11 minute read

North Frontenac Council

By Craig Bakay

As directed in an August, 2022 resolution, economic development officer Matt Walker presented the results of a business survey and a community survey to North Frontenac Council at its regular meeting April 6 in Plevna.


The surveys were held online for the period of Jan. 6 to Jan. 31, 2023 and each survey offered respondents the opportunity to win a prize pack of North Frontenac promotional items.

“Both surveys were designed to gather local economic data and identify opportunities to address gaps in product and services availability,” Walker said.

The business survey had 17 participants and marketing and government regulations were each identified as the top business challenge (29 per cent each), followed by financial (18 per cent), supply chain (12 per cent) and both cell service and upgrades at 6 per cent each.

And 24 per cent of respondents indicated that in the next 3-5 years they will likely invest more than $300,000 into one business initiative in North Frontenac.

grill and sausages wafting across the hall. There was a comfortable buzz of conversation as everyone slathered on butter and poured the liquid gold over the fluffy cakes. A strawberry coulis was added to the main table so you could get a tasty bite of tangy sauce with each bite.

Outside there were children’s games, sidewalk chalk, and of course, maple syrup sales, as parents led toddlers between activities, getting them outside, and active as the day continued to warm with April sunshine. Balloons adorned the pathways, and there was a festive air, with Easter on everyone’s minds. A few children played, in the well-situated park, amongst the forest as adults milled through the vendor village and caught up with friends they had missed.

Steve Bach who is the Chair of the Sunday School Hall Board, talked about the events of the day, and noted that he had been in this role since the passing of Ken Shepherd who had been overseeing the event for many years prior.

He gave credit to Rita and Edwina, who oversaw the baked goods table which is a popular attraction, and to the bakers donated the yummy goods each year for the fundraising event.

The Perth Road Maple Festival is an annual event and volunteers are always welcome. Thank you to those volunteers who made the event a great success. They are looking forward to next year. ■

“There is capital out there,” Walker said.

The most common average age of the workforce indicated by respondents was 45-54 at 35.3 per cent followed by 55-64 (23.5 per cent), 35-44 (17.6 per cent), 25-34 (11.8 per cent), 16-24 (7 per cent) and 65+ at 5.9 per cent.

“Half of our workforce is over 45,” he said.

When respondents were asked for ideas to improve the local economy, they responded:

• Incentives for local businesses such as restaurants

• community improvement committees

• better connections between businesses

• make it easier to develop subdivisions, ecotourism,

Celebration of life

Celebration of Life for PETER RUTHERFORD

(June 5, 1953- March 21, 2023) st. James anglican church, 225 edmund st., carleton place Friday, april 28th, 3:00 p.m. reception to follow in the church hall. please join us to celebrate the life of peter rutherford.

“The things that make me different are the things that make me, me.” ~ piglet obituary

L AROCHELLE, Gilles Joseph it is with profound sadness that the family of Gilles Joseph Larochelle announce his passing on wednesday, april 5, 2023 at the age of 75. at the time of his passing, he was surrounded by his children, the love of his family and the incredibly compassionate staff at providence care Hospital. He will always be lovingly remembered and missed by his son Glen, daughter aline, and grandson Brooks. dear brother of Jean Guy Larochelle (Lorraine), dorothy (Jean-Jaques), Micheline (Gilles), and Lyne (Louis), uncle of many nieces and nephews. predeceased by his parents arthur and aline Larochelle. tenderly known as ‘papa’ by his children and grandchild, Gilles was a kind, brave, quiet, hardworking, independent, easygoing, humble and courageous man who inspired those around him to face life’s challenges with vehemence and strength. a visitation to be held at wartman Funeral Home, Napanee on saturday, april 15th from 2-4pm. if desired, donations to canadian cancer society or to the Mental Health association in memory of Gilles would be appreciated. condolences and donations may be forwarded online through wartmanfuneralhomes.com

GRANT, Arthur George the ropeman, beloved husband in his 52nd year of marriage to Judy (nee small), passed away at Kingston, april 2, 2023, at the age of 72. predeceased by his parents George and patricia Grant. Loving father of cody (Gina), andrea (Michael) and Marty. cherished grandfather of scarlet. Much loved son-in-law of Harold small (the late ann). dear brother of Lynda sargeant (the late dyson), Norman (sue), donald (carolyn) and Heather Hope (the late dick). remembered by nieces, nephews, cousins and many friends. dearly missed by his chosen “kids” eric and val stacey. cremation has taken place. Family and friends may visit at storrington Lions club on thursday april 20 from 3-8pm to share memories.

NF Council Cont from p7 encourage more home businesses, improved signage, less red tape, municipal campground, promote tourism

The community survey received 97 responses with 55 per cent of respondents having lived here less than 20 years.


Erwood Reynolds august 27th, 1931 to March 30th, 2023 in his 92nd year, surrounded by the love of wendy, sean, and Micheal and in the compassionate care of providence Manor, erwood – the strong, handsome, gregarious, hard-working, funloving, community-minded, stubborn, even-tempered (haha!) clothes horse – died on March 30th, 2023. He put up a real fight but, in the end, took a sudden breath and was gone. erwood has been reunited with his beloved wife of 70 years, rowena (2022). He was also predeceased by his daughter denise (2021). He was a devoted father to wendy and her husband, sean, who provided boundless care to erwood in his last years. He will be always missed by grandchildren Micheal, dustin, and Laura, who regarded him as a father. erwood is the last man standing among his siblings, elwood, Garth, Bruce, and Marilyn, and his parents olive (Bartsch) and Harold. He is survived by his adored sister-in-law, Jean clair, and muchloved brother-in-law, Mel Martin, in addition to many nieces and nephews, cousins (especially Glen convery and those snider girls!), and so. Many. Friends. always involved in activities to help others, erwood was a strong guiding light in several different Lions Clubs, ending by establishing (with support from rowena’s creative energy) the club in Griffith. He also was a dedicated member of the united church wherever they lived and washed a lot of dishes and carved a lot of turkey at community dinners. His work as a construction contractor really never stopped until he was in his mid-‘80’s and he mentored and trained so many young men in those skills. (Looking at you, steve and Brian.) Need a rum and coke, a funny story, a game of cards? stop in anytime to see erwood. erwood continued his joining ways during his last year at providence Manor. He could be found at any activity on offer. He was well-loved by staff and residents with whom he loved to kibbitz and joke. we cannot thank all the staff enough, but especially those on sydenham 5 who looked after him with love, empathy, humour, and professionalism. in keeping with erwood’s wishes cremation has taken place. a celebration of his life will be held at the James reid Funeral Home, 1900 John counter Blvd., (entering from the rear parking lot doors) on saturday, april 15, 2023 from 3:00 – 5:00 pm, with sharing of memories at 3:30 pm. donations may be made to cHeo or the charity of your choice in erwood’s memory for those who wish.

Respondents indicated that the most needed products are food delivery, groceries, physiotherapy, dentist, more contractors, more gas stations, Canadian Tire, recreation/tourism attractions, car wash, walk-in clinic, stores, restaurants, takeout food, boutiques, salons, family doctor, hot tub/pool supplies, banking, attractions, clothing store, sports lounge/bar and hospital.

2013 Meeting Schedule

Council approved its 2023 meeting schedule which includes 5 p.m. Thursday meetings during the summer.

The schedule is: Friday, June 9, 9am, Thursday, June 29, 5pm, Thursday, July 20, 5pm, Thursday, Aug. 17, 5pm, Thursday, Sept. 7, 5pm, Friday, Sept. 22, 9am, Friday, Nov. 3, 9am, Friday, Nov. 24, 9am, Friday, Dec. 15, 9am

Marking Ed’s Passing, And Thoughts on trees

It started with a request from residents Paul and Sandy Thiel to have the kitchen at Clar-Mill Hall dedicated to the late Ed Schlievert, president of the Clar Mill Volunteers. Complete with a plaque that Dep. Mayor John Inglis suggested Thiel would likely create. It progressed from there to a full-blown discussion of how to remem- a Graveside service will be held at Harrowsmith cemetery, 4195 colebrook rd., Harrowsmith on saturday april 15/23 at 11 am. a reception to follow at the Golden Links Hall. in the care of t rousda L e Fu N era L Ho M e 4374 Mill st. sydenham oN (613)376-3022 www.trousdalefuneralhome.com ber and commemorate current and former members of Council and community members and in the end, a motion to create a policy died in the grim resolution that such things were likely left to an ad hoc decision.

Ruth Eliza Brown (Wattam) on april 10, 2023 at Helen Henderson care, ruth peacefully passed away. Beloved wife of the late donald George Brown. dear and loving mother of donna Mary Green (andy), stepmother to earl Brown (donna) and the late Glen Brown (pat). predeceased by her siblings weldon wattam (Margaret), viola clow (percy), George wattam (Kathryne)and doug wattam.

Ruth began teaching at Oakflatts S.S.#7 right after completing High school for two years in a one room schoolhouse. this career continued for twenty-six years until she retired from p c p s in 1990. after retirement she and don enjoyed travelling.

For example, nobody could decide who would pay the $300 for a commemorative plaque, $600 for a commemorative tree or $2,000 for a commemorative bench, let alone who would approve such things and/or decide where they would go.

The issue of flags being at half mast also spawned contention.

“I have to admit, I had a little bit of trouble reading this and thinking about what it meant,” said Mayor Gerry Lichty. “Do you have to die in office?

“I didn’t get elected mayor to die.”

“After hearing all this, I’m coming to the conclusion that a policy won’t work,” said Inglis. “In the words that Gerry Martin said often: ‘this makes us look like big brother.’”

Continued on page 10


HARPER in loving memory of our sister, Kim, who left us a year ago april 18th, 2022. A light from our lives is gone, A voice we loved is still A place is vacant within our hearts Which never can be filled. A bouquet of beautiful memories, Sprayed with a million tears We wish that God had spared you If just for a few more years. We hold you close within our hearts And there you will remain To walk with us throughout our lives Until we meet again. Loved and missed so much by chris, donna and their families


HARPER in loving memory of Kimberly Mae Harper, sept 2,1959-april 18, 2022. to the best wife, Mom and Grandma there ever was, we love and miss you so much every day. Keep dancing up there. all our love, Keith, shannon (Luke), Kayla (Marcus), Harper, Gabriel and eliana.

HARPER in loving memory of my daughter, Kim, who left us one year ago april 18, 2022. No words can tell, No tears expressed. The love, the loss, The emptiness. You are not just a memory, Or part of the past. You are mine to remember, As long as life lasts. Missed and loved so much, Mom


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Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on April 27, 2023, at the South Frontenac Municipal Office, 4432 George Street, Sydenham Ontario. description of lands:

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