FrieslandCampina - At a glance 2016

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At a glance



Proteins, fats, vitamins B2 and B12, minerals, sugars... milk


Royal FrieslandCampina daily provides millions of consumers all over the world with dairy products containing valuable nutrients from milk. The quality of every step in the chain is determining for the success of the entire chain. It starts with grass, the daily diet of cows. The cow is able to transform grass into a valuable foodstuff: milk. This milk is then processed into a wide range of dairy products, ranging from yoghurt, custard, dairy-based beverages, cheese, butter and infant nutrition to ingredients for the food industry. Satisfied customers and consumers are a prerequisite for the continuity of FrieslandCampina and, consequently, for the farms of the member dairy farmers. The chain is complete.


Strategy route2020: sustainable growth and value creation 6

Providing the growing world population with the right nutrients is the


challenge for the coming decades. By offering trustworthy, relevant Better nutrition for the world, a good living for our farmers, now and for generations to come

and nourishing dairy products, FrieslandCampina contributes to the safeguarding of food and nutrient security. The purpose statement – nourishing by nature – stands for better nutrition for the world, a good

Leverage the Dutch dairy heritage and unique milk chain in a sustainable way to win the hearts and minds of our customers and consumers

living for our farmers, now and for generations to come. FrieslandCampina’s unique dairy chain underpins its activities. In order to remain successful, the focus must remain on sustainable growth in the most valuable product market combinations and attention must also be paid to product market combinations that use a lot of milk supplied by the members. At the same time, it is important that the company continues to be managed in a very cost-conscious way to ensure the availability of the means to achieve this envisaged growth. Having an efficient organisation is an important prerequisite for optimum processing and valorising of all the milk supplied.

Expand the leading positions in growth areas

Protect the volumes in home markets

Highly engaged, capable people who work effectively together

Build future markets


The dairy farmer. Well cared-for cows are the basis for high-quality milk. The better a cow feels, the more readily she gives milk and the healthier she remains. Dairy farmers care for their cows and calves day in, day out. They also pay a lot of attention to growing the feed for their animals. The majority of this feed is the grass and corn grown on their own farms. The skill and professionalism of its member dairy farmers underpin the quality, safety and sustainability of FrieslandCampina’s wide range of dairy products.


The cooperative tradition FrieslandCampina is one of the world’s

Royal FrieslandCampina N.V. All these member

The 19,000 member dairy farmers jointly form the

the Supervisory Board of the company. The Chairmen’s

largest dairy companies and its cooperative

dairy farmers are independent entrepreneurs.

Cooperative. The Cooperative’s geographical area of

Meeting is comprised of the 21 district chairmen, who act

operations has been divided into 21 districts, each of which

as a sounding board for the Board.

tradition dates back more than 140 years.

On behalf of its member dairy farmers,

has a District Board. The Cooperative’s members appoint the

Via Zuivelcoöperatie FrieslandCampina U.A.

FrieslandCampina strives for sustainable

Boards of the 21 districts. Together the 210 members of the

The Cooperative holds all the shares in the capital of

District Boards form the Cooperative’s Member Council. The

Royal FrieslandCampina N.V. The activities of the various

the member dairy farmers in the Netherlands,

growth and value creation.

Board has nine members and together with four Supervisory

subsidiaries have been divided into five business groups.

Board members from outside the Cooperative jointly form

Founding of Arnhemse Melkinrichting

Friesche Vlag, Dutch Baby and Bonnet Rouge are registered for international markets

Founding of CCF in Leeuwarden

Merger of C ­ oberco, ­Friesland Dairy Foods, De ZuidOost-Hoek and Twee Provinciën

Founding of Coberco in Zutphen

Acquisition of Nutricia Dairy & Drinks Group










Germany and Belgium own 100 percent of

Friesland Foods receives Royal designation on its 125th anniversary

Acquisition of Alaska Milk Corporation Philippines

Organisational structure

Acquisition of Olam Ivory Coast and DEK srl in Italy

Zuivelcoöperatie FrieslandCampina U.A.

holding all shares in

Members Districts Member Council

2015 2008

Merger of Friesland Foods and Campina

Founding of the first dairy co-operatives

Founding of the De Meijerij Veghel / De Melk­industrie Veghel

Campina brand introduced

Founding ­Campina Melkunie

Acquisition of Südmilch (Heilbronn)

International launch of formation of international Campina brand and co-operative

Acquisition of ­Zijerveld and ­Veldhuyzen B.V. and G. den Hollander Holding B.V.

General Meeting of Shareholders

Board Supervisory Board

Acquisition of the activities of Anika Group in Russia

Executive Board Corporate & Support







1880 Nine farmers take over a cheese factory in the Dutch Wieringerwaard

Royal FrieslandCampina N.V.

Chairmen’s Meeting 1

Acquisition of mozzarella ­producer ­Fabrelac in Belgium

Acquisition of IDB Belgium N.V.



Founding of joint venture Friesland ­Huishan Dairy

Consumer Products Europe, Middle East & Africa 1

Consumer Products Asia

The Chairmen of the 21 District Councils

Consumer Products China

Cheese, Butter & Milkpowder




The transport. The milk is transported from the farm to one of FrieslandCampina’s production facilities in a milk truck. The quality of the milk must be the same when it arrives at the production facility as it was when it left the farm. The milk truck driver plays a major role in ensuring this. From inspecting the milk in the storage tank at the farm and taking samples to the hygiene within the milk truck itself. The transport is becoming increasingly sustainable through the use of cleaner fuels or even the generation of energy via solar panels on the milk trucks.


Milk 14

Milk, by nature, contains valuable nutrients

FrieslandCampina uses the natural nutrients

cheese and cheese help people to remain

such as proteins, vitamins B2 and B12 and

from milk as the basis for a broad range of

physically active. Proteins are important for

dairy products. In this way FrieslandCampina

the build-up and maintenance of the muscles

minerals such as calcium. This is why milk,

wants to make its contribution to a healthy

and calcium is needed for strong bones. Milk

as are vegetables and fruit, fish, oil and

and varied diet for everyone.

and cheese also contain vitamin B2 and B12,

grains, is part of a healthy diet. Yoghurt and

Dairy and physical activity fit in well

properly and to provide the muscles with

cheese are recommended as healthy nutrition

together: the nutrients in dairy products


as well. A healthy lifestyle with enough physical activity and a varied and healthy diet is important at all ages, young and old, everywhere in the world.

which help the nervous system to function

such as milk, buttermilk, yoghurt, soft curd



The employee. Investments in improving the quality of the products and the safety at the production facilities in order to achieve optimum valorisation of the milk are continuous. The skills and professionalism of the employees are determining for FrieslandCampina’s success. Inspiring and motivating employees, encouraging entrepreneurship and providing a safe working environment are priorities.


Working at FrieslandCampina 18

FrieslandCampina is an international company

Within route2020 this is translated into a way of working

with a strong local character: people-oriented,

that revolves around alignment, accountability and action.

approachable and open. FrieslandCampina is

of safety, to take on challenges together, to develop together,

convinced that it can get more out of milk

to take responsibility themselves and to effectively act and

and achieve its ambitions only with motivated

forms the basic principle in this.

and well-trained employees. The aim of

Employees are encouraged to act as role models in the field

take decisions. FrieslandCampina’s code of conduct, Compass,

FrieslandCampina puts considerable effort into achieving the

FrieslandCampina’s company culture and

safest possible working environment for its employees. The

working environment is to enable individual

global safety programme within FrieslandCampina ensures

talents to maximally develop themselves and,


at the same time, make a contribution to achieving the company’s ambitions.

a proactive approach towards continuous improvement of

FrieslandCampina is always looking for new talent in all possible disciplines throughout the company. All employees are valued for their skills and supported in fully developing their knowledge and expertise. This helps FrieslandCampina and its people to achieve their goals.



Quality and safety. The quality and safety of milk and products are FrieslandCampina’s highest priority. Together with the cooperative’s member dairy farmers, FrieslandCampina commands and controls the entire milk production chain from the farm to the end product – from grass to glass. This guarantees the quality, safety and sustainability of the products.


Guarantee throughout the chain 22

Every customer and consumer everywhere


The guiding principles of the quality control are the statutory

Foqus planet

around the world must be able to trust that

FrieslandCampina has its own integral quality system, called

stipulations supplemented with additional demands. The

Through the Foqus planet programme, FrieslandCampina

Foqus, to safeguard the safety and quality of its products

various international standards, such as GMP+, HACCP, ISO

offers its member dairy farmers the instruments to run their

every product is of an impeccable quality.

throughout the entire production chain. With Foqus,

9001, ISO 22000, FSSC22000, OSHAS 18000 and ISO 14000,

businesses in a sustainable way and to produce safe and

FrieslandCampina wants all its production

FrieslandCampina offers consumers, customers and the

are integrated into Foqus, so that both FrieslandCampina’s

high-quality milk. Foqus planet consists of three parts, being

authorities the guarantee that the products and production

customers and the consumers can be assured that the

basic requirements, grazing and sustainable development.

and distribution companies to take the same

processes meet the most stringent standards in the fields of

products are safe, of the highest quality and produced in a

Here four themes are central: Business, Cow, Feed and Milk.

approach towards safety and quality, whatever

food safety, quality, safety, working conditions, fire protection

responsible way. The Foqus stipulations are reviewed, and

Various programmes help member dairy farmers to generate

and environment. An extensive programme of training

if necessary revised, each year to ensure that the system

extra income and further stimulate sustainability at the dairy

and wherever they are producing.

courses and audits helps safeguard the implementation and

always reflects the latest knowledge and insights.


continuous monitoring of Foqus in the production facilities, on the member dairy farms and at the suppliers of basic materials.



Innovation. FrieslandCampina has the high-quality expertise and technology needed to implement innovations throughout the entire chain. Ingredients of milk are used as basic materials for various products in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Product development and process innovation are put at the disposal of FrieslandCampina’s customers, generally in direct cooperation projects. This leads to healthy, nutritious and tasty food products that really highlight all the goodness of milk.


Respond to needs 26

Innovation within FrieslandCampina is driven

FrieslandCampina’s innovations are aimed at dairy products

Innovation Centre in Wageningen

by insights into the needs of consumers and

that, in a sustainable way, contribute to the growth,

FrieslandCampina has brought together its expertise in

development, health and well-being of consumers around the

the fields of innovation and research & development in the

industrial customers, social developments

globe, both young and old.

Innovation Centre in Wageningen, where experts of various

in the fields of nutrition and sustainability,

disciplines, such as research & development, marketing, sales An important focal point of the research & development

and supply chain, work together. In Wageningen, the centre

and the knowledge of the experts within

activities is reduction of the added sugar content in products.

of the agrofood knowledge infrastructure, FrieslandCampina

FrieslandCampina in the areas of nutrients,

This is important to make the products healthier and to

can work together more easily with scientists and other

help prevent unnecessary calorie intake. Lowering the

companies operating in this sector. Innovation takes place in

milk components, milk processing, products,

sugar content affects the taste and texture of products.

ever larger, open forms of cooperation.

packaging, dairy farming and sustainability.

To compensate for this, recipes have to be adjusted, which demands a relatively large amount of research and

FrieslandCampina Development Centre in Singapore

development. Reducing the salt content of cheese is another

The FrieslandCampina Development Centre in Singapore

focal point. In addition to using existing techniques, such

concentrates on the development of dairy-based beverages

as shorter brining times, FrieslandCampina worked on the

and infant nutrition, specifically oriented towards the

development and implementation of new technologies for

Asian consumers. The Development Centre is the logical

reducing the salt content of cheese.

link between the Innovation Centre of FrieslandCampina in Wageningen and the Asian market.



Sustainability. Corporate social responsibility and sustainability play major roles in pursuing the route2020 strategy. Nourishing by nature – better nutrition for the world, a good living for our farmers, now and for generations to come – connects the daily activities and values that FrieslandCampina believes are important. They give guidance to all people involved as well as to the operating processes through the entire chain. Therefore policies with respect to corporate social responsibility and sustainability have been fully integrated into the updated route2020 strategy.


The CSR strategy 30

Provision of food for the growing population

Better nutrition for the world

Now and for generations to come

Besides, FrieslandCampina encourages member dairy farmers

is a huge challenge and has implications

Dairy is an important part of daily nutrition for many people

The objective of FrieslandCampina is to make sure that

to generate sustainable energy, for example by means of

all over the world. With its high-quality milk and milk products

the emission of greenhouse gases in the year 2020 will be

wind turbines, solar panels or biomass and by issuing green

for people, animals as well as for the

FrieslandCampina wants to make a contribution to food and

equal to or lower than in 2010. This also applies in case of an

certificates. Animal welfare and biodiversity are important to

environment. How can sufficient affordable,

nutrients security. Additionally, FrieslandCampina wants to

increase of the production. In order to realise climate-neutral

FrieslandCampina as well. Therefore there is a commitment

help reduce the growing number of obese people, in particular

growth, FrieslandCampina is working on several initiatives

to lengthening the lives of the dairy cows and to dairy

nutritious food be produced? Fertile soil and

children. FrieslandCampina does this by making high demands

for an efficient and sustainable production chain. This means

farmers purchasing sustainable soy (RTRS or equal) for cows’

clean drinking water are scarcities in many

on the composition of its products, by providing education and

sustainable dairy farms, purchasing sustainable (agricultural)


information about healthy food and a healthy lifestyle and by

basic materials and reduction of the use of energy for the

areas in the world and the pressure on the

making it easier for the consumer to choose for healthy food.

production of dairy products.

environment is only increasing. Will there still be enough farmers to produce our daily

A good living for our farmers

food? Will they be able to generate sufficient

FrieslandCampina aims at adding as much as possible

income to provide for themselves and for their

to the income and the continuity of the dairy farms of

families? These global challenges and the

its members. FrieslandCampina has over 140 years of

basic principles for the route2020 strategy

to further develop dairy farms in specific countries in Asia,

value to the milk in order to make a maximum contribution

experience in dairy farming and uses the knowledge gained

together form the basis of the CSR strategy.

Africa and Eastern Europe through, among others, the

Nourishing by nature: better nutrition for the

Programme FrieslandCampina focuses on sharing knowledge

Better nutrition for the world, a good living for our farmers, now and for generations to come Leverage the Dutch dairy heritage and unique milk chain in a sustainable way to win the hearts and minds of our customers and consumers Better nutrition for the world

A good living for our farmers

Now and for generations to come

Dairy Development Programme. In this Dairy Development

world, a good living for our farmers, now and

and expertise concerning the sector. Local dairy farmers

for generations to come.

Vietnam, Malaysia, China, Russia, Romania and Nigeria, are

(mainly small farmers), particularly in Indonesia, Thailand, supported in improving the quality of the milk, increasing the productivity per cow and bringing their milk to the market.

• Better products • Responsible marketing • Transparent nutritional value labelling • Healthy lifestyle education

• Optimal milk valorisation • Economic performance & profitability • Improved quality & quantity of milk in Dairy Development Programme • Improved knowledge and skills in Dairy Development Programme

• Climate-neutral growth • Sustainable purchasing • Sustainable production • Animal health & welfare • Meadow grazing • Biodiversity



The consumer. FrieslandCampina daily provides millions of consumers all over the world with dairy products containing valuable nutrients from milk. However, milk is more than a natural source of essential nutrients. Milk has been part of the daily diets of large groups of the world population for thousands of years. Through the centuries, different cultures and customs have led to new applications in response to people’s habits, needs and tastes.


Brands 34


Food service



The top 10 consumer brands in revenue in euro 1 Friso


2 Frisian Flag


3 Peak


4 Dutch Lady

Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore

5 Alaska


6 Campina

Netherlands and Belgium

7 Rainbow

Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates

8 Frico


9 Landliebe

Germany, Hungary and Austria

10 Foremost


The top 5 industrial products in revenue in euro 1 DMV Excellion (caseinates) 2 Kievit Vana Capa (creamers) 3 Domo Vivinal GOS (galacto-oligosaccharide) 4 DFE Pharmatose (pharmaceutical lactose) 5 Kievit Vana Grasa (fat powders)


All over the world. FrieslandCampina is a multinational dairy company with a wide offering of dairy products and leading brands in more than 100 countries. FrieslandCampina has locations in 32 countries. The activities of FrieslandCampina have been divided into five market-oriented business groups, being Consumer Products Europe, Middle East & Africa; Consumer Products Asia; Consumer Products China; Cheese, Butter & Milkpowder and Ingredients. The company globally achieves annual revenue of over 11 billion euro.


Business groups 38

Consumer Products Europe, Middle East & Africa The Consumer Products Europe, Middle East & Africa business group provides consumers and professional customers in Europe, the Middle East and West Africa with dairy products, such as dairy-based beverages, yoghurts, desserts, infant nutrition, butter and branded cheese. In the Netherlands and Belgium, the business group also sells fruit juices, fruit drinks and sports drinks. The business group is active in 17 countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Russia, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Nigeria, Ghana and the Ivory Coast).

Consumer Products Asia The Consumer Products Asia business group provides consumers in Asia with dairy products such as infant nutrition and dairy-based beverages. The business group is active in eight countries in Asia (Philippines, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam). Many products are produced locally. Several products, such as Friso infant nutrition, are exported from the Netherlands to Asia.



Consumer Products China


The Consumer Products China business group

The Ingredients business group develops

provides consumers in China with dairy products

nutritious and functional ingredients that add

such as infant nutrition and dairy-based

value to existing products. The business group

beverages. Prior to becoming an independent

supplies natural ingredients based on milk,

business group on 1 January 2016, Consumer

cheese whey and vegetable basic materials

Products China was part of the Consumer

to industrial customers in the infant nutrition

Products Asia business group.

branch, the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry and the young animal feed industry worldwide. The Ingredients business group has offices in 11 countries (Netherlands, Germany, United States of America, Indonesia, China, Singapore, Japan, Brazil, Egypt, New Zealand and India).


Export 42

Cheese, Butter & Milkpowder The Cheese, Butter & Milkpowder business group sells cheese, condensed milk, infant nutrition, butter and milk powder worldwide. The product range comprises a wide variety of Gouda, Edam, Maasdam and foil cheeses, both as whole cheeses and in pre-packed pieces

History has taught us that the Dutch climate, soil, location and green pastures plus the skills and entrepreneurship of farmers offer an excellent basis for dairy farming. The Netherlands and dairy are inextricably linked. These dairy products are sent to the farthest corners of the world.

and slices, different types of butter and milk

The Netherlands is an important exporter of dairy products.

powders. The business group has offices in six

The Dutch dairy sector represents a substantial part of the

countries (Netherlands, Germany, Belgium,

in particular to emerging markets such as China and Africa.

France, Italy and Spain) and exports to more than 100 countries.

Dutch economy. The export of dairy products is still growing,

With an export value of 5.1 billion euro in 2015, FrieslandCampina represents a considerable share of this.


Worldwide 44


North and South America 384 revenue*

United States Brazil


Africa and the Middle East 6,188 revenue*









Figures 2015 * in millions of euro

Netherlands Germany Belgium Greece Hungary Romania Russia France

Spain Italy Austria United Kingdom

1,290 revenue*

1,157 employees

6 facilities

Nigeria Ghana Ivory Coast United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia Egypt

Asia and Oceania 3,403 revenue*

7,698 employees

35 facilities

Indonesia Malaysia Singapore Thailand Myanmar Vietnam Philippines China

Hong Kong India Japan New Zealand

Key figures 2015 46

11.3 billion euro revenue 22,049 employees Offices in

32 countries

Export to over




100 countries

19,006 member dairy farmers own the Company Millions of consumers every day

Royal FrieslandCampina daily provides millions of consumers all over the world with dairy products rich in valuable nutrients from milk. With annual revenue of 11.3 billion euro, FrieslandCampina is among the largest dairy companies in the world. FrieslandCampina produces and sells consumer products such as dairy-based beverages, infant nutrition, cheese and desserts in many European, Asian and African countries through its own subsidiaries. Apart from this, dairy products are exported throughout the world from the Netherlands. Products are also supplied to professional buyers, such as cream and butter products to bakeries and catering businesses in Western Europe. FrieslandCampina sells ingredients and semi-finished products for producers of infant nutrition, the food industry and the pharmaceutical sector all over the world. FrieslandCampina has locations in 32 countries with over 22,000 employees. The products of FrieslandCampina find their ways to over 100 countries. The company has its Central Office in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. The activities of FrieslandCampina have been divided into five market-oriented business groups, being Consumer Products Europe, Middle East & Africa; Consumer Products Asia; Consumer Products China; Cheese, Butter & Milkpowder and Ingredients. The Company is fully owned by Zuivelcoöperatie FrieslandCampina U.A, with 19,000 member dairy farmers in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium one

June 2016

of the largest dairy cooperatives in the world. Royal FrieslandCampina N.V. Stationsplein 4, 3818 LE Amersfoort, Netherlands T +31 33 713 3333

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