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Black Friday Sale
Northern Happenings
NoRtHERN HAPPENiNGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.
Friday March 17
PlEVNA - NEW liBRARy CARd lAUNCH 11am-12pm. Plevna Library. Get a limited edition card and meet the friendly library T-Rex.
SydENHAM - St. PAddy’S dAy SoCiAl 4pm. Sydenham Legion. Everyone welcome! Free admission and light snack available.
ARdEN - St. PAtRiCK’S dAy diNNER 5-7pm. Arden Legion. Stew & Shepherd’s Pie, $20. Tickets available at Legion, C4, Finnegan’s. Info Mitch 613-200-7967 or mitchelaufman@gmail. com
5:30pm. Sharbot Lake Legion. Irish Stew & Biscuits. $17, Legion opens at 3pm.
7-11pm. Golden Links Hall. Cost $20. Late night snack provided. Info 613-372-2410
7:30-11pm. Harrowsmith Social & Athletic Club. Green beer & Karakoe. Cash bar. $5 entry. Info harrowsmithsanda@gmail. com
Saturday March 18
ARdEN - St. PAt’S dAy BREAKFASt 8-11am. Arden United
Save 20% On select Bird SeedCreature Comforts
Seeds & seed starting supplies and soils.

Church. Egg & ham sandwiches & more! Free will offering gratefully accepted.
SNoW RoAd - SNoW RoAd SNoWMoBilE ClUB dENBiGH - lEGo & K’NEX dAy 10-11am. Denbigh Library . Call to register 613-333-1426 VERoNA - StylE REViVAl 10am-1pm. Verona Free Methodist Church. Free gently used clothing and footwear for all ages.
BREAKFASt 8-11am. Snow Road Snowmobile Clubhouse. Traditional breakfast PLUS pancakes and local maple syrup in support of Alzheimers Society. Enjoy breakfast & donate to charity and make an improvement in detection and treatment.
SoUtH FRoNtENAC - MARCH BREAK tRACKS & tRACES 10am-3pm. Wintergreen Studios. Join us for a day of winter adventure! FREE event, all welcome. Warm beverages provided.
HARloWE - oldE tyME FiddlERS 1-5pm Third Saturday of every month. Harlowe Hall. Admission $5, Entertainers $2. All welcome, refreshments available. Info Marie 613-336-2557 dENBiGH - St. PAtRiCK’S dAy diNNER 5-7pm. Denbigh Community Hall. Homemade traditional meal of Irish Stew, bun & dessert. $12, kids under 8 $8. Live music! ARdEN - MARCH BREAK MoViE BASH 6pm. Kennebec Hall. Movie, snacks & games. Fun for the whole family!
Sunday March 19
HARRoWSMitH - tAKE-oUt BEEF diNNER Golden Links Hall. Advance tickets only, cut off date March 15, cost $20. Info 613-372-2410
WAlK 1-3pm. Wintergreen Studios. Guided walking meditation & deepen the process of reflection. Event is by donation and open to all. Light snacks & beverages provided.
Monday March 20
CloyNE - CloyNE & diStRiCt HiStoRiCAl SoCiEty
MEEtiNG 1pm. Barrie Hall. A never before seen interview with Jim Smart entitled ‘Memories of Camp Mazinaw’ will be shown. All welcome!
Tuesday March 21 oNliNE - USiNG yoUR iPAd/iPHoNE 9:30-11:30am. Zoom Meeting. Learn hot to safely use the internet, connect online, store phots & more! 6 sessions, runs until April 25. Register 613279-2499 or info@ncalc.ca
FliNtoN - FliNtoN diNERS 10am-1pm. Flinton Hall. Chicken Pot Pie, salad, roll & dessert. RSVP Katie 613-336-8934 x 229.
Wednesday March 22 oMPAH - CoMMUNity CAFE 11am. Ompah Hall. Presentation on Wills & Power of Attorney. Soup and social to follow. 60+ Info Juana 613-279-3151 x 106 or juanag@rfcs.ca
PARHAM - lENtEN lUNCH 12pm. Parham Free Methodist Church. Pastor Ken Walton to speak, followed by soup and crackers
SydENHAM - PAiNtiNG WoRKSHoP 1-3pm. Sydenham Legion. Bring a photo hat says home to you 55+ beginner to experienced welcome. Materials provided with $5 donation. Pre-registration required. Info Denzel 613-376-6477 x 310 or denzel.maradza@sfcsc.ca
Thursday March 23
ARdEN - CHRiStiAN EdUCAtioN CoMMittEE MEEtiNG 6pm. Arden United Church.
SNoW RoAd - MUSiC NiGHt FEAtURiNG CHRiS MURPHy & JESS WEDDEN 7pm. Snow Road Community Centre. Tickets $15. Call 613-278-1853 for more info.
Friday March 24 iNVERARy - yoUtH dANCE Storrington Lions Hall. Music & fun! Supervised, $5 per student.
Saturday March 25
SHARBot lAKE - All yoU CAN EAt BREAKFASt 8-11am. Soldiers Memorial Hall (OSO Hall). Hosted by Sharbot Lake & District Lions, in support of local swim program.
SERViCES FAiR 10am-2pm. Storrington Centre. Service clubs, sports leagues/teams, and community associations will be promoting their services at this free fair. Attendees will be encouraged to learn about and register for local recreation, leisure, and social programs for all ages.
VERoNA - StylE REViVAl 10am-1pm. Verona Free Methodist Church. Free gently used clothing and footwear for all ages. HARloWE - oPEN MiC 1-5pm Fourth Saturday of every month. Harlowe Hall. Admission $5, Entertainers $2. All welcome. Refreshments available. Info - Marie 613-336-2557
BoliNGBRoKE - tRiViA NiGHt 5:30pm. ABC Hall. Dinner is optional, registration required. Info abchall.ca
Sunday March 26 dENBiGH - MAdAWASKA SENioR HoUSiNG AGM 4-6pm. Denbigh/Griffith Lions Club. Irish stew & desserts, goodwill offering, all welcome. iNVERARy - CHRiS MURPHy iN CoNCERt 7pm. Inverary United Church.

Monday March 27
HENdERSoN - PAStoRAl CHARGE’S ANNUAl MEEtiNG 9am. Henderson United Church.
Tuesday March 28
PlEVNA - CoNtRACtoR & tRAdESPERSoN FREE BREAKFASt & iNFo SESSioN 7-8:30am. Clar-Mill Hall. 2023 Updates: building code, minor variances & more.
NORTHBROOK - NORTHBROOK DINERS 10am-1pm. Northbrook Lions Hall. Roast Beef Dinner! $10. Come early and play cards before lunch. Free meal draw for next Diners in Northbrook. For reservations, contact Katie at 613-336-8934, ext 229
SNoW RoAd - MUSiCiANS CiRClE 7-10pm Snow Road Community Centre. Join us for an evening of sharing, learning and enjoying music! Cost: $4 at the door. All musicians and all genres of music welcome. Play along with others in a relaxed, supportive setting. Contact Mike Kennelly at (613) 278-1853 or kennmich4297@gmail.com
Wednesday March 29
SHARBOT LAKE - LENTEN LUNCH 12pm. St. Andrew’s Anglican Church. Reverend Blair Peever to speak, followed by soup and crackers
We are open again Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-3pm
Appointments & purchases at back entrance. Pre-paid pick up at front entrance.
14 Bosley RD (at Hwy 41) Northbrook, (613) 336-1608