a schematic design update for brasilia, brazil | alanna frierson | studio v | spring 2019 |
“Architecture does not change anything. It’s always on the side of the wealthy. The important thing is to believe that it can make life better.” -- Oscar Niemeyer; Architect of Brasilia
Tabl e o f C O N T EN TS RESEARCH and TRAJECTORY 001. 003. 004. 005. 011.
History & Geographical Context Demographic Study Stakeholders Precedent Studies Goals + Concept
PROGRAMMING 015. Site Selection + Analysis 017. Program
SCHEMATIC DESIGN 019. 021. 023. 025. 027. 029. 031. 033. 035. 037. 039. 041. 043. 045. 047. 049. 051. 053.
Design Graphic First Floor Mood Board + Description Floor Plans Lobby View Conference Views Second Floor Mood Board Floor Plans Elevator Lobby Elevation Restaurant View Bar View + Menu Lounge View Third Floor Mood Board Floor Plan King Suite Entry Suite Vignette and Bath
S ize: 5 8 0 2 k m ² Cl ima t e Ty p e : A ri d S a v a nn ah
S e as o n al Shif ts:
R ainy O c t obe r - April D ry May - Se pt e m be r
Br as il i a is lo cated between t he To ca n t i n s, P a r ana, an d Sao F ran cisc o r i ver s. A t a n elevatio n o f 1,100 mete rs, t h e c i ty rises abo ve th e w a t e r a s p a rt o f t h e cen tral plateau o f B raz il. T h e c i t y i s s h ap ed as an airp lane w i th t h e M on u men tal Ax is (NW1
Ave ra g e Te mp e ra ture: 21.0ºC ( 68.9º F )
SE) housing t he f e de ral and m unicipa l buildings, and t he Highway Axis housing t he re side nt ial ne ighborhoods . I n t he sout he ast of t he c it y is t he Square of Thre e Powe rs, whic h hous e s t he e xe c ut ive , le gislat ive , and judi c ia l buildings.
HISTORICAL CONTEXT 1827 Brasilia is proposed by Jose Bonifacio to be the new capital of Brazil, away from the heavily populated city of Rio de Jainero
City plan is developed by urban planner Lucio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer
Brasilia is named a world heritage site by UNESCO. It is still the youngest and only 20th century city to be named a heritage site
The city is built in 41 months. As of April 21, 1960, Brasilia is the capital of Brazil
O SC A R N I E ME YE R ( D ec e m ber 15, 1907 – D e ce mb e r 5, 2012) O sc a r N i e m eyer is th e a rc h i t e c t respo n sib le fo r t h e m ost imp o rtant buildings of B rasilia s u c h a s t he C athedral o f B ra si l i a, th e Niteroi C o n t e m p o ra ry A rt M u se u m, and the P a l a c i o d a A lvorad a. He
go t his st art in t he st udio o f Le Corbusie r in 1936. Quic kly m aking a nam e for of t he m ost inf lue nt ial B razilian arc hit e c t s in hist ory. him se lf , Niem e ye r was hand p icke d by t he n- pre side nt
Jusc e lino K ubit s he k alongside Luc io C os t a t o c re at e t he c it y of B r a s ilia f or t he pre side nt in 1956. N ie m e ye r is known a s one of t he m ost inf lue nt ia l Braz ilian arc hi t e c t s in hist ory. 2
DEMOGRAPHIC STUDY Brasilia, Brazil is the fourth most populous city in the country with 4,235,000 residents as of 2016, making its density approximately 480 residents per kilometer. As it is Brazil’s capital city, most visitors are members of government, diplomats, and vacationers. Brasilia’s cost of living index is 46.57. Below is a breakdown of Brasilia’s demographics:
RACE/ETHNICITY 48% of Mixed Descent 42.2% White 7.7% Black 1.6% Asian
RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION 56% Catholic 42.2% Protestant 3.5% Spiritist <1% Muslim or Jewish 10% No Affiliation
Whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Coming? Politicians Lobbyists Diplomats Businesspeople
What Do They Need? Conference spaces Restaurants Comfortable suites High quality service
John Anthony | Restaurant
A rchi t e c t s : L i n e ho u se A rea : 7 0 0 m 2 Yea r C o m p le t e d : 2 0 1 8 Loca t i o n: H o n g K on g
â&#x20AC;&#x153; The restaurant creates a dialogue
with the user. By entering with a descent into the restaurant, restaurant-goers wade into an immerse, albeit abstract, historical narrative. â&#x20AC;?
John Anthony by Linehouse Architects is a contemporary dim sum restaurant situated in Hong Kong, China. This restaurant is a terrific example of concept directly influencing material and formal decision in an interior. The space is based on the life and exploration of John Anthony - the first British-nationalized Chinese man. His spice and trade business brought him to the Limehouse docks of London, where later her fathered the Chinatown area. The space is meant to showcase a mixture of style and materiality from the east and west, with use of traditional architectural elements, eastern tiles and an adventurous color palette. Its dusty tones create a sense of nostalgia while vaulted ceilings create whimsy. Each space of importance is framed with pink terracotta tiling, and private areas are covered by lush velvet draperies. The private dining areas showcase handpainted Chinese illustrations and luxurious seating.
The restaurant creates a dialogue with the user. By entering with a descent into the restaurant, restaurantgoers wade into an immerse, albeit abstract, historical narrative. It is meant to truly provide a sense of place and establish a physical zeitgeist that will translate directly to the food they are about to eat.
Sukhothai Shanghai | Hotel
A rchi t e c t s : N e ri & Hu A rea : * * * * * Yea r C o m p le t e d : 2 0 1 8 Loca t i o n: S h a n gh ai, C hin a
â&#x20AC;&#x153; Designed
by Neri and Hu , the hotel serves as a clinic in guest-centered programming and design. â&#x20AC;? With 201 rooms and 17 floors, the Sukhothai Shanghai Hotel stands as the best boutique hotel of 2018 by Interior Design Magazine. Designed by Neri and Hu , the hotel serves as a clinic in guest-centered programming and design. Diatom-silica clay walls line the guest rooms, purifying air whilst serving as top-notch noise suppressants. Guest rooms are also equipped with a complex user interface, allowing for control of every comfort and piece of technology. Spacious guest bathrooms contain open storage systems to emphasize volume, with a shower and tub for every type of guest. With five food and beverage spaces located within the hotel, guests have a multitude of options without having to leave the grounds. These spaces are also used for events, along with the other conference and event spaces on the second floor.
In terms of relaxation, there is also a spa on the premises with Southeastern healing therapy programs, a steam room, a sauna, and a 25m heated indoor pool. The hotel was designed with a monochromatic grey palette, which effectively relaxes and engages the eyes simultaneously. This scheme is incredibly enticing and impressive.
Four Seasons Kuwait | Hotel
A rchi t e c t s : Ya b u P u schelbu rg A rea: 2 1 3 , 3 6 0 m ² Yea r C o m p le t e d : 2 0 1 8 Loca t i o n: B u rj Alsh aya, K uwait
Yabu Puschelburg’s Four Seasons Hotel in Kuwait won Interior Design Magazine’s Best Chain Hotel Design in 2018. Being a massive hotel at over 200,000m², the Four Seasons had the opportunity to play with form and planar qualities that some other hotels don’t have the luxury for. Unlike most hotels following the residential trends, Yabu Puschelburg pushed to make this hotel a transportational experience unlike any space guests normally inhabit. The spaces emphasize monumentality and hierarchy through long arcade-like corridors, and large scale thresholds. Organic form and rectilinear surfaces meet to create a dynamic space resembling art more-so than an interior. Many hard surfaces such as limestone and onyx create a sleek, yet textured dimensionality that anchor the spaces and exhibit the luxury found within.
most hotels following the residential trends, Yabu Puschelburg pushed to make this hotel a transportational experience” 10
contrapposto noun [kohn-truh-pos-toh]
a representation of the human body in which the forms are organized on a varying or curving axis to provide an asymmetrical balance to the figure.
Oscar Niemeyer made a point to emphasize the curve in a time of rigidity and rectilinearity. N o w, t h e r e i s t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o p r o v i d e t h e curve in a human-centered interior solution. The contrapposto pose is an authentic depiction of the human posture and relays the comfort and complex countours of the human body. The ex Nihilo hotel seeks to create this comfort and humanity out of nothing besides nature, just as the city of Brasilia was created from nothing except desert. Contrasting forms will adjoin with leathers and natural skin undertones to create a dynamic yet familiar interior landscape.
CHARACTERISTICS: - human-centered - balanced - comfort-based - authentic - juxtaposing
- architectural gaze - multi-faceted - diverse - self-reflecting - responsive
- natural tones + stone
Emphasize architectural precedent without forgetting or forgoing human elements
Engage locality and culture
Promote balance and wellness Work + Play Leisure + Achievement Asymmetrical Hierarchy
Provide a luxury, multi-faceted facility
Streamline guest and employee experience
Emphasize views
Create a multi-sensory dialogue
Promote use of facilities and amenities
WHERE IS EX NIHILO? 1 4 m i n f ro m t h e c i ty ce n t e r Two m i n u t e s f ro m t h e Pa l a c i o d a A l vo ra d a No r t h - f a c i n g On the w at e r cu r re n t h o t e l
re p l a c i n g
Nex t to re s ta u ra n t s, excu r s i o n s, a n d a rc h i t e c t u re
public secondary
Porte Cochere + Vestibule
Luggage Storage
Grand Staircase
Public Restrooms
Tech Cafe
Conference Spaces
Public Restrooms
Refuge Area
Business/Printing/Foreign Exchange
Grand Staircase
Egress Stair
Offices Employee BoH Staff Restrooms Staff Food Closet
public primary
employee only
Design Development
First Floor
FLOOR ONE Brasiliaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first layer - NIHILO - nothing. The first f lo or is meant to emulate t he oppor tunities presented by t he open land in 1956 that would so on b ecome the mo dernist city. Simple applied material
represent a World Heritage site in its infancy.
1 24
Concierge & Reception The concierge and reception space is the first impression of Hotel ex Nihilo for any guest. It also has the most direct influence of Niemeyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work. The mullion spacing and stained glass is inspired by Brasiliaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fenestration designed by Niemeyer. The caternary arches also reference his work. The round
columns and fluting reference antiquity and baroque design which was a major inspiration of his work, though usually without direct correlation. The balcony from the restaurant overlooks the reception area to add vertical interest, while the LC5 sofas add a modernist touch.
Conference Spaces + Tech Cafe Brasilia, particularly the area in which the hotel is located, has a high volume of business people and politicians traveling. Because of this, the remainder of the first floor is dedicated to conference space and a tech cafe. The conference space shown to the left is a private enclosure for larger business meetings.
The tech cafe and conference space features a multitude of work mode accommodations as well as a tech support bar centrally located for the latest technological information as well as IT support. Hotel ex Nihilo supports a paperless future and is thusly equipped with tablets and screens for all business needs.
Second Floor
2 33
Impressao; an imprint. The
b a r,
l o u n g e,
r e s ta u ra n t f e a t u re d o n t h e s e co n d f l o o r i s m e a n t t o ref lect
i n f l u e n ce
d e ve l o p m e n t o n B ra s i l i a . Fa s t p a ce d , t ex t u ra l . To n e s t h a t re m i n d o n e o f ta n n e d s k i n o n a s u m m e r â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s d ay. Th e h o t w h i t e o f c i ty co n c r e t e in
co n s t r u c t i o n .
Mo o d y,
i n t i m at e, b u t co n t ra s t i n g.
Elevator Lobby (fl 1-8) The elevator lobby features bookmatched acid-treated concrete with a baseboard of longitudinally cut 1x1 plywood. The windows above each elevator add visual interest while adding an element of asymmetry. A Jonathan Browning chandelier anchors the space and provides soft lighting while the Apparatus sconces lead the eye.
Impressao Restaurant The restaurant space leads the guest into the second level of ex Nihilo - an imprint. The recessed LED strips on the ceiling create an inset within the tray ceiling. Moody, dark tones and warm lighting set the scene for a luxurious dining experience. Behind the bar lies two panels of brown glass with an LED map of Brasilia set in between; thus reflecting the early stages of the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s urban development. Textured tile by Ann Sacks creates a dimensional floor that evokes tilled earth.
Impressao Bar The imprint continues on in the bar where an inset ceiling feature defines the space with deep color and mirrored bar . Soft, warm lighting is again used to create ambiance while deep green tones develop a richer palette.
Impressao Lounge Impressao Lounge is an extension of the bar where patrons may relax with their drinks and talk business or leisure. Televisions are available for sports or the stock market and there is a VIP section towards the back for more private conversation.
The Zalsupin Annette lounge chair is featured in this space - a modernist furniture piece from Brazil. The ceiling feature is brass pipe with a mirrored ceiling.
Third Floor
3 47
Like a figure drawing, the third f lo or ref lects the
Soft. Asymmetrical. C o m f o r t i n g . It is m e a n t t o b e a l e ve l i n which guests can relax after
d ay
t rave l , wo r k , o r
p l ay.
I ro n , b u f f a n d s a n g u i n e r u l e t h e co l o r p a l e tt e. Lu x u r i o u s p l ay
t ex t i l e s the
m u l t i f a ce t e d
ex p e r i e n ce. 48
King Suite Entry The King Suite exemplifies comfort, soft textures, and sleek design. Deep browns
and textural patterns create interest while providing a relaxing space for guests to unwind after a long day.
King Suite Bedroom The bedroom is a comfy area with a deep red velvet headboard, a moody Roll and Hill pendant lamp, and a pair of intriguing concrete cast sconces from Em Studios. The archway is created with bent metal connecting to two built-in closets.
King Suite Bath Features include sidelit antiqued mirrors, a custom sink, and dimensional mosaic tiles to create a luxurious bath experience for guests.