Gratitude & Reflections
Many thanks to the 230 people who took the time to respond to this comprehensive survey. We appreciate your time and your insights.
Key Information on Respondents
• Range of ages from 25 to 75+ years old
• 66% women
• 82% White or Caucasian; 16% People of Color, including Multiple Ethnicities
• 51% indicated that they have donated to Friends Council within the last three years; 40% said they had not; 9% were unsure
Important Notes:
• The survey was designed to inform, primarily, Friends Council’s advancement (fundraising and communications) activities.
• People’s responses, especially to open-ended questions, also had implications for organizational strategy as well as program development and delivery.
• This presentation outlines Affirmations and opportunities for Continuing Revelation as Friends Council refines its work and communications to support the national Friends school network.
Affiliations & Interactions
Affirmations of Representation
• 70% of respondents were faculty/staff of a Friends school; a range of other affiliations with QuakerEd also was represented
• A range of interactions with Friends Council (e.g., consulting, ENTQ, resources) was represented
• There was diversity in school affiliations cited:
• 73% of U.S. member schools were identified
• Mix of small and large schools
• Mix of grades (e.g., pre-schools, boarding)
• Schools located in nearly all regions of the country
Continuing Revelation
• How might we learn more about the demographics and experiences of respondents compared with the demographics and experiences of all people in the Friends Council network?
• No one who responded indicated an affiliation with a school on the West Coast. Is this perspective unaccounted for?
• What else might we consider around representation of voices?
Purpose & Impact – Affirmations
There were strong affirmations of Friends Council’s mission, purpose, and impact:
• 4.5 out of 5 average rating for How important is the Friends Council’s mission to you?
• 95% “strongly agree” or “agree” that Friends Council is a trusted interpreter of Quaker principles and practices in educational settings
• 87% “strongly agree” or “agree” that Friends Council is an essential convenor and community builder among the Friends school network
• When responding to “Why is the work of Friends Council is important?” people’s comments emphasized:
• The profound value of Friends Council network as something larger than themselves.
• The importance of Friends Council’s guidance, support, and provision of professional development.
• The unique space that Friends Council inhabits given a dwindling Quaker population, overall in the U.S. and on Boards, and the capacities of many meetings. Several people specifically cited a need for more training on “governance in the Quaker way.”
Purpose & Impact – Continuing Revelation #1
• 73% “strongly agree” or “agree” that Friends Council’s programs/ workshops/peer networks are catalysts for transformative experiences that enhance my professional work
• 76% “strongly agree” or “agree” that Friends Council provides strong insights into the alignment between Quaker principles and practices and DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, and Belonging)
Lead to… How might Friends Council resolve any possible disconnects between people’s expectations and their experiences?
• 92% indicated “extremely important” or “very important” for Friends schools to share information, knowledge, and ways of doing things among the Friends school network.
Lead to… How might Friends Council facilitate sharing among the Friends school network to better align with people’s expressed importance?
Purpose & Impact – Continuing Revelation #2
• 52% “strongly agree” or “agree” the Friends Council is effective at amplifying the voice of Quaker Education on a national platform; another 22% “I’m not sure”
Lead to… How might Friends Council clarify objectives and make activities around “National Voice” more visible?
• People expressed a desire for Friends Council to facilitate more connections, especially in-person connections.
• People sought more attention from Friends Council about and for schools outside Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.
Lead to… How might Friends Council increase opportunities for peer-to-peer connections nationally and globally and/or to increase communication of existing opportunities?
Quaker Identity
• 93% indicated “extremely important” or “very important” for Friends schools to self-identify as a Quaker, in addition to other school characteristics
Continuing Revelation
• What is Friends Council’s role in supporting Friends schools in their marketing and external communications?
Principles of Good Practice
61% indicated that their school has engaged in a Quaker self-study as part of the Membership Renewal Process; 30% were unsure
• 73% indicated they found the self-study “extremely useful” or “very useful” in guiding development of a roadmap for ongoing institutional renewal and growth terms of; 23% “somewhat useful”
Continuing Revelation
• How might Friends Council provide even greater clarity, visibility, and utility around the process and subsequent outcomes of the self-study and Membership Renewal Process?
What three words do you use most often when talking about Friends Council to others?
There were strong affirmations of the frequency of Friends Council’s communications:
• 82% “just right” for program/workshop/peer network announcements
• 75% “just right” for QuakerEd Reads; 10% “too often”
• 82% “just right” for QuakerEd News
Getting More Involved
• 51 people provided their name and email address, offering to learn more about opening doors for Friends Council or volunteering their perspective or expertise.
Communications – Continuing Revelation
• 3.6 out of 5 average rating for program/workshop/peer network announcements meeting informational needs
• Comments indicated a need for more lead time and more/more accurate information
• 3.6 out of 5 for QuakerEd Reads providing links to articles and resources
• 3.8 out of 5 for QuakerEd News providing in-depth updates on Friends Council activities
• Comments asked for more guidance on navigating political strife, financial sustainability, and marketing
Lead to… How might Friends Council support desire for more knowledge sharing and more information about and for non-East Coast Friends schools?
• Indications of “N/A” in use of platforms for Friends Councilspecific information: Facebook (59%), Instagram (53%), LinkedIn (57%)
Lead to… How might Friends Council strengthen social media engagement?
• 3.4 out of 5 – average rating for “What degree is Friends Council’s website a meaningful source of information to you?”
• People’s comments indicated a need for up-to-date information and easier navigation of the website
Lead to… How might Friends Council streamline the website to facilitate better access to program and other information?
Financial Sustainability + Effectiveness of Appeals
• 63% “5 out of 5” indicated for “To what degree do you feel that your donation(s) to Friends Council are being (or would be) put to good use?”; 20% indicated “4 out of 5”
• For “What might motivate you to donate/donate more to ensure Friends Council’s future sustainability? people emphasized better understanding of: the use of funds and Friends Council’s financial model as well as its planning for schools’ future, and its future plans (not just past activities)
Lead to… How might Friends Council clarify and substantiate its need for contributed income?
• 39% “not at all” for “How much do tribute campaigns motivate your giving to Friends Council?”; 6% “a great deal”
• 33% “not at all” for “How much do challenges/ matches from other donors motivate your giving to Friends Council?”; 4% “a great deal”
• Some people asked for more personal cultivation and stewardship.
Lead to… How might Friends Council reposition solicitation mechanisms to motivate giving and claim more time for relationship building?