4 minute read
Winterbourne Down WI
AT our January meeting our speaker was Katie Bell, whose informative and well-presented talk was entitled ‘Behind the curtains at the Bristol Hippodrome’.
Katie worked at the Hippodrome for 22 years, first as an usherette selling ice-creams, rising to be the deputy bookings manager. After her last job was computerised, with bookings made online, Sally lost her job in 2019 but decided to share her passion and knowledge of the Hippodrome by giving group talks.
We played Rangeworthy WI in the first match of the skittles knock-out competition. We were fortunate to win and thoroughly enjoyed their banter and the friendly atmosphere.
Unfortunately the Winter Walk
Winterbourne Evening WI
AFTER our January meeting many members went home vowing to make an extra New Year's resolution.
Our guests were from Avon Fire and Rescue Service and spoke about fire safety in the home.
Two officers from Bedminster Fire Station told us that in 20212022 there were 470 house fires in our area, with 80% of deaths occurring in domestic homes.
It only takes three minutes of breathing in toxic smoke to kill you or three minutes for a sitting room to be totally engulfed in flames.
Half of all fires occur in kitchens, during cooking. Washing machines, tumble dryers and dishwashers can easily catch fire, so never use them in the middle of the night or when you are out.
Never overload electrical sockets or extension cables, and be very careful with candles.
Make a plan to get out of your house safely, check your house before going to bed and test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms once a week.
The fire service can visit your home and offer help and advice to vulnerable people, often free of charge - phone 0117 926 2061 to make an appointment.
Everyone enjoyed this valuable talk, given with humour and style.
Then we made a collection of loose change to be sent to the charity Associated Country Women of the World and signed up for various lunches and trips out. Our next meeting will be on the 9th of February and we shall be doing Tai Chi with Jenny Smith. Meetings are at 7.30pm at St. Michael's School, Linden Close, BS36 1LG. Visitors and new members are most welcome.
Margaret Grazebrook
Frampton Cotterell WI
WE'RE close to confirming our full programme for the 2023-2024 year - do get in touch if you fancy joining us, for any of these events, and more.
Monthly events normally run on the fourth Tuesday of the month, at St Peter’s Hall on School Road at 7.45pm.
On February 28 we welcome local dance tutor Karen Davis, and on March 28, local historian John Winston-Smith will talk about the Norman hunting lodge.
Our new season starts in April, when Jenny Smith teaches us about Tai Chi.
May is our resolutions meeting and in June we have a talk and cookery demo from Fussels Rapeseed Oil.
In June we have a theatre trip to see Fisherman’s Friends and in July, Rob Jones will talk about crime and the serial killer.
In August we have our summer planned for March 18 has been cancelled, due to the rain making the route water-logged and muddy. The Spring Walk around the same route will take place on
Coalpit Heath WI
April 18.
We have had our first committee meeting of the year and come up with a few suggestions for this month.
We are meeting up at the Vintage Birdcage at Stanshawes Court, Yate, for a coffee and chat. We have also booked the skittle alley at the Hambrook Social Club for a fun game of skittles or just to watch and have a drink.
Our president has offered to host a meal at her house in March to raise funds.
Our next meeting is at 7.30pm on February 2, and everyone is welcome.
THIS month we welcomed Tim Lewis and Sheila Furneaux, who accompanied him on keyboard, for a Jack and the Beanstalk-themed evening of entertainment.
Tim began by talking about some of the stars of music hall, and sang us a variety of musical hall favourites, like Side by Side, which we were encouraged to join in with.
Having warmed us up, we were further entertained by the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, told in rhyme with songs set to familiar tunes like When I’m Cleaning Windows and Three Blind Mice. We greatly enjoyed our evening.
As well as our regular meetings, we now offer a variety of other social activities.
The day trips and theatre group has already made bookings to see My Fair Lady and Evita, and have plans for future events.
Book club is held later this month, with a subsequent meeting scheduled for March. Members volunteer books to read - so far we have all read books that we might not otherwise have chosen.
After a break of several years the WI skittles league is back underway. The first match for us is towards the end of the month, and we look forward to competing and having fun.
Our next meeting is a talk from Susan Symons on Victoria and Albert, on February 1. Ann Fisher gives an iced flower demonstration on March 1 and on April 5, Briony May Williams will talk about life after Bake Off.
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month in St Saviour’s church hall, at 7.45pm. You are most welcome to come along and see what we have to offer.
Further information and updates are on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Caroline Johnston
picnic instead of a meeting and in September Carole Darling will give a talk called Confessions of a Lawyer.
Organic and sustainable beauty and skincare is our subject in October, before we hold our AGM in and quiz in November and Christmas bingo night in December.
We have other events and socials lined up, including more visits to the theatre and other local group trips throughout the coming year.
Watch this space and our Facebook page for confirmation of future event dates and more details.
Visitors and new members are welcome to our monthly meetings. There is a charge of £3.50 for the evening and any new members can also join by paying a membership fee.
Special interest groups that meet separately including book clubs, craft group, gardening group and our skittles and darts teams.