OFFICE DOORS {valley changemakers}
A DAY WITH MEGAN MOSBY Executive director of Liberty Wildlife
As told to | Julie Coleman
I start my day by walking my dog, Sophie. She’s a Bernese mountain dog and poodle mix — a giant! Sophie is smart and energetic, and leaving her home all day wasn’t an option, so she comes to work with me every day. I also spend time catching up on emails as I have an open-door policy, which means people drop in all day long. It’s great because I keep up with what’s going on and know what my staff and volunteers are doing. If there’s a problem, if there’s a success, I want to know about it. So, I make it my policy to be available, which means a lot of the things that I should be doing get done either in the morning or evening.
8 a.m. >> AN EARLY BIRD’S PRIORITY I’m often one of the few people here early, which is good, as it gives me a little bit of time 12 FRONTDOORS MEDIA | APRIL 2020
to catch up. I make the rounds and make sure everything looks good for the public to come in. We now have goats that are our weed patrol, so I need to erase the effects of the goats from the day before. And we have an egret that comes to the window and admires its reflection and leaves dander on the window. So, I clean the windows and do just the basics, keeping in mind what it will look like when the public shows up. That’s my first job.
We have a public program called “The Duck Experience,” one of the most fun things we do. We have two Indian Runner ducks that were brought to us because the people who found them thought they couldn’t fly, and indeed they can’t because Indian Runner ducks don’t fly; they run. We examined them and determined