Power for Tomorrow Issue

Page 1



Inside News

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Greetings and welcome to the 4th year of Friends Without Borders Magazine. To promote more communication, this year we are allowing a small space for inside news for all our readers. We will also be welcoming PR news that is related to our mission and benefits society. The first piece of news here is for our subscribers and those who replied to the questionnaires. We sent you our 2007 year planer earlier this year, so if you haven't gotten one, please contact us and we do apologize for the mistake. Also, we thank everyone who has already extended their membership, and for those who intend to but haven't yet, could you please inform us of your intentions and pay later so that you won't miss any issues? Last but not least, we are now welcoming magazine distribution volunteers. If you see the value of this magazine and would like to help circulate it in your area, we would be very grateful. Please contact Supattra, phone/fax: 053-336298 or borders@chmai2.loxinfo.co.th. We can send 20-30-50-100 copies to you, up to your request. Thank you. Bye for now and see you in May.

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Editorial Team Pim Koetsawang Supattra Choklarp Wantanee Maneedang English Editors Sabrina Gyovary Venessa Lamb Contributors Phatteka Ratta, Saw and other friends Art Editor Wantanee Maneedang Member and Distribution Supattra Choklarp Printer Wanida Press

We are happy to receive comment, suggestions, and articles from all of you. Please contact, FRIENDS WITHOUT BORDERS P.O. Box 180, Chiangmai University P.O., Chiang Mai 50202 Thailand Phone & Fax: 053-336298 E-mail: borders@chmai2.loxinfo.co.th

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A few days ago I came across a situation that made my tears run down in public. It was in a theatre that was screening a Thai documentary called 'Final Score'. Actually, the movie didn't present itself so tragically, but my tear glands were aroused by a feel of black comedy, perhaps. Around 20 years ago, I was a high school student about to take a university entrance exam just like the kids in the movie: two decades have passed but the situation doesn't seem to have changed. There was a character whose story was really camera-catching. The boy loved breeding fish as pets, joined an amateur fish breeders' club and hoped to be a professional fish breeder. It would be fine if he wasn't born in a society that kept telling him, directly and indirectly, softly but mockingly, that his dream wasn't even supposed to be a dream, as it was probably an overly low ambition or even surreal. The aim for science-stream high school kids should be to become doctors, engineers, or at least business administrators. We usually say that the youth are our future. Yet, with good intentions or ignorance, we have built - or at least allowed - a society that undermines the power of youth, while at the same time we grumble about their extravagant values and political, social and global ignorance. We all know it isn't easy for a teen to know exactly what he or she wants, so isn't it tragic that young dreams are denied only because they don't fit into the good life standards - being rich and secure? If dreams for the kind of life one wants to live are shut down like this, I wonder how youth can dream, let alone create, the world they want to live in. Friends Without Borders' 'Power for Tomorrow' issue would like to encourage young people to exercise their power to promote positive change, and their right to create a world in which they want to live. For those of you who do not identify yourself as 'young' any longer, we invite you to contribute your willpower to the young force of the new society. All of us have the right to be the main characters of our world, rather than just extras that are pushed along the set. For a magazine in its youth, we've increased the pages and the distribution of our publication according to your recommendations. In addition, I'd like to introduce 'Space for Rent,' which will replace 'ETC' and 'Little Footsteps,' which will replace 'You Are Therefore I Am,' and a special 'From the Edge of the Margins' in which we have received the honor of Zai Peng, a Shan writer, sharing his thoughts in this particular issue. We are confident that we have a lot of friends who see our dream to create a peaceful world in which we all want to live as a high ambition, but realistic. With faith in human dignity, Pim Koetsawang


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One of the popular dreams of teens is very simple - music. Yet, people in the adult world usually say music is nothing much more than just having fun. Music can't provide a good and secure career and it will only steal one's time that is needed for progress in life. However, there is always a channel to get out of a narrow space. There are quite a few youth groups that head towards their dreams. In Chiang Mai, a group of youth has walked a long path; from the beginning, like any other teens, the love of music brought them together to play and sing. They then formed a band, and started to compose their own songs and record them. Yet, the goal wasn't merely a music album. They continued to weave their dream to provide a space for others who share the same interests. Then, the Gu Club Underground Chiang Mai began. Gu Club was formed five years ago by a group of young bands that wanted to create their own space, and to declare to society that their love of music and music itself can be serious. Kew, one of the club's founders, related that there are nine bands and more than 80 individuals members. "Now we share the cost of rehearsal studio rental in the evenings. And if the song is ok then we record it." Gu Club used to have a small pub where people could go to meet, talk, enjoy music, perform. However, the pub is temporary closed due to a lack of time and funds. Apart from the daily gatherings, the club organizes concerts. A recent one was the 3rd 'Head Hits the Wall' concert at the end of January. The group rented a restaurant with a sound system, and invited bands from other province to jam. Most audience members were young people who are fond of the kind of music that is rarely heard from mainstream media. "It was the first year we could cover the expenses. We were able to cut down our PR expenses because some people already know our work." Kew wants to make it a yearly event, but funds are always a problem. "We used to request permission from the authorities to use a public space. We hope the wider public can just come to relax during the weekends. But once the officer saw our faces, our request was turned down." He laughed, opening his sleeves to show the tattoo on his arm. Tong, a young man with half of his long hair dyed red added that the group was usually assumed by adults to be aggressive and violent. "Our music is rock or punk, but that doesn't mean we are violent. There isn't even a single rude or obscene word in our lyrics." Ku Club dreams that one day it will do a tour with the networks in other provinces, and establish a small record company to sustain their work. But in the short term, the hope is to reopen the pub. This time it should be made more accessible for other people. "I don't want adults to just say they want teenagers to spend time on sports and music in order to get away from drugs, and then what? No action. There is no need to complain that kids are always at the computer game shops. Hey! If we want to play music, we must struggle so hard; renting a rehearsal studio is much more expensive than a computer game," Another guy said. For how long have young people needed to struggle to make their dreams come true? Where is the support from adults? Is it because sincere and sustaining support takes too much time and energy that what we see is easy and shallow? Or do we want to really insist that performance contests and reality shows are enough for youth to express themselves?


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Some people in Thai society and in other societies are irritated by the new, younger generation because they view them as 'different from our generation'. Indeed, the majority of images of young people in mainstream media portray them as individualistic, not concerned for the good of society. Our tea conversation this time therefore was arranged via mobile phone (which is an expression of identity these days) across Thailand - connecting the north to the south. The conversation was with someone who didn't seem to be upset with the situation of youth at all, as she has had lots of chances to see pictures that were not selected by the mainstream media. Moreover, she has truly spent her efforts in supporting these 'new generations' to be society's strength, together with 'her generation' and any others'.

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"I think we are too demanding! Our society today doesn't support the young people to see their own value. It also doesn't point out that happiness is what matters, more than cars, houses, and reputations. The current educational system, state's policies and media all direct our attention to these less important things. The educational loaning system puts people in debt from the time that they decide to attend university, so it's almost impossible to expect the student to care less about money. Moreover, universities these days restrict outside-classroom activities. Everything is interconnected. And who allows this to happen? Is it the 'new generation' alone? "I attended university in 1992. It was the year of the 'Bloody May' incident and people were highly interested in politics. That trend dragged me to see a new world: a student-volunteer-for-development club, rural communities, political conceptualizing and ideologies. These things changed me from someone dreaming to become a journalist to be someone attracted to community work. (laughs shyly) During our various field trips, we also conducted activities with children. I found this was the most interesting. A few of us formed a group and as it's difficult to get financial support from the student club, we sought sponsorship outside the university, and this work has been continuing to today - in the name of the Matches Youth Group.

11 "Matches Group aims to promote children and youth participation in any affairs that affect or relate to them - the environment, children's rights, leadership, drugs, violence, etc. We work with high school and primary school children, and the also kindergarten kids in some areas. Our activities include, for instance, promoting reading habits, producing storybooks and media, conducting leadership training, etc. The main idea is to encourage the young people to stand up to participate in the work as an active party, not passive. "The Youth Network for Development is a network of small, unofficial youth groups like us. We regularly met in forums and meetings and found that, as our work and ideology are so common, we could join hands and raise our voices together. There is no need for administrative expenses because each group takes turns to lead the network. During the two years I'm the coordinator on behalf of Matches Group my assigned task is to strengthen the capacity of our members - to be more professional. Each group has various working methods but they have never been systemized or shared. For instance, Matches Group has experiences working on gender issues, media, and storytelling, but groups in the north are experts on women's issues and HIV/AIDS. We can combine these experiences into a format that other people can pick up to use in their own work. "At the time I graduated, I hoped to bring these experiences back to the university, but then I found students' interests in such activities had decreased. During my university days, we ran to whatever we were interested in and didn't care whether we'd get paid - the experience was the greatest benefit. But now, the first question I got from the students was about payment. Of course, they have the right to ask. But I couldn't help wondering why our thoughts were so different. I started to feel universities might not be the proper place for us to work, and turned to primary and high schools instead. Then, after a while, I started to see things more clearly - if we started such work from our school days, the outcome will also continue to our university days. After the teenagers I worked with in their high school time entered universities, they were still interested. Of course, they could live similar lives like other 'trendy' kids, but they have leadership skills and eagerness to learn, and bring themselves to meet with any experiences they dreamed of. "There is a need to use diverse tools to reach the heart of young people. For example, IT tools probably reach young city dwellers well. We need to try to understand their city lifestyle and find out how we can attract their attention. Consent is the most important element of success. We usually discuss with teachers that we need students who volunteer; we don't care whether they are 'front-row' or 'back-row' kids. Interestingly, most of the good student leaders we found were those 'back-row' kids! (laughs) "Some of the youth who applied for our program might change their minds after they found it's not their style - they don't like it. I'm not upset about that. They are in the age of 'experimentation'. I never told young people they have to work for the society, but I'd rather say life has lots of choices; so don't stay with just one. Don't stay with just a game or a TV; there are places we've never visited, many books we've never read and many films we've never watched. We just have to run to the experience and if it's 'yes', then try as long as much as possible, if it's 'no', then we try another way. Trying these activities allows us to find ourselves and once we do, we will reach our dreams quicker. I don't say we have to sacrifice for others, because I'm quite sure that working for the society actually benefits me myself. It's only that the fruit of the work is with others. We do no harm and make other people smile, so we are happy, right? "I used to be quite a negative person, you know. At the time I questioned why friends were not like me, why they didn't work like me or why they lived such nonsense lives (laughs). On the contrary, today there are people who see my work as nonsense! Well, I have been okay with myself for a while. This work teaches me that what I used to be was just a dreamer that would never be able to be in tune with the truth. If we dream for the good and live our lives in comparison against everyone, there'll be no place for us to stand and we just spend our days looking down upon others. If we can't reach their world, we won't be able to understand how we should work with and for each other.

"It seems to me that happiness occurs all along the path of my work. For short activities, to see the kids happy is the greatest moment. For longer activities, we can see their changes and development. I saw kids who didn't dare even to meet my eyes and had no life skills change into very strong people. These experiences confirmed for me that this kind of small work and small change definitely works, as long as we don't give up. There were lots of things I've learnt along the way as well. I used to work from only my own idea and make the people be only my subject. But after I started a project by, for instance, sharing and planning together with the schools or the communities before doing anything, their participation and ownership contribute to a lot greater outcome. "I don't have much experience with the people Friends Without Borders work with, but I do understand the issue from the very basic idea. I work with stateless children, displaced Thais from Burma, and Karen children. It is about humanity; we don't care what country the children are from or are citizens of. I don't care whether they have ID or not but I know their rights must be respected as equal to others. Yet, there are some distorted understandings in this society. Many look down upon people from Burma, or even Thai-Muslims. Once, a small girl in the tsunami-affected area told me that the Burmese migrants are all thieves and criminals. I asked her how she knew that and she said her parents told her that these people naturally have such habits. Thus, our children's rights program focuses on the non-discrimination ideology. The first thing we must discuss with the kids is equal dignity regardless of race, color, gender, or economic status. It's the main concept of the Convention on the Rights of the Child that there must be no discrimination among children. This work must continue so that the new generation will not discriminate against people due to differences. "At the end of the day, I wish to see that the society really give chances to children and youth. Sometimes it seems as though we've already included them, but don't forget that many of these chances are just to let the children 'be there' as a set decoration! They sit there but are not allowed to think or act. The genuine child participation is when children and adults think together and work together. This is what I hope to see within Thai society.

Aye, 32, is from Suratthani province, southern Thailand. After graduating from Ramkhamhang University majoring in mass communication, she founded the 'Matches' Youth Group. Matches Group mainly works in east-central Thailand. Currently, Aye is a key member of Matches Group and a coordinator of the Youth Network for Development, which has members in all regions in Thailand. She is also responsible for a youth development project in disasters-risk areas in the four southern provinces of Thailand.


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It's 10 o'clock at night at Mae La refugee camp. This giant fenced village is quiet and dark under the glimmering stars. The neighbors are sleeping and I am sitting in Sha K'paw's hut by myself. On the bamboo floor is a small white candle that shines above the letters I am writing. It has been over twenty years since the camp was established, and things seem to have changed a lot, yet the refugees' lives are exactly the same; restricted rights, liberties and choices. Actually, we humans should be able to determine our fates. Of course, there are some things we can choose and some we can't, but when we've already chosen but find later that actually there is no choice for us, how would we feel? Some people say even bits of very little pieces can become something great, and little footsteps lined up one after another can become a long path of hundreds of kilometers. But the little footsteps of the young refugees are always hindered by the fact that these people are stateless and 'illegal' immigrants. A large number of young people were born in this refugee camp and have never had a chance to know the outside world. The fence that bars people from going in and out restricts their world to be only behind the fence. What is a country and where is it? For some who were born in their parents' land but were forced to live in exile since they were little, normal village life is only a blurred memory. I see many young people sitting around with nothing to do. It's true that most of them have studied in camp schools, and basic education seems to add the greatest value to their young days; some study so hard at night and fell asleep leaving their textbooks burnt by a candle, yet some can't afford to buy even one candle. However, for all of them, once they finish Grade 10, there is no more school and no jobs and lives become floating. Sha K'paw is sleeping. He must be tired. I saw him wake up at dawn to help his mum cook and clean the house, and then rush to school. I've been his friend for over a year. His name, 'Sha K'paw,' or 'starlight,' was given to him by his dad. I believe his dad has some good reasons for naming his son that. Sha K'paw lost his dad since he was little, while the family was hiding from the Burmese army. At the time no one dared to light a fire and all they ate were banana stalks, and there was no medicine to cure the malaria that caught his dad's brain so he just simply left the world. Sha K'paw told me, "refugees' lives are like this." He said, "I love studying, you see, but there is no way for me to study further. After this I don't know what the future will hold. Some people get a job as a teacher or an NGO volunteer, but the chances are so small " It's true. I saw many refugees struggle to get a position, which actually gives them a very small allowance that barely enough for a living. Who said refugees don't need money? You have to buy food if you don't want to eat just fish paste and beans all year. You have to buy thatch to repair the roof because the donated ration is never enough. Kids' schooling also costs a lot." But while I am worrying about my friend's future, his words spring into my mind. He said, "It seems there is no hope for the refugee youth. Some go to school in the morning but never arrive at the school because they don't know why they should study. But although we are seen only as illegal people, aliens, or homeless, I have hope, you know. With the time in this refugee camp and the little knowledge I have the opportunity to gain, I'll do something good for my people and my family. I'll try my best." Sha K'paw's last words were echoing in my head before I fell asleep, in that night of the glimmering stars. Hundreds and thousands of little shining stars become a greatest hope.


Little flowers, innocent in the evil world, they are, upon the field of desperation, they lull, under the flaming sun that burns the edge of the margin, stained and sullied with the lead of conflict. The blowing dust, the wandering pollens, at the forest edge, reply to the questions with voiceless words. How many have been withered and scattered about on the homeland, touching the carcass of one's love? Little flowers, in the heated world, beautiful they remain, an unknown love song, they are whispering.

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"ਠҨоÍ㨡Ѻ¡ÒÃÍ Ùã¹µ ҧᴹઠ¹¹ÕéµÅÍ´ä»ËÃ×Í?"

Written by Zai Peng Retold in Thai by Chana Damnoen

The Tai or Shan from Shan State of Burma have been migrating to Thailand for decades and I am one of them. But in the past 4-5 years, I have seen an influx of young Tais; the rate has increased numerously each year. As far as I know, the number of registered migrant workers is about 500,000 or so, but who knows how many more are in hiding? Among the migrant workers from Burma, the Tai are one of the main ethnic groups. We are in almost every province of Thailand, but our communities can be seen mostly in the northern region, especially Chiang Mai. Someone told me that there were about 400,000 Tai migrants in Chiang Mai alone. Although I am one of them, I couldn't help having puzzles in my head; why have so many of us come here? What will be the effects on our motherland and Thailand? The majority of the migrants are only around 16-30. What is the future of these migrant workers? I sighed. I have no answer to these questions. Once, when I attended a Tai new year festival at Wat Ku Tao, I saw a Thai citizen corrected the moderator's words: "Hey! There is no need to say you are from aboard. You should say you are here to take refuge in your relatives' country. We don't like people to misunderstand that the Thai and Tai have nothing to do with each other." However, the Thai government certainly disagrees with him. Thai authorities have never allowed a Tai refugee camp as they have for the Karen and Karenni. Therefore we must struggle for our own survival.

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19 If you have ever listened to Chiang Mai FM radio programs during the open-line discussions between the announcer and the audience, you may have heard the usual accusations against us such as "They steal the Thais' jobs and then one day they'll probably get the whole land!", "They are our burden," "They are troublemakers," and so on. But no matter how people look at them, the authoritarian-ruled and war-affected Tais have no other choice but to struggle for survival; that is coming to Thailand and tolerating everything here. I saw some people had been here for over 10 years but who had never had a chance, never known how, or never wanted to contact home, while some sent messages to their parents via the Tai language radio program that is broadcasted from Chiang Mai and covers part of Shan state. Most messages I have heard are similar, such as "I hope mother and father are fine. I am fine and happy in Thailand. Once I get enough money, I will return. Do not worry about me.". Those far away from home usually do not want their parents to suffer from the idea that their children are in trouble. I have heard some Thai people say that one of the reasons the Tai migrant workers are in danger is their lack of education. Part of this is true, probably. Less than half of us are literate, even in our mother toung. In Shan state, there is no Tai school and those who study ethnic languages risk being targeted as the government's opponents, while Burmese school is not very acccessible. As a result, we cannot expect the Tai migrants to learn Thai or English easily. The workers in orange orchards who live with pesticides and chemical fertilizers are not able to read the warning of their effects printed on the sacks, and quite a few of them have become sick or have died because of this poison. However, in Thai hospitals, there are a number of young Tais who are there for injuries from motorcycles accidents. "More than half the patients in this room are Shan, you know," a Saraphee hospital staff person told me. The cause of these injuries and deaths may partly be related to illiteracy; it is difficult for us to learn about roads and traffic rules here. Nevertheless, the hospital staff person said the number I saw was just a minority because, "Usually, whether right or wrong, the Shan just flee the scene despite being hurt. Thai laws protect everyone but the Shan are too scared because they have no IDs or license, and do not want to have anything to do with a court or the police." And I think this may not be related to our illiteracy. I have often overheard conversations such as below often reflecting attitudes towards life here. "This is another people's country. Right or wrong, we must tolerate it. We are on the side of the losers." "If I don't have enough money, I won't go back home. If I go back now, I will be abused by the army again." Suffering at home makes money matter quite a bit. Sometimes it can buy us a short period of freedom from abuse. But for a new life here, money has become an even a bigger matter; it seems to be the only thing that makes many people endure. Here in Thailand, I have seen Tai girls, alone in the city and in need of security and a safe life, agree to become the wives, and even the minor wives, of Thai men. Here is not like home. There are no parents and relatives to depend on, and no community to be cared about. There is no tradition that limits our moves but then allows us a little sense of security. Marriage and separation here are easy, and sometimes we just try living together like people here do. I see young Tais celebrate the Valentines holiday romantically. No longer does anyone care about the 'Sam Law-Ou Pen Day', the traditional Tai day of love every third month of the year that commemorates the Romeo-Juliet love story of Sam Law and Ou Pen.

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In comparison to other provinces, the Tai's way of life in Chiang Mai has more sense of community. Despite such a big city, the young people find their way to get together and form themselves into groups. As far as I know, there are around 20 groups. Some are football teams, some for merit-making, self-help, and social welfare. Yet, there are some that are simply gangsters, that are referred by the Thai authorities as 'Tai Samurai gangs', while others join the Thai kids' gangs. For the first time in my life I see Tai groups having brawls. The fights may occur during merit-making festivals, Tai new year, Buddhist lent, monks' ordinations, the water festival, or when we world rather feel content. But when their eyes meet, discontent arises, and they have a way of calling over 200 members to gather and be ready for the fight which will continue until those on both sides get injured or die. I do not have an answer to this problem. I do not know what is happening here either. At home, we lived in small villages, helping our parents farm. We might not have known much about the world, but we lived our lives peacefully. Brawls were rare and they were individuals' matters; no one admire them. How come the usual things we see daily have become conflicts in our eyes, and why have the new conflict management methods that use violence become acceptable? Is it because the bigger world here is actually small, and with all the stresses, the young people just want to let their minds go free with sensuality, including trying new behavior they have seen here? When their homes, motherland, history, culture and nation are gradually forgotten, do people really feel less pain? I have heard Thai people talk about these young Tais and I knew I didn't have any arguments. "This isn't even your country. You are stupid to fight against each other like this." "If you just live a wasteful life in another people's country, when will your nation be free?" "If you love fighting so much, why don't you join the Shan army?" I have heard the Tais say, "wherever we stay, we have to be united. If someone dies, we must be there together until the funeral finishes." Maybe because we had been dispersed from homes, we are anxiously looking for the meaning of unity. There are some Tai groups that look after their members. I see them organizing funerals at monastries for their members who share member fees. Yet, there are also people who cry as if the world has ended because they don't know what to do with their love ones' dead bodies; not every temple allows funerals for illegal workers, and with no membership in any group, they can not expect help. This is new for me too. At home we never worried about having no one who cared. But here, many corpses are cremated at hospitals because no one claims the bodies. This new life allows we Tais to survive, our youth to hope, and our relatives to live on. I am not the kind of person who is scared of change, but I am worried about the future still. At a recent Tai festival, I stood reading a script written on the wall. It said, "Will you be satisfied living your life in a foreign land forever?" -------------------------


In a refugee camp on the Thai-Burma border, young people who have finished Grade 10 don't know what to do with the future. "No further education", "And they don't allow us to work."

"They should let us study in Thai universities!", "An international course, huh? We don't speak Thai", "We need scholarships, too. We don't have money."

"But they said there weren't enough universities even for Thai kids." "Also, if we've got scholarships, the poor Thai kids would probably feel bad." "Well, it's just a waste of time thinking about it-we aren't even Thai citizens!"

"And Thailand isn't a party to the Convention on the Status of Refugees" "But the country ratified many international human rights laws, including the Int. Covenants on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights"

"Can't we just have a college in the camp and let the Thai kids join in?" "If they would allow us to work, we could certainly afford to pay for our education." "But if we get to study but aren't allowed to go out and work, what's the use of studying?"

"That means the Thai govt. has a duty to provide basic education for all, including non-Thais." "But for higher education, they just have to try to their utmost capacity." "Capacity?"

"Oh! All these rights are interrelated!"


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Chiang Mai has been freezzz zing. My tail had a cramp and it couldn't be wagged! Can you believe it? I was allowed to take a big rest, but idle hours seemed too boring so I went sniffing around for books and got two from the shelves. The book cover struck my eyes. It was a picture of a sapphire-blue dragon that glanced sideways at the readers. Doesn't she look like me? Eragon and Eldest, the first two out of three from the Inheritance Trilogy by a very young writer Christopher Paolini, is a fantasy novel about the fight between the good and evil, with stories of magic spells, elves, dwarves, monsters and most importantly, a very cute, peevish pretty dragon named Saphira. Eragon is a boy the same age as Christopher the writer, and both of them grew up on a remote farm. Saphira is a dragon kid (by the end of Book II, she is a teenage dragon), and despite her extraordinary intelligence and power, her relationship with Eragon is like a companion. I mean, it's not different from the relationship between a dog like me and my human at home. Eragon was chosen by Saphira to be a dragon rider, or a peacekeeper. At the time, a tyrant king and his followers oppressed the people and suffering spread all over the empire. Then, of course, Eragon chose to help the revolutionary alliance between humans, elves and dwarves, and he (or Christopher himself) found that there was evil among the evil forces' opponents too. The conflict for power - due to different opinions, races or bloodlines- made the fight for good and beauty not that simple.

Despite criticism that Eragon/ Eldest copied Lord of the Rings (for the elves and dwarves part) and Star Wars (dragon riders seemed similar to Jedi knights), I gave Christopher my tail for his hidden agenda that was actually simply and honestly presented - the significant leadership role of the young people. During the adventure, all of the young characters were growing up and learning to take their own stands in society. Moreover, each had the common problem that his/her brains and capacity were always overlooked or looked down upon by the adults, or members of the older generations. Eragon and Saphira were in search of the meaning of life. Each gradually understood and developed his/her capacity, while at the same time learned the greatness of friendship, individual freedom and love. (When Eragon confided in an Elvish princess, Saphira couldn't help but do the same with an ancient giant golden dragon too. Oops!) Roran, Eragon's cousin, had been trying to adjust himself to the situation wherein he shifted from being an ordinary farm boy to a rebel leader overnight. Although it all started from pressure and personal drive for revenge, Roran went further by learning to confront, to gather the villagers' spirits and strength, to be responsible for those who believed in him, to lead the fight against the abusive government soldiers, and finally to lead the group to take refuge across the border. Nasuada, the daughter of the freedom fighter's leader, had been working out the best role to play after she was chosen by the revolutionary council to inherit her father's post for one and only one reason: she was young enough to be their puppet leader! While trying to control the political situation, Nasuada brought new ideas to the group such as a new way of fundraising when their food supply route was cut and opening arms to the 'Urgals', a human-like creature that was said to be very primitive and cruel and was hated and killed because of its ugly look. During their efforts to take up roles in this world, each of the young characters (or Christopher himself) had lots of question to ask themselves: why was life like this? Why do we have to do what we do? How can we know the right decision? Can we choose our own destinies? I guess there were quite a few questions that the writer wasn't able to answer himself (and therefore the readers might feel the same way) especially when it came to matters of war and politics. Eragon felt it was wrong to kill someone, but he was a natural killer who slaughtered hundreds of horrified soldiers in the blink of an eye. What is the justification for an attack against the empire that will make ordinary villagers suffer so much? When the council of dragon-riders is above all the powers, does it mean that no one will monitor their actions? How can world peace depend only on an individual's morality? When I was a teen dog, I had many magnificent dreams just like many other teens, but I remember how hard it was to make those dreams come true. There were too many interesting choices for me to spend my energy on them, and my human, friends and community seemed to have a bigger influence on my decision than they do now. Then the dream was finally forgotten and now it's just a beautiful youthful memory. My point is, Christopher Paolini didn't let time pass by like I did. Immediately after finishing high school, at the age of 15, he started working on his dream: this Trilogy novel. Four years later, the book was published by his family and the young guy then traveled to over a hundred schools and libraries to promote the book himself (quite 'indie', huh?). Before long, a commercial publisher approached him to buy the copyrights and Eragon then became a bestseller when its writer was only 20 years old. Today, Christopher, 24, has postponed his study plans in order to finish the last book of the trilogy. I understand there are so many things that Eragon, Eldest, Roran, Nasuada and Christopher himself need to learn and find answers to. Of course, some older and more mature writers may already have these answers, but I wonder whether they have the fresh and active power as this Christopher does. Oh!, My tail is wagging The sprain is relieved! Mulan P.S. I intended not to mention the movie 'Eragon'. This probably is one example of Christopher's lack of experience - he was in a hurry to sell the book to people who didn't have a strong intention to bring his imagination and message to the big screen! The movie business is no less complicated than politics in Eragon, huh?


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Note : The roselle leaves used for this curry are from a different kind of roselle plant that we use to make roselle juice. Anyone interested in planting it may consult their Mon friends. It's quite easy to plant.

Ha-Nah-Ha-Jeb (Roselle Curry) "Real Mon people must be side by side with the Roselle", a young female Mon cook said with a smile when I curiously asked how come each house around there had a small roselle plot in the front. She said that for the Mon, the roselle was a plant of life. If there is no money to go to the market, just pick up roselle leaves to stir-fry or boil in a curry, and life is satisfying enough. In the fields, once the land is cleared, roselle was the first plant to be sowed so that the Mon farmers could eat it during the planting season. Today I knocked on the door of a kitchen in a Mon community in Sangklaburi. Despite the fact that their rights to citizenship were approved about a year ago, the people cannot demand compensation from the loss of lands to the Kao Lam dam construction, as the authorities said the incident occured when they had no Thai ID and therefore they have no such rights. Fortunately, with the compassion of Luang Por Uttama, the well-known venerable Thai-Mon monk, the displaced people were given a small piece of land on which to build a new house with a small plot of land for a roselle garden, which will be their strength to continue any struggle. Ingredients Roselle leaves, pork cut into square pieces, shrimp-paste mixed with water, shallots cut into half, salt Instructions Pick only young roselle leaves, Boil water until it bubbles and add the pork and shallots, Simmer until the pork is well cooked and the shallots soft, add the roselle and continue simmering until the leaves are soft and the soup becomes thick, Add shrimp-paste water Taste the curry. Add a little bit of salt to cut down the sour taste of the roselle. Serve with steamed rice.


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Hello, Goodbye

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In Korea, 1944, when Lee Hee-ja was only 13 months old, her father was recruited by the Imperial Japanese Army during the Second World War. Sixty years after it ended, on one rainy June day, Lee held a memorial service for her father, who, she learned later, died in Guangxi, China. Lee filed a lawsuit against the Japanese government to withdraw her father's name from the Yasukuni Shrine, where those who died for the country, including the war operators, were worshipped as gods. She did not wish to see her father, in Japanese name, enshrined as hero of the war which actually brought about hardship in many places. We followed the story of Lee through the screening of the documentary film AnnyongSayonara. The grief, the fight, and the lawsuit actually happened; the protest and the discriminatory offences by Japanese right-wingers in Japan were real. The movie was completed before Tokyo District Court ruling, so it did not document that they decided that the government's action was "within the range of ordinary administrative research and response work". Outside the screening, we stood with Chung Ji Hye, who was the coordinator for this joint film production project between Korea and Japan. Ji Hye was born in Japan, used to have Japanese name, but, like thousands of other Japan-born Koreans whose grandparents were relocated from Korea during the war, Ji Hye virtually had no nationality and could not hold a passport until recently. She could not vote. Using Korean name made it harder to find a job in big companies, while some apartment owners refused to rent out their properties to her. Legally, as well as socially and culturally, discrimination against ¶¹¹¡Ãاâµà¡ÕÂÇ 'others exists both from outside and within Japan, not unlike other nation-states, either developed or developing, Western or Asian. Ji Hye went to Korea for the first time as exchange student at Seoul University and there she started studying Korean language. She ended up staying for four years and participated in the people's media movement which evolved gradually in Korea. She made documentaries about Korean comfort women, survivors, ex-soldiers drafted by Japanese Army during the war, as well as those suffering from the Yasukuni issue. She was offered a job as coordinator between the two countries for the Annyong-Sayonara project. However, the history and memory of society have been passed down from generation to generation and are embedded in each individual's mind. Even the cooperation project to overcome the tragic past between these two countries was full of problems when one party's memories of being victimized were strong while the other was made to forget. Lack of understanding soon grew into conflicts, until Ji Hye once said to a crew member that "this is how wars are instigated". I remembered Ji Hye once told me that her self and identity was also like standing at a crossroad between two cultures, which was sometimes uncomfortable, because, while being discriminated in Japan, Korean society that was rather closed and conservative also condemned her that she has left her mother's culture. Nonetheless, conflicts are proved to be overcome by understanding. While filming in Okinawa, another place of bitter memories of the war, the crew from two countries held meetings every night - with Ji Hye carrying out the important task of translating - in order for each party to voice their thoughts and moved on in agreement. Annyong-Sayonara reflected the historical discord between two nations, but individuals need not passively accept what they are told by the government and education, and they can go beyond that by understanding each other. Ji Hye is now working for a people's media organization in Japan. The next goal is to create cooperation between people's media in Asia. If Ji Hye is standing at the crossroads between two spaces, two cultures and societies, two different versions of history, between the past and the present, between reality and story in films, the crossroads are no longer a problem for her because she can use them as a bridge to bring about understanding, as suggested by the title of the movie in which she played an important role to produce: "Sayonara/Goodbye to tragic past, Annyong/Hello to peaceful future".


The Power of Hope

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During the past several years, I had the chance to work with people from diverse cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds, all of whom had a wish for a peaceful and just society. We tried to campaign so that people in this society understood what had been going on: poverty, forced eviction, state's development projects that snatched community's resources, and the violence in neighboring countries. I occasionally participated in rallies and street marches with the affected villagers, interested students, and social activists. At the time I believed that the solution must be when, due to the people's pressure, the national leaders assumed responsibility. However, I had always been disappointed. Although Thailand's leadership changed over time, each victimized the grassroots level as usual. Moreover, the people's movements seemed weaker, with internal and external conflict relating to ideology or methodology, and finally many alliances broke up. I sat down reviewing my past experiences. Looking back at the time I worked with young ethnic friends from Burma, I remembered how dedicated they were. With the dream for peace, despite all the dangers, they constantly tried and created ways so that things were possible. Despite the threats from the Burma's army, these young people sneaked inside the conflict zone to get video footage of the abuses; such as soldiers that had burnt villages and rice barns and brutally forced the villagers to relocate, so that the world will acknowledge the truth. Currently, I have the opportunity to work with the Muslim youth from the three southernmost provinces and university students from all Thailand's regions. They all joined hands as the Youth Network for Peace in Three Southernmost Provinces. The network aimed to promote understanding in the society. It organized seminars and campaigns, creating their own spaces to express opinions regarding violence in the south. Although these youth live in different regions, they keep connected via internet, phone calls, and regular meetings. The most significant mission is the field visit, where they go to affected communities in order to learn and listen. It might not solve such tragic problems, but friendship and understanding can be a great way of healing for people experiencing suffering. Most importantly, I believe, these youth are learning to understand each other's suffering which will sow the seeds of empathy in their hearts. In a short time, it is these youth that will become qualified leaders of our society. After my review of the past, I realized that actually the power of the youths' hopes, dreams and imaginations have radiated towards me quietly - just to have a chance to exchange my thoughts with them is enough to continue to fuel the flames in my heart. Deya Paw is a penname of a peace activist who is currently working with the Center for Peace Study and Development, Mahidol University.


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Reading the latest magazine, I'd like to support Saw for his short diary. It made me feel younger! I started to write to friends - some of whom I didn't even know where they were living! His article reminded me about the value of friendship, and the differences between life with and without friends. I've known you for 6 years, and I'll be out of prison this year. I hope to visit Chiang Mai before returning to Burma but it might be too difficult. /ZNT, Supanburi

suffered from war too, but now we have declared to the world that our brother/

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sisterhood can definitely conquer any political barriers. The Mekong River is not

We're glad to let you know that starting from this issue; Saw will have his own

a boundary, but a connection of loves between people on both sides of the

column. We are grateful that you value our friendship. Although we've never

river. I hope the place you live will become a just land as you wish. Although

met and may not be able to, we hope you will bring back to Burma with you the

I can't participate there, I'll be sending you my willpower. / M., Nong Khai

Thai people's best wishes.

It's the first time that I read your magazine and I found it to be the kind of book I'd been looking for. Over 30 years ago, my village on the Kong riverbank had

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You must be the change you want to see in the world

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