frissiras museum award 2

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isbn 960-88976-0-2

Frissiras museum

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áðü áñéóôåñÜ | from left: Valerio Adami, Chronis Botsoglou, Pat Andrea, Vlassis Frissiras, Philippe Dagen, Jurgen Schilling

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.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ................................. The participants in the 2nd Contemporary European Painting Award (all under 40 years old) come from a generation which grew up in the aftermath of these changes and was steeped in a spirit of major artistic changes and amidst the varied experimentations with new technologies. All this gives to their work its distinctive and multifaceted character. With this Award, the Frissiras Museum stays true to the aim promoting painting and seeking out new talents. The members the committee nominated artists whom they deemed capable standing out on the European scene. Given the high standard the candidacies, the Award was given to two of them.

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The prevailing factors in making the final choice were as follows: 1) To be judged by the committee the specific works submitted by the candidates (3 works per artist), without taking into account their earlier work. 2) Each artist to be assessed on the basis of the painterly values of his/her work as well as on his/her ability to generate visual speech. The choice of the two artists came as a result of a keen and fruitful debate around the values, the utility of painting and the notion of contemporary in our time. The works of the awarded artists combine the poetic mood of hybrid images, disparate elements, disfigured faces and violent distortions in the case of Fre´de´rique Loutz, and the metaphysical aspect of ironic, commonplace everyday situations, a complex field of potential in Ulrich Lamsfuss. In both cases we have artists with great technical skills and fully accomplished in composition and execution. Translation: Tony Moser


| Ulrich Lamsfuss 2003 ×ùñßò ôßôëï (Åóêéìþïé) | Untitled (Eskimos) ëÜäé óå êáìâÜ | oil on canvas 210 x 210 cm

1971 ÃåííÞèçêå óôç Âüííç, Ãåñìáíßá. 1991-1992 Hogeskool for Beeldenden Kunsten, Ñüôåñíôáì, Ïëëáíäßá. .. 1992-1993 Kunstakademie Dusseldorf, Ãåñìáíßá. .. 1993-1999 Master of Fine Arts, Hochschule der Kunste Berlin, ìå êáèçãçôÞ ôïí Georg Baselitz, Âåñïëßíï, Ãåñìáíßá. 1971 Born in Bonn, Germany. 1991-1992 Hogeskool for Beeldenden Kunsten, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. .. 1992-1993 Kunstakademie Dusseldorf, Germany. .. 1993-1999 Master of Fine Arts, Hochschule der Kunste Berlin, under professor Georg Baselitz. áôïìéêÝò åêèÝóåéò | individual exhibitions 2005 Lombard Freid Fine Arts, ÍÝá Õüñêç, ÇÐÁ. Daniel Hug Gallery, Ëïò ¢íôæåëåò, ÇÐÁ. 2004 Der agnostische Blick, Galerie Max Hetzler, Âåñïëßíï, Ãåñìáíßá. 2003 Somebody give the lord a handclap, Galerie Daniel Templon, Ðáñßóé, Ãáëëßá. The raw and the cooked, Lombard-Freid Fine Arts, ÍÝá Õüñêç, ÇÐÁ. 2002 Galerie Max Hetzler, Âåñïëßíï, Ãåñìáíßá. 2000 Galerie Max Hetzler, Âåñïëßíï, Ãåñìáíßá. Æåé êáé åñãÜæåôáé óôï Âåñïëßíï. 2005 Lombard Freid Fine Arts, New York, USA. Daniel Hug Gallery, Los Angeles, USA. 2004 Der agnostische Blick, Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin, Germany. 2003 Somebody give the lord a handclap, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris, France. The raw and the cooked, Lombard-Freid Fine Arts, New York, USA. 2002 Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin, Germany. 2000 Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin, Germany. Lives and works in Berlin.


| Fre´de´rique Loutz 2005 ÅðéóôñïöÞ | Come back êñáãéüíéá, áêïõáñÝëá óå ÷áñôß | crayons, watercolor on paper 161 x 120 cm

1974 ÃåííÞèçêå óôï Sarreguemines, Ãáëëßá. 1992-1996 Le Quai Art and Design School de Haute Alsace, Ãáëëßá. 1996-1997 Ecole Nationale Superieure ´ des Beaux-Arts de Paris, Ãáëëßá. 1997-1998 Ðôõ÷ßï éóôïñßáò ôçò ôÝ÷íçò, ó÷åäßïõ, æùãñáöéêÞò. 1974 Born in Sarreguemines, France. 1992-1996 Le Quai Art and Design School de Haute Alsace, France. 1996-1997 Ecole Nationale Superieure ´ des Beaux-Arts de Paris, France. 1997-1998 Degree in history of art, drawing, painting. áôïìéêÝò åêèÝóåéò | individual exhibitions 2005 Watercolors, Gallery Claudine Papillon, Ðáñßóé, Ãáëëßá. Results of an encounter, Lisle sur Tarn, Ãáëëßá. Æåé êáé åñãÜæåôáé óôï Clichy, Ðáñßóé, Ãáëëßá. 2005 Watercolors, Gallery Claudine Papillon, Paris, France. Results of an encounter, Lisle sur Tarn, France. Lives and works in Clichy, Paris, France.


2005 David ëÜäé óå êáìâÜ | oil on canvas 200 x 150 cm 2005 Ôï êÝíôñï ôçò ãçò | Mittelerde ëÜäé óå êáìâÜ | oil on canvas 200 x 150 cm

2005 Ç Emilie óôï áôåëéÝ ìïõ | Emilie in my studio ëÜäé êáé âåñíßêé óå êáìâÜ | oil and lacquer on canvas 195 x 260 cm (äßðôõ÷ï, 195 x 130 cm êÜèå ôìÞìá) | (diptych, each panel 195 x 130 cm) 2005 Ï Alex ìå ñïæ ôñß÷åò | Alex with pink hairs ëÜäé, ìðñïýíôæïò êáé áëïõìßíéï óå êáìâÜ | oil, bronze and aluminium on canvas 118,5 x 154, 5 cm

2004 Ãõìíü | Nude ôÝìðåñá êáé ìåëÜíé óå êáìâÜ | watercolor and ink on ungrounded canvas 100 x 155 cm 2005 Áíáæçôþíôáò êáé âñßóêïíôáò ôçí áãÜðç ÉÉ | Seeking and Finding Love II ôÝìðåñá êáé ìåëÜíé óå êáìâÜ | watercolor and ink on ungrounded canvas 170 x 150 cm

2005 Ôá ðïõëéÜ | Les Oiseaux ìåéêôÞ ôå÷íéêÞ óå êáìâÜ | mixed media on canvas 190 x 230 cm 2005 Ç êïýíéá | Le berceau ìåéêôÞ ôå÷íéêÞ óå êáìâÜ | mixed media on canvas 190 x 230 cm

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