11 minute read
Titirangi Festival of Music: Postponed
The TFM team have reluctantly decided to postpone the 2020 event due to the rapidly changing situation with regard to Covid-19. This has been a difficult decision to make, but the health and safety of our festival community and our performers is our highest priority, and as such we feel that it would be irresponsible to go ahead as planned.
We are currently in the process of re-scheduling this year’s festival to some time in September with the least amount of disruption to the programme as possible.
We will be paying close attention to the developing situation. All tickets will remain valid and once new dates are in place there will be an opportunity for refunds if required.
The Titirangi Festival of Music is a community-focussed event, offering a space where we can all celebrate and enjoy the arts and our local community together. We are really proud to run this event each year and take the responsibility of running a safe and inclusive event seriously. Thanks again to all our Sponsors, Funders and Volunteers, and also to everyone who has supported the festival this year already by purchasing tickets.
Thank you for your understanding and our apologies for any inconvenience.
Love and stay safe, The Titirangi Festival of Music team

Hollie Smith (top), Anika Moa and Mango Beach will all be back to perform in the re-scheduled TFM 2020. Look out for more information in future issues of The Fringe.
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Event organisers: Do you have an upcoming event you’d like listed in The Fringe? Send the details, including a contact person and number, to info@fringemedia.co.nz. Readers: While we take care to ensure listings are correct, errors may occur. Check with the contact person wherever possible. With current concerns over Covid19, please check with organisers before attending any of these events.
w – 5, Paint etc., a group show featuring the work of artists who challenge the notion of traditional painting. Corban Estate Arts Centre. Phone 838 4455. w – 5, In The Flesh, succulent photo-montages by Megan Archer depicting human bodies digitally manipulated into near-abstract forms; Corban Estate Arts Centre. Phone 838 4455. w – May 17, Listening, twitching. Nicola Farquhar’s work examines what it is to be human in a time of ecological crisis; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi. Phone 817 8087. w – May 17, 36.5 / A Durational Performance with the Sea, a series of performances by New York-based artist Sarah Cameron Sunde; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; Phone 817 8087. w – May 31, Split Level View Finder: Theo Schoon and New Zealand art, the first comprehensive Theo Schoon exhibition in decades; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; Phone 817 8087. w 3, West Auckland Men’s Rebus Club, guest speaker and morning tea; Kelston Community Centre, Corner Great North and Awaroa Roads; 9.30-11.30am. Phone Roger 834 7945. w 3, Art Spark and EcoFest West present Sea-level Rise, an artist talk featuring Rebecca Swan, The Pacifica Mamas and Janine Randerson; Green Bay Community House, Barron Drive, Green Bay; 7pm; Free. w 3 – 4, Titirangi Earth Festival featuring a symposium and supper on the Friday, 6.30-9pm ($25/adult) and workshops, food, drink, stalls, music and community groups on the Saturday, 8.45am-8.30pm ($140/family); Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School, 5 Helios Place, Titirangi; Tickets from Eventbrite. www.titirangiearthfestival.com w 4, Mostly Craft presents Easter for Children: Crafts, Story, Music, Refreshments; St Francis Church, Corner Park and Titirangi Beach Roads; 1.30-3.30pm; entry by koha for Auckland City Mission. Phone Elaine 021 912 696 or 817 9555 w 5, Pony Rides, Huia Road Horse Club; 436B Huia Road, Laingholm; 3-4pm; $5 per child per ride. Phone 027 499 1732. w 9 – 10, Two day Basic Psoas Workshop with Liz Koch; Soul Centre, 18 Huia Road, Titirangi. Phone 817 3051 or email info@soulcentre.co.nz. w 10, Ladies’ Probus Club, fellowship, fun, speakers, and a monthly day trip; St John’s Hall, Te Atatū South; 9.45am-Noon. Phone Betty 09 832 0484. w 11 – 13, Workshop: Psoas during pregnancy, birth and Postpartum with Liz Koch; Soul Centre, 18 Huia Road, Titirangi. Phone 817 3051 or email info@soulcentre.co.nz. w 11 – May 24, Edith and George: in our sea of islands: With 100 years separating them, photographers Edith Amituanai (b.1980) and the late George Crummer (1868-

Coming up in
This issue of The Fringe was severely affected by reactions to the coronavirus: the impact on global travel and tourism, together with the cancellation of two major events right on our advertising booking deadline meant that we lost a lot of revenue. However, we know we’re not the only ones affected by this global pandemic and, as we are committed to supporting our local community any way we can, we want to help ... Have you or your business been adversely affected by Covid-19? How can our community help you? Let The Fringe know and we’ll do our best to spread the word ... And if you have services or offers that could help in these trying times, let us know. Let’s work together to overcome this pandemic’s challenges.
1953) capture moments in time from their own local Pacifica communities; Corban Estate Arts Centre. Phone 838 4455. w 14, West Auckland Historical Society Family History Group meeting; Henderson Central Library West Auckland Research Centre; 10-11.30am. Phone Gary Snow 832 5098, 021 618 434 or email gary@snofam.co.nz. w 14, Western Districts Women's Dinner Club meet for dinner and entertainment; Bricklane Restaurant, 5, Clark St, New Lynn. Phone Maureen on 818 3586 to book or for information. w 16, Waitakere Forest & Bird AGM with updates on all our projects and speaker John Staniland presents Nature on The Wall, scenes from nature on old and ancient walls and ceilings in Europe; Kelston Community Centre, corner Awaroa and Great North Roads; 7.30pm; koha appreciated. Phone Liz 027 476 2732 or email lizanstey@ hotmail.com. w 17, Elemental Transformation, a collaboration between transformational agents Wilhemeena Monroe and Beata Mazur; Soul Centre, 18 Huia Road, Titirangi; 1-6pm. Phone 817 3051 or email info@soulcentre.co.nz. w 17, Flicks presents Parasite (R13), an Oscar-winning social satire; Lopdell House Theatre; 10.30am, 5.30pm and 8.15pm; Tickets $15/$12/$10 from eventfinda.co.nz and on door. Text bookings to 0210 222 5558. w 18 – 19, Elemental Alchemy, Qi Gong and Energy Medicine Training; Soul Centre, 18 Huia Road, Titirangi. Phone 817 3051 or email info@soulcentre.co.nz. w 18, Lions Club Book Club Hall, 3063 Great North Road, New Lynn; 8am-4pm. Sale; New Lynn Friendship Phone Mary 027 487 0639. w 18, ORO ATUA: a Pūoro Mãori sound healing journey;

To offer help or request assistance, contact The Fringe on 817 8024 or 027 494 0700 or email info@fringemedia.co.nz.
may Soul Centre, 18 Huia Road, Titirangi; 7.30-9.30. Phone 817 3051 or email info@soulcentre.co.nz. w 21, SeniorNet West Auckland, speaker, morning tea and chatting about computers; Kelston Community Centre; 10am. Phone June 021 179 3635. w 22, West Auckland Historical Society meeting: Neville Exler will share his family’s involvement in our local clay industry; Waitakere Gardens Meeting Room, 15 Sel Peacock Drive, Henderson; 7pm. Phone 836 5917. w 24, The Combined Probus Club of Glen Eden, fellowship, speakers, monthly trips; Ceramco Park Function Centre, 120 Glendale Road, Kaurilands; 10-11.30am.Phone Brian Holt 838 5857. w 24, Titirangi Folk Music Club presents Friday Folk and Jam, an informal singaround; Titirangi Beach Hall, bottom of Titirangi Beach Road; 7.30pm; $5. www. titirangilivemusic.co.nz or text Cathy on 021 207 7289. w 25 – May 24, Mandy Patmore – Paintings; West Coast Gallery, Seaview Road, Piha. Phone 812 8029, www. westcoastgallery.co.nz. w 26, Titirangi Village Market: art, craft, produce and music; Titirangi War Memorial Hall; 10am-2pm. Contact Tess on tvm.manager@gmail.com or phone 022 631 9436. w 28, Titirangi U3A – meet interesting people 60-years and older; West Lynn Garden, 73 Parker Avenue, New Lynn; 1pm; gold coin. Contact 818 8890, 027 699 5480 or heathertanguay@slingshot.co.nz.
w May 1, West Auckland Men’s Rebus Club; Kelston Community Centre, Corner Great North and Awaroa Roads; 9.30-11.30am. Phone Roger 834 7945.
w May 2, Garage Sale – a bargan for everyone; Iona Church, 38 Donovan Street, Blockhouse Bay; 8am-noon, rain or shine. Phone Robert 027 625 9342. w May 3, Pony Rides, Huia Road Horse Club; 436B Huia Road, Laingholm; 3-4pm; $5 per child per ride. Phone 027 499 1732. w May 8, Ladies’ Probus Club, fellowship, fun, speakers, and a monthly day trip; St John’s Hall, Te Atatū South; 9.45am-Noon. Phone Betty 09 832 0484. w May 9, Titirangi Folk Music Club presents Looking for Alaska, floor singers in first half; Titirangi Beach Hall, bottom of Titirangi Beach Road; 8pm; $12 or $8 for members; www.titirangilivemusic.co.nz or text Cathy on 021 207 7289. w May 12, West Auckland Historical Society Family History Group meeting; Henderson Central Library West Auckland Research Centre; 10-11.30am. Phone Gary Snow 832 5098, 021 618 434 or email gary@snofam. co.nz. w May 16, Lions Club Book Club Hall, 3063 Great North Road, New Lynn; 8am-4pm. Sale; New Lynn Friendship Phone Mary 027 487 0639. w May 17, Children’s Fire, a collaborative community drama; St Francis Church, corner Park and Titirangi Beach Roads; 10am (run-through on May 16 at 1pm); all welcome to attend and participate. Contact Freda Morgan, freda_ morgan@hotmail.com, for more information.
There is so much happening in and around our community, including many weekly events, that we can’t fit everything into these listings. To find out more about whatever you are interested in, visit: www.fringemedia.co.nz/ourplace
• Corban Estate Arts Centre, 2 Mount Lebanon Lane, Henderson; 10am–4.30pm daily. 838 4455. • EcoMatters Environment Trust, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn; Wednesday – Sunday 10am-2pm. 826 4276, info@ecomatters. org.nz. • Flicks cinema, Lopdell House Theatre. 818 2489, www.flickscinema.weebly.com. • Kelston Community Centre, corner of Awaroa and Great North Roads, Kelston. • McCahon House Museum, 67 Otitori Bay Rd; Wednesday – Sunday, 1-4pm, except public holidays. 817 6148, mccahon@ mccahonhouse.org.nz. • Playhouse Theatre, 15 Glendale Road, Glen Eden. 818 5751. • Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; 10am–4.30pm daily. 817 8087, info@ teuru.org.nz. • Titirangi Theatre, Lopdell House Theatre; Titirangi. 817 5812, infoline 817 5951, www.titirangitheatre.co.nz. • Upstairs Gallery, Level 1, Lopdell House; 10am–4.30pm daily. 817 4278, www. upstairs.org.nz. • West Coast Gallery, Seaview Road, Piha; Wednesday – Sunday, 10am–4pm. 812 8029, www. westcoastgallery.co.nz.
the whole picture
Titirangi local and mother of two, Kerry Engelbrecht chats to us

about her new business Kerry E Media.
Who are you? I’m an experienced and skilled editor, photographer, writer and designer, an optimist and a perfectionist.
What services do you offer? Photography (www.kerryephotography.com) - pet portraits, weddings, family memories, pregnancy and newborn photography, birthday parties, corporate portraits, workplace shots, events and personalised gift vouchers for photoshoots. Design - business cards, invitations, handouts for weddings and other events, signs, brochures, booklets, adverts, logos, cards, collages, photo books, canvas prints and digital media banners. Proof-reading and editing - books, theses, CVs, marketing material, newspaper articles and adverts, blog posts and web content. Writing - magazine features, newspaper articles, marketing material, web content and blog posts.
“Well-written copy with no errors, stand-out photography and beautiful, clean design builds confidence in your brand.”
How much do your services cost? All pricing takes individuals and small businesses into consideration. I offer a one-on-one personalised design service at competitive rates. Wedding photography packages are per hour so you can prioritise according to your budget. Editing/writing work ranges from per page rates for small jobs to per word rates for larger jobs.
What is your involvement in the community? I live and work in Titirangi, and my children attend local schools. I support a range of charities close to my heart: photos for Maddi’s Market, design of a Starlit Hope booklet for newly diagnosed oncology kids’ families and I gift photoshoots to families living through the horror of childhood cancer.