v o L. vll. NO. A-
JULY.I9I6 --4JbnthlWfra*oryte rortsoF ai3d-Girls
hr*': *{erv Books You W
,-I ;:
The Land of the Golden Man By ANrre B.
t[[ This book is attractively written and illustrated- It is just the book that is needed by teachers ilf boys and girls and the boys and girls themselves will want to read it. Price, clotJr, 5o prepaid-
papâ‚Źr, 30 cents;
Things to Make: a book of hand-work and service for girls and boys by J. Genrnrroe Hurrox.
{ You have read ir EVERYLAND Miss Huttoo's articles, "Things to
Make," from month to month. These articles and some otters have been brought together in this book. Price, cloth, 5o cents, prepaid.
You Missionary Program Material: for use' with boys and girls, by Anrta B.
t[| If you are looking for material td use in missionary programs in your Sunday School, Mission Band, or Junior Society, here it is.
Want I
Price, cloth, 5o cents, prepaid.
Fifth Avenue
New York City
trtrEI IEfa]trtrtrtrEE
The Editor Says: Evrnvr-.rNo is indebted to many of its friends Ior July favors.
Published trIonthly
EVIIIiYLAND, 150 fifth Avenue, New York Clty Ietrly subscription, $1.00 't'etr certs {i eopy Add fffty ccrts for foreign post&ge, twenty-rlre (fents for Canada
ADVISOftY BOARD Talcott lVilllams -llrs. CharIeE }-. Chaso llrs, Irranl. ]llasoo North Balph E, f)ifletrdorfer trlrs. Lucy lV. Peebody llorris lI/. Irlrnes Edith Grier Long
Sr:noor.nor.s . 222 The Ear'1y Filipinos Aqttilirro A. Jaaier zz8 Ilanners and
.lo.ti C. E.spinosa z3o Poblo D. Flores z3r
Vict. A. Dasig z3z .losd ll[. ]i. linentcs 233
Marcelo Golimpitt,
FLrlt aNr Frnrcn,tc't<rns . .l .
Sorrri IN'r'rnrsrrNc
Saved Hin-rself flon-r
Arscnio .R. Cueztas The Death oI Apirr's Pig Irin.eo T. Domirmtlo
Avrstt,t, rt'na Mono'
I{o.tltarine G. Bu,ffttm,
happened to find just as this magazine was being prepared. He added many interesting 6
The illustlations of Silliman
Institrlte were kindly loaned to us by the Plesbyterian Board of Foreign Missions.
tr The delightful picture
Copyright, 19f6, by H. T[. Hiclis. AU rights resened. Entered under the act of }Iarch 3, l8?9, rs secondclasa m&tter, December 13,1913, at the Po6t
office at New York, Nerv York. llangs('riDts. shich will be paitl for if acceptablâ&#x201A;Ź, rDust be Eetrt to EVERI--L.I\D. 156 Fifth.lrenue, \er -Iork City. with address and sufficient postage for relurn'
nita on page 232 and many of the smaller pictures shor,ving
life in the Philippine Islands are presented through Jhe courtesy ol the Spirit of Mistr
August Evonvrano is to contain the first number of Turkish Nonsense Tales. These are old stories which have
o{ tYights. Some fun since the days
l\tfaxu ,r. No,lH's Ant< l?obcrt .Ru,ssell 255 THa Sronv or, .t BrG BnotvN Bri,tn Rcrlitttt. F. Cowan 256
Bonnv amu
Then to Mr'. Dunlap, a lormer teachel in Silliman whom we
236 Gertrtt,cle Hul;ton, 238 . 242
Jonn,tN Frances Ilealey 246 A Gnr,tr SuRrnrsr Anna Htuir,t,.; Bra.thear z4B Evrnvr.trvu N,trunn Cruu A. Llyatt l/errill z5o Aun,t Helen z5z FrxurNG Our Crul PnrsorBns Ers'r on
al'e now membels of
EvsnyreNr family and to Mrs.
l/irrtltte A. Con.ttantino zzg
Wolk A Trne Stoly Abaca Plant Piffa-\rVeaving Copla Horv the Fishelman the Crocodiles Lanndry
schoolSillin-ran Institute who
Sronrns FRoI\.r F'lt-rlrNo
Hibbar-d under whose direction the class prepared the stories for Evcnvramo,
SIsurr itlerr,lruholl, E(litor II. S. ]Iyers, Business lllenagâ&#x201A;Źr
First, to the Filipino boys
Not long ago we spent a few days visiting a school in the Blue Ridge Mountains (Do you know where it is?) and there we met six hundred as fine girls and boys as you will rrnd in the whole Evrnyr.aNn
family. They have since sent letters and stories about their school and their homes in the mountains for EvrnrrLA ND readers. Keep your eyes
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oL sm "stonlns lRotr FrI-rpr\o scHoorsovs"
Vol. VII
There is no harbor at Dumaguete (Du-ma-gelte) and boats must be unloaded at a distance from shore. These Filipino schoolboys are just arriving, bag and baggage, at Siiliman Institute.
Stories From Filipino Schoolboys HE stories from Filipino schoolboys on the following Pages ,r" written bv students at Silli-
their usual high school studies, including English, they have industrial training in carpentry, printing, agriculture, and the silk industry. They have base-
Philippine Tslands. (See map on the opposite paCe.) . The composltlons were n-ritten in English for Er-envreNo girls and boYs and so beautifully written that rve wish you could ail see them. We Print the compositions just as the bo1,s sent them, makno i.g practically changes. Most of the illustrations were selected br- the rvriters and accompinied their manuscripts. There are now eight hundred boys in Siliiman IIAIN Institute. In addition to
ball,basketbali,tennis, and a trackteam.
man Institute,
j** ffiq
trILIPINO SCHOOLBOYS tr E E tr tr E tr tr E
The Early Filipinos Before the Spanish Occupation By Aquilino A. Javier
Htr Philippine Islands lie at the Bicols, Pampangos, Pangasinans, Canorthern end of the Malay gayans, and Zanbals. The Moro peoArchipelago, about six hun- ple occupy the fslands of Mindanao, dred miles from the China Palawan, and the Sulu Archipelago,
coast. By the geographical location of the Islands, the Malayan race came to settle here.
The first people who lived in these Isiands were the Negritos. These are the black people that are now living in the mountains. Afterward a stronger people landed on these shores. These people came from the south. Upon the arrival of these strangers the Negritos were driven to the mountains. It is said that these early comers were not much more civilized than the Negritos. After the early Malayans had driven these Negritos to the mountains other Malayan tribes came also from the south and drove these early conquerors from their homes to the hills. These latcr Malayans were more civilized than the early ones that came before, for they had better weapons and clothing, so they were called the cultured Malayans. To-day these peop1e are composed oI eight Christian tribes and the Moros. The Christians are the Visayans, Tagalogs, Ilocanos,
and their religion is \,Iohammedanism. The early government of these peop1e was ca11ed the Village government. The population rvas divided into many
hostile groups. Each village chose its own headrnan or ruler. The people of each little viliage did not respect or obey any other chief but their own headman. They lived in their own village rvithout visiting the people that lired on the other side of the hil1s. Thev sometimes could not understand the ianguage of their own tribes that lir-ed a ferv miles distant. The earl1. Filipino people worshiped their lesser gods called "Anitso" by the Tagalogs and "Dirvato" by the Visayans. Ther- beliered that when any one died his soul entered into some object, such as a tree, rock, or river. They believed that the animals were the homes of the departed spirits, and their great god rras called "Bathala." These u'ere the earlv conditions of the people of the Philippines before the Spanish came in r5zo.
B tr B tr tr E
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Manners and Customs The People of
Philippine Yillage
By Yincente A. Constantino ILIPINOS, especially the young- love songs. Everybody in the village er generation, are adapting them- is happy. Visitors are everywhere selves to the manners and cus- welcomed. Sometimes the people toms of the civilized people. Still bring some of their best crops in a there is a small proportion who cling sma1l house, built for that purpose, or to their old manners and customs in in their chapel, if they have any, as an spite of the remarkable changes which offering to.the One who gave them a good harvest. The crops are left there har-e taken place here.
Usually a Philippine village has one for a day or two, or sometimes about a narrow street. The houses are built week, then the owners take them away on both sides. A large village may for their own use or else give them to hare from forty to one hundred houses. the treasurer of their congregation, The u'omen are engaged in weaving and have him sell them, and the money cloth and in poultry raising, while the goes to the treasury. That is when the men do farming and basket weaving. people are Christians. In that case it \\-omen who go to the river to wash takes the place of dancing and drinkoften go together in companies of four 1ng. In love matters the marriage is setor six, carrying their bundles of clothes on their heads and bamboo buckets on tled by parents. This is often a mattheir shoulders. On arriving at the ter of constraint, for the young lady river they sit and gossip before begin- may not like the man she is to marry or vice versa. Sometimes a young ning to wash. -{ man who wants to get his field man failing in love with a lady sends ready for planting will ask his neigh- an old person to the parents of the bors to help him. They do not receive girl to ask them her hand for him. The anv pay, for they work in each other's more considerate parents ask their field in return for the help rendered daughter's opinion. If she consents to them. But the owner of the fie1d for rnarry, the contract is made. The girl's rrhom they work has to provide food. parents ask a house or a certain The same method is used in planting amount of money, and if they are not season. This is a very happy time. stiil satisfied they would ask the suitor JIen and women, boys and gir1s, show to live at their house for a certain their ski11 and try to find who is the length of time. The reason is that fastest planter. At dinner-time not they want to observe his manners and onl1- those who worked are present but custorns before they give their daughalso their families. After tiis dancins ter in marriage. \\rhen the parents are and singing follow, if the host is rich. satisfied with their prospective son-inBut of all the l-,appy events in the larv's conduct, the marriage day is r-illage the harvest season is perhaps named. When the day arrives, the bride and the happiest. People of the neighboring r-illages come to help galher in the bridegroom go to a near-by town early crops. The villagers harvest their in the morning, where they are to be crops at different times so that they married by the priest at the church. s-ill be able to obtain each other's help. Of course they are accompanied 1jy The reapers receive a certain propor- some relatives. Meantime preparation of what they reap, which varies tions are made at the newly-built in different localities. In the evening house for the coming of the young mandoiins and guitars are heard to couple, and rvhich promises to be a the accompaniment of dancing and very big feast. At the arrival of the
couple at the house the first thing that they do is to kiss their parents' hands, and they in turn bless them. They then listen to the advice of an old man or woman concerning their duties as husband and wife. This lecture is often long and tiresome. It is soon forgotten, however, in the feast that
with them, some chickens, and others anything they can think of as contributions to the expenses of the burial of the dead and for the visitors' food. For one week after the burial, prayers are offered for the soul of the departed every evening. After the prayers the young people play various games. This is the best time that they have to enjoy each other's company. At the end of the week of prayer another feast is celebrated. It is frequently accompanied with dancing. Such are some of the customs and manners of a typical Philippine village. But it is safe for me to say that, as civilization is strengthening its hold upon the people day by day, the time is not far when all these, or at least some, will gradually be forgotten.
Many parents who are poor borrow money to be spent on the marriage day of their children, so that their children, they say, shall have a happy life till the end. They believe in the maxim which says, "A good beginning has a good ending." Thus, when their son weds, they always have a feast. When some one dies in the community, the neighbors visit the bereaved ones to comfort them. Some bring
Laundry Work By Josd C. Espinosa XCtrPT in a few large towns of dera goes to a neighboring river or the Philippines laundry work is spring on the first day of the week. She almost wholly done by hand. gets a big flat stone, and sitting herself Ironing by means of electricity on another or on a piece of wood, she is not known, while steam laundries begins to soak one or trvo pieces at a have just been introduced. The peo- time in the rvater and beats them ple confine themselves to their simple against the flat stone rvith her pacong
(a piece of wood shaped like a smali tennis racket). In this
If we look at this work as one of the duties of the home it seems trivial, but when
rvay she gets considerable dirt out of the clothing. The next day she soaks the clothes in soap. Here she often scrubs them
we see more than
one hundred
laaand,erqs (wash-
erwomen) carry-
ing big bundles of clean clothes on their heads, then we stop and wonder horv they are able to do such an amount of work
in only a week. And yet it is simple. A lavan-
rvith a kind of
brush made out of the mid-ribs of the leaves of the coconut or buri palms. She leaves the soap in the clothes and dries them on lines at-
EtrtrtrEBE] Eq
them. She then spreads one or two blankets on a low table. After heating her charcoal iron, she spreads ing them in clear water. They are a piece on the table and begins her again dried in the sun. The next day ironing. The iron has a flat base. It is broad on one end and tapering on the she is ready to starch them. The starch used is often made out of other. A number of holes along the rice which is boiled in water. It is sides keeps the charcoal blazing. pressed through a piece of strong On the sixth day of the week she is cloth. The creamy, sticky substance ready to turn in the clean clothes. She thus obtained is diluted with water ties them in a bundle neatly packed and plaees the bundle on her head. and used. These starched clothes are again For her work she receives two dollars dried. On the following day she a hundred.
tached to posts. She fastens them by means of bamboo clips. On the third day she washes off the soap by wash-
A True Story By Pablo D. Flores CLAUDIO
LAUDIO was born in a barrio final1y came to shore. When they of Antique Province. His reached the shore they kneeled down family was poor. After the and thanked God for their deliverance.
death of his father and mother, he was taken care of by his uncle. But
Jlhere were twenty-seven men, women, and children drowned and forty were
his uncie treated him unkindly. So he ran away. He went to Iloilo and entered as a cabin-boy on one of the steamers. During his third year of sen-ice on the boat it happened that rrhen the boat was on her way to one of the islands a storm arose. The boat s'as loaded with rice, petroleum, flour, and carabaos. The waves were high and strong, and the boat was turned about. The carabaos went to one side of the boat and there losing her balance the boat overturned and sank immediately. Claudio could swim and fortunately found four sacks of flour floating on the sea. He tied them together and they formed a raft. He heard a cry for help. He swam untitr he found a rnan, almost dead. He placed the man on the flour raft with iris head lower than his stomach. He pushed the four sacks for z4hoars and
As they were walking along in search of a house the man asked Claudio what reward he was going to ask for saving his life. Claudio told him he wanted no re14,ard, but he would like to go to school. When they reached a near-by town a boat came and in a few days they were taken to their home town. There Claudio learned that the man he had saved was rich. The next day they rode for the home of the saved rnan, and when they reached the place, there were many people on the shore eager to meet them. After their arrival there was a great feast for three days. Claudio was adopted by the man he saved. He treated him very kindly and for the past five years Claudio has been a good student at Silliman and appreciates the advantages he has been given.
EitrEE] 8trtstr8
Abaca Plant Its Commercial Importance in the Philippines By Yict. A. Dasig plant HE abaca in the Philip- young sucker reaches maturity is three pines grows in the provinces years. After this time the abaca plant where the ground is always is ready to be harvested. The stalk is cut down with a sharp moist. The abaca plant differs from the banana in two important bolo just two inches above the ground. ways. Its leaves are long and narrow After this the leaves are cut off the and its fruit is not edible, while the stalk. We know that the abaca like banana plant has broad, short leaves the banana plant is composed of indi and its fruit is edible. To raise abaca plant we must first plow and cultivate the ground thoroughly. Since abaca plants cannot stand against a dry season it is wise also to plant tall trees around so as to shade them while they are growing. Abaca plant is reproduced chiefly by transplanting the young suckers or shoots which spring up around every
vidual leaf bases. These leaf bases are peeled off one at a time and the
outer part oI each is removed in strips. It is from these strips that the fiber is extracted. Stripping is mostly done in the Philippines by pulling the strips between a fixed block and a knife pressed against it. But this method rvill not bring a high price since the fiber is not clean.
mature abaca plant. These young suckers must be planted in rows so that it will be easy for the men to harvest them. From the date of its transplanting until the time when it is ready to be harvested varies in different 1ocalities. If the season is favorable to its growth it takes less time. But usually the length of time in which a
After the fiber is stripped it is
dried as quickll' as possible because if delayed it u-ould soon rot. Usually the whitest fiber is made by the cleanest stripping and the quickest drying. The characters of good abaca are the following: Strength, cleanness and lightness, whiteness. and uniformity in length. \\,'hen these characters are
trtsEEBEtrBE obtained
in the Phiiippines by
abaca-producing provinces there is no
doubt that these islands will become famous for this product alone. Since abaca plants in the Philippines are mostly planted on places where the road is rough and hilly, it is also ir.rteresting to know the method of transportation. The fibers which had been dried are separated into small bundles usually three inches in diameter. These small bundles are again packed into larger bundles enough for a man to carry on his back, or if it is to be carried on a carabao's back, the bundles are made even bigger. It is
then shipped to foreign countries to be made into rope and twine. The most important usage of the abaca plant is in making rope. Ropemaking in the Philippines at present is not what we ought to accomplish. But the industry which the Philippines at hand is proud to mention ls the weaving of the finest abaca fiber into cloth extracted from this valuable plant. Besides, in every government school of the islands, the coarse fibers of this plant are made into slippers, baskets, mats, hats, and many other household necessities which are of high value among the American peop1e.
Pifia -Weaving in the Philippines By Jos5 M. F. Fuentes HE weaving in the Phil-
ippines is mostly, if not all, done by hand with the aid of the crude and inelhcient household looms of the natives. It is the flourishing irl,fustr\. o{ many provinces but sr-,tcialh- of lloilo and Capiz r.,'irere large quantities of piiia cloth
are \ro\-en. Piiia cloth is produced ir,-,r.ir the beaten fiber of the piiia or t,ireapple plant. It is the most beauriitri. and one of the most durable cloths l,roduced in the islands as well as the most erpensive. It is exported ro the United States in the forms of la,lies' handkerchiefs and dresses, and .i,,ilies and the like. In this country the pineapple plant
is planted and left to live alone without the particular care of the owner. This accounts for the fact that only a little amount of fiber is drawn lrom the plant. After a year the plant bears fruit and is ready to furnish good fiber. The piiia fibers are prepared from
the leaves of the plant. The leaves are scraped on the dull blade of a knife, and a piece of bamboo or other smoother scrapers. The fibers thus ob-
trEEtrtrtrI trtr8
tained are washed in the water and dried jn the sun. They are separated from each other and from the remaining pulp by drawing them through the finger nails. This is not, however, a very safe method of cleaning for a large quantity of the fiber is broken in the process. A much safer method may be by crushing or cutting the leaves into strips and soaking them by bundles in salt water from six to eight days. The bundles are turned over so that a uniform decomposition shouid take place. The putrified matter is easily removed by squeezing and lvashing the pifia fibers in clean water and drying in the sun. Two kinds of piffa can be obtained in a leaf, the finest being obtained from the under part of the 1ea{ and the coarser from the upper part, These fibers are tied together, nested and reeled. They are then carefully arranged on the upper ro11 of the loom. These form the warp of the cloth. The warp is passed behind a wooden bar through the cards and are attached to the lower ro11 with a long wooden rn'edge. Caution must be taken in arranging the fibers so that they lie flat on the ro11. A considerable length of the fiber is wound on a bobbin for the woof. The bobbin is placed on a boatlike instrument called a shuttle. The material is now ready to be woven. The cards are pulled one downward and the other up. These cards take
with them half oi the warp down and the other half up. The shuttle is
thrown through the opening across the warp, thus unwinding the woof from the bobbin. The woof is tightened by a strong wooden card other than the two mentioned above. This process is continued until the cloth is all $roven.
In case embroidery is required the cloth is removed {rom the ioom and placed in an embroidery frame. Ilere it is decorated with beautiful flower designs in plain and fancy colors. Today the embroidery work is often done on sewing-machines t'ith more rapid'
ity and perfection. The cloth is then prepared for the market. It is soaked in lime water o\rer a night to brighten the fiber.
Then it is washed rvith soap and water. Upon drying, the tu,o ends of the cloth are sewed together. The cloth is stretched by tt,o bamboo poles, one of which is held up and the other dorvn with weights attached to the iatter. The cloth thus arranged is sized with rice starch. The hands are dipped in starch and made to sprinkle it on the cloth (by clapping). This method enabies one to size the cloth uniformly. The cloth is allos-ed to dry in this position. The ends are separated after drying and the cloth is carefully folded. Such is the rvay piiia is woven and
prepared for the market.
Copra By Marcelo Galimpin OPRA is raised all along the kinds of trees. The seeds selected must coasts of the islands of the be put in moist, shady ground to Philippine Islands. It is ob- sprout. While the seeds are yet in the tained from a large, tall Palm- moist ground for sprouting, the field tree ca1led the coconut tree' A large must be plowed and harrowed thornumber of these trees planted together in a field is called a coconut grove. In planting coconuts, the seeds must be taken and selected from the best
oughly in order to be free from weeds. It takes about two months for the seeds to sprout before they are ready to be planted. At about the end of
tr E B tr.8 E tr
tlr.o months, holes seven meters apart must be dug. Into these holes the ),oung trees must be planted. These trees while yet young are very good food for the goats, cows, horses,
and carabaos. Tcr protect the plants
from destruction the field should be fenced
ers gather the coconut fruits monthly, These fruits are then cut open and put under the sunshine to dry. There are two ways oi drying. One way is to put under the sunshine and the other by putting over a slow fire, which is much quicker than putting
under the sunshine, but will not produce
strongly. The
field should be kept always clear from weeds, otherwise the weeds may
good copra. The meat
is then extracted from the shells. The
extracted meat must be cut into square or rectangular pieces and exposed under
exist and retard their
grorvth. It about six or
takes seven
rears before the trees begin to bear fruit. From then ofl, the trees keep on bearing fruit unless visited b1- long drought.
It has been
the sun for four or f ive days to dry.
(This is the way the people of our towrr are doing.) This dried meat is no.w called copra. Then it is put in sacks and so1d, and sent to the different countries in Europe or America where the oil is extracted and
by many coconut g'rowers that it takes a year for the coconut fruit to get matured, that is, from the time when they are yet in the bud until they are ready to sen-ed
be gathered.
The coconut grow-
made into butter, soap that floats, and
into many other things.
How the Fisherman Saved Himself From the Crocodiles By Arsenio R. Cuevas NCE upon a time a fisherman beach and the rock, so he waded to go went a fishing. Ilis house was to the place. When he reached the rock, he not so far from the seashore. It was late in the afternoon climbed and sat on it. Then he began to fish. As he threw his baited hook rrhen he began fishing. a fish suddenly ate the bait, thus makthe feet from hundred two -\bout beach rvas a huge rock. It was about ing itself his first fish. After catching nrelre feet high and five feet wide. It three fish of the same specie he rras lonr tide when he went a fishing changed the bait so as to catch another so that the rock could be seen from a specie but did not catch any, so he distance like a heap o{ broken stones' took the bait from the hook and The rvater was not deeP between the changed it. He didn't catch any, and
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again he changed it for other bait. place contained crocodiles and he From this bait he seemed now to have would be sure to be eaten by the ania fish on the hook, for the line seemed mals if he sli,am, so he shouted and to be jerking, He waited and waited shouted, but no one heard him. 'lhe other crocodiles heard him now until he finally fell asleep. It r.vas fir,e o'clock and the tide be- and one of them said to the man, "We gan to rise. It was getting dark and are very hungrv and we are too many his r,,r,ife was waiting for him on the for vou." \\-hen the man heard this shore. She wondered why her husband he did not knorv rvhich way to turn. didn't come. So she went and lighted After thinking manv u,ays in order to escape from these animals, l-re turned the fire and started the supper. The water no\4' began to dash to the crocodiles and said, "Crocodiles, against the rock. The foot of the fish- how many are r-ou ?" The crocodiles erman was already reached b1, the answered, "\\-e are forty." "Ah, you are great boasters. \-ou are only thirtywater. The place where the rock l'Yas was nine," said the man. "I bet you my noterl for crocodiles. Now, as the life if you are not. no\l-, come and set tide was very high, the crocodiles be- yourselves in a rou- and I will count gan to play around the rock. \Vhi1e you." So the foolish crocodiles set themthcy were playing, one of them saw something on the rock, so he went near seh'es one br- one until the fortieth the rock to see rvhat it was. He found one reached the shore. Then he beout that it was a man, The crocodile gan to count. He stepped on the back which salv it did not te1l the other of the crocodiles and began counting: crocodiles what was on the rock; he "One, trvo. three.'' until. as the thirtyjust kept near the rock watching an ninth one u'as reached. he took a good opportunity to take the man without long 1eap, thus throrring himself far the others seeing him. He waited and from the innocent crocodiles. He said rt,aited until a big'r,,l,avc dashed on the to them. "Thank \-ou \-er\: much for man thus lr,aking him up. He began vour artificial bridge. I hope to meet to be frightened. He knew that the y-ou all again. Good night." ts
The Death of Apin's Pig By Irineo T. Dominado N a little village of Pulao near the city of Dumangas there lir-ed a man with his wife and their onl1' son named Serafin. Thev niclinamed him Apin. Apin's parents were both very lazy. They only worked for ApI\ c.,\tIE HotIE I\ THE EvENTNG, Hjj what they could get to eat for the day "tt'grx BROUGHT \\'ITH HI]I .T TTITLE PTG,, and sometimes they did not get enough should have enough to eat for three or rice to eat. One day Apin was sent by his moth- four days r'vithout rrorking. They tried er to buy some rice from the market. to force him, but little Apin wept and The boy happened to find a peso on the ran out of the house. \\'hen Apin came street. When he came home, he told home in the evening, he had with him them of his fortune. They tried to get a little pig which he bought with his the money from him in order that they (Continued on page z3g)
.Tuanita belongs to the lgorot tribe who live in the northern part oI the Island of Luzon. t See map.) She is spinning thread b1, twisting the strands n,ith her lingers. Before the r:--issionaries came to this part of the Philippines the people kner'v nothing of spinning or
r,.'earing. Under their teaching
,n" thread and
the cloth
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Fun and Firecrackers tsy J. Gertrude Hutton
f-l "D
OM E BO DY please
i:" T:
sane' and have any
fun on the Fourth of July !" cried Jack Martin, throwing himself on the
grass under the big maple.
"Fourth of July !" cried his cousin Alice. "I suppose you mean the First o{ July !" "No, indeed," returned Jack. "Why should I mean the first? Stay," he cried, striking an attitude, "I had forgotten you came from Canada, and something tells me, fair cousin-"
"Oh, lack, don't be
suppose he has to work to help feed them." "Where do they live ?" asked Alice. "In that tiny house by the bridge," said Helen. "There is a crippled girl in the family, too. I saw her at the window one day when we passed.' "They must think America is a hard place to live in," said Jack, warmly, staring down the road. !{Wouldn't it be fun to give them a good time here under these big trees, and let them know that we are their friends ?" suggested Alice. "Let's do it for the Fourth !" cried Helen. "And te1l them all about the Deciaration, and the flag, and-" "We can get crepe paper and cut out lovely flags," "And the liberty bells, too-," "The little lame girl can take them home to make her room gay-" "And l,i'e li'ill have ice-cream and cake and lemonade-"
Helen, his sister. "Of course you remember the First is Dominion Day." "And what may Dominion Day be, please ?" asked Jack with a teasing look at his cousin. "Our birthday, just as the Fourth is yours," returned Alice, spiritedly, "and we celebrate it in much the same way." "And father says we are to be 'safe and sane' this year," said Jack, dropping back on the grass, with a disgusted look. "Pretty slow, I call it." "There goes that kid again," exclaimed Ailen, his eyes on a small figure trudging along the dusty highway just beyond the gate. "What do you suppose he has in that pail ?" "Water," returned Jack. "He is. carrying it .to the workmen Fia .2 who are repairing the road just *^b'' around the bend." "Pretty heavy load for such a youngster, I should think," commented Allen. "He is an ltalian," said Helen; then added soberly, "ITe has so many little brothers and sisters, I
"And firecrackers,"
"A 'safe and sane' Fourth, I te1l vou : Father said so !" cried Jack, striking his hands together. They all laughed at his vigor. "No, we must have firecrackers, the kind that not even Uncle John could object to," insisted A1ice. "\\-ait ! I'11 show you." She ran into the house, to return a moment later with several mailing tubes, a ro11 of red paper, paste and scissors. Quickly she covered a tube with red paper, first closing one end with a piece of paper pasted firm1y over it. (See Fig. r.) Then a piece of brorvn paper, folded and rolled to fit the top, with a bit of string
B tr E E
sticking out of the middle, made a stopper, and it looked just like a very big real firecracker. (See Fig. z.) "We can make enough for each child in the family, and fil1 them with candy," she said. "l,Ve can use pop-corn and sma1l crackers, too," said Jack. "And a painting book and crayons for the lame girl would go in another,"
trtrEE trtrtr
For a minute, there was great disappointment. Then Helen had a brilliant idea. "We will celebrate the First in the States," she said. "And the Fourth in the Dominion,"
cried Alice. "Don't you remember that Ruthenian settlement just at the north of our village, A1len ? They would enjoy a party like this as much said Al1en. as these littie Itaiian children." "There is one of the little sisters'who "Great," declared Jack. "And 1et's lace; I shail crochet makes wonderful them all to sing that 1ove1y new teach put some thread in hers," said Helen. American song, 'Oh, beautiful for spa"Oh, Mother," called Jack, as he saw his mother crossing the 1awn, "do cious skies.' " "Yes indeed !" agreed Al1en. "I am come and hear our Fourth of July s11re we can sing with all our hearts, plans." "That rs a fine p7an," assented moth'And crown thy good with brother." but I have just heard from Aunt erhood, Anna, and we are all to start for CanFrom sea to shining sea !' " ada on the second."
The Death of Apin's Pig (C ontiruuecl;'
one peso. Apin hoped that when his pig became big he would sell it and buv a fine hat and shoes. iTis parents were also very glad to hare the small pig, and they took it from his arm and tied the small animal under their old bamboo bench. TheY rrere happy and enjoyed looking at the
e 46)
again and buy as many small ones as they could. Then after some years they could be very rich and in those days they could build a concrete house.
The husband ansrvered that he would
permit the construction of the concrete building, but it should have only a single window in order that there would little animal under the old bamboo be only one window for him to open in bench. They then sat on this old bench. the morning and to close at night. The and began to talk of the smal1 Pig. wife insisted on having in it more than -\pin's mother opened their conversa- one window, but the husband was tion by telling her husband she would much lazier than she, so he would not be r-ery diligent in feeding the pig' She allow to have more than one window. continued telling him that, when the A quarrel between them arose and at small pig would be big enough so that last they fought on the very bench it could be sold for ten Pesos, theY where they were sitting. During the rr'ould sell it and buy as many small fight the oId bamboo bench fell and the pigs rvith the money. Then, she said, poor little pig was pressed to the floor rr-hen the small pigs would be big as and killed. Such was the fate of Apin's the one they sold, they would sell them pis. 239
{ t I
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E tr tr tr B tr tr E E E E
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tr E E tr
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The bamboo p1ant.'' so abundantly
in the ,
used for almost
houses, tables, beds. i.-l cages, hats, even alr;-,1
organ has been mt':--
In tlis.: the instruments aie '-
bamboo reeds.
Rice is one
in th.
farmer and l::. paring the sr,:.',:gro\\':
A1l students at Silliman are recluired to take a 1'ear of wood-\,vorking in the carpenter shop. \\'hen nerv buildings are put up the students have a large part in the s'ork
This class is shori'i::; Filipino boys
rest oI us. ri ork there's music. 'li girls are por-rndi:. rice. The mnsi.- : the boy at the risi:-. 8.. .
may see I co
I trl E E tr E E ts E E tr tr B E
E] trJ tr]
E tr tr E tr E tr tr
tr tr tr
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B tr E tr E tr E E tr
:ir PPlneS ^.x thine
:.-:i-xde PlPe
J irom [:,,.
the =' Band
::.,,1e trom
:he leading farm ?hilippines. The .-arabao are pre:'.,1
ior rice which
*ii:i}l {'j'.i'*
::L Nater
... I ffi
These Filipino "Benjamin Franklins" are.taught to sling tvDe. attend to the presses, the stitcher, the paper cutter, the composing stones, Ior the plinting press
i'l: : l:: r,in e Is' l::
and one
trE B tr E E EBtr trB E B E EE EE tr E tr trtrtr trtrtrts tr tr E E trtr
Some Interesting Dates
Booran T. WasnrNc:roN Booker T. \\rashington in a slave cabin in Yirginia. He worked his u-ay through HamPton Normal and Agricultural Institute. Then he started out to found another school just like Hampton rvhere colored girls and boys could learn to li,ork and study. On July 4, r88r, the school was opened in a 1it-
was born
I N,
tle shanty in Tuskegee. Alabama. Thirty stu-
dents were present ; rflany
more rvanted to
z 345 0 7 E o lc 11 12 t3 L1 15 t6 L7 rt 19 2C 21 22
2b 2425 26 27 28 29
3O3L ^ ^ a a A
about to build a new school-building. They made brick and sawed
lumber. They raised their food on the farm, the girls did the cooking, sewing, and housekeeping. They all studied their books between times. The school grew constantly. Booker T. Washington was the
principal with
We s,ill gir.e The Land of the Golden llan, bound in ctoth, to the girl or boy who sends us the best list of national holidays and $'hy they are celebrated, in different countdes. Such as: July 1, Ilominion Day in Canada, July 4, Independence Day, in the thiteal States. IIow many can yotr add to the list? Search your geography, histories, encyclopealia, and ask questions. 2+2
Every one was poor but every one was ready to work. They soon set
teachers helping him. Dr. Washington died last October, but the Tuskegee Institute is sti1l one
of the leading schools for colored students.
Cyrus Hamlin The story of Cyrus Ham1in's life in Turkey is a won-
new churches and
Just then the Crimean war broke out. Thousands of so1it all know to and ta1e, deriul dying in the hoswere diers you should read MY Li'fe and pitals. Into the misery came Hamlin. Ti,rot. by Cyrus Florerce Nightingale with Cyrus was a farmer boY in her trained nurses. Then each I[aine. morning by order of the govAfter he finished school, he ernment six thousand Pounds , rvent to Turkey. He oPened of wholesome bread came to H,qrtrrN Bosporus Cvnrrs the on a school the hospital from the famous (see Your map) with two Fresh, clean clothes TIamlin bakeries. soon school The Armenian students. and srew to large numbers. The students also were needed for the soldiers, again set to work Ilamiin Cyrus CYrus could .and it.re t..y poo.. What Hamlin do io helP them ? He looked invented a washing-machine by which his students washed thousands about, There were no stoves or fire- he and garments. of school The Constantinople' in ojaces Wonderful as this work was,',the i,ad a workshop for manual training' greatest service of Dr. Hamlin to Turmaking to men He set the Young the founding of Robert Colkey was sheet-iron stoves' Bosporus, where thousands lege on the citY in the There was no bakerY mostly Armenians, have men. of-1'oung be could bread sweet fresh, rvhere lt has been a powerful educated. been builderected bousht. Ther- set to work, liberty, justice, and in bringing force built machinerY, the ,b insl. set Turkey. in truth Christian or-?r.. gtou.rd the flour, baked . the The corner-stone of Robert College b.e"d, iold the loaves, and - received ih" *ot for them. Then theY built was laid on July 4, 1869.
William Booth \\,i11iam Booth was al Enelish lad. When he was fiftEen vears old he decided to take'Christ Ior his friend
and women and children who take Christ as their leader are a great army. let us call them
th; 'salvation Army'!" He appointed offrcers
for all to them set the army-and -They provided food w-ork. and clothing for the very taught the throngs of PeoPle poor, they nursed the sick, 1ova-strong, thai Christ was -E Boorn tt-,ey found work for the ;r-rg i.i.rrd who. rn'ould. help Wn'rrau strong, rvhile General Booth, habits evil thim to quit their now called, was traveling in he was as do to. strengrf them git. ,".1 .right' adding new recruits to countries many ntetr and closed Soin saloons were the armv. school, to went children rrork, rrrnt to General \Arilliam Booth lived to be mc,thers n-ere kind in their homes' In than eighty years o1d. IIe was more William of heard people other cities presenterl to several kings and clieens go"tl, and wtrat he had done in the than one President of the more for to ind sent TheY Er=i l-o"aon Mission. all of whom honored poor Ilnited States, the to preached He come. him to the Salvation ArmY work him for the people helped anJ unfortunate and . others. help to doing men 'ivas "The said, he Then .il..ro-tr.t".
and to serve him aiwaYs. On lulr- *London ;, l86t, he oPened the M ission. He i-ait
trE trtr]tr8trtrtr8 EEtrtrtrtrE trE trE EtrE EE E E]trEEEtrtrtrtrBE
Ayisha, The Moro Girl By Katharine G. Buffum
BOM }Ianila, in the Philippine Islands, where Rita and Pedro live, it is a six-days' trip farther
south on the inter-island boat to
the hot iittle island
Su1u. Everything there
different from America. The hills are cor.ered with bril-
liantly flowering trees, and feathery coconut-palms. There
is no winter at a7l, so that delicious fruits are on the trees aii the year round. The peop1e are smaller than rve are, and dark and thin and strong, and often very fierce. They are called N{oro people, or l\{ohammedans.
There is a little nloro girl
named {yisha who lives in the village of. Buz-B:uz, one of the many villages of Sulu built out ol,-er the water.
are many
tiny, picturesclue. thatch-roofed houses, high up on ricketr- stilts. and connected
by ricketv bridges.
Ayisha's grandfather was
a fisher-
man and a pirate. He and his faniih- and friends built their houses close together out or-er the s-ater, that they might liecp their 1ong. sleri-
der boats. ri-hich they manage ski1l. up under their houses. \l-hen the men went on their sa\-age pirate raids
r-ith such
ther- u-ould let down their boats. raise great bright-colored sails and srviftly go to
sonle island in the north. u-here ther- u-ould seize upon u-hole r-iiiaees. killing many and taking others captir-es to 6e usei as slar-es. Onlr- lately, since the Americans har-e gone theie, have these terrible raids been stopped. And now Ayisha's father and his tribe usually
triEtrEIEEtrEtrtrtrtr find
AYISHA THE MORO GIRL E tr tr tr E E tr tr tr tr tr B
more in-
teresting to p1a)' a good
baseball game against another
tribe f
in their dark, ill- smelling
house. On the floor sits Ayi-
sha's mother, Annang, weaving some beautiful silk. The other \x,Iomen afe crouching here and
to against
them and
man\- are still verv fierce.
fia tri'#ii',--T#
there wear.ing baskets and bright-co1ored mats, orlndolently moving about' There is nott' a new school near BtzBuz where Ayisha and her brothers and
and Paddle together, sometimes at night burning firebrands to attract the fish, and with long-Pronged Poles
skiliullv spearing them. \,'is,la's fathei is a rich man in Buz-
Buz- and has several wives and manY chiidren, as is the custorn of l\{ohammeclans. They live huddled !gSe-tlre1, most uncomfortablY, we would think,
sisters go. They are most anxious to learn to speak
Engiish and to read and write, and th& are very quicl< to learn. Some of ihe little Xloro boys just Ayisha's aqe have this Year beconle BoY Siouts. The little girls were disappointed to be left out, but PerhaPs ihere will be something else for them.
tr E tr trtr trtr tr trtr E tr
tr] ts
trB tr trtrEtrtr tr trEE 8trtrtr
Prisoners East of Jordan By Frances Healey SUMIIARY:
Ranalall N{cKenzie and James ll'oraling,
Iiving in Jerusaleu. rre on a trip East of
Jordan with Mr. X'ortling, who is distributing Bibies. Ilarb, :rn Arab trader, .joins them at Jericho. Mosallem. the Christian, s'arns Nfr. X'ording of a feual between the Ruaieh and the Adwan tribes anal of tLe treachery of Harb. 'Ihe party continue their journey, however. and are the guests of Quoblan, Chief of the Adlan Tribe. EIe tâ&#x201A;ŹIls the missionary also of the feud anti asks him to act as peacemaker between his tribe and the Rualeh, which he agrees to do. ilhat night the camp is rogsed by the cry, "The enemy !" The Rualeh make a raid, tlrive off a llunch of camels, and capture Ilandall and James who have impulsively tried to turn back the crrmels. llr. Irording also
learus more of the treachery of lflrb.
Chapter N the Adwan camp there was great rejoicing. No one had been killed although half a dozen had been wounded seriousiy, and a dozen more slightly. Quoblan himself had gotten a nasty cut on his right shoulder and a bullet had grazed his cheek. The main camel-drove was safe, the Rualeh having captured oniy the eight animals they had taken with the boys. Mr. Fording alone was anxious. He supposed the boys were safe, either on the hill above the camp, or in one of the groups that were gathered in r.,arious tents discussing the attack and drinking coffee. His suspicion of Harb had been justified when the trader had shot at him, and he remembered with growing anxiety that he had sent the boys up on the hillside at the man's advice. So Mr. Fording strode from tent to tent asking for news of the bo1,5. As he went on, his thin, sunburned face seemed to grow thinner, and his eyes seemed to pierce into the blackest corners of the tents trying to discover some sign of his laddies. "Please God," he kept muttering, "they sha1l come to no harm ! Randy, Randy, what shall I tell the doctor?" After he had been to every tent he lvent up on the hillside, now dreading with his r,rhole heart to find them, for he kner'v if they had been alive and unhurt they would have come into camp long before. Yet he dared not leave a single hiding-place unexplored. He was joined by half a dozen men who helped, but the cheerless dawn found
VIII them facing each other at the foot of the hill with no solution of the mystery.
"Perhaps Harb spoke the truth after !" thought the missionary, and the
"vA snetr !" rrn. ronntsc SHEIK, I{ORE TH-\S H^\RB
mad-caps did ride out to the east !" Again l\{r. Fording strode down through the camp to Quoblan's guest-
tent. Although it x,as not yet sunrise, the Bedouin were busy effacing the
traces of the night's adventure, count-
ing the cattle, examining the camels for rifle wounds, straightening bowed tent-po1es. Boys and girls were look-
ing or.er the ground in the hope of finding some treasure lost by the attackers,-a silver ring or amulet, or
perhaps a sharp dagger or revolver that had slipped from their equipment. Quoblan, his right arm held stiffly to his breast, was sitting in the tent, the
scratch on his cheek and the Pal1or from loss of blood, giving him a wan look, discouraging enough to the missionary.
"Thbu art hurt Ya Sheik !" "It is nothing-alhamdu1illah l-it is
nothing !"
My son and his {riend, Hawadja Randall, have disappeared. None of ye have seen them?"
The Bedouin around the
shook their heads.
"Marshallah !" exclaimed one, "Can the Rualeh have stolen them ?-for
NevErtheless Mr. Fording insisted ransom ?" The shoulder bandaged, and his face on seeing the wound in the shouider, of the blood, Quoblan took cleansed and fi1th with piastered it fourid and place in the circle, Mr. Fording behis disa dirtv rass. With hot water and Although the missionary him. side he case medicine his from infettani fire to be doing something, he on rvas bathed it and tied it up, urging Quobto hurry an Arab. than knew better circumany it under lan not to touch "The boys have disappeared !" he stances. In spite of his pain, the she-ik blue vein on his temrr-as highly elited at the success of the said briefly, the ple pulsing the stress of his anxunder it was as EarlY camp. the of defensJ when I could not "Morcover, iety. in, even the rrarriors began to droP hillside last night on the my sons see dressed' being d was wout rvhile the Harb claimed them, I had sent whither Fresh coffee berries were brought' he sarv them riding towards the east. I galloped a{ter them with the trader c1o1e behind me, but when I could not find the lads I returned to the camp,
iust escaping the fleeing Rualeh. And,-" Mr. Fording paused. looking
"rrrv.r !" nE sero,-"HE SEALL BE gY lts!" BUT Nor BY YE AND Not
roasted, qround, and boiled, and the .inty of ihe night's adventures talked *ucli e*rggeration and gloLij.i ",ith rification. "-\nd Harb has fled !" "Fled? By Allah, where is the do-g-?" Ouoblan leined forward. ignoring M1' Fording's restraining hand on his halidressed shoulder.
"\ar'. who knows? PerhaPs for this ."r." 'h. sent on his servant with the mule late last evening !" "Ya Sheik l" Mr. Fording interrupt-
ed. his deep voice trembling,. although his finsers fastened the bandage firm-
1r on "the wounded shoulder. "Ya Sneit. more than Harb are missing'
around the circle where every slowly -face was turned eagerly toward dark him, "Harb shot at me five times !" "By the splendor of Allah !" Quoblan half rose, striking his knee with his unbandaged hand, "By the life of the Prophet, and by my father's life the dog shal1 be punished !" -Eiwa !" Two or three of the others sprang to their feet. The missiondid not move. ary '"Eiwa !" he said so quietlY theY all paused to listen. "He shall be Punished, but not by y. and not bY me ! What, do ye forget my te_aching to Ye these twenty years, 'Vengeance ls mine' saith the Lord, and again, 'Love your enemies and PraY for them that persecute you'? tr-et Harb go, but helP me find my sons !" "l{ow, by Allah !" began one of the younger men who owed his life to the missionary's surgical ski11. But Quoblan interruPted him. "Peace ! Abu Yacoub speaks as one of the Prophets of the AlmightY, and his mercy is as the mercy of Allah. Nloreover he is a Christian. Let one of the men who guarded the east of the
camp come hither that he may speak.,, A warrior was hastilv summoned to the conclave and he told of two riders who had dashed down the hillside after the fleeing camels. He had, at the time, supposed them to be Rualeh, but
our ambassador. Let these be the conditions. He who is dead is dead-his blood shall not be avenged. The camels, the sheep and the goats that have been taken in raids sha1l remain in the tribes where they now are, except-', he looked the attentive c'ircle, pausing to^rourrj give his words weight,"except the drove o{ camels thit the young Effendim rescued from the Rualeh last night. That herd shall be the ransom for them if they are captives. If they 21s dsad-" Mr. Fording shuddered although he did not move a hand,-"if they are dead or harmed the Rualeh shail pay ten-fold in lives and cattle all they have paid before l" And so dt last it was settled. X{r. Fording mounted his horse, and set out for a neutral tribe where he coukl get a guide to lead him to the camp of the Rualeh.
Quoblan agreed with Mr. Fording that
by some mad impulse the boyJ had tried to save the herd, and that it was through their efforts that the main
drove had been hurried back to camp. There was silence around the camp for a few minutes and then the Sheik turned to Mr. Fording. "Ya Abu Yacoub," he began gravely, "Last night thou wert willing to go to the Rualeh and treat with them for peace for us. Wilt thou go now and treat for the Adwan as well as for thv sons? See!" he included the rest o'f the circle with a gesture. "The Rualeh and the Adwan have made raids against each other for years. Al1ah
knows which side has advantaged ! And now unless we act quickiy there will be not a state of qu.awru* but of open urar, and many will be killed on both sides. Let Abu Yacoub still be
*Quawm is said to erist betreen tso tribes that make raids on each other. stealiug cattle, etc., but irJjnq io aroid killing meo. It ersily drifts iIto a state of open wrrfrre. (To be continucd)
.2..7'z\..\.\. -_--
A Great Surprise A TRUE INCIDENT By Anna Hewins Brashear 1- was a day in June and the court-
yard was filled with the odor of flowers. There '\ rere great rosetrees laden with red, white, and yel low blossoms. Oieanders, pink and white, with the flaming crimson of the pomegranate, gave color to the scene. In the
center of the garden a fountain played and the edge of its marble basin {urnished a rendezvous for the birds. Gay as the many-hued flowers were the costumes of the women who sat around a
steaming samovar enjoying their morning tea. "Fatima Khanum, have you heard
that to-day there will be a
great taltasho (show) just outside the city?" "Te11 u-s about it !" came in a chorus from the others of the group. "Well, I hear that the Prince and a1l the nobi1it1. r,r,ill be there to see a wonderful heaven-goer. How I wish we could go, but alas ! our Prophet teaches that it is most improper for women to be. seen in. such public gatherings. '19"I plce is within thesJ high 'walls, but I, for one sha11 have a woid to say to our Prophet when I meet him in paradise !" Within this Persian garden the women looked like a bevy of gay but-
trEEtrBEtsBtrBtrtrtr A GREAT SURPRISE trtrtrtrtrtrtrtr8trts8tr terflies, flitting about in their short, feet carried the women to shelter ! For fu11 skirts, little jackets, and gauzy into the harem of this wealthy mervei1s. An echo had reached their ears c1:ant orl1y the master ever entered. of the balloon ascension to take place Now, a man had fallen from tire that very day. Even as they talked, a skies right into the center of the segreat crotvd was gathering to witness cluded spot! The eunuch who kept the rvonderful spectacle. The fat and the gate soon appeared and with exflabby son of kings sat upon a raised cited gestures threatened to beat the dais surrounded by his retinue. intruder. The balloonist (an enterprising YanJust as he was ready to carry out kee touring the East) bowed low be- his intention a shrill voice called from fore the scion of Persian royalty, and, behind the barred window. "No, s:epping into the car of his balloon, Hodgie, do not punish him ! For I s'as o1T. Up, up he sailed to a chorus think that this may be that Frangee o: "fIashallah!" "Inshallah!" fromthe whom they call the heaven-goer. He nr,:,tley crowd below who gazed in has committed a terrible breach of rr''rnder and admiration upon his flight. propriety and according to our law de-{fter traveling the distance of sev- serves severe punishment, but he does eral city blocks, our miracle-worker not know our customs, so I command ciropped into the garden of the verv that you release him !" harem where Fatima and her sisters In this way a great adventure came first met us ! Who could describe the to the women in their walled garclen consternation that reigned there ! What though they were not permitted to go a clatter of little slippers as the flying out to see the tamasha. Baseball, basketball and other \,.'estern athletic sports have Ieen introduced into the Philippines and are very popular. Tirere are inter-class and inter-
in all the leading s:hools. There is held every
school games
t\\'o ]-ears a "Far East Olympic
rvhich teams f rom
Philippine Islands, Japan, China and sometimes the
Straits Settlements compete. Silliman Institute has been the leading school to introduce
into the
i'hilippine Islands. The r-rpper pictrrre shorvs the :.'...:rdine of the medals at one
rheir field meets. Beloir is the picture
i.aseball team
at Silliman
:.'..:i.1 r'ears ago. It rvas dif: -'.:-: :or the bo1's to learn all :,:.- :::les
of the game. "Why
r'or.t touch that boy?" :he coach to the third
. .. . : ':...::::.:r. "I did," answered '-::. ' '.' on third base rvith the ' :. :': his hand. "I touched . -- ::ir rn1' foot."
ffiMlffiW@, Everyland Nature Club By A. Hyatt Yerrill Care
of Evcryland, f 56 Fifth Avcnuc,Ncw Yor& City
LTEARLY all boys and girls are ::1"*ffih:,'1,X"':T,:T';oi
and curious birds and animals; and whenever I've been in queer, outof-the-way places I have managed to obtain peculiar furred or feathered companions. I would like to tell EvrnyLrND readers all about the many strange, funny, ancl interesting creatures f have had in tropical lands, but as this is not possible I'll try to tell the Nature Club about some pets I had in Central America. My first was a native deer named Pepito. He was given to me when he was a little spotted fawn, and as he grew older and larger he became so tame he would follow me about like a dog. lVhen we lived in the town, Pepito was kept in the open court or patio of the house, where he ran about at will among the flowers and grass and could drink or bathe at the fountain in the center, But we often made
village where we stayed, a red or blue ribbon was tied about Pepito's neck and he was free to go where he pleasecl. All about were mountains covered with forests full of wild deer and other animals, and every morning Pepito would trot off into the woods to spend the day with his wild cousins. Often, when out hunting, I would see a herd of deer and would be surprised to see, Pepito come running {rom among them to greet me. Sometimes, when the others saw how fearless he was and that I did not molest them, they too would come close and would follow a short distance away as i walked along with Pepito. When the deer was about half grown a young peccary or wild pig ralas brought to us by a native hunter. These animals are usually fierce and vicious and hard to tame, but this little chap, which we called Chico, was an exception and from the first was
Yery docile and affectionate.
grunt at our door to wake us in the
morning, and followed us everywhere we went. He and Pepito soon became fast friends and inseparable comrades, and it lvas a funny sight to see the two
and passengers.
When at last we reached the little
'w'ould jump to my lap to be scratched,
long trips into the country and Pepito always accompanied us. On the train he was perfectly at home, running up and down the center of the car, making friends with the conductor
The aDimal in the Msy puzzle is the luarmoset from Brazil aBtl neighboring countries. The bird is the Bobollnk from easteln Unitecl Strrtes. Members of EVEnYLAND Nature Club who sent correct ans\vers to both are: Lydia W. Brown, Itlizabeth I{lrkwood, Ilazel ilIcConnell, EeleD Reeai, and Betsy Ross. The following namerl the blrd correctly: Elizabeth X'oster, Virginia ReDch, Eleanor }Ioyt, anal Louis T. Eamlett.
CLIIB BEtrtrEtrEtrtrtrE
trotting up the mountain path side by Around the house there was a side on their way to the woods. All barbed wire fence, and when Pepito the hunters knew Pepito by his ribbon reached this he sprang through beand took care not to shoot him by mis- tu,een the wires without the slightest take, and to protect Chico we tied a hesitation. There was plenty of room for him but there was no space for his bell about his neck. Several months after Chico was add-
rider, and the poor monkey was swept
ed to the family a friend gave us a from his seat and left hanging on the tame white-faced monkey named Tito. sharp barbs. He was badly cut, but he He was a very comical, inquisitive had learned a lesson, and from that chap. His favorite toy was an old, bat- time on Pepito's appearance threw him tered doll, and he would carry this into a fit of rage and fear. about for hours at a time and was most Perhaps the oddest of all the pets I dejected if it was taken away or mis- had in Central America was a queer 1aid. But Tito's funniest trick, and creature known as a kinkajou, or fruit the one which gave him the greatest bear. This animal grows to be three pleasure, was to wait in the doorway feet or more in length and has a little and, as the peccary ran by, spring on round head, solemn black eyes, sharp the latter's back and have a free ride. teeth, and strong claws. The hair is Chico did not mind this, and in fact I thick, woolly, and dull yellow in color, think he really enjoyed it as much as but the most remarkable things about the kinkajou are its tail and its the monkey did. One day the monkey caught sight of tongue. Both are very long and both the deer, and thinking Pepito would are prehensile, or, in other words, they prove a better mount than the peccary can be used like hands. IGnkajous are very fond of honey, he sprang on his back. The deer had ne\-er experienced such a sensation and if they cannot get it in any other before and was frightened almost out way they will reach their long tongues oi his wits. Evidently his first thought into the bees' nests and lick the honey rvas to make for the woods, and he from the comb. You can imagine that dashed off with the delighted monkey such a creature would make a very inclinging fast to his back and chatter- teresting pet, and I can't begin to tell (Conclu,iled, on ?age 256) ing rvith joy at his fine ride. WHO KNOWS? The correct names, together rrith those who send in the right answers, will
be published
E tr E E tr ts E tr E E tr EE E
IE ts
tr E EX ts E E E Etr E ts tr E ts B
ts B B
The Finding Out Club BY AUNT HELEN Care
of Everyland, 156 Fifth Avenuc, New York City
NOTE-Any reader of EYDBTT,aND may become :r member of tbe Illnaling Out Club by ansn'ersome of the questions or reporting of his owD anal asking to jolD the Club. and. a code by whieh to read the Orders in Council to new Dember. The members wlll be sent each are bound in hotror not to reyeal the rules of the Club except to fathers or mothers or guardians who may be told in strict secrecy. A batlge pin may be secured by sentling ffteen cents or it will be sent free as a premlum for one new sul]Ecrlptlon to EvDRyr,aND. State whether you prefer eateh pin or stiek pin. Adatress, The x'intling Out Club, care EVEBYT,AND, 156 n'ifth Aveuue, New York City.
A membership'cdrd, a copy of the rules,
fn greeting both the new and the old members of our Club I want to share first with you a dear letter from Vera
A. Hunt of Ottawa,
I was reading my Evnnvr-auo again this afternoon and decided to ask you if I could
join the club even if I am seventeen years old, and if .so please send me the key, I have infantile paralysis and hav6 been to school only two years. I am not a shut-in, for I ride to my papa's store nearly every day, but can walk in the house a little. I can use but one hand, so time passes slowly as there is little I can do. I would like to correspond with another lame girl or a shut-in. About the stories in the Bible, ever since I was a little girl I have always liked the story
of the
ravens feeding Elijah, the story of of David and Jonathan. The books of the Bible I like best are Ruth
Joseph, and the story
and Esther. As for reading,
is. I
read lvhere my
found that the ancient Romans used metal pens. A metal pen nibbed like ours was found in the ruins of Pompeii. Now over twenty-five millions are made every week, and one firm has a catalog that has five thousand varieties. I found the oldest city in the u,orld was Damascus, the oldest city of the United States was St. Augustine, and the oldest city of Kansas was Sunday-school lesson
Eleanor Andrews is in the Orthopedic ward of one of our New York hospitals. She sends two finds from the Bible: There are ten Psalms in the Bible that besin
with "Praise ye the Lord." In Proverbs in the 'first chapter the rvord Lord is only used twice.
I expect many of you have tLad a part in the Shakespeare terceritenary festivals this spring. It has been a wonderful memorial to a great man. C)ne of our new members, Jeannette Scha1l, of I\{inneapolis. sends this find about one of his pla'r-s.
Shakespeare did not name his play "As You
After he had finished it he did not
know rvhat to call
so he rvrote on
and sent it to the publishers. When it came back, he found that it was named "As You Like It." you like
rras a Bible
His rvritings gir-e several hundred references rl'hich shoq' that he must have been verl'familiar rrith it. How many of our members n'ill send me a quotation from Shakespeare and tell me the Bible reference it includes? That will be a splendid test of vour knowledge of the two. Each month lve har-e received good alrswers to the questions about the Brble. \\ie cannot quote all of them, but give two of the ansll'ers in a letter from Gertrude Sanduskv of Nlissouri.
\A,rhat will some of our keen-eyed, thoughtful members suggest that Vera can do to enjoy the hours that pass so
I haven't rvritten to you for a long time, so I will send you a lot of finds. Here they are: r. The Old Testament lvas u,ritten in
I-eavenworth. I found in Sutton County, Texas, every family owned an auto.
You have discovered courage
cheerfulness, Vera, we know from the tone of your letter. I think Eleanor
Andrews and vou may enjoy corresponding. Send your first letter stamped and sealed in care of Er.pnvLAND and u,e will forward it to
Hebre'r,v and
the Ner,v Testament in Greek.
nmmEEtrtrE]trtrtrI E
z. We have a revised version of the Bible in the translation from the original into the English language, some parts ot 1t r'vere not clear. 3. We sent the indemnity money we- recei'ved a{ter tlte Boxer uprising back to China because,
as a fund for educatinq Chinese young men and women in the United States. a. At the rate of two hundred a minute, to coirnt a billion it worrld take nine years, one
hundred and eighty-seven days, five hours, twenty minutes, and two seconds. <. fhe whitest thing in the world is pure silirer. "'0.-b".
day at a
mill in Berkshire,
some ordinary paper was berng made ano
wo-i,r' forgot to put in the
material. The paper was regarded as useless' A short time alter the proprietor wanted to write a note and took a piece of thls- was-te oaper, thinking it was good enough 1-or !h.e
burpot". To his intense annoyance the lnk .nread all over the paper. Suddenly the ifiornlrt that it would do for drving ink instead of sand flashed over his mind' He adhis waste paper as "blotting" and ;;;i.J tr*i" !i.* io be such idemand for it that.the -ifi-g1". up making anvthing but blottingpaper.
lvorld weighs over six pounds. In the
of precious gems, emeralds "success in love." guage
Yes, Lois, any reader of Ewnvi-r.No, whether a subscriber or not, may become a member of the Finding, Out Club.
Edna Rehm sends a good find about A hearty welcome to both
steel pens. sisters.
A new member from Ohio, Mildred Porter, tells us of her plans:
for it it. I am 14 years old. I expect to be a nurse when I grow up. I take piano lessons and like them very much' I wish-to join by sending you a find. There are 32,ooo promises in the Bible. surely enjoy reading El'rnvreNo,
has so manv good stories in
Frances Sandusky writes about the electrical storms which are so frequent in warm weather: Thunder and lightning are caused by
Helen Gibson oi MarYland sends fi\re finds and adds:
same occurrence in nature, a discharge of elec-
hope to be a writer when I- grow up, and
and do not hear thi thunder until a ferv seconds later. The reason for this is that iisht travels more ouickly than sound and so
*Jrtd like to
the flash
Louise McCrarY asks:
Is there anv eirl T3 9r 14 years old who lvould like to correspond \4'lth mei I woutLr h"";;;.;i;il;-b..^rt. nlad to write to one who lives in it used to be my home' N1*T"it Kathleen Scudder is collecting postage-stamps. Is there a member who rv-ould like to correspond with her about them? \\ie are glad to welcome Lois Rehm n-ho writes:
I am enclosing a find about spectacles
become a ry-emb-e1 .-.[-ri.. i *oiita love toout Club' MaY I? ;;'.;r;";pl*did Firdi,lgsent a in her Rehm.
Edna sistet. "ar1:i'aso
Is it perfor a membership' -req.uest
fectlr- ail right for me to become a memher lr i-a.;'t takE Evrnvr-enr? I want to be per,..-,i.1 i"it. Emeralds are very precious stones' rvhen heated' il.i: ";;'sr;,l it .olot. hut blue Ii they are heated excessively they melt lnto a
valtte u hateler' *llr" .tord, mass o t no o{-a short' Tir;:r;;-;;rllv found in the form so[t stones +=:tiJ"a i^'st"i' Thev ararather because tney ::--,1
s-ere ereatlv prized
tricitv between clouds or between clouds and the eirth. Both then happen at the very same instant. But we always see the lightning first
ian'ed. The largest emerald 'n
of lightning
comes before the thunthese -facts
usi. By-remembering
durine"with a storm it is possible for us to deter' reasonable- accuracy how far away the thunder and lightning are.
The hardest thing Aunt Helen does is to leave out letters, but the printer can't make room for all. Please write again if you miss seeing your letter, for I enjoy every one that comes' X{artha Stockwell sends the following: r. There are seven Bibles of the world: the of the Mohammedans. the Eddas ,of rl',e Scandinavians, the Tripitaka oI the Buddhists. the Five Kings of the Chinese, the ihree Vedas of the Hindus, the Zend-A-ves-ta of the Persians, and the Scriptures ot the t<oian
z. 'Ihe first real pair of shoes rvas made- ,in u"d the first piir of buckle shoes in 1668' largest library in the United States The r.
is t
Consressional, and the next two, wh'ch
.ih ha"e" ooo.ooo volumes, are the Boston Fruii. r-itirry and the New York Public
trtrtrtrtr8trtr88trtr When
grow up
rvant to be a high school
in order to do that I arm takins all. the studies required for college, I ari go_ing to Vassar College in four years. I am twelve years o1d and would iike to corresp_ond wilh some girl who is in the eighth teacher and
grade and likes athletics, also who is near"my age. tr am so glad that EvBnnr-axo is a monthIy, and I am sure that Gertrude Brown is quite right when she says, "A1l who read Evenyr,exo Iove it-"
Virginia Rench of Ohio
some of the questions about the Bible and sends two missionary finds: _ r. John Eliot of Massachusetts published the first Indian Bible. z. Sequoya, a Georgia Indian half-breed,
was a modern Cadmus to his people. He invented a perfect alphabet oI over eiehtv let-
ters for his native Cherokee language, a"d by his own zeal inspired his nation -with iove for written words. His DaDer .\,vas birch bark, his ink the juices of berries and weeds and his pen a stork's tail feather.
Betty Edmands of Buffalo, N. y.,
I was sorry my letter could not be printed .!a9t 1i1n9, but maybe my finds can be published this time. I have found out that Fr6sno ships enough raisins everv year to supply every man, \voman, and child in the United States a porrnd box. China made tlle first compass. China also learned to read, write,
learned the art of printing, manufactuied sunpon'der-and silk goods, and practised econ-o-y -Please long before the Errropeans . let Marion Bean know that I would like to correspond with her, as I am just her age.
Mary P. Hayden would like a correspondent 12 years o1d who lives in Connecticut. She also says that Cordelia Metcalf, a friend of hers who reads EVERYLAND, would write to Barbara Beach and Maybei Holmes. Ruth Iletcalf and Leila Andrews are eager !o_ correspond with Virginia Bliss. Ifary Stacy of California- is a new member who has sent five good finds.
Mary would like to have a correspondent. She is in the seventh grade at school and spends her summers in
p. C. is very interestine, so I have de- Minneapolis. Ib" to join. I know, when you read my W'e will hope to hear again from a finds, you will think me a bov. but I am a eiil new member from Okiahoma, Erma and very much interested in-wireless. I hive Ratledge, who writes: a set of my o\r/n. This is my first letter, and if I see it in r. A home-made wireless set proves more .
satisfsq161, than one you can buy. (We have both in our house.) z. A wireless message coming from a citv
fir'e hundred miles away travelslhat five hundred miles in much less than one quarter of a second.
Elizabeth Hudson in her first letter says: Mountain Lake was formed by my.grandfather and a lot of other men, -salting'.their cattle around a spring. The caflle st-amoed
and stopped the outlet-and the valley filled up
with water. It was called Salt Pond until
about 2s years ago when a hotel was built and it was made a summer resort. It was then
called Mountain Lake, West Virginia.
Anita Llbil of California would like a correspondent. She writes: ORDERS
I may write again. r. Esau and Tacob fifteen years old when their grandfather died. z. The book of Isaiah rvas -written zoo years before Christ and has 6( chaoters.' r. Washington was inaugurated April '3o. r7g;. 4. President Lincoln was assasiinatea' aprlt print w_er_e
14, 1865.
When you decipher Orders in Council you wili know why I have seemed to ask but one question this month.
Letters have aiso been received from
Virginia Bliss, Ewing Bone, Edith Carte.r, Holland Harding, Eiizabeth Ly9as, Edna Nlilton, Duirell Staggs, {-b.lf- R. S_trong, Eleanor W. Tha"yEr, Winifred II. G. Thomas, Dana" T. \\'arrcn, Eleanor Ho1't, and Will iam Wheeler.
Nk wvzd wrexahvdvde. -Every-wrexahvdvd is making_an zwhvmfgdv into gmpmaim fields. His evzdxs xzddrve him where he must-be bdvbrdvw to ivvf ;;;;rjs;i;" uiJ *r-t"ae. He mvvle bzfrvmxv, evo, xa_mfdao and bvdevhvdvmxv if h; ?r;" 6'-J**,.rr*.
They ?re hzogzyov ivzbame for .eve-ry yak and
trd;to-seu.-'n.ra'irrrrt Bzgo
zz. who will bL ihe first one to wrexahvd a h"dev-in-tiie Uruts Xszbfvd of _5'. Nzffsvi about evou xamfdao;_ one in urdef xrd.mfs.rmi, ihe
them in.Tzozfrzme
Fsrdfvvmfs xszbfvd about bzfrvmxv and in the'last1.*.n.. that fvooe the dvizdu, for those who bvdevhvdv ?
or-orrl""rrrr* r,-io
tr tr
tr tr
tr E E A tr tr
ts EI E
Bobby and Betty Make a Noah's Ark By Robert Russell
JT was a very rainy day, and Bobby I and Betty could not go out. I "W-hat shall we do, N'lother?"
they asked. "This is a good day to mend your
books," said Mother. She showed them how to paste the little strips of tissue mending-paper over the torn places, and how to fasten in loose leaves with book tape.
"But how shall we ever
these?" asked Bobby, after a little, as he brought an armful of picture-books to the table. "Oh, those are our animal books that we had when we rvere little," cried Betty. "The d covers are gone, and some of tthe leaves, but there are ever o I Ford so mafly pictures."
"Aren't they fine ?" exulted Betty. "But where are the people?" asked Bobby.
"To be sure !" cried Mother, "we must have a Noah, and a Mrs. Noah, and the children." So she hunted through some old magazines, and finally found two quaint figures that would answer very nicely, but she could find only two. "Oh, we will use them for patterns," said Betty, "and trace others on white paper. We can color them with our crayons."
Very soon the "people" were finished, and stood bravely. at the head of the processlon.
"\\rhat shall we do with
?" asked Bobby, when they were all done. t docccd send them to Nurse "Let's ldoah's Ark?" asked Mother. n I tncNorton, in the Crippled Chil"Oh, Mother ! How could dren's Home," said Betty. we?" cried Bobby with shin"Oh, yes," agreed Bobby; r=ib. L. 1ng eyes. "her sick children will love "Cut out each animal, paste it to some of this nice white card- to play with them." So Mother brought a box, and Bobboard, to make the picture stiff enough to stand, and then paste a little sup- by and Betty carefully packed all the port to the back oI each one," .said animals in it. "There, Mr. Noah !" cried Betty as Xfother. (See Fig. I, for support.) Bobby and Betty went to work with she tucked the last figure in the box, a rvill, and as each animal was finished, "go make the little crippled children they stood it up on the table. Pretty laugh !" "And tell them we love them !" soon there was a double row of them added Bobby. all the way round the table.
"Why don't you make a
I o2a,
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The Story of a Big Brown Bear I
Heard My Mother Tell It By Regina F. Cowan HE northern end of Prince Ed- moving outside. She looked out of ward Island was sparsely set- the window and there stood a big tled in the year 1834, when my b-rown bear, his fore paws resting oi father leased a farm at Sea Cow the window-sill and his wild eyes-fas-Mother Bold. . There's a legend that the place tened on the sleeping babe. derived its name from a herd of- sea- trembling with fear rushed to the cracorvs which were driven ashore during dle, tenderly pressed her treasure to a terrific storm and perished there. her breast, and with haste and all the mother went to housekeeping strength she could command climbed .in IIy a 1og cabin of two rooms. The iiont the ladder and laid the babv on a door opened by pulling a thong at- sheepskin mat. She came down again tached to a latch on the inside, and a and looked for something to give the wooden button secured the door at hungry animal. A box ofdried night. The upstairs was a small un- was found, and removing thecodfish small finished 1oft, reached by a ladder. A u'indow mother threw out a large suphatch covered the entrance to the loft. ply to Bruin, who at this time was trvCrude cod and whale oil in tin lamps ing to break through the door. The and home-made tallow candles were bear tore the fish in pieces and ate used for illuminating. The house was ravenously and picking up the remainheated bv an open fireplace. Part of der started off.
the cooking was done on a crane and roasts wel-e prepared in a Dutch oven in front of the fire. An unfailing spring well furnished what seemed t6e mosl delicious water on this continent, with its old oaken bucker. My father was out on business one
evening, and baby Margaret
asleep when Mother heard-something
When my father returned, he found
a very frightened rnama. He vowed that .he would not rest until he coulcl get a shot at old Bruin. He did not have long to wait. Within a week Mr. Rear called to pay another visit anrl my father saluted him with an Engliph_ rifle, and Mother slept thlt night.
Everyland Nature CIub (Concluded fronc page z5t)
all the funny, unusuai things our pet kinkajou did. He was just ai curiyou_
ous as a monkey and was forer-er getting into mischief, but after licking-out the contents of an ink-bottle or pullit g
over the furniture with his Ai1, h;
would climb up on my shoulder in such an rnnocent way and cuddle down in such a confident manner that his misdeeds were always forgiven. But his curiosity and his "handv', tail proved fatal to him at last. Oire night he pulled a bottle of jam from a high shelf and with his 'ever-ready tongue licked up the jam and broken
glass together. Even a kinkajou,s tough stomach cannot stand suih a diet and the following day he died. Besides these peti we had manv others: such as sloths, mnca*., pri-
rots, toucans, raccoons, {oxes, and even
a young jaguar. The last would follow me about like a dog and was very gentle and affectionate with us. bui his strength was so enormous and he used teeth and claws so freelv on strangers or any one to whom he took a dislike that finally I was obliged to put him in a cage and send him ro a
E\rER-YI.AND AD\ERTISEMENTS Groups of girls and boys in the Missionary Summer Schools all over the country are enjoying Dr. Jefferson's
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has rz8 pages and is well illustrated. Price in paper covers, z5c.; in boards,
Postage, 7c. additional.
Have you seen the set of paper dolls,
CHILDREN OF THE \MAR? There is John from Great Britain, from Austria, Russia, Turkey, and Belgium;
though his name and his clothes change 1"o:
;:. ::e in every land, wiU be eyeu more l:::r..tire to you if you haye at hand the ET-ERTL.{ND COIIPIBDIIENSIVE ATLAS .).r TIIE WOB,LD to help you locate tbe
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How to Secure the Atlas IF You }jll "31$.i1,i3:l .il"i$Iff"i *$1.00 LA\D sitb and aald 91.25, s'e will send lou at once tbis magnlficent atlas, prepiid. aual DYERYLAND eyery month fol a year. If you s'ill send the nnmes anrl acldresses of sir persons, nrith six dollers, we will *nd you the Atlas fr€e.
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EVERYLAND 156 Fifth Avenue New York City
with his country. Catherine comes from sunny France, from Italy, Holland, Germany, and Armenia. Ten dolls and ten costumes
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Every boy will want the fascinating of 916 FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS.
They are 25c. a set, with 5c. additional
Boys and girls everywhere are urged
"show their colors" by wearing a PEACE BUTTON. 5c. each; 5oc. a dozen.
Order from
EVERYLAND is a l2-page monthly The next number is always better than the last Boys and girls of 34 countries like it
It is
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Unitâ&#x201A;Źd Stateq $r.25 in Canada,
to other foreign countries. The extra amount is for postage.
Here are a fewthings you candotohelp the boys and girls read EVERYLAND
If you will send the names of any persons that might be intereste{ we will send a sample copy. Send the names of
r. Boys and Girls z. Sunday School Superintendents and Teachers
3. Leaders
of Mission Bands and Junior
The subscription price is $r.oo per year in the
4. Day School Teachers of seventh and eighth grades 5. Clergymen 6. Officers of \lllomen's Missionary Societies In addition to sending the names r. You can talk about EVERYLAND to your friends z. You can secure subscriptions 3. You can recorrmend and sâ&#x201A;Źcure agents
Send all correspondence
156 Fifth Avenue New York City