20 minute read

Addington Highlands Wants Lights At Hwy 7/41 Intersection

By Craig Bakay

In response to a rather lengthy chain of correspondence between resident Myles McDonell and various provincial agencies and bureaucrats, Addington Highlands Council decided to get involved in moving along some changes to the intersection of Hwy 7 and 41 in Kaladar at its regular meeting April 4 in Flinton.


In his correspondence, McDonell managed to get a commitment from Steven McInnis, director, design and engineering branch with the Ministry of Transportation for a new traffic study, to be conducted on a weekend, rather than a weekday when traffic is much lighter.

Council, led by Coun. Helen Yanch, felt things had gone on long enough and perhaps it was time for them to get involved in the hopes they might be able to help move things along.

“Anything we can do,” said Yanch. “It’s a nightmare. You can’t even turn right onto Hwy 7 if you get behind a couple of cars who want to go straight through or turn left.

“I know land was purchased some time ago to address this but nothing has been done.”

“There was a working group formed with County staff, myself and some MTO people,” said Reeve Henry Hogg. “I heard there was something in their 20-year plan but it has to be close to 20 years now.

“What they told us is there haven’t been enough serious accidents there to justify the installation of traffic lights.”

“I don’t think there’s been any deaths there but there have been a lot of serious accidents,” said Dep. Reeve Tony Fritsch.

“There has been an ambulance wiped out there,” said Coun. Ken Hook. “I guess that’s not serious enough.”

“I don’t think accidents are the issue here,” said Yanch. “The point is you can’t get onto Hwy 7 on the weekends and especially on a long weekend without traffic lights.

“Anything we could do to move this along would be really nice (and) I think it’s time for Addington Highlands to arrange a meeting with our Member of (Provincial) Parliament.”

“I think this needs more than a letter,” said Hogg. “We need to talk in person.”

Council instructed staff to arrange a meeting with MPP Ric Bresee and/or MTO officials.

Environmental Priority

Dep. Reeve Tony Fritsch’s motion to add “environmental” as a priority in their strategic planning discussions passed but things like EV charging stations (target 2025 or earlier), a community stewardship program, climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience initiatives weren’t unanimously accepted around the Council table.

“We have a lot on our plate with priorities already,” said Coun. Helen Yanch. “I certainly don’t agree with EV charging stations . . . they should be private enterprise.

“We don’t have any gas stations owned by the Township.”

Yanch was the lone ‘no’ vote on Fritsch’s motion.

No to declaration regarding homo and trans phobia

Council said no to a request from Foundation Emergence to declare May 17 International Day against homophobia and transphobia.

“In the years I’ve been here, we’ve never made a declaration,” said Dep. Reeve Tony Fritsch. “I don’t know if it’s policy or just practice (but) we don’t do that.”

Bridge Street

Council asked staff for a report on Bridge Street and the section of Hwy 28 that

Spring Specials!

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ISA Certified Arborist® passes through Denbigh in response to a request from Stan Platz asking that measures be taken to slow traffic there.

“The highway isn’t our jurisdiction but there may be some things we can do,” said Reeve Henry Hogg. “We need to know what our options are.” lighting Council instructed staff to look into additional lighting for Lloyd Street in Northbrook.

New playground equipment in denbigh?

The properties and recreation committee has recommended applying for a Trillium Grant for the supply and installation of new playground equipment at Heritage Park in Denbigh. And that a play structure for Tracy Park be included if an inspection determines that it is not financially justified to repair the structure.

Busy building department

Chief Building Official David Twiddy reported that “building has been unusually busy this spring, with the value of new home construction for march valued at $2,21 million. Values for new home construction for the year beginning in January is valued at $3.2 million.”

Twiddy said they’ve been preparing an RFQ for the pigeon netting project for the Flinton Arena as well as for the replacement of a portion of shingles at the Northbrook Medical Center. ■

lE tt E r S

Porcupine? Iguana? Why Not Opossum?

Porcupine, (March 30) Giant Green Iguanas (April 6). They all like to help us in some way. But what about the wonderful opossum? They eat thousands of ticks and other debris. They will not bother humans or pets. They are immune to rabies. How can we get more of them in our part of Ontario? I have never seen one but they are supposed to live in South & Southeastern Ont. as well as Southern Quebec. I would love to have many in our neck of the woods to get rid of ticks.

- Jean Cooke

Sydenham HS Cont. from p1 that is ahead of the curve when it comes to tech skills is an advantage over their peers in other schools. The recent announcement by the Ontario Ministry of Education regarding mandatory tech credits, reinforces how important this type of training is for local youth to excel in a field that continues to require skilled tradespeople.

“By requiring students to take at least one technological education credit in high school, we are opening up doors and creating new pathways to good jobs in STEM stairs to decorate and to hide them a little bit,” said Tammy.

Her original hope was to get the chair built and installed by the May 24 weekend, the first anniversary of the Derecho storm. But, an opening in late June when the museum

Physician Recruitment

South Frontenac Council did not put money in their 2023 budget for doctor recruitment. Mayor Vandewal stated we were not entirely clear what was being asked of us, by the doctors and we did not discuss it as part of the budget.

I am asking to loosen the purse strings and give them the amount they are waiting for. Other communities are moving forward with recruitment plans.

Frontenac County Council, do you not realise healthcare is the most important service. Bring in the doctors.

- Doris Veldman

[Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math] and the skilled trades,” said Minister of Education Stephen Lecce recently.

The mandatory shop class credit will start with students who enter Grade 9 in 2024. Students will need a Grade 9 or 10 credit in one of the following: communications technology, computer technology, construction technology, green industries, hairstyling and esthetics, health care, hospitality and tourism, manufacturing technology, technological design, or transportation technology. ■ has its traditional opening day, or for Canada Day, is now more likely.

“I'd say that one way or another, we will have it in place by the end of the summer,” she said, “provided the township is on board, and everything goes well from there. Until now, things have gone really well, and people are really behind it, so I'm optimistic.” ■


Arden Wanda Harrison 335-3186

Battersea / Storrington Amanda Pantrey

Cloyne / Northbrook Stepanie Regent

Denbigh Gail Fritsch

Godfrey Kelli McRobert

Harrowsmith Gregg Hamelin




Henderson Jean Brown 336-2516

Inverary Judy Borovskis

Maberly-Bolingbroke Karen Prytula

Mississippi Pearl Killingbeck

Ompah Linda Rush

Marily Seitz

Parham-Tichborne ........Colleen Steele

Christine Teal

Perth Road Peter Bird 353-7303

Plevna Rhonda Watkins


Sydenham Karen Brawley 376-9848

Verona Debbie Lingen


Jean Brown


Land O’Lakes Emmanuel United Church in Northbrook cel-

• ebrated Easter Sunday with guest clergy, the Rev. Mike Putnam of Selby leading an afternoon communion service and bringing hope to all who attended.

Easter brought all kinds of folks home- great to see so many • families re-united.

This coming Sat (April 15) swing over to Harlowe Hall and • swing along with the Ol Tyme Fiddlers from 1 – 5pm and have a blast- costing $5.00 for the public and $2.00 for entertainers. Scrumptious food is available to purchase. Come and get all shook up.

Our hydro workers did us proud in getting power restored, • as did our road crews here at home and on Highway 41 which was closed down for a whole day due to a sink hole north of Kaladar.


Judy Borovskis borovskis@kingston.net

Township News: Overnight street parking restrictions are

• lifted as of April 1st.

The Household Hazardous Waste Depot at 2491 Keeley

• Road is now on summer hours and is open every Thursday from 3 to 8pm. Load restrictions are in effect in the Township until April 30th.

LCBO Bottle Drive – Light Up Our Diamonds! Trailer is at

• 3950 Round Lake Road and first week brought in almost $200 – Thanks Everyone! Drive continues until June 30th and we still owe $13,000 so your support is needed and welcome! Thank you to Warren at Play It Again Sports for the new nets for the basketball hoops!

Youth Dance for Grades 5 to 8 at the Storrington Lions Club ley at 613-353-7337 to order and pay by e-transfer to batterseaunited@outlook.com Definitely a good time. Proceeds to support Battersea United Church.

• on Friday, April 21 from 7 to 10pm. Cost is $5. The event is supervised, and a canteen will be open for purchases.

Trees for Sale! Dog & Cranberry Lake Association is sell-

• ing native trees. Cost for members is $3 and non-members $4. Order deadline is Wednesday, May 3rd. Pick up will be at Ormsbee’s Mercantile on Saturday May 6th from 10am to 12 noon. For info or to order, contact dogandcranberrylakes.ca

Annual High Tea Saturday May 13th - one sitting at 1pm

• at the Storrington Lion’s Hall in Sunbury. Cost per person is $25. Cash only bar available. Come in your finest tea attire! Over 130 are now reserved! Call Shirley O’Neil at 613-3532257 to reserve your spot. Seating will be tables of 6, so bring your family and friends or share the table with new friends. Proceeds will benefit the work of the Child Life Specialists at our local hospitals. Hearing aids, can tabs, eye glasses can now be dropped • off at the Lion’s Hall in Sunbury anytime. Just put them in the bucket provided. NO eye glass cases please. Hall Rentals: Inverary Church Hall – contact Judy Borovs- • kis 353-1768 or cell: 613-545-5017. Battersea Church hall – contact Roberta Smith 353-2846.

M ABE rlY- B O l INGB r O k E

Karen Prytula 613-325-1354 karenprytula33@gmail.com

2023 Tay Valley Soccer Registration is Now Open! Regis- • tration forms are available at the Municipal Office and online at https://www.tayvalleytwp.ca/Soccer/ Games are played at Glen Tay Public School on Mondays from 6 - 7pm. Start Date: Monday, May 29th, 2023. End Date: Monday, July 31st, 2023. Early Bird Registration is only $35.00 per player! ($45.00 after April 16th, 2023) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - contact 613-2675353 ext. 110.


Linda Rush lindarush@yahoo.com 613-479-2570 Marily Seitz seitz@xplornet.ca 613-479-2855 dor Event on Saturday May 13th at Parham Ball Field from 10am to 2pm. If you have some yard sale items, some craft items or even baked goods that you are interested in selling - please mark this date down. You can send me a message to confirm that you are coming at mrsteal2u@hotmail.com. It should be a well attended event. The District #4 Recreation Committee will be operating their canteen so be sure to stop by and support them!

We are still looking for some Junior men ball players for • this upcoming season. If you are interested in playing you can still sign up on line at www.fcmsa.ca and send payment to cfminorball@hotmail.com. Remember your form and payment confirm your spot so please if you haven't sent payment please do so.

pE r TH rOAD

Peter Bird

613-353-7303 p.bird@xplornet.ca

PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH: Sunday services Con-

• tinue at 10.00 am. Address: 5614 Perth Rd Crescent, Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0


• day Lunches continue. Charge is $8 per person. Great value for homemade soup, sandwiches and dessert. Euchre at 10:00 am. Lunch at noon.

THANKS to all who helped at the Maple Syrup Festival and • to all who attended.


• every Wednesday: 9:30 am – 11:30 am at Harris Park Hall, 5612 Perth Road Cres. If you’re a first-timer, get in touch with Cheryl Bird at 613-353-7303

YOGA classes on Opinicon Rd., Pilates and foam rolling • classes, go to: nomadyogini.ca, for full schedule: info@nomadyogini.ca 613-453-4195.

JAM SESSIONS RETURN TO STORRINGTON CENTRE: • Friday nights: 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm. Admission is $2:00. No charge for refreshments.


Rhonda Watkins

613-264-5325 rhonda139@gmail.com

Inverary Spring Market! April 29th 10am to 3pm at Ken Gar-

• rett Memorial Park. Over 100 vendors and artisans – definitely something for everyone. Free Admission. Drop in, see the displays, meet the craftsmen and enjoy the park! Fun for the whole family!

Bob Burtch Blue Grass Concert at Battersea United Church on Sunday, April 30th from 2 to 4pm. Tickets $25. Call Shir-

Mother Nature was smiling warmly on the Easter Egg Hunt • at the Ompah Hall on Saturday. Multiple eggs were scattered all over the grass and snow outside the hall and the children were excited to start hunting. Different coloured eggs were for different age groups. After the hunt children opened their eggs to find a surprise inside. Inside the hall were many craft activities for the children. A chili and soup lunch was available along with a laden table of baking for sale. Thanks to Jeanne and her crew from St. Killian's for providing a wonderful day for the whole family and thanks to all of those who came out to enjoy the event.

The April Birthday Bash will take place on the 19th. Bring • a pot luck dish to share with neighbours, new friends and old. Everyone is welcome. Admission is by donation.


Colleen Steele


Christine Teal mrsteal2u@hotmail.com 613-375-6525

Sincere sympathy to the family of the late Don Lee - Don • was well known in the area.

What a great turnout for the Spring Craft and Vendor Fair • on Saturday! Thank you to everyone who took part in this wonderful event.

Plans are well underway for the Giant Flea Market and Ven- •

St Kilian's Church sends out • a Big Thank you to everybody that came out to celebrate the Easter Egg Hunt with them at the Ompah Community Hall last Saturday! They said it was a nice turnout and the kids enjoyed hunting for eggs and all the fun activities, while their parents shopped at the yummy bake sale! Needless to say, guests left happy and with something sweet!!

The River of Life Christian Fellowship would like to invite you to their Movie night to watch Risen. It was postponed due to the freezing rain and winds last week. The new date is next Wed April 19th at 6:30pm at 7064 Road 506 in Plevna. They hope to see you there!!

Effective May 1st there will be some slight changes in hours • at the Plevna and Cloyne Public Library Branches. The new hours in Plevna will be Tues and Thurs 2-6pm and Fri and Sat 10-1pm. Cloyne will be Tues 10-2pm, Wed 4-7pm, Fri 12-4pm and Sat 10-2pm.

Attention artists and artisans: Would you like to have your work featured right here in our North Frontenac? Applications for the 2023 round of Art Murals are open until May 1st, 2023. The Township pairs with local artists to have their masterpieces displayed in our public areas throughout the community! It's quite the honour and it's open to Painters, Photographers and other visual Artists, who can present their work on a mural. Successful applicants receive one sheet of 96" by 48" MDO plywood, $100 towards the cost of materials, Free installation and a Certificate of Recognition to show all your family and friends! For more information, you can contact 613 479-2231 recreation@northfrontenac.ca

The application deadline is quickly approaching on April 30th

• for the Community Grant Program at the Township of North Frontenac. This program demonstrates Council Commitment to work with local Community Organizations by awarding up to $1000. This grant is available to support the operation of a Not-For-Profit Community Organization, support programs, services or events and promote and/or enhance the overall well-being of our community. For more information, you can email recreation@northfrontenac.ca or call Brooke, the Manager of Community Development at 613 479-2231 ext 233.

S Ydenham

Karen Brawley


NEW LEAF LINK 50/50 FUNDRAISER!! New Leaf Link is • introducing a nat’d be awesome


Debbie Lingen debbie@lingens.com

Enjoy a TAKE OUT turkey dinner on April 16 at the Golden • Links Hall Harrowsmith, Advance tickets only with a cut off date of Apr 12. Cost $20.00. Tickets available at gas stations in Harrowsmith, Sydenham and Hartington and Asselstine Hardware Verona. For info call 613-372-2410.

New Leaf Link (NeLL) is holding their 50/50 fundraiser ca New Leaf Link (NeLL) is a non-profit charitable organization that supports adults with developmental disabilities. NeLL provides programming in Arts, Healthy Living and Community participation. They focus on activities that develop independent life skills, communication, exercise, social interaction and community involvement. NeLL is a place for everyone to learn together and build friendships. new. The Kennebec Rec. Committee’s Annual Trash Bash, be- • gins Saturday, April 22, with children and youth who want to participate. Partnered this year by the Arden United Church, we will meet at the Church at 10am, cleaning the Church property first and then moving to the Kennebec Recreation Park. Any youth who wishes Community hours should join in. The Bash continues Tuesday, April 25, meeting at the Kennebec Community Centre. All collectors, whether Saturday or Tuesday will be given trash bags and water. Everyone should wear the appropriate clothing along with gloves and have bug spray, if necessary. If you have a trailer or truck, please come out and help move the trash from our streets to the dump. You will have the necessary pass. We thank everyone in advance for their participation.

• Tickets on sale now. For more information www.newleaflink.

The Arden United Church will celebrate spring with an after- ern Frontenac Community Services food bank. For more information email recsupport@southfrontenac.net or call 613376-3027 ext. 4447.

• noon fundraising concert Sunday, April 23, at 2pm. Come enjoy some rousing classical music featuring local musicians on the cello, guitar, and piano. , featuring Patrick Kline (cello),Philip Candelaria (guitar) and Sylvia Goodeve (piano). A coffee and tea social will be available after concert. Admission by free will donation (100% donation goes to the Church).

The Sharbot Lake and District Lions will be sponsoring their • “All You Can Eat” breakfast Saturday, April 22 at the Oso Hall, 8am to 11am. This month, the proceeds will go to the Lions Foundation of Canada, Guide Dog division.

There will be a Pastoral Charge AGM April 25 at 7pm.

• The Kennebec Recreation Committee is hoping that every- • one will attend the upcoming Kids’ Klub Fundraising dinner Thursday, April 27, 5pm to 7pm. The original Kids Klub program has split into 2 groups; the older ones on Tuesdays and the younger Thursdays. Supervisor Connie Tryan is planning new adventures for the children this summer. The dinner will include spaghetti, lasagna, mac & cheese along with Caesar salad. There will also be a silent auction. A free will offering will be gratefully accepted at the door. Hope you will attend and support the Kids!

What do you call a cow that is lying down? Ground beef. (Many thanks to my Dad and Danny Page for this week’s joke!)


Gail Fritsch 613-333-2224 tonygailfritsch@sympatico.ca

We hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter, visiting with • family and friends. The warmer days of Spring are here. We will let you know when the Denbigh Lake ice goes out!

The Denbigh Recreation Committee is hosting a Euchre • Night at the Denbigh Hall for $2.00 on Friday, April 14 at 7pm. The plan is for them to be every second Friday night.

The Denbigh Recreation Committee had a wonderful turn-

• out for the Easter Party with 46 children in attendance and lots of adults. The children had a great time making crafts, playing and finding all the eggs the Bunny had hidden in the AHCC yard. Thank you to all the grandparents, parents, children and volunteers for making the day special.

The Denbigh Griffith Lions Club is hosting BINGO at the • Lions Hall in Griffith on April 25. The doors open at 6:30pm and BINGO starts at 7:30pm.

Land O’Lakes Community Services is looking into offering • their Foot Care Program in Denbigh. They need a minimum number of clients to run the program in this area. If you would like more information, please contact Land O’Lakes Community Services at 613-336-8934 or 1-877-679-6636.

Please let me know if you have any news or events you • would like to share.


Kelli McRobert kattgrrrl@gmail.com

Join Bellrock Community at their Pancake Breakfast on

• April 22 from 9 am to 11 am at the Bellrock Community Hall, 6034 Levesque Rd. Breakfast is free, donations accepted.

Sydenham's Women's institute will be holding their Craft

• and Bake Sale on Saturday April 22. New location at the Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith from 9am to 2 pm. 30 vendors will be there. Light lunch available

Style Revival will be open Saturday April 29 from 10 am to • 1 pm. It will also be open as usual Wednesdays from 10 am to 1 pm. Style Revival, which is located in the Verona Free Methodist Church at 6804 Hwy 38, offers free gently used clothing and footwear for all ages.

Roy and Debbie Lingen http://www.buckacover.com << • 90,000 covers 60c to $1.50 !!! "The next best thing to a stamp show" Discount Stamp Shop The name says it all! http://www. discountstampshop.com


Wanda Harrison


amanda Pantrey 613-353-6653 amandapantrey@outlook.com

A very big Happy Birthday to my mother-dearest! Cheers to • the next chapter, Ma!

If you want to get involved with the Sydenham Canada Day • event organizing, the committee is meeting at 7pm on April 13th at the Sydenham Library Community Room – They’d love to see you there. Call Marie if you have any questions 613-449-4744.

The next Storrington Lion’s Club Youth Dance is April 21st • from 7pm – 10pm. All kids in grade 5 – 8 are welcome. $5 at the door, supervision is provided and there is also a canteen. Pitch-In Week is coming in hot! Grab some Pitch-In bags • and help clean up our ditches, parks, and public spaces the week of April 17th – 23rd. You can find Pitch In bags at participating stores and the Township offices, then put the bags, without tags, out with your regular collection.

613-335-3186 wmharrison070@gmail.com

The Kennebec Rec. Committee would like to thank all the • children, parents/grandparents, and the volunteers for a great Children’s Easter Party. Everyone had a great time.

Bible study will resume at the Arden United Church Wednes- • day, April 12 at 7pm. All are welcome.

Saturday, April 15, 8am to 11am the Arden Legion will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast. There will be tickets available at the door and at C4 Convenience. $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children.

On Saturday, April 15, 10am to 2pm there will be a food drive • at Mike Deans’ in Sharbot Lake. This is a drive for the food bank. Much needed items are peanut butter, pasta, sauces, cereal, baked beans, canned goods and hygiene products. This is an excellent cause to support.

Line Dancing in Arden, will be starting Monday, April 17, • 9:30am at the Kennebec Community Centre. No previous dancing experience is necessary. There is a $1.00 fee, per person. Come on out, have some fun, and learn something

We’re hosting the Battersea Pumpkin Festival spring start up meeting on Monday, May 1st starting at 7pm. If you’re interested in joining us, please email me for more info and directions. All welcome!

Dog and Cranberry Lake Association is hosting their an- • nual tree sale. They have 9 different species of native trees for sale. Trees are $3 for members and $4 for non-members. Order deadline is Wednesday, May 3rd. Trees will be available for pick up at Ormsbee's Mercantile on Saturday May 6th from 10am – 12. For more info, people can email dogandcranberrylakes@gmail.com or visit dogandcranberrylakes.ca.

Touch the Truck is back on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, from • 4-7 pm at the South Frontenac Public Services yard at 2490 Keeley Road. Bring the whole family to this fun, free event featuring a BBQ, kid’s activities and lots of big trucks and equipment from South Frontenac Fire & Rescue, the Public Services Department, Frontenac OPP, and Frontenac Paramedic Services! Donations of food items or cash for the BBQ will be collected to help stuff-the-truck in support of the South-

The Township of Stone Mills Recreation Centre will be host- • ing indoor Pickleball starting in 2023! The season will run from May 1st to August 26th on the following dates: Monday evenings: 7pm – 9pm, Wednesday mornings: 9am – 11am, and Saturday mornings: 10am-12pm. Per play cost of $3.00 can be paid via exact cash at time of play at Stone Mills Recreation Centre. 4 month membership of $75.00 can be purchased at the Township of Stone Mills Municipal Office. For more details and to access the Registration Form, please visit our website at https://www.stonemills.com/.../pickleball-stone-mills...

The Harrowsmith S and A club is happy to offer a FREE, • 2-day First Aid Certification Course on May 20th and 21st. (Saturday & Sunday) from 9am until 4pm with 1/2 hour for lunch. The course will be held at 4041 Colebrooke Road in Harrowsmith, On. A $10 registration fee to sign up is refundable upon completion of the course. The course is presented by Mark Podgers from the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada. We want to thank the Township of South Frontenac for sponsoring this event. There are only 12 spaces, so book asap. For more information and to register, contact harrowsmithsanda@gmail.com attention Penny.

Help shape Frontenac County Council decisions by taking a • short online survey or attending one of two open-house community meetings. We need your guidance on a wide range of topics related to the work of Frontenac County including Fairmount Home and long-term care, Frontenac Paramedics and emergency response, land use planning, geographic information services, corporate services, marine services, economic development, advocacy, and other County Council priorities and concerns. Learn more and participate here -> http://bit. ly/3GieN4d.

Sharbot Lake Chiropractic & Wellness

Dr. Gian Kaillon

Sharbot Lake 613.279.2100 www.sharbotlakechiropractic.ca


Bursae (singular: bursa) are small, fluid-filled sacs that are found throughout the body, typically located at joints between bones, muscles, and tendons. Bursae act as cushions and reduce friction between these structures during movement, allowing for smooth and pain-free motion. Bursae contain a small amount of synovial fluid, which is a thick, clear fluid that helps to lubricate the joints and reduce friction. When bursae become inflamed due to injury or overuse, it can lead to a condition known as bursitis, which can cause pain, swelling, and limited range of motion. Bursae can be found in many different areas of the body, including the shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, and ankles, among others. They are an important part of the body's musculoskeletal system and help to support movement and protect the joints.

Common symptoms of bursitis include pain and swelling in the affected area, stiffness and limited range of motion, and warmth or redness around the joint. Treatment for bursitis typically involves rest, ice, compression, and elevation of the affected area, as well as over-the-counter pain relievers and antiinflammatory medications, physiotherapy, massage therapy and chiropractic treatment to name a few. Preventative measures such as maintaining proper posture, stretching and avoiding repetitive motions can help reduce the risk of developing bursitis.

propane Gas Furnaces Fireplaces Appliances Water Heaters

2408 pErTH rD., GlENBurNIE, ON. 613.542.8574 www.cfpetropro.ca • cfpetropro@hotmail.com

Central Frontenac

Property Clean Up Ticket

Residents are permitted to ONE FREE two cubic yard load of waste for 2023.

Residents of Central Frontenac are permitted to one Property Clean Up ticket per residential property.

To request a ticket please either call the office at (613) 279-2935 or email your request to waste@centralfrontenac.com with your name, roll number and property address.

Property Clean Up loads are only accepted at 1085 Olden Park Road site

Amnesty Waste Program Dates: May 19-25 | July 14-20 | August 25-31

Restrictions and Conditions

1. Applicable to full time and seasonal residents of Central Frontenac ONLY

2. Maximum of two (2) cubic yeards of waste.

3. All loads must be sorted and disposed of in proper locations in the landfil site.

4. Site attendants have the authority to refuse any load that does not meet Property Clean Up requirements.

5. Acceptable Property Clean Up items include:

- Non-reuseable furniture and mattresses

- Bagged household garbage (clear bags only)

- Residential Construction Debris

6. Items NOT accepted for Property Clean Up:

- Commercial and Industrial Waste will NOT BE ACCEPTED

- Shingles

- Commercial Construction Debris

This article is from: