4 minute read
The photo album charts life's journey
SPRING cleaning this year began with enthusiasm.
Success was measured by clean cupboards and uncluttered drawers, but this came to an abrupt halt upon discovering a pile of old photographs.
Although long forgotten, they were too precious to be thrown away. A crisp new photo album was purchased in which to put them but first they would require sorting.
When spread out on the kitchen table in chronological order, they resembled a pathway of stepping stones. The memories each picture held, and their place in this timeline of a life lived, meant it was a job that could not be rushed.
The journey across this pathway of pictures began with black and white baby photographs. These move into others of faded colours showing small children, siblings and older family members. Behind the formal smiles of school
February 16 portraits, hide the complexities of childhood friendships and difficulties understanding maths.
Holiday snaps reveal beaches and fields, reawakening memories of visits to family in faraway places. Others record significant life events: christenings, weddings and flowers at funerals.
These old photographs are a visual record of my life so far, and through them I am able to revisit my own history and unlock faded memories.
As a Christian, I began to reflect on where God had been throughout these photographic memories. Christening photos show a welcome into the church family, while those of a new sibling, and parents and grandparents, show love of immediate family.
Holidays brought love of creation, through nature’s flora and fauna, and school provided lifelong friendships.
As people have moved in and out of my life, they have each left n ARTS APPRECIATION SOCIETY meets on the third Thursday of the month for illustrated talks on all aspects of the arts. This month, Ann Haward on ceramics. Bradley Stoke Community School, 7 for 7.30pm. More details from Sally on 01454 774401.
February 1 n WELLBEING FRIENDS, for people with dementia and their carers. WADCA 1.453.45pm. £3. Varied activities, games, refreshments and chat. For more information call Edna on 07789 662694.
February 7 n FRAMPTON COTTERELL PARISH COUNCIL coffee & cake morning, Brockeridge Centre, 11am-1pm. All welcome.
February 18 n SHARE AND REPAIR CAFE, Winterbourne Down Village Hall, 10.30am-noon. Repairs for clothes, electricals, furniture, bikes, and jewellery, plus cake and company. Organised by Winterbourne and Frome Valley Environmental Group.
Regular Events
n MONDAY: WINTERBOURNE FLOWER CLUB now meets at WADCA in Watleys End Road, Winterbourne. Meetings are on the second Monday of the month between 2pm and 4pm. Call 01454 776753 for details.
n MONDAY: GENTLE SHIBASHI TAI CHI AND an impression, both good and bad. The whole journey has been supported by Christian faith - my own and that of others.
The psalmist writes: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light upon my path”.
This biblical saying is found in Psalm 119, verse 105 – the longest psalm.
It is written in praise of God and reveals the love God has for people by providing them with a pathway to follow.
Christians believe God accompanies us along this pathway, as a friend and a guiding light of presence, to support us through life’s journey, made visible through the teachings of Jesus Christ. Having faith will light our way forward, so that when we falter we can find the pathway once again and know we are not alone, as we navigate the pathway of our lives and live through the multitude of chapters within our own individual stories.
My brand new photo album n MONDAY: FRAMPTON SINGALONG meets on the first Monday in the month at Crossbow House, School Road, Frampton Cotterell, 2-3.30pm. Live music from The Jays & The Rosettes. £5, refreshments included. Carers free. All profits to UNICEF supporting children affected by Ukraine war. More details 07515 351 813. n T UESDAY: WINTERBOURNE DOWN METHODIST CHURCHDrop in for free cup of tea and chat or play board games, every Tuesday from 2-4pm. n TUESDAY: SUNRIDGE GOLF CROQUET CLUB meets on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in Coalpit Heath and has players at all levels. Learn how to play, club equipment is available to use. To find out more contact croquet@wilko.eclipse.co.uk or call 07977 201440. n TUESDAY - CRAFTING: Come and join our group of crafters on the first Tuesday of every month in the Red Brick Annexe, Manor Hall, Coalpit Heath, BS36 2TG from 2-4pm. Bring your own project. £4 per session. Contact: Kay 07792189276. n WEDNESDAY: BRISTOL SCRABBLE CLUB meets every Wednesday evening at 7pm until 10pm at Filton Community Centre, Elm Park, Filton BS34 7PS. New members welcome- of life’s journey so far is now complete, and sits on the shelf, ready to view. first visit free so come along and give us a try. For further information contact Sheila on 01179570792 or 07435316458 or email shinett@blueyonder.co.uk n WEDNESDAY: GENTLE SHIBASHI TAI CHI AND RELAXATION, accessible to all, 10.30-11.30am and 11.45am-12.45pm, Winterbourne Medieval Barn, Church Lane, Winterbourne. Contact Jenny on 07855 560257or jksmith@blueyonder.co.uk for more information. n WEDNESDAY DOWNEND FLOWER ARRANGING CLUB meets at 7.30pm on 1st & 3rd Wednesday each month from September to June at Lincombe Barn, Overndale Road. Call Genise on 0777 245 1217 for more information. n THURSDAY: WINTERBOURNE WINDS, a friendly amateur wind band who play a wide range of music including pop, musicals and classical, rehearse at Frenchay Village Hall from 7.40-9.30pm. New members, especially flute, oboe, trumpet, horn and percussion players, are welcome. For more information email winterbournewinds@yahoo.com. n FRIDAY: FROME VALLEY ART GROUP meets at the Greenfield Centre, Winterbourne each Friday 2-4pm or 7-9pm. Thriving club with demonstrations and workshops from visiting professional artists. More details online at fromevalleyartgroup.wordpress. com or email fromevalleyartwinterbourne@ gmail.com
RELAXATION, accessible to all, 6-7pm, St Michael's Rooms, High Street, Winterbourne. Contact Jenny on 07855 560257or jksmith@ blueyonder.co.uk for more information.
I have made sure there is plenty of space alongside it to make room for more albums of memories, both happy and sad, but lived with the knowledge of God’s presence throughout them all.
*For details of Lent courses across the Fromeside Benefice, email office@fromesidechurches. org.uk.