password. VERACROSS - ONLINE PORTAL FOR ACADEMIC INFORMATION For FCS parents/guardians, the Veracross Parent Portal is the central online information hub for The School. This is where you can view your child’s schedule, attendance records, and report cards as well as schedule your conference in November. Veracross also keeps a log of the emails that have been sent to you by the School and has helpful links to the School Directory, the Magnus Health portal, and tech help. There is also a button on your Veracross home screen that enables you to access Canvas, our student workflow and class management program. JUST THE FACTS (JTF) Every Friday, Just the FaCtS (JTF), our electronic newsletter about events and news, is sent to all parents/guardians. It is critical that you read JTF every week since it has the most current information and upcoming events posted about a month in advance, as well as important messages from the Principal. WEBSITE - CAMPUS LIFE INFORMATION The Friends’ Central website, friendscentral.org, is a constant and current source of information on the life of the School. There, you will find School news and events, the academic calendar, photo galleries, athletics updates, and information on what is happening at FCS. For the information you need before school starts, visit the Back-to-School page, friendscentral.org/backtoschool2021.


ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE PROCEDURES ARRIVAL School begins at 8:20 am. Students should arrive at school between 7:30 am and 8:20 am so they can prepare for the day. Homeroom begins promptly at 8:20 am and ends at 8:25 am. If you plan to drive your student to school, the car line travels around the curve of the City Avenue driveway. Parents/guardians pull over to let students out and then continue along the driveway. LATE ARRIVAL If students arrive late, they must sign in at the kiosk in the Upper School Office. DEPARTURE wO n Mondays through Thursdays, classes end at 3:05 pm. On Fridays, classes end at 2:15 pm. At the end of the day, the parking lot driveways are reserved for buses from 2:45 pm until 3:25 pm. wW e realize that parents/guardians want to pick up their children, but we ask that you wait until at least 3:25 pm to arrive in your car. This is both safer and more efficient, since it eliminates the need for students to cross through bus traffic to get to parked cars. w I f you do arrive before 3:25 pm, a staff member will direct you to form lines in the parking lot until the buses are clear. EARLY DISMISSAL A parent/guardian must call the attendance line at 610.645.5136 or email Maryclaire D’Orazio in the Upper School Office at usattend@friendscentral.org with the details of early dismissal. When it is time to leave, your child must sign out at the US Office. Students may not leave campus early without permission from a parent/guardian. ILLNESS OR UNPLANNED ABSENCES A parent/guardian must call the Attendance Line 610.645.5136 or email usattend@friendscentral.org on the day of an absence. If a student is ill for more than one day, a parent or guardian must call Maryclaire D’Orazio in the US Office at 610.645.5075 each day to inform the School of the student’s absence. The School may require a doctor’s note in order for the student to return to school. Due to the health risks to themselves and others, we strongly encourage students who are ill to stay home for the entire day. To maintain the healthiest environment possible, the School asks that students with a fever or strong symptoms not come on campus during the time of their illness.

TRANSPORTATION Friends’ Central students get to school in many different ways, including private vehicles, school district buses, and SEPTA. There is an Inter-campus shuttle service that runs in the morning and afternoon between the two campuses, as well as a shuttle service to the Overbrook train station. If you have any questions, please contact JB Bowie, Transportation Manager, at 610.247.3520 or jbbowie@friendscentral.org. w I nter-campus shuttle: Morning and afternoon shuttle service

runs between the City Avenue and Lower School campuses. • Morning City Ave to Lower School leaves at 8:05 am from in front of Shallcross Hall • Morning Lower School to City Ave leaves at 8:05 am from the bus circle • Afternoon shuttle from LS to City Ave arrives at City Ave at 3:10 pm (There is no afternoon shuttle from City Ave to Lower School) wP ublic School District Bus Transportation: FCS is responsible

for notifying all school districts of eligible FCS students. School districts then contact families with the routes, including pick-up and drop-off times. If you do not receive route information by the third week of August, please contact your school district and FCS so that we may assist you in getting the information you require.

wP ublic Transportation: The School District of Philadelphia

provides a yearly TransPass for eligible MS/US students. If an eligible student would like a TransPass please go to the front desk of the Main Building. A free shuttle is available to transport students between the Overbrook train station, the 63rd and Malvern Bus Depot and the City Avenue Campus. Shuttles to the transportation hubs run at the following times: • Morning shuttles run from 7:45 am through 8:15 am • Afternoon shuttle departs at 3:20 pm, Monday to Friday • Late shuttle departs at 5:40 pm (Monday through Friday) Although this is a free service, we ask that families register online so that we can ensure that bus and van allocations are adequate for the ridership. wD riving to School: Upper School students of legal age with

a valid driver’s license may drive to Friends’ Central. There is limited on-campus parking. Seniors (and juniors after Spring Break) can register online for an on-campus parking permit, see the Transportation section of the website. After registering and submitting payment online, students must pick up their pass before parking on campus. 6

CONTACTS & RESOURCES wU pper School Office: 610.645.5102 wA bsentee Line: 610.645.5136 wT ransportation: JB Bowie,

jbbowie@friendscentral.org, 610.247.3520 wU pper School Administrative Assistant:

Maryclaire D’Orazio, mdorazio@friendscentral.org, 610.645.5075

DINING SERVICES ​ tudents may bring lunch from home or purchase ​breakS fast, ​lunch,​and snacks​à la carte from our new food service partner SAGE Dining Services. All students receive a student ID card which enables them to purchase food with our dining services debit system. This ID card is linked to the debit system that can be replenished with cash, check, or via a credit card, online or in the Dining Hall. Please visit friendscentral.org/aux_programs in August for more information about dining services.

ACADEMICS Friends’ Central’s Upper School curriculum provides an exceptional college-preparatory program in an atmosphere that sets the highest of academic and personal standards. Classrooms promote independent thought, the courage to voice individual opinions, and the expectation that students will listen to and value one another’s opinions. Cooperative discussions, one-on-one conferences with faculty, and individual work encourage students to think and perform independently and to solve problems in innovative ways. SCHEDULE & CLASSES The Upper School academic year is divided into two semesters. The students have a six-day class schedule - A Day through F Day - that rotates across the days of the week. The letter days appear on the Veracross calendar and in the Just the FaCtS newsletter calendar.


CURRICULUM Students, in collaboration with their parents/guardians and advisors, should use the Upper School Curriculum Planner as a guide for choosing courses for the following academic year. Students should keep in mind the anticipated path of study through senior year, as well as prerequisite and graduation requirements. The curriculum planner, which includes detailed course descriptions, can be found on the website at bit.ly/USplanner2021-2022. ADD/DROP POLICY Students can add courses until September 30 and drop courses until October 21 without a penalty. See the Curriculum Planner for a more detailed description of the policy. ADVISORY When students enter the Upper School, their homeroom teachers serve as their advisors. These advisors typically continue with the same homerooms through their four years of Upper School. The advisors monitor student progress, provide counsel when necessary, help with course selection, and communicate with parents/guardians on a regular basis. If there is a non-academic issue that parents/guardians would like to discuss, your child’s advisor is the person to contact. STUDY HALLS & FREE BLOCKS Grade 9 and 10 students are assigned to study hall; any remaining unscheduled time (such as community blocks) they are free to manage on their own unless there are required activities, assemblies or programs at those times. Grade 11 and 12 students are not assigned a study hall, so students in good standing may elect to meet and work independently at various locations on campus. HOMEWORK Most teachers create weekly (or longer) assignment schedules to help students anticipate and manage academic expectations within the larger framework of their lives. Teachers use Canvas to manage student workflow. Canvas is where teachers will put texts and documents to be used in class and with homework as well as where students often submit their assignments. All homework assignments must be posted on Canvas before 4pm. Parents can see student homework assignments using their Parent Canvas Portal. TESTS AND QUIZZES The Upper School uses a rotating system of testing days, to schedule tests and due dates for major assignments. Quizzes may be given on any day.



11 12 9


3 7




6 17



5 4 18



6. B lackburn Library

13. Track, Boys’ & Girls’ Soccer Field

7. Rex Gym

14. Additional Playing Fields

8. Linton Gym

15. Girls’ Field Hockey & Lacrosse Field

1. M ain Building

9. Shimada Athletic Center

16. Varsity Softball Field

2. L anguage Building

10. Tennis Center

17. Felsen Common

3. F annie Cox Center (FCC)

11. Swimming Pool

18. Visitor Parking

4. S hallcross Hall

12. JV & Middle School Softball & JV Soccer Field

19. B us Pick-up & Drop-off (Buses only between 2:45 & 3:25 pm)

5. M iddle School


WORK MANAGEMENT All students have their own Friends’ Central email address, Canvas account, and Veracross to manage their academic responsibilities.


wC anvas: Canvas is our classroom management and

COUNSELING The Support Services Team, directed by Frederick Pratt, supports students and teachers in a comprehensive and thoughtful way. There are a variety of supports in place for students’ learning, social, and emotional needs. The Upper School shares two clinical counselors, Frederick Pratt (fpratt@friendscentral.org) and Heather Tomes (htomes@friendscentral.org) with the Middle School. Frederick and Heather provide short-term, solution-focused counseling and participate in Advisor Team meetings designed to highlight student needs. In addition, several interns join our counseling team every year from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education as an integral part of their training towards becoming licensed professional counselors. All of the counselors work collaboratively with faculty members to help identify strategies which will enhance a student’s experience. If you have any questions about mental health, wellness, social/ emotional learning, psychological/neuropsychological, or educational testing, please contact: Frederick Pratt, LPC at fpratt@friendscentral.org.

workflow program used by teachers and students. Parents also have their own Canvas account where they can view their Students’ assignments and access other community resources and information. If you are having trouble with Canvas, please view our helpful blogs under IT Help on the Parent Page of the website.

wF CS email: Students should check email daily for any

timely messages from teachers. Each student’s email account will be through Gmail, but the address itself will be an @friendscentral.org address that is managed by our Technology department.

wG oogle Drive: Google Drive is the place where students

produce much of their work. It allows students to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more. This work is stored in the cloud, so students can access it from any device connected to the Internet.

GRADES & REPORT CARDS We are on a semester schedule, so families receive report cards in late January and at the end of the school year in June. Letter grades and narrative comments are given on the Upper School report cards. Students are given letter grades, A-F, for tests and homework performance. They are also graded in participation, work habits, and citizenship with an O/S/U scale. Halfway through each semester parents/ guardians will receive a written report, including a comment, an evaluative chart, and a grade to date about each of their children’s classes. These reports are quite helpful in tracking a student’s progress. Every fall, we have face-to-face parent/guardian-advisor conferences to enable advisors to share observations about the beginning of the school year and to allow parents/ guardians to help us know their child better. Conference Day for 2021 is scheduled for Friday, November 5. You will be able to sign up electronically on Veracross for your conference a few weeks before the Conference Day.


HEALTH SERVICES The City Ave campus has a full-time registered nurse, Josh Van Dyke, overseeing the health of our student body, as well as an Athletic Trainer, Kevin Bolton. Students and parents are encouraged to contact the nurse with questions about managing illnesses, allergies, or medications at school. All necessary and required health information is found through our secure Magnus Health Portal that you can access through Veracross. Regular email reminders are automatically sent for any outstanding information related to your student. A Physical Examination is required for every student every year. It is due on the month of your child’s birthday or on the anniversary of your child’s last physical examination. For new students, Physical Examination information is required before your child may attend the first day of school. Participation in Upper School athletic activities will be denied if current medical information is not on file in Magnus. For all the details about required medical information, consent forms, medication procedures,

emergency health care plans, allergies, and immunizations please visit the Health Services page of our website. If you have any questions, email Josh Van Dyke, RN at JVanDyke@friendscentral.org. ACADEMIC SUPPORT Learning Specialists, Rachel Slaughter (rslaughter@ friendscentral.org) and Jill MacDougall (jmacdougall@ friendscentral.org) are available to meet both with individual students and with small groups based on specific learning needs. International students are supported by the Coordinator of International Student Education and Programs Katy Oh (koh@friendscentral.org).

CONTACTS & RESOURCES wD irector of Support Services: Frederick Pratt,

fpratt@friendscentral.org, 610.645.5134 wS chool Counselor: Heather Tomes, htomes@friendscentral.org, 610.645.5102 wL earning Specialist: Rachel Slaughter, rslaughter@friendscentral.org, 610.645.5118 wL earning Specialist: Jill MacDougall, jmacdougall@friendscentral.org, 610.645.5088 wC oordinator of International Student Education & Programs: Katy Oh, koh@friendscentral.org, 610.658.5659 wS chool Nurse: Joshua Van Dyke, jvandyke@friendscentral.orgg, 610.645.5084


COLLEGE COUNSELING Friends’ Central School provides highly personalized, expert college admission counseling to students and their families. Our three counselors, Grant Calder, Andrea Pien, and Sonja Bhan have extensive experience working in independent school college counseling and selective college admissions. Our emphasis is on counseling rather than placement – educating and advocating throughout the process, with a focus on each student’s talents, interests, and needs. The goal of this student-centered approach is for each member of the class to have the best possible college search experience and for students to find schools where they will continue to flourish beyond their years at Friends’ Central. Each student is placed with one of the three college counselors in December of the 11th grade year, and the official counseling process begins in January, as soon as the juniors return from winter break. Periodic introductory sessions are offered to students (and their families) in the preceding years. Students at any grade level are always welcome to contact the college counseling office with specific questions or concerns.

TECHNOLOGY Students in grades 9 through 11 will be issued Chromebooks. For grade 12 students, families can choose their own device for the 2021-2022 school year. The chosen device must have an “instant-on” capability – your child should be able to start working on their device immediately when asked. We ask families and students to limit or eliminate the number of games or other distractions loaded onto any learning device. Grade 12 students can opt in to the Chromebook leasing program and obtain a managed and insured Chromebook from the School. (More information about this program will be shared later in the summer.) CELL PHONE USE Being mindful of Community, and in an effort to focus on a “be here now” culture, students may not speak on their cell phones without the express permission of a teacher. Outside of class and meetings, students may use their phones to text. Phones must be turned off and put away during Meeting for Worship and other gatherings. Students are encouraged to use their devices wisely and safely while on campus.


EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES & SERVICE LEARNING A fundamental principle of Quaker pedagogy is educating the whole child. To that end, Friends’ Central offers many opportunities for students to expand and deepen their education beyond the classroom. We encourage students to involve themselves in these activities, which offer wonderful opportunities to make friends, discover and develop talents, encourage leadership skills, and serve the FCS community and others. Students will hear more about specific clubs and opportunities early in the school year. CLUBS Clubs are a large part of the dynamic culture of the Upper School, and students are strongly encouraged to participate during their four years at FCS. At the beginning of the school year, Student Council will organize a club fair so that clubs may promote their activities and solicit membership. Interested students can contact any of the club sponsors to find out meeting times and other information. Students can form a new club at any time with the participation of a staff advisor and the approval of the Dean of Students’. For the full list of clubs, please visit the website. If you have any questions please contact Tom MacFarlane, Dean of Students, tmacfarlane@friendscentral.org. SERVICE Community service at Friends’ Central School is part of the School’s identity, culture, and tradition. We believe that caring for our school, local, and global communities serves the guiding testimonies of stewardship, community, peace, and integrity. The program teaches a real-world understanding of issues of social justice. As we educate students who will face the environmental and social challenges of the 21st century, it is important that we cultivate an understanding of real-world problems so they will be able to effect social change. Service work creates strong individual and institutional relationships, which in turn strengthen our community and each student’s sense of self-worth.The Upper School program includes a required community service component with Upper School students and faculty spending time at agencies and organizations throughout the greater Philadelphia region. If you have questions about the Upper School service program, please contact Anthony Bowers, abowers@friendscentral.org, and Liz Carlson-Guerin, lcarlson-guerin@friendscentral.org, service co-chairs.


OUR QUAKER CULTURE At Friends’ Central, School life is steeped in Quaker values. At every level, we promote a commitment to learning through inquiry, reflection, action, and discovery – an approach that stems from two foundational beliefs of the Religious Society of Friends, that there is that of the Spirit in every one and that Truth is continually revealed. Our foundational beliefs thus call Quaker educators and students to a life of ongoing, joyfilled, Spirit-led discovery with one another. The daily impact of this philosophical grounding cannot be overstated. We intentionally build an inclusive atmosphere that fosters the development of curiosity, openness, empathy, and respect for ideas and for one another. It informs the shape of curriculum, but more importantly, the way curriculum is delivered by faculty and embraced by students. QUAKERISM COURSEWORK To ensure that students have a shared understanding of Quakerism and its importance in daily school life, students in grade 9 take a Quakerism course. This rotation course informs students about the foundations of the Quaker faith and practice. The grade 9 class explores silent worship, mindfulness, identity, and education through the lens of Quaker testimonies, principles, and practices. MEETING FOR WORSHIP (MFW) Foundational for Friends, or Quakers, is the belief that the Light of the Divine resides in each and every person. Meeting for Worship is a time when we gather together, still our bodies and minds, and open our hearts so that we might connect with the guiding Light within. We make every effort to ensure that students understand why we take part in Meeting for

Worship and how the silence and stillness can help them in other aspects of their lives. The Upper School has Meeting for Worship every Wednesday at 10:05 am. Some Meetings are held with the entire student body, while others are held with smaller groups, such as grades or advisories. MEETING FOR BUSINESS On occasion, the Upper School will meet in a different format known as Meeting for Business to discuss issues of importance to the community. Such meetings are clerked by students with the guidance of their teachers.

DIVERSITY, EQUITY, BELONGING, AND INCLUSIVITY Friends’ Central School strives to be a deeply respectful and loving environment rooted in Quaker values and committed to supporting individuals to have what they need to thrive. We recognize that some members of our community may face barriers due to their race and ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, class background, religion, ability, family structure, and other social identities. We are engaged in an ongoing journey to become more aware of these barriers and provide opportunities and programming that foster greater equity and create an increasingly healthy, diverse, and inclusive environment for everyone. Grounded in Quaker tradition and practice, we strive to embody our commitment to justice and equity through our policies, practices, and the culture we build together. We call upon all members of our community – faculty, staff, students, administrators, parents, trustees, and alumni/ae – to join us. Our Director of Equity, Belonging, and Inclusion Erica Snowden, esnowden@friendscentral.org, leads our community through her inclusion, belonging, and equity work with students, faculty, and parents. She is central to the coordination and implementation of our Plan 175 (strategic plan) diversity goals. She provides training and support to colleagues with respect to curriculum and programming, and she offers education and support to all of our parents and families through workshops and affinity and alliance group work. Erica works with our Upper School students in their affinity groups and supports student clubs that center on equity issues. She is a trusted mentor and guide for our oldest students as they do their own learning around equity, belonging, and inclusion.


ARTS The Friends’ Central Arts Department provides diverse courses and extracurricular activities encompassing visual and performing arts. Classes explore different approaches to artmaking, as well as an assortment of mediums and styles. Visual arts offerings range from applied arts to fine arts. Music offerings provide opportunities for students to listen to, create, and/or perform music depending on their personal interests. Our drama program includes both modern and classical instruction, and all students are invited to participate either onstage or behind the scenes in any of the three plays produced each year. VISUAL ARTS PROGRAM Visual arts students are offered a variety of curricular courses that explore different approaches to artmaking in an array of mediums and styles. In all courses, students are encouraged to discover their individual artistic voice, further the acquisition of skills, and hone critical thinking during the process of creation. The Student Art Gallery in Shallcross Hall offers a continuous, regularly changing exhibition of student work. Contact Hilary Takiff Weiss, Art Department Chair, with any questions at htakiffweiss@friendscentral.org. DRAMA PROGRAM The Friends’ Central Upper School drama program is dedicated to bringing a variety of theatrical offerings to our students and to the community at large. On our “main stage,” two productions are offered each year, alternating between musical theater productions and plays. An additional play, open to grade 9 and 10 actors, is produced each May. FCS is honored to offer all theatre and concert performances free of charge in hopes the entire community will benefit from the talent and creativity of our students. Contact Liz Carlson with any questions at ecarlson-guerin@friendscentral.org. MUSIC PROGRAM Performance opportunities abound in Upper School. The music department’s instrumental concerts in the winter and spring range from full orchestra to chamber ensembles and a jazz band. Selections incorporate a cross-section of musical styles, genres, and periods. If you would like more information about our instrumental music program, please contact Carl Bradley at cbradley@friendscentral.org. Open to all students in grades 9-12, the Upper School Chorus performs in two concerts annually, plus additional school assemblies and events. Chorus members learn the basics of healthy vocal production, music reading skills, and

working together as an ensemble. Students are encouraged to consider how their unique personalities and musical gifts enhance the ensemble as a community. The Upper School Chorus sings repertoire from a variety of genres and languages, enabling students to experience a broad range of musical styles. Students may also audition to join the Grace Notes (open to all sopranos and altos in Upper School Chorus) and Foxtones (tenors and basses in Upper School Chorus) vocal groups. If you have any questions, please contact Michele Zuckman at mzuckman@friendscentral.org.

CONTACTS & RESOURCES w Dean of Students: Tom MacFarlane,

tmacfarlane@friendscentral.org w College Counseling Office:

collegecounseling@friendscentral.org wD irector of Equity, Belonging, and Inclusion:

Erica Snowden, esnowden@friendscentral.org wS ervice: Anthony Bowers, abowers@friendscentral.org, and Liz Carlson-Guerin, ecarlson-guerin@friendscentral.org wQ uakerism Coordinator: Robyn Richmond, rrichmond@friendscentral.org wV isual Arts/Art Department Chair: Hilary Takiff Weiss ’96, htakiffweiss@friendscentral.org w Drama: Liz Carlson, ecarlson-guerin@friendscentral.org w I nstrumental Music: Carl Bradley, cbradley@friendscentral.org wV ocal Music: Michele Zuckman, mzuckman@friendscentral.org


ATHLETICS & WELLNESS Friends’ Central School student-athletes are guided by the mission of the School and its Quaker values. Athletics at every level promotes community and a shared responsibility for both the growth of the individual and the development of the team. Each student-athlete understands, in practices and in games, that how you lead matters and sportsmanship is held in high regard. If you have any questions about Athletics and Wellness, please contact Michelle Crowley, Director of Athletics and Wellness, mcrowley@friendscentral.org. WELLNESS EDUCATION Students are required to participate on an athletic team or in the dramatic arts (plays, musicals, and stage design) during six (out of a total of twelve possible) seasons while in the Upper School. During the seasons when students are not participating in athletics or the dramatic arts, they will be required to take a wellness credit or apply for athletic exemption through an Independent Athletic Credit (IAC). The wellness credit will require a student to complete a minimum of two hours of activity Monday through Friday (or on the weekend, if they choose). These credits may also be completed off campus. The Independent Athletic Credit is offered for students who play sports that are not offered at Friends’ Central or if the sport is offered at Friends’ Central, then participation would be commensurate with a varsity schedule and it is understood that it would be during the off-season and the student will play that sport for Friends’ Central. Please note that, for students in the Upper School


in the last two years, all credits were waived for 2020-2021 and the spring of 2020; students now in grades 10-12 have automatically received two (2) credits towards the required six (6)​.

CONTACTS & RESOURCES wA thletics & Wellness: Michelle Crowley,

mcrowley@friendscentral.org wA thletics Schedules: friendscentral.org/teams_schedules

HOW TO GET INVOLVED THE HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION (HSA) The Friends’ Central Home & School Association (HSA) is the vibrant and vital FCS parent volunteer organization that works collaboratively with the School to strengthen communication and foster enriching opportunities between parents/guardians and the School. If you are new to FCS or new to the Upper School, please feel free to reach out to your HSA division co-chairs, Pam Kim or Sabrina Brooks with any questions you may have. Pam and Sabrina are experienced parent volunteers who are here to help as you transition to the Friends’ Central Upper School.

You can play an important role as a volunteer helping in many ways, from being a parent rep or a committee chair to helping at All-School events such as Blue & Gray Day. HSA believes that parents and guardians are essential for the development and success of our students. We encourage you to find a role or event that’s right for you. Complete our Volunteer Survey on the parent page of the website at friendscentral.org/parents. If you have any questions, contact Andrea Nuneviller, Director of Home and School Partnerships, at anuneviller@friendscentral.org. PARENTS OF STUDENTS OF COLOR (PSOC) For parents of students of color, our PSOC Affinity Group fosters communication within the school community between administration, faculty, staff, parents, and children. PSOC supports efforts to develop greater awareness of the needs and values of children of color and to empower children of color within the FCS community as part of a unified whole. This year, we will build on our ongoing work creating a space for parent leadership development, building capacity, engaging in meaningful partnerships, and working together for our students’ success. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our PSOC Co-Clerks, Ily Houston, Simone Knight, and Day Yohannes. Please save the date for our first meeting on Monday, October 11 at 7 pm. Mark your calendar! Sunday, September 26 at 1 pm on the City Avenue Campus, Welcome Cookout sponsored by Parents of Students of Color. All families are invited to enjoy good food with friends. Grill items and beverages will be provided, and we would love for you to bring your favorite side dish or dessert! Want to help out? Contact Andrea Nuneviller at anuneviller@friendscentral.org.

CONTACTS & RESOURCES wU S Division Co-Chairs

Pam Kim, pamvkim@gmail.com Sabrina Brooks, sbrooks288@yahoo.com wP SOC Co-Clerks Ily Houston, ilyhouston@gmail.com Simone Knight, sknight19008@yahoo.com Day Yohannes, tsedayyohannes@gmail.com wH SA Co-Clerks Meg Wusinich, mfarbmanwusinich@gmail.com Osaru Anyumba, osaruanyumba@gmail.com wD irector of Home and School Partnerships: Andrea Nuneviller anuneviller@friendscentral.org

OTHER HELPFUL INFO INCLEMENT WEATHER & SCHOOL CLOSINGS In the event of a closing, a modification of regular school hours, or a school emergency, the School will post a notification on the homepage of our website, friendscentral. org. You will also receive an alert by text and email in the event of a closing. Visit the Veracross portal, myfcs.org, to make sure the contact information we have for you is correct. The School’s snow closing number is 345 on KYW 1060 am radio under Montgomery County. Please check with your local school district regarding weather-related changes in transportation, if your child uses public school bus service. PERMISSION FORMS Permission forms are completed electronically using the Informed K12 online system. Each form will be sent to parents as an email with a link to the online document that requires an electronic signature.


FRIENDS’ CENTRAL SCHOOL GIVING Gifts to the Friends’ Central Fund are an important way for families, alumni/ae, faculty, staff, and friends to demonstrate their commitment to Friends’ Central. There is a strong tradition of giving at FCS, and the ongoing generosity of so many allows the legacy of support to continue year after year. Annually, over 1,500 generous community members contribute to the School’s operating budget. The School’s operating budget directly impacts the people and programs that make an FCS education extraordinary. Specifically, gifts to the Friends’ Central Fund include financial aid for talented students, faculty and staff support, diversity, equity, and inclusion programming, student-life initiatives, such as athletics and the arts, and much more. Participation in the Friends’ Central Fund at any and all levels makes a 17

difference because it affirms belief in our mission and models the way for all members of our community to show support for our school. Additionally, Annual Fund volunteers are vital to the success of the Annual Giving Campaign. Tasks may include connecting with community members (grade specific) through making phone calls, sending emails or text messages, or connecting through social media. Typically, volunteers are needed for community-wide Giving Days in the fall and the spring. Serving as an Annual Fund volunteer has an immediate impact on the School and our ability to fulfill our mission of excellence at every level. To become an Annual Fund volunteer, contact Melissa DiNofia - Bozzone, Director of Annual Giving, at mdinofia@friendscentral.org or call 610.645.5420.



w Athletics & Wellness

w Athletic Schedules

Michelle Crowley, mcrowley@friendscentral.org w Drama

Liz Carlson, ecarlson-guerin@friendscentral.org w Director of Support Services and Counselor

Frederick Pratt, fpratt@friendscentral.org w Middle & Upper School Counselor

Heather Tomes, htomes@friendscentral.org w Director of Equity, Belonging, and Inclusion

Erica Snowden, esnowden@friendscentral.org w Coordinator of International Student Education & Programs

Katy Oh, koh@friendscentral.org wU pper School College Counseling

collegecounseling@friendscentral.org w Instrumental Music

Carl Bradley, cbradley@friendscentral.org w Vocal Music

Michele Zuckman, mzuckman@friendscentral.org w Director of Home & School Partnerships

Andrea Nuneviller, anuneviller@friendscentral.org w Service Coordinator

Debbie Skapik, dskapik@friendscentral.org w Quakerism Coordinator

friendscentral.org/teams_schedules w Back-to-School Page

friendscentral.org/backtoschool2021 wF CS Auxiliary Programs - Dining Services,

Transportation, Music Programs, & After-School Options friendscentral.org/aux_programs w Parent Website Page

friendscentral.org/parentupdates w Volunteer Sign-up


FCS LINGO & FUN FACTS w JTF - Just The FaCtS (our weekly newsletter) w PPU - Parent Pick-up at the end of the day w MFW - Meeting for Worship w HSA - Home and School Association, FCS parent group w Ruvna - Daily morning health check system w School Mascot - The Phoenix w School Colors - Blue and Gray

Robyn Richmond, rrichmond@friendscentral.org w School Nurse

Joshua Van Dyke, Jvandyke@friendscentral.org, 610.645.5084 wT ransportation Coordinator

JB Bowie, jbbowie@friendscentral.org w Technology - parenthelp@friendscentral.org w Absentee Line - 610.645.5136


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