Frontdoors Magazine May 2020 Issue

Page 7

EDITOR’S NOTE {on the job}

STORIES OF HOPE The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges for the nonprofit sector. We’re seeing shortterm effects now — lost revenue from canceled events, entry fees and performances, diminished donations as well as reduced staff and volunteer availability. The lack of cash flow makes it hard for nonprofits to keep going, and in many cases it’s made worse by higher expenses and more demand for services. We’ve never lived through a time like this before. But amid the challenges, there are stories of hope and incredible examples of nonprofits making a tangible difference. That’s why Frontdoors has partnered with Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust on this special issue to highlight our community coming together and the importance of that. Piper Trust was founded by Virginia Galvin Piper, a humble woman who grew up in the Midwest, with strong Midwestern values. In this trying time, Virginia can be a source of inspiration. She survived a pandemic, worked hard through the Great Depression and knew what it meant to take care of her neighbors. In 1945, Virginia married Paul Galvin, the founder of Motorola. While he was a successful business leader, he was also a generous philanthropist and he shared those values with Virginia — values that became part of her mission. As she graciously said, “We all have an opportunity to do ‘good things’ on a daily basis for others and to do them in an unselfish manner; to provide our world and its people, through giving, an improved beautiful culture and places to live, work and grow healthy families.” Today, more than 20 years after Virginia’s death, Piper Trust continues her legacy to enhance health, wellbeing, and opportunity in Maricopa County. And in this moment, the Trust has worked in coordination with philanthropic partners and state leaders to restore balance and ease anxiety caused by COVID-19. “My colleagues and partners in Arizona philanthropy and I believe it’s best to try to find our way through this together rather than go it alone,” said Mary Jane Rynd, president and CEO of Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust. “Now is the time for those who can — individuals and public and private sector organizations — to step in quickly and support our nonprofits.” The Trustees of Piper Trust (who you’ll meet in these pages) did just that, swiftly turning the Trust’s attention

to the crisis. They had five virtual board meetings within a month and, to date, have awarded more than $9 million in emergency grants to nonprofits that are so vitally important to our state’s health and economic vitality. ASU’s Biodesign Institute received a $2 million grant from the Trust for innovative work to help mitigate the effects of the pandemic. Dr. Joshua LaBaer, director of the Institute, is the first Virginia G. Piper Chair of Personalized Medicine at ASU. The Trust knows him well and has great confidence in him. In rapid speed, LaBaer and his team took lab space and equipment they already had and converted it to do COVID-19 testing and, with the purchase of a few additional pieces of equipment, have already manufactured thousands of test kits — including those hard-to-get swabs — and are on track to deliver thousands more. But that’s just one story of innovation and resilience. This issue of Frontdoors highlights several organizations Piper Trust is supporting at this difficult time. In them, we think you’ll see a spirit of resourcefulness, creativity and drive — nonprofits figuring out new and more efficient forms of service delivery. This pandemic has brought harsh realities and is testing us all. But we are optimistic that the crisis will strengthen our community in unimagined ways, deepen our resilience, and open our eyes and hearts to the well-being of others. And while we all wait to get there, we offer this issue as a way to share hope at a time when we really need it.

Read the story of Virginia’s life and legacy, “Devotedly, Virginia” at

Karen Werner EDITOR

@kwerner409 MAY 2020 | FRONTDOORS MEDIA  5

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