Over the Rainbow Issue

Page 1




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Friends Without Borders is a Thai NGO, established in 1999 to promote all human rights for all and the Thai-Burma people's network. With a small team and big groups of friends, the work started from a small scale, with a hope to expand to wider and more diverse groups of people in Thai society. Our main activities are alternative media, human rights education and peoples' network promotion via workshop training and exchange forums, and capacity building and consultancy for community-based organizations.

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Inside News

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We invite you to share articles/poems/photos relating to human rights, marginalized peoples, indigenous peoples, refugees and migrant workers. Photos with details are accepted all year. Please send a manuscript that hasn't been published and isn't longer than 2 A4 page (Times 12) under the theme 'The Peace Messenger' (deadline 29/02/08) to us by post or email. The writer/photographer's real name and contact address should be attached so that we can send you a small gift and a little honorarium if selected. The editor reserves the right to edit the selected piece.

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Sawasdee New Year! We've got a lot of new news for the New Year! First of all, we'd like to ask your permission and support in increasing the magazine membership fees to 260 baht per year. However, current subscribers can still extend membership at the same price you originally paid. Subscribe now and you will receive a desk calendar from internally displaced schoolchildren! Although you can pick up our magazines from coffee shops and bookstores in Chiang Mai, subscribing is very much appreciated as support and encouragement for our work. Regarding our big activity this year, the 'Songs Without Borders' project, we'd like to thank everyone who sent songs to join. Now the pieces that have passed the first round have been sent to the selection committee; we'll continue to keep you updated on the project's progress. Khun Mulan has confirmed us that she would do her best to make this project great fun. For those of you who haven't yet got a new year calendar or purchased New Year/Thai Children's Day presents, we have postcard sets with internally displaced children's paintings (one set 6 pics/45 bht) and a desk calendar 'Twelve Colours-Twelve Dreams' (80 bht) available and waiting for you. Ordering is easy: just email or telephone us at the magazine's contact address and number. And before we meet again, our website editor would like to invite you who read Thai to visit www.friends-without-borders.org and share your comments. Related articles are more than welcome; please send articles to borders@chmai2.loxinfo.co.th. See you in two months!


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The dreamy sound of a harp and poem chanting filled the silence of the refugee camp that night. The candlelight illuminated the traditional instrument crafted from wood and a few wire strings. The Hte Na (Karen harp) and Hta (Karen poem) warmly greeted the visitors who gathered in a little thatch-roof hut. I had an opportunity to visit my brothers and sisters in the refugee camp again. Every time, I feel as though it's a special opportunity in my life, and perhaps this time could be the most special. Karen friends and elders from different areas and borders gathered here for a cultural exchange. With my little experience and little time in the community, I didn't think a Karen like me would be able to share anything. I only expected to come and learn. The next morning, when the elders started asking for tea, betel nuts, and tobacco, I knew that the excitement was about to begin. The conversation was to be done by a Hta duel. I couldn't even sit still, thinking about the valuable traditional poems which were rarely heard in my village now. But then, the elders divided us into two groups. Each comprised young people like me, with aunties and uncles in support. My heart beat soundly. Wasn't I only an observer? In the past, our ancestors performed Hta duels at almost every occasion; weddings, funerals and in the fields. The Hta for each occasion is different. But for me, whose social and economic conditions had pushed me to live in town more than in the mountains; I did not even know how to sing Hta. The aunties and uncles said they would like to please the young people by performing the "Hta Mue Hta Khwa" (Women-Men poems) or the Hta that boys and girls sang for courting. Aunty Tue Poe, an elder in my group began, "My heart is with you, it roots solidly on the ground as a bamboo." Then a woman in another group replied, "Flies to your bedroom does my heart. Yours is with someone else far apart." They sang back and forth so naturally. For a Hta duel, it is not only necessary that we must know how to sing a poem well, but we must also understand the hidden meaning of each Hta and be witty. I did enjoy it but couldn't help feeling nervous. And when many eyes turned to me, from my mouth something just slipped out-something that I heard from my village. "When you are in her womb, your mother ate wild flowers - when you are grown up, your skin is graceful and pure forever." With the first Hta words came flowing from my mouth, my heart swelled. I did it. I could do the Hta duel. I am now a Karen who uses Hta to express my feeling rather than making calls, writing letters, emails or chatting online. But when the girl sang back, "If your words are true, will you yourself be true too?", my heart sank. I didn't know how to reply. I knew nothing . Suddenly Aunty Tue Poe pinched my back. A smile appeared on her wrinkled face. She guided me slowly, "I am not a son of big people. My life and my words are so simple." I sang it out with my Chiang Rai accent. I felt as if Aunty Tue Poe was my real relative. She was from Karen State, a place so far from my home. Aunty Tue Poe later told me that as a young girl, she would be very happy to duel Hta with the man she liked. And if it was a guy she didn't have a heart for, Hta singing could be the very best way to tell the truth in a polite but sincere manner. I eagerly learnt many more Htas from her though I still don't know who to duel Hta with in real life. I guess Karen girls these days rarely know how to do it, just like me. However, I believe that if we could express our identity in our very own way, an answer will come from somewhere. The rain began to shower on the thatch roof. Children who played in the dusty dust yard left their toys and ran for shelter; they will go back to collect their toys after the rain. Those toys belong to them. Just as I returned here for something that was mine - something that I had forgotten and left out in the rain for so long. I have heard that an old refugee once said that a war could take away lots of life, but it wouldn't be able to wipe us out, as long as our identity lived on. "Pieces of the broken rice pot we shall gather. Stick them all and make a complete pot as we once were"


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Rainy days have passed. Winter light covered the top of the hill where the sun was about to set behind. I was riding my motorcycle along the mountains on the way home, my path of hope. Before my very first international trip, I decided to come back to find the meaning of myself and my roots at home in the mountains. We are indigenous people who have been living here for at least 300 years. I was born and have grown up in the village, yet I sometimes feel I know very little about myself, or less than what I would have wanted to. The Karen people have been struggling for freedom and peace since our ancestors' time. "Our homeland is here. We will not continue to move any longer, no matter how hard others try to push us away," my father said, pointing his finger to the green mountains. "We have lived here for so long, long before state authorities and members of the parliaments existed, and before all the roads and the electricity. We live with the forest and its spirit. We are the stream, the forest and the sky." The night before I left, villagers came to pray for me - the son of the village who will travel abroad to tell other people our stories. My father killed three chickens for the spirits. One villager lent me a 'kwae' - our traditional musical instrument made from buffalo horn. It is the best kwae in the village and the owner wanted its voice to travel with me. The plane flew me over the ocean and dove down until I saw an island below. I saw houses and people, and I thought of my father's words. He told me that in any land there were people. If we move, we will have to steal lands from others. My land is where my people have been settling down and taking care for generations, so that our children will be able to see trees and animals. "People have to protect their own land. We shall not fight for others' lands," my father said. Everyday in Medan, Aceh, Indonesia, my kwae did its job to cheer up the spirits of my friends. They are indigenous peoples from eight Asian countries. I listened to my Batah friend's story, that his people's religious building was demolished by the government because such traditional religion is not universally accepted. I speak very little English and learned all these through an interpreter. Yet I feel as if I was among a circle of old friends. Perhaps, all of us here have all been through similar sufferings and all are engaged in a fight for freedom and peace, in our own ways. About ten years ago, the Thai government declared a conservation zone on our homeland. We were informed that we must move out - out from our ancestor's lands. That was just because we have taken care of it so well that it became the rich forest that no longer remained on the lowland. I still remember the fear in my mother's eyes after she came back from the village meeting. She didn't know how her family and her children could go on. We went to file a complaint at the district office, but they said it was too big for them. We then went to the provincial office to affirm our rights, but they said we had to go to the central government. When we went to the government's house, they kicked us back. Then ten thousands of us had to gather, and they listened. Unfortunately, I don't think they heard us well. City people might not understand how our lives are inseparable from the forests, lands and the nature's spirits. Before I left, my father told me, "City people view trees and land as money. Everything can become money. That's probably why they couldn't understand how we see the forest, lands and water as our life."

Many do not understand my indigenous people friends here, as the same as they didn't understand me. Since I was little, I often heard others say that we were only a "minority" who must ask permission from the "majority" to live, and that our unique culture is a threat to national security. Here, I met an Aceh friend - my first close Muslim friend, and I thought about the TV news where the Muslims were usually presented as terrorists. It seems we are often viewed by others as some type of strange human beings. Our countries spend a lot of money to buy weapons for war. However, all my friends from different ethnicities confirmed my belief that our traditional cultures only aim for peace. My father also said once, "The Karen are just humans who do not want anything else but freedom and peace in life." I do believe that we all are human beings who travel on different paths for the very same goal. I went to the market in Medan. I didn't have any money to buy souvenirs for my parents. But I think I will bring all our hopes for peace and freedom here to plant in our field back home.


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When the United Nations was established over 60 years ago, human rights was one of its core mandates. However, the UN human rights mechanisms have always been criticized for their failures and weaknesses; they haven't been able to stop or prevent the world's widespread human right violations. The UN Commission for Human Rights is only a part of the UN Economic and Social Council. News about upgrading the UN Commission for Human Rights into the Human Rights Council covered very little space in the Thai newspapers. Many of us viewed this reform as irrelevant to our lives. Some even had the misconception that the UN was nothing but western powers trying to control Asia. In fact, Thailand is part of the UN; it has the right to vote for or against any changes in the UN's mechanisms, resolutions, and international laws. We also choose to exercise our right by ratifying many international human rights laws ourselves. I personally think that the Human Rights Council is good news. Most UN member states agree that it's time to reform this old mechanism. Only a few states, of course, including the US, disagree with this. I have spent some time thinking about how this reform would affect the world and Thailand. Now we have the Human Rights Council as the supreme mechanism in dealing with human rights problems. It is comprised of 47 members from 5 regions, elected by the UN General Assembly. The regional quota was newly arranged in order to avoid the overwhelming influence of political superpowers like the US and the western European countries. The council's mandates were expanded to be greater and wider than those of the commission. Various mechanisms were adjusted to make things run smoother. Most importantly, the ethical and moral standard of the council's state members was set higher. This has never been the case in the past when any country could be a member of the Commissions for Human Rights. States with bad human rights records usually wanted the chair to protect their own interests.

Under the newly-established Human Rights Council, the state members, as the world's human rights rule keepers, must have their human rights records monitored closely and regularly. Two thirds of the UN General Assembly can vote a council state member out if it doesn't behave. Thailand was a member of the UN Commission for Human Rights during a time when its human rights record was worse than ever. This included the 'War against Drugs' policy that killed people like leaves, leaving thousands of orphans and social problems behind. I expect that if this newly set standard goes well, none of the Human Right Council's members will be able to act like we did. It is certain that no mechanism is perfect. A mechanism is a mechanism; if we don't use it, it will become rusty. Hope for the better always comes as a reform, if the reform is democratically decided upon and implemented. I believe that an international mechanism reform has an impact at the national level as well. It depends on whether we can feel it, and whether we can turn from the dark side to see the light. As a Thai citizen, no matter what the result of the new constitution and the election will be, I still have hope for the day when normal democracy is back. I still see light at the end of the tunnel, and view this cloudy moment as a good lesson for all of us - a lesson that we learn in order to move on to the right track, rejecting those who consider individual and group politics more important than the people.



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A Painting of Hope Another round of time - another year! Another festive season has arrived for the world to celebrate; we have come to an end of one cycle and a new round begins. The human world seems to be a picture that one can repaint, from the first day of the year to the end; most have many paintings but some have only one hanging there forever. If you ask me what I dream for this occasion, my answer will be very confusing. I sat down for a good self reflection, trying to recollect what my wishes in the end of 2006 were, and how many I have achieved during the year. Then, I realized that I rarely had a wish. My painting of hope was just a blank paper. What's wrong? Am I hopeless? No, definitely not. Although I cannot say I am a very successful man according to society's standards - I'm not rich and not a big boss; I don't have fancy assets. But I still have a good job that can support me and my family just fine. I have a nice family and some good friends, although not too many. Generally, my life is fine enough. It's normal. Perhaps the thing that has gone wrong was what my friend once commented suggested, "You don't have ambition. You are too easy going. You haven't tried to achieve what they call the 'great success' in life."


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Well, I do need success. Personally, I want to have a good family - full of love and understanding. I want to engage in a job that I can proudly say contributes to the betterment of the society - a job that doesn't make me feel ashamed. I want a friend- a true friend who I know and understand their true selves and good deeds; we could help each other in difficult times. But, these are what I already possess, aren't they? So, what else must I wish for? Aren't these already my successes? So, what does the painting of hope look like? Apart from what I've already achieved, I wish my country to be the land of peace - the place where everyone lives with understanding of the diversity of ethnicity, beliefs and opinions. I wish it to be a country where all receive equal justice, and everyone has equal opportunities to live a decent life. Moreover, I think if we live fine and happy that way, why can't our neighboring countries enjoy the same? And, my more ambitious hope is that other people will have similar hopes like me. Will my hope ever be achieved? Actually, the painting of my hope might not be a piece of empty canvas. Perhaps, it is too ambitious, too big for anyone including me to see the big picture. My painting needs a lot of help to complete Will there be anyone to help me paint it?



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Out from a golden cage, staring to the wide sky, Behind the bars was merely the body, not the mind. Weave a magic carpet, above to fly, Beyond all borderlines, Beyond all might and power. Any ethnicity, any nationality, any place, Are the world's people To be loved and to be cared for, Our fates are to live together, From all persecutions, we protect one another. Beauty is where our hearts become one. The world becomes one when hands are held. That is the time all reach their goals, When the light of hope touches all souls, To be free. Is the life and spirit of the ordinaries, Of ones on the top and at the edge of the boundaries, The quest for peace and freedom; The hope to dare beautify the world.




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ÀÒ¾¨Ò¡ Labor Protection Network

ÀÒ¾¨Ò¡ Labor Protection Network


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The Play of Life One's hope could be for something so small and ordinary, indeed, but it may not be such a small and ordinary thing that one has a genuine goal they are heading to with courage. The dreams of many migrant workers go beyond borders; the dreams fly afar to their homeland. Some even dream wide enough to cover the ends of the world. Some only wish that they will be able to get away from the police for another day. And some wish for love. This conversation is an interview with real individuals, who are the main characters on their very own stage, just like you are. Characters

Hla Tway: a 36-year old Burman working in a motorcycle garage. He's been in Thailand for almost 2 decades. Yo: an 18-year old Karen girl working in a Bang Bua Thong hairdresser. She's been in Thailand for over 4 years. J: a 28 Karen cook for a restaurant in the middle of Bangkok town. He's been in Thailand for 13 years. Pu: a 21-year old Mon nanny. She just arrived in Thailand for a year. Sumi: a 26-year old Pa-O construction worker. He's been in Thailand for around 5 years. Aung Mya: a 24-year old Burman waiter in Suan Lump Night Plaza. He's been in Thailand for around 2 years. May: a 20-year-old Pa-O girl working in a clothes shop in a big market. She's been in Thailand for almost 3 years. Nui: a 20-year-old Karen domestic helper working in Thailand for over 3 years.

ÀÒ¾¨Ò¡ Labor Protection Network "What are your hopes and dreams?" Hla Tway: A family; a wife and kids. My other dreams have come true, only these are left. But I also hope Burma will become a democracy so that people will have rights. Yo: As a child, I only hoped my parents wouldn't fight. And when I started working in Thailand, I only knew I wanted to send them money, just like others did. But now I know, please don't laugh, that I dream to be a business woman, running a small business that I can earn a living and help other people. I want Burma to become a democracy quickly. I want to be part of the change, too. I hope to see my home getting better. J: Don't know; I now have a broken heart. I'm confused. Just work and get paid. I want to have a girlfriend and want to go back build a house for my sister in Pa-an. Pu: I wish my home will be as developed as Rangoon. There it's easier to work and trade. Now everyone has left my village for Thailand. I miss Burma. I cry for the monks everyday, watching the news about the protest in Rangoon. I wanted to have a lot of savings and go back to open a furniture shop in Moulmein. Sumi: Have a wife and be rich! I want to go abroad so that no police will arrest me. Here I don't have rights, in Burma either. I want Burma to become a democratic country so that the rich and poor have equal rights. If I can stay here without getting arrest, I won't go abroad. I didn't dream of obtaining Thai citizenship or even about wanting to be equal as Thai citizens. I only want to be equal as a human. Aong Mya: No dream for myself. It isn't important. My country is more important! I dream for democracy. Now people are poor. We have no opportunity and future. And if we say anything it will get us get arrested. May: I used to dream of being a doctor but my family couldn't support my education. Then I followed my friend to Thailand. I hope my country is developed as here. Developed?... I meant be free. People can talk without fear. Now I want to be able to read Thai so that I can come and go anywhere. Nui: Wish all peoples speak the same language. No rich and poor - all are equal. Wish people love and care for each other. There are only smiles and happiness. No fear. No sickness. The world smells of only flowers and filled with green trees. This is the world I want to live in because in reality there is none of the kind. "What have you done to achieve your dreams and hopes? Hla Tway: I give people advice. I help people to find jobs. I help interpret for those who don't speak Thai. I help them to register. I find others to help when my friends are in trouble. Yo: I've saved money for my family. I do anything that I think is helpful. We can't just wait for others' help. If so, those suffered will be suffering more. J: I save money. I'm trying to forget my ex-girlfriend. I've tried to start anew. Pu: I bought gold. I have 4 baht now. It's my funds for the furniture shop. Saving money is too risky. Sumi: I joined the campaign that advocates for our rights so that my children will have future. I also joined the protest in front of UN building, demanding UN to go to Burma so that people will have jobs. We must be united and keep fighting. Aung Mya: I help everyone who asks me to. During the protest this year, I pawn my ring and get 5,000 baht to by clothes for headbands and by red T-shirts for friends. I've always interested in this. May: I work hard. I don't create trouble for the Thais. I study Thai hard. I do my homework. Nui: I talk with my friends about my dreams so that they know and understand. Then I help them, support them. We love one another and smile for one another everyday, just like what I wish for. Migrant workers from Burma in Thailand may be viewed by many as small and ordinary people. Nevertheless, people can become great and extraordinary when they struggle to reach their dreams. These characters are still playing the role they designed. Their curtain will not be closed.


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I read newspaper headlines these days and don't feel so cheerful. Political, economic and social circumstances seem fixed. Elections don't provide us sufficient choices. Moreover, many individual and institutional experts confirmed my fear that democracy would not return in a short time and the new government would have a very short life. Very gloomy indeed! With my very little knowledge and wisdom, there was a time, I confessed, that I began to lower my head and accept the defeat. But after I turn the newspapers' pages inside to read more and more articles, including those of 'Ka Fae Dam' (Krungthep Turakij, 8/12/07) I sat down to knock on my skull to get the dull dust out! Breathing deeply and gathering my strength, I started to understand that the unbearable lightness of the politicians and all the nonsense 'up there' were just of those people there and not us. We definitely don't have to perpetuate the unbearable nonsense like them by any means. Conversely, the more they keep barking and brawling for power, which has nothing to do with the benefit for ordinary people, the more we have to try affirming our power to decide our own fate. Of course, we have power. In 'Space for Rent' this year, we have seen many stories of groups that bravely struggle for the better. Isn't this hope - a lamp that shines in the gloomy days? And if today we feel hopeless and bored, I think the only way left for us is to actively struggle to get the hope back. If not, then who will be able to bring us new hope as being advertised?


We do not dream; the dreams dream us Through the flat surface of the clock is the actual time which does not move in only two dimensions. Even in the breadth between one second to the next on the face therein rests the unfathomable depth behind. Life does not exist in a straight or circular line: it is not flat or simple, but full of irreducible complications. While falling into the abyss of time, life's nakedness looks at us in the eye, plays tricks on us with memories, places, time, people, faces, eyes, conversations, with feelings, with diversity, with change, and with a beauty that can never be possessed. Because no matter what we think, life will constantly fall in between the hands of the clock. Because in the deepness of dreams, we are one with what we see. We do not dream; it is the dreams that devour us. With the smell of smoke, mixed with the reverie that made me unsure whether it was at dusk or dawn, the long days and nights and years shattered in the few seconds before I opened my eyes. I woke up to find myself in Davao, in Mindanao Island the name which had been blotched with the color of sadness, with the image of violence and conflicts between the Moro and the Filipino central government, and even the fearful name of Abu Sayyaf. But how could that image explain the bright sun and the shy smile on the many faces I saw in the street? How could it reflect the difference between my two Muslim friends? How much could it say about the diverse opinions of the Christians I conversed with? How much could it pronounce the tender delight to know that the ocean was always nearby? How could I believe in the image that overlooked the "Lumads" or the indigenous peoples who were neither Christian nor Muslim, but lived on the frontline of the war between the two parties? What should I believe in when, entering the realm of the Lumads, I still found the difference among more than 18 groups - with each of them, there were still dreams, and, in dreams, there was still the fume of change? The silence between the laughter of Javanese and Acehnese friends, between the eyes of friends from Manila and Mindanao, between the sky in Okinawa and Tokyo, between the ride in Soi Wat Umong and Silom Road, between sleepwalking in Yangon and floating in Inle Lake, made me wonder how I could believe in the essence of being "Indonesian", "Filipino", "Japanese", "Thai", and "Burmese". Meme na o Mindanaw* Sleep now, my dear Mindanao sang the mother's lullaby. If in life, I cannot believe in images perceived only superficially by the eye, I must then believe in dreams - the dreams the lead us to the bottomless and endless differences and diversities. Because, once we fall into the abyss of dreams, our limited understanding about the world and life will evaporate. We are no longer the one who dreams: it's the dreams that dream us. * "Meme Na Mindanaw" A lullaby for peace. Concept & lyrics by Albert E. Alejo (Ateneo de Davao University)

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"Hearing humans around me who are often concerned that the world must be getting close to the end - with surrounding long-drawn-out wars, global warming and epidemic use of violence, I felt sad." Crouching; wrinkling my forehead, I wave my tail listlessly. I thought of the dark atmosphere in the film 'Children of Men'. . The very near future world, only in the next 20 years, where wars destroy each and every state and city - leaving Britain the only place to take a refuge The very near future world where the British state justifies the brutal and inhuman treatment against refugees and non-British citizens based on 'national security' that gains support from a numbers of its citizens The future world where suicidal drugs are legally advertised as an alternative for humans who are afraid of sickness and old age, or who want to get away from the deterioration of humanity And in that world, there hasn't been a single newborn baby for 18 years. The only source of delight for life is having a pet - dogs like me. Nobody knows for sure why humans are suddenly unable to breed. Many believe it is God's punishment for humans who frantically have been annihilating one another, and the world, for so long. My tail hairs stand on end! The movie doesn't look like a far-fetched imagination to me. It's so real, or in other words, it's about to happen. Isn't it true that the spreading wars these days demolish more lives of unarmed, innocent citizens than ever? And, take a look at this TV spot shown in the future world's subway "He's my dentist. She's my house cleaner", "He's the plumber . She's my cousin", said British citizens. "They are illegal immigrants", the voice over came, "To hire, feed or shelter illegal immigrants is a crime", "Protect Britain. Report all illegal immigrants!!" This ad doesn't exist only in the future, does it? Also, the way that any type of ID paper becomes the most valuable asset that could bring you life or death doesn't just happen. The difference could be that, today, the inhuman, degrading treatment against the 'other nationality/ethnicity' cannot be practiced openly (not that it doesn't happen) as there are many of us who protest and will not let it be justified.

But would it be possible that if humans continue falling into the trap of 'us' and 'them', such treatment can one day be done publicly and openly, as if it's a usual normal practice as in the movie? Well, trust me, that day will be the end of humanity. My tail falls, but not for too long. My nose then captures the scent of a number of small people in the movie. For them, despite the desperate climate, they still have hope for peace and humanity. And it is they, who help 'hope' survive. So now my tail is wagging excitingly. I can smell the scent of hope around me. Actually 2007 is very special; not only has our magazine been warmly welcomed, but other types of art and entertainment that make your heart healthy by affirming marginalized peoples' space, friendship and peace has been very successful. This year Thai society had a chance to admire Apiluk Puangkaew's photo exhibition sharing stories of the migrant children in Mahachai. Moreover, the movie 'The Songs of Eh Doh Shi' has traveled to villages and cities, especially in the World Film Festival in Bangkok to declare its space and inspire a large number of audiences to have questions, to turn their eyes to and understand more about the life and power of the Thai-Karen villagers and Karen refugees. And recently, I've got lots of new friends from the 'Songs Without Borders' project. My tail wags and wags for such variety of songs that sent to us. Although it can't be compared with competitions organized by business companies, this great first step makes me feel so hopeful. Therefore, I, Mulan, would like to declare that if all of us continue to help expand our friendship without borders like this, we will not reach the stage of 'Children of Men'. Our 'hope' will survive, for sure. Joyfully wag my tail, Woof Woof ! Mulan

Children of Men 2006 Directed by Alfonso Cuaron Based on the book by P.D. James Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael Caine


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A Hope by the Stove People have said that thinking about the past is a sign of old age. I agreed to only be a part of it, maybe ? today, my thoughts of the past actually started from my secret hope for the future. The memories since my very first day knocking at people's kitchen doors until the latest one remain crystal clear in my mind. Despite great differences in terms of ethnicities and languages, these cooks, mostly displaced persons, share something in common. At the beginning, everyone was shy, knowing they were not professionals. But when cooking time started, the hands that reach all the kitchenware are firm and the eyes that look at the ingredients are very determined. Moreover, all of them were proud to tell me about life stories behind those dishes. I still remember the Lahu girl who had only joined a youth organization for two days. She looked pretty in a colorful sarong, with Tanaka powder on her cheeks. The girl simply hoped to be part of her community development movement. Her simple and short sentences passed on her dreams to me. "I'm glad there are people interested in our food. Only telling people about this dish means we are talking about the existence of our ethnic nationality." Similarly, the pride to express one's identity via food made the Tai Mao restaurant owner cook more dishes than I had asked. He told me that his hope is not only to make profit, but also to establish a place of friendship, where people could get to know Shan food that he used to enjoy in his village. In addition to such powerful hopes and dreams of many young chefs, I still remember those of aunties and other elders. San, a housewife who was the main cook for a Mon community in Sangkla Buri, once said she wished to make more merit and do more good deeds in her life just like Luang Por Uttama, the venerable Mon monk that had taught her. Aunty Ou, a Shan woman who sold snacks in a school only wished her children to have good future. While cooking, she always talked about her daughter who was about to graduate from college. Aunty Kam, another Shan cook, also talked a lot about her son. Her wish was very simple: that was her son would enjoy and be happy with the work he did. I am confident that on the path of hope, simple or ambitious, everyone will move on their ways. For me, I couldn't wish to change the whole world by knocking on people's kitchen doors. I only hope that by introducing these dishes, people would turn their eyes to look here and learn to accept differences and similarities in lives, as the same as when they appreciate different types of dishes. And at the end of the day, after learning life stories behind these unique dishes, I secretly hope that my friends, these cooks, will have a day and every day with their loved ones in the family. This simple dream was a very common one of my refugee and migrant friends.

¨Ò¡¤ÃÑÇÍÒ¢ Ò From an kitchen Akha s


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When I was a child, I loved to read books and watch films about adventures. It's very common that, at least once, the story would reach a conflict stage where the characters started to be scared, seeing in front nothing but an empty desert or a towering jungle, or when the dispute began and the fellowship seemed to break apart. But eventually, people usually found a way to go forward, to walk together. Although none were sure where the destination was, and although some began to feel desperate thinking that the goal could be only a part of their imagination luring them, there would always be someone who had confidence in their bright picture of hope. And these people would then encourage and remind others of their mutual mission; to continue looking for the right way with consciousness. Another component that was usually found in such stories was the diversity of the characters; with different characteristics and capabilities, each person would fill what they had in the vacant holes of others. Having grown up now, adventure books and films around became more varied. Many didn't end up with the final happy ending as in the children's tales; it ends just as the journey continues. Such stories left us with fears and hopes; we felt uncertain but curious and continued our imagination without end. I used to share such books and films with both children and adults of different backgrounds. When asking them to guess what would happen next, almost everyone said they believed the people would finally, definitely reach their goal, if they didn't give up on the way.

This may be quite a strange, mumbling greeting for Friends Without Borders 'Over the Rainbow' issue. Maybe because in the world - in Thailand, Burma and our neighbor - there's a type of dull atmosphere, many of our friends have started to be desperate enough to dispute with one another. They seem to want to break apart. Some have even foretold a future of nothing but darkness. But we still believe, as the friends who watched adventure films did, that the beauty of the world and society is real; that the power of the small people is real, and that the small people will be able to walk together on the undiscovered path, using one's capabilities to fill the others' vacant spaces and keep encourage each other to consciously walk to the mutual goal. Probably, the very highest hope of an ordinary person could be different from that in an adventure tale. In the tale, one can reach the goal alone as friends are lost and die on the way. But for the very highest hope of us humans, one has no way to arrive at the destination alone, as a human's picture of hope is not a vacant space that is filled with only one person, one family, or one group. Happy New Year and greetings again for the fifth year of Friends Without Borders magazine and the eight and a half for our organization. As long as there are people who appreciate the value of our work, we will continue to walk with you, with a hope that all of us will help encourage and remind each other of our mission, and help invite more and more friends to join on the path to peace and human rights. With faith in human dignity, Pim Koetsawang


Things never go so well that one should have no fear, and never so ill that one should have no hope. Turkish proverb

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