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Jack's gifts to club
FRAMPTON Cotterell Cricket Club is very honoured to have received four prints from Jack Russell. Jack’s renown as a Gloucester and England cricketer and artist is well known.
He was also a resident of Frampton Cotterell for some years, and is providing tangible support for the celebrations of 100 years of the village’s club at the Parks.
The centenary celebrations for FCCC will take place in 2024: if you wish to get involved, please contact the club at framptoncotterellcc@gmail.com and include the word 'centenary' in the title.
In the meantime, preparations for this season are underway.
Winter nets for adults and juniors started in the last week of January at Yate Academy.
Adult nets are 11am to noon on Sundays, Junior nets 4-5pm Saturdays.
New members are always welcome, and all ages, abilities and experience levels are catered for. Please contact FCCC via our website: framptoncotterell.playcricket.com/Aboutus.
John Hughes