The Fringe, April 2020

Page 10

TFM 2020

Titirangi Festival of Music 2020: Postponed The TFM team have reluctantly decided to postpone the 2020 event due to the rapidly changing situation with regard to Covid-19. This has been a difficult decision to make, but the health and safety of our festival community and our performers is our highest priority, and as such we feel that it would be irresponsible to go ahead as planned. We are currently in the process of re-scheduling this year’s festival to some time in September with the least amount of disruption to the programme as possible. We will be paying close attention to the developing situation. All tickets will remain valid and once new dates are in place there will be an opportunity for refunds if required. The Titirangi Festival of Music is a community-focussed event, offering a space where we can all celebrate and enjoy the arts and our local community together. We are really proud to run this event each year and take the responsibility of running a safe and inclusive event seriously. Thanks again to all our Sponsors, Funders and Volunteers, and also to everyone who has supported the festival this year already by purchasing tickets. Thank you for your understanding and our apologies for any inconvenience. Love and stay safe, The Titirangi Festival of Music team Hollie Smith (top), Anika Moa and Mango Beach will all be back to perform in the re-scheduled TFM 2020. Look out for more information in future issues of The Fringe.

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The Fringe APRIL 2020

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