Popular Science Department

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The American Boy

Hose Supporter

Popular Science Department A





For Boya and




Who Play.

Nature Puzzles and their Answers Cleflnlng Cor{Is nn.l shells.

It wearc well because



otrongly made the best



tions, -sq,


fect ease, even by chil&en.

Chiklreds Pairbymail, 16c. (give ago) Iaok for the llfoulded Rubber lutton and, "Velvet (irip" sttornped on tlre loopr goldby Dealet s Doorltuhera. GEORGE FROST CO.' Borton. U.S.A.



what rvonderful travel tales you would hear


Your Bicycle

Tires Could Talk!

Tales of giant rubber forests along the lazyflowing Amazon; of the whir and hum of the busy Northern tire factories lvhere marvelous machinery lit€ra,Ily makes trees into tires. We've liv€tl entl worked with tires and knov, their story well. We have writt€n it down in an interesting Book for Boys calleat

"The Rubber in Your Bicycle Tires" '7'o1(,


can, ltaue a conu .free, U,TL 1t't'ite for it todau.

UNITED STATES TIRE COMPANY Broadway at 58th Shc.t, New York

Inquirer:-'l'o clean the da,rl<-colorcd, a.dhering, animal matter from corals yorr should soal( the specimen in stron8 potash or lye solution for sevelal days and t.hen wash thoroughly with a hose oI under a faucet. Most of the matcrial \\'ill come off readily but small particles may adhere to the crevices. These should be removed with a stiff llrush and water'. Af ter all animal mattel' has been rcmoved the coral should be bleached in the sun until white. Corals that are very ()ld and dirty are sometimes hard tir bleach and in such cases treatment with I'eroxide of llydrogen or Chloride of Lime solution may be necessat'y. Before treating shells with aci('1, the outer sl(in, or integumcnt, should l)c I'cmoved b.y using LIc or potash as for corals. T do not l(now of any way to r.enrovc the spongc growlh other than picl<ing them off the coral with forceps. If thc coral is soaked in Lye a.s describod the a.nimal matter of the sponge wiu bo (lissolvecl and the l cmaining skeleton $,ill be easy to remove,-or will in m:rny cases drop off of its own accord. IUetal ln ll/ell. L, I!. Bonrl:-'l'h(r l)its of nretal forrnd in thc well itro onlr-dt',r1rs of soltlcr fr.om a tin pail or oth(,r' utensil. Ground IIog, Snnkes, Dtc, Nathan C. TIor.ton:-The ground hog or woo(lchuck helonqs lo thc mtrr.nrol family and is the otly member of lhc famil)' which occurs in ollr eirstcl.n states. Some snak'es shed their skins oftener. than others. depcnding upon tho species. locality an(l size. Young snal(eS that are Browint. rapidly shed oftcner.than full-grown snakes, but nearly all of them shed. \4'hen they first come ouL in the spring, Crows breed early in sprin8,-in lat.c -lVlalch or eall;' April frique-ntty,-anO the only way to l<now when to €iet the t.oun€i birds is to wa,tch the ne^st and take the birds when the right age. As a l'ule )'ou rna)- find wcll-grown crows in the nest late in April or early in May. Egg Blorvcrs. -Mason:-trgg hlowers wore - Clalencc full), descl.ihed in the-..Boy's Mrrseum', article in 'l'Il Ii) Al\{Ii)RtCAN BOy for .Ilrno, l0'l 0. 'l'lrr..\. rnlI. lrr. purclrasod ft rrttt ;tn1' {l(.;tl'.l ill nill ut.ill lrlitorv srrr,pllr.s ol rrrrl' lr,. nrrrrl,. lrt rlr.trrvlrlg oirl

Yidccl x-ith a stick or ladder in the jar

thcy u-ill act as barometers and will

(lescend or ascend the ladder accordinB' to the state of weather.

Illrds, Eggs. Dverett A. Brown:-You u'ill finrl all 1'ou r questions f ulll.' answeled in the "Ifo]'s' Museum" alticle in 1l'I{tt AMITRI(1.\N BOY for June, 1c10, and tr'ebruary, IS11.


Flenry llhompson:-No, bamboo is not a true tree, but is a solt of gligantic Ieod oI grass. Thele ale manJ species; it is found in most tropical countries and in nearly every country where it occurs it proves of great value to the natives. 'w.c seldom see large bamboo in'this country as about all that is importcd is in the form of fishing poles. Ifa.nrhoo frequently grows to a, hei8lht of fo|t]' or Iif ty f eet with a stall( eight to ten

Light ln the Sky. I{enneth Maclean: The "Strange Lisht" that you saw was really a sort of cloud. L have seen similar oncs myself both befole and after sunset and llefoie sunrise, 'Ihese clouds sometimes stretch clear across the sky from horizon to horizon and are sometimes seen in groups in a sor"t of fan shape. The liBht u'hich thet. ;Lppear to give out is merely reflected from the sun, which may be out of siBht from us and t'et 'would bc visihlo if we rYole at as great an elevation as the oloud. Natlve Slrongc. Chas. A<lams:-'lhe object you founrl cast on tho beach was not & coral but a sl)ccies of naIive sponH.c. Thcre are a nurnlrcl of species of niltiyc sponges,


Bamboos Growint ln Natlve Slate

inches in c'liameter. Tt is ver5. handsomo when growing and its lace-like leaves an.d shining, glossy, green or I'ellow stems ale among the most lteautiful forms.of tropical vegetation. It is used for building houses and fences. for utensils antl ornaments; large sections are usecl for ca.rrying water and other things, ['hile the branches are used as thatch and qrhen split into narrow strips are nlaitecl into mats, fans and various other objects. The joints, when burned ol' heated, explode with a loucl report and the native children frequcntly amuse themselvos hy brrrning lrir.mhoo fot celcl)l rLl.l()ns. lr)ltclr ira Arr(,r'iciln <'lrilrlron nnIlnr, llr(,lIal.lvr.s wlllr llr'(,('r'[('l({,rs.

Naltve Sponte

sonrc of thcm bt.ightll' colored and somo ver1. handsome in folm. None of them ate useful .commercially, however, and

thel' are valuabie only as specimens or cul'tos.

Oak I'reer. Ch:rs. Ifanson:-It is difficult to distinguish ou1. various oaks without th3

"The Rubber m Your Bicycle Tires" You, can,

iJ aou

hatc a conll lree,



lor it


UNITED STATES TIRE COMPANY Broartway at 58th Street, New York


lrr'('rrllrotrH lll(r lrr('sI rt('rrrrrrlrrr iiti.,iirtr *,,j ti, trri,,w wtr,'ii t. ii't tlr,. HllllrH foIrr,rs.(rf 1r','lll('il1-v,'ll'1,'ll,l1l.^., l.t. 1.,,,Y:::tl 1.r,rrIg lrir.rls ls 1,, wirt,jir"'rii,."i',ir' ,,iii1 fL" buil(lir)t{ ht'ttsos an.rI ft'nt'os' f.t utnttiii;" i:i,{'ili' a;]..-' ,t*"" slls. i"'r,',i'?r,i"'i,iiir.'l"i:1,, scclions are art largrr sections largd nt1 oiinaments; '' an,l ,.!,r.. rin,r ."^',--'--."-'?--^*,. ou ,.!.,, rvcll-gI'own crows rin sils n)il] lin{l rul(' I! ^,! 9l "l'nrmcnts;water "' thlngs, LrarrrE.i other tl-rlngs a,nd Urrrtr r('I (:a|r'-vrlrx r-+^ in ih April r\rir or used usrerr for carrving carrying carly in May. the nest iate ^- iii'i,'r-"'rii,i wnrre the branches are used as thatch strips are into narrow narrow strips ri)oo Blos'ers. Rrn$'arq and N'hen x'hen split sDlit into and frgg other various oLrret' piaitcd into mats' fans ano and varlous blaitod inats, rans clarence r\fason:-Egg 'in fully uy, trr.sr.rihcd in the described ,;i' ll};l,:.d !lre_.tq;i:'!w'lri,ulllg e:*i::: .*l,f,iu"j'#i1i,' ,*!;xo rrl jcte in 't H ,r'",titfi t..: n t\t t.;RI('AN *i"c".do.ifl'8i""i:.fn"Bt"f;,fi uuI rol flerluenuy amuso !1ilX,"ooi,"''??f il nitivel"o'3fl chilcl,.en June, l.ll0. 'J'hr,1 mat pe- . purchasod ah; for celcbamboo"for bamboo burning iii.-.i"W"i by trv'-Oumine selves fronr naLural lri?!9..I historv sgp; sun- ir"iti6i,s,'mn""n il::','i::-i'-^-r--,.hirdran from anr-t-tealel any dealer in n4tu,ral t'hildren ons --*,-,"^L--;; mrrih as -\merican plies or rnatr bo made by drawing out iif,]-"""'-ii"ioJJir""*i"itr.--niecict<ers. "i nlartin ffouscs, \vhite Rats' Don Looney:-I clo not knorv of any wav io drivo off the snll l{,\vs. See THIiI MERICAN BoY lor Mrrt'r'h, APril, and May, 1908, for replies to vour other ques-

Ilr(.1' luo vlrllurlrl(! ()t)l)' arl, gl,(,(:lnrtns



t irlg.


Oak Trees. Chas. }Ianson:-It ii difficult to distinguish our various oaks without tha


'frapDlrg SqulrreIs. IIenry G. Baldwin:-See 'I'HI'l AMERTCAN Btl.i: for March, 1908,.Iune, 1908' Jul]', 1908, September, 1908, for replies to your questions.

Moron Bos \LZ2 f, lJ'i*"11"'l,ili"',\..,,:""1:':


sir c.ol.d rssolinc.uain^. Th' sr.ilnst irrslrrr'litp m"chRrrih,rs Hrrrrdr,.lts n{ h'vs all "!cr f,r h,rs ."r a, ui.n nr"" ."r nr"" itrvcr,1;,1 f,r "!c) BoU. (Y"u 'Ril b'rild ii'" *".ta ',1"y ",,. ln,ildiils 1ho nIOTOR lmr of 12 ycars ond ur can "&t l' v cost" build ."".1 ,,.in i"a .".',i,. ili. uoron cou. sn"a :;^ Ir.f.rr.d) for firll .,iiiriolr*, Fow t,, Buil'l u M'n 'r Bul', $hi'h siv^6drosinslnnlin'rs f^r htrilJirrg trnd oporrrirrs '"ntartrr Plaitr itrs!srd diagrdmsa,,,ltells$lrrl Irrlsar'rr'r'd'rl S'ndlodLJ'

MI'G. CO. Stroots, BUI'ITALO'



A.B' trIaln ond AnhtNi

N' l-'

'whetever line of work most appeals lo you, yox c-an secure a sood government position in thal parllcular linp- nrovided vbu are an American over18.'lneln' i'"i'-daiionaf eot-rispondence Schools $'ill lrain l/o! al home and in vour spare tlme 1o passrny u. s' ulv-ll Seryice examination. No untried methodsi but-sale ,nd sure success is lssured, is shown by lhe hundreqs govemment ;f I. C. S. students now holding splendids hat you-now ooiitioni evervwtrero' Doesn t maller rl .you ilo or where vou live, lhe I. C. S. can hclp youpartlcu_ are willins. Our free Civil Servicc bool' givos you can iiri oiitre-various courses, and explains how oralifvthroushI. C. S.help LettheI.C. S. advrseyou' fbr th6 I. C. S. wav ls thc rioll wcy. Finding oul /ro' vou cu qualify costs you nothing. Simpiy wrile to-day to Interflational Corre3pondence Schoolt Box 1278-S. Sdanton. Pa,

Serpent Starfish.

Blow plpes Glass

Ilalold Shol'at d: -1'h( qttoor cl eatul'As sent are a dpecios of set pont starfish known as "Ophiurians." The long arms and bending a Blass l.lll)o in the flame are used to cling to seaweeds, eelgrass, of a Bunsen burnet'ot ltlorthol lamp or and other marine growths upon which gas store. 'Io do this hciit a sp()t of the futre until bright chorry ro<1 and then bcncl slowly at right :rntiltrs Allow the bend to cool and then hca.l iL spot near one end and pul1 gcntl)'while in the flame until the tube dra.ws out evenly into a narrow thread. Broirlr off at this noint whcn cool and I he Llow{ r ls comi1"te. 1'he lips of these Sltrss blowers lre very oasily brokett antl several should be kept on hand. :l'he blower should not be inserted in the hole in the etg but held close to it. 1. Mctal 2.


Jack Hawkins:-The "peepers" which you hear in s*'amps and ponds in early sprlng aro not insects or common f rogs. 'Ilhey are really the little tree toads, or tree frogs, which later in the season descrt th6 water and live among the foliage of trees. These frogs deoosit their eses deposit eggs

they live. They feed upon minutc organisms in thc water and are harmless. V/hite fairll' common thcy arc s<.ldom seen by casual obscrvers. [n thc troDi(:s and in deep water they grow to l[rgo size. ---PheasaDtts'and Qunllrt Ncxtr.

Conrmon Tree year. of the of 1f" year. Ii Lornruon llgst lqst I ne-re .are two comtr_ce toads in our northlmon snccics ofllyla versicolo-r ls.a rather eaSlern stales-. 1arge, Brayi.sh sp,'cies, while- Hyla..o.r pi(.1(orln,;ii is a small brownish HyIoides, Both sotn creature. species possess the f-----F-'l lrower of changing L I color to some ex- | , I 1ent, ac(ording to I 4./l tflt';,.?3.:,"*113f resting on, and as I -;;ffiP \l

or. trr tustr ol. ln rr.ir, shelter iir-iof a bush i'.!*"!, tnc i;n6iiei i6!--in the brush pile. 1'he eggs are fr()ln slx I'r frii";; b. morc and"ire brownisl lrr r,rtOr. ThiS applies to the introdut,r'11 I\lrrrrgotian and'English phoasants whir.lr rrr.r, Ihe onll t rue pheasants wr. lrirvr.. lrr g'.rrsrr piaces the ruffetl At'()ltsrl th6 common rulle(l many places is caued "pheasant" and this may lxr tlro tira to which you rofer. 'I'ho tttffot'l srouse builds its rpst in v/oo(ls, (,ft(llr Eesido a path or wood lorttl anrl ttsutrll] *ii$:.?"1,?'l,s,1sg?t"i33i,1til,.r'il}$1,11, beside a log or under thicl< bttslttrs ot

1- -scarlet Oak 2, Ptn Oak acorns or leaves and even then some of

the trees cannot bc iclentificd with cer'l;rintJas tltcl' h.vlrlirlizt' lritrll.r'. 4f S rule ihe whil.e-oali.s r)lay lro rlistitrllulsi-ed bv the rountled lobos to tho lcrrvcs' while t'lie recl and blirch oirlis llilvo moro deeply cut and pointecl lol)('s. 'l'lttr sciu'let oak has very dcetrly cu t. :rn(1 l)ointed leaves'

Serpent Starfish

"i,xl,_,ll i ltrlMifffil l*",,.?s.iiirt.l+* trees 9"li"g the ,,Trh""".t.irJ,in*ii,Li;,;,;:i,"11:1, ii;i;i;; uiiiaitv placlng: thc nesl bosltlr: roao rrce Toad


Newmodel p&tenlcd Feb.16,'09 \ civeB twice tho powor. It imparls d i&Did whirl ing motion to the L&l l, thus catsing a wid6 curve and is so small t he baLsmcn cannol 8ee i t and they atl wonderwhere those &wf ulcurves como f rom' tr'1tB either hand and doea not interfero

with catchingorthrowing:. Youcanfen them out as lest as thcy como to bat. PRroE 26c with freo book on curve pttchlng. sendtoday&ndbeflrstinyour

towntobaYeone, CURVER Co-, Box 074 BruDY, NEBR,


Fre. Tells all about hows6 teachthis fasciand lucBtive prcfe5sion by Eail.

absolutelv ermv r.J

LEAll.{ BY fr14'L TO


/r^nd snimlB.tu hides.@k€ rugs,€tc. Dec- oraavour hom6 with b€autiful.sDecimcns. Write M'kebi;Dro66duriusursDarctime Eow for oir scat Exidemy bbok. lt is FREE"

ItotthyoatePn echoot ol TaxrdonY OEahor tlgbrarka 254Y Rer Bulldlno PLEASE }IENTION TEE AMERIOAN BOY

"13 I


f'ff,Lll *il l, / tl '-r aimcirtt .o lrl '

li,T -ti."u"o-'*\1ii1 liX,i.,*"iu,nl}'u


;""ii;",j''ls-.i"%1$"T." rllii::l:'l;,,,?'1,!.t l]i:i"u$,fl'Jif'I"i'T,,"'.JL:" tl,i',llil'i'Ji?;

in otlen -pastures. or fiel.ds, frequently placiirg tlie nest in a thich lyssocj 9! l. Whiteoak 2. BlackOak 3. RedOak ]iiJ"i.ili="an.i""uivEir'ass,amongbJuShorclosetoafence The esss varv from eisht feed entiretv upon or stone wall. 'irra; l;;;;iiri;";i;""-i"ra t;;nit'_anq _a.e whit'ish while the. Pin oak has leaves so deeplv iii'tire-i*es i",i-""iri,iui. to moie I ili"tJd";;j;;i;;; siqinea rvittr-lis.ht brown or c9t antt slender that thev appear almost iairr". l"tliiiliil'd* pl,iJ-ir uut uiuirw ait lTii;;"";;G The accompanving photoitriee birds'buittl on the skeleton-like. Iil}'i;*'"*'-i"".*i"."-*iiii"r"'J#'iz"i"."";;A vJrlo*iii." sraphs will perhaps help vou' top. rr pio- ground. ??;"',:'.;;iriiin I |;Ifh';"t ;; i taticei.n.

They are




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