
14 minute read
Addington Highlands Sets Priorities In Strategy Meeting
By Craig Bakay
Health Services (including doctor recruitment) emerged as the No. 1 priority as Addington Highlands Council met in a special meeting to hold a strategic planning ranking exercise March 7 in Flinton.
Affordable Housing and Emergency Services, Management and Planning were tied for second followed by (in descending or- der of priority) Public Safety and Security (3), Communication (4), Roads and Waste (5), Economic Development (6), Cell Coverage and Broadband (7), Organizational Structure and Staffing (8), Community Facilities, Parks and Recreation (9), Short Term Rentals (10) and Tax Rate (11).
For the rankings, each councilor, including the Reeve, was asked to rank each category from 1-12 and then the votes were totaled up. The categories with the highest totals were ranked lowest and vice versa.
Within each category, several sub-categories were established and discussed with the eventual goal being an action plan and timeline.
Discussions began with Health Services, it being the highest priority, and within that, successfully recruiting additional physicians was the most popular discussion topic.
“I think everyone knows it’s not a matter
Continued on page 7
Arden Wanda Harrison
Battersea / Storrington Amanda Pantrey 353-6653
Cloyne / Northbrook Stepanie Regent
Denbigh Gail Fritsch
Godfrey Kelli McRobert
613-333-2224 performance as a duo.
Linda Rush lindarush@yahoo.com 613-479-2570
Marily Seitz seitz@xplornet.ca 613-479-2855 rington Fire Hall. 6pm – 9pm.

Karen Brawley
Harrowsmith Gregg Hamelin
613-376-6665 Henderson Jean Brown

Inverary Judy Borovskis
Maberly-Bolingbroke Karen Prytula
Parham-Tichborne ........Colleen Steele
Perth Road Peter Bird
Plevna Rhonda Watkins 613-264-5325
Sydenham Karen Brawley 376-9848
Verona Debbie Lingen
ABE rly- B O l INGB r O k E
Karen Prytula
613-325-1354 karenprytula33@gmail.com
Upcoming Trivia Night at the ABC Hall, Saturday, March 25.
• Doors open at 5:30pm. Dinner is optional, registration is required. For more info go to the ABC Hall website abchall.ca
Pearl Killingbeck
Sympathy to the family and friends of Lilliane Antoine, who • passed away (another former resident of Snow Road). Sympathy to family and friends of Joyce Balharrie of Almonte. Joyce was a good friend of mine and she was so much fun to be around. We were with her a lot when she lived in Snow Road. Sympathy to her boys Greg and Glen. Also sympathy to the Emerson family on the death of Gwen. Gwen was a wonderful woman – so happy and cheerful and full of life. These women will be so missed.
Get well wishes to Patsy Sargeant (I am sorry about being late getting this in).

Friday, March 10th I had a wonderful visit with my grand- • daughter Brandy from Shannonville. Such a special day with her. Also thank you, Elaine, for your visit on Thursday. I am always happy to see you. We always make the world a better place to live (at least in our minds).
Community Centre News: About a dozen people enjoyed • a session of line dancing on Tuesday morning. Thanks to Sue for her patience as we tried to sort out our left foot from the right one. There were several tables of players at Tuesday’s Games Night. The Games Nights are the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Wednesday night was the monthly Social Dinner which happens on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. As always, a marvelous variety of food shared in good company. The hall was nicely decorated with lots of green for St. Patrick’s Day. Don’t forget our Friday morning Coffee Time from 10am to noon is open to everyone. Drop in for a chat and get to know your neighbours. Mark your calendars for Thursday, March 23rd at 7pm when Chris Murphy and Jessica Wedden will be performing at the Community Centre. Both of them are talented musicians and we are looking forward to hearing their
The sun shone warmly for the Snow Stomp last Saturday.
• Over 40 people of all ages came out to dance (led by Meredith), chat, eat, play in the snow and hang out by the fire. It all ended with a large circle spiraling around the parking lot, a great cheer and a thank you to Meredith by organizer Liz.
The Community Cafe is returning to the Ompah Hall on • Wed. Mar. 22 starting at 11. Susan Irwin will present a session on wills and power of attorney followed by soup and social. Rural Frontenac Community Services provides this gathering free to all seniors over 60. For more information contact Juana at 613-279-3152 ext. 106 or at juanag@rfcs.ca.
The hall will be filled with families having fun on Sat. Apr 8. • St. Killian's Church will hold an Easter Egg Hunt along with other fundraising activities. Mark this day on your calendar for these egg-citing activities. Extra hands would be welcome if any high school students are looking for volunteer hours. Contact Jeanne Klatt at 613-479-0070 for more information.
Colleen Steele
Christine Teal mrsteal2u@hotmail.com
Hope everyone is enjoying their March Break - safe travels
• to those that are travelling this week! You deserve the break! Wasn't that a Party! Celebrations for Tina Howes' birthday
• at the CE Building in Parham was a great way to spend a Saturday seeing family and friends and playing games!
• feel better soon!!
Thinking of you to Mary Howes and Lisa Teal. Hope you
Don't forget the Lions Club Breakfast on March 25th!!
• Reminder as well that baseball registrations are under way. Teams will be capped at 13 players so you don't want to be disappointed. Lots of easy ways to register: online - www. fcmsa.ca - fill out the form and etransfer payment to cfminorball@hotmail.com, by email - send both form and payment to cfminorball@hotmail.com, or in person at the OSO Hall in Sharbot Lake on Wednesday March 22 from 6 to 9pm and again on Sunday March 26 from 9am to noon. If you need a registration form, email cfminorball@hotmail.com or one will be coming home with GREC Students after March Break.
Mark down April 8 from 10am to 2pm on your calendar!
• There is a Spring Fling, Craft, bake and vendor sale at the OSO Hall from 10am to 2pm! Come out and support local!
Peter Bird
613-353-7303 p.bird@xplornet.ca
Maple Syrup Festival: April 8th, 830am – 230pm. All-day breakfast: Pancakes, sausage, and maple syrup. Games, Face Painting, Log Sawing, Bake table. Craft sales, displays, and vendors in Harris Park Hall. And much more.

Perth Road VILLAGE Crafters continue to meet every
• Wednesday: 930am – 1130am at Harris Park Hall, 5612 Perth Road Cres. If you’re a first-timer, get in touch with Cheryl Bird at 613-353-7303.
Friday Night Jam Sessions at the newly renovated Stor- •
Don’t just be green with envy, join in the festivities. The • Sydenham Legion is hosting a St. Patrick’s Day social starting at 4pm, all are welcome, free admission and light snacks provided.
Coming soon… You know you want some, you know you’ll • buy some, yep, Girl Guide cookies! It’s a sure sign of spring when our young entrepreneurs get out and sell their famous cookies. Keep eyes peeled for locations and times.
We’re half way though March and it came in like a lion I’d • say. So hopefully shall go out like a lamb. Mother Nature has certainly been off her meds this winter.
Debbie Lingen debbie@lingens.com
Style Revival will be open two more Saturdays this month, • March 18th and the 25th from 10am to 1pm. '
Congratulations to Nicole's Gifts, celebrating their 13th An- • niversary of opening their store on Main St. South Frontenac Community Recreation & Leisure Services
• Fair will be happening on Saturday, March 25th at the Storrington Centre (3910 Battersea Road in Sunbury) from 10am – 2pm. You will be welcome to learn about and register for local recreation, leisure, and social programs for all ages and interests. Email recsupport@southfrontenac.net for more information.
Sydenham's Women's institute will be holding their Craft and
• Bake Sale on Saturday, April 22. New location at the Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith from 9am to 2pm. 30 vendors will be there. Light lunch available.
Wanda Harrison
613-335-3186 wmharrison070@gmail.com
It will be a jammed full couple of weeks for residents of Ar-
• den and the surrounding area. On Friday, March 17, 5pm to 7pm, Mitch Laufman is sponsoring a St. Paddy’s Day dinner as a fundraiser for the Arden Legion. The dinner will comprise of Shepherd’s Pie/Irish Stew, rolls, salad, pie and ice cream. Tickets are $20.00 per person and available at the Legion and C 4 Convenience or through Mitch, who is available at mitchellaufman@gmail.com.
On Saturday morning, April 18, 8am to 11am, the Arden
• United Church will be offering of Egg and Ham breakfast sandwich, with baked beans, hash brown potatoes, beverages and a special St. Patrick’s Day sweet surprise. A free will offering at the door will be gratefully accepted.
There will be a Christian Education committee meeting
• March 23 at 6pm at the Arden Church.
The Sharbot Lake and District Lions will be hosting there
• famous “All you Can Eat’ Breakfast” Saturday March 25, 8am to 11am at the Oso Hall. This month the proceeds from the breakfast will be in support of the Swim Program.
The Arden Pastoral Charge has scheduled their Annual
• General Meetings as follows. Mountain Grove March 23 at 6pm, Henderson March 27 at 930am, and Arden March 30 at 7pm.

On April 1, 2023 at 9am, the Kennebec Recreation Commit-
• tee will be hosting the first of many Fundraising Events. The “Fools Plunge” will be held at the Mill Pond, with pledge forms available at C4 Convenience. If you would like to plunge or you are in need of more information, please contact Cayleigh Matson.
Speaking of the Rink. After valiant efforts made, the Arden
• Rink is, sadly closed, for the season. Special thanks is sent to Lisa and Jeff Matson for all of their hard work.
On April 1, 230pm to 430pm the Arden Church hosts an af-
• ternoon of fun and games for youth. Those kids attending can bring a board game for all to enjoy. The afternoon will be filled with lots of fun. Some snacks will be available. If you would like more information, please call the Church at 613-335-2474 or email minister@ardenpastoralcharge.ca.
On Monday April 3, at 11am, the Arden Seniors will be hav-
• ing their first meeting of 2023. The club has a new leader, Brian McKinstry and he is eager to get the ball rolling. If you are 50+ and would like to meet a group of like-minded folks and learn about the happenings in the area, this group is for you. After the business meeting all members bring a “Pot Luck” dish for all to share. I am sure that Brian will bring new ideas and adventures to the group. See you there!!
Rhonda Watkins
613-264-5325 rhonda139@gmail.com the week on Friday night.
Be sure to come to the South Frontenac Community Rec- • reation & Leisure Services Fair happening on March 25th at the Storrington Centre (3910 Battersea Road in Sunbury) from 10am – 2pm. You will be welcome to learn about and register for local recreation, leisure, and social programs for all ages and interests. Email recsupport@southfrontenac.net for more information.
You shouldn’t iron your four-leaf clover. Wouldn’t want to • press your luck.
Gail Fritsch
613-333-2224 tonygailfritsch@sympatico.ca
The Denbigh Recreation Committee will be hosting a St. • Patrick’s Day Dinner on Saturday March 18, 2023 from 5 - 7pm at the Denbigh Community Hall. This homemade traditional meal will be Irish stew with a bun and dessert, all for $12.00 with children under 8 being $8.00. There will be live music with The Pickled Chicken Band.
The Denbigh Recreation Committee is hosting Euchre • Nights at the Denbigh Hall for $2.00 on Friday March 17 and March 31 at 7pm. The plan is for them to be every second Friday night.
Gregg Hamelin
613-376-6665 ghamelin3585@gmail.com
It's Income Tax Time! South Frontenac Community Social • Centre has volunteers who can complete your return free of charge if your income meets the CRA limits. For more info, call Chelsea at 613-376-6477 ext 308.
One of the problems during our winter is trying to clear the • ice and snow on our driveways, sidewalks and getting to our mail boxes. In Harrowsmith the majority of our boxes are in two long rows which face each other and have a walkway in between in Centennial Park. Some of the drifts after winter storms were knee high in the walkway and after freezing rain the boxes were almost impossible to open. One of our local residents investigated and found that snow removal, salting and sanding is the responsibility of Canada Post. For future reference if these areas are not cleared within 24 hours you can call Ms Bankcroft at 613-847-0628 in Belleville or Ms Cudd at 623-382-4915 in Gananocque
Friday, March 17, 2023 is the St. Patrick's Day celebration • at the Harrowsmith S and A Club. From 19:30 PM until 23:00 PM. Green beer and Karaoke. Cash bar. Come and join for a $5 entry fee. Contact harrowsmithsanda@gmail.com for details.
On Wednesday March 8th, Clarendon Central Public School
• travelled to Kingston to compete in the Limestone District School Boards Co-Ed Competitive Division Basketball Tournament. Leaving at 6:30am to make this event on time, didn't hurt this team. The Grade 5-8's won all 4 games (including two in overtime!!) WOW!! Congratulations to Coach Drechsler and the hard working Gold Medal Winning students for taking home the Championship!!

If you are in the mood for a delicious Little Caesars Pizza, • Bread or some of their dessert cookies, you need not look any further! Clarendon Central Public School is promoting their Winter 2023 Fundraiser for their senior class year end field trip to Canada's Wonderland. For more information, you can contact one of the senior class parents or the school at 613 479-2264. Orders are due by Friday March 24th and kits will be delivered on Thursday April 13th.
Please join Emma Tooley and Zack Matson on Saturday • May 27th at 7pm at the Clar-Mill Hall in Plevna for a night of drinks, dancing, games and raffles to help them celebrate their upcoming marriage! If you would like to buy tickets for their stag and doe, you can contact the bride or groom, their bridal party or their parents. They are very excited to have you come out and help them celebrate!!
The Arden Legion (5987 Arden Road) is hosting a St Pat- • ricks Dinner this Friday March 17th between 5-7pm. There will be an offering of stew and shephard's pie with dinner rolls! Tickets are $20 each and kids 12 and under eat free. Sadly the numbers at this legion are not what they used to be, so it would be so great if we could all come out and support them!! Please call 613 335-2737 or 613 449-4516 for more information.
Please mark your calendars for Saturday April 8th! St Kil- • ians Church will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt along with other fun activities at the Ompah Community Hall! It will be an Egg-citing Fundraising Event!!
Amanda Pantrey
613-353-6653 amandapantrey@outlook.com
VERY special birthday wishes to Annie Jackson of Wash- • burn Road in Sunbury. On March 20th, Annie will be turning 103 years old! Still living in the same house that she raised 7 children in, Annie enjoys baking bread and a good game of cards. All the best to Sunbury village's oldest resident! Enjoy your day, Annie! From your family and friends.
Another birthday shout-out to Heather Vlasschaert on Lower Round Lake Road! I hope you have a wonderful day with your family, Heather!
More live music at The Creek this week. Jake is hitting the • stage on Wednesday Jordy is on Thursday. Scott will round out
The Denbigh Library will be having a LEGO and K’NEX Day • on Saturday March 18 from 10 to 11am. Please call to register 613-333-1426.
Sunday March 26 is the Madawaska Senior Housing AGM • at the Lions Hall in Griffith from 4 to 6pm. The meal will be Irish stew and desserts, and it will be a goodwill offering. Everyone is welcome.
The community sends condolences to the Martha Grant • family. Martha was very fortunate to achieve the age of 101. She always attended many community events where she enjoyed visiting with everyone.
Kelli McRobert kattgrrrl@gmail.com
Looking for something to do on March break? Frontenac Community Arena is holding public skates on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday this week. Admission for Tues and Fri is a donation to the Southern Frontenac Community Services Corporation (SFCSC) food bank. See you there!
Firefighters and other first responders rely on the clear and • easy-to-identify civic address number at the end of your lane or driveway to help them get to you and your family in an emergency. Often these posts get covered by snow accumulation or overgrown seasonal foliage.
Wondering when you should remove your ice hut? Remove • by March 1 for FMZs 17 and 20; Remove by March 15 for FMZs 14, 16, 18, 19, and 12 (below Lake Timiskaming dam); Remove by March 31 for FMZs 9, 10, 11, 15, and 12 (above Lake Timiskaming dam). All ice huts must be removed before ice breakup, even if no removal date applies. ontario.ca/icefishing.
Celebrating its 40th anniversary, Maple Madness will be run- • ning every weekend in March and the week of March Break at Little Cataraqui Creek Conservation Area (Mar. 11 – 19, and 25 – 26).
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Friday, March 17, 2023 is St Patty’s day with Jeff Code • at the Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith. Dancing from 7 to 11pm with a late night snack provided. Cost is $20.00. For more info, call 613-372-2410.
Sunday, March 19, 2023 is a take out beef (not turkey) dinner, at the Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith, advance tickets only with a cut off date of Wednesday, March 15. The cost is $20.00 with tickets available at the gas stations in Sydenham, Harrowsmith and Hartington and Asselstine Hardware in Verona. For more info call 613-372-2410.
Wednesday, March 22, 1 - 3pm - Painting Workshop at the
• Sydenham Legion Hall, 4361 Amelia Street. Bring a photo of your house, cottage, curled-up cat or anything that says home to you. Aged 55+ beginner to experienced painters welcome. Canvas, acrylic paint and brushes provided for a $5 donation. Bring an apron, paper towel and a sense of fun! Preregistration is required. For more information or to register call Denzel Maradza 613-376-6477 ext 310 or denzel.maradza@ sfcsc.ca.
Saturday, March 25, 2023 is the South Frontenac Commu-
• nity Recreation & Leisure Services Fair at the Storrington Centre (3910 Battersea Road in Sunbury) 10-2pm. Learn about and register for local recreation, leisure and social programs for all ages and interests. E-mail recsupport@southfrontenac. net for more information
Thursday, April 6, 2023 is Diners Club at the Verona Free
• Methodist Church. Seats are limited, so please pre-register by calling 613-376-6477 ext 303 email Joanne Be sure to let us know of any diet restrictions, gluten free, diabetic or other.
Saturday, April 22, 2023 is the Sydenham Women's Institute
• Spring Craft & Bake Sale. New location is the Golden Links Hall at 4186 Colebroke Road, Harrowsmith, Ontario. Thirty vendors, home baking and a light lunch from 9am to 2pm.
Jean Brown 613-336-2516

Movie night this Saturday March 18 at the Kennebec Hall
• featuring a free movie and some snacks available. Deepest sympathy to the family of the late Darlene Beth Da-
Continued to page 8
Sharbot Lake Chiropractic & Wellness

Dr. Gian Kaillon
Sharbot Lake 613.279.2100 www.sharbotlakechiropractic.ca
Rotator Cuff
The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and their tendons that form a "cuff" around the shoulder joint. These muscles and tendons work together to stabilize the shoulder joint and allow for movements such as lifting, reaching, and rotating the arm.
The four muscles that make up the rotator cuff are:
1. Supraspinatus: This muscle runs from the upper part of the shoulder blade to the top of the upper arm bone (humerus). It is responsible for initiating arm abduction, or lifting the arm away from the body.
2. infraspinatus: This muscle is located on the back of the shoulder blade and attaches to the back of the humerus bone. It is responsible for external rotation of the arm, or rotating the arm away from the body.
3. teres minor: This muscle is also located on the back of the shoulder blade and attaches to the back of the humerus bone. It works with the infraspinatus to externally rotate the arm.
4. Subscapularis: This muscle is located on the front of the shoulder blade and attaches to the front of the humerus bone. It is responsible for internal rotation of the arm, or rotating the arm toward the body. These muscles are connected to the shoulder blade by tendons, which then attach to the humerus bone. Together, these muscles and tendons form the rotator cuff and provide stability and support to the shoulder joint.