9 minute read

Ciara’s Coming Home

North Frontenac Little Theatre’s latest production Ciara’s Coming Home

Thursday April 27 thru Sunday April 30th. at Oso Hall. The award winning play, written by Arden playwright Glenys O’Connell is being directed by Adrian O’Connell


We are into our last two weeks of rehearsal before opening night. A lot of familiar faces are returning as well as a few new people we hope will keep coming back. Sarah Hale and Greg Morris play Ciara’s parents who are eagerly


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Jim Beere, Auctioneer 613-326-1722

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**reminder – live auction Sat. april 15th, Lanark Civitan, 10:00am* awaiting their daughters return to Ireland. Sarah, recipient of the 2015 NFLT Lifetime Achievement Award.

Braidey Merrigan and Nick Conboy play Ciara’s brothers who are also looking forward to their sister’s return. Braidey has been in many plays with NFLT as a child actor so he is comfortable on stage and this shows in his performance. This is the first time he is taking on an adult role. And he is doing double duty - also playing Ciara’s husband Pauly. Nick Conboy is new to acting and has confidently taken on the role of Tomas.

Sister Eleanor, not so happy about her siblings return, is being played by Hope Andrews who was part of the ensemble cast of the Red Lamp last fall. Sloane Put-

Continued on page 10

TOWNSHI p OF C ENT r A l Fr ONTENAC Notice of Special Council Meeting

Take Notice that the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Central Frontenac will be conducting a Special Meeting of Council on April 26, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. for purposes of reviewing the recommendations of the Fire Master Plan and reviewing the procedural by-law. The location for this meeting will be the Station 3 Fire Hall, 1020 Wagner Road Sharbot Lake ON. The meeting will be streamed via our YouTube channel. dated at the township of Central Frontenac this 12th day of april 2023.

Cindy Deachman, Deputy Clerk Township of Central Frontenac 1084 Elizabeth Street, P.O. Box 89 Sharbot Lake, ON K0H 2P0 613-279-2935 x 237 cdeachman@centralfrontenac.com

29 010

79 Coulter Lane, Godfrey; PIN 36252-0014 (LT); File No. 21-08; Minimum Tender Amount: $19,611.19

2. Roll No. 10 29 010 040 12300 0000; 1380 Westport Rd., Godfrey; PIN 362510007 (LT); File No. 21-09; Minimum Tender Amount: $13,968.41

3. Roll No. 10 29 060 070 14700 0000; Opinicon Rd.; PIN 36285-0050 (LT); File No. 21-25; Minimum Tender Amount: $11,478.26

4. Roll No. 10 29 050 040 61820 0000; Sydenham; PIN 36279-1264 (LT); File No. 21-34; Minimum Tender Amount: $6,785.43

5. Except a Roll No. 10 29 080 040 09100 0000; Verona; PIN 36147-0041 (LT); File No. 21-42; Minimum Tender Amount: $10,457.68

Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to, availability of road access, or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold. responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. A full copy of the tax sale advertisement and further information about this matter is available on line at www.OntarioTaxSales. ca or taxsale@southfrontenac.net or you may contact Jesse Collins, Acting Deputy Treasurer, The Corporation of the Township of South Frontenac, 4432 George Street, Box 100, Sydenham ON K0H 2T0, Phone: 613-376-3027 Ext. 2347, Email: dt@ southfrontenac.net.

Northern Happenings

NortHErN HaPPENiNGS listings are free for community groups, and will be published for two weeks. Donations to offset the costs of publication would be appreciated. Other listings are paid or are taken from paid ads elsewhere in the paper. The News makes every effort to be accurate but events should be independently verified by readers.

Thursday April 13

SHarBot laKE - StratEGiC PlaN CoNSultatioN oPEN HouSE 6:30-8pm. Soldiers Memorial Hall (OSO Hall).


E MP loy MEN t oPP ortu N ity

Deputy Fire Chief/Fire Prevention, training & Suppression

(Permanent Full-time)

The Township of Central Frontenac is a unique community in Frontenac County and is committed to a modern and motivational place to work, focused on strong teams, continuous improvement, and customer service excellence. We are located one hour north of the City of Kingston and a half hour west of the Town of Perth in the heart of the Land O’Lakes Tourist Region of Eastern Ontario.

As a member of the management team the Deputy Fire Chief will report to and receive direction from the Fire Chief and will provide support to the Central Frontenac Fire Department through planning, management, budgeting and administration major initiatives. The Deputy Fire Chief will also assist in maintaining command structure and discipline throughout the department and will assume all responsibilities of the Fire Chief in their absence. This role works closely with other departments, external partners, and residents.

The individual will possess the following skills, education and NFPA certifications:

• NFPA Certificates:

• 1035 standard for Fire & Life Safety Educator Level I & II.

• 1001 - Firefighter 1 & 2,

• 1021 – Level 1

• 1031 - Fire Inspector 1 & 2,

• 1033 - Fire Investigator.

• 1035 – Public Information Officer. 1035 - Fire & Life Safety Educator, Public Educator Level I & 2.

• 1041 - Fire Instructor II or equivalent

• College Level Certificate or Diploma in Fire Service Leadership or Administration or equivalent.

• CEMC, Community Emergency Management Coordinator designation.

• Ontario Fire College, Training Officer Certification would be an asset.

• Class DZ Driver’s License in good standing.

• Availability to attend evening and/or weekend meetings or other events.

• Current Clear vulnerable sector check.

• BCIN Certification - Fire Protection and General Legal Process would be an asset.

Along with a comprehensive benefit package, the Township of Central Frontenac offers its staff a flexible work environment helping employees balance the demands of work with their personal and family obligations.

Interested applicants are invited to submit a covering letter and resume to Cathy MacMunn, CAO/Clerk via email at cmacmunn@centralfrontenac.com by 12 noon on Friday April 21, 2023. If you have any questions regarding the position please direct them to Chris McDonough, Fire Chief via email at cmcdonough@centralfrontenac.com or 613-279-2935 x 359

The 2023 Salary is currently under review. Visit www.centralfrontenac.com for a copy of the complete job description.

Personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purposes of candidate selection only. The Township of Central Frontenac is an equal opportunity employer, committed diversity and accessibility within the workplace. We thank all applicants for their interest and advise that only those selected for an interview will be contacted. If you require accommodation to participate in the recruitment process, please contact our office.

Members of the public invited. Help guide the plan for the next four years. Your guidance is crucial.

SydENHaM - CaNada day CoMMittEE MEEtiNG 7pm. Sydenham Public Library. Call Marie for more info 613-4494744

Friday April 14

SHarBot laKE - lEGioN SuPPEr 3pm. Sharbot Lake Legion. Pork Chops, $17, supper at 5:30. DENBIGH - EUCHRE NIGHT 7pm. Denbigh Community Hall.

Saturday April 15

SNoW road - SNoW road SNoWMoBilE CluB BrEaKFaSt 8-11am. Snow Road Snowmobile Clubhouse. Traditional breakfast PLUS pancakes and local maple syrup in support of Melanoma awareness. Enjoy breakfast & donate to charity and make an improvement in detection and treatment. ardEN - PaNCaKE BrEaKFaSt 8-11am. Arden Legion. Tickets available at the door. $10 adults, $5 kids. Come support the Legion in their effort to keep the doors open!

SHarBot laKE - Fill a FirE truCK 10am-2pm. Mike Dean’s . Supporting NF Food Bank. Meet CF Fire Fighters and check out some gear!

HarloWE - oldE tyME FiddlErS 1-5pm Third Saturday of every month. Harlowe Hall. Admission $5, Entertainers $2. All welcome, refreshments available. Info Marie 613-336-2557 HarloWE - old tyME FiddlErS 1-5pm. Harlowe Hall. $5 admission, $2 performers.

Sunday April 16

HarroWSMitH - taKE-out turKEy diNNEr Golden Links Hall. $20 Advance tickets only, cut off date Apr. 12, info 613372-2410

Tuesday April 18

FliNtoN - FliNtoN diNErS 10am-1pm. Flinton Hall. Sheppards Pie meal, $10.

Wednesday April 19 oMPaH - CoMMuNity CaFE 11am. Ompah Hall. Free event 60+. Provide feedback on how to improve life for rural seniors. Info and registration Juana 613-279-3151 x 106 or juanag@ rfcd.ca

SydENHaM - CarEGiVEr SuPPort GrouP 1:30-3pm. Sydenham Public Library. Advance Care Planning-What are your wishes. Register katie.buckley@sfcsc.ca or 613-376-6477 x 205 oMPaH - BirtHday BaSH 6pm. Ompah Hall. All welcome!

PlEVNa - MoViE NiGHt “riSEN” 6:30pm. River Of Life Christian Fellowship. New date due to weather ! All welcome.

Friday April 21

SHarBot laKE - lEGioN SuPPEr 3pm. Sharbot Lake Legion. Meat Loaf, $17, supper at 5:30. iNVErary - youtH daNCE 7-10pm. Storrington Lions Hall. Grades 5-8, all kids welcome. $5 at the door, supervision, canteen.

Saturday April 22

SHarBot laKE - all you CaN Eat BrEaKFaSt 8-11am. Soldiers Memorial Hall (OSO Hall). Hosted by SL Lions in support of Lions Foundation, Guide Dog division. HarroWSMitH - SPriNG CraFt & BaKE SalE 9am-2pm.

Ciara Cont from p9

nam joined us late taking a supporting role as Patrick’s wife. Sloane has been an active participant with NFLT since she joined the cast of “Aladdin” in 2014. Ciara is being played by Emma Fox who is bravely taking a leading role for her first outing on stage.

Backstage Fred Barrett returns as stage manager and jack of all trades! Doing props is Hope’s sister Jacey. Our Prompter is Leone Andrews. Izzy Desa returns as our makeup artist

The set is being designed and built by Brian Robertson, Gord Sirrs, Donna Larocque and Fred Barrett. Jeff Siamon and Art Holloway are on lights and sound.

Tickets for all four performances are available at the Cardinal Café, Sharbot Lake Pharmacy, Treasure Trunk and the C4 Convenience store in Arden. Or by calling Sandy at 613-808-4411.

For more information check our website at Northfrontenaclittletheatre.com. ■ ardEN - aNNual traSH BaSH 10am. Arden United Church. Starting at the church and moving to the park. The bash continues Tuesday April 25.

Golden Links Hall. Hosted by Sydenham Women’s Institute, 30 vendors, light lunch available.

BEllroCK - PaNCaKE BrEaKFaSt 9-11am. Bellrock Hall. Free, donations welcome.

HarloWE - oPEN MiC 1-5pm Fourth Saturday of every month. Harlowe Hall. Admission $5, Entertainers $2. All welcome. Refreshments available. Info - Marie 613-336-2557

MCdoNaldS CorNErS - MaPlE CHiCKEN diNNEr 4:307pm. McDonald’s Corners Agricultural Hall. Happy Hour 4:305:30, dinner 5:30-7. Tickets $25 single, $45 couples. Tickets available until April 14th at Highlands Country Store, email mdcas.office@gmail.com or from Patti-Jo Wilson.

Sunday April 23 ardEN - FuNdraiSiNG CoNCErt 2pm. Arden United Church. Afternoon of local music! Coffee and tea social to follow. Admission by free will donation.

Tuesday April 25 dENBiGH - BiNGo 6:30pm. Denbigh/Griffith Lions Club. Doors open at 6:30.

SNoW road - MuSiCiaNS CirClE 7-10pm Last Tuesday of every month. Snow Road Community Centre. Join us for an evening of sharing, learning and enjoying music! Cost: $4 at the door toward hall rental Play and sing along with fellow musicians. All musicians and all genres of music (country, jazz, blues, folk, easy listening, blue grass) are welcome. Play along with others in a relaxed, supportive setting. Contact Mike Kennelly at (613) 278-1853 or kennmich4297@gmail.com

Regular Happenings iNVErary - Martial arTS 6:30pm Thursdays. Inverary United Church. Kids classes 6:30-7:30 Adults 7:30-8:45. For more info contact Hamid Nam 613-328-6742 or hamidnam24@ gmail.com iNVErary - PilatES 6:15pm Mondays. Inverary United Church. iNVErary - yoGA 6pm Wednesdays. Inverary United Church iNVErary - youtH daNCE 7-10pm Fridays. Storrington Lions Hall. $5/per person. Grades 5-8. DJ, canteen, supervision. liNE daNCiNG — ardEN 9:30am Mondays. Kennebec Hall. $1 fee. Come out and learn something new! ◾ BOLINGBROKE

10am Fridays. ABC Hall. Beginners welcome, $5 toward hall maintenance. ◾ SHARBOT LAKE 9-10am Thursdays. Sharbot Lake United Church. Sharbot Lake Line Dancing is back! Thursdays $2. Beginners welcome. Proof of Covid vaccination required. Contact 613-279-1268 - Heather Gowdan ◾ VERONA 9am Tuesdays. Verona Lions Hall. All welcome For more information call 613 372 5431 oPEN MiC — GodFrEY 1-5pm Sundays, biweekly. Glendower Hall. Country/Bluegrass/Gospel $2 cover charge. Info Roy/Joan Sheppard 613-374-5477 ◾ INVERARY 6pm Fridays. Inverary United Church. The Sunbury Music Association presents. Doors open @ 5PM. $2 cover charge. Call 613-653-4447 for further details

PErtH road - Four HaNdEd EuCHrE 1pm Thursdays. Harris Park. $5, includes light refreshments

PErtH road - PErtH road VillaGE CraFtErS 9:3011:30am Wednesdays. Harris Park. You don’t have to be crafty to join! Drop-in or call Peggy for info 613-353-2635.

PlEVNa - SoCial aNd CraFt tiME 10am Thursdays.

NF Council Cont from p8

While there was no consensus on a policy, a motion to create one was defeated and the question of how to honor Council members Gerry Martin and Fred Perry was left up in the air.

What we did learn is that Coun. Vern Hermer doesn’t want a commemorative tree, even if he does die in office.

“Bad things happen to trees . . . and fire hydrants,” Hermer said.

Coun. Wayne Good agreed, he wouldn’t want a tree either.

However, Coun. Stephanie Regent said she’d be fine with a tree. ■

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