The Fringe, April 2020

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ISSUE 191, APRIL 2020

Stay calm Wash your hands Disinfect surfaces Keep your distance Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing

And take some time out to enjoy our beautiful country

community news, issues, arts, people, events


The Fringe APRIL 2020

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Community spirit at work.......................................................................4 We smell a problem ... an update on Titirangi Beach water quality......5 Charlie, the “Kaitiaki” of Green Bay.......................................................6 Local lads jazz it up.................................................................................7 Art and about with Naomi McCleary......................................................8


Art and about.........................................................................................9 Titirangi Festival of Music: Postponed..................................................10 Places to go: Events listing...........................................................12 – 13 EcoFest West: Loving our environment................................................14 Holiday fun for the whole family..........................................................15 At the libraries......................................................................................16 Bandstanding: Wendy Morris...............................................................17 War on Weeds in ongoing....................................................................19


Sustainable solutions: Junk Run – sending junk to a better place.......20 Naturally West: The gannet: acrobat of the skies; Weather by the moon..........................................................................21 Live @ the lounge................................................................................22 Advertisers’ Directory...........................................................................23

On our cover:

Piha’s Lion Rock in the late afternoon. We might be facing uncertain times but there is still much we can enjoy. Photo by Bevis England.

21 21,000 copies delivered free to letter boxes, post boxes, libraries and selected outlets throughout Titirangi, Glen Eden, Green Bay, New Lynn, Kelston, Konini, Wood Bay, French Bay, South Titirangi, Waima, Woodlands Park, Laingholm, Parau, Cornwallis, Huia and Oratia.

Published by: Fringe Media Ltd, PO Box 60-469, Titirangi, Auckland 0642

Editor: Bevis England 817 8024, 027 494 0700


Features: Moira Kennedy 021 723 153

See page 10 >> Every issue of The Fringe (and the Titirangi Tatler before it) since April 2011 is on-line at Like us on Facebook ( FringeWest) to hear when each issue is available and get other updates. please support our advertisers – they support us

Writers and contributors: David Thiele, Naomi McCleary, Susannah Bridges, Fiona Drummond, Zoe Hawkins and Michael Andrew.

Advertising deadline for May 2020: April 16. The Fringe APRIL 2020


our place

Community spirit at work Plans are underway for the Green Bay Community to get a fresh, new look later this month at a Neighbours’ Day on April 18. It is hoped volunteers will show willing to water-blast the fence at the back of the house and paint it black, and sort out overgrown grass in the playground and rebark it. Funding is being sought to replace the slide and old play equipment but in the meantime the call is out for someone to spray paint all the outdoors equipment in multi-colours and give it an exciting and fun edge. It is a few years since the outside at the house had a makeover so once the basic work is done, art created by local children in a school holiday programme will be lacquered and placed permanently on the newly painted fence. The house has also become an official drop-off point for the I Used To Be initiative that re-purposes inflatable pool toys into bright and fun water-resistant bags and accessories, says house co-ordinator Sara Mihaere. Set up in Auckland by arts facilitator, Nina Darrah, the company keeps unwanted inflatables out of landfill by re-purposing them into hardy, splash-proof bags. “It might be an old paddling pool or toy, but as long as it’s clean and not mouldy, the product can be dropped off here,” says Sara. (I Used To Be donations can also be dropped off at EcoMatters in Olympic Place, New Lynn or its Rosebank Road location.) May’s activities at the Green Bay Community House include a clothing swap on May 13, in conjunction with Plunket and the charity One For Her which collects sanitary products for women in need. Sara says that for a gold coin koha entry, people can drop off five items of clothing to the community centre on Friday, May 12 and receive five tokens which will equate to ‘shopping’ money to purchase donated clothes. “It’s a really good and sustainable way of updating your wardrobe as well as being a good fund-raiser and helping worthy charities. It doesn’t actually cost you money -- you donate clothing and receive tokens to use to get yourself a wardrobe that’s new to you.” Anything left over from the clothing swap will be donated to local charity and hospice shops. Neighbours’ Day is Saturday April 18 from 10am at Green Bay Community House, 1 Barron Drive, Green Bay. All volunteers welcome. There will be a sausage sizzle. Phone 09 827 3300 or email for more information.

“The playground is awesome!” Children at the Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School are really enjoying their recently completed playground. The school was selected to be part of The Trusts Million Dollar Mission in 2019 and, after a community-wide voting effort, was the recipient of $40,250. An opening ceremony was held recently (but before the arrival of Covid-19 and the new ‘social distancing’ recommendations) to thank everyone who made it happen and parents, teachers and students gathered to express their gratitude and celebrate.

letter Dear Editor, Thank you to The Fringe for your story on the Glen Eden Pataka Kai Project in the March 2020 issue (Community kindness growing and prospering) and to your readers who responded so positively to it. Soon after that issue came out, I received some wonderful calls from people in catering and bakery businesses offering us a wide range of food including breads, rolls, slices, cakes, muffins and savouries. So many members of the community benefited from these generous offerings which are continuing. Likewise, we have seen such a lovely response from the community in general. The need throughout the community for food donations to help those less fortunate sadly continues, but it is heartening to see how much kindness there is around us and that can only make us a 'richer' society. Thank you again to The Fringe and its kind and generous readers. Heather Tanguay, Glen Eden Pataka Kai Project Email or call 027 699 5480


The Fringe APRIL 2020

Got something to say or know of a great story idea? Let The Fringe know... Email or write to PO Box 60-469, Titirangi

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our place

We smell a problem … an update on Titirangi Beach water quality What’s going on with our beaches? It’s been a gloriously warm summer and our beaches are very inviting. But are Titirangi’s main beaches okay to swim in … or not? ZOE HAWKINS investigates. If you’ve been anywhere near Titirangi Beach this summer you’ll be aware it’s hard to miss the stench emanating from Paturoa Stream. Despite conjecture about various causes, the smell is believed to come from natural causes. Auckland Council Safeswim Programme Manager Nick Vigar explains: “The stream has a pungent smell as there has not been significant rainfall in a while and the stream has not been flushed out by rain. As a result, organic material such as grass and leaves rot in shallow water. This process uses up the oxygen in the stream and naturally produces sulphur dioxide, which has a strong smell and turns the water a dark colour. Although it looks and smells unpleasant, it is a natural process and will be remedied when there is more rain.” And thanks to poor water quality that is likely due to long-standing issues with our infrastructure, Titirangi Beach and Wood Bay have had permanent health warnings applied since 2016. After rainfall French Bay is also regularly flagged as ‘high risk’ for swimming, although it is considered safe at other times. “Titirangi Beach, French Bay, Green Bay and Wood Bay are scheduled to have CCTV investigations conducted, starting this month. CCTV is used to evaluate the condition of public stormwater and wastewater assets,” Nick Vigar says. “Subsequently private drainage investigations for Titirangi Beach, French

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Bay, Green Bay and Wood Bay have been scheduled for April and May. These investigations are conducted to identify possible cross connections between wastewater and stormwater pipes and any other issues that could contribute to wastewater contaminating the stormwater network. “The CCTV and private drainage investigations will help identify what may be causing the unsafe water quality. When investigations are completed, any issues with public or private drainage will be referred to the appropriate team within council to resolve.” In the meantime, those swimming at French Bay, like most other beaches in Auckland, are advised to check the Safeswim website for reliable indicators of water quality. If you believe that any harmful substances are polluting our streams or beaches, please call the Pollution Hotline, 377 3107. You can look at the beach but you wouldn't want to swim in it. Paturoa Stream is full of stagnant, smelly water, even at high tide.

We want to hear from you! Tell us what we should focus on over the next three years to make your community better through our 2020 Local Board Plans. Have your say now at

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The Fringe APRIL 2020


our place

Charlie, the “Kaitiaki” of Green Bay – gone but never forgotten He has been described as majestic, stubborn, adorable, iconic, a celebrity, an amazing sloth of a cat, the godfather of Green Bay, his own person. Most regulars of the Green Bay shops knew Charlie, a large black cat who knew everybody and claimed all the shops as his own personal territory. FIONA DRUMMOND talks to those who knew him. People used to make a specIal visit to the Green Bay Bookshop just to give Charlie a pat while he snoozed in his dedicated chair in front of the counter. Not many cats have the mana to occupy valuable floor space in a retail store but Charlie was no ordinary cat. If not in front of the counter, he would be behind it, ‘helping out’ the Bannister family – David, Carole and Paul – while sprawled amongst the paper bags, etc. For a while David had a doll’s cot in the shop window and for days on end Charlie would sleep in it, much to the amusement of passers by. He also had a favourite spot on the bookshop roof, giving him a cat’s eye view of the going ons of Green Bay. Maybe this is where he learnt how the pedestrian crossing worked. As a traffic-wise moggy, he used the crossing to hang out with friends across the road, including people in the council flats. The Bannisters embraced Charlie as part of the chattels of the outgoing bookshop owner Peggy Higgins when she sold the shop. Peggy in turn had inherited him from Marilyn Lynch and Richard Irwin, who lived at the first house on Vardon Road and owned around four cats at the time including Charlie’s sister Jandals. From around two years old Charlie decided to spend most of his day at the bookshop with Peggy, as well as at the florist shop. When Marilyn and Richard moved to Thames in 2009, Peggy asked if Charlie could stay, and although Marilyn was sad to leave him, she knew the Green Bay shops were his forever home and he would be well cared for. Ann Haszard worked at the florist shop from around 2003 to 2014 and was one of Charlie’s early friends along with Margaret Lewis, the florist’s owner. Charlie preferred to drink out of the flower vases rather than from a bowl. He commandeered the florist counter and if Charlie, ready for St Patricks’ Day. moved would jump back up straight away so the florists became resigned to working over and around him. Ann referred to Charlie as her “work station.” He also loved the flower cooler room in the summertime. At night he would burrow under the counter or in the corner FRINGEADLTD.pdf 1 hide 15/11/16 16:33 of the window, and it was always a bit of a chasing game to get him out. As he got older he

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The Fringe APRIL 2020

To be continued next month.

The Sixes

Klipsch Heritage Series




Charlie – an amazing sloth of a cat.

took to spraying, which could prove disastrous when paper or flowers were in the firing line. Ann got to know the signs when Charlie’s tail quivered and would spray him first with a water bottle, so he got the message. Eventually they had to ban him from the shop which saddened them. Once Charlie went missing for a few days and Ann who was quite concerned organised a Missing Cat poster, which went up around the shops. Soon after she was visited by a small girl from La Rosa Street who had seen the poster, and came and told Ann that her older brother had taken him to their house, so Ann hopped in the car with the girl and brought catnapped Charlie back home. Ann said they used to dress him up for the relevant celebration, a green ribbon for St Patricks Day, red for Valentines Day, etc. Even the New Lynn Detective Sergeant Smith was quite worried at his disappearance, he often brought food for Charlie and would ask Peggy, “How’s the boy today?” One time Charlie needed ongoing vet attention for an ear issue and Ann from the florists set up a donation box for people to contribute. The generosity of locals and the popularity of Charlie meant there was excess cash left over, so the Bannisters set up an account with the Green Bay vets for future vet costs. Local Jenni Child was a little shocked to find that her husband Gary had given $200 to cover a vet bill shortfall, such was his esteem for Charlie. Jenni had another anecdote about Charlie. Her son Martin was down at the Green Bay shops late at night and, seeing Charlie, went over to give him a pat. His intent was misconstrued by a local tramp who, thinking he was out to harm Charlie, landed a punch on poor unsuspecting Martin.

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Local lads jazz it up

Me Boy, a pencil drawing by Kowhai Parker, a year 13 student from Avondale College. (She also attended Woodlands Park Primary and Glen Eden Intermediate.) A Huia Road resident, Kowhai is very interested in ancient Greek and Roman literature and in anthropology. and is also getting high marks in psychology. Avondale College is planning a study trip for its classical studies students, visiting Rome, Pompeii, Athens and other classical centres and Kowhai is looking for work to earn the $7,500 the trip will cost: perhaps a part-time job, baby sitting, working in a library, cleaning, light household duties ... If you have something Kowhai can help with email or text 027 480 0043.


The jazz quartet Toby and the Rest recently played at The Base Café in Titirangi. The quartet is (left to right) Tyler Diprose (bass), Toby Barrett (saxophone), Lucas Kewell (keyboards) and Max Barrett (drums). The quartet is generating quite a fan base. The night before the Titirangi gig they played at the Vic Theatre in Devonport and two couples liked the music so much that they ventured to Titirangi the following night. The quartet has played several times at Café one2one in Ponsonby, at the inaugural meeting of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board and an afternoon performance for the Henderson Heritage picnic. Their next big event was the National Youth Jazz Competition planned to take place in Tauranga, April 7 – 9. If this event takes place, they will be taking part in master classes, workshops and concerts as well as competing at a national level. The students from Avondale College were to work directly with jazz educators and artists and attend performances by top international musicians. Last year they returned with several awards. Toby and the Rest were also planning a special evening of music at Lopdell Theatre on the April 18, with guest musicians joining them for an evening of live music ranging from classics from the 1950s to their own compositions. Tickets are $14 and $10 from and on door (if still on and not sold out). Text bookings to 0210 222 5558.

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The Fringe APRIL 2020


art & about with naomi mccleary

Where to from here?

Split Level View Finder - Theo Schoon and New Zealand Art, now installed in Te Uru. Photo: Sam Hartnett.

I’m struggling to master my thoughts in writing about the arts right now. My plans for the column this month have been laid waste in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic sweeping the world. All I can see at this moment in time is that it is serious beyond my comprehension and that the implications radiate out like ripples on water and further than I can see. What does this mean for the arts sector? We are a modest part of the whole, but the impacts are sudden, visible and catastrophic. Events are tumbling on a daily basis; Auckland and Wellington Arts Festivals, Pasifika – and right now, any event likely to attract more than 500 people is officially banned. Locally this puts our much-loved Titirangi Festival of Music into postponement until September. Sounds straightforward – but no, it is not. Performers already booked may be available in September, but may not. Precious budget has been expended on advertising collateral, venues have to be rebooked. Given that the Going West Writers Festival is also in September, it seems right and proper that conversations be held about collaboration – and welcome that will be – but the painful truth is that none of us know whether September will be any different to now. At the moment there is much emotion, indeed sadness, around events that have a huge history and the passionate engagement of people for whom the expression of our culture is primary to their lives. But with the right dosage of luck, hope and optimism, we may find that whatever we come up with not only compensates us for immediate losses but brings forth the famous Westie innovation, uniting audiences with the best artists in all forms and genres. It might be online. It might be in your post box. And who knows? It might even be a gathering of real, live people. Right now, however, there is a real economic impact

and that will radiate throughout the arts communities of New Zealand to unprecedented effect. Creative New Zealand has announced that there will be some level of strategic response by the end of March – and that may give some sense of direction. One hopes so. So what do we do to keep the creative life of the community alive? Events of any size are a no-no and that is clear. Our galleries and arts centres can continue to function but with a clear proviso that anyone experiencing flu symptoms, or who is in self-isolation, keeps well away and that ‘social distancing’ is adhered to. There is the possibility that galleries may have to close, but let’s not go there yet. Social distancing is not too difficult, although I have to confess that I’m struggling awkwardly with non-touch greetings. It takes practice to do it with a modicum of grace. So here’s a few suggestions for keeping involved with the arts world (and believe me, it won’t be long before work that responds to Covid19 will come pouring out of the fertile minds and hearts of artists). And remember, a quiet hour or so in a gallery offers a beautiful distraction from our troubles and allows ample room and time for keeping to that new concept of social distancing. Te Uru Waitākere Contemporary Gallery hosts the first comprehensive exhibition of Theo Schoon’s art in decades. Split Level View Finder rethinks his legacy for 21st–century Aotearoa. Theo Schoon described himself as a ‘cat sniffing around in a strange warehouse’. He worked across and between cultures and contexts, finding Paul Klee in the rock drawings of Te Wai Pounamu and art brut in the drawings of Rolfe Hattaway, a patient at Avondale Mental Hospital. Continued on page 18 >>

Split Level View Finder - Theo Schoon and New Zealand Art. Photo: City Gallery Wellington, 2019.


The Fringe APRIL 2020

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art & about

Walking About: the Ngahuru Season Te Uru Waitākere Contemporary Gallery, in partnership with Christina Houghton and Melissa Laing, has announced the third season of Walking About performances to take place during ngahuru (autumn). This season brings walking projects from artists and performers Andrew McMillan, Melissa Laing, Vanessa Crofskey, Richard Orjis and Jeremy Leatinu’u. Walking About is a contemporary art series that explores the relationship between walking and art. Starting in September 2019 and finishing in August 2020 12 artists will create walks-as-artworks and artworks-as-walks, and invite the public to join them in moving through the spaces of Auckland, co-creating the works with their passage. Walking About has received support from the Auckland Council, Albert-Eden Local Board and Whau Local Board. Andrew McMillan: Echo Eco Echo, until April 13. Sound artist Andrew McMillan has composed an answer to the question: What sound happens just out of sight, just out of earshot, just before we arrive and right after we’ve left? Using environmental sensors and field recordings, he has created an audiophonic walk for Te Auaunga / Oakley Creek walkway and Waterview shared pathway. People are invited to download the composition onto their preferred listening device (visit and, headphones on, journey along Te Auaunga / Oakley Creek Walkway and Waterview Shared Pathway. Echo Eco Echo has been created in collaboration with John Coulter and Chris O’Connor, and has received support from Auckland Council and Albert-Eden Local Board. Vanessa Crofskey: Sports Day, April 4, 12-4.30pm, Olympic Park, New Lynn Vanessa Crofskey will bring you a creative interpretation of the ubiquitous summer athletics festival. Sports Day is a fun day of championship games, all to do with walking. It upends the traditional speed and skill based games and rewards the skills acquired in day-to-day living. Whether you’re exceptionally good at remembering where you parked your car, carrying groceries, or ambling along to a podcast, Sports

Get your art on!

The Upstairs Gallery, in collaboration with The Fringe, is organising a children’s art competition with one lucky entrant having their artwork featured on the magazine’s cover. With all the nasty viruses that are around we invite children from ages 3 to 14 to show their love with art! Get your paints, pens, pastels, pencils or electronic pens out and let your imagination run wild. Draw us a picture that shows how you would make everyone in your family, school, or favourite art gallery aware, safe and healthy while the scientists get ready to zap the virus. The 10 finalists will be exhibited in the gallery with one design being chosen as the front cover for the July issue of The Fringe! Your design must be A4 size (210mm wide and 297mm high) and handed into the gallery no later than June 10. Please remember to tell us your name, age and school or kindergarten. The Upstairs gallery is thrilled to have the support of The Fringe to make this competition possible. A children’s exhibition, Make a Face! will be on display in The Upstairs Gallery, April 1 – 19, 10am-4pm.

Continued on page 14 >>

Covid-19 and the West Concerning news about the Covid virus has come from overseas, first from China then elsewhere, more recently from France and Europe. For most people infected the effects are not major: a sore throat and increased temperature. For some, however, particularly those with compromised systems and who are older, the effects can be deadly. The problem with the disease is that it is capable of producing enough ill people that the hospital systems of some countries will be overwhelmed unless significant proactive steps are taken. Tracking the spread of the virus shows with alarming clarity what will occur. Each day in most affected nations the disease has infected 33% more people. China and Singapore have held infection rates at low levels. But Italy is struggling and America does not appear to know what is happening. So far we have been lucky in New Zealand. At the time of writing there have been 28 reported infections, all sourced from overseas. But we cannot be complacent and it is almost inevitable that at some stage we will have a communitysourced spread of the virus. The precautionary steps everyone can take have been well publicised. Minimise contact with others, particularly by hand shaking. And wash your hands thoroughly.

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Recently these precautionary measures have had their effect on local events. Pacifica was cancelled as was the memorial event for the Christchurch Mosque massacre and the Waitākere Holi Festival. The Piha World Surf League event and Titirangi’s own Festival of Music have both been postponed. All ANZAC Day events have also been cancelled This will play havoc with the organisation of many other local events and the Local Board will have to help those who plan and organise public events to adjust and adapt. We will get through this but for a while we are going to be less social. Please look after each other. Check your neighbours are OK. Remember to wash your hands and if you do feel ill then don’t go to work. If you think you have symptoms of the coronavirus (a fever, a cough or difficulty breathing) call the New Zealand Covid-19 Hotline on 0800 358 5453. And if you seek help then do so in such a way that is safe for doctors’ practices and medical professionals – phone ahead before visiting a medical clinic or emergency department – don’t just turn up. Greg Presland | Local Board Co-chair Waitākere Ranges Local Board

The Fringe APRIL 2020


TFM 2020

Titirangi Festival of Music 2020: Postponed The TFM team have reluctantly decided to postpone the 2020 event due to the rapidly changing situation with regard to Covid-19. This has been a difficult decision to make, but the health and safety of our festival community and our performers is our highest priority, and as such we feel that it would be irresponsible to go ahead as planned. We are currently in the process of re-scheduling this year’s festival to some time in September with the least amount of disruption to the programme as possible. We will be paying close attention to the developing situation. All tickets will remain valid and once new dates are in place there will be an opportunity for refunds if required. The Titirangi Festival of Music is a community-focussed event, offering a space where we can all celebrate and enjoy the arts and our local community together. We are really proud to run this event each year and take the responsibility of running a safe and inclusive event seriously. Thanks again to all our Sponsors, Funders and Volunteers, and also to everyone who has supported the festival this year already by purchasing tickets. Thank you for your understanding and our apologies for any inconvenience. Love and stay safe, The Titirangi Festival of Music team Hollie Smith (top), Anika Moa and Mango Beach will all be back to perform in the re-scheduled TFM 2020. Look out for more information in future issues of The Fringe.

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The Fringe APRIL 2020

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The Fringe APRIL 2020


places to go


Event organisers: Do you have an upcoming event you’d like listed in The Fringe? Send the details, including a contact person and number, to Readers: While we take care to ensure listings are correct, errors may occur. Check with the contact person wherever possible.

With current concerns over Covid19, please check with organisers before attending any of these events.

april w – 5, Paint etc., a group show featuring the work of artists who challenge the notion of traditional painting. Corban Estate Arts Centre. Phone 838 4455. w – 5, In The Flesh, succulent photo-montages by Megan Archer depicting human bodies digitally manipulated into near-abstract forms; Corban Estate Arts Centre. Phone 838 4455. w – May 17, Listening, twitching. Nicola Farquhar’s work examines what it is to be human in a time of ecological crisis; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi. Phone 817 8087. w – May 17, 36.5 / A Durational Performance with the Sea, a series of performances by New York-based artist Sarah Cameron Sunde; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; Phone 817 8087. w – May 31, Split Level View Finder: Theo Schoon and New Zealand art, the first comprehensive Theo Schoon exhibition in decades; Te Uru, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; Phone 817 8087. w 3, West Auckland Men’s Rebus Club, guest speaker

and morning tea; Kelston Community Centre, Corner Great North and Awaroa Roads; 9.30-11.30am. Phone Roger 834 7945. w 3, Art Spark and EcoFest West present Sea-level Rise, an artist talk featuring Rebecca Swan, The Pacifica Mamas and Janine Randerson; Green Bay Community House, Barron Drive, Green Bay; 7pm; Free. w 3 – 4, Titirangi Earth Festival featuring a symposium and supper on the Friday, 6.30-9pm ($25/adult) and workshops, food, drink, stalls, music and community groups on the Saturday, 8.45am-8.30pm ($140/family); Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School, 5 Helios Place, Titirangi; Tickets from Eventbrite. w 4, Mostly Craft presents Easter for Children: Crafts, Story, Music, Refreshments; St Francis Church, Corner Park and Titirangi Beach Roads; 1.30-3.30pm; entry by koha for Auckland City Mission. Phone Elaine 021 912 696 or 817 9555 w 5, Pony Rides, Huia Road Horse Club; 436B Huia Road, Laingholm; 3-4pm; $5 per child per ride. Phone 027 499 1732. w 9 – 10, Two day Basic Psoas Workshop with Liz Koch; Soul Centre, 18 Huia Road, Titirangi. Phone 817 3051 or email w 10, Ladies’ Probus Club, fellowship, fun, speakers, and a monthly day trip; St John’s Hall, Te Atatū South; 9.45am-Noon. Phone Betty 09 832 0484. w 11 – 13, Workshop: Psoas during pregnancy, birth and Postpartum with Liz Koch; Soul Centre, 18 Huia Road, Titirangi. Phone 817 3051 or email w 11 – May 24, Edith and George: in our sea of islands: With 100 years separating them, photographers Edith Amituanai (b.1980) and the late George Crummer (1868-

1953) capture moments in time from their own local Pacifica communities; Corban Estate Arts Centre. Phone 838 4455. w 14, West Auckland Historical Society Family History Group meeting; Henderson Central Library West Auckland Research Centre; 10-11.30am. Phone Gary Snow 832 5098, 021 618 434 or email w 14, Western Districts Women's Dinner Club meet for dinner and entertainment; Bricklane Restaurant, 5, Clark St, New Lynn. Phone Maureen on 818 3586 to book or for information. w 16, Waitakere Forest & Bird AGM with updates on all our projects and speaker John Staniland presents Nature on The Wall, scenes from nature on old and ancient walls and ceilings in Europe; Kelston Community Centre, corner Awaroa and Great North Roads; 7.30pm; koha appreciated. Phone Liz 027 476 2732 or email lizanstey@ w 17, Elemental Transformation, a collaboration between transformational agents Wilhemeena Monroe and Beata Mazur; Soul Centre, 18 Huia Road, Titirangi; 1-6pm. Phone 817 3051 or email w 17, Flicks presents Parasite (R13), an Oscar-winning social satire; Lopdell House Theatre; 10.30am, 5.30pm and 8.15pm; Tickets $15/$12/$10 from and on door. Text bookings to 0210 222 5558. w 18 – 19, Elemental Alchemy, Qi Gong and Energy Medicine Training; Soul Centre, 18 Huia Road, Titirangi. Phone 817 3051 or email w 18, Lions Club Book Club Hall, 3063 Great North Road, New Lynn; 8am-4pm. Sale; New Lynn Friendship Phone Mary 027 487 0639. w 18, ORO ATUA: a Pūoro Mãori sound healing journey;

Coming up in

This issue of The Fringe was severely affected by reactions to the coronavirus: the impact on global travel and tourism, together with the cancellation of two major events right on our advertising booking deadline meant that we lost a lot of revenue. However, we know we’re not the only ones affected by this global pandemic and, as we are committed to supporting our local community any way we can, we want to help ... Have you or your business been adversely affected by Covid-19? How can our community help you? Let The Fringe know and we’ll do our best to spread the word ... And if you have services or offers that could help in these trying times, let us know. Let’s work together to overcome this pandemic’s challenges. To offer help or request assistance, contact The Fringe on 817 8024 or 027 494 0700 or email


The Fringe APRIL 2020

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places to go

may w May 1, West Auckland Men’s Rebus Club; Kelston

Community Centre, Corner Great North and Awaroa Roads; 9.30-11.30am. Phone Roger 834 7945.

w May 2, Garage Sale – a bargan for everyone; Iona

Church, 38 Donovan Street, Blockhouse Bay; 8am-noon, rain or shine. Phone Robert 027 625 9342. w May 3, Pony Rides, Huia Road Horse Club; 436B Huia Road, Laingholm; 3-4pm; $5 per child per ride. Phone 027 499 1732. w May 8, Ladies’ Probus Club, fellowship, fun, speakers, and a monthly day trip; St John’s Hall, Te Atatū South; 9.45am-Noon. Phone Betty 09 832 0484. w May 9, Titirangi Folk Music Club presents Looking for Alaska, floor singers in first half; Titirangi Beach Hall, bottom of Titirangi Beach Road; 8pm; $12 or $8 for members; or text Cathy on 021 207 7289. w May 12, West Auckland Historical Society Family History Group meeting; Henderson Central Library West Auckland Research Centre; 10-11.30am. Phone Gary Snow 832 5098, 021 618 434 or email gary@snofam. w May 16, Lions Club Book Club Hall, 3063 Great North Road, New Lynn; 8am-4pm. Sale; New Lynn Friendship Phone Mary 027 487 0639. w May 17, Children’s Fire, a collaborative community drama; St Francis Church, corner Park and Titirangi Beach Roads; 10am (run-through on May 16 at 1pm); all welcome to attend and participate. Contact Freda Morgan, freda_, for more information. There is so much happening in and around our community, including many weekly events, that we can’t fit everything into these listings. To find out more about whatever you are interested in, visit:

l WHERE IT’S AT: • Corban Estate Arts Centre, 2 Mount Lebanon Lane, Henderson; 10am–4.30pm daily. 838 4455. • EcoMatters Environment Trust, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn; Wednesday – Sunday 10am-2pm. 826 4276, info@ecomatters. • Flicks cinema, Lopdell House Theatre. 818 2489, • Kelston Community Centre, corner of Awaroa and Great North Roads, Kelston. • McCahon House Museum, 67 Otitori Bay Rd; Wednesday – Sunday, 1-4pm, except public holidays. 817 6148, mccahon@ • Playhouse Theatre, 15 Glendale Road, Glen Eden. 818 5751. • Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery, 420 Titirangi Road, Titirangi; 10am–4.30pm daily. 817 8087, info@ • Titirangi Theatre, Lopdell House Theatre; Titirangi. 817 5812, infoline 817 5951, • Upstairs Gallery, Level 1, Lopdell House; 10am–4.30pm daily. 817 4278, www. • West Coast Gallery, Seaview Road, Piha; Wednesday – Sunday, 10am–4pm. 812 8029,

the whole picture Titirangi local and mother of two, Kerry Engelbrecht chats to us about her new business Kerry E Media. Who are you? I’m an experienced and skilled editor, photographer, writer and designer, an optimist and a perfectionist. What services do you offer? Photography ( - pet portraits, weddings, family memories, pregnancy and newborn photography, birthday parties, corporate portraits, workplace shots, events and personalised gift vouchers for photoshoots. Design - business cards, invitations, handouts for weddings and other events, signs, brochures, booklets, adverts, logos, cards, collages, photo books, canvas prints and digital media banners. Proof-reading and editing - books, theses, CVs, marketing material, newspaper articles and adverts, blog posts and web content. Writing - magazine features, newspaper articles, marketing material, web content and blog posts.

“Well-written copy with no errors, stand-out photography and beautiful, clean design builds confidence in your brand.” How much do your services cost? All pricing takes individuals and small businesses into consideration. I offer a one-on-one personalised design service at competitive rates. Wedding photography packages are per hour so you can prioritise according to your budget. Editing/writing work ranges from per page rates for small jobs to per word rates for larger jobs.

What is your involvement in the community? I live and work in Titirangi, and my children attend local schools. I support a range of charities close to my heart: photos for Maddi’s Market, design of a Starlit Hope booklet for newly diagnosed oncology kids’ families and I gift photoshoots to families living through the horror of childhood cancer. please support our advertisers – they support us

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Soul Centre, 18 Huia Road, Titirangi; 7.30-9.30. Phone 817 3051 or email w 21, SeniorNet West Auckland, speaker, morning tea and chatting about computers; Kelston Community Centre; 10am. Phone June 021 179 3635. w 22, West Auckland Historical Society meeting: Neville Exler will share his family’s involvement in our local clay industry; Waitakere Gardens Meeting Room, 15 Sel Peacock Drive, Henderson; 7pm. Phone 836 5917. w 24, The Combined Probus Club of Glen Eden, fellowship, speakers, monthly trips; Ceramco Park Function Centre, 120 Glendale Road, Kaurilands; 10-11.30am.Phone Brian Holt 838 5857. w 24, Titirangi Folk Music Club presents Friday Folk and Jam, an informal singaround; Titirangi Beach Hall, bottom of Titirangi Beach Road; 7.30pm; $5. www. or text Cathy on 021 207 7289. w 25 – May 24, Mandy Patmore – Paintings; West Coast Gallery, Seaview Road, Piha. Phone 812 8029, www. w 26, Titirangi Village Market: art, craft, produce and music; Titirangi War Memorial Hall; 10am-2pm. Contact Tess on or phone 022 631 9436. w 28, Titirangi U3A – meet interesting people 60-years and older; West Lynn Garden, 73 Parker Avenue, New Lynn; 1pm; gold coin. Contact 818 8890, 027 699 5480 or

places to go

Loving our environment


Walking About, continued from page 9.


Day has a competition for you! Celebrate sport in its most household form, and encourage physical exercise for everybody with us. Richard Orjis: Cruising, Lazing, Leaning, April 18, 4.45pm Drawing on queer histories of cruising for intimate encounters in parks, artist Richard Orjis invites you to gather by the Waters of the Eel, Te Wai Ōrea / Western Springs Park, at the Circle of Friends Memorial. Set against an ever-expanding approach to art-making, pedagogy and kinship this walk will be “a list of fluid provocations and ethical explorations, a soft testing of the notion of ‘passively active’; exploring how passive, promiscuous, temporary and transient modes may lead to meaningful alliances and intimacies between humans and the more than human.”


21 MARCH -19 APRIL EcoFest West 2020 kicked off last month and will run until April 19. The event celebrates the West Auckland environment and living sustainably in our neighbourhoods. Events across six areas of eco-action (Foodies’ Fix, Makers’ Mayhem, Arts on Climate Change, Explore Nature, Clean Transport and Conscious Living) are taking place all over the West. Highlights include: • On April 18 ‘Forest Food Architect’ Aidan Kelly offers a one-day, fully experiential workshop: a hands-on opportunity to learn everything you need to know about growing your own oyster mushrooms. • Also on April 18 the Corban Estate Weaving Group is running tours of the Paa Harakeke. Learn about different harakeke (flax) varieties and their use and see a demonstration of how to cut and care for the plant. • Awa Stories is a two-part storytelling project including a month-long photo exhibition along Great North Road in Avondale. Eight locals share their connection to water and their awa (river), culminating in a series of videos released in collaboration with I Love Avondale. The full programme of events is at EcoFest West is brought to you by EcoMatters Environment Trust and funded by the Henderson-Massey, Waitākere Ranges and Whau local boards and The Trusts Community Foundation. With current concerns over Covid-19, please check with organisers before attending any events.

Richard Orjis: Cruising, Lazing, Leaning

Jeremy Leatinu’u: Mauria, May 23, 9am. Mauria is the second walking project presented by Jeremy Leatinu’u that invites participants to traverse the urbanscape of Ōwairaka (Mount Albert). The journey will begin at the Waterview Reserve before travelling towards and arriving at the base of the mountain of Ōwairaka / Te Ahi Kaa o Rakataura. The name of the walk itself, Mauria, translates as to take or to carry. People participating in the walk are asked to bring a small packet of plant seeds or seedlings of any kind which will be carried during the journey.

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places to go

Holiday fun for the whole family


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The cast of Alice, above. The children were also involved in all aspects of the production, including set-painting.


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The Fringe APRIL 2020



The Glen Eden Playhouse Theatre is to be invaded by White Rabbits, Mad Hatters, Bad Tempered Queens, Surly Mean Girl Flowers, Cheshire Cats and many, many more zany all singing, and all dancing characters as 35 West Auckland children present Disney’s Alice In Wonderland Jr. Running from April 18 to April 25 the show will entertain and delight the whole family. The cast, aged from 7 to 15 years, are thoroughly enjoying discovering the joy that this Lewis Carroll masterpiece holds. Alice is an hilarious, colourful show for both kids and adults alike and you will be foot tapping and tune humming and laughing for days after. The stage will come alive with colourful costumes and lights in a very fun setting. Lewis Carroll first introduced us to Alice in 1865 and it must be a good story as it has never been out of print in 155 years. Director Melissa Popely says “Alice is huge fun for the whole family! A classic story with a great comedic script and lovable characters. Audiences will be singing and dancing in their seats.” And when you come to Alice check out the young stage crew and technicians. The skills they demonstrate are testament to Playhouse Theatre Inc.’s commitment to youth theatre, with a very active off-stage training programme. The theatre is hoping to offer further opportunities for West Auckland youth in 2021. Don’t be a Dormouse and miss out – book now at

places to go

At the libraries


Titirangi Library is running some special Easter-themed events for the kids.

Crack the code and win an egg-citing prize! Collect your Easter cipher wheel from the library from Wednesday April 1 and enter the prize draw. (Drawn on Thursday April 9.) Tuesday April 7, 3.30-4.30pm: Bunny Paper Craft – Create cute wrist bunnies. Wednesday April 8, 10.00-10.30am: a special Easter story time and Egg Hunt – all welcome for stories, hopping and egg-hunting. The library is also running a number of special events for the school holidays: Wednesday April 15, from 10am: LEGO Masters – Are you ready? Do you have what it takes? Bring your brick building skills, and take part in LEGO challenges. Thursday April 16, 11.30-12.30pm: Zombie Special FX workshop – hands on tips and tricks for creating scars, cuts, stitches and gore. Suitable for 12+ years. Tuesday April 21, 10.30 – 11.00am: Family Rhyme Time – a fun preschool movement session. Wednesday April 22, from 10am: Kids Earth Day – join us for Earth Day celebrations and help grow a greener tomorrow. Thursday April 23, 10-11am: ANZAC Art – create a poppy poster using different art techniques. Note: Titirangi Library is closed Friday April 10 and Monday April 13 for Easter but will be open on Saturday April 11. The library will also be closed on Saturday April 25 and Monday April 27.

School holiday events at Glen Eden Library include:

Tuesday April 14, 10.30am & 11.30am (two sessions): – a fun robotics workshop presented by Robogals, a group of engineering students from University of Auckland. Ages 8+. Booking essential. Wednesday April 15, 10.30-11.30am: Zombie Effects – Learn how to create some gross zombie wounds with make-up. If you’re into zombies and things that are gross, this activity is for you. Warning: This activity is NOT for the squeamish! Suitable for kids age 8+. Booking essential. Friday April 17, 10.30-11.30am: Gross Hairy Trolls – Make a cute but ugly troll out of old stockings, potting mix and grass seed. Water and watch its hair grow. Booking essential. Saturday April 18, 2-4pm: Monster Lego Challenge – Take up the challenge and build a Monster, monster truck, monster house, monster anything…your choice! Monday April 20, 10.30-11.30am: Venus Flytrap – make a Venus Flytrap out of paper and learn some interesting facts about this amazing plant. Tuesday April 21, 10.30-11.30am: Science with Robert – join the library’s very own scientist Robert for some fun science lessons & experiments. Ages 5+. Thursday April 23, 10.30-11.30am: Family Workshop with The

Recreators – Bring the family along to make ANZAC poppies out of egg cartons. Friday April 24, 2.00-3.30pm: Friday Flicks – relax and enjoy the library’s movie pick, Trolls. The library’s regular programmes include Rhyme Time every Thursday in term time, 10.30-11am; Wriggle and Rhyme – every Tuesday (in term time), 9.30-10am and Friday (in term time), 11-11:30am; and Lego Club every Saturday, 2-4pm. Glen Eden Library’s Book Chat group meets on Wednesday 1st April, 10:30-11:30am, in the library’s meeting room. Everyone is welcome to share what they’ve been reading. The library’s Job Café is held every Wednesday, 1-3pm (during school term). Whau Ace Adult and Community Education offer free support and advice covering preparing a CV, career guidance, job search, on-line job applications and cover letters

April at New Lynn Library sees a variety of entertaining and informative events.

Tuesday April 7 and 28, 4-5pm: How Tuesday – an hour of crafting and creation. Ages 5+. (Term time only.) Tuesday April 14, 10-11am: Little Clay Monster Making – Create a little monster out of airdry clay. Make it cute or creepy. Materials provided. Ages 8+. Booking essential. Wednesday April 15, 3-4pm: Will It Pot Plant (part of EcoFest West) – bring along any household item and try your hand at turning it into a pot plant. Things like an old shoe, doll or a basketball might work well. Seeds and soil provided. Ages 8+. Friday April 17, 4-5pm: Lego Build Session – Build, design and create with Lego at our monthly build sessions. Ages 5+ Monday April 21. 10-11am: Bug Talk with an Entomologist – discover the wonderful world of insects with Morgane, a local entomologist. Tuesday April 28, 10:30-11:30am: Te Reo PlayGroup – build confidence speaking te reo Māori with your tamariki. Practice colours, shapes, automobiles and more at our playgroup. Beginners welcome, we are all learning together. Friday April 3, 10-11am: Macramé Wall Hanging – learn some basic macramé knots and make your own wall hanging. Materials provided but feel free to bring your own. Ages 16+. Limited spaces. Booking essential. With current concerns over Covid-19, please check with the library before attending any events.

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bandstanding: music in the west with susannah bridges

“... the power of musical gatherings ...” Organiser, promoter, caterer, and ‘bringertogetherer’ of people Wendy Morris started out as a volunteer for fundraising events for aid organisations. She founded The Auckland Songwriters Collective and once organised a tour for space-rock band Hawkwind. In other lines of work she owned and ran a mobile home park. And yes she’s a musician, “but my songs are seldom autobiographical – I would have to have had a pretty messed up love life if they were!” Music lessons at primary school began with the dreaded recorder at age seven, but by age 10 Wendy could read music and play a variety of instruments so she formed her own pop band and performed her original songs at assemblies, talent contests and every available opportunity. By age 14 she was performing with adult bands. “I had some exciting times in Auckland’s city music scene and earned some nice pocket money from it. In hindsight it was quite a risky pastime for a young teenager but I got to meet many interesting people and gained a lot of valuable experience.” Debut album Filigree Moon was recorded in 1995. “It was a folk album with a band called Tanglewood. Then my music gradually became more pop/rock in style and in 2012 I recorded my album Entangled at Manuka Studios in Orewa – it has pop, country, rock, jazz and reggae influences.” Graham Brazier was featured on four of the album tracks, playing guitar, harmonica and singing backing vocals. “It was magical hearing his distinctive voice bellowing away at full volume in the recording studio, while he did various takes on my song Why Did it Feel Like Love. It really sent tingles down my spine hearing that great voice singing my lyrics. He was extremely supportive of my music. We became close friends and I spent many entertaining hours with him. I got to hear many of his works in progress and he was always keen to hear mine.” Dave McArtney (of The Pink Flamingos and Hello Sailor fame) and freelance drummer extraordinaire Bruce Morley also had input. “Bruce gave his time very generously and acted as a musical mentor to me. Sadly all three of these people have now passed away and none of them were very old.” Early influences like Led Zeppelin, Uriah Heep, Split Enz and Queen may be recognised in Wendy’s music but her inspiration for lyrics often comes from observing the lives of others. “Ideas for lyrics and melodies come to me in unison, while I pick or strum the guitar. The biggest help I’ve found for improving the quality and quantity of my song-writing is to be part of a songwriters group. I often host song-writing groups for

experienced songwriters and the idea is to bring new material along to receive feedback and constructive criticism. We endeavour to inspire one another to write more songs and we set writing tasks with deadlines, to create a bit of pressure to write. “Once my songs are written I prefer to hand the guitar playing over to other musicians. I have been known to perform on the guitar occasionally but much prefer to concentrate on singing when performing. The songs I write feature a lot of vocal part harmonies and it’s great to be able to focus on my interaction with the other singers.” Wendy’s band The Wendy Morris Band is high on her list of priorities at present. “In the mid 2000s I moved to Whangaparaoa and lived in a very creative household with musicians and poets. My house-mates decided to pull in some musicians to work with me, leading to the Wendy Morris Band being formed around 2011. I’m very privileged to have such a talented group to work with. We all enjoy the collaborative process of arranging original material and creating a unique sound together. The name of the band was only ever supposed to be a working title until a proper name was decided upon, but we’re still waiting for that to happen!” More recently Wendy has been running regular live music events at the Base Café in Titirangi, as well as various one-off events around Auckland. “Over the years I’ve grown to realise the power of musical gatherings to bring people together in a positive way. Friendships are formed and there are many networking opportunities. In many ways loneliness can be worse for people than poverty, so creating a sense of community is just as important to me as the music itself”. A long-term but transient Westie, Wendy landed back in our neck of the woods just over a year ago. “The call of the West has always been there for me. You can take the girl out of the West but you can’t take the West out of the girl! I’m so impressed with the abundance of talented musicians residing in the Western suburbs – and I get really excited when I discover performers who aren’t very well-known but have bags of talent. I’ve been meeting and showcasing some amazing young musicians and many well-seasoned mature performers, who aren’t necessarily seeking fame or fortune but are brilliant musicians and worthy of international careers. I like to help in getting the word out about them when I can.” Current local faves include The Fuzzies, Ha the Unclear, Murder Chord and Freaky Meat. “They’re all quite rocky, edgy and very original.” Continued on page 18 >>

Your Local MPs Hon Carmel Sepuloni

Dr Deborah Russell

Kelston Electorate Office

New Lynn Electorate Office

MP for Kelston

200C West Coast Road, Glen Eden 09 818 4131 /CarmelSepuloniLabour @CarmelSepuloni

MP for New Lynn

1885 Great North Rd, Avondale 09 820 6245 /DeborahRussellLabour @beefaerie

Authorised by Carmel Sepuloni MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

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The Fringe APRIL 2020


art & about with naomi mccleary >> Where

to from here Continued from page 8

Schoon’s interaction with Māori art is complex and problematic. What he saw as a form of collaboration now looks like appropriation and cultural presumption. He was exhibited at the iconic New Vision Gallery with two of his key collaborators, Gordon Walters and Titirangi potter Len Castle, who introduced him to the community of Titirangi potters and craftspeople. Schoon chased his ideas across diverse art forms, with little concern for boundaries between art and craft, image and object, finished and unfinished. Alongside paintings, drawings, and photographs, the current exhibition at Te Uru includes prints, ceramics, jade carvings, and carved and decorated gourds. The exhibition also includes a Schoon mural that has been hanging within a marae complex in Rotorua for almost 30 years. At the Corban Estate Arts Centre there is open space to walk and linger, and, opening on April 11, a fascinating glimpse into Pacifika through the lens of two photographers separated in time. Initially shown at the New Zealand Portrait Gallery, Wellington (2019), Edith and George: in our sea of islands, is recontextualised in the Homestead Galleries. With 100 years separating them, photographers Edith Amituanai (b.1980) and the late George Crummer (1868-1953) each capture moments in time from their own local Pacifika communities. The two sets of portraits present important conversations around colonisation, migration, settlement and identity in the Pacific. So here we stand; on the cusp of a new and frightening world. All I can cling to is that we need to continue to safely engage with our arts and culture – our spiritual life-blood – and support the artists in our community in all possible ways.

Theo Schoon, Incised gourd, 1955-1965. Chartwell Collection, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki. Photo: City Gallery Wellington.

“... the power of musical gatherings ...”

>> Continued from page 17

With the busy summer season drawing to a close, Wendy is looking to develop a house concert circuit. “House concerts are enormously popular in some countries but haven’t really become widely popular here yet. They provide a chance to hear artists up close and personal, plus the option of enjoying a drink or two without it having to be an expensive outing. I’m hoping to find some lovely houses with enough indoor space to provide seating for small concerts in the cooler months.” Meanwhile, The Wendy Morris Band are always keen to consider offers to play at clubs, parties, bars, festivals, etc. Upcoming local gigs include intimate venues such as UFO in New Lynn and Kiwi Valley in Henderson. And you can get along and check them out at The Clare Inn, 278 Dominion Rd, Mt Eden on Wednesday April 22, from 7pm. For more details go to The Wendy Morris Band facebook page

Edith Amituanai, Veronique at the Ranui PIC Sunday School Ball (2012). Courtesy of the artist.


The Fringe APRIL 2020

It was recently announced that White Track, from Marawhara Walk picnic area in Piha to Anawhata Road has been reopened. However, it will be some time before other tracks will be accessible to local residents. Among the walks and routes around Titirangi, ‘design confirmation’ is underway for Arama Reserve, Opou Reserve and Rahui Kahika Reserve and they are supposed to be open again by the middle of this year. A quote has been sought for the work required to reopen Mahoe Walk and Paturoa Way and they should be reopening by the middle of the year. ‘Detailed design’ is underway for Arapito Plantation, Bill Haresnape Walk and Titirangi War Memorial Track. These should be reopened late this year. ‘Concept Design’ is underway for Tinopai Reserve but it won’t be reopened until early 2021 The news is not so good for Okewa Reserve which is still under investigation and there is no date for it to be reopened.

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west’s pests

War on Weeds is ongoing Following last months’ annual War I recently wrote to Biosecurity with our concerns on Weeds, weed bins will still be about this plant and received a response from available over the next few months, the project coordinator of Environmental Services reports FIONA DRUMMOND. This thanking me for bringing it to council attention is welcome news as weeds will be and assuring us that a recommendation will be easier to dig out once the autumn made to add it to the Regional Pest Management rains arrive. Strategy. Council do appreciate public concern and Removing weeds is one way of reports to do with pest species. dealing with the weed issue, but If you are keen to find out more about pest plants, preventative measures to minimise Auckland Council Biosecurity have an A-Z listing of the spread of weeds are also all plants including the control measures for each. important. They are also planning a Pest Plants Environmental Take kahili ginger for example. Talk on Thursday April 2, 6-7pm at Te Atatu Despite its alluring heady fragrance, Agapanthus have hundreds of seeds per flower head, so Library. Visit http://www.communitywaitakere. wild ginger forms dense clumps deadheading is essential to avoid spread. native forests, smothering young plants and preventing native environmental-talk/. seedlings from becoming established. This makes it a serious threat to Temporary bins will be available on specific dates at the following native ecosystems. It typically has around 100 seeds per flower head, West Auckland locations: and these are often spread by birds. When dealing with a large area of • Waiatarua Community Hall, (911 West Coast Road) May 2 – 3. ginger, start by removing the flower heads and burning the seed heads. • 69 Victory Road, Laingholm: May 2 – 3. This won’t kill the plant but will stop it from seeding that year. Then you • 15-17 Mountain Road: April 4 – 5 and June 6 – 7. can concentrate on spraying or removing the whole plant. • Kōwhai Reserve (28 Withers Road): April 4 – 5 and June 6 – 7. Small seedlings can be hand-pulled and disposed of carefully. Small There are also two permanent weed bins, at Piha Domain (Seaview clumps can be dug out, as long as all of the root system is removed and Road) and Huia Domain (Huia Road) disposed of safely. Rhizomes (the fleshy roots) can be placed in a black It is important to respect these bins – they’re for invasive weeds only. plastic bag and rotted, or placed in a weak herbicide mix, crushed, When illegal dumping happens, Council has to pay for the rubbish to be dried then burned. Larger clumps can be sprayed using Escort or removed, making the service more expensive and less viable. Vigilant. It is best to cut the stems down to the rhizome first, and then The bins should not be used for bamboo, large branches or tree drill several holes in the rhizome before adding the herbicide. This will trunks, palm trees, cabbage trees, general garden waste and weeds make the control more effective. from near kauri trees (to prevent the spread of kauri dieback disease). I am more tolerant of agapanthus even though it also can prevent other seedlings from growing. Nothing beats it as a hardy and stunning summer flowerer, synonymous with a Kiwi summer. It can easily be kept in check by dead-heading when it finishes flowering so the seeds don’t get a chance to germinate elsewhere. Unlike ginger, the seeds are not dispersed by birds, but by wind and water, and each flower head can have between 650 to 4000 seeds. This makes removing the spent flowers essential to keep the plant contained. MS 170 (14") CHAINSAW

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Bidens Frondosa or Devil’s Beggarticks on Exhibition Drive

Other pest plants are not so well known. On Exhibition Drive we have been attempting to eliminate a weed plant that doesn’t feature highly in Auckland Council’s list of pest plants. However, it does have the potential to be a very invasive plant. Bidens frondosa or Devil’s Beggarticks is a North American species of flowering plant in the sunflower family, and an invasive weed in Canada. It has a leaf resembling the cannabis plant but, as its common name suggests, the flowers have ticks or burrs attached which will stick to clothing or dogs, and as such can be easily spread. It is essential to remove this plant before it seeds.

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GLEN EDEN The Fringe APRIL 2020


sustainable solutions with fiona drummond

Junk Run – sending junk to a better place You may have seen the green and The company’s services blue striped Junk Run van around include inorganic, commercial, Titirangi and like me, wondered residential, construction and what they do. I recently met demolition rubbish removal and General Manager Ruth Boyes who waste collection. Of the 30% of lives locally to find out how Junk waste that can’t be rehomed, the Run lives up to their motto Hate majority tends to be broken and/ Waste, Love Sustainability. or dated MDF items, which are Junk Run was originally founded virtually impossible to reuse or in 2005. Owners, Fionna Gotts and recycle. Cheap broken plastic junk her business partner Helen Melrose is also impossible to find homes purchased it in 2010 and have for. greatly enhanced its sustainability Junk Run does a lot of residential focus. Fionna is passionate about collections from eco-conscious environmental sustainability and The team at Junk Run, sending waste to a better place. West Auckland homeowners, and giving back to the community so the opportunity to develop Junk Run you’ll see Junk Run regularly working with construction companies as an environmentally sustainable business was too good to resist. doing de-fit and refit work at Lynnmall, and in the Rosebank Road area. Their entire existence and financial model is based on ensuring the (Many of the team are Westies.) waste they pick up doesn’t go to landfill and, because they genuinely The company is also keen to help local communities and community care about the environment, every staff member – including the organisations. The waste it collects is donated to many great causes owners – takes turns at being out on the front line.  which can either reuse or on-sell it. Among the not-for-profit partners Their mission to “send junk to a better place” lies at the heart of are Auckland City Mission, Hospice, Habitat for Humanity and Take My everything Junk Run does – so much so that they aim to divert from Hands. landfill at least 70% of everything they collect. Some examples of re-homed items that benefited smaller community They hand-sort and separate all waste items on site as they collect. organisations include: This ensures items are redirected to the most suitable recovery • Sewing machines and several deliveries of fabric to a women’s facilities. Cameras on all the trucks photograph every part of a junk refuge organisation. These were used to help set up a sewing collection job – from pick up, through to where it finally ends up, skills workshop so that abused women could learn skills to meaning keeping track of the waste is recorded every step of the way enable employment and create clothing for their families. with a unique real time reporting system. • A truck full of child-sized furniture, dress-up materials and art This reporting allows customers to maximise their waste minimisation materials for a community-based childcare organisation. credits for green building projects and to track their own performance • A large amount of unwanted camping gear and sleeping bags on waste management. Junk Run’s clients also share the reports with were passed to an organisation that helps homeless people. their staff, customers and stakeholders which in turn is causing a • Hospital beds and equipment has been given to a charity that is cultural shift in awareness. setting up a women's clinic in Pakistan • Kitchens, bathrooms and building construction materials have been delivered to a not-for-profit that helps get people into The Trusts have announced their own homes that experienced communityJunk Run believes recycling is just a small step in the right direction enterprise executive Allan and that much more should be done: Pollard (left) will be its new • Many businesses waste money on poorly-thought out purchases CEO. which then have to be dumped. Allan’s appointment comes • Buying cheap stuff, which quickly breaks and needs replacing is after the previous CEO, a major problem. Simon Wickham resigned last • Many people turn a blind eye to what really happens to their December after nine years in waste, resulting in a lot of “sustainably managed” waste actually the role. getting taken to landfills. Originally from Glasgow, • Skip bins are another cause for concern because a lot of Allan began in the hospitality reusable waste gets broken, wet and/or irreparably damaged by sector as a dishwasher when the skip bin process). he was 16 years old and has Junk Run has long-term strategic partnership with the Abilities worked through various roles before becoming CEO of Trust House Group, a non-profit organisation dedicated to enriching the lives of Ltd in 2013. people with disabilities. Abilities recycles all manner of e-waste and Trust House Ltd is a community-owned company based in the electric goods and provides employment for people that otherwise Wairarapa which operates a range of hospitality businesses in the would not be able to work. Wairarapa, Pahiatua, Flaxmere and Porirua. They also own and Over the past decade Junk Run has built up a network and database manage a large social housing portfolio. of potential recipients for waste. They also have a list of requests, Allan said that he was excited about the opportunity to work which is revisited every week. Their fall back is to store the item until with The Trusts. they can find a home for it. “The Trusts is all about giving back to the community it serves, If you’re thinking of moving house, cleaning out a rental property, so I feel privileged to be offered such a rewarding role. I’m looking down sizing, decluttering, or your office is moving, your retail space forward to getting to know the people of West Auckland, including being refitted, or your construction project has been completed, The Trusts team, and helping the organisation continue to be a enlisting Junk Run to rehome your rubbish could save you time and long-term force for good.” hassle – and help one or more charities.


The Fringe APRIL 2020

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naturally west with fiona drummond

The gannet: acrobat of the skies Though we seldom see and cross the Tasman to Australia, a gannet fly over our returning several years later to neighbourhood, just an secure a nest site at the colony. hour north, at Muriwai, Given the nests are just is a long-established centimetres apart, it is another gannet colony that credit to the flying ability of can be viewed at these 2.5kg birds with two-metre close quarters, one of wingspans and their mastery of only three mainland the onshore updrafts that they can sanctuaries in the North glide over the raised squawking Island. and perilous beaks of hundreds of It is some years since their neighbours to find their own I have had the pleasure nest, another wonderful activity to of visiting this colony, witness at the sanctuary. although I do enjoy Characteristic behaviours at watching the gannets at breeding colonies include mutual our favourite Coromandel bill fencing and bowing of mates at beach haunt over the Gannets greeting each other. Photo by Adam Clarke. the nest, the territorial headshake summer months. I love watching them cruising the coastline and then, and bow at the nesting site, and sky-pointing as an indication of the lured by the silver glint of a fish, see them suddenly dive downward, intention to take flight. entering the water at speeds of up to 100km/h, to re-emerge gulping It is just a short walk from the carpark off Motutara Road, opposite down the fish they caught. the Muriwai café and camp ground to a viewing platform by the main This manoeuvre never fails to amaze me: the fact that they survive gannet colony, where up to 1200 pairs breed every year. thousands of these spectacular dives without breaking their necks is Go book a date with the gannets at Muriwai. A great place for a matched by my amazement that they can execute the dive fast enough West Coast beach walk, watching the sunset and to take visitors from to catch the fish. out of town. For this reason, and their rather beautiful appearance with orange head and ‘eyelinered’ eyes, the Australasian gannet or tākapu is one of my favourite seabirds. They are classified as a native species and not threatened which is encouraging. It is interesting that New Zealand holds the vast majority of the Australasian gannet breeding population, with just 13% of the population breeding in Australia. It is not unusual to see tākapu if you are out boating on the Manukau harbours where sometimes dozens can be seen diving on a school of fish but the Muriwai colony is somewhere you can get to see them up close. The bonus is here you not only see the adults but the chicks too, born naked but sporting fluffy down within a week. At different times of the year the colony provides multiple viewing and photo opportunities, starting at nesting time in August with their elaborate mating rituals. The breeding population reaches a peak in November, with each pair hatching just one chick, and sharing nesting duties. From December to February you can watch the chicks get fed and then in March and April the juveniles leave the nest. They need to have mastered the concept of flight by exercising their juvenile wings in anticipation of their maiden voyage. The alternative is a fatal drop off a high cliff. The young gannets then leave the colony Landing at the colony can sometimes be difficult ... Photo by Bevis England.

west auckland weather by the moon Ken Ring’s predictions for April April is expected to be much drier, sunnier and warmer than average, with less than half the April rain average expected. The first week may see little or no rain, the middle two weeks may be wet, and the last week may be dry. Heaviest falls are at or near the 10th or 17th. The full moon on the 8th will be the closest to earth in its orbit for the year, causing destructive tides. Afternoon temperatures should remain in the 20s up to the 11th, and some cooler nights may be noticed after the 12th. Atmospheric pressures could be highest around the 21st, with the monthly average about 1019mbs. Wind directions are expected to average from the southwest.

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For fishermen, the highest king tides (for the whole year) may be around the 9th, with a lesser king tide on the 26th. The best fishing bite-times in the west are at noon on the 7th-9th and 22nd-24th, (and in the east at around dusk on those days). Chances are also good in the west for dusk of the 1st-3rd, 13th-16th, and 29th-30th, (and in the east around noon). For gardeners, the 3rd-7th and the 30th are the best sowing days, with the waxing moon ascending. The best pruning days are the 15th-22nd; with waning moon descending. For longer shelf-life, choose lower water-table days of 2nd and 17th on which to harvest. Allow 24 hour error for all forecasting. For future weather for any date, visit © Ken Ring 2020.

The Fringe APRIL 2020


live @ the lounge

Yeah, gidday. Lizard here. The other night, a few of us were taking a bit of a break outside the club. Just standing around the harbour’s edge, star gazing and chewing the fat. Doug, who I’d only laid eyes on a couple of times previously but who was a mate of Bonkers, sparked up a smoke. Usually I say no but this particular evening I hoped he’d share it round. He did, so I took a couple of blats then passed it on to Stella. She took a puff and while part blowing, part coughing smoke in my face, said “Did you hear than Lenny isn’t coming to the club until they sort out this Corona thingy.” ‘Where did you see him?” I asked. “I was behind him in the checkout line at the supermarket. The place was packed with people buying heaps of stuff.” She took another puff and passed it on. It was then that Mopey Jesus rocked up. His real name is Brian Dervisson but he’s really tall and skinny with a beard that sort of looks like Jesus. To be quite honest, he’s a bit dull and mopey with very rounded shoulders. “Mum doesn’t go outside at all now. She gets all her pizzas with Uber Eats,” he said “That’s insane,” said Stella. “Nuh,” said Mopey, “the driver always wears gloves.” “I mean a pizza comes from Italy and they’re really crook over there,” giggled Stella. Bonkers said he had read that olive oil wards off most germs. And garlic. And something to do with honey. I didn’t even know he could read. I spend many afternoons in the library

waiting for the Razza to open. I always use the hand gel that Shaz gave me before I handle all the magazines and stuff. Better safe than sorry. “I read that penguins are actually like birds in real life,” said Stella.”I used to think they were dolphins that had adapted to walk on their little legs.” Doug said that he had read that the kea is actually brainier than a dolphin. In fact, if they had hands they could even beat humans at a game of poker. “They can menstruate,” he said. “It’s not menstruate you idiot. They can manipulate. Like they know how to make plans and that,” said Mopey Jesus. We all had a good laugh. As we drifted back inside, Pita said to Stella, “If I have to stay at home, totally isolated, then you may as well shoot me now. I’d go mad. Not to mention broke.” “Yeah,” said Stella. “I guess you’re right on there bro. Are you still going to church on Sunday?” “Like my life depends on it,” said Pita. Wow, I thought, why didn’t I eat something when all the food was out. Now it’s all gone I’m bloody starving. Still, my mouths so dry I couldn’t swallow. Time for a beer. So here’s what I think. Stay healthy guys. Don’t panic sell your shares. Swings and slides. I don’t actually know anyone who has shares. Avoid tongue kissing any door knobs. Oh yeah and if it really does all hit the fan, the last thing that should be on your mind is “Have I got enough toilet paper?” See ya round, but in ever smaller groups.

Later, Lizard.

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Leave a gift to nature. Bequests can be made to “Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc”. For more information on how to make a bequest contact: Fundraising Manager, Forest & Bird PO Box 631, Wellington Freephone: 0800 200 064


The Fringe APRIL 2020

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