Everyland June 1916 partial

Page 1


Speak A Good Word for EVERYLAND EVERYLAND has been


monthly for seven months.

It has been better than ever, even better than was promised.

It aims to be read by all girls and boys.


can be read

by all of them if you will help.

Flere are a few things you can do to help the boys and girls read EVERYLAND. If you will send the names of any persons that might be interested, we will send a sample copy. Send the names of r. Boys and Girls z. Sunday School superintendents, teachers, Junior leaders, Mission Band leaders, Day School teachers of seventh and eighth grades

3. Officers of ties

Missionary Socie-

In addition to sending the names r. You can talk about EVERYLAND to

your friends z. You can secure subscriptions

Send all correspondence to

EVERYLAND Fifth Avenue, New York City


Ih. Jl,ty cover

produced beautifully in

colors. will be one of EVERYLAND'S most attractive covers. This issue will coniain the second story in Miss Buffam,s series of silhouette pictures and stories of children in the Philippines.



Before Published Monthly EVERYLAND, 166 Fifth AYmue, New York Clty Yeanly subscrlption, i1.0O Ter cents a copy Aald

fllty centt lor lorelglt


It is on a street in New York City, under a bridge which spans East River. A Playground Leader is di-

tr Su6an Mendenha,ll, Etlltor lll. g. Myer8, Buslnoes Mu&8er

ADVISOBY BOAR,D Talcott WllUamr .Uru. Charles ['. Chaso Mrs. Frank Ma6on North Dlfrenalorter IIrE. Lucy Ty. Paboily Bdph E. .W. Ealith Grier Long Ehnes trIorris


TrrB l4os:r Breuttnur- oF ALL, Theoilora Marsl,tall Inglis rg5

Wuet A BaNru lllorrmn Torl Hrn Lrmr,r C. F. Stoddard tg7

PnrsoNnns Easr op Jonoem, Frances Healey.tgg

Tnn Gur-l Tner Are rrm Wrrare, A. Hyatt Verrill IleaorNc :rur HoNon Ptot-r, M. Pelton l4/kite Jacr Trr,r,s lfow rnr Frmorrc Our Crus



Carrr Frrur Grnrs, WrBr<-oNo Tnrp rN



by the Parks and Playgrounds Association of New York City.


Association establishes public playgrounds on vacant 1ots, roofs of large buildings

and on steamboat piers. They also secure the help of the

to set aside certain for playgrounds a lew hours a.day for the hundreds of children who have nowhere else to p1ay. tr Gifts of monev for the Aroolice



Gertrud,e Hutton zro

Kolak Kitn zrr

A PrcNrc rrv JareN, Kate Tkompson Connolly zrz


play with us?" "Sh!

did," replied another.

elsewhere in this issue are kindlv loaned to Ewnvr,axo



recting the game. A child who had just found the playground once said, "Who sent her to

The illustrations of city children at play which appear on the center double page and


Our cover page shows a city


twenty-flve ceirt8 lor Canada


Going On

Cnrrnal Cnrwe, B. Burgoyne Cltapntan zt4

A LBrtsn nnorr Sese

. zt6 So,r,rp IwrBnesrrNc DATES . zt9 Trrr FrsnrNc Our Crui, Aunt Helen zzo Evenvrexo Nerure Clua, A. HyotL Verrill zzz Tnr Boox Snop .224

Copyrtght, 1916, by II' T[' Ilicks. All rtghte resored. E[tered under tho rct ol llfarch 3, 18?9, tr secondclrs. m&tter, Decomber 13, I913, et thâ‚Ź Polt Omco et New York, New York. Mmuscripts, which will be p&itl for il accept&blo, must be sent to EVERYLAND, 166 Fllth AYeEuc' , Now York Ctty, wtth edalresa and oufficimt portage lor relum.


menian girls and boys amounting to forty dollars have been received and sent to the Amer-

ican Red Cross at Cairo, Egypt. Later gifts will be forwarded. The story of the Armenian Camp at Port Said appeared in the April EvrnvLAND. tAt

Irrlv Evrnvraxo will be a Pilipino number. It will contain the interesting arlicles

and Dictures which FiliPino schooi bovs wrote for EwnvLAND. SeL a small coPY of the cover'design elsewhere in this 1SSUe.

Now go



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The Gull That Ate The Whale By A. Hyatt Yerrill







I was summer-trme I dling to her grand_ in the Northland' I Tkis ru, story tugged it tt e slory is tkird, tkird-.iin itr, tke the | The bays and coves L.ri.. ^otE.. series i,L,,")i" ;;; I otd *o*iil. clothes "Legends of tke wgre- no longer iceNortkland." Northlond.; Tke ii, illwstra;itrrr"ro- | and begged for some.b.ound, | but sparkled .in I tions i;rrl are ,,, made *oi'io";;:;";;, by the au- I tt;rg to-eat. the sunshine. upon the ,no, ftro*-thor rom the tni" ire;*" | ",8i, ,i !" excraimed Eskimo | -t r.lsJ, ..barren, rocky drawinqs aro*;*s, tshick ,isirrg *t ;rt ker secured. ;;;;;;; I Nepaluka, I :,Tt,oo art ev-er siin_ prains richens and moss ;;; uitk iy, ;;,tke hun_ ,';;,;"";;;; i;;; folh-tales -"'" from I had taken on a.tinge of | the tt n Eshimos. arni*o;.little daughter." s.y, I I green. About the pools I II F.;; the ten"t she fornrct] by .nreliing brought a strip of dried s.now among th. rocks coars!, grass- meat and handing it" to the c'hild again like sedges had sprung u.p, and oily in seated herself. Ai she watched K";?pi; the shadow of ledges and ravines were eagerly devouring the tidbit, a ,"iit" patches of snow to be seen. flit"ted'over her b?own, wrinklld face. Flocks of-gleaming twittering snowbirds flitted ,,Take heed that thou dost not choke, here and there, hoaise-voiced ravens thou little gf"tto",l, J. ;;*;;k;J; sunned.their black .plumage upon the laughing. ';-R"-"-b", Nudlauk thc rocks, baby sandpipers ian -nimbly guli!,, along the b_eac-he9, and snowy gurG " Her appetite appeased, the chir.I and terns wheeled and uttered- qri.ru- snuggled ' .tor. to" r,", lous cries above their nesting-plaies on *itfi'a rigfr-oi.utlifaction.d..r"J-;ih;; "O tell me -A"""ati"gthe_rockycliffs. of Nud'laut , tgiu"J_ . Wee\s before, the last of the igloos mother),,, ,t. tlgg"a had been abandon.l by "yery'*"rr. r,-tfi8 aaughter," replied L:i"x lgrres) and tne Eskrmos, close t. shore the the old woman. ',When-thou art older people were. dwelllng in their summer thou mayest see the lake and the bones tents ot skrns. Upon the beach the of Nudlauk and the whale and will klaks (canoes) were drawn, and upon know that the tale is true. the racks the catch of salmon was be- "A great many ages ago,,, she coni"qP?tg3d t9 Ity. tinued,"'before Eskimos lived Uld Nepaluka, too feeble to work, in the land, there "'u"r'ttl. was a great gull dozed in the ramed Nudlauk doorway of her tent-while Kemiplu


g,1ii*d1lgh.t"'M*@. played with the j shining pebbles


-6.*',& A: W.

at the water's ;;58==-=W:nDa**J'dffiE65kE;"f;

yj:..0:il"fi1l and seas.


rarge was ri. that seals and


her pr.y, unj edge.. presentty S_ffi..eg:: e'en evc' the L,e bears Dears .tE iir.a oi t"" '@&$w&&ffi&x-:*Sl*fa -'%re%-'i,Ws' and wolves and play and tod- "nacH rrMr rHE wrlALE spourED AND FoRMED A poND,, reindeer *"r"



to her as but mice and partridges to But ever and anon she stopped and laid the great white owls. From the sea, her burclen down, and at each spot the

far toward the setting sun, would Nudlauk carry her prey, for to her giant lvings the two days' journey rvas but an hour's flight. Then, standing with one {oot on each of two hilis, she would tear and eat the creatures she had caught and would feed them to her young.


last the seals and bears and

walruses were all but destroyed, and, learning wisdom from the

fate of their fellows, they would dive beneath the waves or hide among the crevices of the rocks upon the first sight of the gull or the first sound of hei beeting wings. Unable to get food,-for Nudlauk was slow and clurnsy and of little wit,-the great gull became lean with hunger, and each day went farther on her hunting, for far and near all creatures knew her and hid themselves

whale spouted and formed a pond, and one may still see all these little ponds about the country, even to this day. "At last, weary and worn, she reached her home and cried aloud to tell her hungry young that food was at hand. But in her absence the wolves and bears had come, arrd

finding the young gulls v,eak and helpless, had killed and devoured them; so now, at Nrrdlauk's call, there came no an-

swer, and soon she saw the nrischief that had been done. "Then in anger and sorrow she screamed aloud until the hills shook and the waters were ruffled as by a wind and the woives and bears shivered and whimpered with fear within their lairs. But Nudlauk, always a glutron ano glutton and now very nungry hungry with her long flight, soon forgot all in fear. about her young and only a desire to "At 1ast, alighting on a mighty ice- eat filled her foolish brain. "Grasping the whale by the head she berg far out upon the sea, she saw, spouting in the waves, a school of tossed him upward and gulped him whales. Now Nudlauk in all her wan- down, whole and living, even as dr> derings had never seen a whale before the little gulls to-day when they swaland she was filled with wonder at sight low fish. But the whale, seized with of the great creatures. 'Ah !' she terror, spouted and squirmed and thought, 'What fine great ogtjugs struck out with his mighty flukes and (seals) are these. I will catch one opened wide his great jaws, which stuck in Nudlauk's throat and choked and have a fine feast !' her. "So, watching her chance, she "Gasping for breath and deathly sick sr.r'ooped and grasped the largest whale in her beak and flapping heavily, for she the great gull fluttered and struggled, splitting the granite rvas weak with hunger, SHE ledges and tearing up she rose in the air and THREW HI\I the ground, until, unable homeward. started UPWARD AND to get the whale either "But the whale was filled GULPED IIIM up or dor'r,n, she at last DOWN rvith water and vety fell dying to the earth. heavy, and soon the tired "There between the hills gul1 was forced to stop lie her bones and those of and rest. As soon as the the whalex which caused u,'hale f elt himself upon her death, and beside the land great the he spouted pond that the whale made streams of water, rn'hich b). his spouting one may formed a little pond see them bleached and among the rocks. Again white among the black the gull grasped him and rocks." started onward for her *1'he llones are those ol soEe home beyond the hills. prehistorlc creature.

ffiMiffiW@Everyland Nature Club By A. Hyatt Verrill Care of Everyland,

ls6 Fifth Avenuc, New york City

SOME LETTERS F'ROM THE NATURE CLUB READERS If A\rE so many splendid letters from Evonyr,LNp readers u.ho are fond of nature that it is reallv verv hard to know which ones to print in the magazine. l,Iany have written nice little stories about the queer creatures in the puzzle pictures, lvhile others have r-rot only guessed these correctly but have written very interesting itories about other creatures as u,e11. I would really like to print all of these letters but this is impossible, and so I must pick out those rvhich I think u.il1 interest the most readers. Here is one from a boy



The bird in the Februar-1, number I think is tlie Eider Duck which inhabits the coast of Labrador and other northern waters. This is the bird from which we get our valuable eider dorvn. It plucks the dor,r,-n from its breast to line its nest. The hunters take the dorvn from the nest and the mother bird will then plrrck more dotvn from her breast. The animal I

think is a Manatee or Sea Corv. It is found on the coast ol Africa, Sorrth America. and in the West Indies. (It also occtrrs in Florida and our Southern states-Ed.)

Perhaps you worrld he interested in hearin{r about the success of m1- lood station this u-in-

ter. We have had one of lhe most severe winters .in - history here. As a result, oi course, the birds need a great deal of feeding_ I have had an unrrsual number of l,irds at mij window lood shclf and ahorrt th" rrr.i Varied thrushes or Alaska robins. ai tt.,"ili" commonly called, come here in the back-vard



and even perch on the windorv food shelf sometimes. I consider this quite an accom-

plishment, as these birds are supposed to be very shy. The California purple finches are the tamest birds that I have. Thev come in large nrrmbers and flock to the uindot- food shelf to feed on hemp seed. One day I placed my hand full of hemp seed on the shelf and

in less than a minute the finches were climbing a1l over my hand. The male of this species has a great deal of red on it, but the female does not look very different from a common sparrol,v and lacks the red entirelv. 1'he Oregon j rrnco or snowbird is another

common bird at my food station. These birds have black heads and white outer tail featirerr They do not come in as large numbers as the purple finches, for the finches chase them awav

a good deal.

Tom trfcCammant.

Tom is evidently a keen nature student and a friend of the birds. He is

ANSWERS TO APRIL PLIZZLES in the April_puzzTe is the x{andarin Duck found in china * ffe [iya and Japan. The Plant is the Pitcher plant which grows in it . U"ii"a-S;i;;.-

Members of the Evrnvr.axn Nature Club rvho Edwin Schneider, Horace Hervs Ailen.

.."t .;;;;t;i!rvers to both are:

membels about the plant, but mistook the Xfandarin Duck - The.follo.wing for his American cousin the -were-right \Vood Duck: Louis T. Hamlett, Parrline Leeds, Lvdia Brorvn.

Eleanor Ho1


gucssed tlre nlant coirecrlr-.



also a photographer and has gogd sq9-

taking- pictures of his wild friends. Here-is a picture he sends of a gtay squirre.l which he took. He -sa1's : Thii picture was taken with a Brownie box cess


ind a portrait attachment. I fastened a string to the shutter, and after.waiting for about two hours a squirrel posed the way I


trBEB tr tr tr-

and ca"n be taught to talk and to play ball and catch things in their beaks. They make their nests in holes in trees and when asleep spread their tails like a fan over their backs. Can any other readers te11 me more about these funny birds


it to, and so I And now for a letter from a little girl in New Jersey who also sends a wild animal picture taken by her brother. Where I live in New Jersey there are many opossllms. They live in the woods and tira-pr. They have sray f ttr.- Their tails


got my picture.

no fur and are used to hold to limbs'and twiss oI trees. You can often see the opossums' tracks in the snorv in the woods, es-


pecially near the persimmon trees as they are very fond of persimmons' Ii is very easy to catch an opossuni if it is

on the giotrnd. for they cannot run fast\\'hcr the oposstlm is caught, it will hiss, and

if not held by its tail. Once we caught an opossum and put it in a case. The little opossum slept all day curled u-orrld bite,

up in a ball and at night

was free.



Another boy writes from Maine about

the Toucan and the Chipmunk. He says:

I think the bird in the March


was the Yel1ow-breasted Toucan which lives in South America. It looks heavy, but its bill is light, as it has air cel1s and is not so1id. Thev are verv common in the forests of Bra-Thev a.i killed for the table. Their crv zil. is "Tucano." When they go to sleep they ro11 themselves in a ball and stick their big bil1s





worked until it

Lydia Brown (age rz).


Finally here is a nice letter about the

pelican 6y a girl who lives in California' ^ I think it e tr-ird published in the December

Evpnvr-elll rn'as a Felican and I have enclosed a short story about its habits and appearance' The pelican is a large fish-eating - waterfolvl. Ii has a large pouch under its bi11. It will catch a fish, ptit it in the pouch and rvait for an opportut ity to catch another. When it has enoufh to make a meal the pelican will eat them. This pouch is also used to carry fish to the young pelicans not o1d enough to fish for themselves.

pelican usually haunts places like the of lakes and rivers. A party of-school children-of which I was one-i*.t t to Point Firmin, near Los Angeles, a short time ago. While we wete there we made a collection of sea attemones, starfishes, and ' herring crabs. We found a pelican and had it stuffed for use in the school museum. The nests of pelicans are made among reeds or bushes or on the ground, and are lined with grass. Two chalky eggs are often found in the nests.


shallon, margins

under their wings.

The animal was the common chiPmunk which is common all over the United States. He lives in stone wa1ls, hollow trees, and holes in the ground. He will run along stone wa11s. The cat is a great enemy of the chipmunks. He has a "chip" for a ca11. Roger Stoughton.

Ihere are many interesting things about the toucans that Roger did not mention. They make interesting pets

Gertrude Brown.


The correct names, together rvith those who send the right answers, will be published in August. 22:j

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