&wwyw at AILORS dou't
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! Everybody linows that'
s-iki,i*'*u rT ;B:"tx gi.:xr :yii#:i#it;: In tlle busy a thousind tiines wo"sâ‚Ź at sea, partieularly f,raffi.e lanes. "-;;Jhi";
which will help the sailor to seo through fog iP ?
nf"f nf,fli'H,'Hi3
|"":tf 11'%l'';*xg-'*tX;u'":1,"u'"",:'ffi ;;th'ihg i" crossing tho course on s'hich tho ;#i;";''# is-slorvly moving ahead. ship ""r{:"i"i,]y direction of every ship in"t. rt'*iii-t"ir him-themilcs off' And not only tho,icii [ir"v ma.v be "riro""A-lirren ;# bil "o"k", iceUe?g;a"ny tt* of obsiruction will send its signal to this all-seeing l'uJ""' eq,i1 ' A"tr"\" like a sc-archlight' ii"t""i*t" .f a e?$ng something the baekl Rays of light' or *ii"r, " "p".'"i"rry "r,"p.i-*i,** "-u
us so at onc-e, of heat, and tho electric eye tells thev out rrrvs aren't held *v*-of heat-is th*t iil 'f;';;'ttii,U'"r""t of light &re, antl t'hat's hriw this outfit' rlo bv fbs *8 somo r&ys " jusb of degr.ee ; a matter aro Ii'rriJt. f;" r""""i"a. Rays 6r heat *uv bs hobter or colder than tho &ver&ge, so our eye gtves ifru""signal one wey or another. its '"i;;?d;;#Loai opparatus is a' pendulum to,lieep -l'he "iitu sea,-and the whole thing can be moveo thing steady in drough iound so as to sweep tho honzon' '"\#t"i'.i;i?;.lt""t {;; it fo"d ?- Fi1st, it'1?Y
rounld and
:x?'l'?T;lifl:*"oHr":u*"9:i#:'i-*f ff l"-Yji"t,"-L}:r!i
.tire"tion from whieh the eignal has eome, a,nd proDanly
"*u*t d,ial may eotimato tho distance' "" tUita ;y; b ? Tha! d'opencls on how high up ri; r""has worked at fifteen miles ! it is, but it ""o"ttti"
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in tlris ca"se heat, striking this rnirror aro reflecbed
forrvard again, but at the sa:ne timo to tr,. tI Point, down .to lbcused dswn a.re focused they are PoIn!' alwavS tle same. at iill*i.i"I-*rl*.r"
tho " eye," a lit[le-oell callcd the ravs sirike this cell it wakes "* "oo', it does talie oxtra notice, Ir-I""'it"a""-";t,1"r it n"""o-sl"eps-buf *""a" a signat to the officer bn the ship's bridge' "[a a bit' You know thot tho rays^ have to sfep baeli I.TOW we'll 'iigirt'*nilli" of ;o-"i" to -r" i""* the sun are also raye l\ " to our heat as"rweli The rays of tigtrt' which malie all things visiblefaint' so very ,ur""'oi ft.?i' though they mcy be eves also * ;,#it ;# ff-L;;i;#;';h;;.--oi,'" r'l"'ia t'hi photo-electrie eell
;'li?hol;:ei;;i;i; l"l.;;-i,.
ean, thoug-h, and he cloes, inst*nt,ly.
and sky So lons as his miror looke forward to. empty. sea but if ."- 41p cro-sses the lf,"ft; i"--tt* l"J "*y"-; " Yoo ean imagina easily that field of view therc't"? "h;;g* i" it i--aif"**t tem$rcture, a*,d it ie ietually sending il" "htp Tlw Moilern Boy
d t
handfuls of manket reftrse and slammod thern full in the sherifits With whoops of joy, they gathered up -laughed Robin Hood, as sounds of alarm spread through the town. !!Scatteir-my bul-ly lads !'l
. . . . . . . EY JOIIN
Wat (in tlteir trsual disgttist's), arr..l A Challenge to ll{ortal Combat ! lrurry to {,ho L-risirop's I I NKIiO\YN to his father, King Garrdclyn and Ned nnd Gandelyn couceal tv I Ilenry of Englanrl, PRINCE Irottse, ED\\:ARD-I\IiDCAP NED- themselves behind a curtain iu the sets ofi in clisguise to sc,P and learu a.ll bishop's room iust as the l-,isliop. he cal of l-ris future subjects. With eutcrs. . Then Sir Bardolllh arrivcs. him are lfrrbert, his ;quire, and Wat, a huntsman. Thev fall iu rrith Robiu Treason-and Rescue ! I[ood in Shcrwoo"i Forest, and joiu thc outlaw baud as Ned tjre lti'nsdrel, A TINY chink in the tupestry Ilub the Jester, and Wat the Serf. cna].iled }lnrlcap Ned t; spi' A Sir Barclolph de Gainault (the ' L throrrgh upou the occupants of Black lfawk) imprisons thc Latly the chamber. He behelcl a colcl. handsorne counteuance-, with deep Isolda de l\[ortilnucc, whorn he in- 'sunken eyes, antl a sl,raven cro*rl teuds to nrally to gain hcr estatc, in Gainatrlt Castle. Ned leayes a lettcr .lr.here tire bishop had remor-etl his at the castle, challenging Sir Bar. scarlet cap. dolph to mortal cornlrCt. tt-the MiclOnce before, in his youth, Prittce sllnirlcr Nr'itingharn 'Iournament Ildward had met Seizin. Bishoir of unlcss the ledv is relcaserl. Ifereforcl, and ire lineiv that he was ,ur*rrors, or strolling n.ot now mistaken. Frarned in the -Disgiiisecl "^, pluyers, iu nraslis and anirnal skius-, doorwsy was the stately figurc of Robin Ilood aird his ruerl Eo. to Ned's 6ld Sir Birdoij:h, tlte "r,orrry, I{ott ingham or} 1\,IiCsummcr.'s - Eve, Black Ilawk of Gaiiilult Castle. bent on rescuiirg Gurth. oue of tlie ' " Prithee be seatcrl, Sir Bardolph," band, from tlie pillor,v. s:rid the bisirop cordinlly. " I have _ trflcanw]rile, lea.rning that Seizire, wolcqme ne!!'s. To-night a rlrcssengetr Bishop of llereford, 1lns snmmbn&l hath irrived ftoiu Fra-lae. Orrl p'lnts tsardolph to an inter.,,ier, NeC, If ub, TF,e futodem Bog :
at:e compiete
. " Is all in
?" demaltclecl the
Laron eagerly " To the last detail. In a few clays tlrc kiug rides a-hunting in Sltelwoocl. I have gir-en him a horse, the fincst iu all my .stao-les, aad rest asslrrect that he rvill sootl outstuip his foiIt.'rvcrs. You have rntde yotr prcu'r r:ations ?"
" Everl so," repliccl the Barotr oi Gainault. "f har.e thirty of my stottt
in vizarcl.s arril bitcklrnr. Tlrey s-ilI kidnrtrr l{enlv. and take him to the s.'ct'ei cn.."r' in Bavensbourrre Chase. The cleed will be 1:ut down to the Sher'roglles, 'guised as outla'ws
rvoccl outlaws.'.i
Then 'twill be for mc
cnact the part of the loyal rescttcr," retainars coutinuecl ' Suirir,. "Mi scatter your ktta','es after a mocli figlrt, arrh H"uro i.reeovnes ru.y guest-'
rcality, nry prisoner and tool. We then take a fcw serfs and cornrnon in-
folk--who wili trouble about them ?-
and hang therm, saying that they performed the deed." iuquired Sir then ? " 'o And Barrlolpir, taking a cleep draugtrrt fi'out 14!7-34
trrarr-arc}r *cross
t?:t;3#Jr::''}if%Ui} {Jutlaws of Sherwood ! 3f.#r.'o''o'ing '--ilHu""'* "b;;;dt-_f"ll- trlion"tlicir tcatrtrcs iis rvaY of escape' tltt' tlir: 611fl6rts that 'NoL]':" wittc 'i[?5r'gi' Bordeaux of irt" t];;;* p';;;t1'.':tt t'at ":i"'i-nt"-,,i:';: rlre flaEon I he, .qrr"lJ,rig ,,toocl oi trre tabrc before rrim. "ri".r ""."Ho'1'"'""*".1i"J,1i.?;r<'1 m'lrtter' irir *i] g"a9ipg'; *oia- ni=l'np scizitr' ''r s:,fi;,..x,J,3]i [1i?-{"';,li:l}i':'';'tifl; _,;j,t.llil,,,.,*tfiu n*"io* ,, t" l),grantr ruli, wirl r,rout'niece we two :,: ,::"-,:"':::i;'L::'l''l'g;i: ,i:r;:: ifJ'ffi1 :li"H{"ri:;' tliiuk plnns' vou':" i'"ird.our f,li,""..ilil' i;.; irf;.:"x,.""\iu ""*rx'almtfi"ffi:i;r-,1;+5,? "'Tis ttoi' likclY"' answc'ed flrt (.(,uouer irre Fre*crr provirrccs of ;i, "; iL tr," pr.'";r;;;l;;iiig.r"'ivt';il ,t"'oBiacL-" rr"i'rt-' olrc foot -up6n.iii""sli,l",l-";g,,, trt" trri i"liti a {ie,c<' catir' \\,e o,po.iti"r. wjtrrout rrrrs,rand ;:ff'n*" -i"g;Unoa o*tla'v,'s tio il;i.,;;i tiil*."tf","'t"ip;:i';.r&.' r, iI be trrc grcatcst'il;; i^ Errgra*cl.; '161tii" '""*I ,,,Tis r,,rell1,, agreed. Barciolpl.r, witir ;;;;$y' ;tlf:;;hT'""'*"'"i rr,11ot11;"tt t''" Norman-Frc'ncii rnents ipurr-tt',.!6ui,i;';pp";ii;.--..' ,.,Trnp.*ii rr rrecp sigrr of corie,t. u1,on',*., i,y r,o,,.iiiii-p. r,rr' ,,or ,r,l3*ii.*xffij:iTfj:'i'l'f"tn.lll tX.;J",$J"Jit '''llJ""'l,,ilf.-,**0-cycs w.r c {irerl iit ;i$:;[ligii:,tt';,,i,T=t,:"l"il',U iii"-#^ti**"-"tUl.,:* " 11ru*ifu:"::ii*i:}v;X*-horsc: --;G*o-"'"y' irawk lnr,,ffi discover6d. '*t'f;"# $::, u::; ,i}l; hi,l rF;:iil;l;:x'Hn,1"*:,1}:l: of Griinaultl" "f*iT;"rra' rfli rvere ti*"iJ,r as thcir - waiti,s ro" 'tlicy tut "'*uik"d i\rad;;p Ned' ' tiir' ,,8v tire Black Deal.h l" roarecl u* to rltc up:n away -i* Gardeiyn hoisted him up ;iiffiigi,^"i*["ni'aiua frcm ,orf."d I,irdolprr. srratcrririg a clagger steep-tiicil tis girclre. "we- arc -6ctm.vetr, ,,Arter lrim, knavest" , rqa.r'1ti lil#i;::ftl*"1't'r;ttti'*#":l >grics I" Rardolph, leanirig hcad and slloul(ter'"s i',iio,rrii" tltc mrrt'kct-,1acc," lVell for ]larlcap Nerl was it that iilr"L"ir^ ti*"-rr?ro* casemcnt' lA ^'il?orr". lct's to -:"Tis the flow- il'r;dr1A g;ld l,i"""s to the ,"" l;li: ,r;a""ir"arii;. high-tiinc thc tt,e traron *n" t,oril,,urccl bv " roo"\\'or,e: lavs hauds on that l<;ng-lcggt'd from --the Gurth" ,"s"-uecl irrI vclvct ,nrnti"'-1trat hc wo.Ylq ougaws r)t'i,crwis<, the minstrel-princc miustrel Therc will bc ncrry,dorngs of"a --.-!" -."'^'^ "' "ifior'". must not miss then: i" r,"i:o-rro." nailetl-lo-t]re'oak-panelled :i;;;,';",1 -';;" ,r,r*t ;;ot-souare sleeve was a blazc of r*ti. Bot the loose fnrred1 t Lt-.. slanting ,t.itlfl::?:';,.1i- *"i"i',r'Iiiii:;;";;;i" fli"t", gi, ,,"re'lrt i; the baton's belt, and before ^^. VER tue [i,-:3",'$;fi":hi:Bt"#x fr:oin its ltooks at ;'iifii"s-r;rli ;;;#d;"',r r;sp;;d'a-t"ilai's 'vitl' or m;1,"":ri"qxr3t*;+Tq!fu,ffi ;;" ,"*,"" rrawkexlrirrging ou! 3? a s]g]}' . gilc q*9,.1-caserfent"s arttl rvinking vancs, u *il*1;i;,:#';;.;.iii" r,.,aaiJ tjairrault!., clruckletl tlre trutlaw thg ;t-"^i;'a;dovcr roof-tops, tlr iii3"ir;;;,r';", ;fd:H u rran,v, as rre sprawred "frybnil *-'ltj;:t"*r"';' t'i""t";:t;?111:, Gurttr, ura away ih the distance. r,a!.on,s- prostratc i5";. -"": r"it'"i ,p"tt',"r'u-in his- -exaltcd nosi' lri;;; l;m mindedlo c'lip four talons A" wot"r-spout nffortlerl 1ll:*.,1 on griarcl f;; , rvith your own dagger l" *ith ladder of- clescent,. o,'"I11?:.g'"$^.i'i: ii"o, "o"tqtfnt of a.tlarkened court' .:;;;: ii," pto"" was cleserterl' scizin roas stantli-ng -!y, th.e door, "oUnt"" ;'i]?,:il "dgr.:.*":1i,.'t:,.t":h]";i;"i-J"fi i*["tx,lt,fl'*i,$"';".H"i'i *if;lg,l::Ttir.#*lllll-t':i,;1 tt.u t oia" o sr,rf on tr,n pr"ti"', i"i"i"g l,lm opt i,,rr..,** pr*.t',t5'"ilgii ^:?H,X_ ?fur#tffi:";". n' .t,ig'lrs" headed bY a scar-raceo i"tn tt'" p''ttagl'-'a'a birri-ng- the trrrt,ghout iain i,-t,e livery dr ricrerord , ::: fli+i;JiH';ilidri*f *1t'-';,:"-?l;,'i troor. Ararm ieiou,ded stairs ,.After carne"i'"},*uy' satrg o-ut the
ffi 9:1]#ii1;"ili-iffi tr$;fi$ltffi :#$
theml" .ul"tr:]Il, ,rruh!" troo="6old, and up r "^"noii, lroorl's men? rt wou1c1 hav thc teaderl bum"ped irrto It; ii;;,,i;irg-nr"'rr".i o'i maiica ieet. as o that than ::b";;; evc yt!,a", i1i"yt_viJl 1,.:"..:1,,0" ,,Throug1 6e tatticc, I",jl,,gr.ie{ ther ".-uiJ.i,-;-k;"u, \"a-t"-trai'e detccted t,i ttrern thai yc arc Irowl" M;;;;p , G:rndelyn, t"n-purg^iiltl,o **n.rai"ii "ri'r"r cla ,,Hnzzal" hayecl the hu,ters; a1$ ii';ilti" ai.g"lto=. TJ]"{-- wcre r.nrl heluless tor.'m oi si, Barrlollrh,-as l,,inchcs i",,t*iirl tir* ,"Jo"bled thcir fl'_t.:{, n. troop oT nrumnrels or masqucr'(t i'ii;Jr:f;lr;i",i trr"^tabi"-,,n,1 ":'"1,"i"^lrn tinrel " as fr6'o nlwavs tc the fore \ed rurr- *uch rvitl Garirlcl-yir ;;eu;.k"p ::sainst tr," a*r.^' reatt-hights ancl merr) aloirg our iii;;;;;y;-oi nlrulrt .it....tJ:" ,irrg anrl rrrn""i,rg \Ve,II have all the towr antl making' The"walls ----so*8 ]"tJ$: ;;,ii".t oiiftem. .lrrr'irlirr;i,[rirg." yitt' werc siants artcl ogrcs' wa( srro*ti,g i*g= trr" ""rli.irti"#"i9i1""q "tri"'^"rrr=u, titt at last ,ilinf--along A babbre of co,frrsed 5, stilts: ot]rers wer "r so*nrled i, t'e corriclor .*tsi<ie. Tffi iii? ""i." "t masks that coverej griinine [iA-?" 'ilii-"",r voice of seizin coulcl be heard, com- the trvo ,u;;*iil" thcte t'cre-men tnZ "o-'"u"au-"'Tr['11.6,--araw11s ?h;i;-l"?.; ;iib.rt "i mandins trr slrvants to r,reaa-a"*i, "tia""i" t"'""*^pr.t ttr",n. in t*ske'd boat fi"ir I.""I;'"r't"r-a". i'e dooi. crash went trre touglr'oa[ i,rt"i*=io, asthesteeledgeofabitlsplinteieil,.xr:r,*t"*#r,1"*iq"r".'",;;.I1"!n.1[ffi;,,.-|til",,*i"arrtlercclbuck ;;; l.ike a fantastic nigh Ganclelyn, *opli*g-r.is br-ow ,viiiihis ii;;A;: rt through a pane'i. *?''f,oo.-,o Sherwoo,,sme,'1"shout'l "'l'At" il.i je1tl'd il{{:lihr;4il,.}I"f""?fr$rr we ready? Ec ;;ffifi1:J,li:::.;Ht oron-shaclows' c"oa"iyn' rigr* ii," tlown intb the street berow_. rr"i'"'J ii:"-it 'pt"o."l"'ti'o-i'"rrr.iiis-il,"i, H;il;' lterc's go"" it"' Cock Robir?" tlr,o,ged rvi,r excitecl crow-d.s,.**orig rron"rd ,r.t ivut,-*Jiung i"l'* r; "?i' tiul r*' c'fr$ti{3il;i:'fi1, were some of the t i*irop-,, ,iuru-
t' l
+ff."}il-l:" C"t,f-U 'il ,;-iir :**,,-{"J#"*f#i#iitJ;-ltt ?.w" tr,o,,gtli'dr,# r-,ra '"rrgilt ][' awaitcrr trrem in thdt clirection.
ti rt i,
i"lt*ti;',i;;;;;;;-?",tures.o} ;i;;itr i'so--ilroatup Necl's saf rust beneath,re,vinrow u'as a gilt B.r^"::.:'iq;,oJ'uii'?jt'"':;i"6-;Ji'J; $t*J rfr:[,"]';i".Tilro";'Sil"th: ,,iir, an-image of a sairrt bearirlE 6 r's{'apco' I Dnr- oak!" *""u,T.f'tit *i".fli"",;,i;;; crrcer' trre outra "Av'answ with r,r?ii""a;"i;;;;";J';;;;;-h;?'d-a 'oaringit'" pillory' unlor -'io* Irose"' "r'i,J .it."oi"r"o ,, ;t";;fi; :,;;;E;" tra"t"i-ti'at projected halfgr-imiy. "*u"il"a* "to"t \l.av across the street-quLt" s o nr c iilpoit*'i"" to - ;U#: il"i'Sitflt'nl"t;,1n::"#f"f9# cndugh to stun a careless'horscman 3' but th *lio*" he iryas going' treasonl" ":ih; j-e t r" intcr.-upted canrreivn i"*- - i"'iitiesJ '*"'" protcsts' ;ilAih not tJok roadway 'wtestcd from th 6ir-iy *r, i'"it"'at Fortunatery trre -ti^"a' "d.l,J;il,ii'"Jr""r"Ii,;lT una" taia lustilv across th rvicle enouglr for 1.,-q. p:19!-r,o*.'oJ'it "n.rt]**r.o. they were char --rn.err;; ";"::i:" l'#"-"ti"rit,';;tl abreast, a*d directlv opp?iil "oi-q' t"", 1r; byeclark a in back -"',"r croucrrec' 'ass rvom the square"
:l { T
) t'. !
lr I
lros a heavy,
1 l
I {
half-timberedinn,';h;; t,rriil,ig *r'iii#
*pp#;t;;i;;;;il;#;*i The Mtdcrn Bos
ff;;;; 4
Ct{Ll-rort sitve urc
l" gn:lltJ' tL"
exception of seventeen stolel r's riqht illilll il tht rcry riglrt solitary she.-iff, writliing aad raging ci solirl iu taitr in'thc'irou grssp oI tile
r,l,i'cc. t'lrrp liin in tire pillory iu'.iufolttirtate (litt tlt, ts llc rrrs :rssistc'l itc,rtl o' C; urth. blothers trtittc 1'' J"orvn tlr" -steps. " I 1le'ct kt'in ti:c're iaughtel' r-e' -\ storur of cheers anclstretchecl rojnr so ,r,rt.il,, urtck lnil nlih iu ont as Blniu 'Iuck I{ottiugliam fslru :-is tLere is souucleil claw atrd hatlcrl *sir Robrt't ulastcrleii (,\-t 1 1::'1. TIr'''.i utlsest a ltrtsc Tirc irairir"r.o brrt,k i i.r cli.ti,. s. fi1,l.riu. l.il un thi steps of tlrc pilioly.sttt'r-ortttelcri ccese to lri' Ri'lr:t: Hi'rrtl . aud become lc'ss slreliff foullrl hirnsclf horns Jrouc'=t G-rii tL ti'c cliilrcoxl-blrrnel' bv hicleous rnashs and devilisli -la r.eritable nightmare ! the sqllarc orlce Iuore : Mocking laug'liter: filletl -" \Iarls. ki'ct; thc'ut l" clictl Robin. upott shuttiug' (iLrrru'lris cock's bcak agnin, as tltc vo"kc rvas clmnped dorvtt loci<ing ltitn-.as ilt rs Liurtir stti'Bl)ted to embl'acc ltim, ttre slrc"rifl's rtock. lrke & " Tliort urust break thv vorvs of a life'- a'r,ice. Itis fat rt'cl facc, hotrilr,lycontorted nlool1. once crimson thysclf autl walh -as time agiriu, I'Jorc. -Ne'er thortglrt I that a ilIan ihe. pcrspiration ran tlowtt his flahb;; tottld holcl so hugc'lr stink on so smrll cheeks. fViitr rvltoops of jov tlrev gathcrccl a botly !" rrrr lraiclfuls'of milkot refrisc, ancl Galdel-vn' " Beware, Robin !" sairl tlrenr full itt thc slrcrifi's l" " Elete comes the sheriff "i'r*trr.A face. " Ilola. stanrl, Ye nraial-rci'ts l" cemc "Scatter. niv l-iuilv latls l" laughecl tire slrriil. high-fitchcd l-oice of Sir Robi;; i1r" -sonllds of ah,tm splqld Robert Fitz-f,lwyn" " \Yltat rvoultl througho"the torvn. " Wc'l1 be outstcle vc ? This is chrr'.yirrg )'otr'l' l\f i(i,rr'" ,t'xtch discovers
lummer [r'c liceri*c too I'at'-_rcscttitrg a knavc fiom thc pillorvI l)ost knolv who
I arn!"
"Certes wc clo, worshiliftil shcriff l"
rctilied Ilobirl , wagging Jr ir cock's .,ohb irr tlrc shcrif i-facc. "Tltou art Sir Robert, the High Sireliff, the v'icle sherilf. tire fattc*st. rcdclcst, nncl roundest sltcriff in all England. Do r,'c knon' ltirtt, rnv nlcl'I'y tnctt!" ."What-ho l Db u'e ttot kttot' thec. Sir Robert Beef-ancl-Becr !" Jcellowecl in tlit' ir great black btrr,. spcaking ircittv toucs t,f Fliar' 'l'rrck. "-'tlalt'vtliort'rt tllc "orr"-u1r-rtitit-a'murrlitt-
Gurth hacl goue, the rescuers hacl irillorv hrd gotte' liliert-ise. aritl tlrev hrtl to fetclr I goire, the kc'vs of thc
srrith and a carirenter before the Higil
coulcl hicle his Stier;e --tro*
the -ieerirq citizcns of ir.ua Nottingham. Atttl so, as tlre 1lale flilsh of d-itwit nnncaled in thc easterlv sky above tire trec-tops of SIrei'woocl, tlre outlai'o"s rallied on the outskirts of the fcrrest
restecl themseh'es after the ;il i"fin'o"= of tlLe night' So ended the f ensi of lVlidsummer Eve in cltt l(ottiugharn tr:*._ The RoYal Tournaa-.lent !
FF.R U IIPE TS rcsotlnrlcd, ftrll" the g'rites befoi"e d."p, Leart-stirliiig. ancl clcrr' Macl*ttofln. happcner-l. Folio$- me. rI It t-as the da'y of thc tc'tttltncap Ned l" ment tha,t had been ploelairnecl to be Forthv"itlt, the ciisguised orttlau's held. at l{ottingham lists. Tire wLolr sued lu'av itt a clozctt cii{Tctetrt dilcc- countryside se6,med to 'be moving. sc' tions. nud by the tirne a posse of the dense were the crowcls that streame''[ rl-atclt atrtrenrerl tllev fourrd tlre squarc from the ancient gates of the to;-iu' tlcscrtcd'as tlrc grnYc, rvith tlre It was a beautifltl golden morllruq in June, ancl the lancl Iay greeu atttn d\r@YVr@t# srnilirig uncler the sttn. 'w-hjle a -!cw' The minstre!-prince !umped r'After .?c-Lgss tlriftins l)etlllolls of fleecy cloudltts the sea of bobbing heads, temperid' the intense Jritrc of tlt" him. knaves ! " roared BardoiPh, to the narrow cassment. rushino A mile frorn the town summer skY. 'dellression t'A hu-ndred gold Pieces to the man between i'isirlg a natural who lays hands on hi!-n ! "
f Tke Modern
pcrforce to the scoffs antl taunts that wounded horses, anct the exultant cries of triumph were torture to his ser:were flunE at him. sitive ear. His iewelled bonuet twelve as *os forgotten all'this But vast a here and Iiills formed the lists, antl erushed rlown llpon his perspiriug
Outlaws of Sherwood
multitude was gathering in
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with plumcct bonnets blazoned" tabards,' strode into view brow herald.s, Eay
like a weight of learl, and hL' as if his heavY man'"le of furs A felt trumpets. tasselled their rcith I'lags ancl streamers flew from the martial flourish salutecl the heavens, and scarlet vclvet was sriflocating gailefred stands reservecl for !h' scaring the srrans aud grey geesc that him. below in the lower benches iiobiiitv; Ileartily ilicl lie wish hirnself rvith across the blue-three prercrng *"r" "crowded the Yeomen and flockcd a lute in his chamber at Westminster, heart-strings the at tuggecl that blasts surly while Lurshers with their wives, or asleep in his rose-garden at the multitude. t,cmiered meh-at-arms clrove back of the listeningthe palace. But a king must do l1is. duty, to sank sPectators The noise of blows lusty with the'insistent swarms and so ma.nfullv he endured it all, northerrr the as murmur a babbling halberds' their I rom the shafts of the while the heat of the summer noon into and wide, gates rvere thrown A stretch of level gl'een turf fo-rmed tou*nu,ment ground came trampling- a grew eYer more ttnbearable. a the tilting ground, fenced..in. by "'Tis experience and horsemanship cavalcacle of knights, preceded by the low woodbnl patisacling -tlrat wal of that count", *y Lord Warwick,'l said ' offcerspursuivants,and marshals, ,lo"or"i"a--*'itt' puinteci shields - aud the lists. I-,ike statues of steel they the veteran Eirl of Salisbury to hin ;;il;irt bearings. At the northern sat in their high-peaked sad'dles, brother nobleman in the Peâ&#x201A;Źl's' ir"rri", *ure set'-the statelv pavilious pennoned lances that each Eallerv. "not the rude strength of was- a Eraspins' of the contestarts, and here-heralcts' iintutoiecl youth. Ditlst observe-how of light to the sun. ."i" a'kiss it ccnstant bustle of sguires, Sir Rardolbn Ae Gainault overthrerv harnessed gaily war-horses, Sturdy ?" :),rges, armourers, and farriers' flowing Sir Robert of Stamforcl Robert rvith caparisoned, and is tall Sir "Av. anrl Youns fnu ancient borough of Notting'his tossing from 'for trailed that housings' Years," agreed Iratn, a pile of spires and turrets, wlth manes to slow-striking hoofs, round ancl slrong irio i,oi"t.cl towrers -of-the gatchouses' crested helms, and shields iike Beauchamp of Jtarwick. "Natheles-s, ancl the castle perchecl upon its rocky burnishecl mirrors reflecting the liglt, were I t few years )iollliger, I wou-lrl with the rrrmeql ; romantii background all macle a battle picture to stir th-e hazarcl a pasiage-at-arms ' "i""rii. of Gaiiiault. Ile is the to a picturesqlle scene, blood and sencl it coursing through Ilawk champion of the mid-countrY, Yet, Rousing, thunderous cheers swept the coldest veins. methinks, he vaunts himself overI he- multltude. Men rose from their boomecl from much." salute A thunderous s\Y1111g their caps in the air' thc depths of fiftv round casques as ,*a " "."tin the serics of There was a Pause bon s and pikcs were uPlifted, veils they reinecl up before the ro^yal Puriiiicl kerchieves flutterecl. The king tridunal, ancl 'then with perfect battles. The marshals and of the field it:." tlai"s forth with a glittering accord thev wheeled about and rode suivants met in a correrBarclolph had ancl decided that as Sir tlain of counsellors antl attendants' to th.eir stations north and south. unhorsed three oPPonents, killcrl his round. With a circlet of iewels " another. and maimed a fifth for life, J'itrred bonnet, antl heavy ermined coulcl be no doubt as to who' scarlet flowing from his should'ers' n EEP silenee enthralletl the lists, there be awarded the crown of I I as ten kniEhts, five at each should ff""rv of Winchester- mad-e a gallant lJ extremity o[ the field, awaited victory. fisure as he greetetl the salutes of-the A heraltl, splenditl in plumed bonnet ,.,i,L. only {hose few who were in a the signal. Their eager chargers and embroiderecl tabard, stalked into al' their ir".itioo to read his inmost thoug,hts nawecl'the turf, champed midst of the lists. srnilcd cvnicallv to themselves as they bit*, snorted, reared, .ancl tossed the "Oyez, oyez, oyez l" he Proclaimcd, irinrefd lrim mount a raised seat that floivius manes. The riclers, bY a blast,n:,,r protected from the heat of the strans'e contrast, sat with their long after"a long-aiawu-out trutmpet and impassive' " Your grace, my iords, nobility, antl rest,'silent at ,,.r,r. 'by a caropy embroidered with speari " At a worcl from lVYukel, King sentrv.-qocd people a]l, hear me ar:.tl tlrc royal arms. clinnecl his baton- The marshal [ake ]ieti6. The-sallant knight, Sir Left to his own devices, IlenrY Tlcurv the heralcls, rais- Bardolph de Gainault, hatlr - carricd u'oultl have preferred to be poring gur"'th"'*orcl, and Ing their brazen trumpets, pealed the awav all the honours of this joust oi'er some ancient books or super- cliarge. the point of his goodly laBcc. upon -"Therefore, rising artistic paintings in his private unless a challenger " Ah-ah-ah-ah !" A vast sigh rolletl 'harrIi. Tltese'displays and pageants his right, let-himrro from nearlv a huntlred thousaucl rides forth to delyfrom vcre sheer boredom to hirn. the hands of receive the crown thud tlust-the of A cloutl throats. was king the Smirking beside the Queen of Love and Beauty' Threcr levelled, Itoofs-spears pouncling of fullY uo* Vynkel, iLe chamberlain, o n g times shall the trumpets sound aritt 'estorerJ to the roYal favottt, and helmet-plumes streaming, s t rlis-tssh.all appeal' then, if no adversary the along galloping coursers of gown 'ne deemed tlre in flowing a :rstilv arraYed therr Sir Bardolph will in erouching knights mailed and side one purple on iartidolour,victor of this noble tourneY !'1 affron on tlie other, plentifully em- deep saCclles rvith their great, em* There was a silence a,s he concluded. r;roidered with gold and silver lace, blazoned shields held before them- a crowtl in the lower galleries The liko rose orrlookers The ! Crash that boots gay Corrlovan rvith irrd sullen ancl restive, for the looked daslied ranks flying as the wave alTost Ereut thcy till in-'front iurnecl up Gainault was detestecl r.ached his knees. The clranrberlain into each other. Lances snapped liko Baron of the mid.-country. Scowln,as iil high good humour vrith him- twiEs. men wcre lrurlcd from thcir throughout wcrc flung at that grim ing Elances -cif. IIe ho'1icd to gain sornc royai .acl8tes. ritlerless horses galloping tr,imlcssly arouncl the enclosure*-all in figirie sheathed in sable chain-armottr, lrrvours from iris master that day. mountecl on his great black destrier' one breathless seconcl. " Ifo, here comes Sir Robert, the victors as the Ile looked ominous and sinister resouncletl Cheers ]:r,iqlrt of tlrc pillory ! Fitz'AIwyn, bricllecl their steeds and returned to enough, in & bloocl-red surcoatj tLe'shcriff rrf the wine-cellar! Thc tire barriers, whilc squires and pages ;ilr;"".l witir the sigu of the 'black{ I.t;*' Sheliff of Nottingham ! Ifeigh ! Ilawk, with a gaping rlragon's- heacl the failon. ]iob o' the Pilloly, where's Robin ran cut to assistwere lines for a crcst, and a illa,nc of raven horsffive run' courses Five Ilcod ?" !Yarthundering fulrl tilt a-t each hair clrooping from his ponderous Derisive shouts, boos, laughter, and of knights Excite- helm. bulls. maddenecl iike other cttcalls rose like a gale of wind. as ment rose to fever-heat among the None of tlie knights there seemetl Sir Robert Fitz-Alrvvn, with his head- nacked lower beuches, enthusiasm ran anxious to couch lance against so 1,(rrougJli, and constakrles, eutered the i, the tapcstried galleries, whcre redoubtreble an antagonist. Iists. The story of his discomfrtrire hinh noilles passecl thcir wager.s Once, twice, thrice, the tasselled thc oroucl :rr tltc pillorv l-ratl sprcad like wild-fair ladies flcw their veils' bugles raisecl their brazen clamour, lilt'. Jesters"and baliact-mougers had and wltere his in sullen raised throne, Kitlg *h11" the sishtseers waitedlast Up or rrirrrle mâ&#x201A;Źrry over the taie, and the echoes as the 'Ihen, ill-humour. it all' of tleath to sick was r,hr:r:i{f 's broad features flushed as Ilenrv piercir:g a air, still the ctt o't'*'oy of iii"d screarns the armour, of as lris rnantle as he listened fhe clang incleasing numbers.
t.. 'f li
,li .ti
The Madern Bcg
r I
bugle-call smote the ears of the z_nultiturle.
The Minstrel-Knight.
A LL eyes were turned upon the southern extremitv of the lists IA I as that rousinq challenge died away cn the breath of the summer breeze. A knight in a closed. helmet, attended by a squire carryilg a u'arhorn, was riding at a slorv liaud-pace through the barriers. " Dost behold the blazon on his
shield, my Lord fYarwick ?"
tioned the Earl of Salisbury, peering from beneath iris gley, tufted brows. f'My sight hath grown dim with the passing of the years." "
A minstrel's harp,"
Bea'uchamp of Warwick, with a puzzled air. " I cau call to mind no sucli emblem. Still, a troubador may yet be a nobleman. Bichard the Lionhearted clid not disdain the sougster's 'art,."
Every eye was upon the challeng"er
as he spurrecl towards the royal stand. 'l'he beams of the June suu rippleil upon the links of his chain'mail, which clothed him in steel symmetry from head to foot. Above his vizorerd helmet nocided a white plurne of swan's feathers, while the .pennoil r,f his lance, together with 'shield, snrcoat, and the housings of his steed, were all decoratecl with the device of a minstrel's harlr.
i'Greetings, my liege l'l garye
King Flenny almost dropPed his haton, rising from his seat in amlzgmentr' as thl minstrel-knight shattered his lance against his opponent, and the BIack Hawk hurtlsd back-
a champion as Sir Bardolph de Gainault-. Let me cntreat tll6e-" "Enough !" irrterrupted the urlwards fnom his rearing horse. klown krright, with a perempt_oly wave of his hand. "Wouldst thou voice, young, strong, ancl penetratiug, have me rlroclaim mvself a cowarJ?" "My lord the kin[," protested the from the depths of his headpiece, as look upon he hurlerl a steel gauntlet, rvith a malshal, rvith a perturbcd countenance, o'your Grace's owtt metallic clang, to the trampled his ground. "I, the minstrel-knight, son hath not more"nolole blood than challenge Sir Bardolph de Gainault to this minstrel-knight. I beg of ury mortal combat. There lies my glove !" liege to forbid this battle !" "And. f," proclaimed the knightly " Sir Knight," cried. the marshal of the lists, ad.vancin,g to the minstrel, raising himseif in the challenger's bridle, " I command thee stirrups as Ire grasped his greet to raise tliy visor so that the king tilting-lance , " do befole nry lieg'c may behold th.v featnrcs. Also givc and tirc pcoplc of England proclaim me thy name alcl rank, so that ye Sir Bardolph dc Gainault a liar, a cowarcl, and a tyrant, a blot upott may be proclaimed in the lists." " IIy lord marshal," answerecl the tlie rvhitc roils of krrighthood ! Ilc minst"rel-kuight, "f prithee forgive hath opirlesscd thc pool, r'avished the my seem.irrg discourtesy, but a r-ow holy chulch, artd liidnairped a ttoble forbids me to proclaim rnyelf erc I lady, Isolila de llortilalce, frgm have won my spul's in battle. But if sanctuary and imprisoned her in his thou'lt 1-,ledge thy knightly word not castle l" to reveal me, I rrill 'whisper my rlarne " B-y all the fier1ds," roared. Sir and station in thine ear." Bardiilph, tuminE fls black as thc "LeN it be so, marshal," rcplied sable inarre of ho"rsclrair th.rt wavcil Kiug Herrry, as the cffi.ccr glanced over his helmet-crest--" by alJ thc towalds him. " The rrnknown liniglLt devils, I recognise that r-oice ! Look may ride incognito if it pleases him. your trast upon the sullJ yonng bantan cock-crowei, for this day shall be Tire vorvs of cirivalry are sacred..!" " N{y lord-your Elighness," gasped, your last l" " Boast not, E[au,k of Gainault l" the marshal, as the knight whispered a few words into his ea,r, " this can- answered the minstrel-knight ealmly. rrot be clone I You must not hazard "Attend me, Hubert, ar,.d Hearoil your uoble life against so retrowned rlefend fhe right, !'l
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risiug from his high seat in mcnt"ii.'.
\Yith a jingle of hamess avrcl the two champions swung minstlci-kniglii was in tire their battle-steeds around and with- -fHE rnidst of the field, still grasp uut further worcl departecl to their . r! ing his shattered lance, his rtations at cither end of the en- glcab horsc re,aring arrd plur:ging closrue. the shock. And his adversary? wiflr -ailencc ! Not a murmur.u'as he:rrd Sir Bardolph t1e Gainault loy trpon the summer air. Dcep, t-ense sprawling on the sancl of the course, cipectancy grippecl the bt'hoiders. liis battle helm lolling a J'rir:cl from 'llhe contestants -sat likc images of irirn, his riderless hor,qe careering stecl, Iauccs set, mighty charget's along the fielcl. For a monent he tlte snifiing the air like houlds tiliou seemecl to bc dead; but 1-'resetrtly he ]cash. sprang' to his feet, drawing his long The kinE lowereil his batorr' Likt two-handed swt-rrd in impotent fury. " Elold, Sir Bardolph I" ordered the ii claf ion ieal of thunder the heralds soutrcled tlioir trrrmpcts, cleaving tlte rnarshal, ritliug up to him. "Thott tlcathly hush, as tlte marshal g'avc Irast been overthrown in equal com{ lic word. bat. The crowll belongs to the Supprcssed. cxcitcmcnt, t'ttnttirtg rninstrel-knight. Sheath thy swordthec l" tlrori-lr that vast colleortrsc of I commancl "It is }ladcap Ned, the outlarv!" pt,opli, likc a tautenecl bowstriug. Sir Bardolph, pointing to his 'l'he sTiectatols straining, elanl,ing ravecl triumphant antag'onist. " IIe was f lroil blrcath in thcir tcetlt, glippirrg proclaimed outlaw and ',,volf's head at the rails in their breathlcss susperse. The stecds rvero thundering down Nottingham Moot a week aso. Seize 1he course in f trll c&recr', tlte grountl him in the name of the ]aw l" " Madcap Nerl l" shucldering beneath their pouncling A sudden silence helcl the lists, Iroofs-projectiles of fashing steel I holding all men in thrall. StupefacCrash I The horses reared back tion prevailed, as evorybody looked at rrpon their haunches with tire shoek, each other in bewildered astonishto shivers-, tlre tlie stout lances split The merr-at-arms and cont'iilcrs emrrlaccd -in th e i r high- rnent. stables gripped their spears and hesipommellecl^ saddles as if rivcted to looking to their leaders for itre seat. The steeds .stamPed the tated, guidance. earth, snorting and blowing defia-nce, " For the 'first time in thy life thou the knights glaring through their hast spoken the truth, Bardolph of hclmet-bars in, silent rage. Gainault !" said the minstrel-knight, "A fair joust l" cried the Ilarshal, with quiet composure, as he raised his liding in betwecn them. "'Ye ha,ve vizor. " f am incleecl Madcap Necl, li,:okiu Iarrces togctlter, antl caclt the outlaw, one of RoJ:in lloocl's ba,ncl lLatlr kept lris seat. I proclaim the o' Sherwood. Also, I have another match equal I" and greater rlame and title-but of " Not so l" exclaimed. the minstrel- that anon I" knight, corrtrolliug his impatient lvar" Detain him l" cqied Bishop Seizin irorse wil.L a firni hand. " I demanrl of Hereford. " Capture the outlaw !" :r,rrother lance. This is to the death !" " Seize him, constables I" ordered o'Another lance 1" echoed Bardolph, Sheriff Fitz-Alwyn, keeping well to shaking with fury. "By tlie 1-,lacE the rear. irost, this miustrel's 'witch-luck wi ll Witir a suclclen treacherous spring not save him a second time l" Bardolph avoided lhe marshal and Once again the opposirtg kuiglrts struck at }{ac'lcap }[ed rvith his sworcl. backerl their steetls anrl ]cr-elled But quicker than he rras a stout yeospears at the barriers. The spectators urarl il Lincohl grc'er, who sprang rvcre lieside themselves with deiighted over tiie fenciirg and smote the baron cntirusiasm. Roses fell iu lrrofusion to tlie earth rvith a single blolr from from the galleries upon the miustrel- his quarter-staff. knig'lrt, lusty cheers frotn tlic Io',vet " Well and yeomanly done, Wat I" Lenclies eucoulag'ed ltim. The squire criccl Maclcap "Netl, sliurring up his Hubert waited beside his master, rvar-horse Wake. "Look to yourself, white-facecl with conflictirtg emotiorts cornrade. Mount, Ifubert ! Ride r-if hope and fear. me antl cseape l" Even King Ilenry forgot his bore- rvith The lists were throngecl rvith a rlom u,s ]re sensed tlte elccbric atmo' surging crowcl a,s the minstrel-prince sphere. ancl his squire rocle for the bamiers. Aga,in the trumpets souncled-once-. 'ilhe men-at-arlrs sought to ring then f,wicc, thlice in martial flourisir. rouncl, hut their ranks were broken 'l'hcy r.r,crr: off I Gallopiug, pounding, a mob of spectators, headecl by ploughirg the turf uith thcir by several stalwart foresters in Lincoln ponclcrous hoofs, the charging steeds ql'cen, 'lvlto r'rslretl forward to resist ilcw rnanes tossing, lances like them. swooping beaks, the 'yrhite and the Aside stampeded the guards as the black 1-,lumes streaming in the wind. trampling v,rir-liorses broke through Nearer thcv closerl upon each other; them. There was a frantic offort to nearer-shut the gates, but a feathered arrolr' Yells shook the hcavens I The sang from the midst of the crowd, vcolnc'lr ancl courmons junipecl upon and the soldiels scattered as their thc benches, cheering macliy. lfhe leader fell with a shaft through his rtoblcs forgot tlicir tlignity, shouting arm, ti ll their streamer-hung' ga,llerics " That was Ro'bin Ifoocl, or one of ,.hook in their timber frarnes. King his merry men," said the princc, as he TIculy almo-*t dropped his baton", and Ilubert galloped tlirough the ri.-rnour,
Outlaws of Sherwood
l\,ura. rn Bos
timber portals on to tire gorsc-ritltlcn common. "Heigh for tire i:old blades
! But a rnile's ride,
Ilubert, and we'll b6 safe in thc ancl glades of the greeu.woocl."
In the tournament-grouncl
wildest excitement held sway. Horns were blowing, drums rolling, women scr-eaming, thc soldiers and the peoi.rlc figirting iu a surg'ing mass, while the heralds and rnarshals sought in vaiu to restore orcler. Men-at-arms antl
constablcs were climbing into t lre sadclle, oltlels were bcing thrown hither arrtl thither, brrt no6ody krrc'.v rightly rvliat to cioq ancl the very prrrss of the pursuers at the narrow gates impeded them.
Bv the timc Sheriff Fitz-Alrvvir ler'l ont on to the Ircath. tlrc
his "men
fugitives were & full half-mile aheail, riding steadily along the raised highroad to the deep green
of Sherrvood. At the fringe of the forest the po-"se clrew rein and halted. They knerv that a few volleys of arrows 'lvcre likely to rain upon them once thc5r
yentured into the dense woodland. And the Sherwood archers could shoot down a swallow on the 'i";ng. " Ilither, varlet !" snapped tire
sheriff, drawing briclle beside
elderly peasant who stoopcd beneath a load of rvood. "Didst see a krriglt
and a squire riding this rvay frora
Nottingham go?"
? Which rvay clirl they
" Marry, fair sir," arrswered the woodsman, puliing off his ca,p, " they
went thither. On the road ]farrsfickl . "
" Forwanl
!" slrouted Fitz-AIwyir,
flourishing his tipstaff to the offioers and constables behincl him, and striking spurs into the flanks of his plump mare, he led the way in the clirecti6il of Leicester'. ((Be this the right road, good rny
lord ?" questioned Doglace, the head constable, as they poundcd along the dusty track. Methought yon peasaui pointecl the way to Mansfieldj' " That is why we are going on the roa.d to Leicester," gruntecl the sheriff as they buml;ed ancl jarred along in a
cloud of dust. :'Discretion, Doglace, discretion is the principal need of a
sheriff's officer. They might
And towards Leicester they
ridden Mansficlcl way in order to mis. lead us. Moreover, rny sherifi's robes a,re ne\!-, and cost me more than I dare to think of. Dost think that I wish to sbe them riddled wi' alrows ?" meetirrg vrith neither fugitives nor
outlaws, whiie Madcap
Ilubert, halting in the slracly
watered their tired horses by a strearn and awaitetl the return of Robin
Ifood's men from Nottingham
Tourney. The Wrath of King Henry.
f/ING T{ENIIY strodc up and dowrt his state apaltment in liottingtKL harrr Castle, gnawing his thuurir as though he meant to gnaw it off. Wvnkcl- the cltarubcrlain crouchcd ir, " a corncr iltrtl n'ntchcd him witir anxious eyes. Ile knew that his rcyal master rvas in one of his rnost dangclolls rnootls.
t4i7 i34
Elenry of ''\Minchester
felt that
had be6n made to look a fool. Like many weak men, he had a violeut temper, and he needed a victim. . !''Well, Master trVyukel, aud what have vou to sav?" he demanded suddealy, wheelin! round and glaring
like a basilisk at his palpitatirg henchman. "Nay, offer me no excuses.
I cannot goYern my king-
dom with excuses. A month &go, Master Wynkel, I charged thee to discover my headstrong madcap of a sor where is he ? Nay, I will listen
-and to no excuses. " NorY this outlarv, Robin flood, hath escaped from tlre pillory,- ancl this outlaw minstrel, Madcap Netl, hath made a mock of me at miue on-rr tournament. \Yhat uow ? Auswer me, kuare I Is Eugland gor-erned by
wage my crolrn. Eoy ! Prgg ] whose imaEination was otr a, mot"o Seaie than his courag'cCuise ye for a loitering varlet I Bid generous Sir Robert Fitz-Ahvyn attend mc this v They grovclled ou their knecs dnd begged for mercy." instant !" 'iProceed," obs-erved Ilenry of Win" Within a short minute the plumP vintner sheriff was trembling on the chester iciiy. threshold irt the roval apartment, " I bade my constables seize and with Dogtace respectfullv behind him. bind them," -continued. the sheriff, There w-as a glitter in the king's eyes warming to his theme, "when sudthat neither -of them likecl. Wynkel denlyout frcm the trees burst a scoro shrank away behincl the high seat. a hundred, outlarvs, headed bv 'in unfrocked, cxcommunicated "Wel1, Sir Robert Bitz - Alwyn, -naY! priest uamed Friar Tuck !" what have vou to tenort?" -awoke barkecl hbdge ('And. then 'twas yortl turn to fa4 visions Ifenry, in a "voice'that of headsmen's axes and c4uldrons of on your knees and ileg for rneray, I pitch boiling -"Robin in thc high shcriff's pres'ume?" comme:rted the king soul.
ltoocl and the minstrel- causticallv.
knig'ht hath eludecl your watchdogs,
of course. Do not tell nic. I kuow it. \fhat har-e you to say for yourself ?" your Grace l" stam" Na5i-nav, these outlaws ?" -Robert, shaking till his Poor Wynkel elung to his staff of mered- Sir office for support. Since he was com- robes of office quivered on his boily. manded to answer, and in the same " I-we-that is, they were both cap !" breath forbidden to offer excuses, the tured ttIla., captured, say you? Bring luekless chamberlain could only 'hithei' that I may see them I" them stutter incoherencies. Fortunately " But-}:ut-my liege--') for bim there was a diversion, as the " They escaped again?" courtvard below eehoed with the clattdr of horses' hoofs and the " Nav; 61ly--" plangour of steel. "Th6n whe"re are they?" "They were rescued," falterecl the "Ila, what is this?" cried Ilenry, striding to the narrow casement that sheriff,"getting it out at last. "B,escued? What tale is this? Tell overlooked the castle square. "The Sheriff of Nottingham hath returned, me the whole story !" and without capturing either Robin " We cauglrt them irr the li ery I{ootl or thc ininstrtl-kniglrt, I'll heart of the fot:est," said Sir Robert, _
I atew mY trusty sworil, mY "' Oil, Master Doglace I Charge them, melrY men l' I cried." mr ':'Aud ihe outlaws flecl?" inquircd "
liege," went oir thc sheriff rapitliy.
the king sarcastically.
" l{av.- 'twas mY soldiers tltat fled," Fitz-Alulvn sacllv. "Falsc tlr"v lefi me in- tlre lurch. "ultiff.. But I and iliaster Doglace stood firm. Back to back rve fought tlteur for au hour !"
And what happened at last ?" " Mv lieie, it is noL for me to boast" o' rfiy- deeds," proceeded the sheriff, with commenda-bie modcsty. "Madtcr Doglace will tell your-Gra-cc that I did tll that a man miglrt do. Friar Tuck will neYer again sh,cot "
asked llenrv.
t* i
,TEERE are about 16,000 separate parts in a mcilern motoc-oar You iliitn't kuow EIIAT, diil you P . . . Do you want to know what what these r bits look like-just where they go-what tbey tlo ? OF COURSE YOU DO ! In thi maEaiAoeni tooU that UtiilSnN BOY wiil otrer to YOU l{ext $aturtlay, a motor-oar !s Xiraye{ in s-uch q w_a-v tha! you will be showo" es never belore, the worlring as weli as the non-working parts in STAND-UP PICTUBES, beautitqllr colouretl altl marked tor reiereuce ! --ThiJittultriEoiiiGG Dace ot iU-e footi,-witn"tnyo itaud:urr pictures and oub flat. Blrt is sreatly reiluood iu size. The sirteen pages and a uost idazingly compiete Alphabetical Indei oi Parts, meas-uqes 18[inches ty .93 .Eow EYERY READEB may receive oue ot these Splendiil Books will be revealetl in the
book, with
rd | ,'l ,i -t
r-orrr royal clecr,
Just before they reachetl thc town's cates Wat let out a warning crlr the steep bauk and Eesturetl them up -thorny hcdge. to hide beneath the Thev had no 'sooner cnsconced themsblves in the thick-gron'ing fcrns Madcap Ned Seeke the King ! .{ t llE mnst warn thv sire the when there came a iingle ancl clattcr of hoofs, antl iounh i bend in the sunlit road camc the leading files of 5ils " Let tls so to Nottingharn Castlc at a procession. thc mo"ning sun lighted on,-thc oucc, ani[ advisc lris- Crace of t]re rlcnted hclmets and tariished mail of nlot." ' " T ntefer ttot to r1o so," Lcturtlccl ir tloop of men-at-arms, whosc bnfi \Iadca'n Ned musilgl\i. "This frec iorkins" and NottinEham baclqcs proof-the life in'tte forest sriits me like a "laimcri tlrem to be"constablei glove, and I have no wish to t'etnrn rsatch. Iu the clust of their hoofs soldiers[o the cares of state again-not for-a came a companY of foot while, at least. Perchance,we cou-ld nikemen. billmen, and crossbowmcnask liobin Hood to patrol tlte woods, Ladlv armed ancl accoutred, and mardhing in the loosest formation. and. save nry father-in that way.'l trands of It was tlte cvcning follorving the These were the trained lads, capeventfttl tournament-at Nottingham thc citv, r'iotous 'prentice elderfy shoplists. Iladcap Ned sat witlr llubcrt tained'Lv stout and otid Wut it'the warm radiance of kccnels, ind in the rear of his army RobefiFitz' the gsmD-fire, having suPPed and carie tlie rcdoubtableredSir face glistening rt'stccl, and listcned amusedly to -thc Alwvn himsclf. his talc of how Sheriff Fitz-Alwyn hacl witli perspiration as he perched on dcliberatelv led his possc ot con- tlie back of his plumP mare. stal-rlcs alohg the rvrong road, rather "'.f he worthY Sheriff of Nottinghaur thau follow: the outla-ws into their lcacls his m6n from hehind !:l re.marked Madcap Necl, wit4.a grin, as forest lair. From thc rccl glow of a distant the last of thle column disappearcd "f Tratch-fire, half scieened by shadowy round. the windirrg cour,rtry-road-Robin and trcrs, camc tltc drone of- talk atrd c1o not think thit, bota lausfiter as A1]au-a-Dale entertainetl his merrv men have mlrch to fear tlre-outlaw bantl with an implovised from sucTr watch-dogs. But lct us continue vrith our journcY." reeital of thc cvents of thc daY. Avoiding the gates of -thc burgh, Madcap Necl had just revealecl- to iris faithtrrl companioirs the plot that which wei'e certlain to be watche'd
"You'd bt'tterl" comir entecl
\Yynkel, the chamberlar,n.
I lcft hinr rvcltcr-
ing in his g'orc l" " Av. 'tis a trrith !" struck irr Dogiiict'. "cornitts to his chief's aid- Iike
itr true EolcUcr'. "Tltc orttl.arv's licutcnant, Littie John, is little in 1t'ttth nolv. With a singlc stloke rriY
l,tttlc-axe clovc his thicf's ltcad from
his shoulclers. And Robin Hood woulcl llar-c bcert slain also, but that ]re flecl irq:ay as fast as his long legs coulcl takc hiur !" " But horv entlccl it alli'' qtrestiotrcd tlre kinE. " Ditl vou trvo cltase thcsc ..nt"-i'av. thcsc llundtecl outlaws
r:at'k into tlrcir ref ugr'i'' " NaY. rlY Iicqc; thc.Y lvel'c too nrirrry "fo" u"s," saict Sir Hobcrt. u'itlr thc iir of a tme hero. who will not claim false honouls' "But lve cut ()lr1' wav- tltroush thcil' ranks, a'nd' tlrcv feli eno'olf our prorvcss withouf daring to pursue !"" So that is all.," corumcutorl Heruy
icallv. " Sir Robert FitzA]rvvn. if " words tvere tlcecls, thou ',to,,i,ltt be tlrc rlcrtghtiest shcriff that cr.er told falsehoo'db. I would cali v(' Alt urrblushins liar, bu.t that the 'i'Ich rvitrcs of ]trv vintner's tradc ]rath rnade vc tlie most blushing
sit rclon
logue in ali Nottingllam. No',v, ]Iistcr Sheliff, l.istcn to mc "Ifv"nrissiug son, the Prince Edwarrl, hath this lnorttlt 1last. IIc ircetr i* holieverl t6 ltc somewht'r'c iu Sher'ivoocl, doubtless a prisotrer in the he had overhe-ard on Midsummer bv suards and. sPies, the tlrrec Iratrds of thc outlaws. 'Io-morrow-, Eve-the treasonable cttterprise of *&'*'"fitrturs foilowcd a latre that thou'lt raise the shire Ievies of Bishon Seizin ancl thc Black Ilawk skirted the town moat till they came Nottinghamshire. of Ga'inault to ki<lnap Kirrg Henry in sislrt of the castle, a mass of em" If befote Lammas-tide thou hast in Ravensbourne Chase, aucl Hubert battlEd stone pilcd upon its massivo crag. not roscued mv soll ancl ltanged'this was on fire to warn the King. Jirst before they reached the castle rninstrel-kniglit uporl a trce' I'll But, anxious as he was to safeguard hang Ye urrln thinlc own gullon's at his royal father from the secret gates tltev chanied upon thcir old Notf,ingham gatc. Bcgonc-i" enemieJ tirat surrounded him, the Friencl Gindclyn, rvho lYas seatcrl had no desire to returu comfortalrlv ori a moss-grown mile\Yith a pcremptorY movcmclt of truant prince cal'es and PomP of stotre, witli a small, coveicd livestock his sccptre King IIcnry r,n'a't'ed ttrc to the' hollow at his feet. qleflatecl- sheriff fiom hi'i presenco. A rovaltv. As he said, the f::ee and case YGootl cheer, brethren mine !" exsJralrl balketl ot'der, and two sctrtincls "a"re leis lif e of Sherwoocl fitted his as they 4rld clairnecl the dandy archer, clani<ecl ilto the chambcr. ilccom- aclventurous dispositiotr csactly. greetiug to a nodded to ancl rctulned he halted if tLat ccrtain rvas it grtald. tlrc' of captain panietl by the him. " Is't true rl']tat llubert saicl Court he would be cletaiueti. "Ifastcr \Tvnkel. thou hast -ftriled iast irisht-tirat ve mean to visit the all at castle, go to the rvill \Ye " in tlty trust," sairl Heurr- rrith au ctents," saitl Edward, after a Pause. King ? " llalry, d'ye think they'11 let air of"patient resigrrition. Too loug " To-morrow, perhaPs, rre maY ye past the gates ?ii .be havc i horne riittr th-" fooleries. able to see Wynkel or one of the have an imllortant messagc tlatrtain, take him from rny sight Kins's ad.visers'secretly, and send in for"'Wc answered Madcap Ned, his Gra'ce," t)ff u'ith his head l" gratefully a the pausing acccpt them to We can *"o..uge. o five \\:ith that Ilenry of \{inchester slip easly enortgh if - they attempt ' ilask t-hat Gandelyn proltercd-rvicFcr hrm. tossecl asicle sceptre arld colonct, and to restrarn us. " And why shotldn't thcy lct us pass nickins up a goid-bouncl book, was cage Ye " Antl now assist me to take ofr this thc gatcs? 'Tis a strairge forget' ioon i"mmet'scd-iu its pages' Ganclel.Yn." have-thcre, -Itroc,d, I am Hubert. mail, of hauberk ltis ting Wynkel, Robin "Oh, 'tii a Pig ln a Poke,--llud.l'1 of the day, rnis"sing Ison, and all the cares of fatigued. rvith the events returned. Gandetyi casuaily-- " Scathslcep." and-would statc ii thc dclights of thcology. and I went rooting through a On thc followirrg morning t}cv sct lock " IIcurY is in a devil's tcmllel'," out. The clav rval hot ancl dusty as fox's earth last night, and caught a Ila, hai But I have come to whisperch Wynkel, as. hc- .was-. lod disgrriscit prince artd his trvo nis. ilitch voltr rcception at the castle' a*,av'. " IIc - metllls it this tirnc. thc Nottingto road took-the attencl.arits 'Twlll be a week beforc I am re- ham. It \ :ls thc daY a{ter t}c No doril-rt thc King rvill weleome ye son !" prieved !'i tourttamcnt, and the l'oarl \ras like a long-lost 'r Av. 'tis so."' a g't'ct'd t lrc captaiu. " Little knows Gandelyn horv near w i{ h returning lroliclaythrorrgccl notltlin-g. " If thoir'rt rtot belicadcd rnakeis, as wclI as the farmct's goittg he shot to the nlark," whisPered the passctl on hv thc"mortting. T fcar mo I am iikc to market. mirtstlol-lrrince, as thev -battlementetl t6 losc r,rv ortit hcad as rtcll l" his anti nearictl tLe grim, discalcletl had Ned Itaclcap "Nuv, 1,1,le *" tiII lris'wtltlL blorvs armour -of the minstrel-kuight, re- rratcs'av of }iottingham Castle- "Lt't qf-tUe guard, antl oycr',""saicl Wyukcl. " \\ lto'Il savc sumins his old garb of a strolling fi" .uo ihc captain vc t'hctt tlic king tlcctls nrt' attil fiitds urinstfcl, ancl IIilhcrt was still clatl scnd a me*salc to WYnkci''l 'Ihere were several rnen-at-arms, as a iestcr. sincc tlrc hue and cry u'as inc beheadctli" leaninE utrort tlu;ir long spears, bY "I'll hidc vc in tllc t'astlo tlttttgcotts out iftcr thc ttltknorvn knightat rvlto the the ga"te, irassin! jokes and laughtcr disturbance t ilI vc are rbpricvcd," sriirl tlrc" t'ap- hacl ca,used srtch a t'itlithc rrsttalthrong of pcoplc \rhG tortrney. tain thoughtfully' \4t7 i34 ln t\J The il[*Je{n Ecs I
d ii '1
/ ,
! I t, I
<: I
i i
I (
;l: t' I I
r( , ii
w'trre akvays to be found loitering rori.lcl the "kiug's residence. Seeiug,
as they thought, a jester anq
ruiustrel approach, a small crowd of idlers col[ected, expecting a free
JustMyFoolin; By TIIE OLD BOY
eutertainment. " l{ow, stand back, yollug cockerel !"
SCOR,E an<i E rItRE is the LATESTjRrPTtoN oi sPECIAL DES( th* great, TEST IIATCII. Gieen vPrsus Snorthogsbv prince-attempted to pass bencath thc Goosebelrv (Carnbs.). " rtritten b.v OUlt lil'FlClAl, ilortcullis. "'Here'J rro road for REPRESENTATIVE (me). beggars or ballad-mollgers like you. Get- ye to a taveru ot thc marketGoosnsnnnn Gnnnx. 5 place. Off wi' ye, el'e I Iav my spear- Beefv Sloeser. run out o haft across your shoulders !" \4'ation A'rie, kickctl orit "Let us pass, fellowi" snaPPed partncr alr the flubert, as Madcap Ned stared in sur:- $:tt:ir}:3J[;;t#fdltt, . : I r.r reeri,gs b), kicrii*s rris q'elcome. " \Ve capr. Drise at tlrat unc-ivil - Snicir!I.ess.rhear"',-a.opp",1 l:i fflJ*fj"#,ffi:glli-tflX'-',fif}: i,ave urgeut business witlr tlre king. i:,::^,-:l",. 1 him into it ! Call vorrr officer !" ordered'off , E"-,1'-Cq. . g r3,,,,,ri,1 11111i"i- . t'it Loud \l-as the mirth of thc bYorJy;"t:', liljTi,:ll:iTfll standers at that remark, a.nd the -c;rriy i,"ss oI1 to his,. speal': fi,:Ti:#flI: *r,ril sentry, hauging ,: I;.$i,'::, $t'";i'""';it,:x;{l;;'fl; orren6d his -beird in a griflaw of laluglrter that rattled the sc"ales of his 0 '- not in hau'berk. Nobocly there recognised Ife, ri;lil i,48, rb 0, w re, nb 11 O"Bo??,|3# *i,:llnf;;rcTti:ie"i1?. the lrrince. This was not surprlslng. as he had lived most of his life in rotar . .,1'
growled a rough-Iookirrg sentinel, IH I barring the path as thc disguised
. .
France, and his clothes had changecl ldm rnore than he bargainerl for. doubt an imPortant " No ambassndor to t]te king," remarked a
elcrk. flickirrg itk from iris quill
iudignaut Hubert.
" The
Emperor of- the Inclies hath sent his foof to negotiate a secret treatY." "Three of the greatest noblemen." sileere,i a supercilious Pnge in cloth
anil rvas out '-bean
",.f':l'; ?f,:'"tffiY" -]d[-i{f =; der,r- hud one from ilutter r''unl:r \-r | ear, thelt |
t,nc neta for ittsubordinatiou.
[ffi*ffi tha,t u,hizzed oast his
,.rl r*--ttr" Snorthos;bv l'icket-keeper jrimped out of the rvlv bf Cutter's l-'alls lroa'th"u all l'ent io the boundary,
garments.' "Come-. come,
yoli." " Bv a tLousand saiuts, who is this insolelt roglte?" demanded the officer
{ 6i
of silver. lounging bs tlie gflte' '' -\ nrinstrel, a jester, and a serf. quotlta. Ye uray knbw then t-r)' their costly
let us tlircugh the gotes," said lladcap Ned inlpatientJy. :'Our busiuess wiil brook uo delaY. ff vou stav us 'twill be the n'orse fot'
i,t;"3,$h,'ei]i: $#'"ii,l:m;''*lf before wicket'"
in spite bt ttr" fact that loqg-stop kept
throiwing his cap at them. -So thnt, rva's
-d6<"Wn-y'-&, 11111-wuqn'*({*$tMt&al"nlX'ii9',",1i11*31#o*"*
?3-:'-*$a*a--:^aw^-#.f,3"**1".r#y,,,*:iull* ro ,,ar.,.,' ,u D'ru^cu ":
SNonrrrocser (Calrns.). third man and started to run' of the girard, as the bali to ',ls 6 first skipper Jackson, not, out stonewall guard-room. him from the s91! him back' but the lielcler attracted Our rvkt, b ht, lbw Blindleigh Smiting, hurled tl6e ball to the wicket-heeper,. who " Dost think the king will see such as 39 b BaII run out c jump.out of the wav iu time' ye ? \{.e kuow what you hat'e conte 6 managcd-to Snicks, ebw b Legq-Thearty '':. ior, rascals-to steal- anything yon James ;a ti" Sali v-e'nt for three orYerthrows' 0 Bill Orven, hopped it . . It, 'was hurle<l baclc, and again thtr cau lay your thieving hands upoll. ., Daisy ,, Cutter, nbw 5 L"gg': . 12 wicket'heeper dodged it' Another tlreir Away, or I'11 have ye flogged l" .. Thearey . . " II'a, here is the chamberlain II. Chizzle, not, out, . . 3 overthrows'. It ri'as hurled back a'gairt' o4 and this time went to tlre bountlar.r.. Wvukel l" cried Edward, trYiirg to Extrn.s b 16, lb 0, w 4, nb 4 Ten frorn one little snick ! nu-sh nast the srinnine sentiuel's as the 'inrportant' forfr of that rotal (for 4 wicriets) *ifi;"T'tfll,i lgi,;J ,T3,i":-i:tu:lltl,: 3 raisin[ functionary sailed itrto vien'. accoult "Wynkcl,-Wvnkel, hither to me i I , . ; "q:l!*:'-:*y;....Tr1']'""" rrouid have speech with yotr l'' rr obsee'RRy inuer tur.,cd o,t il::tftq-T:?;nt-Til',;T'1,1"tli,, iT'l " Wynkel l" 0 The august chamberlain neallY Y"",,ili:i,1-d:Lfi3,,11iff*.,luoo#i,t,:;l )'iliri-I*,? $;";;' s M ^r' faintecl as that disrespectful hnil fell i#"T"i"T*xJ:' 3l? . upon his ears. To be acltltcssed in Cutter, l'ho has fil1ed more hospitals tirat peremptol'y fashion, liy a low, than anv other bo'w-ler in Britain.
strolling miustril, such as oire might see iu a conrmott taYeln ol' at a collll'
fair-it was blaspltentotts trv';'lvhat-what-whb is this ?" I
Coptain Legg-Theatey, the- sq_uiro, 6ul skipper. atrd he started well_ b1' u'inning the ioss and scnding us iIr firsL on a perfect 'u-iciiet. \1'c r.cmcir-cd
,/r a ";,A;' %e
mauded Wynkel, rolling his eyes-with tomato-tins and an old heltle froru thc o'.rtra,ged- diguity as he r.''atch.ecl t'[re pitch, and the game started.
scufle at tire gates. " Diti sornebody /-rUTTER aucl Criunlchurn ope,,ei tt," cali me bv nry name?" "WvnkLl !'i shouted the minstlel- \-. Lrorviing, ana irbttr slungi tire ball tlrince", as he stluggled iu the grasp dol'n at Daytona Sands speed. Slo.eger, oul opening bat,*scoled f vc, of tn'o sturdy halberdmen, striviug to reach the afrronted chamberlain. aud ih"en-called his pirtner for a shori, " You knolv me ! Call these rogries oft'.
command thee l"
(Cotttinued on-th.e nert page)
The Modem Bos
oo llorses rnclely to eilase thrcc supposetl alcl ruslv mail-. sat mouutccl the erlge of the vastauts. Ii'cvcrthelcss, tltey hcld on .lrrsey pbnics itbracken su'eeping to Elatid, with the The ehamberlain was a little short- their rvav. follorving a hcof-trodden rvalls fheir saddle-sirths. They cspied the sigiitecl, as well as a little deaf' But bv-nath in,itl, tt," bittlemented inslantlv, aucl spur-'rcd forjf"he had had the eyes and ears of an *ir.t steen-r'oofed ltouses of Notting- fusitives on their rig"[Lt, till a rnilc wa"rd, brandishin-g their ipear,r and Argus, his lofty c6mplacelcy would liam Tosingates. hallooinE to thcm to stoP. nof, have permitted him to recognlse from the "Bun"for't, Iads !" cried MadcaP ]Iadcao"Ncd sat clowir ott a stile, a prince in the garb of a travelling t-nr: bridle arrd collitrsecl in a burst of irt'epres- Ned, hastening alongThev lninstrel. cannot to coveri ttack. "Get attendarrts trvo Ilis Iau-$htcr. sible "Wlf are tliese raEEed ruffians?" rvatchecl Lim in surPrise. tbe ,nto horsehack i"it"* us on hc askdt, holdiig a s"""n1-bottle to his Devilment'!" thiekets lord," "Marry, fair mY hauEhtv nose. ?nd surveviug them 1en1a1-k9c1 Five more hofsemen appeare'l itr , to rvitli the loftiest clisdaiir. " What Ilubert, "looking pirzzlecl. "I Tofail path. cutting off their retre.at, their have I mirth. fbr rags, rvhat clirt, and what impudence seu any reasoti while 'the pursueis were galloping his at I princ.ethe officer ,1og"'on ioosed ih" I{8ef them from rrâ&#x201A;Ź, down upon-them. The three comsire's castle-the tra-itorous villarus l" rades srirrng a\ray at right Ileaiens, f may catch 2'the gaol-fever --]lIJ.i, -ar:gles, roared !" ho ho, Ilo, tru ! t *, if tlrev come too near ! breaking through the ferns atrd copse' "Winkel. vou fool !" toared MadcaP Madcai Ned, chokin_g utd g3tPin,g ancL horn-calls the"shouts wood with Necl, in a na"tulal temper. " Look at with rierrimcnt. "I1a:uglr, IIubert, of the *sheriff's men resounding behinc[ me, you bljnd ancl d.eaf mass of rrse- lauEh, good Eossip, laugh-that solemtr them, ti! suddenly half a tlozen froirr off vour brow. Canst not see foresi rangers sprahg out frorrr the lessness ! f am Edward !" " T rvill vrot look," answered iir"ltio*orri o't? That fool WYnkelbushes befdre thdm, iith drawn bows Wvnkel, turning his offenried gaze the rrrincc mistaken for a thicf at ltis ancl with houncls upon thc leash. ? O, Hubert, -Ye'll Trapped ! Resistancg and flight we.ro asicle. " Captain, where are Your .*"' ,"r.i castle solcliers ? Drive these rascals from ne'er m"ake a 'iester' Arrd Gantlelytt ooualiv ]totleless aEainst sucJr. odds. " ;tt [i" fox-ihe knave knew better mv Dl'esence !" werc seized] disarmed, and "" C-om9, Tirey flo, Ioose the dogs !" shouteil thc ;lr;t a; expect than did we' bouird with leathern thongs, driven Ita l" lta, officer angrily, as tlie guards thrust ;;-;".t bu'o, our waY*ha, along the grassy path with blows and Edward ind" Eubert 6ut from the .q;'i threats. gate. " Set the hounds on to them. fn r few scconds theY found themthe led a GREEN-SHADED lane Watch them run !" selvcs in an open clcaring tha! e T h Y swarmed witir a- rnob of mounted wav to Sherwood. Confusion held swaY in the gate- A way. Madcap Necl dealt the Page a I I d.rdnned into a walk, gasPing constables, with train banclsmen arq J'ilf the in buffet that kirocked him howlirg into ancl perspiiing .blazing forest rangers, wha checred wilh wltrll roact, qulet a l:uddle, clotir of silver and all' The sun. ft was a lustv 'iov at their d.iscourfiture. that it ou traffic officer drerv his sword, but dolvn on scarcely any " ffa", incl are these thc threc rogue-s his heimet crashed Wat's quarter- mornlng. ---a' that we wcrc cor::matrdcd to search from merchants to armecl on of or?to staff, tumbling him senseless for?" askecl a grim-visaged vetdeter, Wakeheld eyetl. tlrem- suspiciously as lookins the tliree prisoners up and tLe roadway. track narrow tlte cried aiong tlcfiled thev "Run frir it, mY lord !". d.own." "A minitrel, a iester, ard a a Ilubert, as a menacrng bayrng ;i'h ih;i;--sirin[ of Packnorses; I TheY aLswer to the neasant-sood sounded from the kennels. "The dogs knislrt-errant eantered past, takrng hescrintiol. ]Iarch this carrion meat are after us-curse the false traitors !" ,ro iiotice of them as lie smothercd alonE^to the games l.odge, and two __O;with dust. But that u'as all' Fierce growls, hoarse - fuarkin.g, a ihem of v6u moutrte-cl men make haste to thev went, Past l.ow-thatched finifl Sir Robert Fitz-AlwYn with canine feet Ieof furious naddins ioundcd 'on the air. A Pagk of cottases 6owered iri roses ancl honeynews of their caPture. Forward !" t1rd silvage hunting-dogs, shaggy,-rbare- .""[t-", with their garths, "Listen to mel Yeoman,"- "'Twill saiil Madfaug"ed, wolfishllooliing' came bound- orchard.s, ancl cattle-byres ; past the cati Ned quietlv. PaY You square {ow"r of a monasterY llut to'heed m^e. I'am not what I seem ing-across the courtYard. itsof grccn thc from roise .g-ha$1ng of voice and__,1 " Tallv-ho !" came the the "Dertryshire hills -blue Gandelin from the rear, as the crowd tr""., with "silence !" barked the ranger, strik' drink A beYond. distance tire i; a "Ilere's away. "brook melted"ancl backecl hirn aeross the face with a inE refreshed burbliug rlecoy for the hounds I Burr. Recl- iro*---" leithern sauntlet. "I've no time to stcllthe ove:: crdssecl them as thev the tales o' wandering "aucl brush, ruu l" to" listen wintlmill a llassirlg Another word, and' I'LI. "thc rninstrels. Then it was that the three Comracles uius'-stoues, the into liill, thev-descendcd have vou Easged I March !" saw what Gandelvn carriecl in his on forest' the of slLade greer welcone "we Anrf so,"r6a"iising the futility- of coverecl caEe. Oh went the canvas are iu Sherwood !" saicl argument. " Ifere the three companions coverr up rieut the licl, aud out sprang Madcap glade.surin haltilg Neil, .a ihernselves to be thrusf fox ! trees. " But ;;ft;;.i sPreading bv i"""a.'a -aA recl streak of fur flew along tire forest, the of the ,fo"" sreen Paths rvhcre ar-e Robin's men i' 'I here procfted alSng by u- pike-head whcnroadsicle, over the wall, atrd' eway. on shoulcl be an outPost here." of to the wide heath. Red brush stick- ---i'Bcware !" said Wat, Poiritir:g' ii"", ttr"i, s"tepi shbwed sjgns reins out. everv hair a-bristle, the fox " The br.rkctl stick-'tis the SlLerrvood falterine. One thought alone of strais"ht-necked for the cover of sign of warning ! The scouts are i"ri".a'to comfort th6m. Some "nEd ihe outlaws at l.east would be watc,hif,e foresti. Af ter him, heedlessthe -of out !'1 in the -'A evervthing in the excitement of halves- ar-rd irg tro* their'hiiiing-places in broken twig, hazel 'ulras"e, rac-ecl the hounds in full cry' haif.- woods. f uia i" the shipe of a cross., lay hacl beeu in as desPerate a Thev " O GandelYn, Ye shoulcl have been iiiaa"r, in the lbaves at their feet' A "before, and been rescued by l)ass laughed ltave !" scarcely passer-bY would a king's couniellor SqdqnP of ilohin Ifood's men ! Ncd as he set off at a run, wlth llrs "osual noticed'it. bti thc trained eyc as heels. his "You're at followers Wat the llultsman recognisecl rt as full o' wiles as a fox Yourself." Eere's t, lrretty-tr,lcethle of fislo1 thc usual sign among tlie outlaws to iiiio"n ited, ltrisomer ated' oive warnins of danger. Tlie rray was clear for them to o-"11r" unabli to establisla h'is true *u.[ bc cardfrtl," said Mailcscape. Garrrlelyn hacl disappeared Edt.rard', and' P.rinee as itllzrttitu into-the coufused throng of orrlookers, ca,p Ned, glancing around' - "We to scotela tlw Plot iiin"ai ont marcltFitz-Alwyn as the Shcriffsu*a who scattered in everY d-irection haklricl o*o.ainst the ldng bg tlrc hounds raced out. 'Ihey took to the 'this morninE with the watclt and the Eiictt ltar,ctt, anil, the Bish'op ol R'obin -Hood' ttiiitorct-nra.less open common, a wild waste of heather, irlain-bana""ot Nottingharrl. Likely ! {.lrii-'i' rii*a ba theof$anw blacken, and flamirig gorse, wfttl enough he wili. be bcating the rvoods rmat"e Sh,erwood, is th'e sce'oe clumps of hawthorn that aflordcd -'hereabouts." irt ersents thdlling iir,n'ttino wd !" cried Eubelt "Look,.noble prince cover. llentv -ar stotg of the l{'.*t s"of,wtlag's ' Th6reofwas of iris fool's with iangle no pursnit. IIen-at-arms sur-ldertlY, r "hi }lertg - Outlaocs ! !" men gcsturecl. Sheriff's could scarcely run in their armour, ["tt. ur phrg'e mEn-at-arms, in buff jerkins and they weie uot likelY to saddle
Outlalvs of Sherwood
1,, ,
, 1
: t, { 't
The Madem Bos
a? E A''
ilIGGLES -'dnd
r*RUnffi TAHKI
The eilel?ny pElot who
that young Biggles had t' cold f,eet " didm't live long to regret it. q o. But$Egglesis
sorry ahout the Bide
that followed his
hrElliant victory
-- -bY
FLYING - OFFICER !v. E. JOHI{S ( ['ll Warm His Hog's-hide ! " A 'I the period rrheu Biggles was n#:X:;*' :in"; l;i,',J'."i;.*ti,q splcrrciid-fighting piiot, he v'as often hearcl to reurark that h.is narrowest escalle from being fried alive or frorn being. transformed. into "roast beef " use the gruesome but picturesque -to es1:ression tLen in voguc-occurred uot in the air, as one might reasoll-
,, ,, ,
,, : 'v{
Bissles went down
the tt".;[T?.fl,J"*3* get
his coutrol, hc
haulcd up beforc let
it so at the uuconscious
causc of
a eourt of "frosty-faced brass-hats," his writh. Ilc saw at oncc that tlrc and had a flea put in his ear, as thc bomb wouJcl miss its mark, which
still morc, but, knowing quitc u-cll that his singlc-handcil attack worrld. most certainl.v stir ull
saving gocs. In military parlance, Irc was reprimanded. There \t as a good deal bf indigua,tion over this in the squadron at the time. But, once' settled, the affair v'as never referred ably suppose, but on the ground. to again in Biggles' presence, which Quite apart from the clangerous mav account for the fact that so little put orr a blot asDect of the matter, it is (norvn about it. hii othcrwisc clean recc,i.'d that took It came about this way, and in authorrties for the some time to erase, ord.er to grasp the essential details who those on look kindiy not clo u-e must start at tire very beginning.
annoyed him
lyirose instrumentalitv such destructiou occurs. Ncvcrtheless, to his irrti.mate cilcle of acquaintances, the affair was not without its humour.
isc. 'Insteacl, thc Bochc,
a horucts' ttest, hc turtted inci madc full-out for homc. He had. not been back ab Maranique
for more than an hour when a darkgrcerl Bochc, who had evidcntly slipped olcr high up with lris etrginc cut off, hurtled down out of tltc clouds abovc the acrodromc. Evcrydestroy Gor.ernment proirerty,, or, 1s One day about thc middle of June, one snljntecl for cover, but tlre iir Big'g'les' case, the person through rluring i brisk ircliod of trcnch anticin'atecl attack tlicl not matcrialBi gg les spottccl a Boch c tr.r'o-seater makiug for home. It had cvidcntly becn over the British Lines, antl wai a good deal l-Ligircr than hc
Admittedly, episodes of a similar but thire was a fair amount of latule had occurred at other squad- was, cloud about, and he thought there lons, these beiug usnally brought was :i chance of stalking the enemy about by sheer ltigh sirilits or before he reached his aerod.rome. ^ sense of irrespousibility occasioned by IIc at once gave cltasc, but, to ltis neryolrs strain. Neither of these excuses helped Bigrles, nor did they chagrin, the B6che-wltich turncd out to Le a Boland t,wo-seater figlrterreeliv aplilv to his casc. not scen his pursuer', it $-as rrrrf crtunate that tire although he liad do$'n and landed at autirorities irad ju=t decideil thaS actuall-v slidedwell behind t,he Lincs, o""ddrtme such " pranks "' lrtust cease, and on Biggles, n'hose afiair imurediately just as Biggles reached the sPot. In his mortification, Biggles lookerl followed this decisiou, was 1-louttced
BiEslcs now saw lvas the same Roland tw6-"scatcr l,lrat hc had rcccntly pur'sucd, dropped a snrall ilackct with a streamer attached.
'Illis, rvhcu pickccl lrp, $as- fo-qn$ to contain a letter, the gist of which was to thc effect that Bigglcs' bomb harl hit thc carcful[v. constructcd privatc "bomb-proof "-wine-storc of i, certain Lieufenant von Balchow, d.isa.strous results to its highly
prized contents. This, it was stated, was a knavish trick, rincl the officer responsible for dropping ttre bomb was invited to p?y upon as a srritable 'r.ictim to be matle about him for a means of makirrg his for-{he*.r.i'inc or meet t}re ownel in displeasure known, and, rcmcmbering single combat at an appointed spot an example of . Balchow was Iu spite of his prctests that the thit he still had a tweuty-Pound at 6, certerin time. Yonancicnt family whole matter was an accident, beyoud bomb ou his rack, hc sailed dr-rwn atrd cvidrffy a scion of an
The Moden Bos
Instantlv the scene r'egei::-: e " It lvas a bacl Patch, anJIwa'Y," of activiti. The tarrrrac ':ruszed with rrruttered Mahoney. " Bad patch, my foot ! We could runninE flgures, some of whom sprallg gc,t over it, anywdy, but now wc shail into thi s6ats of the maehines, while yrlvc
Biggles and the
--Runaway Tank !
the havc to rope ourselves togethcr atg others spun the proPellers. Ile personal rrsc alpensticks and-* T,ook out !" nicked orit tlre Ereen' mhchirrc as he two Ile flung himself flat, as ditl ioomed down th6 line, ancl fronr Biggles had no irrtentiorr of paying Maholev and his mccliauics, who were thousand feet watched it taxi out for tle wine--he coulcl not have done f ullv al-ive to the danger tltat had ready to take off"
who believed in the duei as " grand manner disputes !
" of settling
wishecl. But he u as by rto ,r"""initated itself from the clortds means advelse to having a "stilb " '"'ltt,' a screaming roar. It was the (as he cxpressed it) at thc noble Yon sleel1 Boclre iwo--seater. Tlie pilot tlal-c.horv 'ot ,rry oirl time andrplace iulled uD in a steeP zoorl1 at the he liked to name. Lottom oi lrit rlive. and theu tore ofi In this admirable nroiect. "bv horscver, in the direction of the Lines' As he
so had hc
; 1,."
he was shouted' dofn
t. .i/
' ,, i, ,i,, i;
: ; I
il ){ iI(t iltl
ij T
l :
ii .. I
: I
such old-
a. small object, Yith ? tinrcrs as Mahoney and M"claren, who dicl so, atiachecl, fell1o the glountl saw in the carefully prepared missive streamer over the aelomerrilY and bounced a sinister plot ihviting a Jroung British o{ficer to come and be killetl. drome. "It's Yon Balchow !" yelled Biggles. " This sort of thing has happeted my blinkin' Camel ? ' It's hefore," Mahoney told him bitterly. " Whete's vrhen I want it ! All readyrleYer "But thc fellow li-ho has gone out to start up meet the other chap has seldom come right, flight-sergeant, don't isn't worth it; he's half-way back back. If you want to know the to -ft the Lines by now. That's another reasor, I'll tell vou. The thing is for little Jimmy, I'1I bet' simply a trap, "an,J I .r'cry m"uch message What does he sav ?" doubt if you hit the wine-store. Mahoney took ihe message from the "EYen in the event of your meeting the other fellow-which is doubt- air-mechairic -who had r6trieved it, the envelope, read the conful-the rest of the bunch will he tore open 'upstairs,' waiting to carve you up tents, -and i;herr burst into a roar of if you happen to knock Yon Baichow laughter. " Rearl it 1.-rurself I " he
| ' ,':
't. i 1
Ir ! I(
I u
Ile knew that his best opporturrity would some as the machine actualiY commenced
its tun
dtome, but he refused to take any sten that rvorrld cnable Yon Balcltow's friiucts to sat that he hatl takerr an
unfair advautage So he circled, rraiting, until the
machine was in the air at his own altitude before he launched his first attack, although he was -r-cll aware that other michines were climbing rapidly to gei; above him.
The Rolanci, with its Powerful a fightel of some renown, a two-seater comparable with our o\rn Bristol lighter.; Biggles knew its qualities, for knowledEb of the performance of one's trfercedes engine, ]p'as
aclv"ersary is
the first rule of air fight-
ing, so he was aware that his oppo-rient would not be " easy meat."
Still, he feit curiouslv conficlerit of the upshot. Whatever else happened, he was going to get Yon Balchorr, lhe mqn who had suggestecl that hc had cold feet ! Afterwards he would deal with
"These fellows know just how to Biggles reacl the foessage, which word a letter likely to appeal to the rvas -in English, ancl his face grew sporting instincts of poor boobs-like siowlv scarlei; as he did so' " The you !" uur.ulg"-"uting, square-headed son of Biggles was hard to convince, but a Bi,varian- offal-merchant l" he the others when the aecessitv arose. Ile saw Yon Balchow's gunner he fiuallv allowed himself to be dis- grated. "Ile says he's sorry I didn't suad.ccl. " The following morning he f,urn up, but he didn't really,expect clamn a drum of ammunition on his clicl his usuaL patrol, which passecl me; can he send me a packet of mobiie Parabellum gun, and the pilot off without incident, and then re- rnustard to -lvarrn my feet ? Warm swing round 'oo bring the gun to bear turned, bored and bacl-tempered, to my feet, eh? tr'll rvarm his hog''s- in pleference to usiig his own fixecl the sheds, ryhere he sat on an empty hihe for him with my Yickers. Get Spatdau gun; but he'was not to be caught thus. oil-drum and brooded over the my kite out, flight-sergeant !" I(eeping the swirling propeller of matter of the previous day. "Don't be a fool, Biggles!" cried the gieen :rachine between him and " What do those vellow-faced tad- i\la]ronev, becoming serious. "Don't he went down lloles think thcy're drving to d.o?" he Iet him kia you" into committirog the cleadly Parabellum,the nose of the in a flerc-e divc under asked Mahorrey, who had seatecl him'- suicide. " machine, zoomed up above and beltind self on a, cli.ock close by, as a Iarge " You go ancl cherv a bonlb i" it, arci before the gunner could swing party of Oriental coolies arrivecl and Big'gles hirn coltlly. " This- is his to beat,- he fired a quicl; hegan uuloadiug and spreacling rvhat rrrv -slto',rtold ! I'iu soittg to get that burst.Sr-ru ;ippcarec'[ to be the brickivork of a rne"rclriut l'it-fore the Itorise tliat had s'ot in the rrav of a rnlckelel-facetl while the gunuer u-as tiiting a.iv is out. cr I'11 kuor tire reason hisThen, big shell. gul ui;wards, lie st,-rotl the Camel pals if he rrlrr. his Let hin brine "Thev're going to repair the rcad," likes-the mole the delrier. Mustard, on i1s nose, went down in another llahoudy toi'ct trim. dive, and came up uncler the other's elt: He hirld his fire until a, " \Yhat al'e those bircls. anywav ?" ]Iahoney shrugged his shotlders. elevators. ine"vitable, and then seemed coilision askccl Biggles curiously. he kih," pack your " I'11 go ancl "Chinese, from French Indo-China, sireered, as Biggles climbed into his pressed the lever of his gun. It was bnly a shott hurst, bnt it rras flred at I think. The French are using a lot c,ockpit. deadly range. of colonial troops, but most oI them dickens what the pack You can " simply for fatigue work road- vou like,-totil Pieces flew ciff the green fuselage, but you let my kit alone !" making and so oir-behincl the-tines.'i biggles Lirn wratirfully, as he ancl as he twisted upwards into a half roll, Biggles noticed that the enemy " What clo thcy feed thern on ? I took off. gunner w'as no longer standing up. can smell 'em fiom hel.e," cleslarecl Bisgles disgustedly. "That's one of themlil he thoughd coolly. " I'1,e given them a hit otlt of' Biggles Gets His Man ! "Garlic, mostly, by the stench." " Weil, for goodness' sake let's get t E E did not see the Rolancl in thc their own c"opy-book." (It lYas
H air. but he hardlv expeeted I r to,'so hc made a 6ee-line for its aerocLrome, of the whereaborits of that their iclea of rniEing a icad ?" which he was, of course, aware, havirc continued, as the coolies, after ins chased the Hun home tire ciav spreading a lou-q line of lo<ise broken beTore. Itre was cvidentlv urrexpectctl, bricks, climbcd back into a lorry and for when he reached it the aerotlrome dcpartccl. lYas desertecl, but a lotrg rolY of "I,ooks like it," grinned }Iahoney. Rolands on the tarmac sugg;estecl that " A spot of steam-rollery wouldn't the oflicers of the staffel rvere at home, rio auy hlrm." growle'd Biggles. ('We so he announced his presence by zoornsir:lll have to clinr..b through those ins low over thc mbss, warming his hr"ickhats eYcry tirne we go to or suls as he did so, but disdaining to fire at the builclings or mac'hirtr from the shcds to the mess." on thc u1:-ivirrcl side of them !" sirg-
gcstccl Bigglcs. "This placc stinEs worse iha.n a rotten es'E factory. Is
The Modern Bag
Richthofen, the- ace of Ger'man air-
fishtcrs and the qteat mastcr of at'tack, who laid d-orvn the frmous
maxim "wlten attacking trvo-seaters, kill the gunner first"") Von Balcirow, with his rear gun out of ' action, \Yas criPPlecl, Cntl he showed. little anxiety to proceed with the combat. Indeed, it maY ha-ve
that he lost his rrerve, for he the hopeless indiscretion of "o**itt"a for his own aetoclrorrre. tliviue ---big-glc" was hehind him in a flash, been
snoot-iirg the green plarees ancl struts
to pieces f rorn a range that glew closer and closcr as l:e uresscd thc control-stick forward. He'could hear bullets ripping through his owrl machine, from tLe Eolands that had got aboye him, but he ignored them; the comflete de-stmction-of the greeu
one ryas
in his
Looh Out for the Latest in
TVhether he actuallv killecl thc pilot or uot he did not [not", nor was he ever able to fiud out, although, iu '-l-HE
rhat oc.cumed, it is probablc that even if he was not killed by a view of
Bg DOUGLAS dRXf,S2'IBONG, tcho ttiltr. all".$uter I,B"ED ang Sta,rnlt Queries lrlticlt a,ng read,er ,/,,oty care to send, to tlca Ed,itar. ry gitt ean, enclose a, stannpetT, tttlclressed, enoelope for reply bg lPost
America_n national game of baseball has at last been pictured on a posba3o stam1,, but on ono from hcr formei island-depcrr-dency of the Philippines batter and a catcher in action appe&r in-the design of a special-two centavos
stamp. Not, however, as yor might cxpect, on a United States
A bullet, You Balchow must har.e beer: killecl or badly injured in the crash. stamp, of which a million copics hav6'been issued. r".""ntl.y in donnection with the Tenth Oriental Olympiad, held at the Jose Rizal Memorial Field, Manila, fi:orn Tfhether he was hit or not, the May 12th to I9th, 1934. The six centavos value of the same series shows a tenni,r German. had sufficient strength left player. The last of the llrree, sixteen centavos, rcpresents anothcr typically !
L to try to flatten out for a larrding: Arnerican gamc, basket,-ball, u-i[h trvo plal.crs jumpinj for the ball. but either hc misj" uclged his distaili:c pvery year the Far Uastern Championship Games are held in the Philippino or was mcntaliy pa"ralysed by thc _Islands,tenth teams from hail of tead that iwept" through his China, Japan,Indo-China, Basebag and basketmachine, for his wheels touched thc Siam, andlndiaalltaking ball on the new Philippine stamps' ground" v-hilc he was still travelling part in thc cotrtests, uudcr at terrific spced ivith his cngine full the auspices of tire on. Philippine Amatcur
'I'hc llolanC shot higL into the a,ir. Athletic Association, on somersaultcd, and then lturicd itself lines somewhat similar in thc ground in thc most appalling to the international crash tirat Bigglcs. had *uci Ol,vmpic Games. Tlie victory coulcl not haye "cc,i becr rnHE niore comDlcte, for he had shot .clorvr: numbcr of I stamps rvibh sportliis man r:'n his o\rl aerodromc I As he turned awav hc saw tiro ing interest gro\Ys apace. German mechanics ratc fuwards thc 9p to, a, f,ew yeaf ,ago i Fli,y-r?&I$1ry-ryeil[+S*i.:.' 'rfrf,..Yff._ 1:r.:"' u. 11:r:];r:1. r"1: wreck; thcn he turucd his cyes un- t[ere had. been-only t'rio and a,ssociatcd with the revival of the old-timo vrards. Prcllalcd as hc was foi .o*t. such issues, both of Grcek origin thing bad, his pardonable exultation Olympic Games. To-day, a lrery fa-scinating collection might be nrade enbircly of the_stamps s-port, ellbracing a u'ide ran_ge of of countries anii subjects. received. a rude shock when he saw that the air was alive with black- Very soon there v;ili be a furth.er addition t,o the sports stir,mp coilection -a crossed machiires, t]re gunnels of twopenny stamp, to bc introduced ihis year into the Iiish X'ree Sfatc cclebration which were makiug the most of their of the jubilee of the Gaelic Athletic Association (G.A.A.), founded in 1884 to fostcr opportunity. To stay and fight them the love of traditional games among the Irish peoplc. Native artists have been invited to submit lsuitable dcsigns for it, but the firal all was outsiric thc questiou. has not yet been announced, so 5-e shall have to waib a bit bcfore we c&n Ee had achievecl what hc had set selection out to do, and was morc than satis- place it in our albums. fied; all that remaincd was to set I r I-MaEl I I Irr lI,E r r El-I r r I,I r r I,E E r rr,q home safely. So dovrrr hc wcnt a"nd breathed a sigh of as he Ile relief torc accepted firrt the watcr-bottle, began racing iu the direction of the and smacked his lips with satisfactiou Lines with his wheels just off thc across the British Lines to safety. ground. 'Ihen, as he sat hack, Iimp from aftcr,drinking a long draught. "That's bettcr !" hc dcclarcd. I'he pilots of the other machincs reaction, but sitisfied that Le had He n'atcheci the mechanics for a wcre or his tail instantly, but their nothing morc to fear, a shell, {ircd gunners, being unable to fire forwarcl, from a ficld. gun, burst witli, a crasli fcw minutcr] fo, hc was in uo grcat could do uothing; morcoyer, thcy that nearly Ihattered his eardrums, hulry to rcturt to thc aerodiomc, had to act wariiy, for to overtakt aud. ahnost turned the Camel oyer. and aftcr. thc recer:.t brisk :r,frair in a ir hc fouutl it sinsularlv their mark *eanl- diving into the lhc engine kept going, but a cloud thc l, plcasa ut ;,.
grouncl. Nevertheless, Biggles did of smokc and hot oil spurted back same Course for ovcr thc windscrecu frorn the cnginc, rnore than a few seconcls at a tiure, atrd hc kncw it had bccn damagdd. The revolution counter began t<r but swerved from side to side, l.eapiug o\rer thc obstructions likc a swilg back, and althougJr he- hung otr loug cnough to get within siglit steeplechaser. More than one officer came home in of thc acrodromc hc u:as finally foried thc,same way during the Great War; to land, much to his disgust, in a irt fact, it was a recognised course of convenient fielfl abou! half a milc not remain ou the
procedure in desperatc circumstarces, away. although iu tlia casc of a sinElcThe Camel. finishcd
scater it hacl this disadvantagc-Ihc pilot had to accept the cncmi's {ir:c without beirrg abl-e to return il: Yet, . although it went against thc g'rarrl to ru_n_away, to stay arrd fight
its run
to bc sittiug bciidc }r,: 'would ask the fi.rst passer-by to leavt
countrv road. I{e dccidcd that
word at the aerodrome as to where h,rr was and how he was situatcd; tlrr:
air-mechanics would thcn fetch thc
rnirchine. " \\'hat
arc you
thc corpo.al riho
i" he
scnrrEcl to bc irr chalgc oI thc parby, w]rich hc noticcrtr was composed of Royal Elginecrs.
twelty yatds from thc Ledge which "'Ihe Hurrs left it behind in tlrc bordcred the road at that spot, and rctreat last weck, sir'," replied tlir rrear where some Tommies werc work- corporal. "We wcrc sent to fetch it, ing on an object which, as he clirrrbed back to the depot for cxamination, the gate, rn-caled itself to bc a but she broke iiown. so we arc try-
against such hopeless odds coulcl onlv German tank, cvidcntly orrc that had ing to put hcr right.'l havc oue ending. Biggles kncw ii, bcen captured ol abrindoncd in thc Bigglcs cvcd the stccl vchiclc, witir and forcing rlowu thc*f,cmptatiou to rccent rctreat. its liondcious calcrpil Iar whccis, turr he hcld on his rvav. twisting curiously. Ile sat on thc gatc rvatching it and turniug like a snipe. " N[orc thafi for a moment ol tivo, while he re" Uy rvord, I'd. hate to be shnt u1r one bullet hit thc nraciiinc. vct no goggles and. flying-coat, in that thing !" hc mur:mured. love-d \ir scrious damage was donc. "Oh, it's not so bad, sir! Yor.r for thc day was hot. He shot aeiuss thc back-area eremrr " HaYC any of yorr fellows got any come and look !" suggestcd thr: trenches, a mark for huntlreds o"t watcr in your watcr-bottles':" Lc corporal. "She stinks a bit of oil, rifles, yet he had done too much asked. "My word, I am dry!" but- tlLat's all !" trench-strafiug to be seriously conBiggles ciimbccl off the gatc ancl " Ycs, si"r, hcrc you aic !" criccl ccmed about Ihem. All the sa"mc, hc several of thcno willingly. (Continued on Ttage 78)
The Modern Bcy
q:ri[;*.'Ti:##,?ffi[]]kl+l"-' r,"'rt'Ir6lu
thai wc do' . .
& ffi Y
&ll"l}i|!.1,1-lli"J:1'?il','"-ii:,,'"'l''#,#rt3,'i. ,.ti:l.ll "r 'iij**'ir#"if"al"i i*i;-;^;r"r", pi"." ttreurselves in bed. Llirf o* the part of thc " prop "
P ffi ffi Y g ffi ffi
with wooclen legs- aqtl no , insides,
* insitte them, ships that eouldn't float for five wou films and game Maxe-Believe' of iiltreat
nrerl a,cl thc ci'l,Dle,:&lnall.
construct:1.---t-1] Yo*'ve !Tirr]iD *ith a " 1,ropc'tv " rrc&d, it'a-s made to ll;,:,[t'rlt'*'S:Jt#".i3"ii,i.'l?iil:-:"li:l;,J:,,:""":.i3,'"J r.o,,,"1 :'',1'"I"^; r,-r: ir," i.,o ,ome,riu,,.,-io'lur.e a t',a,ra.-i,;;1,;s;;,;. t-"'*:,:i tlliit,*i"1,:*-*"r+iIT*!.nrSJliJ "ci"i.ri1. *'a *cre tiiurccl' but uu' .re*t. r''ar',',r cartoo.s r';i"11;;J ili;-;ii" 'gi ii' ti'i ru{ XiSifliil*rt".r.:1:-r'i'g"-t"'i i, iot ""i';;ttii'1" to'get ihis duurmy vessci' - (lver -f'LJ rvhich i;i;il" ;lr"I; as though of the iamer* was praced a uretal shicrd riir-qr,
a gigantic
bed. rrad-to-be specialty
the rens i'etlttiretl' *"a itt ftttt to act just. asHJri;t;;;; heroi,e hcroi,e rnatih ,l*" a,d ccrerecl one half of the scene, lea'vlng iiifv'tr* fihu thc, hero retent i,r'*" #.';;;r;-rh;; whcn;ii;t -},ua-to-go tr..tooch'; .iurigle i'ollorvc'd (,(.(*parrts to he prrotog_rapled. herd ofl cle- en cnorm bv a "ru -crouble urr.uayit' ant cxpos_urc,-th" bv ri-hat is ,ir:.o** as i,i"nt J;t.]1i"'ia. Irarlc tost !!0 a d'rv tto .'ni"i[ ;il,il.-"d;;i irr"""po.=",i 'i"n"ir-iiii"-""s'"'l*ltt senuitrei' rrith made' rvcrc ririr, of firm u.as rewou.d. bacr< tb ti," lu*J pi*.", ori[ i"r .,., th" lcirs rras shifted. to covcr thc vierv-or1,!rs l.rog"b"a, ,rel} rt *t;j1;ir"tj:;,1"t' ;"a ro"ra'"od"]s .tinding lrvqt ;;;.";J tro.rt. h'ui :ut rvhile \vrtrru DL@rrurub ;U**: the* r-aurer and Elardy were again firmed, photog,'aph) iultd eulalging tl "t"rat
Jack Fluibert at the Battle ot Trafalga=lt'l3,qt-i" 11, :?:I? all or Ir ouite a decent ship on the screen-but then vou d0n't seep-ortion of' awav' The htt""rr[ii-ii;-iht -lsht-iives the game Gaumontthe of flo6r the *iri,iia-.'riiteh'ioexers-on iilrri ----- ":iJ "--siitisn Stutlios at Shepheril's Bush, London' rcsult \1'as as rou see on the oppositc page-antl +HE";";;r:; " Biats'" d;";;.:"-the E ''*flo"ta -have incident in ti6 film rvhi'",h I seen tlee carnel on '"i"" -Cyril Maude v';as riding when they filmed 'o Orders is Orde]s'" filrn' the iu it Secii:g ? it ovcr grii stuilio th1 ilid il," ioik in dream that " cimcl " had rvoodcn t"g:, Yo-"Jd,,yoY,? ;;;',i " Ynr,;;"i';; 'r,l-ill see another nrh,kc-belicvc camcl rvhen Jack ftull)crt''s
cu*"ts Are Coming," is,released' Jack
are cameis ""i'iii*-:;-it" ;i;['the fitm "o*pu,t y to Egyjrt', -u'hcre there ;;; h"o*"rer]"tb do cotnic stunts on lise is not sa.lore. lt, -io..-ioi." "utf, a",'timal was'made in London.a.nd- takeir i;;;i;. .ri-i"-ngipt, .nh*r" its behavio*r must have astonishecl evcry tanel ""O-o iir the desert I o:o" ,"member that bull in Eddie Cautor's pict.rc' " f-lte hin vhen he triod Ki;?"- .spui"'; 1 How it d.o{ged past'erouchcd, tho ;;;J;tr,,:d Iater jur,uped on hiri as'hethro*n ort anrl-in its fatc' it'
-ra-,"Lft-"-h;tl;rg a'chl|roformed torvcl ,rofrfri*a fton sid"e to sjde and thcn collapscdin thc ring !,ttv'lls' frr tlte rnaking of that picture.there.\!crc really three any farmer's *r*f.t*, *."*-of-a kind neier likely to be seen i.was rcal- ancl ti;n,l i ffi"- n"U rvhich chascd thb comcdian direction d.esired' But the secold tuil ii.i"ia -;; ;;-"il in th'e i*itutiot , ancl the t'hircl not' eve, that' A Mexican ;;;il,iir *.--[iiia,i, .iia iiJ skin specially treated by a taxidcrmist. Tlze Modern Bas
lln 5q,
-r4 ---.*4
ffiffi# wffiffi
with hieyelos sown up Alt Part of nds . . be poor stuft without it I
# :#l"i:i', .'* 1",',,,::\*ii r,
ffif,ilffiffi; r it.
The oniy parl about that act that is noisc of the iannon's discharge-f,hs1s'ii Aud the holo is iust a " brcak-away " ll puilcd. out at thc sound of tire gun.
Cyril Maude mounted on his camel, in the Gaumont-Eritish pieture " Orrters is Orders," and-om I'ett-Lho part of the picture which you do NOT see.
Laurel and Harrly lecturing their miniatul'e " twins "actually themselves-in the Metro-Goklwyn-Mayer comedy lilm, tt Brats."
The Madern Eog
but he managcd to clear it atd g'et back on to the road, d.own ! which- he proceeded to charge at a sliecd thaf he thouglrt uttcrly im(Continued, trorn page L5) p'ossible for such a iveight. cralvled tJrrough the small stecl trap - "Hi, corlloralr" hc shouted, "comc tlrat opened iir thc rcar end. of the and stop fhc confound.cd thing ! I tank. can't !" " By James, I should think shc There was no reply, and" snatching clocs stiuk !" he muttered. "And it's a quick glauce ovci ltis shouldcr he hotter than hot !" sad to his holror tl-rat thc machittc " f ou soon g'et rtsed to tha t " !r,as empty. laughcd the corlloral. I'm snnk l" he " Great Scott ! " I suppose this is thc wheel where muttcred, white-faced. the driver sits?" went on Biggles, Fortunatelv, the road was straight. climbing awkwardly int'o tlrc small But, even so",- it was only with tiifrseat behind the rvhccl, and pecring culty that he was able to keep thc through the "lctter-box " slip thal tan[ or it, for the steel wheel permittcd a restricted view straight vibrated. horribly, aud the steering ahead. ttThat's it, sir," agrecd thc gear seemed to do strange things on its own. IIe eyed a distant bend iu corporal. (( Excuse' mc a minutc," he the road apprehensively. went orr, as one of thc men callcd "That's where I pile her upl" he something from outsidc. "I shall rever be able to Biggles nodded, arrd thrrnrbcd thc thought. make that turn. lYhat a fool I was controls gingerly. into this contraption !" At " \\-cll. I'd soonor havc mv own to get moment his eve fell 6n a throttlc coc.kpit li' he musetl, liutting his foot that" on a pedal in the floor and depressing at his left sicle aud, forgetting t)rat nearly all German controls wotkcd in it a,bsent-mindedly. opposite direction to our own, he, Instantlv thcrc $o$ a loutl e:- the plosion. drrd tlre machine jumpccl as he thought, pulled it back. fmmediatelv 1he machine bounded l'orrvald with a jolt tlrat causcd lrinr with renewed impetus aud the to sttike his head violcntly- on a11 forward been terrible enough iron object behind him. A.t thc noise, which hadalmost urrbearable. same moment the door slammctl to before, hecarne The bcnd in the road lurched sickcnwith a metaliicjt:T inglv towarcls hirn and, as he had prophesied, he failed to make it. IIe Clear-I'm ! Stand Coming " " clutchcd at the side of the tank as it f T was sheer instinct tlrat nradc lrim struck the bank and buried itself in clutch at whccl swiug it thc and II round just as thc frolt of ihc the hedge. But ire had forgotten the peculiar'properties of this particular vehicle was about to take a tlcc tylre of vehicle. Begarded as obstruchead.-on,
tsiggles and the FLunaway Tank
ra a
t ! ta
iA: a
a a
a a a a
Onls !
Bg John Brearleg
and'Jplinterx. Beyond it iooired thc mouth of a ltattgar. Ilahouey rttslterl
out of it, took one look at the mangleii remains of his machine, aud appeared to go mac[. "Irook out, you fool, I cair't stoP l-" screameil Biggles through the lett,crbox opening.
Whethel Mahonev heard or not,
Biggles diil not know, but tire flight-
for his life at tirc' past hir:r and plungetl into the eutlatrce of the Langar. Whcre a bank anri a hcclqc haci iailed to ltave auy effect, it wtrs uot t,r be espected that a mere flimsy canvas hatrgar could stolr it, and Biggles burst out of the'far side like ar express coming out of a tunnel, leaving a. trail of destruction in his wake. The hangar loohc,cl as if a tornaclo had struck it. An air-uaecltan'ic-, wLo was having a quiet doze at'thc back of it, had the narrowest escape of his life. I[e rvoke abruptly, and sat ttp vrondercommander leallt
last moment, iust as the tank roared
ingl.v as tltc diu reachcd his ears, anrl then leapt like a frog as he saw deatlr burst ont tlirough the strttcture behincl hinr. Tire tank's cirterpillar rvireeis rnisserf
him lry inches, aud Biggles aftcrwards told him that he must haye
broken tlie rrorid's record f or the
stancliug iurnp. A party of men wcre uncler instruction in the concrete machine-gun pit a little farthel: on. Thay hcard the rroise, but, mistaking it fol a low-
flyjug forrnation of plaues, thay did not immecliately look rould. The"v
tions, the bauk, ditch, and hedge were did. so, howel,er, as the steel monster so trivial that the machine did not plunged into it, and how thcy appear to notice them. managecl to cscapc being crushed to 'Iherc was a rrhirring, slithcrilg pulp was alrravs a mystery to Bigglcs. scream as the caterpillar whcels g'ot The concrete pit was a tougher, pr"oa grip on the bauk, and then, urith a position than the tank had before enlurcir like a sinking ship, it was over. countelcd, and the tank gave it best.
The lurch flung him out of his seat, With a loud hiss of escaping stearn, but he was back again at once, l,;ok- it gave oire final convulsive lurgh arrd ing frantically for what lay ahead. then lav silent. A groau of despair broke flom his Bisgles lrickcrl Irimself up flom lips rvheu he sarE that he was on liis ainorgst the coritrc'l r elr,i icli himsetf orrn aerodroille, heading straight for giugerl_y to see if au-y ]roles vt'crc the
disappearcil in a cloud of flying fabrlc
' Ileshed-c. snatched at the throttle, but could not move it, for ii had slipped into the catch provided for it and which prevented it from jarriug loose witir the vibration. But, uaturally, he was lrnaware of .this.
Picture of arr airmau arriving
brokeu; a noise of shouting ca.rne from outside, so he crawled to the door and trieil to urfasteu it, but it rciuse..l trr budge.
A strong smcll of pctrol reached his nostrils, and in something like a
panic he hurled himself against thc d.oor, iust as it was opetred from tire
!" he muttered despairingly, outside. Blinkins like an orvl, witir oil arrrl as he tried to sw-erve clear of the hangars. "Irook out-stand clear perspiration runrring down his face, I'm coming l" he bellowed, but his he sat up aird iookecl about hirn
in the din. But tlie air-mechanics rvho were on tluty neetled no warning; thev rushed out of the hangars and, after one glalce at the teuifying apparition hurtiinq towarcls them, thcy bolteil in all words were lost
stupidly. Facing hjm rvas the C.O. Near hirn was Mahoney and, close behind, most of the officers of the squadron, who had rushed u1: frorn the mess when they hearcl the crash. Biggles afteri-qe the motoring iudustry. Bill kept his rvicket up, hov,'ever, and defied the directions. rvards slvorc than it was the exprcs' crooks-and whacked tlrem ! Get this Biggles saw that a Camel plane- sions oll their faccs that brought rousing yarn and read how he skittled them out in the most daugerous game Mahoney's-stoocl clirectlv in his path. about his undoing; no one, lie of grit and pluck ever played to a flnish ! .Ile hung on to the wheel, buL it was claimed., coulcl look upon such comical no use. 'Ihe tank, wh.ich hatl seemecl amazement aud keep a straight face. Ash for No.438 of Mahoney's face, in particular, willing enough to turn when he r,*-as on the road, rrow refusecl to answer appeared to he frozen into a stare of the controls in the slightest degree. stunned increclulitv. Whether it was The tank took the unlucky Camel iu that, or whether it was simply nervous !;;i:|:h:;ff, its stride, and Mahoney's pet machine reaetion from sllock, Biggies irimself t l 11 t2.4 ro l'r"l J l -'y't
enemies, ruthless and cunning, who not only wanted to smash his chances on the cricket field, but were out to steal his father's invention that was to revolution-
The h{odern BGs
wis nnable to sry, L.'irt the fact " Look out, you foot, I can,t stop ! r, ecreamed Biggles. The tank took r.erlains that he staltecl to lanqli. Ile Camel in its str.ide, and got up aud stageerecl io tLe'!-olru- the_unlucky Mahoney leapt lor his life at th6 last gatecl iron wheel of his late conres: rDOftâ&#x201A;Źnt. arlce ancl lar-rghecl rutii I:.e sobl:6cl v'eakly. " These kites are too hea','v on ihe ryer'e bk'nderl, aud foilowecl the geueral towards the squadrou office. controls l" he gurqlerl. Biggles' fellow-offi.cers crowc'led " So you think it's funny ?" saicl a voice. It helcl such a q.r.iity of icy l'ound him in an excited, chattering
bitterness that Biggtes' laug:h brok-e group. Some thought the }:u.siness a congratulations of short aud, lookiug. up, iie founcl huge joke, and firedq,ith visions of hirnself staring into the fi.ostr- eyes of at him. Othe rs, ahead for Biggles, told him a sâ&#x201A;Źnior officer, whose letl iab"s arrtl trouble red-rimmecl cap betokenecl Geucral rvirtrt a frightful a.ss he 1vas, ancl I{eadguarters. Behiiid }rim stoorl a rvantecl to know rvhat rnade Lilrr r1o it. brigade-major and trro ridcs-de-ca:np. Aud one rvas frankly furious. Tirat }[ilhoncy, whosc nraclriuo [acl witll an imposirrg arra)/ cf recl arjcl \r'ls qold on their: uniforms. Close bchincl br',-,rr sinaslrcci by tlrc lulraway tank. Jlvcryluotly lr-as tulkiug at once, aurl stood a Staff car, rrith e sntirli {--licl Biggles. thorouglrly fcd-rrp u'itir. the Jack lixecl tc tlie rariiator i.an. hy this {irlc, clapi;ed his Biggles' mirth suitsicL.rl as srv.itlr clrisoclc ot.'i l,is clu's ar.l orrcfnirrourcd its a burst tyle, ancl lie sulang err.ct, Itautls lLis ri'tr.y trut of thc crowrl. for thel exltression ou tlie'frrc j oi tlie ttr" 1'11511 \o. vr,ir ri.rrr't l" grriwlcrl .\[rrLt,ncy, general spelt trouble. tl,.tirqg'irrg irinr lrack. " Yorr'r'c hatl Ihe Eeneral liftecl a urorrocle to iris vour littlc joito, lrucl ltow \vc lr-ant arr 9ye, and reg'axled him " like a piece of exirian;rtiorr. " bad ch.eese," as Bigglcs after.rrarcls " - Jokc i-' sl,irittoi'crl Eigqlcs. " Jokc', prrt it. d'1 r-,u crrll it " " What is the na nle of this-ei " Y'7cii. wirat elsc rvas it?" rctortcc:l officer ?" he askecl \faior ]drillen, *'ith I{aironey. " Either that or you've a cutting eriapliasis on the .worrl ofiicer gr;ne sricl-rlc.nlv nuxl" l*obt-rrlv hut ,i that macle Biggles blush. inainrarr ol iril icliot rrorrlrl g',i carc'cr'" Bigelesrvorth, sir." irrg lorrn,l in a t:rrrk ul) i' I--" began Bigglcs, btit thc tLir:gs iiritl c.:rri:rtrgcli ng "nrashing iit cs. 1\ilrci;c general cut hirn off. iu tlrc rrenrc c,l slrftr'iinsl hur:rariitv " Silence l" he snapnecl, in a voice tlrd y<,ru gcb thc thirrg?" " th:r,t harl been knorvrr to ma,ke senior " tr rlidn't get it-it got me ! Do you officers treml.l1e. " -Qaye your explaira- thinl< I wa:ited the confoundecl ticins for the co.nrt. You ar:e uncler thing ?" criecl Biggles, cxasperated. arlest ! Sudclenly lie threrv o{f ll,f:rhoncy's " Piease cLrpre witll nie, \fajor li'straiuinft hanii arrtl brr.gecl his rvhy I,Iullen," he weut on, trlrnirrg to ihe titrough the clorvcl tori'ar<l^q thc grorrir C.O. "I shoulcl like a tr'olrl rvith oi cng:inccts ll)froaclring' Lhe t;nk. ' you." " Efny, cor'polal !" he -y-elled" " lVhat The C.O. cast otle locli at the cl'vou ,"r"r, 'bv shutting:mc up in that culprit, in n'liich reproacir aud r:ity ccnfountltd t6irrg ancl Tcalirg u:e?" ?
r i
The Madern Brs
"lVasrr't rny fault, sir," replied the corporal. "I" was called oui of the
ta"nk, a,nd. no sooner was f outside than you sla,rtecl it off. And the door slamnred itsclf shut, sir.'l " Well, thele's the very rlickens to
fay 1rolv I" said Biggles. "The confouirclecl thing rarr away with me, and. the stcelin{ r,r'ent ",r'rong. tr've sn.rashed llp no ord of propeity, antl, to crown it ali, I landetl righl iit t]ie fect cif one of the big-rvigs flom headqua.rters. You aud I rvill be hearlot more about this, corporal, i"g liut II'll do mv bcst to nrake tlrinps all right Jor "you. After aII. tfie fnnlt's rnine. I shouldn't have J:een so coufoirrrdetlly cru'ious anrl star.ted nroirkoving aborrt ','. ith ilre coltr.cls. " No.w," he a,rlclr:cl , " for gooclness' sakc kruck up arrcl take the licrisltinq tank away. ^Sight of it gives rnc tlr,:
"You'il shudder sorue more vo'hen tltc big-rvigs Itar-c ).oLl ltp o1! thr'
carpei', rrr.y lad," said Malionev, rvho lract lrecu listurir:g to thc coirver.sation. "'Iake a bit"of aclvice frcrn rne, aird. nest time you u,ant il jov-ride
in somcthing' lcss dllirg'e;:oirs." " PelisliinE trigirtrlat'cr )or1 rnean ! Anyi^,'roy," hc ac1c1cil bitt<lrly, poirrtl ug., " I har.e a,t least fiiiisirecl the perisirgrr
".Ioy-r'ir1o'1" crr.liririitrl fiig'gles.
for you !" .beeu the heap cf rubble had
rarl a broacl, fla,t track, like a r.,-eilmatle roacl. No stcaniroller coillrl have pressccl thosc brickbats into the soft tilrf niore thorcnghly than liarl that runarvrry German truk I
s63$s$(r69$3(qs3$6963a36: 96.%W ffi fliggles u:ill lztate, wriggled e:tfi
of tzis tr.oi.thle 'dn tiwze f,o evp;;ocol gtgaain, iEu Areect Sottl.r'rdro.ry'.r
r'$fOI),EI3N BOY I Be o'rt tlze. s1tot *,a gi'ue kaitn o eheey ! 14t7 i34
MICKEY MOUSE and DIPPY DAWG il*ffi.,ffr:,fi1IffiilTJi nZODEP"N
BOV Speeial Feature, I)rawn by Ectrtootts IUALT DISATEY
t h
l. g
I i
li I
Well orr ttre trail now' Mickey and Dippy have an even wilder tirne in Next ' Saturday's Page of Frrsa" . , . Mind Y()U are at the party ! ! ! The'Atlod.ern B*g
JMffi@&ffi PSI Completely ilown and out,
Gentleman Adventurer, and his Comrades are hopelessly lost-where No White Foot Ifas Ever Trodden !
MURRAY ROBERTS Five Perilous Farachutes
fq ROM east to west, and to the south as far ur uyo could reach, rlblazetl the ,r.1 e*panse of tropical sky, cloud.less, brilliantly blue. Onlv- in the north was the d.azzling rarilt spanned and barred by a rang-e of col6ssal mountains that towered. in mgged majesty above the unnamed riv-er","the oozy s.wamps, and.
matted jungle. Scarcely a breeze stilred on high; no bird-nbtes distru'berl tlie hush. "It
was as though the pitiless African sun had scorclled up all jungle ancl mountain life. Into this tangled, sinister clesolation, this hottest of all the rorld.'s wastelands, dropped five laden para-
chutes, descendiug slowly throug-h the
torrid air.
Africa is a lancl where fantastic sights abound. Yet surely no stranger spectacle rras eyer ssen, even there, than those five gleaming, umbrellaIike objects, floaling down into the rvilderness with the luckless adven-
turers-Captain Justice,
Flaznagel, Dr. O'Mally, Len Connor, and IIidge-dangling therefrom. air, with tleaih in a hundred Euises Marooned, empty-h2nds6, in the awaiting him below, hc couid tlo dcnsest wilcls of Unknown Africa ! nothing-vet I That was the fate meted out to the "I will, thoush l" he Eritted. clasncomrades by their wily and bitter ing his hands 6ver his "head as sorie enemy, Xavier Kuponos, the notorious protection against the sun. "Kuponos, Greco-African gun-ruuuer and smug- f'll trvist your infernal Greeli neck
Justice wal,ched ths big birds wheeling sluggishly-and suddenly telt ths chill hand of fear tugging at his heartstrings. Vultureg I lflero they hovering above the professor-waiting fon him to clie
gler. Clad oulv iu the flimJv yet !" precisely what that sentcnce meant. pyjamas in whi,5h they Lad beeir of the man Ife flung a swift, haggard g'lance _Then, as was so typical dragged from thcir tents-the previous wiro had braved [he slins's and arounrl it the other p#richute"s dot-
night, Justice & Co. rver6 beins &rrows of outrageous fortune"all his ting tire sky. irrto the jungle, unarmed] life, Captaiu Justice ceased to rail Len Connor, his young wireless vainly against Fate, and endeavoured operator, rvas nearcst to liim ; then, to take his bearings as best he could. fairJy close together, hurrg Di.. Of one thing the world-rover 1i.as O'lIally, the stout antl genial- frisliquite sure-he and his comrades were man who was his second-in-command, about to descend into a stretch of the and the diminutive, red-headcd great African jungle that l_rad never Ifidge. Mueh farther away', Justice been mapped or explored bv white could see the lanky, white-haired men. Kuponos, indeed, had admittecl figure of Professor -Flaznagel, the w_here, a mere mote agiinst the blue, that much iust hefore he flunE them world-renowned scientist and inKuponos' pa-ssejng'er "plane, out of o_ff into Spa-ce-gloating over t"he fact venior. .was wliich they had been- ctumned. The ceptain breathecl hard, iris that he hhd heala uoth-ing but blood'its hcadirig baek for homc, fcll curdling rumollrs of fie."rce nati.res feeling of utter loss increasinE as he mtssion accomplished. aud wild beasts that inhabited this gazecl at the dangling veteranl For The captain-'s bearcl brisiled. I[e back o' bevond. he kncw that .his old friend must bc clenchecl his fists in savage impotence " trMe're " lost atlrift anrl sufferirig far wors'e than anyone. as a fresh tide of rage "overw'helmed that's all tlrere---.iscast itl" mutterecl " Poor old professor ! And he's hi*. For once, Juitice was ;;;: the_captain grimly; to and his teeth met rrever clone a -chute-jump before, to plctely helpless. Suspended in micl- wrth a sharp little click as he realise{ Fry knowledge_! Ireti hope he makes dumpecl-
and witl,out food oi witer i ft was a disaster that was as grim as it was swift and unexpected. bne, too, that made e.i'en th6 iron-nerved Justice shuclder inrrardlv. ^ Ste-ely lights glinted i, tUu famous Gentleman Adventurer,s eyes as he clnned lris neek, staring eastwards to
The Modern Bos
Jungle Tramps
sitting position at length, pushing makc fecbly a[ the soft, clinging folds that
Flaznagel alonc continued lris aim-
drift, too
euvcloped hirn. Ilis heart pound-ed like a steam-han:mer, cl'ery breath lte drew was a torment, and cold chills of fear ripplecl up and down his !Pi.ne. He couid see riothing; feel nolhinq' nf,rrowed his eyei, forciug himself to the captain's porverful muscles swelled solid, exccpt thc obiect on whiclt he and taughtened iu an agony of appre- squatted, and whicli hc took to be a study thc scenc closely. It certainly did not look iuviting hcltsion. Thcu ]re had to drag his eyes mossY hummock. But when-with
n Eood lanclingj ancL that I cau fiud ettv attempt to usc the wiud-ecldies. hifr before he-gets hopelessly lost irr Captain Justice groaned as he this confounded bush below." observed the olcl professor's plight. It Justice, maskinq his dire forebocl- seemed a thousand to one against inEs behind au imnassive countenancc, Fiaznagcl making the swamps, ancl !
b-eneath and behinil hinr
rolled th6 jungle in billowing waycs of emerald" gr6en, purple, go-lcl. aud crimson foliage. Migl-rty palms, themselves throttled bv briEhtlv hued vines, reared their "crowrrE a6ove the Ireads of mahogany, walnut, and huge baobab trecs, as though striving to shake off the grip of the parasite creepets. And between these forest giants, lesser trees and shrubs
struggled in vain to reach the sunlight.
au'av frorn his lrrckless fliend. IIis hair-raising suddenness-that "humowu" palachute hacl entered upon the rnock " beg'an to rvrithe and squirur Iast stage of its descent, demanding bcneath him. Midge thought his last
all his attentiou.
hottr hacl come. " Ow I Snakes I Crocoililes I llelp l" The spreading crest of d baobab, irblaze with trailing orchids, skimmetl he yelled. Ihen he moved. Terror lent hinl beneath the captain's dangling legs' Ilis feet ploughed through rustling strength. Madlv, frantically, Itt: leaves and. again, desperately, he fouglrt a.trd clarved his waY ont from reached for the cord overhead. The rrndor the llarachute aud its taugle ehute buckled, bobbed away, then of cords, uc\-el' ccasing to struggle uutil he wns cleal in thc open swamp dippetl abruptly as a freslt onlv ag'aitt, knec-deep itr rnoss and wecd' srcked it dowir. Bv inches "d(y Justice scraped past a bristling mass Then, rtnnble to cotlqucr the impulse' of branches, diiftecl onwards-then lrt qlanccd .froze, back oler his sho-ulder-
Not a break auywherc could Jristice see, and full well did he know what a larrdirrg amid those tortuous droppecl.
mean. It was not His impressions of the next feu' until he turned his eves nnon thc .seconds were vague but rrerYc grasses and swamps dividing -iungte racking. aud river that a faint lione of Sudclenly there came a heavy jerk r\scape stirred within him. from above, the crackle of breaking' True, this dismal stretch, n'ith its boughs, the tearing rip of fablic. Prrtches of recds and slimy maugroye- Their auother, mote violent jolt, that tlces, twisted ancl dislortetl" into 'iarred him from head to toe. Wittr uiglrtruare shaltes, looked scarcelv' Iiis parachute envelope caught lrll lcss- inhospitabie than the 'iur:gl"e among knotted bfanches, Justice spun itsclf. Birt at least he miglit fi"rrd Iike a top, fumbling as hc ditl so ui space- for re_asonably safe lan-ding-if the buckle of the harness-belt. Somconly he could man&uvre clear of the how, he managecl to unfasten it, artd forcst's edge. then_ "Ilallo! Ah, good boy, Len!'l Splosh ! Lettiug go all holds, Suddorly, out of the corner of his Captain Justice made his lanrlingt've, the captain saw the euvelope of into tire sclrmmy surface water aud Leu Connoi's parachute crinkle^ ancl soft, reeking rnud beneath the uiansag ilwirtds slightlv as he defflv grove-tree that hacl srrarecl him. ruaniprrlated the cords. Mearrwhile, Midge was undelg'oing a By this time the castaways had whole set of hectic thrills on his own. tlt'scetded to withiu a 'feu' liurrdrerl Caught less th.an a hundred feet fcct of the treetops, aud sharn wind- above the forest-edge by a lustier cdtlies, swirling abross the fac6 of the down-draught than ever, thc chirprr', rtrountains on the other side of the snub-nosed youngstei: came perilouslv rivcr, wcr.c beginuilg to ta.ke effcct. close to eolliding with Dr. O'Mall1. As Justicc datcneal Len Conuor's who bellou'ecl and gesticulated rrilCll'. parachutc filled agaiu and floated ofi Birt in auotircr seco[c1, the same rnisrrt a fresh tangerft. ft n'as evideut chir.yous q'nst tlraggecl tlleru ir1-,a lt tlrat Len heid tLe samc vien-s about '.rp his Iegs clashir.rg amid jungle tr.ees as his irqaiu, ard lIidge tuckeclgreen foliage iust in tiure. A mass of leaCter'. to engulf hiur. Then it Coolly and cleyerly, Jnstice fol- seeured l,rwcd the lad's examdle, breathine a receded, leaving oniy i duII grcenbrauchcs would
s'igh of thankfulness ds, aftet a whYle, brown waste of grass and mud. Midse fell and u'as clragged along the fringe of the forest and the manhelter-skelter, rolling through. reeds grovc swamps s'wam sluEeishlv tou'alds him. -Ife turned cirlior(lo irt srvalming rryith insects, skittering irjs harness, half raising un ar* to throush the mire, boblcirg along like sigurl l\Iidge and O'Mally. But a cork on a string. A confusccl bedlam of crashes, sharp snapping souncl-*, thcre was no need. TLe.y, too, h,ad spottcd thc rnovc, and v,ha,t souncled like harsh humatr alJ wcre- quick to- copy their conr- yells dinned in his ears, adding to the radcs. Thc adventureri" held a slim bov's horror. Water splashed in his chance now of landing without break- face. Sornething hit Lim a fearful iug thcil lecks or liirbs, thoush ilre thwack in thc ribs. Then he burnped against some hazards .agaiust findiug each" othel messi'i'e obiect on the ground and afteru-ards wete as greal as eycr. there, rnore deacl than , Justice cuppecl his hands, filling his remained alive, while thc parachute collapseci lungs for a mighty effort. ""When you Tan&, shout, and kcetr arrd sagged down ulton him. " Oh, my aunt ! Ow ! Ouch-wu-rrff ! shouting !" he roared., in a voice that hnd carried aloft d.uriuE mctrv an Rescue !'l
occan tempest. And OYMnlly" and l'Iiclge rnusl have heard his 6rclers, lroweyer faintly, for the ever-cheerful voungster flourished a jauntv hand l;efore resuming operations 'ou his perachute cords]
The Modern Bas
fascinatecl by what he sarn.
'Ihe hurnmock, or whatever it wes' rvas crawling out after him ! Sickeuingly, the vellow mass of pnrachute-iaUiic roliecl and heaved.
rvhile a succession of hoarse grunts and gurgles made Miclge's ficrY -locks stattd up on entl. Stiil he could rtot stir. Tire boy crouched there, numh aud netrifi.ecl. Suddcnly the edge of the paraclrute
lifterl. It flapped rrp iuto the- air' propelled by a.violent thrust, and two inuddy paws carnc into view' Thelr painfuily, rvitlr. many _a gasp slowly, 'wheeze, a pair of brawnY and
shoulders follorved. The next moment Iliclge fouttrL himsclf staring goggleevecl at his old friend and sprrrringDr. O'T\{allv ! liartnet, '
Therc was a short but tcrrible
si I errce.
" You-you-ys11-" spluttered tlrc rrnfottunate Irishman, onlY to relapse into incoherence as his choking wrath o'i'ercame him. - flis round, crimson face was drippirrg rvith perspiratiou, his bald herrd tlricklv eoatetl with nrud. A tanglc of grass hrirtg like a grlland allottt Iri" ncck, aucl wislrs of it half-filled his
mouth. Nor was his
sonre appearance improved by the peach of a black eye he had receivell in contact with a tree. Dr. O'IIall.y was a completc wreck
Miclge could only gaze at hirn owlishly. It was, he realised, the sheerest blincl luck that had so throwrr them together, and for the first ferv
of heartfelt relief the boy hatdly knew n'hether to yell with Irystetical laughter or weep. In the cnr-l , his volat'ile naturc came to tlte rescue. Mictge felt he hacl to craLlk moments
a "ioke or burst.
" Ah ! Dr. Livingstone, f presurne ?" he quoted shakily. " Or is it the original Old Xtan of the Woods ? No, bedacl and begorrah, 'tis Old freiaud hirnself-and faith, I'ur glait I dropped in on ye. doctor dear !" O'l\Iallv snortecl like a water:buflalo. Furiously he spat the grass frorn his rnouttr, aud thiicc he strove to find speech, but failed. At last he
" Where's Flaznagel ? " AZED, bmised, and bres,thless, sclatched and batteretl a1l laised a brace of podgy fists on high, over his wiry b<ldy, thc rcd- flourishing them in a tantmm of rage. " Ye crazy, clttmsy, carrotty-headed i:reiretl vouugster stmggleil up into a ^-4 d,z
1" he ,our.il.
Yc tobtllng,
d'And le{,'s hope t-o goodness the nerdition with all the beasts ouil iatives who might hear us l" puffcrtr *,{nd, the valiant doct"or at length. hc voice, backed up by Midge's shrill vclled at'th6 full fitch of his lungs Con-nooor! Flaz"Justice! Iherc, for a full five minutes. the cirenched, perspiring couple hetl to naaa,gcl ! trVhere are ye?" ?.tr lest, figlrting Irald to regaiu their breath. - Mufficd noiscs, stealthy rustA GAIN attcl agair they callccl tiil lings and murmurings, - soundecl IA L their wiud failed thcm, antl their throats became hoalse arnoug thc busires behind tltem, and the chatteronce thc 'whole forest throtrbed ancl and narched. But oulv cchoed-to the flendish screech" of a ing bt monkeys and "the outrageti rnonkey-sentinel, screaming a r,Yarn- squawking of parrots repliecl.
freckle-faced freak, haven't I gone others'Il hcar," mumbled Midge, as, through enough, begob, wjthortt yrll-l holding hands, they splashed. arirl tlropping bang on top of me an<l waclcd to the bolc of a hnge trcc ncilr shoring my face deeper into this fillhy the fringc of the swamp.
? Bv the bones o' St. Patrick. ye hatl all Africa to fali into, birt ye had to come3nd fall on me, ye rustyhaired spalpeen I" Midge- sniffed, forgettirrg his own rvocs for tlte moment iu tire llleasurc of havins another clust-up with the mutl
cloctor. A,nd,
come ivhat
riay, hc diil
Itave one corupauiou now in thc midst ing to of all this steamy solitucle. But " Weil, rvhy clidu't you sortnd your
hooter or moye, instead of blocking
tp the fairway rvith yotu gleut ?'l he replied coldly, risttlg gingerly to his feet and then slitheriirg'info t)rc mutl again. "Ouch ! Suffcrirr' cats, I'ru glad I've fotturl yon, any\Yay, fatncss, fugf-" " Oucli, Iiold ]-olrr chattering tonEue l" snapltctl the disgruntled O'illallv and, clambcring back to firmer foothold on thc thick foltls of
mates. " Oir, gosh, they'rc ail done forltidgc ancl O'IIally rvere too I'm sulc of it !" groaned ltidgerrorried abdut tlteir comraclcs' fate tc straining his ears as still rto anslrell clo more than g'lance rouncl treirou,slrl'. came. Angrily ire shook his fists at 'Ihat iusistent question diureci in thc inquisltir-e little faces peering their rninds : I{crv had Captail clorrn through the lacework c,f Justice, Len, anrl Fiazuagel got cn branches overhead, and summoned all "Ready, la,d? Then shout, aucl to his strength for anothel lusty hail:
the parachute, hc cirst a baleful eve upon the landscnpe. 'fhe cxltaustecl pair' had plunged 1o ealth on a low, spougy kuoll, roughly a, ]mndrecl yarcls frorn the bank of the turgid river. llangt'oves and feathe_r'y clumps of wced itttecl orit of tLe qlisterring' inalsh, whiclr u-as blockcd
in highci up by barricades of wilcl catte, fems, i,rntl stiff vellow reeds.
Behincl tirem the iungle walls
clarklr. Alreatl aurl above, the telritic mountail-hcights blauketed lrassetl
the sun.
Of Captaiu Justice. Len,
Professor Flazuagel thcre rgr're no signs. Sobered bs tLe deatiris stilluess
irud. tireir or\-u gnawiug irurietv. ]Iidse aucl O'Ualls gaztd rit eaci-i other withorrt ;r rrolcl.
Forlolu cirstil\-ars tlleli iooked as thet stcod iherc,, uraiutaining a pre-
carious footing on the marsh. O'f{allv's rurlaced shooting-boots v'ere partiaiiy stuffed. with ooie, his once gaily stripecl pyjamas had rips and tears and mudstains all over them. But Midge's garments had come out of the ordeal in an evcu more deplor'able state,. for lie hari lost both trouser-legs belo'r,r. tire knee.
Yet he u,as luckier than the doctor and the rest of his cromrades in onc reslrect, for tire lad still 1\-oye his
khaki drill jacket, rvhich ire h;rt1 managetl to clon bef cre Xavicr Kuponos' Abyssiniarr rairlers hari
coilared him the previous uight. "JBegcirrah, this is a'rful l" O'Maliy
spoke huskiiv after a pause that seernecl
endless. " ff onlv I
get rny ha,ncls ou that, vile b"lackguard.
l{uponos, s1lre f 'd skin him l" Cautir-.,.rslv he suifteti itt, the evil ,.tcrrcir arisirrg flom thc ma.rsh and, r.r'ith evcs alert ancl Iips comlttesserl,
he caught )Iidgc b.y tirc elbori. " Come on, ye imp, out of this !,, Le
growled. " If this quagmire isn'i, ir thcn I'm a, hairy gorilla ! Faith-, )'on junglc cioesn"t look rnnch bettcr to me, but f 'cl sooner take a, chauce witir sei,pints clocodile-swamp,
and leopards than the scalv brutes I can smill this minute I (jct to thc edlge
of the trees tliere, and thcn obcy orclers and stai't shontin'."
The Modern Bos
Ae the comrades burst into the clearing they saw the swooning professor danslins in the paraohuteeaaT""o.";#r"i?,i1"fl"J;:ftioovâ&#x201A;Ź and below bv two
and haul rne erut. Sfout work, treil I his wav towaids thc massive baobabtree uid.er which i\Iidge ancl O'Mally Thairks again !" AbanConing his fruitless efiorts to had rested. A truly noble specimen "Cap-taaain ! Cap-tain Justice _ But'the result wis thc same-dead get cleau, Justice mopped his moist was that gianf, brdadfruit-tree, ris-
Jungle Trarnps
I In despair, the
stamped and tore at his damP red hair. 'oWe've lost 'em, doc," he gasPetl wretehedly. "Either the swamp or
the treeJ have got 'em, and"Oufi !" Midge grunted and reeled. Swift and heavv, down smacked O'IIallY's hand, kn6cking the boy flat. And as Midge toppled, the Irishman blundere-d pasl him, shouting and
face, then smiled.wryly at his com- iog high above its fellows in tier panions. The look in his eyes showed after tier of glossy foliage. Justice, aft6r ahother"inspection how overwhelmingly glad he was to took off hiJ boots, see Midge and O'Mally safe and sound of the hoary trunk,-a hanging tliem on near-by branch once more, o'Ifowever, filthy or not, I suppose out of reach of white ants,
we must all think ourselves lucky f'I'- goirig up. If Flaznagel has that we landed without broken fallen into t-he -trees I mav catch a bones," he went on, in something like glimpse of his chute," he sa'id. "You his old brisk style. "But we'll
to steer clear of this swamp now-and 'ware crocs ! Len and I have seen two rcal biE fellows alreadv. thouEh babbling with joy. -Lost, .luckily yonr grannY's tlr+ \trere too drowsy io " Lost] is it ? left mitten ! Justice ! Len ! Come worry much about us." A mirthless grin twitched the caporr. trne bovs. here we are !" he bawled, rviving his arms deliriously. " Bedad, tain's lips &s, instiuctively, he is thele anv measlv swamp in this glanced upwards. "Our dear friend, Kuponos, thiuks world can 6eat Cafitain Jistice, ye
fellows stick
to the
shade, and kcep
your eyes peelecl in case there are snakes or nrowlins leonards around. Doc, give ire a hd'nd !"'
Obedientlv O'Mallv stooned. mak; llg - u ba6k; and, spririging up lithely, Justice eofrmeicetl l]is arduous climb. Soon he was lost to view among the lower branches, leaving his friends staring after him miserable, moanin'- maggot ? Look he's scuppered us thoioughly," he with anxious faces. Yet it was gritted. " But the beggar's made wonderful how their confidence had Yonder I Here they come l" now fhat Captain Justice, With hand outstretched and two mistakes. For one thing, he returned streaming face crimson with tlelight, dropped us too near the outskirts of the beloved leader, hadtaken charge the grisly situation once more. " the doctdr wheeled on Nlidge as out of the jungle and forgot there are of"If there's any chance at all of always lower wind-eddies near the the rattling eane-brake emerged two slopes of mountains I And for finding Flapdoocll-e, trust the skippcr miry, utteily spent sca,recrows ! to nose it out !" murmured Midgc. "Skipper I- Iien ! Suflering cats, another, he dropped us in the heat of you're 'iigl t, fatness ! oh; thank the day, when. the most dangerous A remark- with which not even 5r. O'Mally coulcl disagree ! beasts and blacks are dozing. gooduess !" - Eagerly Midge squcezed round the " f fear we'll have a gay time later tree-t"run"k, and with O'Mally pound- on, lads, when it glows cool enough A Cry for Help ! ing at his heels, stumbled along tlte for the hunters to hunt. But meanba-ked-clay fringe of the marsh, while we four are together again, f IP ancl up clambered Captaiu bursting iecklessly through grass aud which is more than I ever expected, t I Justice,' climbing with' the urrdergrowth in his haste to reach and perhaps we've got time to pull v speed and dexteri*tv of a borrr Justice and Len. For once his cheery ourselves together in reasonable sailor. The baobab, with its thick talkativeness deserted him. He could safety. So now the next thing to do stem and closely meshed branches onlv Erasn his leader's l-tand as the i5--r, and leaves, \tras not the easiest sub('Find poor old Professor Flip- ject caplailr birllocked his u'ay out of the to tackle. But Justice, who, in 'exclaimed Midge, takirig his poorer days, had sailed before thc last of the eane, grim with joy woggle !" too deep for words. the words from his lead.er's mouth. mast on windjarrmers round.ing the " The saints be praised ! Begorrah, " Av I And smartlv. too I Ilas Iforn, made light of the difficulties. lre thought you were goners I" ,rryorie the foggiest ihea where the All that really troubled him were wheezed O'Mally, stumbling up to olti chap dropped ? Ilang it !" the myliad vicious insects and the give a helping arm. " Begob," snapped Justice, with suclden bitter- stifling heat. And, too, he had not grunted the lrishman, as he and ness.' " What a finish to a marvellous tasted food or good water for ovcr Justice excltanged fervent grips, "ye career, if we can't find him !" twelve hours, and the strain began to look as though ye've been through don't think of it ! We tell on his iron stamina. But siimlv. "Och, the mill worse than me, and faith, I must !" ,O'Mally shook a doleful heatl. stubbornly, he forced himself"to tlic had a ginger-haired baboon drop " The last I saw of him, he was a crest al last; and there, clinging smack orr me head out of the skies ! goocl half-mile or more to the wesi tenaciously to the topmost trough l4rhere dicl ye come down, Justice ?" of me, as near as I could jud_ge. ..Th-ut that would bear his weight, he The captain, unable to speak for a m e a n s-somewhere yonder !" he looked_ out upon a world. of blinding mornent, drew the back of his hand muttered. Justieels heart sank as he sunlight and- colour. across his mouth and screwed up his gazed in the general direction to ft was a marvellous, awe-inspiring face disgustedly. Len simply which O'Mally pointed. view, had Justice been in the-mooil crumpled to the ground, with eyes For there was nothing to see save to appreciatc its glories. Slightl"y closed and chest heaving paiufully. iungle. Yisibility was limitecl to per- below the level of his eyes ran the Both were whacked to- the wid-e, haps thirty yards, and after that vast resplendent sea of trqpical covered with scratches, bruises, and the eye was baflerl by thc heart- vegetation, rollilg f.ar away to thc insect bites, and the captain, from breaking welter cf tree-trunks, heat-biurrcd horizoris, wl-rile on his his armpits downwards-. was coated bushes, ferns, and the network of riglrt the mountains loomed up in with gleen, evil-smelling slime. It fleshy, sinuous vines that dangled dazzling .array. The equatorial -suu, was that more than anything that and trailed to the ground like gaudy fiercer than any who have never experienced it can imagine, pressed brought the frosty flame of anger into ropes. his eves. Once inside that shaclowy rol,aze, a, d.own upon him like a molten weight. Stdrvation, p&in, and danger, Cap- man could. Iose himself in no time Stradclling the bough, with great tain Justice could endure all these at all. And the short-sightecl, colour- care Justice wriggled out of his with amazing fortitude. But if there blind professor, though quite at home tattered pyjama jacket, twisting it was orle thiug that seriously got the in the most elaborate workshops, was turban-wise around h is rruprotectcd, famous adventurer"s goat, it was dirt as a chilcl iu the great Outdoors. heacl. That clone, he eased himself and th.e loss of his customary sprucethcre's a into a still higher position. And, But where there's a will 'iesourceiul ness. Iinking his hands ovcr his eycs, tltc way. Captain Justice, " Where did I land ? Wlry, in the and resolute, was never one to ac- hardy adventurer began slowl;r, filtliest part of this forsaken swamp l" knowledge defeat until every possib-le methodiEally, to quarter thc landhe growlcd, trying to make some irn- venture had failed. scape in search of the ]-ost professor. gan't stay'a A gruelling task-one that woulcl pression on the mud with handfuls of " WelI, come along ; tto grass. "Len was luckier-he finished here. The first step" is have have beaten any man less patient, up on the only dryish patch there was. careful look-see I" "he said, with less indomitable ! The sun flayecl his ancl, after Eut I went down up to my neck forced cheerfulness; a arms and shoulders. Shiminering nearly, and he hacl to struggle across keen giance a]read, began to make heat-waves played treacherou-s trieks !
ir tt
The hlodern Bcs
on his eyesiglrt, ancl fiocks cf gailv
"Right, Justice ! lVe're under ye l" nlnmasecl birds. scared bv th; idExcited voices hailecl him, and the trnsioi, fluttered above 'i,im with strong arms of O'NIallv reached up tleafening squawks and screams. as the captain swung himself off the Aud yet, in the encl, it .was a pair lowest branch. Len and Midge, rec,f theie featherecl denizer:s of 'thc coverecl somewhat from their marsh jungle that, all unkno.ivingly, prit experiences, sprang to their feet. A Jnstice upon the light track husky cheer made parrots and The captain had begun to despair, monkeys scoltl agaiir when Justice wlteu suddenly his eyes were attractecl gaspecl out his news. J,y Ialgc bla"ck dois n'hceling slug" I'\,e spotted the chute all righteisirly above a tree-crowned hill to fixed its whereabouts, tco, as near as thc rvest, the only spot of higir I could," the captain panted. " But grounrl irr all that rvaste. Lower ancl it's going to be a beast of a trek to lorvcl the bircls spirailecl, hung poised get there. Ancl those vultures-poor Ior a rnomerrt on outspread wings, Flaznagel must be lrurt or helpless, then srvung aloft again at the same at least ! The one blessing is that lazy gait. And Justicc, watching he mtst be.alive, thern intently, felt the chill hantl of 3"-'. fcar tugging at his heartstrings TFIIERE was 11o neerl to cornplete Yultures I the seutence. Lcu, O'IIa1ly, Justice stiffened. Too rvell he knew rI ard l[idgc clenchetL their fists the ha'trits of these scavengers-knew ancl startecl bluucler forward on that it was their cnstom to iror.er: the instant.toThey, too, knew all aioft or at times descend to eartit, atrout the habits of vultures. and there wait witlr ghastly patience " We've got to get there before it's for a woundecl animal-or a man l- tirne for those brutes to quit the air to die. Nothing iu jungle. swarrp, aitogether," said Len, in a low voiee, (,r' mountairrs corrld escal)e thcir conJustice, thrusting past him into -^tant vigilarrce. The captain mc- and chanically followecl their course, as the lead, nodded grimly. I
the.great bircls sank throngh the air aaaaoaaaoaooaaoaaaaaaaaacaa Ancl then he saw it ! Tftis Issue Contains ct Io Justice, it scemecl as if Provirlt-,nce hacl flnally come to the aid of the professor: antl himself. After a1i
tlie ilimbing ancl searching, it had. t,oeri left to tn-o of the mo-.t noisome con-arrls of the ail to poiirt out the 1-,osition of tlLe olrl scit'rttist's parachute 'mid tliat
ss ol
crescent-shaperl island midstream ! We have to turn our backs on that,
and then bear roughly to tho sou'we can teil rvhich is sou'-t'est when we get there," he ackleil mefullv. " Do['t tlv to travel euietly, lacls-
better rnak6 all tlie ca,n. "o.r a1'o Rememtrer snakes and""ru aniirals
generally more scal'ed of rnen than'we
ale of thcm l'l
" O,h yeah ?" puffecl Midge, rvith rvry huntour. "If that's so,-skipper, then all the ]reasts around here rrmst
har.e clicd o' fright long
Wearily the boy rvriggled through a gap in the undergrowth which the
portly but flounderins O'Ilally made for him. " Ifoanin' moggies, I
coulcln't be worse scared if I tried ! An' I'm so hungry I coultl dl-ovrn a lion and eat him raw." "fslancl ahead !" gasped Len at that moment, scrambling up a mossv bank
and pointing beneatir the spiked, polished l€aves of a cactus-palm. The n-ext, with a yell ancl a frantic leap, the -y_oungster landed ou O'Mally-'s
shoulders as a sleek, scaly shape
valishing to cover with an angry hi-ss ancl lash of supple tail. " Snakes * more frightenecl than me !'l Len mumbled, iegaining his
Don't Miss Next Weeh's "Got hira, bs Jirmes.'' In the momeut ot' disccre'r's. Cap Magnificent Offer ! taiu Justice breatireci .1 lrl'a\:er of gratitude to eyerl vulture erel' See Page I f,atched. \Iacle gi&ly by heat ancl eshaustiou, he uevertheless concelt- 3aaaaaaSaaaaaaaaaaaacaaaeaa tratecl all his attention or1 the " Kee1l to the eclge of the marsh as pathetic object they liad shown him. rruch as possible-walk in the open," it fabric ^t small uatch of vcllow rlirected. " Watch out for crocs-". wAS, lookirig scarcc " Iarger than it he goocl-sized scarf at that distance as it clon't go near anything tirat looks.Iike clanglerl limply from onc of the a submerged 1og. And,'whateyer yorl do, don't drink any of this surfacehighest trees on tiie rise, glinting water. I{ow, folk:rv me, and don't tlully in thc sunlight. A paracltutc, jaiv I I've got some bearings to reprofcssor lr-as $ u r e enoiiglt -tlre teetli gleamecl in a, member, and my head's spinning fourrd ! Justice's already." quick smile of deliglit. So saying, the captaiu stumbled The flasir of rejoiciug, ltottevcr, wrrs brief. Swiftly the captaiit's facc aheacl along the clayey rnargin of the changecl back to its forurer sornble- slvamp, face turned towards river ancl ness. For Flaznagel himsclf }iatl 1'et mountaius. His comrades, stickirrg close tosether', trailecl stiffly in his to be rescued. Separatecl from his frienc-ls by close n-ake. Began then an erratic b,.rt gallarrt orr a mile of Africarr bush, the okl nlan was still as far oft' safety as clasir to the rescue tliat sappcd their c'yer. And rvith those sinistcr bircls strength, brought thern to tire velgc hanging oYer himof colla1;se, ancl nearly brokc the jr Justice rvipecl the su-eat from iris hearts into the barg'ain I It rras oitc ncck and face, shading his eyes once of mairy snch. tril.rs thai were to folios, more. Juugle or not, prompt actiou in the terrible -*'eeks aheacl. Brit was necessary no1y, anci the slickcr because it u'as the first, it was tla tire better. As closel-v as lie possibly one they rever folgot. coulcl, the ex1;ericrrct t't arl-,-enturer Over palcliecl clav, ritlgecl like cornralj<crl tlrc positioir ol tlrc. ci.unrlilctl rngated iroil, thlcuEh foul, scu.rnrny rltute, takiug urcuta I cruss-bear,ings ruoscluito-llurnted paplrltsjronr tLe mountaius, the sr',-ccp orc tjre lruddies, beds, and ovcl fallen trees that r'ivcr', nnrl the tlrrust of tlre'lriil itself. blockecl the l-ay, J,rsticr: lcd them, his 1'herr, sumqoniug all his energy, he eyes glue$ to a celtairr nrourrtairr slicl and scufr.ed clown the ]:aobab-tree crag that 'iuttecl cut boldly from the faster thau he had ever shirinecl clown glimmering rllass. But -u'hen-. l'r.'om the vardl-arms in tlre n-olst liresently, tire glcas5i river took.i Atlantic storro. sliarp elbow-ben<l and cut back into I
Tke Modern Bog
kicking his legs free of the curling vines. " Sing out if you spot a surail
" bush.-"
the forest, the captain abandotecl thc ygly, m1'gh and plunged on into the lungrc Innge. " Follow the river-bank l" he gulped, smashing through a bush arrd
a( I vi,.n
writhed almost from under hiir,
feet. "Yes-f don't think !', But Justice, waiting orrly for the iacl to r€cor.er himself, pusheh sturditry or till the ltarty came abreast of the urotincl of niucl and weed in mid-river. Once nore he checkecl his bearings;
then on again to the tcscue of Profls-
sor Flaznagel-on into tlie heart of the bush now.' Midge, Len, antl O'Mallv, nearly at their last gasp,
faltered a seconcl before commencirig this last and most arduous stage of the trek. Yet, strangely enough, once they came to tackle it, t[at stage provecl easier than it looked. Luck was with them at last I For though thc ferus, the creepers, anrl patches
of br'east-high grass hourisirerl
thicker than ever, and in places tlio shador,i, beneath
tlle trees was inky-
hlack, there lrere game-paths everiwhere. -Some lay narrow iud tortuorscrthers were quite broad, ancl all lerl
hatk frorn drinking-pools on the ri'l,er barik to the rising grouncl above. After climbing, crawling, scrambling. over, arrl helliing cach othel past iu. rrumerablc suilgs and obstacles, rvith
iro.isc eriouqir to scal'e every livins thing u'ithin earshot, the heioic fouli turnblccl at iast into one trail wicler ancl more closelv trampled than any
tliey htrii vet
"Elephatrt - triril l" an ]1 o un c ed Justice, after a cluick srlrv€y of the
smashccl and flattenetl bushes, aud the
broken saplings aloug the
" Safe enoug'h, though, I fancy-over a rireek t,ld, anyv-ay !" he added. " Thank the stars for sm.all mercies !
The trail's running our wa)., too, so itLook out, O'Mally I Jgmp !'1
iJungle Tramps
O'Mailv clid". Then he fairly
as mysterious aud menacirrg rustlings
in the bush he had been by. Puffing like a grampus, rthe stout frishuian lumbered. along
'sounded 'standing
the eiephant-track that su.dde_nfy tgok a steep upwarcl slant, nor did he stop runniug until his legs gavc waY. " Och, murd.er and rniserY !" he moaned, as the. others came toiling up. "By the black imps of Innishally, if t coirta onlv get hold of the vile thief who aumpeit me down in this
bctow madc anotliel. sllring, lts talolls sc.ything tire air beneath the professor's bare feet. Tlte uext instant Justice snatched a stout stick frour the ground, and charged the clemons rvith- a ferocity equal to their own. S.narls, savage 6creams, and human slrouts raised bedlam
in the
;icuirgster succeedecl itr getting
belt-buckle, iingeis on Flazuagel's 'was ?oue. A wrench, anil tlre trick a quiek twist, and then: " Belo-ow !"
Midge uttered a pierciug yell as he
With tris arms tight-clasped
The leopard on the ground whirled the professor's shoulders, he and to facc- Justice, poiited cars laitl Flaznagel.dropped like stones, their baek and Ereenish- eyes aqlow with comrailes bracing themselves to meet hate, while"its cousort slitliered down the inrpact. Jus-tice and O'Mally bethe tree to
For a moment it looked as thotgh the bafled hunters 'meant fightiug. and Justice swung his club higlier pest-hole, sute, I'd-1'6--" * l'Listen ! For the love o' Mike, to rneet the rush. Then, at sight of tlreir other foes tottering torvards what's tltat ?"
Flaznq,gel sifely, ilr** but Let vras"rught either too late or too clone-un to hold his chum. Whatever the c*'use, he did little more than break MiclEe's fall. And the next Midge felt"was a stunning blow as his heail thudderl against the turf. It was the last stiaw ! Weak as he was already, the youngster rolled
the lcopards lost their .nerve, Quick as thouglrt, Len Connor thcm, whisked behirid the tree-trunk, and a hand over the disappearecl aounced. clanninE "Ther.r, with a squall of rage. 'cloctor'sthrough the (( -outi,. fog !" O'Mally fell on hands over, half-rose, and. then, with trees, throbbing silence that foilowed, harsh and$le1v knc"es, sobbing for breath. Irr bushes, everything spinning before and terrifying, came a snarling, anothcr second, Itowever, he had him, he crumpled to the ground worrying souncl from somewhere, drag'ged himself again and was and stayed thcre. follorved by another that made Justice gaziig up dizzilyerect q .: at Flaznagel. reel in his tracks. " "Yf'r"'safe, p"rofessor I" h-e wheczetl I I TIIEN l{idoe recovered his " Flazrragel ! He's calliilg us ! B;u blackguards VV senses ufra opened bleary James, up" the hill, boYs-quicl. !" hoarselv. "Those spottcd
gone. Quick, mar, unbut'kle v v eYes sorne'ten minutes rshoutecl '[he -qaptain; as again that have ! We'll catch ye ! Why, later, it wai to find himself stretched ,shrill but feeble cry for help rang yourseff bedacl arrd' begorrah, the poor old out beneath the acacia, with Len faintly in his ears. fellow's fainted I" anxiously hovering uear.
i, It lij i,. t,
Still Alive-and Kicking ! EEDLESS of fatiguc, firrding eilcrgy someltow, and forciu.g everv:last ounce out of thcir trieci limbs and hodies, the ;sorely triec{ tire forrr iote rrn the slope, slone. guidcd suided l-ry bv tirc ioi:e ull four f aarfrrl snarls sni,rls that that lncreasod itt fearful
Overcome by the uproarious arlival Profcssor Flazuagel, muttering of his friettds, coming ort top of all brokeniy, Iay beside him, and Dr. t h a t he hacl enduled, Professor O'Mally was tearing up moist chunks FlazrtaEel had relapscd into merciful of moss from beneath a clump of
obtivioii. IIis unkempt white
heacl, ferns, squeezing them together to rvith his ipectacles swlnglng precarl- form a cool compress for the proon fessor's forehead and ternples. Farther hutrE forward ear, ously from one Iris chest, and his sllarie frame had off still, in a patch of sunlight Lhat
Justice & Co. gazed up streamed through the branches, Capvolumc with overy groggy stride gone 1im1;. -swaying wearily on their tain Justice, the handyman, was ustirey took. That last spurt of tltc at him,
rcsdue-party was as magfificent as *o* ."iLl"s"s and rrunishlns.
Ilere wa,s a fresh problem. Ilow Up the slantit'g trail "thcy blun' was the unconscious professor to be
ing the professor's l-righly magnifying
spectacles to start a small smudgefi.re against the droning insects. released? t-heir to dcreh, anxiety leriding wings As l\Lidge gurgled and sat up, all "Harness all twisted--no wonder he eyes turned upon him. heels. The ever - present monkcy; chattered and gibbered above thern, couldn't unbuckle it l" growlcd the "Gosh, I-f'm sorry, old son !" Len crashes atd frightened hisses sounded captain, and limped towaids the tree" cried remorsefully, tliough he himself his intention,
on all sides, and once a lean spotted Bdt Midge, guessing him. wraith fl.ickered across their path forestalled i'Let me ciimb l" he panted. "Sornearrd was gone. But the comrades hardly noticecl it. They trracecl them- one'll have to shin down on top of seh'es for the final effort. Then alto- Flandood.Ie and unhitch his belt. So gether, like Rugger forrvards bargiug f'll'go-I'm lighter. Otherwi-qe there
was nearly as groggy as Midge. " tried to grab you, fu1f,-"
" Doil't tre crying over the young thickhead," interrupted O'Mally heartlessly, after an expert examination of Midge's scalp. " Sure, ye through a scrum-. tirey plunged heacl- mav be two bustecl necks l" hurt solid i'r-orv ! Ancl look at trong :Lhrough a zareba of flowering \Yithout waitiug for permissiou or can't f found aft"er picking the refusal, the cotrrageous youngstc'r what bushes iuto a hillsidc clearing. pocketf of your jacket, ye - Iittle And there they stopped-cleaclI begau serambling up the trunk, dig- pest !" For Professor Fl-aznagel was fouud- giirg into the trark with fingets and Snorting, the doctor poked an old, just irr tirue I toes-. Ele gained the lower fork after borre-hanciied knife wilh a single In the centre. of the clearing what seemed an eternity, tiren, with Iarge blade under Midge's disdainful towered a majestic African acacia, a a gasp of escrtion, swung' out into nose, poirtting at the same time to a forest colossus whose wide-flung tiri branches and worked his way rn'eircl - and wonderful assortment of branches had caught the plofessor's along, slowly and painfully. articles on the ground. There lvere patachrrte. All dowrL onc sidc of thc At last the lad found himself twists a battered note-case, tlt.e the chute hung, cords arrl perched up where tire leopard had a hankofofstring, fine copper wire, two sport' head. envelope twistecl together. treen-right above }'laznagel's ing cartridges, and a chuuk of toffee, " Are ye all right, ye spalpeen ?" to6 horriblv stickv to interest even Still strapped in tlie harnessr susground. the pendecl in midair a fuil thirty feet cried O'Mally from Micige. gfit the" doctol' spun the above ground, danglecl the swooning " Oh, simply grand !" retortecl the knife gaily into the air. profcssor-menaced from abovc and breathless Miclge. " And now for the "A cat-stabber-a real whole knife ! l-reloir by two sleek and snarling blinkin' drop, as the molkey sajri 'I'he tool and weapon between Ieopards. when he fell-off Nelson's columrr l" he us i" only he crori'ed. "Why dian't ye say mu.ttered, as, cautiously, he lowerecl ve had " The devils !" it. ve rustv-ha,ircd half:wit Captain Justice iricked h.imseif u1r himself down the chute rope until haith, ,v" ioi,ta Iiav"e cut the pro-fessor professor's astridc the was seated ancl lurched forward. of the he One 'making loose, instead o' clarnbering all over vain leaps bowed shoulders. f.erce brutes rvas noor old bov as Ye clid l" Loud and alarrning cleaks calrle thelUiclge, ftom the grouttd at Flaznagel. rvhile its mate, flatteled along a brilncit f rr,m the overburclcncctr cord. and Elared back.claz,id. aircl exasperated, above his-head, 1:awed wickedly at thr. stratrs, rvhile rescuer and rescuecl " " I* that so ?" lte murnbled. " Ail hclpless captivc, witliout having tli+ swaicd dangerously. But, clinging right, yon've cleverstick, perhaps to'trust itself to the ihutc ,-,u with orre- lrand and. bcuding side- trTcd - the hlin kin' hlide ? I krterv r "or'.ug" ways with a iler\re aqd suPPlen_ess rope. (Continued on Page 31) As the rescuers yelled, tbe one woithy of any a,crobat, the rcd-headed. I
I tr
t' I
Tke Mcdern Bos
t, t
.t Boarders
to the side to fond her off if tho broadside fails ! " came the order. With others' I rushed forward with 5 a long 6par as the fire-ship came close.
A Vivid Gld-Eime Sea Story of Adventure and Peril, r r r Specially VYritten for MODERN
A Dash for the Boats ! f GERYASE INGLESANT, was carried off to Pirates' Anchorage It bv Dead-Face. the pirate, because ' he thought I knew of d secret, whieh
ing It
mingled with thc shouts of triumph to where rope laclclers were depending from the ship ! from my companions.
I wasted no time, but, grippinr Sgh's after salvo was falling upon the exit from that defile, and such one of them, I founcl a foothold of the Iiat's men who could get past and hastened to the clecks above the falling ball were standing im- me. Powder smoke was wreathing itself potently at the verge of the wavcs, sceing those little boats bound for about the craft as she kept up hcr
he wishecl to discover, concerning one named Spanish Death" I discovered. a lettr-:r, which one fire; but the fire was ceasing now, Meech (now deacl) ltad sen'n up in my thc mother ship. 'iacket, ancl which I was reo,uircd. to 'Ihere were many of them in move- ard only intermittent discirarges lake to Spanish Death. Rdt of tlic ment, and. some of them were sadly cflme as those boats' crc\l's gainc,d Main, who assumed leadership of the empty, for their late clc\rys lay the deck.
J* I
F t
i I i
pirates after Dead-Face's cleath, alolg that path of valour that thc siiatched. it, but was wounded, antl steel of these men had contested. the letter r,vas taken from him by an It was harcl to believe that I was unknown attacker. free, scathless from the recent fight, AII the piratcs of the Caribbean harl arrcl with my hcart's desire being gathered at Pirates' Anchorage to grantccl at ,l.ast. figlrt the Crimsorr Fle.et, which had -Qoon I should know the object and swol'rl to sv'eep them flrorn the sea. irleiitity of these men rvhose uniform The Emblem, of tire Crimson Fleet, told of some brotherhood and g'reat carried out a surprise attaek, and f, prrlpose. witir one Litany, joined the raiders, Litany, at my side, was banclaging rryho had ivhite crosses on their uniforms and were led bv a recl-elad a rvountled knee wlterc a wcll-fluns cardinal. lVe fought our"*ay down a knifc had foun<l it. Therc *'u* dcfile to tlre beach, then, unclcr cover four othcr men in my boat, ancl they r;f tlic EmLIcm's gtrns, ln{rdc a dash wcrc rowittg as the Emblem kcpt up hcr bombardment and. smothered tire ir,i: iie l hcats. santly bcach with chain-shot. Ota S.or.*-Wipe Off ! Little hacl I drearned that this I STUIIBLED in the rvatcr, but would be the cnd of that grcat aclcager hands drew into onc of venturc. And how those cheers rI the hoats. Now rremcrucrc 1'nrshing from thc ship founcl answering echocs off, ;::rd cheers from tlre Ern].llcm in my heart as we rowed alongside The Modern Bog
I saw Litany come over the rail, and I was conscious of irrterestecl eyes gazing at ffie, &s, with their chests bared, aucl coverecl in powdr:r fumes, men who had worked irt the guirs eyed us. Thcn it rvas that a figure loomeil llp in front of me-a figurc claci in scarlet, ancl bearing a great slvord. "Whom miglrt you be, young sir!" he asked qlrietly. "I am Giart d.l Garda, Cardinal of Panarna l" 'I'he cardinal torvered abol,e rne .as he spoke, and I was looking into Iarge cycs tirat seemecl to be readirig risht into mv heart. There was a pa"in iu my right arnr from a slight vround, unnoticed until norv. As I stood there I must confess that I was really nerYous. " Gcrvase Inglesant, sir," I answered hirn. Anil as I spoke, I saw Litany t417l34
T ,I
tir:ecl and neet{ Ti:at was tnYstifYing t9 me. Pnt left arm artcl you ale ancl arius and ino:il day I was to know _tlte meanrttg rest anrl clothes, for rts' I rvill give to figlrt lruuroacltirts. What a contrast that of his" interest, and then the big spiration \Yhiist I do so, lhinss. those vbu all solvecl. be jaws, was to riddle -your eiim fisur6 with the larrtern story, for bY ,r" .r" t*ti lrrg'lcsarrt," Master " it seems, i"" So cyes the arrd itre deatlv white face, it is &Il sul'c I aut sea living tlre grand his in a smile murmurecl, he blintl to hc tlrat apptated -made eyes. is muclt ^there and one, interestin'g who Iro otrc ltate as l-ou "that geutlcmett gallant asairtst those ,_re that I rvould learn of those rogues jot aborit cares a its in 'n-a*s Yoll strikirrg Yolrr so *"I,o=e uliforrn at Iiberty to select I-ottl' o\\'ll clc- who held vott captive." sisnificance ! As I cldssed ttrc deck to go bclow', Y'A trtisoiter of Rat of tlre Nfain, cisions fot the futttre." to ask for pcrniissiorr I was a,ware of tlie fact that there I was itching-arrd monseilncur," he said, - u-ith deell his gallaut cottr- rvas a cleal of cornmotion rtpon tlte lespcctl "I was, through some for- to sel'\'e him tlecks of tlre Emblem' Extra sail tuitous circumstances, set ln cllarge pany, but I wonclelcd if too rttrtcit werc a wise thing at sucit rvas being set to catch the 'wincl, and of him, and the same fate allowed icmtritv the clistniit boonr of gtrus toitl mc tlrat me to save him fiom the leoparcl pit a moment. " Litany re1:orts rvell cr-f yott-" .he Rat of thc ]lrrin rvai rtot going 1o lct ort Pirates' Anchotage." get off scot-flee if he coultl I had n'ondered -at thc peculiar vr-cnt ou.' "AnrI I would hnvc his this craft it. rnearriuE behind Litanv's ftiendsltip iudgment checkecl bY Yo1lr oI'11 heln $ergricl laughed. aucl hilu. aud lLclc I found that actions. o[ noble " P&haps y6ur sworci shall soon be "I lcad a grent gatlrering mvsterv'iceDeoirrg'. This tall and -tried for valotir. used in' ,iur cause," he said. scLrletlclacl 6ardirial evidently kttcw meu, and alI are and general service. If " Although, so friend. T'itany tells me, Litany, for he smilecl. . A"9 as character, rts in an vou havc"alrcadY served us ashore and thouo"lr hardlv lealisitrg that I rvas votr wilI benr vour sword for see Irow iought with thc rearguard wlto.u'e.rc t]ren I cart lppreuticeshili ,r.u."?t. he laicl a hand irpou Litalry's of definding the lrassagg- to tle boats''' one matle be to are d-eierving vori rirrg ruby Itrouldei'. I noticed th6 tlrc bencath fight "Frien? Litanv-!" It seemcrL wlro krilgitts thosc ot1 gleaming of the card"inal's rauk to hear him sp-eak like.that' strange atrove." see flas vou gripped irow one of those fingers tlrat tlrc wâ&#x201A;Ź came to a large and arty when by and rovealed ancl spoke, lre -[.s" Litarrv's shouklbr tigirtlY. him as to Litany' questioned indica-ted I he cabin slrrouds, iri the lantcrns Litnny." rvell, " Tou ]ravc tloncgaolcr aud itl n,v r,ou stootl "First-h" cross u,hlte bold whose a flag I than "Better said the cardinal. t. "Aird siia Rat,'; the of serr.ice fie'icl. crimspn a ripon out l:e shall I artd had ever tlreamed, fouud. him to be my friend' I'eplieil. I sir,'' I then u'islt, m)' was "Tliat and valour your of mindful Your "And ;'ou will hot fincl rrre lvrl)fillq"" iYi,; ir iit""y ? How came ]re?"'with service to our cause !" Rat at Piratcs' Auchorage Then he smiied' " Then so it shall J:e !" he cried, the clasping his grent sword Sergrid., comhabit At that that of hands. out his get and clannils now Go " aud leaning 5ack, looked at rtttr of deceptiou-. foi I would prefer to ,',uh',I, The nearest gallant. a giant trilt laughed. see you- in the unifor:m you have so with fair hairand" laughing byes, and "If vort lr:rve a rnind for mystery"' deseivcd the rigirt to wehr." came to his side. couhteretl, '' you rvili have altcaciy this is Getvase Inglc- he c. " ScrErid, " some, - and .Y-ou are experienccd rla Giari Cardinal thc sAnt," said meet with more'" to deitined rvith is supplietl he that "Sec n/ JATH,' -that Ji:il Garda. "But LitanY ?" I licrsistccl' " Ilc is food and then properly accoutred..for Y Y "3,#?, br"t'" rvords to",:Itil griru servicc known aboarrl this ;hip?" apprcntlcc.'' an us as rvitlt figure whose gleamir:g knife Lad The Cardinal of Pariarna laid his t'Assuredly," said Sergricl. - " Fot lte fo'untl a quickened edge upon the solc one of drir number-, antl if vou of his s-ea-boot ? That and mauy right hand upon mY shoulder.he saitl, is found. hin serving Rat of tire- l\(aitr, "I loolc for great things-" another mvsterv $'as to meet me vou can assul'e y6urself tltat lte uris before I airiveh at the grea't and benclirrg his ey"es to mine. "Be notlle hoinE his dutv iir thc very irnportant rest final solution to the big riddle that and lo'rlal even unto tleath, ancl .arru""itv of watching Rat of the Main' assurc,ri that the cause in rT hich you held all of them together; ,r'd boirg ready tii upset..his plaris highest is inspirerl by the " So volt are Gerva,se Inglesant," ilow serve whcn tlte moment arrrvecl-" " hc murmured, as LitanY walked awaY llurDose. ' Tir.'r., a tall and commantling So that was it i Anit as I looked st and disappeared below decks. "I! is the SerErid. I wondered if he knew aught' tlame. IIow came You fisurc, he urnrched ofi torvards an English of billow- of i,igaaoon, of whom I hu-d heard bv it? -\Yho \ras your father? \Vhere orialter'-deck, as the crack escape iirs sails told me tltat t-e vele beating nothirig since onr attempted and *luru Yo,t. born, I\iaster Gettasei" I from ?irates' Anchora[e, "I ho not kuow, sir," I answerecl' ariav frou. Piratcs' Aucltoragc. Tlitanv was also if, just as that gleat, woudered "All that I do kuorr is that most of Tile laughing eyes ofmlre. $ete l-sarv a snv against the Rat. thcre my life has been sPeut at - Porto blond giant were uPou gelto in the care of an old mau that tepeuding fioru a leathern tho# abiardI this ship who were spies for thc Rat namecl Barty. Ile bore me to the baidric w-as an enormous sword. "Know you aught of olle callcd island of Santa Rosa, anrl there he "So You ltave a mind to figlrt for us, Rieadoon ?i I qucstioned. his ilied. It was utton that same island Inslesitrt ?" h.e said, clasping #Tlrc Iute 'PlaYer," he rrPlied' sword, tltat of a that I was midc a prisoner bY hatds over the hilt a frientt-nrid for us, aud egairr piratc named Dead-Face. IIe also is and gazing at me with enthusiasm "AEain iu the camp of thc enenrv #orker a no more l" aucl welcome. his ships in the service of upon nnd. cxperiencedhave I " After what t'T That was llelvs to the cardinal, Cirdinal." the by torturedwas reltlied. and I saw the sudden interest in his ves," I It was rny turn to smiie. i)ead-Face, ancl torturcd by Rat of eyes. to scores olcl are " Ani[ ]tow marry othels ?" I There " So Dead-Face $-as killcd ?" he the I\[ain. IauEhed. "Poor Rat-of the 1\Iairr-. Itt' winc off." o uestiorrecl. ' " Shot in the facc bv au ttnknowrr Sergrid hacl bccotne strddenlY little knows of the eremics lte' ltas at hancl reaclY !o catch hinr sc'rious. hancl I" I replied. "Ay," he aqrectl. "OId scorcs, and unawares, "were others," said Sergricl "Aud others u'ho are dead Barqucs left " There Teil me ! Arc there others, Master rve wipe thcm off, too. chess player" in fir6 upon tlre broatl Caribbean. slorvlv. "Cltt'is{iert, the Iuslesant i" ;Murley and Pat'ney," I relll.ied. Brave sailbrs rrailed to thc masts of F.,r irontlts we ltat'e had no news of ratlittes him, and now l-,itany 1ep91ts him a "And sped bv the same hand, I ani their shils or hangccl in tlrc childrerr and captive upon that evil island votl Womerl shrouds. and they all bv one thinking-kilftd iust Left." fcared, -a strange individual knowtt scnt to the t;lanl<. Ships scrrttled. have mind's eyes I was seeing With mv robbed, and'ravaged. Sc-orcs, hrgleas Suanish Death !" tirat talt "and gaunt man n-lro had Ife sant-what scorcs to wiPe off !" " Snanish Dcatlt's work !" ulaved chess wit-h Bat of the Main for Thcn his cxpression ihrr:geil.whislicred the words, a,nd, looked sea"But, comcr" he added. "I see inv"Iife. and norv I described the scerte ward. " spattish Death-I wouderthat you have a slight wound in your to" sergiia I wonder l"
Spanisle Death
lr ,
t' i: i
I' I' li t
I, tc..
The Modern Bos
t4l7 i34
:... :
"fs ti,i,t lrt i'' T ;r.kitl. :trgli,i (r tire l:rold noriileil. "A;.'' l:t irn,rirâ&#x201A;Źl'â&#x201A;Źd. "Anci he is ui3' : r ieud, Iuslesant. Ile clarecl too r,nlcir: aud F.at of the }Iaiu kner+' him ..t last for a sny, Thcre can trre r1o e:cape ior Christian." " One' clay lielhaps .,&'c shall sa+ rlre isiancl and frec him," I vettturecl Sergrid was on liis f eet, arttl itis ( ries 1r'ere shil:ilg'. " One clay, rvhcrt 1vc are stro_ng r lcrigir, Jrc;," he saic1, gripping his srvcril hiit. " One clav--wiren Spauisir .
,* r:_ +
in Pirates' Auclrol'age, _aliil 1:ca: crough to }arid to be beachetL t.,r if sir:glc sirips were ul'lwalv enottgl-t tc s.uik in shallow 'w,atet seck t"o boartl us, tlrey *'ol'it.l fintl"tlriri Her consort, fearful lest we ririg'irt lr'e iracl clarvs thlt wele slrarp. close with hcr and conrplctc her Sergrid, a gay light in his c'yes, rvas rle stluction, \qas srg'nallirrg- fot )iclp,
scen Iyirrg
iriclicating those encircling cra,ft.
Ringed about by tl1e Ievil. f nglesant l" he cried. " Could Yon hof e for a better fight than tliis ? " " Stand to yottt g'uns l" A cornmana frofr tlre quartcr-deck "
silenced Sergritl, attd uow, tettsc_ alcl strained, thc guns' crews waitccl for tlrc first order to fire. llcath has been founil i" Two ships hacl left the circ',le as it him thc:l closed in upol us, arttl rvere sailing tr rvoultl )rave qnestic,necl 'sirilkc t ilc rririil(' o[' torvards tlsr-onc to starboartl llnc.l orle nnrl therc as lre fliat qi'iin iut-[ivic[r1al w]rose actiorrs to port. r i dcath I had rvitnessed, but therc I rvas at Selgtitl's sitle atirl sarv lrrs 1l'as to be no tirne allorvecl me, for eves lisht rirr. i'r'om akrove there canie the sounds of " " \\'ei coul,l rrot Irave l isltorl for a iilrrr'ln orlr| {.lrc thtntlcr of guns, and better opening Inove, fnglesant i" said already Sergriii's great," double- he. irar:rlcd sruordwas g'lefin-ring from its " Ext::a battcries, PrePai:e l" t irclrr.lt. As that cry came from the qua,rtcrileck, f heaicl $ire souncl as of some
Ringed with Foes ! O]\IE :' ire criecl. " Thert' Lat'k ( tire strns. arid tircv won't firrd \'/ thaf Lis- Emincuco Gian da Gercla flies from a pretty light l" { had examined rnv"a lturt, and fourttl sci'atch, t-ith a :hat it rvas merely"blooct tLan actual s:eater shor.v of I-vouncl. Sergricl had bathecl it, antl lo-.v rry ,"worcl 1r'n,r rearl-v. aitcl I rvas r-i ciirg-on tleck to fitrc1 that there l'as iutic.ed a merril conflict beatiug ttp. Ilat of the ]fain's fleet hacl not beeu tardy. They irad sailecl seaward, to be lost rn the clistancc. Now, as rve left the island behind tts, and fancying that we had shown them a clea,n pair of heels, they were bearing clorvn
irpon us with the wincl, in a
. a n tl . a ttt tloors ircalisirrs tlr:rt tlte sound hntl coinc from belorv, f lieer'ed ovcr the i'ril. I sarv something that maclo lny eyes ci'a sir irl
sr:arlet figure of the Cardinal of
the Bmblem haltecl in her al.-rove the 'rvatet' line by some ball, rnoment
stricle. We had been struck iust others hacl passecl harmlessly
us, and some, alas, had reaped crimson Panama. lanes amid the defenders a,ft. his calm IIis look $'trs higlt, alld They were soon to be avenged. the as and ever a[on commarlds carne
of the recent
" Fire
l" two blasts of the silvcr
Came u'ere cleated awa,v atrcl as fresh powder whistle, and then all the force of our and shot were pror-iiled for the grins. guns was sped towarcls those attacking '-f;he odds were too great for us to ships. have wittingly choseir such, a figh-t, Theirs had been the first blood, but seamansh.ill rnos[ expert a,rrd the -couid they had little recked upott snch a not have captured the rvind ancl borne bloadsicle as ihat. Tlrc
us through the ever
trarron-irrg ship
to port staggercd visibly as oul'
r-:hannel be-trveen the pincer-]read that ball sank deep into her. I saw lrcr rras sl<-iwly closing about us. mainmast totter and then come down At iasf the cn]emv irad completed -us iu a mass of sail antl cordage, to en-
the their tactical movenr6nt, to firrd her tlecks and hecalm lter, reBti'e of a circle upon which, an cumber and lifeless, upon the surface of r:scellent target, they'woukl soon be limpgently moving sea. the able to bear their guns. was even less forI knew that I had never been nearer Iler companion de,ath than I was at this rnoment; but, tnnate, fof she had been holecl well as I giauced at the faces of the men beneath the rvaier line and ere long clouching beneath the rails, or kneel- she must sink. They were drifting away, and we ing uear the guns, I sarv no look of
were #aiting for the"next ittack. fear npon them. There were sacl sights upolr our And those quiet yet ringing command.s still came. We had taken in clecks, but that opetting attack had some of ottr sail, aud orir long guns been an utter failure, ancl two stout u,ere reaclv. There was tirne for me enemy ships would be useless for any to take ;i tlie prepareriuess for the furth-er effort in the fight. With all tight, aud the mary gttus that could her sails set, the sinking one was moYgive defiauce to challeugc. inE sluEEishlv towards Pirates' Ihe Emblem \Yas mot'e ltecvily Afchorag"elana t knew that she woukl amned than any of those ships tr hail be fartulnaie indeed if she reached
t -1,..*'
fr,fod.ern Beg
incnt was staycd by two ships dctacliirrg tlremsolvcs fronr tlrcir pllcc in thc circle for' lter lirtrtecti<.in atrtl for onc
to tow her out of the clanger zone. Thcv closccl iir unon their statiot'ls wheu irt ]ast she hacl bccir t'lt'awtt f I'cr', ancl those otlter craft made lro effort to a,pproa,ch,
but contentecl
*"lltirrg fot .l" to
tlremse'lveri in to pierce iire
Wo'.tkl that loe titc next i:o"e of
Giau rir, Ga.i'rlr ? It was not. There came {ire clc'ar Llasts of thc wltistle, ancl I salr' lltc giarrt ancltor goirlg <town to fir .us to our battle station. So wc lpcl'c 1'o 1'errr*in lr"rn and wait for them to attack'
For mvself, I iloubted the juclgment of ihat decision. In the con-
causecl in their line by the tu*ing awav of the shiP- with tho shattcied m-ainmast, I hatl scoll oltl' for fighting fl waY opportunitv amazement. rvith large tirioLrgh tlie cncircliig flcct. had Just below the rail some irorts But perhaPs Monseig-nc.tir thc flappcd dowrrwards to I'cveal fi, ('altlinal was better versctl ln sllcir lrif,h'erto cotrcealcd linc of calilloil. I must confess that ancl ruattcrs, "A little surprise for tr'laster Rir,t l" Il,tlt of the llain's ships appearecl in Iaushcd Sci'gr icl . " \Yc crl'l'.v mol'c rro moocl to attack us, l:ut lvele congiiris tltan c.'"t they dteatt,orl of, tcirt to wait. I watchcd a spittg glesant.' fn j'Prepare bcing put on the eable, ln,i- I to fi.r'c l" reali"sccl- that tve were in shallorv First the command, ancl then tire water, too. shrill blast frorn a silver whisile. Perhaps oltr enemy 'rilas waiting Two great craft were- bearing to' rvards u*s at some cables length, a,nd I
watched their onward career. As they rvarilY abreast, I saw tlre flaslr great came their broaclsides, attd tlrc llext
semicircuiar formation. On the quarter-clcck, tall, sterl, and I:eurly ivatchi ng' thc oPenilg n?a,nm1lvres of the hattle, I saw tlie
attrl, cvctt as we moved towards lrer to gir.e thc knock-out blow,, that-molc-
vou II llt /i'*r ffit* atr want to I ti* Hffiiflilt\ know alour fiJtiifi
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I knew now $'hY 1\'e lirtl fLrrlerl sail. Amongst tiie"r'eeis- neviga,tio*. for the dawn. I doubted not that arrd fighting' nlr oycr'\rlieltnirg fot'cc the Fat was alreacl,v aboarcl his flag- $'ere bcyond auy l.rilot's Polyel's-so wc had arrchored arrd risketl tl:c fire" ship. ship, which by novr hacl passcd. Brit .. I knew by Sergrid's look thet the A N irorrr had unssod rvitltortt danger was not or-er. shc gct away iu tiurei" c'r'errt, throrrgh wheu. iaintly aA L the gloom, I sflrv a dalk shill "\\Iill I heard hirfi murnrirr the rrorcls as bcariug down upon rrs. She J:olc tto she dtifted or1, and therr I hcartl a lights, and I coulci sce no sign of sigh of relief come from his lips. any soul upon her declis. She seemetl Barely had it died away wltetr tht' stiangely sinister as I vierred her'. heavons wclc rcnt by the sound of rt alrd I wond"crcd wltv so snrall a vcsscl gigarrtic esplosiorr, and where that had bcen specl against us, for she was sliip hacl been there wel'c now only a myriacl palticlcs going skyrvards. no match for thc Emblem. o1r1' d.ecks. t "Full port broadside to bear, and They slratterccl lipou -piece of bttrning was- felled by a wait for the command !" Gian da Garda, his sword gripped wood, and many of our party were beneath his hands, his eyes keen, thrown to the deck by the shock of \r'as leaning ol'el the rail, alrd I thc explosiotr. rvondcred at the strddcn light of Now I could understa,nd the look seriousness upon his face. that had becu tr1;on Sctgrid's face, I was soon to know the reason for for had that cvil ihip exliloded whcrr it, a.nd. to realise that we were not alongsidc the Enrblem, -tlrele cottltl spauing with fools. Cable was have been no ho1-lc for us. raisecl, t.ne rarsed, spring talltet1ed, ancl olrr our the spnng tautened, al1ct As it was, we wcrc harcl worlied t'tt particles orerboarcl, end toss flamiug I,olt guns u'ere rll brouglrt to bcnr. That ship was comirrg uearcr, ntirl it $'as a -uriraclc that spared the uorv suriclenly_, and as distantly po*'cler kegs upon otu' decks. there came roals of challcnge, sht: So that stlatagem hecl f ailed.
tSpanish Eleath !
l,,ulst into flame.
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t{4M8.............. afrL\RESS....... ....... . ...............
.........'.'. I '... to \TICTOR BAlICn,OfT, IVXATLOCI(. E}rIG. (You ma"y copy aboye on plain papcr if pou do not waut. to tear the UoDERN Boy.)
The Modern Bos t I
\Yhat rvould the next one be? "Boarclers to the rail to fenrl her A lull had come. But it was rrot off if the broadside fails !" to last for long, for, desper:att' for " Quickly, fnglesant !" rcr-eng'e, tlrc ships of the Rrt wc're Already Scrgrid r+'as itt the' chrjus coming closer. au<1 cliirg'iug to the shroud larryards, {'or They \Yclo nithirr rnugo a bearing-out spar in his ha,nrl. I clevatid firirrg. ancl Gian tla - (i aldu nly his with tcok station at side was thc first to get his blcws in. othcrs, aud quite a clozerr of these llwo broaclsides were specl tha,t shook long spa,rs were maunetl to bear off the timbers of the Emblem, artd n't' tho fi.re-ship, rvhilst men with axes noticed. the effect of orrl' firc upon preparcd'to sever our cable. slrips rgc lrad madc olrr talgcts. I " Fire l" The rvhistle's note, attd aclmired the with whiclt then the shatteling echo of tlre guns o11r gtlns were 1:rccisiou laid; oul' salvoes fell as wc punchetl . our metal into her sides as lorv as we corrltl find her. She \Yas well afirc, a,uct r.naking night secm a,s day, as she took th6 broadside in her vitals ancl commenced to settle clor,vn. But she u,as
comirtg ll(\alc1', likc somo civittg rrrart stag'geriirg rvith Iris last lt'urainittg
strength tor,'arcls a frienillv
far better tltan cver tlrc enemy's
'w('re ilot to go unscathed. that shorild hayri A manrcurre'ea,rlier lvas scttrling becu exectrted dcath ancl clevastatiorr nllon -Rat otlr
clecks. 1\'itirirr raugc,
bcarirtg as nrally griis ttpon rts rs -lttl coultl siglrt. ntttI r'r'c lorrg c,ul uta]'tl-
haucl rnast wits 11 o rv tt atrcl o1't1' rail:r She r,t'as career:ed o\-er torcal'ds tr-. s1;linterecl rsltc'r'e the balls hacl so that her fltrming sails rvcre rrearlv shatterccl them. touchiug ours. For my pnlt, I was sclving a glltl A flame passed across my cycs as ils onc posscssctl, trnrnirrdful of lllotte a. to he,r rail, and I helped fofcc spal folnrs in tlre scllppcr'.r atrcl thc bclcirrl'c sheererl her ofi as Selgrid clicrl irrE guus tltat - -wct'e nraking thc .
to our lirte, whilst rteips " of t"he rriglrt hidcorr.;.- rvith they strove to scYe thc Emblern dcath airr'l sound. from being irrvolved. in the flames. Flash of gntts, tite eottstattt boout There was other rvolk towards. of thcm. aud thc di'iftirrg sutolie to A ship had broken from the euenly blind" with its acricl fumes ! Barecl line, and, 'with the s,ind that fannerl to thc waist, nttcl with rrlJ/ slvol'd the flarnes towards us, l\'as racing lendy for sorle ttc'w tlevelollnlcnt itt for the Emblern. tlrc hght, I powclelerl the guns :r!J A booming broadside caught her ramn'rid thc ball fairly horrio ere tlte full arrd fair in the forrva,rd part as lislrteal torch fircr1 thc trairt artd scnt she came round more to the wincl tlic chargc towards the foc. and showed a better targct tltatr hcrThev liere rakirrg rrs and rvlccking bowsprit. It rnust ltavc rI,orl<cd havoc lls, a"s, atritl faiieu cordlgo tnd upon her decks, for I heard screams splirrtcred wootl, we fought sttch gurts as thc last echoes of our fir:e died a--s had not bcen shot florn their ports ar[ay, arrd I saw that she had turned ship fighting a united fleet ! as though out of control, arrd many -one of her sails were .caug'ht aback. Thcre rvas scant time to watch her Nearlt Srztu,rday tke rimling aluslt destinies, for the fire-ship was SO of steel is ail'deil, to thumdet' ol near the rril. Wc stroye witir all tke gu,ns as tlrc gutla*it cr"aec of our might to fend her off, and. a l1tha Entblemt reytel ' pitate, bag,rd'ers ! other broadsicle sank its shots into tlre lower pnrts of her. t4!7134 m ercouragenrent
-,:-.*rt-: -.-s.:
Jurgle Tramps
from this infelnal jungle
leopards or fever put paid to us ail !" Ilis voice held a sombre note, but
(Cotttinued tro'en, page zd)
had it, but that knife wculdn't cut the others sat up hopefully while he batter hot, let aloue leather and cord, sketchcd out his pturr'", foriheit faith in him rvas proof against all calamiyou walking gasometer l" " But it rlashecl well will !" ex- ties. With Jtistice tb lead them, eaeh claimed Captain Justice, hobbling felt he could go anywhere, do anyback from the fire just then, aud thing. " Well," rumbled O'Mally, " that takiug the knife from O'Mally. " By James, once I'rre found a stone to I{uportos skitc has carried out Lis vile whet this or, I'll make it cut I plans, and no mistake ! Here we are, only an Midge, this is the best find so far l" cut off.frorn auywhere, with 'We're
Sinking heavily to the gtound, the gentleman adventurer gazed earnestly at poor Flaznagel, and then at his -"tt er comrades. - fn spite of appalling difficulties, fortune had ti,in go&l to them aftct all. They were rcunited again, incredible though that had see"mcd at otre tirne, and with tl-rat, Captaiu Justice was
content. Whatevcr- bcfell norv, thc.y x'ould live or share tlre same fate to-
You'll have t<l rest' here now till yotr'rc all fit cuough to move again," i,u said quictly, "brenking a" -long silence. "I'll be off, thouglt, in iI mirute to try to fiud u-ater, ancl later on, when it;s cooler, we'll hult for "
I fear we'd still be lost ! But, begob, who eares ? We've beerr up against it before. Ald wc'l} come Cloud,
-A Ftvlile
1230 ft, per min. WING SPAN
out on top yet I" "Aud one day," said llidge slowly, casing lrimself back dceper into the
get back and find Mister
! ^A.nd then we'll make hini wish he'tl never beetr bom l Cheer up, all ! 'Cos we're still alive kicking l" -and The castaways, with the rescued profcssor lying in their midst, exchangcd grim but significant nods. Midgc had summed i! up ! They were l(unorros. too
516 Cohpl€te
because thc
fablic are going to come iu mighty usefrtl. Flaznagel's is ruined, but the otlters may still be souncl. "Aud to-ruotrorv. at all costs, n-e'r'e sot to cross the riter ancl get up iuto ihore roountaius-ausrrhere array cords, leather, ahd
lost, old knife between usand if all our friends on Justiee fsland and Titanic Tower combed Aflica for us in the good old Flying
food someltorv. Also we must beat not licked yet back and recolcl' a ltaracltutc from
the malsh, if possible,
lfo-brrf jal.ly nearlq ! In s:ert Scrftrrday's Jttstir:e slory Eou'll learn how they stttrt to ntorlee thernselce-s les.s helpless,
fa.ce ttp squarely to tltetr oppallittg ytligtht I
gTl{tB M0DIL$ 16 to 5 sns. GREAT NEST
W'e're flurite atr(l Solder- I So it YOUbelievethe reliable pair ; I in a }IASCOI or Cf,ABMFaaous lor SolderiDgJurt leepIIS handyI| Do csuge lor a.larm t hnown everywhere I See, thdt?lux: itc and Soliler are atua ys bll uou-i,L tlle house-garageworkshop-anawlrcre where simplb, spieilu soldering is needeil.
All rronmoogers sell, Fluxite in. tius I 44.,. 8d., I'/4, and 2lA. Ask to see thc FLUXI?E POCKET SOLDERING SETcourplete with full iEstr."*etioas-7/6. Ask also lor our leaflct ou HARDENING STEEL t'itll Fluxite. PLIIXTTE LED. (DEPt. il.B.), DR,AGOIT'W.OBITS, BERIE(}ITDSEY STBEET, S.E.T.
Ilyhatever ttre tiBe. early morningi, afternoon. or evening - as lon€l as, tlrere's dayli-ffht left-the extra speed of Seloehrome makes t:
ostdoor photography not only possiblerbut suceessfrrl. Do not be eontent to take pictures only during the sEnny hours of the day. Take tlrem when you like with:--
ffi ffi
nf0mE Mattc inDilotandbu
Tue Exrnr F.lsr
RoLL FrLilfr
Tfu, Modern Bos
.; ,,NHE WORLD'S BEST FOUR !I Robin Hood-Captain Justico-" Biggles--lspanish Death ! They're wqil4. famous now, and all four magnifi0ent
Saturday-in the
stories will be feaiured full-length neit
aaaress youn letters to: ! i ! Tbe tditor, The MODEBN BOY. ! '. Fleetwa,y Eouse. ; i farringdon Street, . . i : fondon, t.G.4. ! i
iT ar,r. B.rerrrs
? havcn't!!!!
tlrc fidl nanle and
You're riskins too much if yorl
o, the triter
wrrEour pEartrrssroN
All letters lrtust
Have YOU got YOUR, name down et the Newsagent's as one for whom a copy'" of l\{onpnr.i Bov must be reserved eacb
'or rruicsrs I\
Leather-elad Knights of the Dirt: STBICTI,Y EOR,BIDDEN Track rrill be " fightirig " in the great Speedrvay Test ]Iatch, England against r IUMP AT THIS !-I have descibcd This year his two sons, Geofirey and .{ustralia, at }[anchester, on Saturday, lv I as best I can in a verv few word.s, Peter, a,re going to have a shot at July 2lsb, and 50,000 people will be therc or page 9, what it is 1,ou are being beating their father ! Geofirey, will fl.y to lvatch the cinders fly. ofiered Next Satrirday. a T.K.l, designed and constructed at Next SaturdaSz's centie peges will tell I was amazed when I first saw this lhe De Havilland Technical School. you the latest about,this red-hot sport, splcndid book of Stand-Up Pictures. Peter will fly a Tiger Moth. and show you some exciting pictures of Far frorn being a toy or a plaything, the real champions. there ien'b a mdtorist br motorlmechini-c -I-IIE . . i rvinner of eath hcat rvill "cceivc in the country'who not value would it YOUR WEIGHT ?-It dE. r a prize as 'n'ell as qualifving for \I/HAT'S vY very trigtrly. pend.s on.where you wero when. , There's nothing dry - as - dust or the next round. Lord. Wakefield will vou werc weished ! - If - You' wero t'learned " about it. In fact, it is just present prizcs of f,25U, f100, and f,50 weighed at the-Equator, foi -instanee, what YOU want. And it is going to be to the first, second, and third, and four you would qeigh .a little less than if for the fastest of. 5,25 each time in each offered. to YOU. The ofier is in Next you had been "weigtred at the Norih , present prize round. The R.A.C. will a aturday's Boy ! or South Pole. If your weight werc to the winner of each heat, and the ten Toru**. stone at the Equator, you'd weigh Siddeley Challenge Trophy will go to the T OOK UP IN THE AIR next I'riddv light aeroplane club rvhose representative about two pounds morci at the Poles. -ti"o* " ' And the' reason i--ivai, y"" Saturday, if you are so lucky is placed highcst. ' 'J to and quite rourrd but little isn't a live within the radius of the most the 6arth &s The first Kirg's Cup Race was fiown important race in British Aviation-the in 1922, and. won b-v a D.H.4a, at 120 rade for the King's Cup ! At thc Polcs you would be twenty- ' miles an hour. seven miles'n"r"""r to the centre'of dfie'' The cup is a very beautiful and highly prized trophy presented b;, his Majestv Eabth, and. so gravit5, pulls you dorvn dn. the King each ye,aq-and each year it is to the weighing ruachine..with * 'little morc forcc than ib sould on the Equator. won outright. That is, the fortunate
a,EsERvED AND n,EpnoDrrcrroN
' . i , -
. t t l
, . .' .
it for alway-*. will start on Friday the 13th,
winncr keeps
The race
finish being at Hai;field
Acrodlomc, The rivals have to cover
an awful lot of ground-or rather
one mile over the 8001
be flown in four rounds, tr'-o each day, rvith a certain number of hcats in each-third round is the scmi-final and the fourth is the ffral. The first round is over a course o[ 232 miles, out from, and back to, Ilatfield,
by way of l)pper Heyford,_ Ox_fordshire-
get your maps out !-\1-hitchurch, and
AMAzINc' uonbp !-Arthur NEAD lhe N(}TICE 'r.Hi I Brent, a Gosport reader of
crack sprinting racehorse can only travel about, forty milcs an hbur,'nhilc 'which a cheetah, dr dunting leopaicl, is the fasiest thing on four legs, can' d.o a
IlloonnN Bov, wants- to knorv iI the l horse is the fastest animal on tlarth. l Not by a long lr'ay, Arthur, for even & '
100 $Hli*,,I3*u'fl**$Y"';
Old Sarum, in Wiltshire. The secoird is over & course of about our county cricketers are gettinu a move the same length, out from, and back to, on this seasor-scoring iuns in extraHatfield, b.v wav of \ 'addington and quick time ? Upper Heyiord. " -they'ye got their eyes on a Prize The semi-final will be 192 miles, by offered by Sir Walter Larvrenco tc thc c_ounty cricketer hitting 100 runs in the way of North Weald and Henlow,
milc a minute for a short speed-burst. Thc horse is probably the greatest allround animal athlete, howcver, for therc
are record-holders which havc jumpecl
seven-feet-high fenccs, cleared thirtyfeet-rvide rivc'rs, and shifted wagons n'eighing eighteen and a half tons ! i
YOU MEET A IION I-A friend ff I of mine in South Africa saw thc
following notice posted besjde a'hotorroad rurining through a big-game rescrve
in the Transvaal --';5""';;"t
aiarm"a if [ons stand and. stare at your car. The lion's nose tells him that-the car is not good to eat, and
shortest time this summer. Be<ifordshire. A real lover of cricket, he hates to see only smells of petrol. If you fiqd'lions The final is over six laps round. a fellorys pottering about at the wicket,. standing or lying in the middlc bf tLe 24-miie course. A bat's for HITTING the ball. not iust road in front-of you, it is not necessar.y to do more than "slow down. When yoh ro iLaxri huv" Le",, entcred stopping it. Hencc. his offer. v get close they wiJl get up antl move to the . every type of British plane. " The ricc "ii confined to 04 RUNS IN 40 MINUTES !-That's side out of your waX." light -nearly British planes and engincs only, the -, t the fastest scorinq in EnElish Yes, but do the lions knory all that ? lorrest speed oi each to be 110 miles per cricket since the Great "War-at"the SEE YOU AGAIN IIEXT SATUJRDAY I hour, and each is to be handicapped'on moment of writing. Sutclifle of Yorkshire its estimated performance. managed. it, against Essex, in 1039.
isee horv many of them you cai: Over two runs a minu"e. recognise-if youi luch's in ! Sutcliffe's partnerlasn't idle, either, r , Last yeaf's racc tras v'on bv Cantain for the pair of thcm actually scored Geofire;i de Havilland, thd fahous 102 runs off six consecutive overs;
in a Leopard Moth, at
average speed
of 139! milcs an hour.
an 102 runs ofi 36 balls
That's cricket with a THRILL
Gr-eat Britain and nublished evcr-y. Saturday by.l.he Ama,lgamated Press, Ltd., Thc Flcctway lfousc, Farri1sdon Streâ&#x201A;Źt, ftttjf9 itj.l.u.+. -Proprict-ors,,The 8.C.4,Advcrt,semenf .omccs-: _Tallis House, Tallis-Str-eet, -lnnoon, Begistcred ior..triansmission bi Canadian !4ag-azine.port. _Loadon,_ Subscri![ion rates: lnlaqd.and ]L]-road, IIs. per aunuin; bs. 6d. for'.sii rqo-ntjrs,'Sdle A;8ni;=i;].lu-stiijla inii-iGw"Zcilano-: McssrE. cordod ii Gotcl!. IJto., and for Soutlr Africa: Ccntral News Agenoy. Ltd.-Saturday. July 14rh, 1934. LIJ
t, t't- r',