Frontiers Vol. 32, Issue 09

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VOL 32, ISSUE 09 / AUG 21 - SEPT 3, 2013

LEADING BY EXAMPLE Asher Gellis ....................................................14 NEWS News Briefs ....................................................20 The Moral Mirror of Russia’s Anti-Gay Law..................................................24 WEDDING GUIDE After ‘I Do’ ......................................................38 SOCAL EVENTS GUIDE Calendar ..........................................................43 SnapShots ......................................................44 Eating Out ......................................................50 ENTERTAINMENT Film Reviews ..................................................54 Music Reviews................................................56 Theater Reviews ............................................58 COLUMNS Billy Masters ..................................................60 Gossip Gay ......................................................61 Out & About ..................................................62 L.A. Staycation................................................63 HEALTH HIV Living........................................................64 X-Meth ............................................................64 Zero to Savvy..................................................65 Off the Couch ................................................66 CITY GUIDES West Hollywood ............................................67 Orange County ..............................................68 Long Beach ......................................................69 Palm Springs ..................................................70 FRONTIERS MARKETPLACE Listings..............................................................76 Business Profile ..............................................77 FRONTIERS4MEN Adult Classifieds............................................78 Sex Ed ..............................................................84






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Swedish pop music princesses Icona Pop are heading to L.A.’s Fonda Theatre on Aug. 29 as part of The Iconic Tour, the group’s very first headlining tour. Want to win tickets? Stay tuned to the Frontiers Facebook page!


By Mike Ciriaco Bust out your pencils, because Mike Diamond is assigning you Homewerq. That's the name of the New York-based comedian's web series, which endeavors to enlighten freshmen of the LGBT community on queer cultural history.


Frontiers has a great package up for grabs to one lucky reader. Win four tickets to see Kristin Chenoweth at the Hollywood Bowl on Aug. 24, plus an amazing dinner to enjoy before the show! Find all the details and enter to win at

BOOK REVIEWS by The Bookworm

In need of a good read? Check out our reviews of Man Up! by Ross Mathews and This is How to Get Your Next Job by Andrea Kay. BookReviews




ASK ANJELAH by Victor Barreiro

Frontiers chats it up with multi-talented comedienne Anjelah Johnson about her new TV special, where her Bon Qui Qui character comes from and what she really thinks about gay marriage.

AFTER ‘I DO’: HAND IN HAND By Rolf Danner Rolf and Jeff tied the knot in 2008. For both, that gloriously bright California day came at the end of a long journey, culminating in the congratulations of friends and families. Little did they know that their journey had only just begun.

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Leading by Example

Asher Gellis: Working for Jewish LGBT Visibility By Michelle McCarthy Asher Gellis was raised in a conservative Jewish family. As a child, his entire life operated within that community, from school to youth group to summer camp. When he got older and realized he was gay, Asher decided to venture out and experience the bar scene in West Hollywood—but he soon felt something was missing. In 2004, he joined together with a few of his Jewish friends to found JQ International, a nonprofit that creates community and advances greater inclusion of LGBT Jews and allies via identitybuilding programs and services that embody Jewish values. What additional challenges does the Jewish LGBT community face? We don’t get a lot of visibility in the LGBT community as a community with faith. We are constantly overlooked when there are events like a Christmas holiday event. Do we choose to go to the LGBT Christmas event, or do we go to the Jewish event that isn’t necessarily built for LGBT Jewish members? Also, we’re dealing with a lot of very traditional Jews in the LGBT community, and they have unique needs. It’s an issue for them to find a therapist who can understand what it’s like to come from a Persian immigrant family or a very traditional Orthodox Jewish family. There are some very unusual funding issues that revolve around the intersection of being queer and Jewish. We find ourselves unable to apply for funds from LGBT resources because we are a religious nonprofit. With many of them, the second you’re in any way related to a religious enterprise, you’re cut out of that pool of funds. We receive significant funding



from the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, but there have been many Jewish grants we’ve had trouble getting because we don’t hit a large enough portion of the demographic. What programs do you provide? We just had a very successful LGBT and ally “Birthright Trip,” which was a 10day educational tour of Israel. We brought LGBT and ally community members from North America to meet with LGBT and ally community members of Israel. It was funded by the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and the Birthright Foundation. It’s a free trip, so there’s a lot of money that they put into it. They’ve committed to doing it again next June. We are also in the process of launching a resource line for the LGBT Jewish and ally community for those who want to know which resources, social services and educational community opportunities are available. We’ve gone into different Jewish schools and done anti-bullying workshops, conversations around gender identity, trans 101 workshops and inclusion consultant work. We also have regular monthly programming where we have transgenderspecific Shabbat dinners, women’s Jewish programming and Orthodox-specific Jewish programming opportunities. Is there a JQ International center? No. It is run basically out of my home. Our programs take place in different people’s homes, or we partner with synagogues, churches or community centers. We do events at restaurants, museums and all kinds of venues. We struggle with a financial ability to actually have a home base and a proper office.

Why was it important to create JQ International? I was raised in the conservative movement, and I never saw my own identity reflected back to me. I never had out LGBT role models who showed me there was a place for me in my community. I left the conservative movement and ended up in West Hollywood and had my renaissance of identity, which was built around the bars, clubs, nightlife. That was fine, and I had a lot of fun, but there was also something missing from my life. The community I came from was all about doing volunteer work, social action projects and educational programming. I had a couple of Hanukkah events where I invited friends of mine that I met in West Hollywood. I had friends who said, “I don’t understand why you feel the need to do this.” For me, it’s no different than having a Christmas party. I pulled together a few friends of mine who were also gay and Jewish and said, “Why don’t we start doing Hanukkah parties or do a Passover Seder or a Shabbat dinner?” We did four events over the course of one year, and by the end of the year there were hundreds of people showing up. It was clear that there was a huge community interested in this programming. We created the community that we left behind and were able to merge it in a healthy way with our new gay identities.

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NEWS By Peter DelVecchio

Fred Karger

Iowa Ethics Investigation Riles NOM An Iowa Ethics & Campaign Disclosure Board investigation into the financing of the National Organization for Marriage's successful 2010 campaign to oust three Iowa Supreme Court justices who had ruled to legalize gay marriage in that state appears to have put the prominent anti-marriage equality group into quite a lather, reported on Aug. 13. NOM president Brian Brown confronted out LGBT activist and 2012 GOP presidential hopeful Fred Karger at a recent event, Karger told Frontiers. Karger filed the complaint that sparked the investigation, one of many he has filed in several jurisdictions over the last few years. “We had a 15-minute ‘discussion’ in front of the NOM booth Saturday. He kept screaming and saying ‘we've done nothing wrong!’ over and over again,” Karger said. Brown also attacked Megan Tooker, chairman of the investigation board, as “biased and incredibly unprofessional” in a NOM release. Tooker formerly worked for one of the justices voted out of office.

Right-Wingers Attack Calif. School Transgender Law The ink was barely dry on California Governor Jerry Brown's Aug. 12 signature on the School Success and Opportunity Act before anti-LGBT groups were lining up to trash the law as heralding the apocalypse. The statute is meant to “allow transgender students to fully participate in all school activities, sports teams, programs and facilities in accordance with their gender identity,” an Equality California release says. Responses from the Traditional Values Coalition and the Pacific Justice Institute were typical. The former fears the law will “encourage youth as young as 5 years old to question their sex and gender,” reports. The latter “stand[s] ready and willing to defend anyone who will be victimized as a result of this new law,” expressing concern over “privacy rights ... in the bathroom” and students being displaced on sports teams by “someone from the opposite gender.”

Twitter Sued Over Homophobic Hashtags A French LGBT advocacy group has filed legal complaints against the microblogging site Twitter in both France and California because of virulently anti-gay hashtags and posts that topped the ‘trend list’ in France over the Aug. 10-11 weekend, reports. Almost 10,000 Tweets were posted using the hashtag “#LesGaysDoiventDisparaitreCar,” which translates roughly as “gays must disappear/die because,” according to the group running the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, IDAHO. The group also said about 900 of the Tweets called for the murder of gays. Twitter has reportedly removed the offending Tweets in France, but it is unclear whether similar material posted in the U.S. has been removed. Twitter has consistently expressed support for free speech and has no policy specifically barring hate speech, but it has adopted policies against “violent threats” and “targeted harassment.” IDAHO’s Alexandre Marcel called the Twitter hashtags and posts “totally unacceptable” in an interview with France’s The Local.

SPEAK OUT “The following is not recommended for use in this field: bisexual.” —Message received from Apple App Store by the owner of Quist, an LGBT educational app, when he tried to update the iTunes description of the app. Apple has since removed ‘bisexual’ from its list of prohibited or spam words, as reported at



“Russia’s decision to criminalize equality is outrageous—worst prejudices shouldn’t threaten world’s best athletes at @Sochi2014.” —Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s tweet on Aug. 14, concerning the ongoing crackdown of gays in Russia.

“Sadly, they join hundreds of same-sex couples whose overseas same-sex marriages aren’t recognized under Australian law.” —Australian Marriage Equality’s Rodney Croome regarding out U.S. Ambassador to Australia John Berry and his husband, Curtis Yee, whose Washington, D.C., marriage will not be recognized in Australia.

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NEWS By Peter DelVecchio

Transgender B. Scott Sues BET Transgender blogger and TV personality B. Scott has filed a $2.5 million discrimination suit against Black Entertainment Television network, BET, for events alleged to have occurred during the pre-show red carpet segment of the 2013 BET Awards on June 30, reported Aug. 8. In an open letter on his website, Scott claims he was “literally yanked backstage” off the red carpet and told that his “look from head to toe,” which BET had allegedly approved in advance, “wasn’t acceptable.” “Let’s be clear,” Scott goes on. “I wasn’t wearing a ball gown and stiletto heels. I was wearing long pants and a long shirt.” Scott says that after he changed and tried to return to the set, he was “told that [he] had been replaced by Adrienne Ballon.” The $2.5 million Scott seeks in his lawsuit is apparently for emotional distress he says he suffered, as well as damage to the value of his public image, reports. “I pride myself on being very professional,” Scott said. “This was my day to come out in one of the biggest days of my career, and I was publicly humiliated.” Some transgender activists are less than sympathetic to Scott's plight and his apparent claim that he planned to come out on the awards show. African-American trans activist Monica Roberts, writing on her blog, questioned the timing, since Scott has previously defined himself as a proud gay man and rejected the transgender label. Others accept Scott’s assertions at face value. African-American transgender activist Janet Mock, who was criticized for interviewing Scott, wrote in a follow up, “Ultimately, I choose to give B. the benefit of the doubt on their [sic] own experience. It is not my place to say they are not being truthful about their experience and road towards self-revelation.”

Quick Pic U.S. Navy Machinist’s Mate Jerrel Revels, returning from a tour of duty on the submarine USS New Mexico, surprised his boyfriend Dylan Kirchner, who had come to greet him at the Naval Submarine Base in New London, Conn., with an unexpected marriage proposal.



Social Security Benefits Inconsistent for Same-Sex Spouses

In June, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the part of the Defense of Marriage Act that, among other things, denied federal benefits to married same-sex couples. Despite this ruling, however, Social Security Administration guidelines issued on Aug. 9 make it clear that being legally married does not yet guarantee equal treatment by the feds. Claims for such things as spousal benefits will be approved only if the claimant both “was married in a state that permits same-sex marriage” and is also “domiciled at the time of application, or while the claim is pending a final determination, in a state that recognizes same-sex marriage,” according to a new section of SSA’s Program Operations Manual System for “Windsor Same-Sex Marriage Claims,” named after the plaintiff in the Supreme Court DOMA case, reports. In other words, if a gay couple marries in Massachusetts and moves to California, which also recognizes same-sex marriage, benefits would be available. But if the same couple were to move to Mississippi, which prohibits gay marriage, they would become ineligible. Indeed, this would be the case even if the couple were to move to a state such as New Jersey, which has civil unions but not full marriage equality. SSA might see the policy as required by a statute defining a marriage as valid only if it would be recognized by the state of the applicant’s domicile, according to Will Baude at The Volokh Conspiracy. The SSA policy is inconsistent with immigration rules after the DOMA decision, which determine a marriage's validity by the law of the jurisdiction where it took place, and federal employee health insurance and other benefits, which are available to any federal employee who has a valid marriage license, regardless of where he lives.

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AUGUST 20, 2013


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The Moral Mirror of Russia's Anti-Gay Law By Karen Ocamb Newly elected Los Angeles City Controller Ron Galperin told a sweet story at the Marriage Equality USA Los Angeles Awards event on Aug. 10 about an unexpected moment that occurred inauguration night with his husband, Rabbi Zack Shapiro. They had not discussed how they would walk in the official procession. They looked at each other, then Zack took Ron’s hand and they proceeded, as did newly elected openly gay city councilmembers Mike Bonin and Mitch O’Farrell and their partners. “What an amazing feeling that was,” said Galperin, the first openly gay person to be elected citywide. “What an incredible city we live in that we were able to be a part of that moment. ... I was greeted by all these people—many of whom I did not know—who told me what a difference it made

WeHo’s Stoli pour-out event



to them to see these couples walking down handin-hand.” And yet, in the gayest section of New York City, famed gay New York Times columnist Frank Bruni is afraid to hold his partner’s hand on the street. “It’s not shame that does this. It’s not embarrassment. It’s the awareness that even in Manhattan, and even in 2013, you might easily encounter someone who will cast a disgusted look your way. Or say something nasty. Or worse, throw a punch,” Bruni said, referring to the Aug. 14 midnight attack on a gay couple holding hands walking home in Chelsea after a movie. There’s been a surge of anti-gay violence since late spring—the worst of which was on May 18 when Mark Carson, 32, was shot to death point-blank in the West Village. “As best I can tell, police responded with concern and energy,” wrote Bruni. “Exactly as I’d expect, most New Yorkers whose attention was drawn to this rash of violence reacted with sorrow and outrage. We live in a city—and, I hope, a country—where the vast majority of people do not believe that being gay warrants victimization. This isn’t Russia. This isn’t Uganda.” Indeed, in Russia or Uganda, when and if the police respond, they usually arrest the gay victim. And while a June 4 Pew Research Center survey of 39 countries found “broad acceptance of homosexuality in North America, the European Union and much of Latin America,” there was also “equally widespread rejection in predominantly Muslim nations and in Africa, as well as in parts of Asia and in Russia.” Two years ago, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared that “gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights” during debate over the ‘Kill the Gays’ bill in Uganda. “It is a violation of human rights when people are beaten or killed because of their sexual orientation, or because they do not conform to cultural norms about how men and women should look or behave,” Clinton said. “It is a violation of human rights when governments declare it illegal to be gay, or allow those who harm gay people to go unpunished.” Clinton said all U.S. government agencies had been directed to promote the protection of LGBT rights, “fight against discrimination and to respond swiftly to abuses against LGBT persons.”

But what exactly has the U.S. done to show moral outrage, other than President Obama expressing disappointment with the harsh ‘gay propaganda’ law that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed in June? Obama’s refusal to meet with Putin had more to do with Russia giving asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden than any clear message of indignation over the violation of gay rights. Russian authorities say the law—which forbids any “non-traditional” or gay expression or behavior, from wearing a rainbow pin to holding hands—will be enforced during the 2014 Sochi Olympics, according to statements by Russia's Interior Ministry. Meanwhile, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) wants to have it both ways—its charter says it does not tolerate discrimination, but it also does not allow any display of politics, and the host country’s laws should be respected. An IOC spokesperson told Gay Star News, “[T]he IOC has a clear rule laid out in the Olympic Charter (Rule 50) which states that the venues of the Olympic Games are not a place for proactive political or religious demonstration. This rule has been in place for many years and applied when necessary.” Indeed, Rule 50 of the IOC's charter states, “No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas.” On Aug. 16, the U.S. Olympic Committee clarified its position with USOC communications chief Patrick Sandusky, tweeting that Russia’s anti-LGBT propaganda law is “inconsistent w[ith] fundamental Olympic principles,” according to Buzzfeed. Previously, USOC CEO Scott Blackmun said it was the organization’s “strong desire that our athletes comply with the laws of every nation that we visit. This law is no different.” What the USOC will do remains unclear, though the hateful message of the propaganda law is crystal clear. Russia's Deputy General Director of State Television and Radio Dmitri Kiselev, for instance, said on state television that after a gay person dies, their heart “should be buried in the ground or burned as unsuitable for the continuation of life.” Respect for the Russian law is key for two-time Olympic pole vault gold medalist Yelena Isinbayeva. At an Aug. 15 news conference after

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Openly gay L.A. City Controller Ron Galperin, former Councilmember Bill Rosendahl, Councilmembers Mike Bonin and Mitch O'Farrell with Galperin's husband, Rabbi Zack Shapiro, at the Marriage Equality USA event

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti with Marriage Equality USA ally Jane Wishon

The Moral Mirror of Russia's Anti-Gay Law Swedish high-jumper Emma Green Tregaro painted her nails in rainbow colors to support gay people at the international track and field championships, Isinbayeva seemed to suggest that homosexuality was an imported, unnatural, contagious disease. “If we allow to promote and do all this stuff on the street, we are very afraid about our nation because we consider ourselves like normal, standard people. We just live with boys with woman, woman with boys,” said Isinbayeva, who is the honorary ‘mayor’ of one of the Olympic Villages at the Sochi Games. American Nick Symmonds, who dedicated his World Track and Field silver medal to his gay friends, told BBC Radio 5 Live later, “It blows my mind that a young, so well-educated woman can be so behind with the times. Guess what, Yelena, a large portion of your citizenship are normal, standard homosexuals.” On Aug. 16, Isinbayeva said she had been misunderstood. “What I wanted to say was that people should respect the laws of other countries, particularly when they are guests,” USA Today reported Isinbayeva as saying. “I respect the views of my fellow athletes, and let me state in the strongest terms that I am opposed to any discrimination against gay people.” And yet the harassment of gay people continues, with gays being lured out by exchanges on the internet, only to be beaten and have urine thrown on them—scenes of which are proudly posted on YouTube. Much of the reaction to the Russian law has been controversial. American gay bars boycotting or pouring out Stoli vodka prompt some activists to note that the vodka grains might be made in Russia, but the alcohol is produced in Latvia. Activists such as Dan Savage, however,



insist the boycott is for all things Russian. Similarly, the calls to boycott or move the Olympics out of Sochi have been passionate, but they don’t seem to be taken seriously so far. There have also been calls to sever or suspend ties to ‘sister cities’ in Russia—a move former gay Los Angeles City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl put forward in a resolution last February after St. Petersburg passed the model ‘gay propaganda’ law. The resolution died in committee. But after much consternation and discussion, newly elected gay Councilmembers Mike Bonin and Mitch O’Farrell, original resolution sponsors the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center and the ACLU/SoCal and sister cities advocate Councilmember Tom LaBonge agreed on what became an alternative resolution introduced on Aug. 9. This resolution calls on the federal government to aggressively expand America’s asylum programs to help persecuted LGBT people in Russia. “Rather than sever ‘sister city’ ties with St. Petersburg, we want to use them and capitalize on the opportunity to send a message to St. Petersburg and to the world, and to send messages of support and hope to the LGBT community facing persecution,” Bonin and O’Farrell said. After what is expected to be a unanimous vote on Aug. 20, Bonin, O’Farrell, LaBonge, The Center’s Darrell Cummings and ACLU’s James Gilliam will attach a rainbow flag to the St. Petersburg sign on the sister cities landmark at 1st and Main Streets in Downtown Los Angeles in “symbolic protest” over “discriminatory and dangerous anti-LGBT laws in Russia.” L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti seems to have gone a step further than the councilmembers. “I think we should follow the president’s example

and maybe this is time for a pause in our relationship with St. Petersburg, a city that is our sister city—and will always be, because that’s a person-to-person thing,” Garcetti, who supported Rosendahl’s original resolution, said at the Marriage Equality USA event. “But in terms of sending a clear message in terms of who we are, I appreciate the work that we are doing to make sure that they know that what’s going on in Russia and St. Petersburg will not stand with our values, nor the values, I believe, of Russians who themselves are LGBT. ... But as we often know, government doesn’t always reflect the people. And so in many ways, it’s very important for us to take this moment—certainly I, as mayor, will be doing nothing officially with my counterparts until they get that message loud and clear.” But what would LGBT people in Russia want Los Angeles to do? Polina Andrianova of St. Petersburg’s LGBT organization Coming Out told Frontiers in an email interview that severing sister city ties is not a “black and white question.” “I think that if all sister cities severed their relationships with St. Petersburg, then the Russian LGBT community (and all the citizens of St. Petersburg) would end up isolated from the rest of the world, and an important platform for applying pressure and keeping up the dialogue with the Russian politicians would be lost. On the other hand, I believe that once in awhile such drastic measures are helpful, otherwise Russia might think that it is all talk and no action,” Andrianova wrote. “I think sister city relationships should be used to raise the issue of violations of LGBT rights. “As I said, severing ties would not be my first choice of action,” she continued. “However,

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The Moral Mirror of Russia's Anti-Gay Law it is very important that something else is done, and that it's not just a polite diplomatic exchange that leads to nothing. In addition to pointing out the possible economic and image loss for the city, I believe there are things that could be done—making sure that every joint cultural, social, economic program includes LGBT groups/organizations, ideas of non-discrimination based on ... visible LGBT rights messages or whatever else is relevant and appropriate to the particular program. St. Petersburg authorities will resist and refuse, and that's when sistercity relationships should be used to push them hard.” So is the symbolic hanging of a rainbow flag on the sister cities sign a clear message of moral outrage? What about making L.A. a ‘sanctuary city’ for those seeking asylum from LGBT human rights abuse? What about pushing the federal government to urgently fix the asylum system? Playwright Harvey Fierstein is livid that the world doesn’t realize the extreme danger this law allows. “The gay community has, in our history, been attacked in every way you can attack a group. There is nothing that the human race has thought of to tear down other people that hasn’t been used on us. Thankfully we have— over the centuries, over the decades and over the last few years—made some great strides where people realize we’re just human beings. We are your family—we’re not a strange group from somewhere else,” he told MSNBC host



Chris Hayes. “My feeling is—at this point—it is time to stop being scapegoats for the rest of the world. ... My feeling is this is a moment that is as clear to me as Stonewall was—that we can say, ‘Here’s the line in the sand. When you call us names, we’re going to answer back. When you demonize us in your churches, we’re going to answer back. When politicians make up stuff, we’re going to answer back.’”

Fierstein reminded Hayes that before the 1936 Olympics in Germany, Hitler agreed to take down the anti-Jewish signs. “It starts this way. It starts really small—it starts with a small community,” he said, with propaganda that allows “for people to be beaten up and for people to look the other way. ... You cannot just ignore evil. When evil shows its face, you have to answer.” The LGBT organization Pride House International has launched a campaign—which, given Galperin’s love in L.A. and Bruni’s fear in NYC—calls for tremendous hope and courage that might hold a moral mirror up to the world. Pride House is calling “for athletes, spectators, coaches and attendees at the 2014 Olympic Games to hold hands in response to Russia's violence and legislation targeting the LGBT community. The act of same-sex hand-holding will, beyond a symbolic gesture of unity and opposition, directly violate Russia's anti-gay propaganda law. “Long after the 2014 Olympics, we in Russia will continue to live under this horrible law. For a few weeks, we have the opportunity to bring the attention of the world to the situation in Russia. The Same-Sex Hand-Holding Initiative enables everyone to get involved with a simple yet iconic gesture,” Konstanin Yablotskiy, a Pride House member from the Russian LGBT Sports Federation, told The New Civil Rights Movement. Pride House is “betting the world can have an effect on public opinion in Russia, if we all just stand united, hand-in-hand.”

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The Wizard of Oz

by Michelle McCarthy

a&e Out on the Mountain


HAVE YOU FLIPPED THROUGH YOUR CALENDAR only to find a disconcerting amount of empty space staring back at you? Well, we can’t have that. The nights will soon get chilly, presenting the opportunity to show off your perfect layered look. There are tons of activities going on in L.A. on any given day. We’ve compiled a list of the city’s best arts and entertainment events to bring some culture to your days and nights through the end of the year.

fun. & Tegan and Sara

Sept. 3-4 fun. had a breakout hit last year with “We are Young” off of Some Nights (and the rest of the album is just as stellar) . Lesbian Canadian twin sisters Tegan and Sara have been churning out hit indie albums for the past decade, releasing Heartthrob earlier this year. Put them together under the stars at the Greek Theatre and you have the makings of a music-lover’s dream night.

Steel Magnolias

Sept. 5 - Oct. 6 East West Players, the nation’s premier AsianAmerican theatre, presents this classic comedydrama that later became a popular film about the bond among a group of Southern women. Tegan and Sara

Los Feliz Village Street Fair

Sept. 7 Started in the early ’90s as a way for a few restaurant owners to thank customers for their business, the Los Feliz Street Fair has grown into a much larger celebration of the charming town. (Last year it welcomed 30,000 revelers.) This annual event invites everyone to sample from Los Feliz’ roster of eateries and shops, all while enjoying live music of diverse genres, dance performances and even a circus act or two.

The Art of Carlos Estévez

Sept. 14 - Oct. 19 Cuban painter and sculptor Carlos Estévez returns to the Couturier Gallery to show his latest work, Living Apart Together, a collection of large paintings and sculptures that explore “the human psyche vis-à-vis a complex artificial world with metaphoric imagery and thoughtful witticism.”

The Wizard of Oz

Sept. 17 - Oct. 6 You’ve seen Wicked more times than you care to mention. Now it’s time to go back to the other side of the Yellow Brick Road. Reconceived for the stage by Andrew Lloyd Webber, this new production of The Wizard of Oz at the Pantages features everyone’s favorite characters, plus new songs by Webber and Tim Rice.

Gunnar Hansen Book Signing

Sept. 19 In preparation for All Hallows Eve, the original Leatherface from the horror classic The Texas Chain Saw Massacre will be signing copies of his book, Chain Saw Confidential, at Book Soup in West Hollywood.

Out on the Mountain

Sept. 20 Now that we can (once again) get married in the Golden State, haven’t you always wanted to propose to your love at the top of Goliath right before you plummet 255 feet? How could he say no? This Magic Mountain gay night provides a fun event where we can be ourselves, scream like a bunch of Marys on rides and eat churros suggestively in peace.

Radar L.A. 2013

Sept. 24 - Oct. 1 This international festival of contemporary theater at DTLA’s REDCAT brings together the work of L.A.–based artists and those from countries throughout the world, including Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Japan and New Zealand. Come check out a provocative program that will push the artistic envelope.

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AUGUST 20, 2013


a&e The Sunshine Boys


The Sunshine Boys

Sept. 24 - Nov. 3 Danny DeVito and Judd Hirsch reunite for the first time since their days on Taxi in this Neil Simon classic direct from London. The Sunshine Boys follows Willie Clark (DeVito) and Al Lewis (Hirsch), an erstwhile Vaudeville comedy duo lured to work together one last time for a big payday. But can they get along long enough to pull it off? Find out at the Ahmanson Theatre.


Sept. 30 All-girl British post-punk band Savages has garnered comparisons to Siouxsie Sioux and Joy Division—the greatest of compliments in our book. The quartet is riding high on the release of its latest release, Silence Yourself, and followers will be flocking to the Fonda to hear the new material performed live. Alison Moyet



Oct. 2 Kings of the ’80s British invasion of electronic New Wave, Depeche Mode’s new music remains viable while always retaining that classic sound. At this Staples Center show, the band is sure to touch on old faves like “Master and Servant,” “Personal Jesus” and “Shake the Disease.”


Through Oct. 6 L.A. Opera opens its 2013/2014 season with this revival of Georges Bizet's production, one of the world's most popular operas. No man can resist Carmen's gypsy charms, but when she's ready to move on, watch out! A riveting drama of love and jealousy, filled with famously alluring melodies and captivating dances, returns in a thrilling production that brings the sights and sounds of Seville to life onstage with dazzling bursts of color.

Maroon 5 & Kelly Clarkson

Oct. 6 Collectively, these two acts have reigned supreme over the radio airwaves for the past decade. The hills of the Hollywood Bowl will be alive with the sound of hit after hit at this year’s Honda Civic Tour. Which will attract more attention—Kelly Clarkson’s fierce voice or Adam Levine’s tatted and toned body?

Fiona Apple

Oct. 7 In the past, Apple garnered just as much press for her odd antics as she did for her sultry voice. Now older and seemingly wiser, she appears to be allowing her amazing talent to speak for itself. Don’t miss this show at the Walt Disney Concert Hall.

L.A. Antiques, Art + Design Show

Downtown Art Walk

Oct. 10 Every second Thursday of the month, DTLA comes alive with art lovers at this free, selfguided, public art event. Start at the galleries on Spring and Main between 2nd and 9th and take in the excitement around every corner. Festivities usually run from noon to 10 p.m.

Cirque du Soleil’s Totem

Oct. 11 Cirque du Soleil returns to L.A. with an all-new big top production, this one a fascinating acrobatic journey into the evolution of mankind. The New York Times asked, “What’s the next level after impressed?” Catch it at the Port of Los Angeles before it travels on to the Orange County Great Park Festival Site (Nov. 21) and the Santa Monica Pier (Jan. 17).

Twelve Angry Men

Nov. 5 - Dec. 1 Reginald Rose’s classic drama will be presented as the second production of the Pasadena Playhouse’s 20132014 season. The presentation will be comprised of a mix of African-American and white actors, with casting and the creative team not yet announced. pasadena

Play Dead

Nov. 5 - Dec. 15 This interactive production includes disturbing images and nudity and is inappropriate for the faint of heart. We’re so there. At the Geffen Playhouse, Todd Robbins hosts a look at life, death and everything in between, telling his story with the use of illusion and telepathy. You are never so alive as when you are scared to death. geffen

Nine Inch Nails

Nov. 8 You want to do what? To whom? Like an animal? Never claiming to be a gentleman courter, Trent Reznor is back with his boys who put industrial music on the map. Reznor’s gone from ’90s Lollapalooza-playing, CourtneyLove-dating rocker to an Academy Award winner. We can’t wait to see what his latest incarnation looks like at the Staples Center.

Pet Shop Boys

Oct. 12 The Pet Shop Boys had a string of hits in the ’80s, from “West End Girls” to “Domino Dancing.” But their single “It’s a Sin” really resonated with young members of the LGBT community—even if they didn’t realize why at the time. The duo will be reaching into its super-strong catalog of music when hitting the Shrine.


Oct. 12 & 13 P!nk has proven she has a voice that will knock you over with one note, and when she sings live, it only takes half a note. She also puts on one of the most awe-inspiring stage shows out there. Miss this outing at the Staples Center—the Truth About Love Tour—and you’ll surely regret it.

Nine Inch Nails


Oct. 9-13 Taking place at the beautiful 3LABS Studio in Culver City, this extravagant four-day event features premiere collections of more than 50 national and international exhibitors of antique decorative and fine arts, in addition to contemporary art and design.

Downtown Art Walk


Depeche Mode

Pet Shop Boys

Alison Moyet

Nov. 12 Who can forget the iconic cover imagery of Yaz’s 1982 release, Upstairs at Eric’s? Since the duo’s demise, singer Alison Moyet has forged an impressive solo career (and continues to look hotter every year). She’s now touring in support of her latest release, The Minutes, and will be making a stop at Club Nokia.

David Sedaris

Nov. 15 With best-sellers like Naked and Me Talk Pretty One Day, David Sedaris has crafted the perfect blend of incredible wit and deep intellectualism. He has a great way of breaking down the crazy world we live in, forcing you to shake your head and laugh, and you’ll do just that at the Pasadena Civic.

The Magic Flute


The Magic Flute

Nov. 23 - Dec. 15 Witness the first U.S. performance of this celebration of true love conquering all. The opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is presented in German with projected English translations, transporting the L.A. Opera audience “into an enchanted world where good faces the forces of darkness.”

Justin Timberlake

Nov. 26 & 27 He’s conquered the realms of boy band pop, live sketch comedy, film and now tuxedo’d R&B. Justin Timberlake seems to be able to do it all. He’ll be donning his suit and tie for the screaming masses yet again at the Staples Center this fall. Nov. 30 Now in its 56th year, It’s Magic! is a tradition for magic buffs and sleight of hand fans, having been seen regularly throughout the U.S. The upcoming production will take place at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Center and will be hosted by Michael Carbonaro of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

Selections From the Permanent Collection at MOCA

Month of December This ongoing exhibition features selections organized by MOCA curator Bennett Simpson and presents significant works from the 1940s to the present. Artists represented include Richard Artschwager, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Larry Bell, Hanne Darboven, Willem deKooning, Mark Grotjahn, Franz Kline, Sherrie Levine and others.

L.A. Artcore Art Exhibitions

Dec. 1-29 “L.A. Artcore helps develop the careers of visual artists of diverse cultural backgrounds, bringing innovative contemporary art to the public, and provides educational programs by professional artists for people of all ages.” This December, it will host art exhibitions by Hung Viet Nguyen, Eunsil Jeoung and Rebecca Edwards at its Brewery Annex. Vera Arutyunyan and Don McKinney will be showing at the Union Center location.


Dec. 19-20 Get in the spirit of the holidays at the Haugh Performing Arts Center’s annual dance celebration, filled with enough jolly to make the greenest Grinch change his tune. Holidance! showcases the work of students and faculty members with holiday music, dancing, selections from The Nutcracker and general merriment.

Beyond Brancusi: The Space of Sculpture

Through Jan. 6 Constantin Brancusi’s groundbreaking use of space and material influenced a lot of 20th century sculptors. This exhibition at the Norton Simon Museum delves into the details of his legacy. It features 19 works from the museum’s collection of post-war art by Henry Moore, Isamu Noguchi, Barbara Hepworth, Donald Judd, Carl Andre, John McCracken, Robert Irwin and more.



Dec. 3 Sasha Fierce doesn’t do anything on a small scale. Her latest tour is simply called The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour Starring Beyoncé. We’d love to sneak a peek at her tour rider. Jay-Z’s better half will be working it big-time at this upcoming date. Caution: Don’t even think about trying to snap a photo—you may get put in Beyoncé jail.

Margaret Cho

Dec. 6 Cho’s latest tour, Mother, features the hilarious, boundary-pushing comedienne’s take on sex, queer politics, drugs, guns and identity madness. And with a name like Mother, she’s bound to share stories about her equally funny and beloved mom, Seung-Hoon Cho. Be prepared— it’s going to be off the rails and anything but politically correct.


It’s Magic!



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By Brian Padgett and Eric Rosen


With no shortage of stellar restaurants within its city limits, Los Angeles offers up some great lunch spots to those who call this sunny oasis home. Whether you’re looking to wine and dine a powerful client or are simply require respite from the paperwork on your desk, any one of these L.A. eateries will serve up a lunch to remember. Akasha


Café Pinot


There aren’t many places one can order either macaroni and cheese or Punjabi mung beans and rice during their lunch hour, but Chef Akasha Richmond’s eponymous Westside establishment has these bases—and more—adequately covered. Taking inspiration from global gastronomic trends and local, seasonal variation, Richmond’s artisanstyle background resounds in each deceptively unassuming yet precociously delicious dish. 9543 Culver Blvd., Culver City.

Situated in the heart of Downtown, visitors can enjoy their midday meal alfresco between Ahmanson matinees and MOCA visits at this Patina establishment. Although the Mediterranean octopus and speck mozzarella panini are perfectly delectable, Café Pinot boasts one of the best burgers in the city. Served with bacon, red onion and Appenzeller Swiss, the Pinot Burger is best complemented by the art deco views of the Los Angeles Public Library. 700 W. 5th St., L.A.

Not only is the valet free at lunchtime, meaning no searching for sparse street parking, but there’s also a two-course prezzo fisso menu with a starter and a main course that will leave you satisfied and ready to resume the workday within an hour. The classically continental dining room is the perfect place for an intimate daytime tête-à-tête, while the alfresco front patio is an ideal spot for a leisurely afternoon sipping chilled Fiano. 8764 Melrose Ave., WeHo.



Ago At his WeHo flagship, Agostino Sciandri has catered myriad Nothern Italianinspired power lunches over which entertainment deals have been brokered. When pressed to suggest another linguine mare or raviolo di pesce on par with Sciandri’s, we opt to channel Oscar-winner—and Ago partner—Robert DeNiro, and respond, fuggedaboutit. 8478 Melrose Ave., WeHo.

Café Pinot




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L.A. LUNCHEON Church & State Located in the bustling Arts District of DTLA, Executive Chef Tony Ensault has served discerning diners traditional French bistro fare since 2008. Lunching lads can catch up over Ensault’s magnificent salade niçoise—yellowfin tuna served atop bell peppers and fingering potatoes—or the heartier 100-percent-grassfed steak, all while enjoying the ambience of the original NABISCO bakery building, erected in 1925. 1850 Industrial St., #100 L.A. church

Huckleberry You might know chef Zoe Nathan as part of the restaurateur power couple behind Rustic Canyon, but her casual daytime spot on Wilshire quickly became the Santa Monica lunch spot of choice thanks to exotic pre-composed salads and hearty sandwiches like the Niman Ranch pastrami reuben with gruyère and dijon on country bread. Don’t forget to take home some of Nathan’s acclaimed desserts, like the salted caramel cookies or blueberry cornmeal pie. 1014 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica. huckle

Church & State

The Ivy

Joe’s Restaurant


A classic power lunch spot sandwiched between the trendy boutiques on Robertson, you never know which celebs you’ll see here kibitzing over the fresh crab cakes and the famous Ivy Chopped Salad, but it’s the fried chicken with grilled corn and sautéed spinach that’s become an L.A. institution. 113 N. Robertson Blvd., L.A.

An Abbot Kinney staple for over 20 years, the Michelinstarred Joe’s Restaurant reinforces the adage ‘everything old is new again.’ With his $19 lunchtime prix fixe menu, executive chef and owner Joe Miller reiterates his commitment to provide innovative cuisine at reasonable prices. With mouthwatering starters, entrées and dessert options, you really can’t go wrong. 1023 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice.

Though the midday crowd is stacked with jurors from the nearby courthouses and a few office drones out for some fresh air, that doesn’t detract from the tasty, savory doner kebab wraps (with your choice of beef, lamb or chicken) being hawked at this Downtown eatery. Save room for the “street cart” fries topped with spicy tzatziki, olives and feta. 371 E. 2nd St. L.A.

Tender Greens




The Ivy


Tender Greens Even the most muscled of gym boys needs to refuel every now and then, and when they do, you’ll likely find them at this made-to-order salad and sandwich spot in the heart of WeHo, along with everyone else out for a glass of organic wine and maybe a homemade cookie. Seats out on the front patio are prime for people watching. 8759 Santa Monica Blvd., WeHo.

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After 'I Do':

Rolf and Jeff tied the knot in 2008. For both, that gloriously bright California day came at the end of a long journey, culminating in the congratulations of friends and families. Little did they know that their journey had only just begun. Rolf is a scientist and a writer. He lives in Los Angeles with Jeff, the best of all husbands.



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Taken for Granted Sunday evening. We are getting the house ready for our cleaning lady the next day. Can’t let her see what the place looks like after we spent the weekend at home. Jeff just finished washing the dishes and has stacked them on the counter. Now the strange thing happens. Instead of grabbing a dishtowel to help me dry, he grabs his book without a word and disappears upstairs to the bedroom. How typical of him to leave me to finish the kitchen. I know he hates drying dishes, but that’s no way to treat your husband. At the very least he could have asked, “Honey, are you OK finishing this by yourself?” But no! Without comment, he just leaves me to it. Of course there are other things to take care of, and I haven’t even started to get my own stuff ready for Monday. Thoughts like that are building up steam in my head as I whirl from counter to cupboard, trying to create a semblance of order in this domestic mess. “I’ll show him,” I am thinking, by now thoroughly pissed with his thoughtlessness. Not only will I clean up the kitchen, but I will also make

our regular breakfast oatmeal not only for me, but also for him. This will shame him for sure and will give me more time to build the case against him. Even when he takes me for granted, I work selflessly for a better life for us. I don’t just walk away from our commitments because I don’t feel like doing the dishes and want to curl up in bed with my book. For a moment I consider keeping the suffering to myself, strafing him with icy silence when I get upstairs. But wait, he is so much better at not talking than I am. Darn, that won’t work. No, I will let him have it. Cleaning up the house is a shared responsibility, and he can’t just leave it to me. Just for once I will tell him exactly how I feel. This plan firm in my mind, and the kitchen by now organized and as clean as an OR that would satisfy the most anal retentive surgeon, I climb the stairs. On the top landing I expect to see Jeff snuggled into bed, or even already dozed off. I’m stopped cold in my path of righteous wrath by the sight of my husband just finishing putting fresh sheets on our bed. A task he dislikes pos-

sibly even more than drying dishes. A task I usually do but haven’t done today. I stand there, opening and closing my mouth without sound, while frantically trying to regroup. “You just don’t care,” suddenly isn’t an option anymore. I settle for “Why did you leave me like that?” my tone suggesting year-long abandonment on a deserted island instead of 10 minutes on the first floor of our suburban home. Jeff’s face shows concern that his usually fairly stable husband has lost it, this time for good. I stumble through an emotional recounting of my inner turmoil. This isn’t contributing to domestic tranquility. Jeff is tired, in a bad mood since he had to change the sheets and really not ready for a lengthy exploration of our relationship dynamic. In the end we settle on, “We can be pretty stupid. Don’t you think?” and share a chuckle. I’m glad to realize yet again that the Jeff in my bed is a much better man than the one I sometimes carry in my head. We turn off the lights, spoon like every night and end the day with a whispered “Good night! I love you.” Just like any Sunday night.

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Frontiers Wedding Guide


Our New Wedding Listings Tell the world about your engagement by publishing your announcement in our new weddings section! Three little words or 300—you decide! Include a photo with your annoucement to run in classic black & white for $70, or full-color for $80. See our form on page 87 for complete pricing, or give us a call: (323) 930-3220, ext. 412 To all you Planners, Caterers, Florists and DJs, let our readers know you’re available! List your wedding services in our new section and let the celebrations begin!



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YOU’RE UNFAMILIAR WITH THE LIKES OF IGGY AZALEA, brace yourself for impact. This Aussie native has already burst onto the hip-hop scene and is currently poised to enter the mainstream charts with a solid album of rhymes in tow. “Work,” the lead single from Azalea’s about-to-be-released debut album The New Classic, spins the tale of a teen from the Australian countryside who travels to America with a dream of making it big. The dream itself may not be particularly rare, but the fact that the dreamer has achieved it shows a sense of determination and talent with which few could argue. To flee a life of cleaning hotel rooms, Azalea fled to the States as a teenager, settling first in Miami, then Houston, then Atlanta, eventually trekking to Los Angeles, where she has set up shop for a few years now. The rapper told Wow magazine in January, “I was drawn to America because I felt like an outsider in my own country. I was in love with hip-hop, and America is the birthplace of that, so I figured the closer I was to the music, the happier I’d be. I was right.” Videos thrown on YouTube of Azalea’s freestyling skills led to people learning her name rather quickly, and it wasn’t long before she was recognized as an up-and-comer among new music cognoscenti. Controversial tracks “Pu$$y” and “Two Times” went viral. Gracing the cover of XXL’s 2012 “Freshman Class” list made her one of the few female rappers (and the first non-American female) to do so. Last year she was even the face of Levi Jeans, a result of being repped by Wilhelmina Models. Iggy Azalea is more than a pretty face, though she definitely has that going for her. Backed by an army of gay fans who clamor for artists with her edgy look and attitude, it’s safe to expect big things from this hard-working girl of hip-hop. Frontiers caught up with Azalea via telephone amid her hectic schedule in the days leading up to The New Classic’s release. SEPTEMBER 3, 2013


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balance of the two. Have you gotten to work with David yet? No, I haven’t. You’re from Australia, and you kinda hopped around the Southern U.S. for a while when you came over here. Is that because you were searching out hip-hop music, or was there something else drawing you to cities like Miami, Atlanta and Houston? It’s really just where I went, honestly. One thing kinda led to another. It wasn’t necessarily a plan to stay in the South, but it was where I felt comfortable. I’m from the country in Australia, and the South is the ‘country’ of America. So it wasn’t much a culture shock? Oh, of course it was a culture shock, coming from Australia. [Laughs]

Well I’m sure it’s just a matter of time. He probably loves you. I know he likes me. He invited me to his gallery in Paris. I’ve had dealings with middle-men [Laughs] but I haven’t gotten a chance to meet him yet or work with him. I’m sure it’s something that could potentially happen, and I’d love that. You must be aware that you have a pretty strong gay fan base. Have you given any thought to what may draw your gay fans to you? Beyond the clothing and talking shit, I think there’s something that we can empathize with—feeling ostracized for

years ago. Beyond that, it’s hard for me to say the changes I’ve seen, because I think with females, we’ve always ... there’s no stigma, and there’s no ignorance attached to having a gay person around you. It’s different, I’m sure, for a male in hip-hop. With female rappers and pop stars, we’re always surrounded by our gays! [Laughs] I don’t really see a lot of men in hip-hop working with gay men. I think they still have a long way to go, and I still hear ignorant shit all the time, but I do think there’s a lot I don’t witness because I’m a female. But I have friends who are gangbangers who I‘d never think would sit down and have dinner with my hairstylist, who’s a 500-pound English gay man [Laughs]. I would never think they could sit down and actually have a conversation and be interested in each others’ lives. They walk away from that

Your single “Work” deals with your moving out to the U.S. at a young age and your struggles to make it. It seems like you’re a pretty fearless person. Is that an accurate assessment? Yeah, I suppose so. I saw you perform a three-song set out here in L.A. a month or so ago, and you killed it. What kind of feedback have you been receiving about your live performances? You know, I don’t ever want to brag [laughs], but I feel like I’m very confident in my live shows, and I seem to get really positive feedback, which just makes me more confident in what I’m doing. I feel like I hear a lot that makes me happy. Is live performance the primary passion, or does that take a backseat to the creative process—the writing and recording? I love all those things for different reasons. I love performing, and I love to put on a show. I’m an entertainer, and I think of my shows in the same way I think of a music video—like with stage design—I still design it all, and it’s all a creative process for me. Live shows are definitely a creative outlet. But I love different aspects of all of them. Who were some of your influences as a young girl enamored with hip-hop? Andre 3000 and Outkast as a group really influenced me. I love Tupac. I really like Missy Elliott a lot as well— I really look up to her as a female artist. I think she’s amazing. What about influences outside of hiphop? I really like Salvador Dalí. I think he’s an influence. David LaChapelle. I like what he does—making art in a commercial medium, and he has a great 42


just being who you are, feeling like you don’t belong—those are things I definitely identify with. I’ve heard it for my love of hip-hop music—people bringing up what I look like, or it’s ‘just pretend,’ or I shouldn’t make hip-hop because I’m Australian. It’s one of those things in life where you just love something, you’re passionate about it—or you just can’t help but like it. I think with sexuality, we’re just naturally inclined, and we can’t explain it. I think [the gay community and I] experience that same frustration. It seems like hip-hop in general, which has a reputation for being notoriously homophobic, is finally starting to broaden its scope and is becoming more inclusive. What have you noticed from your stance inside the industry? For me, I notice that some of my guy friends sit around with my gay friends and hang out, and that probably wouldn’t have happened a few

and my gang-banger friends are like, “You know, I really like your friend Sonny. He’s cool as f*ck.” I do notice things like that, and I see things are changing to where you feel like you can have a conversation with this person and connect with them and be interested in what they do on different levels, and not just be ignorant, like, “Oh, he’s gay” or “He’s a faggot” or whatever. Shit like that—beforehand, a few years ago, you couldn’t get those guys to sit in the same room as him. They’d think they were gay for it. I definitely see a change in mentality among my friends in the rap community. It’s probably an understatement to say that you’re known as an artist to watch out for. People everywhere are awaiting your upcoming record. Does that weigh heavy on you, or is it just exciting? It’s weird. It’s exciting, but I’m cautious of the excitement, because I don’t

know what you’re excited for. I don’t know if you’re excited for me to make more of the style of music that I’ve already made, or are you excited for me to make big hits, and if I don’t, will that be disappointing to you? Speaking of the new album, it’s currently scheduled to be released this September. What can your fans expect, and also those who aren’t yet familiar with you? If you have listened to my music, it’s a really good combination of Ignorant Art and TrapGold [her first and second mixtapes, respectively]. If you haven’t listened to my music, I’d say it’s a lot of electronic dance music and Moombahton mixed with hip-hop and 808s. Did you have a positive experience working on your first studio album? Yeah, I think I did. I wish I had more time on the project. That’s one thing I will say. People hear that I’ve been working on the album since January, and it’s been a good eight months, but I’ve been on tour for most of that! [Laughs] I haven’t had a lot of time, and I wish I had more. I had just started feeling like I was really getting into the swing of things. I’m really happy and pleased with the album, but I’ll always wonder what it could have been—how much better it could have been if I’d had another two or three months. But I suppose that’s just the nature of the beast. You’re always gonna wish you could’ve kept painting. Are we going to see you back onstage here in L.A. after the record drops? Yes, you will. I feel like I’m doing a radio festival—a KISS FM show—in a couple weeks. As far as me doing my own show, I won’t be going out on my own until early January. I’m gonna do some radio shows, and I’ve got to go back overseas and start promoting my third single. And I’m actually going on tour with Beyoncé. I was going to ask you about that! That has to be exciting—touring with Beyoncé—and it’s all back home in Australia, isn’t it? Yeah, Australia and New Zealand. I’m really excited. I really wanted to do America with her, but I have to promote my record, so I have to get off the road. I love to tour so much. If I could, I’d just stay on-tour, but I have to do TV shows, I have to talk to radio, I have to do other things that are expected and required of me. Maybe sometime in the future, since you’re about to become besties with Beyoncé, you guys can tour the States together. Yeah, maybe. [Laughs] You never know.

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go to for more listings Wed. | Aug 21


This work considers the ‘career vs. marriage’ debate from the perspectives of two women. Three generations of women share their raucous and refreshing approaches to navigating work, love and family, taking a sharp look at how women and men find happiness and conquer disappointment. Through Sept. 22. geffen Wed. | Aug. 21


You’ve never been to a party quite like this, with carnival games, WeHo’s cutest boys and chances to win cash and prizes all night long, now with more strippers than ever. $5. Wed. | Aug. 21

CITIZEN TWAIN Pasadena Playhouse

In this limited engagement, Val Kilmer, famous for his portrayals of iconic characters such as Jim Morrison (The Doors) and Batman (Batman Forever), inhabits the spirit of yet another legendary figure—Mark Twain. Kilmer continues to develop Citizen Twain, a solo show about the man considered to be America’s greatest storyteller, as the show tours. Through Aug. 30. Thu. | Aug. 22


Walt Disney Concert Hall Set in the heart of the country’s premier cultural destination, the

third annual Los Angeles Food & Wine Festival returns as the culinary world’s most storied luminaries will come together for festivities taking over the city for a three-night, four-day epicurean extravaganza. Through Aug. 25. Thu. | Aug. 22

HIPSTER BINGO Good Microbrew

Head to Sunset Junction restaurant Good for delicious eats and a few free games of BINGO with prizes you’ll be glad to take home (usually a selection of microbrews) . You’ll find everything from pastas to burgers on the menu here (as well as one of the city’s best beer selections), and a crowd of fun-loving East Siders who are ready to start the weekend with some healthy competition. Fri. | Aug. 23


Remember the ’90s? The decade when you didn’t have to brush your hair or wash your clothes and it was completely socially acceptable? Well, they’re back. The Breeders, one of the grunge era’s greatest bands,jumps on the bandwagon. Kim Deal and company will be playing the infectious pop perfection of 1993’s Last Splash album front to back.

PLAY FAIR By Stephan Horbelt Featuring a crazy assortment of exhibits that bring California’s greatest attractions to one place, the L.A. County Fair is back! A true Calitopia, this year’s fair brings together underwater and animal adventures rivaling those in San Diego, animation workshops and sci-fi exhibitions straight from Hollywood, wine tasting experiences from Napa Valley, rides and entertainment greater than any other carnival—not to mention food experiences unlike any other. Head out to Pomona with this handy todo list and you’re sure to get the full L.A. County Fair experience: 1. Hang with sea lions, sharks, stingrays and Melissa the Mermaid—who you’ll see swimming and diving while spreading her message of saving the world’s oceans—at Beneath the Sea: An Underwater Adventure. 2. Work up the nerves to attend Flying Trapeze School, part of Esmeralda’s Traveling Circus, but not before checking out circus duo Manga and Dango and Hercules the Giant Horse, who stands at 6’6” and weighs in at more than 3,000 pounds. 3. Squeal over the baby animals in Zuckerman’s Nursey and watch Cindi make vintage-style hats at her Millinery Barn, part of FairView Farms, a real working farm. 4. Meet animals like Brutus the Hedgehog, Barcode and Stripes (the fair’s resident zebras), the bugs of Iggy’s Insect Counter, an African-

crested porcupine and a capybara, all at Mojo’s African Safari. 5. Geek out at Star Trek: The Exhibition, the world’s largest collection of authentic artifacts and Star Trek info ever put on display. 6. Peruse puppets from around the world and WWII aviation art at Art Treasures from the Attic, a unique trove of treasures collected by the Millard Sheets Center for the Arts. 7. Explore the unique world of animation at Pencils 2 Pixels, complete with replicas of Walt Disney’s backyard train track and early studio offices, and learn about the rich history of Japanese anime. 8. Relive your childhood at the Kiddie Carnival, where you can plunge down the Goliath Slide, drive a John Deere tractor or climb aboard the Dizzy Dragon. 9. Rock out at live concerts by The Bangles, Ke$ha, Demi Lovato, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Bad Company and more. 10. Chow down on deep-fried Kool-Aid balls, “Cheesy Bacon Bombs,” sloppy joes sandwiched between two Krispy Kreme doughnuts and more. As a special incentive, all calories have been removed from food bought on the fairgrounds! L.A. County Fair Aug. 30 - Sept. 29 Pomona Fairplex



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Fri. | Aug. 23


It’s one of the most popular nights in West Hollwood, with some of the city’s hottest man candy as well. The party features world-class DJs, dancers and pop artist performers, which makes for one hell of an entertaining night. Fri. | Aug. 23


The 63rd annual Fiesta La Ballona—Culver City’s “Party in the Park” event—returns, featuring live music, food trucks, a beer and wine garden, carnival rides, artisan wares and family-oriented attractions. This free event attracted over 20,000 people last year. Through Aug. 25. Fri. | Aug. 23

INFERNO Faultline

All hell breaks loose in Silver Lake as a brand-new event sparks an evening like no other. Listen to the sounds of Satan’s favorite songsmiths and enjoy nefarious cocktail specials while indulging in lust, gluttony and debauchery—it is Friday night, after all. Sat. | Aug. 24

GAY HIST-ORGY 3 Spirit Studio Silverlake

Gay Hist-Orgy is back by popular demand for two more nights. This stand-alone one-man show dives into the erotic and psychological nature of homo-worldmythology. It's a wild, educational, sexy and fun theatrical adventure that's not to be missed! Aug. 24 & 31. gay Sat. | Aug. 24

THE BRITISH BEAT John Anson Ford Amphitheatre

The British Beat presents dances to iconic works by British artists like The Beatles, Sir Elton John, Sting, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie and Adele, among others. Known for its Ballet Russes heritage, Pacific Ballet Dance Theatre branches out from its traditional roots to pay homage to the British musical experience with an explosive dance and music retrospective. Through Aug. 25


This exhibit will feature photography of some of the most classic rock ‘n' roll icons in history, including Debbie Harry, 44


Richard Hell, Iggy Pop and The Ramones—all by founding member of Blondie Chris Stein. Many of the images will be related to L.A. specifically. This is Stein's first exhibition since the ‘80s. Through Aug. 25



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NoHo Arts Center

The Diary of Anne Frank is a powerful, chillingly honest and stirring version of the iconic and impassioned story of eight Dutch Jews hiding from the Nazis in a cramped Amsterdam storage attic. Adapted by Wendy Kesselman, this version shows Anne's honesty, wit and determination as her world changed dramatically. Sun. | Aug. 25


John Anson Ford Amphitheater

The Los Angeles Jewish Symphony will commemorate its 10th anniversary of participation in the Ford Theatres’ Summer Amphitheatre Season with a special program entitled Cultural Collaborations, which will spotlight eclectic performances stemming from different cultures and encompassing different art forms. Mon. | Aug. 26


The City of West Hollywood’s Women’s Advisory Board celebrates Women’s Equality Day with A Night In Herstory, a special celebration commemorating both the Board’s 20 years of service to WeHo and the 93rd anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote. Helen Reddy will perform. Tue. | Aug. 27


The Palm Springs Gay Men’s Chorus holds its fall information night and auditions. Singers and non-singers are welcome and encouraged to attend. The chorus is also always looking for volunteers to help behind the scenes. Men who are interested in becoming a singing member will sing for the director. Tue. | Aug. 27



Luke Nero and Andres Rigal of Mr. Black L.A. have brought this new party to the masses, taking place in a different Hollywood venue but showcasing the same hedonism and joie de vivre you’ve come to expect. Past parties have featured guest appearances by the likes of Amanda Lepore and more. Free.

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Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are welcomed to L.A. to discuss their album The Heist and upcoming fall tour, fielding questions from the audience following a moderated discussion. Hailing from Seattle, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis are known for expertly crafted music and innovative music videos, as well as their support of marriage equality. Thu. | Aug. 29


Put on your cowboy boots and hat and get ready for the second annual Wrangler Weekend L.A. The series kicks off with free admission to the Boots & Briefs Party at Oil Can Harry's in Studio City. Friday and Saturday events include various dance classes during the day and a dance party to show off your new moves at night. Cap off the weekend by enjoying Sunday’s outdoor brunch and courtyard dance, followed by a beer bust. Thu. | Aug. 29

BFD Fubar

It’s hard to believe that Mario Diaz’s weekly party BFD started bringing raunch to WeHo more than a full decade ago. Celebrate the party that just wouldn’t die—known for its infamous photo competition— with DJ Riley More and the BFD Go-Go Brigade. Free.


Karen O of Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Celebrate 10 years of FYF Fest the weekend of Aug. 24 and 25 with a supreme selection of bands, DJs and comedians. It’s a weekend fête you won’t soon forget! The fest began in July 2004 with bands playing The Echo, EchoPlex and Sea Level Records. These days it’s a massive gathering that sets up shop at DTLA’s L.A. State Historic Park near Chinatown. This year, rock out to the sounds of My Bloody Valentine, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, MGMT, Beach House, The Melvins, The Breeders, TV on the Radio and countless others. The weekend fest also features comedy sets by Doug Benson, Paul Scheer, Karen Kilgariff and Kumail Nanjiani. Tickets to FYF Fest can be purchased at various venues around Los Angeles, including Origami Vinyl, Permanent Records and Amoeba Music. Go to the festival’s website for all the details. FYF Fest Aug. 24 & 25 L.A. State Historic Park

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BY STEPHAN HORBELT If you’re an Angeleno who demands something special from the company you keep, particularly when scheduling your nightlife itinerary, you’ve likely experienced an event thrown by the Boulet Brothers. The duo has entertained L.A. residents for over 13 years with a bevy of first-class dance parties. They created Miss Kitty’s Parlour, which ran every Friday night for nine years, are currently hosts of popular Hollywood party Evita and throw a pansexual fetish event called Black Unicorn each month. Join the Boulet Brothers Aug. 24 for the latest installment of Dragula, a new monthly party at Silver Lake watering hole Faultline.

You guys are known for being involved in some of L.A.'s craziest, off-the-wall events. What do you think sets your

events apart from the majority of parties gay men in L.A. attend? We don’t just throw a party—we build a fantasy world for people to come and play in. It’s always a killer dance party at base, but there are always stage shows, sets, costumes, performances, dancers—there is always something to do and look at. We also pride ourselves on being able to provide a place where people can shuck off their nine-to-five jobs, dull responsibilities and work clothes and come be who they truly are. Whatever you hide during the day we encourage and celebrate at night. The third installment of Dragula will take place at Faultline on Aug. 24. How would you describe the party for those who haven't yet attended?

Awesome. It’s the culmination of everything we love—drag, leather, glamour, trash and parties. If you could party inside a John Waters movie, it’s something like that. Everyone is there, from fashion kids to leather daddies to drag legends to cruisy muscle boys. We f*cking love it. It’s so much fun!


How did you two originally get involved with promoting and hosting events here in L.A.? Well, despite our incredibly youthful appearances, we’ve both been involved in (and in love with) nightlife since before we were even legally allowed into clubs. The two of us were scampering around those legendary New York parties in the ‘90s that you still hear about today, and it was a magical, inspiring time for us. We both loved fantasy, theater, drag

and parties, and New York at the time was a virtual playground to us both. Unfortunately, the city started to crack down on most of the fun clubs and parties that were going on, so we moved out here to Los Angeles for a change of pace. While there were some great parties in L.A. when we got here, we felt like there was something missing. We wanted to be able to go to a certain kind of party that just didn’t exist here at the time, so we created our own. It’s that simple.

Many people may not realize that you two are actually not brothers but in fact a couple. How long have you guys been together, and how did you initially meet? Who would spread such vicious gossip? Let us clear this all up, once and for all. Picture it—Sicily, 1902—it was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

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INTO THE NIGHT: THE WILD SIDE Skirball Cultural Center


Stay up late and mark the end of summer at this after-dark party. The event, presenting live music, DJ sets and more in the Skirball’s magnificent outdoor courtyard, begins at 9 p.m. The evening’s headliner is local artist Jenny O., beloved for her insightful and courageous songwriting. The night also includes a set by L.A.-based duo In the Valley Below. Fri. | Aug. 30


Don’t miss the only Trannyshack L.A. show of 2013, featuring performances by Fade-Dra, Rudeness, Vicky Vox, Phyllis Navidad, Tammie Brown and more! Doors at 9 p.m., show at 11. $15. Through Aug. 31


MEAT ME IN KOREATOWN It only makes sense that L.A.’s Koreatown is rife with delicious Korean eats. On any given corner in the neighborhood, you’re sure to find scores of restaurants serving bibimbap, bulgogi, kimchi and the like. Over the years, though, Koreatown has become substantially more diverse, particularly in the ethnicities of cuisine offered there. A prime example is M Grill, a Brazilian churrascaria that has been newly remodeled to reflect a modern spin on the classic steakhouses us carnivores love so much. Many would consider Koreatown the perfect locale for M Grill—a neighborhood already cherished by Angelenos for its prevalence of freshly

M Grill

3832 Wilshire Blvd., 2nd Fl., Koreatown (213) 389-2770 50


prepared meats and veggies served up by Korean BBQ establishments. While the concept of a churrascaria is quite different (though the word roughly translates from Portuguese to ‘barbecue’) , the promise of delectable cuts of meat remains the same. For those unfamiliar, these Brazilian steakhouses typically offer ‘rodizio service,’ wherein gauchos come directly to your table with skewers of various charcoal-roasted meat offerings. If you’re presented with a cut that you’d like to try, the gaucho will slice it for you tableside—a dream come true for meat lovers. M Grill offers nearly 20 different cuts of meat to those enjoying dinner at the restaurant (fewer for lunch), all of which were top-notch upon my recent visit. Particularly outstanding were the lamb, filet mignon and Picanha, a cut of beef rarely found outside Brazilian eateries. For those like me who crave a touch of sweet with their savory, the grilled pineapple dusted with cinnamon—served by the gauchos on skewers just like the meats here—is a must-try. In addition to offerings from the grill, indulge in a salad bar and hot buffet bar offering all the other delicacies of Brazilian cuisine—black beans, fried plantains and yucca, creamed corn, greens, beef Stroganoff and countless other dishes. These sides complement M Grill’s meat and poultry specialties perfectly, guaranteeing you enjoy the consummate Brazilian dining experience. The fixed-price menu at M Grill includes complimentary dessert options ranging from Brazilian flan to an assortment of sorbets, though I recommend opting for the perfectly prepared crème brûlée, a hearty choice large enough for two or three diners. And don’t even think about leaving M Grill without sampling the caipirinha, Brazil’s national cocktail, a drink impossible to enjoy outside of an authentic Brazilian restaurant such as this.

Witness 90 minutes of ‘living pictures’—incredibly faithful art recreations of classic and contemporary works with real people posing to look exactly like their counterparts in the original pieces. This year’s event is a salute to classic art that inspired legendary filmmakers. Sat. | Aug. 31


Electric Dusk Drive-In Just off the 5, 10, 101 and 110 freeways, this is L.A.’s only true drivein movie theater. The theater’s summer screening series ends with Hitchcock’s Vertigo, what many critics consider the greatest movie ever made. Gates open at 6:30, screening at 8. electric Sat. | Aug. 31


Faultline Spit presents an end-of-summer Mister Meetup Party, where the guys from smartphone app Mister will be on-hand with merch. DJs Paul V. and Tommy Rocker will be on the decks again, playing classic rock, alternative, indie and electro. Sat. | Aug. 31


For men looking for a relaxed, safe, self-determined, drug-andalcohol-free male-bonding experience, this year’s CMG Summer Gath-

ering, themed “Awakening,” takes place in Santa Rosa, Aug. 31 through Sept. 3 at a beautifully situated campground away from the beaten path. Many say it’s like summer camp for grown men. Sun. | Sept. 1


Spend your Labor Day Sunday at one of Masterbeat’s biggest events of the year, the conclusion to a jam-packed Labor Day Weekend. DJs Brett Henrichsen and Aron are back together by popular demand, spinning from 9 p.m.-6 a.m. For info on all of Labor Day Weekend’s Masterbeat events, go to Sun. | Sept. 1


It’s the last Bears in Space lot party ‘til 2014, so you know this one’s gonna be a doozy. Expect a parking lot of sexy East Side guys, cheap drinks, great music and performances by some of the city’s most talented entertainers. Paul T (Sarcastic Disco) and Heidi (Locussolus) are scheduled. With this being a holiday weekend, expect the party to run late! Through Sept. 1


Hector Zamora's solo project relates and deconstructs clichéd objects of Californian culture that have been exploited by artists and sociologists for more than 50 years. The result is a geometric hybrid that primarily appeals to the pragmatism and intelligence of the construction methods implied in these objects, but at the same time activates the social and cultural connotations they have acquired over decades as mass-produced objects and symbols of economic crisis. Sun. | Sept. 1


Here Lounge Tom Whitman’s weekly party celebrates nearly a decade of great Sunday afternoons. Expect to find a gorgeous group of guys imbibing and dancing before starting up the work week. And because bigger is better, Billy Francesca hosts Size Queen from 4-7 p.m. tomwhitman

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AIRPORT ART LAX's first-ever public art festival is on view now through the end of the year. Featuring 11 large-scale, temporary installations and the work of 45 L.A. artists, Influx is truly unprecedented for the airport's art program, nearly doubling its exhibition space. The scale of many of the works is likewise unprecedented, completely transforming some of the airport's previously anonymous and sterile spaces into dramatic, engaging showcases for site-specific artworks. The festival is a virtual survey of L.A.’s diverse art practices, including video, large-scale sculptures, mixed-media, ink drawings and murals. Many of the new exhibition sites have been thoughtfully selected to enliven and enrich how people experience the airport. For example, Flow and Glimpse by Barbara Strasen in Terminal 2 and Elevate by Joyce Dallal in Terminal 3 are dramatic, large-scale installations that transform the departures atriums. Flow and Glimpse depicts the rich textures and diversity of Los Angeles through 90 lenticular panels that change in response to the location of the viewer. Elevate consists of two large sculptural formations made of hundreds of colorful and seemingly delicate paper airplanes, handmade from Japanese paper and imprinted with excerpts from the Geneva Conventions. Both of these works provide a dazzling architectural spectacle; for ticketed passengers, they continue to engage and delight, animating the otherwise mundane experience of passing through airport security checkpoints.

Influx: Art at LAX

Through Dec. 31 Los Angeles International Airport

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Starring Kate Bosworth, Iddo Goldberg, Jamie Blackley Opens Sept. 13


This striking romantic drama has Jane (Bosworth) and her musician husband, Leonard (Goldberg) , arriving in Italy for two weeks. While Leonard rehearses for a concert, Jane plans to work on a long-gestating book project about her grandmother (Claire Bloom). However, Jane gets immediately sidetracked when she meets Caleb (Blackley)—a charming, motor-mouthed 19-year-old—and unexpectedly falls for him. She realizes this stranger provides her with the excitement and adventure her stuffy husband does not. If And While We Were Here is another tale of adulterous foreigners abroad, this intimate fable benefits from Bosworth’s strong portrayal of an unhappy woman searching to find a life she loves. Watching her slyly smile at Caleb, and becoming endeared to him when they dine and dash, is enchanting; the actress makes Jane’s transformation credible. As such, audiences can forgive the fact that the fights between Jane and Leonard are rather clunky, and that the voice-overs by Jane’s grandmother are obvious life lessons. Instead, viewers can bask in this lovely film’s gorgeous, seductive setting of Ischia and enjoy watching the lovers finding happiness and experiencing pleasure as they stroll along the streets, stop to kiss in alleys and swim in the grottoes of this picturesque island. —Gary M. Kramer


Starring Keri Russell, Jennifer Coolidge, JJ Feild Now showing



Starring Olivia Wilde, Jake Johnson, Anna Kendrick Opens Aug. 30

Starring Maria Hofstätter, Nabil Saleh, Natalya Baranova Opens Aug. 23

Jane (Russell) is such a Jane Austen fan that she spends all her money on an “immersive Austen experience”—a fantasy vacation where she pays to play a heroine in her own Jane Austen story. Upon meeting another guest, Miss Elizabeth Charming (Coolidge), and entering the Regency era, Jane spends her days doing needlepoint, going hunting and having sharptongued dinner repartée with Mr. Nobley (Feild), the resident Mr. Darcy character. She also unexpectedly falls for the handsome stable man, Martin (Bret McKenzie). While jealousies ignite between Nobley and Martin, the sexual tension is more bland than chaste; the sexiest element in Austenland is the buff Captain East (Ricky Whittle), who takes his shirt off at every opportunity. If director/co-writer Jerusha Hess has fun at blurring the lines between reality and role-playing, she is less successful with the comedic elements. The film suffers from being entirely too broad; it’s silly when it should be satirical. There are some amusing moments—as when Jane plays a very modern, inappropriate song when asked to give a piano performance, or when the always reliable Coolidge mis-delivers a line about “largess” during a stage play—but Austenland never quite transports the viewers as it does the Austen-loving characters.

Mumblecore auteur Joe Swanberg may people Drinking Buddies with recognizable actors, but he maintains the low-key aesthetic and minimalist plotting that is a hallmark of his fine films. Kate (Wilde) works at a brewery with Luke (Johnson). They work hard, play hard and enjoy a close, easygoing friendship that includes plenty of beer and sarcasm. Both are romantically involved. She has been dating Chris (Ron Livingston) for less than a year; he is talking marriage with Jill (Kendrick). When the two couples go away together, Kate and Luke intensify their friendship while Chris and Jill secretly share a kiss. Swanberg captures the easygoing rhythms of these characters’ lives and relationships, creating an absorbing film, despite the fact that not much happens. Drinking Buddies pivots on the sexual tension that develops between the characters—his happens naturally—and the drama hinges on if/when their partners will reveal their misbehavior. The film may be talky, but what is unspoken about trust, guilt and desire speaks volumes. Wilde is incredibly expressive, and she has a terrific rapport with the laidback Johnson. Drinking Buddies introduces real, likable characters that viewers will care about right up to the achingly lovely final scene.

The second installment in Ulrich Seidl’s Paradise Trilogy does not require viewers to have seen Paradise: Love, about an Austrian woman’s sex tourism vacation. This drama has a lonely, devout Catholic, Anna Maria (Hofstätter)—the sister of the sex tourist—taking her vacation time to prosthelytize door-to-door. Seidl artfully films her rituals and routines—working, walking, cleaning, sleeping, self-flagellating and praying alone or with her prayer group—until she is disrupted by the unexpected return of her long-absent paraplegic husband, Nabil (Saleh), a Muslim. While Anna Maria prays to God to endure the test that her husband presents, viewers may find their patience tested as well. This difficult but rewarding film features long, uncomfortable but fascinating scenes of the characters suffering—as when Anna Maria struggles with a drunk Russian woman (Baranova) she wants to convert or fends off the unwanted sexual advances of Nabil. For all her talk against sinning, Anna Maria is no saint; just watch how she mistreats her sister’s cat. Seidl may display disdain for his protagonist, who at one point pleasures herself with a crucifix, but he coaxes an exceptional (and brave) performance out of Hofstätter, who engenders sympathy and anger in equal measures.

—Gary M. Kramer

—Gary M. Kramer

—Gary M. Kramer






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When the Music’s Loud (Candy Talk)



DJ Colette is a Chicago-bred, L.A.-based dance-pop auteur, and her third disc is a fabulous collection of pulsating, neon-lit electropop and house-inspired textures. “We were influenced by Kraftwerk, Africa Bambaataa and Chicago house,” Colette reveals. “But also ‘80s futurism was the launch pad for this album.” In fact, some of the tracks feature Colette’s voice processed through a vocoder à la Giorgio Moroder, such as the funky freestyle-inspired “Electricity.” The title track and lead single is a sleazy, electro-funk jam that showcases her breathy yet resonant voice. Other standouts include “Hotwire” (which rides over the instrumental beat of acid house legend Adonis’ 1986 underground club classic “No Way Back”), the stuttering “Infatuation” and the pure ‘80s-meets-electroclash synth washes of “Worked Up.” On “Best of Days,” Colette sings, “This is our time and the feeling is right,” and that really sums up the positive vibe of this terrific collection of dance ditties. And what’s nice about these tracks is they inhabit your headspace without overkill. So if Robyn, Kylie or Annie are your dance queens, Colette is ready to hold court. Catch her play L.A.’s King King club on Sept. 14, where she plans on singing these songs live throughout her DJ set. —Paul V.

Ida Maria

Love Conquers All (Universal Republic Records)

The Julie Ruin Run Fast (Dischord)

Yes, It’s True (Cherry Red)



Ida Maria’s third album Love Conquers All doesn’t stray far from the Swedish rocker’s formula, and thank goodness for that. She still sounds like Janis Joplin fronting The Strokes, which is wonderful news. There aren’t too many women carrying Courtney Love’s torch, and that’s a pity. Ida Maria is a tragic mess and proud of it. This latest album is just a hair over 30 minutes. It opens with the brilliant “Last Dance”—edgy, giant and pleading with its screaming chorus, “Please just give me one last dance.” It appears that Ida didn’t get that last dance, and she’s really angry about it for the rest of the album. “Gigolo” is a fun two-and-a-halfminute shout-along. “Whatever” is a lo-fi surf rock number that somehow managed to become this album’s lead single. Whatever, indeed—that’s the Ida Maria credo. See the minute-long “I Just Need a Hug,” which is as sobering as it is silly. “Nostalgia” has a Jimmy Cash vibe, while “Will We Ever Be Friends Again” sounds like Kate Nash with purpose and talent. “The Ship” closes the album sounding like Concrete Blonde. This album is a nod to every angry girl that came before Ida Maria. If she can focus more on sounding like herself, she’ll find a legion of future angry girl warriors at her disposal.

It’s a good day when Kathleen Hanna puts out a new record! As it seems that Le Tigre is now officially kaput, Hanna is busying herself with The Julie Ruin, which she first formed in 1997. Back for ‘version 2013’ is Bikini Kill bassist Kathi Wilcox and Kiki & Herb’s Kenny Mellman on keys and backing vocals, and this could ostensibly be a new Le Tigre record. It has all the sass and spittle you’d expect, with more of a bedroom jam vibe. Either way, it’s a record you’ll wanna sink your teeth into. Hanna’s fervent sneer is in full effect on spunky indie dance tracks like lead single “Oh Come On” and the pogoinducing “Cookie Road,” while “Just My Kind” sounds like a hipster update of The Ronettes. And big kudos to Mellman, who really cuts loose with space-age synths and a Nick Cave-inspired wail on the call-and-response “Kids in NYC.” He also handles lead vocals on the frenetic “South Coast Plaza,” an awesome sing-speak punk rock polemic about getting wasted and having underage sex in Orange County. She might be in her early 40s now, but Hanna has effortlessly graduated to riot woman with all the freakazoid, spitfire chops we’ve come to know and love her for.

—Dominik Rothbard



The Polyphonic Spree

—Paul V.


The Polyphonic Spree’s fourth LP, Yes, It’s True, comes after a sixyear break. Somehow, compared to their last LP, 2007’s The Fragile Army, they sound relatively exhausted. The positive platitudes are still there, but the manic melodies shoved in every nook and corner have been cleaned out. Album opener “You Don’t Know Me” swirls in a disorienting Beatles-like haze. “Popular by Design” bubbles through cheery slogan after cheery slogan. “Yes, It’s True” comes off as the aural equivalent of a ‘hang in there, kitty’ poster, but there’s more beneath the surface. “You’re Golden” stands out if not only for featuring the ‘most 2013’ lyric imaginable—“It’s not the car that you drive, it’s not your phone with an ‘I,’ it’s not your Facebook likes, it’s not your Instagram pride.” “Heart Talk” brings up the energy significantly, and “Blurry Up the Lines” sounds like a classic Polyphonic Spree single. The album ends on a whimper with “Battlefield” and its three-minute instrumental outro, but that’s restraint compared to the chanty nonsense that ended earlier albums. While nothing quite sparkles like anything from the Fragile Army era, Yes, It’s True is one of the Spree’s most consistent albums to date. —Dominik Rothbard

Washed Out

White Lies



Washed Out is the perfect name for Ernest Greene’s one-man electro band. His music—at least on his much-praised debut Within and Without—is wan and so colorless that if it was human, it would be albino. His version of chillwave quite frankly left me cold. I’m not sure what happened between that debut and his latest, Paracosm, but I’m glad that I’m not instantly reaching for the ‘off’ button on my iPod or just deleting the entire sound file into digital heaven. Don’t get me wrong— Greene hasn’t suddenly gone pop or dubstep or anything that vulgar. He’s merely in the process of perfecting his decidedly low-key vibe until the pretty melodies and wispy vocals and unimposing beats resemble not only gossamer divertissements but actual songs. The acoustic guitar-centered “All I Know” is a pleasant surprise—imagine The Lightning Seeds as bedroom pop impresarios and you’ll have an idea of its charms. The title track’s a lovely instrumental idyll. And “Don’t Give Up” might even make a great soul track for a better singer. Yet how I wish Greene didn’t bury his voice in echo. It’s dreamy, but also distancing. It floats away, just like the record, before the music’s even over.

The bands that London’s White Lies invariably gets compared to are Joy Division and that band’s offspring. Fair enough, as vocalist/guitarist Harry McVeigh employs the same depressive baritone as Joy Division’s Ian Curtis. Yet on the band’s third release, Big TV, with its swelling choruses and synthetic washes atop stadium-ready tunes, the bands that come most to mind are Sisters of Mercy and Muse. Though the core trio has always aimed high—big, anthem-sized tunes and lots of dark subject matter—for the first time here they are going for a mainstream commercial reach as well. The results range from stupendous to horrendous (though luckily never in the same song). On the plus side, the premiere single “There Goes Our Love Again” is a nearly perfect pop confection— buoyant where the band used to be lugubrious, direct where it used to be obscure. “Be Your Man” runs a close second. Where they get into trouble are on the slower tunes, such as “Change,” a drone that meanders too much, and the mid-tempo “First Time Caller” that features synths from the ‘80s that should have remained there. Overall, however, it’s a solid enough record, and one that may finally break them in the U.S.

Paracosm (Sub Pop)

—Dan Loughry

Big TV (Harvest)

—Dan Loughry

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THEATER REVIEWS WOMEN ARE CRAZY BECAUSE MEN ARE A**HOLES MACHA THEATRE | 1107 N. Kings Rd., WeHo Through Sept. 29 | During the 1970s, dinner theaters were popular throughout the nation, offering least-common-denominator entertainment served alongside overcooked roast beef and weak cocktails. It wasn’t as much about going to the theater as a quest for chuckles that didn’t tax the brain. Yuppie patrons dined on semi-digestible grub while getting buzzed. This innocuous sex-com by writerdirector Brad T. Gottfred—making its L.A. bow following a successful Chicago run—is like old-fashioned dinner theater minus the entrees and rice pudding. A talented troupe of actors expends a lot of energy as it saunters through a patchwork of mostly unrelated plot threads and sexual innuendos leading to an inconsequential denouement—

sort of an R-rated variation of the old TV anthology Love, American Style. For good measure, this heterosexual roundelay among yuppie couples is spiced up with a lesbian dalliance, in which a simulated sex act is prolonged far past its comedic value. There are a few other mildly suggestive moments—and the expected gay-panic implications—albeit briefly. Beyond that, the flirtations, skirmishes, infidelities and possible breakups and misunderstandings largely seem interchangeable, and the characters are sketchily delineated. The complications go no deeper than the irony connoted in the play’s title, suggestions that bad behavior, jealousies and insecurities are not uncommon amid many relationships and not exclusive to either sex.


A group of friends convene at the L.A. home of Nicole (Nicole Callahan) as she has her first face-to-face meeting with a man from Chicago, Dylan (Thomas Sellwood), following their longtime internet romance. The closest thing to a major plot development is his immediate lack of passion for Nicole now that he meets her in person, and his rapid physical attraction to her sister Bella (Deanna Smith). Along the way we meet Reynold (Blake Boyd) , currently in a relationship with Bella, and an assortment of other couples in various stages of relationship meltdown—as played by Baxter Defy, J. J. Nolan, Tunisia Hardison, Brian Drolet, Nikki McKenzie and John Weselcouch. Gottfred has assembled a capable group of farceurs, who attack the broad

shtick and dicey dialogue with admirable determination. Callahan projects a degree of warmth and sincerity, which is no small feat amid the over-the-top shenanigans; Boyd, who co-produces, is a skilled comedian, garnering some of the biggest laughs, as does Defy, who has a great facility with punchlines and double-takes, making the most of his zany role. In a play as frantically silly as this, the appealing Sellwood comes closest to smartly underplaying his role as the handsome stranger who finds himself befuddled by his own feelings. A rudimentary production design matches the overall sensibility of this modestly conceived effort. Undemanding audiences will likely get what they are expecting. —Les Spindle

ONE NIGHT IN MIAMI… ROGUE MACHINE AT THEATRE/THEATER | 5041 W. Pico Blvd., L.A. Through Sept. 15 | A hotel room meeting among worldheavyweight boxing champ Cassius Clay, the late Islamic civil rights leader Malcolm X, football superstar Jim Brown and the late rock singer-songwriter-producer Sam Cooke sounds like it might have been a cataclysmic clash of titans— or at least a hell of an evening. Such a celebratory gathering reportedly occurred on Feb. 25, 1964, at the Hampton House hotel in Miami, immediately following Clay’s legendary win over Sonny Liston. Playwright Kemp Powers makes an auspicious career debut with this fly-onthe-wall speculation on what this real-life gathering might have been like. Under the astute direction of Carl Cofield, the entertaining and intelligent new play provides the Rogue Machine company with a knockout world premiere offering. Sly humor alternates with thoughtful ruminations on pivotal times in social history as related to our ongoing challenges to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Powers and Cofield’s fortuitous collaboration brings the playwright’s highly original vision to life, as 58


a marvelous ensemble cast and a crisp design effort seal the deal. The play’s ruminations on racism and political warfare driven by socialclass hierarchy and religious differences— coupled with the ever-present quest for achieving the American Dream—relate to current omnipresent news headlines and remain timeless concerns. Powers has skillfully balanced the humor that comes from playful camaraderie and self-centered egotism of highly ambitious males with sobering thoughts about our responsibilities to society at large, and the way our personal choices affect our fellow humans while shaping our personal destinies. The ongoing struggle to forge an equal-opportunity color-blind society is at the heart of the play’s themes, often influencing the motivations of the iconic characters. Matt Jones’ funny take on the jubilant newly appointed boxing king, Clay, who was a fledgling Muslim (Muhammad Ali-to-be) at this time, captures a credible mix of unsophisticated boyish charm and testosterone-charged egotism, eager


to declare his career victory an act of divine intervention. Jason Delane’s superb portrayal of the hard-driving activist Malcolm X bristles with power and conviction, while tellingly conveying the insecurities behind the man’s idealistic grandstanding. As a proud creative artist defending the worth of his lot in life, Burl Moseley’s portrayal of Cooke is compelling, and his singing segment is superbly rendered. Playing Brown, the sports idol being groomed for Hollywood stardom, Jason E. Kelley deftly

conveys the intellectual background of this college graduate as well as his basic caveman instincts. As two security guards posted outside the hotel room to protect Malcolm X, Giovanni Adams and Damu Malik make formidable impressions in small roles. (Note that several of the roles are double-cast.) Expect a bright future for this remarkable new work, which is reportedly being scouted by impressive producing entities. —Les Spindle

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“I want to find a man, but it’s hard with all the traveling I do. I really want to start going on dates, and I’ve asked my friends to set me up with a good man—if they can find one.”

Security footage shows him kicking on been in a relationship for the past 19 We often hear “everything old is the door, screaming, “I’m going to f*ck years and got married last year. We new again,” but I never expected this you up”—which under different circumdon’t know much about his partner saying would pertain to gay marriage. stances might have been appealing. In except that his name is Alton Johnson Records from the Christian Church indicourt, Hausner claims that Andy and and he’s a VP at Pfizer. Oh, and we do cate that quite a few same-sex unions his beau Benjamin Maisani have actuhave some photos of them, which we’ll were performed as early as 100 A.D. ally been pursuing him. “I can prove post on They’re sure of the year because Joan from my sources that his boyfriend has I suppose the big news of the week Rivers was the flower girl! Back then, sent people after me. He’s a thug and is that Wolverine came out of the closet. marriage was apparently less about proa mongrel.” Be that as it may, Hausner Well, the Aussie actor creating and more about is being held in lieu of $75K bail and is who plays him came sharing property and awaiting trial for felony first-degree out. No, I don’t mean money—imagine that! menacing and misdemeanor harassHugh Jackman. I mean So much for people ment and stalking. Troye Sivan, who arguing that same-sex Our “Ask Billy” question comes played Wolverine as a marriage will forever from Lars in Milwaukee: “You’ve said little cub in X-Men Orichange the definition of you’re a big Y&R [Young and the Restgins: Wolverine. The 18marriage. Seems like it’s less] fan. How could you not have written year-old released a changed a few times about Carmine, the mega-hot guy who video saying, “On Aug. already. has been terrorizing Lauren? He’s 7, 2010, I told my As I’ve said for absolutely gorgeous. Is he related to family that I am gay. eons, with gay marriage Joe Manganiello? They look like they And on Aug. 7, 2013, comes gay divorce. Last could be brothers.” I wanted you guys to week, it was Jane Lynch. Since Big Mama Masters is a know that I am gay. It This week, it’s Cheyenne devotee of CBS soaps, I grew up always feels kinda weird to Jackson. The sexy star having them on in the house. When I have to announce it of stage, screen and telCheyenne Jackson first moved to L.A., I became friends like this on the internet, evision had been with with many Y&R castmates—including the but I feel like a lot of his partner Monte ageless Tracey E. Bregman. During her you guys are genuine friends of mine. I Lapka for 11 years before they got mardecades on the soap, her character of share everything with the internet. ried in 2011. After a source told reporters Lauren has been tormented by many Whether or not that’s a good thing, I that the couple had been living sepapeople, but none as stunning as Carmine, don’t know, but this is not something rate lives, Cheyenne’s rep released a played by Marco Dapper. He’s not that I’m ashamed of.” Bravo. statement: “Cheyenne Jackson and his related to Joe Manganiello, but I underAmber Tamblyn isn’t gay, but she’ll husband Monte Lapka have mutually stand the comparison. You might recbe playing one on TV. Next season, she’ll decided to divorce. It is an amicable ognize Dapper from his previous work, join the cast of Two and a Half Men as parting and, understandably, a private most notably Eating Out 2: Sloppy Secthe illegitimate gay daughter of the matter.” Since private matters had onds. In this flick, he not only had gay dearly departed Charlie. At the moment, already been discussed publicly, sex, but he also showed all. she’s only scheduled to be Cheyenne chatted with SiriusXM host If you think he’s impressive on five episodes, but the Frank DeCaro about reports that he from the waist up, wait till network has an option to was in AA. “I started my recovery last you see him from the waist keep her for the full season summer, and it became something I down—he’d make Jeff if things work out. Not a really wanted to focus on in my life, and Stryker jealous. And you bad plan, since the show is repairing relationships with my family can see every inch of him on currently down half a man. and such. So this is a really strong, Didya know that tiful time for me, personally. It also is a As a little bonus this Anderson Cooper has a very sad time, because I’m going through week, we’ll share one more stalker? And he’s one of a divorce. But, yeah, I mean, you know, those scary stalkers. Alex some members of my family didn’t even video of a very muscled, Alex Hausner Hausner is a self-described know I was in Alcoholics Anonymous. very tattooed, very naked gay, Jewish white supremacist who is So that was pretty f*cked up to have guy. This time it’s porn star and escort also a former psychiatric patient—sounds people find out that way.” Ray Dalton. He certainly has a following, like Andy hit the stalker trifecta. For the Sexy Jay Manuel was recently a and after seeing this video, I understand past five years, Hausner has been guest co-host on The View last week why. Somehow he managed to be filmed obsessed with Coop, and last month he and for the first time spoke openly about jerking off on a subway platform on the was arrested when he attempted to his sexual orientation. Not surprising, he’s Upper West Side of Manhattan! I’m not break into the newscaster’s apartment. gay. What took me aback is that he’s sure how many tokens you need for that 60



—Susan Boyle thinks she’s single because of her busy travel schedule. Yeah, that’s why.

ride, but perhaps you’ll be able to figure that out while watching it on Blind Item: Could it be that a certain ravenous and randy lad has posted his privates online? So say sources who claim that the mysterious member was liberated to land the single guy some nostrings-attached fun. The photo of his impressive appendage also confirms that the carpet does indeed match the drapes—at least the drapes that God gave him. When I’m featuring a blind item who is straight but not narrow, it’s definitely time to end yet another column. Before I close, I must take a moment to acknowledge the passing of the legendary Eydie Gormé. Not only was she an amazing singer, she was also a helluva gal. I enjoyed many evenings with both Steve and Eydie. The last was at the 60th birthday party of lawyer to the stars Mark Sendroff. At that time, I took a photo with the couple. When I turned to walk away, Eydie stopped me and said, “When you take a photo with someone you really like, always take two. You never know when the fuck you’ll see ‘em again!” I’ll be seeing you, Eydie. There’s less of a question when you’ll see me—each and every day on, the site that’s always worth a second look. If you need me to see to any of your other needs, send the details to and I promise to get back to you before Cooper’s stalker gets cast on Y&R! Until next time, remember, one man’s filth is another man’s bible.

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Queersay OLD DOGS, OLDER TRICKS This week's column practically wrote itself. Yes, thanks to a six-page email (no exaggeration!) from someone who calls himself “The Pissed-Off Production Assistant,” I've got the skinny on some bitchy drama in the world of WeHo internet entertainment. It all begins with the web series Old Dogs, New Tricks, the tale of four older men trying to make their way through the urban jungle while in search of happiness, fulfillment and a whole lot of hooking-up. Think Sex and the City-meetsQueer as Folk, only set in L.A. and twice as gay. The show is about to enter its third (and rumored to be final) season, and that's got all us die-hard viewers down because we've come to love these four men and their boy-toys of the week. It seems one of the integral co-star love interests is not returning, but it's not due to the usual creative differences or contract issues—this unexpected departure is all backstage actor-on-actor drama! So spills Pissed-Off Production Assistant:

was going on! Then, when we shot a scene with a bigtime actor, he basically threw himself at the guy. We were all completely stunned by his behavior, because we all know he's gay, but he's also closeted. Uh, dude, why are you doing a super-gay webseries then?! Anyhow, two months later, he starts telling people that he thinks the production values suck, saying that he wouldn't come back to the show if we didn't fire the sound guy. He started making all these high-brow, artistic demands, but personally I think it's because none of the male actors would hook-up with him. This actor finally went nuts and accused the writer and producers of punishing him for being a closeted gay actor, and so they basically told him to go f*ck himself! Ugh! A major part of the story is built around this guy, and now he's gone! I hate horny, bitchy actors. They ruin everything for everyone! That's the saga, for now at least.

This diva bitch actor is ruining everything! He was totally committed during the first season, but then he just started shutting down. Leon [the director] bent over backwards to win his trust and friendship. Then, at the season one wrap party, this actor got shit-faced and made a very drunken pass at one of the guys in the bathroom, which was rebuked—and things got nasty. When we did his costume fitting for season two, he told one of us that he let his mother read the scripts, and he was concerned about some of the ‘porny’ elements of the show. Why in god's name would you let a conservative mother read a script like this? Then he refused to show as much as his shoulder in one of the last scenes, a scene where one of the characters is getting f*cked! Not even a shoulder in a sex scene?! None of the viewers could tell what Drop me your at dirty little secrets m. .co queersay@hotmail r give I neve And don't worry, oat! up my deep thr y, go to For more Queersa Queersay. m/ .co LA ers nti Fro

Horny, bitchy, closeted actors in Hollywood—my, my! We've never met one of those before [insert sarcastic eye roll]. I contacted the head honcho at Old Dogs, New Tricks—writer/creator/star Mr. Leon Acord—for confirmation, but he wouldn't confirm (nor deny) the blueballed actor-gone-crazy drama. His response was predictably PR-friendly: “Yes, there have been changes in the cast for the third season. Some are leaving, and some great guest stars are stepping in, but that's all I can say right now. ... I guess you'll have to tune in and find out what's going on!” We shall tune in, because if the drama on-screen is anything like the bitch-fest going on behind the scenes, we're excited to watch those hot daddies serve up some silver fox shade. Doggie-style, of course! XOXO, Gossip Gay



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WRITTEN IN STONE Most would agree that monuments and memorials are for the living, not the dead—to allegorize people or things that had far-reaching societal impact, both good and bad. FDR, Jefferson, Lincoln and Washington are so honored. There is a Famine Memorial in Chicago, a Hansen’s Disease (leprosy) Monument in Hawaii and a National Lyme Disease Memorial Park apparently basking both tribute and scorn on tick-based killings. We have a 9/11 Pentagon Memorial, a moving Vietnam Veterans Wall and a tribute to African-Americans who fought in the Civil War. All these well-intended honors are most certainly for the living to remember. In this issue, as we salute both art and entertainment, West Hollywood is home to some stunning works of tribute and beauty, including the Sal Guarrielo Veteran’s Memorial Park at Santa Monica and Holloway, named after the beloved councilmember; the Matthew Shepard Human Rights Triangle at Santa Monica Boulevard and Crescent Heights; and, since 1993, Aid for AIDS’ wonderfully moving bronze plaques along the boulevard engraved with the names of those we’ve lost. In fact, thankfully today there are thousands of tributes, memorials and monuments to those who have died from AIDS and those who stood up and fought when the vast majority didn’t give a damn. New York City’s AIDS Memorial in Hudson River Park will bring you to tears unless you are a coldhearted cretin. There are permanent AIDS monuments or memorials all over the planet, from Aruba to Zambia— Ukraine, Berlin, Bournemouth and Brighton, England, Moldova, El Salvador, Spain, Germany, Austria, Dallas and Galveston, Paris, Tampa, Latvia, China, San Francisco and San Jose, Madagascar, Columbus, New Orleans, Forestville, California and, yep, even Moscow. The West Hollywood City Council recently advanced giant plans on a total face-lift and upgrade of West Hollywood Park next to the Library. Prominent in the strategy is a mega AIDS memorial that may even include an amphitheatre. I know the cats behind this venture, and I am extremely confidant it will be delivered with both elegance and class. Perhaps its creation will deliver both art and entertainment, as ironically that’s a great deal of what AIDS continues to rip from us personally and as a population. See, three decades into this now, with no end in sight, these honors and memorials—these monuments—make me both sick and pleased. If you read Michael Weinstein’s column in the last issue of Frontiers, it had to smack you in the balls that there are 34 million people living with AIDS today, 4,600 people a day are still dying, with 2.5 million new infections each year. It’s a global issue, and in America, Los Angeles County is arguably ground zero. New infections are happening literally every single day in West Hollywood. Twenty percent of your friends who are HIV-positive don’t know it. Yet we have moved from panic to some level of complacency. The generation of kids being born today will quite likely live with the fear of AIDS their entire lives. So unlike lepers, blacks who valiantly fought in the Civil War or Honest Abe, our honors, our memorials, our monuments will and must serve as a continuing panicked call to action. They are truly for us going forward a kind of rhapsody or descant on the illimitable horizons that will surely open up and scream at us like a drunken drag queen to remember the past yet stay focused today. Please look at the brass plaques embedded on the boulevard, the giant red ribbon on your way to the Hollywood Bowl and the thousands of honors of various types around the globe. Please embrace them and continue to be diligent, safe, loving, caring—and remember the past as you forcefully move forward in this continuing fight of our lives. That’s what needs to be written in stone for you and me. 62


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Whether you can’t afford to leave town for an extended vacation, have been dying to check out an unexplored area of the city or simply need to get away for a weekend, Los Angeles offers several ideal locales for a memorable staycation.


Sofitel properties are renowned the world over as luxe destinations perfect for those in need of an urban oasis. With Sofitel Los Angeles located on the border of West Hollywood and Beverly Hills, it’s no surprise that the hotel hosts a bevy of power players and A-list celebs. The Hotel Upon entering the Sofitel, expect to encounter an effortless fusion of Hollywood and the French Riviera—L.A. glamour combined with French hospitality. The staff here is dedicated to serving guests with the utmost professionalism and panache, from the valet to room check-in to maid services. On-site extravagances include the contemporary French restaurant Estérel, its adjoining bar/lounge, Riviera 31, and a 5,000-square-foot spa oasis that provides the perfect atmosphere for relaxation. At Le Spa, indulge in therapies from around the world, allowing you to soak in your staycation mindset. Your Room Your hotel room—or suite if you so desire—will leave you lacking nothing during your stay. Guest quarters are outfitted with flat-panel televisions, oversized work desks and complimentary WiFi, not to mention a bed so comfortable that it’s actually referred to as a “sleeping system.” If napping and oversleeping weren’t already part of your itinerary, you may need to adjust accordingly. And in a hotel room of such luxe digs, it’s only right that the bathroom be fitted with high-end bath products and a large stone-tiled shower, complete with a bench and rainfall show-

erhead. Plan for a longer-than-usual bathing ritual. Highly Recommended The Sofitel is well aware of Angelenos and our need for staycations, having put together its own one-day package for escaping the woes of work and the daily grind. Partake in a relaxing massage hidden within a private poolside cabana, topped off with a champagne toast. Then spend the day sprawled out by the pool, later enjoying dinner at Estérel (for which the hotel offers you a 15 percent discount). Extend the staycation with a night in one of the hotel’s rooms, all for under $500.

Before a delicious dinner at Estérel, stop by Riviera 31 for a cocktail or two accompanied by live piano. If you make it into the hotel on a Tuesday night, you’ll witness Maria Elena Infantino’s one-woman show, a live musical journey through the French and Italian Mediterranean Riviera of the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s, from Edith Piaf to Mambo Italiano. Infantino’s amazing show begins at 8 p.m. Other nights feature talented performers and DJs as well. Sofitel Los Angeles 8555 Beverly Blvd., L.A. SEPTEMBER 3, 2013


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The discussion about how to stop the spread of HIV in the gay community has been heating up. Now that the focus on gay marriage is abating, the spotlight is coming back to the health crisis among gay men. The stubbornly high number of new infections in this country and around the world is frustrating. After three decades and all the efforts that have been made, why are we not more successful in promoting safer sex and reducing new infections? The whole subject of safer sex is incredibly complex. There are no easy answers. Understanding human sexuality has stumped the most brilliant people for centuries. The question I pose here is whether having a norm of safer sex in the gay community is asking too much. Are we setting ourselves up for failure thinking that we can get the majority of gay men to wrap it up most of the time? My answer is no. One million two hundred thousand people are estimated to be HIV-infected in this country. Half are men who have sex with men (MSM). There are 50,000 new infections in the U.S. each year—a number that has been stable for years. More than

to half and have the ‘sometimes’ number at 30 percent—or 80 percent of gay men using condoms sometimes WITH MICHAEL WEINSTEIN or always—infection rates would President of AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) tumble. Is raising these numbers by — PHOTO: GREG GORMAN those margins impossible? I don't think so, because we really haven't made a very good effort. The success of the effort to promote safer sex in the gay community doesn't compare to other behavior modification campaigns like getting people to quit smoking or to buckle their seat belts. Any serious effort to improve rates of safer sex must be fully embraced by the organized half of these new infections—about 30,000—are gay community and promoted down to the individual among MSM. Half of these infections come from level—getting as close as possible to the heat of the men who don't know they are positive—15,000. That moment. A game plan using the best evidence needs means that less than three percent of the 600,000 to be plotted, implemented, evaluated and sustained HIV-positive MSM in the U.S. pass the virus to another over a long period of time. individual each year. If most men were not using If we can win a herculean battle like defeating the protection, those numbers would be much higher. Defense of Marriage Act, why can't we convince the Various anonymous surveys show that about community to adopt safer sex as a community norm? two-thirds of gay men ‘always’ or ‘sometimes’ use We did it before, in the 1980s. We can do it again. condoms. If we were able to raise the ‘always’ number


The opinions of this column do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Frontiers magazine.

“But there exists among us a fellowship, a friendliness and an understanding which is indescribably wonderful.” —Alcoholics Anonymous, Chapter 2 What happens after rehab? Most of the time a person is sent into the rooms of 12-step land—the world’s largest outpatient program. Allow me to preface what I'm about to express with this—I am not criticizing or bashing the fellowship of CMA or even AA as a whole. Often times a newbie is thrown into an environment that is new to him. There are new faces, new cliques—a new everything in early sobriety. Add gay, and on top of that a physically and mentally damaging history with crystal meth to the equation, and suddenly things just got ‘real.’ The only stated requirement of membership is a desire to stop drinking or using. One doesn’t have to like everyone. Courtesy, camaraderie, joyousness, democracy, politeness and graciousness are nice and even principled—but not requirements. What happens when exclusion and meanness go too far? Sometimes, people in recovery are the victims of a subtle form of internal bullying and are made so uncomfortable in the rooms that they have one of two choices—to accept it and work


And for that: I am responsible.” When they see a newbie or anyone for that matter being gossiped about or being left out, they have mustered up the courage to do the right thing and speak up or invited them along so the person feels a part of instead of like an outsider. These old-timers are not always the most popular, but then again, doing the right thing is not always going to make one popular. They came in to get sober. This effort supports two things—the first tradition and the fourth traditions—but also it supports accountability of one’s behavior. In closing, let’s be frank. Cliques are everywhere. Cliques happen in grade school, middle school, college, the work space and elsewhere. The 12-step fellowships—since their inception— have greatly improved the fate of the alcoholic or drug addict. People seeking help are lucky enough to have found the rooms of recovery and healing. The line that rang through and through my little brain as I wrote this was, “What we can’t do alone, we do together.”




through it, sometimes painfully so, or to simply leave. Alcoholics and drug addicts in recovery are a sensitive bunch. No chemicals in one’s system translates to a higher and authentic feeling of real emotion, fancied or real. This is where people with long-term sobriety come in handy. They can set the right tone—to take the higher road and to lead by example. They as members have the right to uphold the classic and cherished declaration of unity: “I am responsible ... when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there.

Christian C. Parker has been an active member of the LGBTQ recovery community for over 12 years. He is a co-founder of Queer & Sober. He lives in New York City.

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WITH AARON SAVVY, ACSM Certified Trainer

FITNESS Q&A Hey, Aaron. You often write about the importance of eating enough protein when building muscle, but what exactly is protein? —Jake, Hollywood Protein is an essential nutrient. There is no life without protein. Protein is contained in every part of your body—the skin, muscles, hair, blood, organs, eyes, even fingernails and bone. Next to water, protein is the most plentiful substance in your body. Proteins are composed of small units called amino acids, the building blocks of protein. When we eat foods that contain protein, the body breaks it down into these amino acids, which are necessary for building muscle and creating blood. There are 22 amino acids, divided into two categories— essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids. Eating enough protein is essential to maintain a healthy body. Our bodies can make some of the essential acids on their own, but certain amino acids must come from eating foods containing protein. If the body sustains an injury, such as a cut, protein helps with tissue repair. Along with carbohydrates, protein provides energy for the body, which helps keep us from becoming fatigued. Another benefit of protein is that it helps the body fight off illness and disease and keeps the immune system functioning properly. Proteins are considered either incomplete or complete. Complete proteins contain all the essential amino acids, while incomplete proteins do not. Good sources of complete proteins come from animals—eggs, milk, chicken and fish all contain complete proteins. Healthy food choices for incomplete proteins include nuts (such as almonds), beans and whole grains. To get the proper health benefits of protein, most people need about 0.8 to 1 grams of protein per pound of body weight each day. I’ve been going to the gym for a while now, but I’m not really seeing any progress and I’m starting to feel frustrated. How long does it take to start seeing results from working out? —Todd, Silver Lake Getting results comes in three parts—eating right, working out and consistency. Ultimately, 80 percent of how you look is going to be what you put into your body. The other 20 percent of shaping your body is going to be physical activity and/or working out. The more consistent you are in adhering to these steps, the more your body will recognize and begin to learn exactly what you’re teaching it. If you are looking for a time period, generally speaking, I say three months. Though everyone is different, three months is a good time period to see change. The first thing you will notice is an increase in your energy level, the second will be weight loss and last will be the firming of muscles. Weight loss will come first before establishing the lean hard muscle mass you are looking for. It takes time for those layers of muscle to build and create definition. With that said, if your body fat percentage is 18-25 percent, you’re looking at 3-6 months before lean muscle mass and definition is developed.

For additional questions, feel free to visit me at SEPTEMBER 3, 2013


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By Dr. Greg Cason

SUICIDE IS NEVER PAINLESS Suicide seems to be a hot topic in my practice lately. And, not surprisingly, talk of suicide is never a light or inconsequential matter. Rather, it means there is a serious problem afoot and the person in front of you is suffering extreme distress.

Dr. Greg Cason is a licensed psychologist based in West Hollywood, specializing in cognitive therapy with individuals and couples. He can be contacted by going to

Since I’ve realized that many of the people who are talking about suicide often have misinformation or no information about suicide, I wanted to set things straight. Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death in the nation, but the third leading cause among those 15-24. And although more women attempt it, guys are four times more likely to die from it. That's because guys tend to use more lethal means, like guns or suffocation, whereas women tend toward pills or poisons. Matters get worse if you are one of the LGB variety (especially in high school). LGB high schoolers are three times more likely than their straight peers to have considered suicide in the last year. LGB high schoolers are also over three times more likely to have attempted suicide in the last year, and are twice as likely as straight peers to have attempted suicide altogether. For our transgender brothers and sisters, things get even rougher. One study found that 30 percent of transgender individuals surveyed reported having attempted suicide. (The national rate is 4.6 percent reporting to have attempted.) Stigma, shame and prejudice are all thought to play significant roles in the increases. The behavioral manifestations of bullying, family rejection and physical, emotional and even sexual abuse can significantly worsen matters, whereas family connectedness, caring adults and school safety serve as protective factors for LGBT individuals. There are many myths commonly associated with suicide—for instance, talking about suicide will trigger someone to act. Wow, is this wrong! Not talking about it is more likely to lead to a completed suicide than talking about it. So, if you suspect, ask. If they flip their wig, too bad. But most who are seriously thinking about it will be relieved that they do not have to keep their suffering secret. Keep calm, listen and work with them to get to a professional who can help them find

a better way to ease their suffering. Some think that if they ignore signs of depression it will pass. Nope. Maybe the immediate threat may pass, but the problem remains. The truth is that most people who die by suicide have a mental illness and/or a substance use disorder. Their suffering precedes their desire to die. Suicidal thoughts are like the tip of an iceberg, and anyone who has seen Titanic knows how dangerous those can be. Many feel that it gets better as we get older, but just because I gave you bigger youth statistics doesn't mean it gets better with age. Though the suicide rate for women declines after age 60 (after peaking in middle adulthood ages 45-49), the rate for men goes back up—especially for the white oldsters. In fact, white men over 85 have the highest rate of suicide of any group, regardless of age, gender or race. I am sure having a culture that reinforces fierce independence and not discussing one's problems has something to do with it. One of the most common misconceptions is that people commit suicide to hurt others. This is rarely, if ever, the case. People who commit suicide are generally not thinking about the harm they are about to do to those around them. If they do, they minimize it (see the next one). Two-thirds of those who commit suicide are depressed. And being depressed is like being behind a thick fog. They cannot see the effect they are having or will have on others. “Everyone will be better off.” This is one that folks who desire suicide often say. Psychologist Thomas Joiner has a theory that people will desire suicide when they hold two beliefs in their heads long enough: 1) I am a burden, and 2) I do not belong. Holding these two beliefs are like mixing fire and gasoline. If you hear someone saying that while talking about suicide, you need to give that person an emotional slap in the face. Grab them by the shoulders, look them in the eyes and tell them how devastated you would be if they took their own life. And, that you would never fully get over it. And you never do. I think so many of us keep hearing that things are getting better for the LBGT community. And with

increasing rights and acceptance, they seem to be. But just because things are better doesn't mean everything is fine. If you know someone who is talking about suicide, take all threats seriously. This is not a test. Threats are rarely bids for attention and are often followed by serious attempts. Get that person help. Get them to a professional pronto. I list some hotlines that are especially helpful below. Create a safe environment. Get rid of firearms, lethal medications and other means that could be used to kill oneself. If you are someone who is considering suicide, get help. Your suffering is the problem, not your living. Suffering can be healed. Death cannot. Human beings are social animals and do better with the assistance of others. Tell someone. Think about the consequences. I understand you are thinking about the ending of your suffering. But you are obviously not aware of the psychological and emotional trauma that you will leave behind. There is no way to avoid it. Suicide is like a bomb that goes off, spewing shrapnel into everyone around it. Your suffering will now be carried by many others and for years and years to come. Call one of these hotlines: Trevor Lifeline: (866) 488-7386. Specifically for the LGBTQ folks. Suicide Hotline: (877) 727-4747 Spanish-Speaking Suicide Hotline: (800) SUICIDA (784-2432) Access to L.A. County Mental Health: (800) 854-7771 All of these hotlines are available 24 hours a day/seven days per week. P.S. All of my factoids are from the American Association of Suicidology at Also check out The Trevor Project at

If you have any questions and/or comments, please direct them to: Frontiers, 5657 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 470, Los Angeles, CA 90036, or email them to 66


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WEHO OFFERS ‘THE PICKUP,’ A FREE NIGHTTIME TROLLEY BY PAULO MURILLO Everyone loves a good pick-up line. The city of West Hollywood recently launched a six-month pilot project called “The PickUp,” a free weekend nighttime party trolley that offers safe, free rides up and down Santa Monica Boulevard on Friday and Saturday nights, 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. The PickUp entertainment trolley is hard to miss. With its bright, festive colors, it looks like it jumped out of a comic book, cartoon or video game. The party trolley promises to deliver an energetic and fun transit alternative to driving around West Hollywood’s busiest nighttime districts on the weekends. Music gets the party started with dance beats that have been mixed and mashed by West Hollywood’s own DJ Derek Monterio. It also offers “The PickUp Shot,” an onboard photo booth allowing riders to capture their ride and instantly upload it to social media sites like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. The trolley does a four-mile-long loop, making

20 stops—10 eastbound stop locations and 10 westbound. The stops are three blocks apart, offering passengers a lift every 15 minutes. Riders are steered to restaurants, clubs and other popular venues throughout the heart of the city. Riders can also connect with The PickUp on Facebook or Twitter to learn about promotional perks being offered by local businesses. Riders can get VIP entry to The Abbey, which means no waiting in line, plus a two-for-one Abbey breakfast before noon. Micky’s is offering no cover and priority admission. Hugo’s is throwing in a free appetizer with an entrée to PickUp patrons. Riders stopping at Fubar get a $1 drink, and a stop at Here Lounge is worth half-off your first drink. Visit to view a map and operating times. Bright yellow-colored signs are also located at every stop on Santa Monica Boulevard. For more information, call (323) 848-6402.

Are You Likely to Use “The PickUp” Trol ley When Going Out? “It opens up my mind to actually want to go down to West Hollywood again. I used to go there all the time, but since the parking has gotten out of control and there are no more secret hiding places to park your car, I’d had no desire to go. Now that there’s another option of getting to West Hollywood, I would definitely consider using it.” —Jonathan Bierner



“This is a great idea. I’d take advantage of this free trolley ride because then I could get super wasted and not have to worry about gas or perhaps killing someone on the road! I would absolutely recommend it to my friends, so there’s no risk of them drinking and driving. I would make this my number one choice of transportation on the weekend.” —Timothy James Perez

Drivers beware: full enforcement of new parking hours will go into effect on Tuesday, Sept. 3. The city has extended its parking meter hours in the hopes to make parking in West Hollywood easier and to better serve local businesses and the broader community. According to the city’s website, benefits of longer enforcement hours include availability of more meters throughout the evenings, improvement of traffic circulation, a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from cars hunting for parking and control of prices at private parking lots and garages. Employees of local businesses will also gain new options for dependable, affordable parking. Additional funds generated from longer meter hours will be earmarked for additional sheriff’s department and private security patrols that will increase the presence of law enforcement in the community. Some WeHo residents are still not sold on the idea, expressing concerns that extended hours means more parking citations. Larry Block, owner of Block Party, was outraged over the small six-by-10-inch notices that went up on July 22. Councilmember John D’Amico also opposed the extended hours, stating that people should be encouraged to park on the east side of town and use the “PickUp” shuttle to get to bars in restaurants on the west side. For more information, call the Parking Division at (323) 848-6375 or visit

SPEAK OUT “This makes sense, and it makes it a lot easier than paying upwards of 20 dollars to park in a structure. It seems like a more welcoming environment to people that are intoxicated. Now they don’t have to be shamed by taking public transportation. I think it is smart of the city to be transparent about trying to get people home safely.” —Steve Johnson



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OC BUSTS OUT THE FANCY HATS TO SUPPORT SHANTI BY GREG HERNANDEZ Shanti Orange County is once again going the fancy party route for one of its major fundraisers of the year—and we’re talking top hats and tiaras. On Sept. 7, Shanti supporters Andy and Pol Sandro-Yepes are opening up the backyard of their Mission Viejo home for the Top Hats and Tiaras event, which last year raised more than $20,000. This year, with the help of some corporate sponsorships, the event is expected to raise more than $30,000. “It's so much fun. People really do wear top hats and tiaras,” says Shanti Executive Director Sarah Kasman. “It’s a backyard party that is all about two guys really giving of themselves and their circle of people to an agency that supports their community. Every year they have expanded it a little more. We are really excited to be working with them as the recipient of such generosity.” This is the fourth year the SandroYepes couple has hosted the fundraiser, and the second year with the top hats and tiaras theme. “They have really rallied the community in support of our services,” Kasman says. “For a small agency, it's very challenging to raise money when we are focused on programs and serving the community. What these two generous guys are doing, it's profound. They want to give of their time and effort and highlight our agency on so 68


many levels.” Shanti was founded in 1987 to provide counseling and support to those dying of AIDS. It was a place where people could feel welcome and valued while fighting for their lives and grappling with the despair and isolation that accompanied the AIDS pandemic. While there is still no cure, classes of anti-HIV drugs blocking the virus in different ways means the disease no longer has to be a death sentence for those who get treatment. This has led to a shift in Shanti's work over the years to a focus on HIV/AIDS prevention and education and helping HIV-positive people live as full lives as possible. Shanti provides psychological counseling for those living with HIV and links clients with the the appropriate social services that that they may need. Top Hats and Tiaras is an exclusive ticket, since only 137 people can fit into the backyard for the dinner and hosted bar. There is a live auction and a silent auction, and prizes go to the best top hat and the best tiara. Musical entertainment includes Taking Notes and cast members from this season's musical productions from Theatre Out. Pre-sale tickets are $85 and cost $100 after Aug. 26. RSVP by Aug. 26 to Shanti OC at (949) 452-0888 or

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QFILM FESTIVAL MARKS 20TH ANNIVERSARY BY GREG HERNANDEZ Some people might be surprised that the Long Beach QFilm Festival is marking its 20th anniversary thsi year when it takes place Sept. 6-8. For the first 15 years, the festival jumped around the calendar and to different locations before settling into its current home at the Art Theatre and the neighboring Center Long Beach. “It was hard to get a handle on it,” said Chris Carpenter, senior executive programmer of the festival. “But the last five years that we've done it consistently at the same location, the same time of year, we have seen it explode with attendance and reputation.” The attendance for 2012's festival reached an all-time high of 1,200, which was a 20 percent increase from a year earlier. Not only are more people than ever showing up, but more filmmakers than ever want their movies in the festival. “We had so many submissions this year, more than ever—150 submissions,” Carpenter said. “Last year we had 100. It was overwhelming to get all the submissions and to decide what the cream of the crop was. We are very excited about the lineup. We have a few premieres and quite a few of the big award winning films from the LGBT film circuit.” The festival will open with the film Reaching for the Moon, set in 1950s Rio. Brazilian director Bruno Barreto brings the tale of poet Elizabeth Bishop and her love affair with architect Lota de Macedo Soares, the designer of Rio’s famed Flamengo Park. Screenwriter Matthew Chapman will be on hand after the screening for a Q&A.

It will be followed by the comedy G.B.F. which recently sold out closing night of L.A.'s Outfest film festival. This is a movie that is creating quite a buzz on the film festival circuit. It asks the question, What happens after a guy is outed by his classmates and becomes the ‘gay best friend’ for three high school queen bees? Director Darren Stein and some of the movie's cast members will participate in a Q&A after the movie. Saturday's screening of the film Birthday Cake will feature a guest appearance by a very famous cast member—Lee Meriwether, the former Miss America who went on to become one of the women who famously played Catwoman on TV's Batman. The film documents the three days leading up to the first birthday party for the daughter of a television star and his screenwriter husband. Other films screening during the festival include the documentary I Am Divine (director Jeffrey Schwarz will be in attendance) , Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption, First Period, The Punk Singer, Homeboy, Heterosexual Jill, Valentine Road, Who's Afraid of Vagina Wolf?, The Go Doc Project and Interior. Leather Bar. There are also three programs of short films: Dragtastic!, Women in Shorts, Men in Briefs, People of Color and Queer Shorts. Jury awards will be given to films in several categories and all net proceeds from the festival will benefit The Center Long Beach and its community outreach programs. SEPTEMBER 3, 2013


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NEW STRAIGHT OWNER VOWS TO KEEP GAY RESORTS GAY BY JAMES F. MILLS When Mo Aghazadeh and his wife bought the Warm Sands Villas and the Inn Exile resort next door, they didn’t anticipate the kind of problems they encountered. Oh, sure, they knew they needed to fix up the two aging gay resorts. They just never expected the kind of backlash they’ve received from the gay community. “Apparently, there are people who don’t like the fact that we are a straight couple who owns the properties,” said Aghazadeh. Aghazadeh and his wife bought the properties in March 2013. He’d spent 30 years working in retail and the hospitality industry and had always dreamed of owning a hotel. When the properties came on the market, he was excited to buy them. “We saw great potential in these



two resorts,” recalls Aghazadeh. “We liked the idea of buying side-by-side resorts. It’s cheaper to work the two together.” Although next door to each other at 545 and 555 Warm Sands Drive, the two properties are very different. Inn Exile—with 32 rooms and four pools on 1.7 acres—has a more modern feel and attracts a younger crowd. Warm Sands Villas—with 28 rooms and one pool on one acre—has an older feel and attracts a more conservative crowd. Despite rumors, they always intended to keep the two resorts gay. They enjoy the gay community, like the diversity of it and have gay friends. “It was all about business. We never thought about anything else,” said Aghazadeh. “Gay travel is a $720 million industry. Occupancy rates are higher than in straight

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resorts in the same category.” Due to liabilities connected with Inn Exile, they opted for a fresh start with a new name. They chose La Joya, which means ‘jewel’ in Spanish. They thought of the place as a jewel albeit one that needed polishing. They started renovating by installing new carpeting, new beddings and linens, fixing broken plumbing and more. They also started locking the side entrances and kicking out unregistered guests who jumped the wall at night looking for sexual partners. Additionally, they got rid of the mattress that sat outside on the middle of the grounds. Longtime guests who had come to expect a sexual playground were angry and lashed out in online reviews. One person on complained, “You might as well stay at a straight hotel. Totally been DE-gayed ... nothing gay about it. Owned by a straight couple.” Aghazadeh explains that the mattress was rotting and bug infested. As for locking the side doors and kicking out unregistered guests, he says it’s just sound business practice. “There is no hotel that I know of that opens its doors to everyone from the outside,” he said. “We rent them to people. Do you know of any hotel around the world that opens its doors to the public and lets everyone come inside without paying?” He realizes some Palm Springs gay resorts sell day passes, but he’s not interested in doing that. Both Warm 72


Sands Villas and La Joya Inn will, however, remain clothing optional.” Other online commenters complained about having his wife and a female housekeeper on the two properties. Aghazadeh explains the female housekeeper was already there when he bought the properties but left after finding another job. His wife was around just for a few weeks as her signature was needed on various documents during the transition between owners. “There won’t be any women here again,” Aghazadeh said. “My wife is back in La Jolla now.” He hopes the gay community will give the two resorts a chance. They’re still in the process of renovating but have great things planned. They hope to eventually have entertainment and fashion shows on the premises. “We have two resorts we are running to the best of our ability to accommodate and cater to the gay community,” said Aghazadeh. “It is my best wish for us just to get along. We are open to suggestions. If you have any solutions, let us know.” Aghazadeh also realizes that the best solution may be for them to leave. “If we are not welcomed here and if someone wants to purchase the properties, please make us an offer,” he said. “Tell us if you have enough money to buy us out, and we’ll go.”

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Young Frankenstein

PS ART MUSEUM OFFERS CLASSIC COMEDIES BY JAMES F. MILLS With the summer heat at its worst in August, the Palm Springs Art Museum is offering a way to laugh away the worries of the day as well as beat the heat. The museum’s weekly Thursday night free movie screening will take a break from its “Global Lens” foreign film series and offer five weeks of classic comedies. “We wanted to offer lighter fare,” explains Darryl Macdonald, Director of the Palm Springs International Film Society, the group that programmed the comedy series. “We felt that late summer is the perfect time to sit back in an airconditioned theater and escape into another world.” The movies scheduled are: Aug. 22 – Sullivan’s Travels (1941) , a bittersweet comedy about a successful Hollywood director who goes on the road to get back in touch with the common people and winds up falling for a down-on-her-luck actress. Joel McCrae and Veronica Lake star. Directed by Preston Sturges. Aug. 29 – Harvey (1950), a whimsical comedy about a wealthy, eccentric man whose friendship with a six-foot-tall, invisible rabbit makes his family believe he’s insane. Jimmy Stewart and Josephine Hull star. Directed by Henry Koster. Sept. 5 – The Apartment (1960) , an Oscar-winning bittersweet comedy about an insurance-company drudge 74


who lends his Manhattan apartment to his corporate bosses for their extramarital trysts. Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine and Fred MacMurray star. Directed by Billy Wilder. Sept. 12 – Young Frankenstein (1974), a monster movie spoof about a straightlaced scientist who continues his madscientist grandfather’s work. Gene Wilder, Cloris Leachman, Madeline Kahn, Marty Feldman and Peter Boyle star. Directed by Mel Brooks. Sept. 19 – Raising Arizona (1987) , a madcap comedy about a childless couple who decide to kidnap one of the quintuplets born to a local tycoon. Nicholas Cage and Holly Hunter star. Written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. This is the third year the film society has programmed the late summer comedies for the museum. As with the previous two years, it chose one film per decade, and all movies that stand the test of time. “These films are cultural landmarks,” said Macdonald. “They broke new ground in comedy. They went off the beaten path both in their approach to comedy and their screenwriting. They stood out in the era in which they were made and they still hold up today. If it’s funny, it’s funny.” The screenings take place at 6 p.m. each Thursday at the Palm Springs Art Museum.

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HOME IMPROVEMENT Additions, remodels, bathrooms, kitchens, windows, flooring, painting interior/ext., custom decks, stucco, block walls, driveways & more. Lic#884762 Bonded/insured Free estimates CALL ED 310.927.1723







No experience necessary Host music/talk-shows for our radio stations. P/T $10-15/hr, $200+ per show plus fantastic benefits 323-468-0080 714991-1966. [15SC2221] Pride Card Services, a full-service, gayowned and operated merchant payments processor, is seeking a National Account Executive to add to its West Hollywood Sales team. Pride Card Services provides support to HIV/AIDS, civil rights and equality-focused charities while offering affordable and reliable payment solutions to the businesses in the LGBT community and LGBT-friendly organizations.

The ideal candidate will have deep roots in the gay community, 2+ years’ demonstrated direct selling success (preferably in the payments processing industry), excellent verbal and written communication skills, professional presentation skills and ability to work as a team player. Knowledge of Microsoft Office required. Associates degree in business, sales or related field is preferred. Pride Card Services offers competitive compensation and benefits. Interested candidates should send resume, references and salary history to: employment@ with ìNational Account Executiveî in the subject line. No phone calls please. [15SC0909]

RENTALS AVAIL./WANTED SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA *GUEST HOUSE* Guest House Studio for rent with Fireplace, Private entrance, Pool. In Valley Village, $925.00 Monthly Call 818-980-7868 [25SC0909]


END NECK + BACK PAIN 323-460-4071 [65SC0909]


THE GENITALIST Pubic Trim Ball Shave Prof. Excellent work to enhance your sex organ. $35 & up Discreet, Lovely atmosphere 323828-4809 appt. Spoil yourself you’ll Love it! [75SC0910] BODY HAIR TRIMMING 65.00 Complete trim. Back and shoulders -trim/shave 30.00 Excellent quality work. Call for appt. 323 651-5050 In WeHo [75SC1716]


VERY COMPASSIONATE EXPRNCD. CAREGIVER Short Term. Basic Needs Met. Meals, Cleaning Etc. Very Good Companion. Dave 323-460-4071 [75SC0412] HOUSECLEANING PLUS DAVE 323/460-4071. [75SC0917]



COMPUTER GUY 4HIRE PC Troubleshoot, Network, Fix Web sites, Tutor. $50.with a 2hr Min. CrCards accepted! Mitch (323) 868-2089 [85SC0909]

PC HELP $45 [75SC0112] T02448




Responsibilities include door-to-door selling in the LGBT community, making cold calls, following up on warm leads, making 60+ calls per day, activating dormant accounts, as well as project and account management. The successful candidate will participate in a two (2) week comprehensive training program to learn about the Signature credit card processing system and how to use Signature ‘s proprietary database to assist in direct sales efforts.



ROOFING Roofing & gutters Best price in town! 100% satisfaction guaranteed We do all roofs. T&U Roofing Lic# C39872976 Bonded Insured Call for free estimate Ask for Ed 310 927 1723 [85SC0909]

A DOMESTIC ANGEL.. DAVE 323-460-4071

Teach Help Fix Advise; Take pix of you & upload to net; Good w/beginners; Emergencies ok; Let’s talk Chris 323 261-8894 [85SC0909]

GARDENING Gardening Irrigation and Tree Services Weekly Biweekly Monthly Free Est. Call or Text Martin 323-219-1389 [85SC0915]

REMODELING Kitchens, Bathrooms, Room Additions, High Quality In a Timely Manner Guaranteed. FREE Estimates. Call 310-570-2723. 10% Discount with Ad. LIC. B 957909. [85SC0909]




All Types, High quality and Fast Installation. FREE Estimates Call 310-570-2723. 10% discount with Ad. LIC. C39 957909 [85SC0909]

Lou’s Handy Services. Simple Sensible Solutions For All Your Handy Needs. Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Drywall & Much More. Free Estimates. References Available 323-913-5989 [85SC0909]

IF IT IS TAX, WE DO IT 310-382-0584 Specializing in Personal (RDP/SameSex),Business, and Prior-Year Amendments. Experienced CPA/Former IRS Agent, Serving the Community with Pride since 1996. [85SC0314]

COMPLETE REMODELER QUALITY IS CARING Electrical - Tile Stone - Kitchen - Doors - Plumbing Windows - Bathrooms Other Contractors not needed. Call Eric 213-308-4508 [85SC0809]

KOOL POOL Service-Repair-Remoding 1-Month free service with one year agreement or 3- months with 2 year agreement FREE estimates 323-299-1666 Gay Own Company [85SC0311]

INCOME TAX (323)-937-5390 Personal or Business income tax preparation.Domestic partners and out of State returns welcome. Clear and reasonable fee structure. IRS problems? Under Audit? Salary/bank accounts garnished? Unfiled income tax returns? Tired of the worry? Will help you answer letters from IRS and the Franchise Tax Board. Free consultation. Call: Dean A. Wong, CPA. [85SC1716]

MANNY’S CLEANING I clean apts, condos, or small houses, wkly or twice monthly. Excllnt. service, dependable, good rate. (310) 339-1235 [85SC0909]

[85SC0909] T01632

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FOR SALE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COLLECTOR WILL BUY Your gay porn collection DVDs, mags, photos, books, 8mm films. Call Phil 323 230 9606 What do you have? [115SC0909]




DIGNITY LOS ANGELES An LGBTQ Progressive catholic, faith community located at 126 S. ave 64 Los Angeles, CA. 90042 (323) 3448064 [135SC2209]

PRIMETIMERS Pretty may be a dime a dozen in Los Angeles, but as the old saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Or at least so says plastic surgeon Dr. Leif Rogers, whose offices in Beverly Hills, Pasadena and Studio City have become hot destinations for beauty-seekers in zip codes where there is no shortage of the same. Note the use of the word ‘beauty’ rather than the word ‘perfection’ here to describe the pursuit that is the hallmark of Dr. Rogers’ practice. The distinction is a simple but significant one for the good doctor and his patients, because just as strongly as he advocates that the former—being something that is subject to perception—is achievable, he strongly argues that the latter is not. “My goal is to make you feel comfortable with yourself in the world you live in,” Dr. Rogers explains of his approach to performing reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery. “Whether improving or restoring your appearance, I create the best you I can. The reality is that those seeking perfection will forever [and] always be disappointed. Having realistic expectations is the key to successful outcomes, and understanding that [while] improvement is attainable, perfection is not.” To help his clients achieve their aesthetic goals, Dr. Rogers combines stateof-the-art technology with a holistic approach to the individual needs of each patient—even if that occasionally means venturing into uncharted territory. “I treat my patients as a whole, not

as body parts, and I pride myself in providing a solution to any problem, including innovating new techniques,” he explains. “My practice also offers the most advanced non-invasive procedures, including hair grafting, body sculpting and facial rejuvenation.” As an added bonus, unlike so many cosmetic surgeons who devote their attention to an exclusively female clientele, Dr. Rogers has taken special note of the burgeoning need to cater to the differing requirements of male clients. “Many techniques exist for improving the appearance of our female counterparts,” he offers. “However, cosmetic plastic surgery on males is a relatively new frontier. Relatively few surgeons understand the principles necessary to enhance the male form, let alone excel in the techniques.” Excelling is in these new techniques for men is Dr. Rogers’ calling card. Not only does he offer everything from “aesthetically appropriate male facelifts to high-tech body sculpting”—he has also, by his own admission, had “great success in muscle augmentation in conjunction with liposuction,” which creates exceptionally lean and muscular physiques where they may not have existed before. All of which leaves little doubt that the tagline “Reconstruct. Redefine. Rejuvenate.” as touted by Dr. Rogers’ website is more than an alliterative string of buzz words but instead a true mantra for the fruits of his labor. Find out more about Dr. Leif Rogers at



OLDER GAYS Meet new friends at Project Rainbow! Free every Wed. 12-2pm In lounge at Plummer Park, West Hollywood 213621-3180 [135SC0918]


SLAMMER STUDENT NIGHT Slammer Student Night 8pm-4am. All students with current ID, save $5 on entry to the club. Take a break from school and cum play at Slammer. 3688 Beverly Blvd. LA, CA 90004. 213-388-8040 [105SC0909]


NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: GRANDVIEW PALMS, LLC; JERRY KATZ, PATRICK MUNOZ, and DOES 1 through 250, inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: HAROLD A. TAYLOR, by and through his Successor in Interest MARSHALL C. TAYLOR; INDIVIDUALLY CASE NUMBER: LC096074 NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your begin heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. YOU HAVE 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program, You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (, the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court's lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles 6230 Sylmar Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91401 The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiffs attorney is: Stephen M. Garcia Garcia, Artigliere & Schadrack One World Trade Center, Suite 1950 Long Beach, CA 90831 Phone No: (562) 216-5270 DATE: JANUARY 13, 2012 Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles by: John A. Clarke, Clerk by Kim Garris, Deputy [105SC0808]



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Gdlkg Humble White 26 5’11 165 Brown Hair w Green Eyes Slim & Smooth build nice Bubble Butt 7.5 Uncut Kissing Oral Mild 2 Kinky/or Sensual Massage. Older Men Preferred Call/Text Justin 323-592-0909 West Hllywd IN/Out [165SC0909]


is ce ve ., rd ar al, n me

Frontiers prefers all photo shots above the waist only; any shot below the waist must be non-suggestive and non-explicit. Examples of unacceptable photos would include (but are not limited to) “groping” of the genital area, or anatomical details of the genital area visible through sheer/tight fabric. Please do not write on, cut, or deface photo in any way! All photos submitted that do not fit these guidelines will not be used. Your ad will be printed without a photo or a previous photo from your Photo File will be used in its place. Frontiers is not responsible for Photo Ads that are submitted incorrectly. If you have a concern regarding your photo please call us before you submit your ad. Thank You for your cooperation. [3BCS0100]

81/2 UC TOP


11X8 “THICK DICK Discreet BM 6’2, 180, nice & smooth skin.Voyagers/couples welcome. Buddies Avail 24/7 for you. *82-323906-5373 [165SC0909] P05340

VERSATILE TOP 323-706-7779 Eduardo 7.5 Uncut top Latin guy 5’7 140lbs Slim body available any time. Sunset & Western.

THE BEST FROM THE WEST INDIES Physical Theraphy/Massage 11x7 32 year old 6’2, 195lbs Perfect Hands to put you to ease. In/Out Bryan 323240-5611. Regular clients [175SC0910] P05356

[165SC0909] P05360

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Model Masseur you wont be disappointed Call Dan 310-854-3521 [165SC0909]


MAGNUM XL 5’8 155 lbs, very masc, dominant top and down to earth/Friendly. With big muscular jock legs and hung huge. It’s 9 inches In/Out 24/7 Alex 424-2398159 [165SC0909] P05072


BLACK + HUNG Very good looking black male model, Huge Endowment, Lean and Muscular Available for Escort bodywork and More. In/Out, 24 Hours. 818-644-3299 [165SC0909]

THICK LATIN TOP college student. (213)-570-3847 [165SC0912]

New photos, S.F. shoot w/ Biron go to 200# 6/4 8c frndly guy 310.749.8532 [165SC0909]

$5OFF M4M YOUNG THAIBOYPRIVATE ROOMS.. 4903W PICO BLVD., LA. CA. 90019 (323)-937-5183/323-836-4017

DAD BIG 10”TOP In good shape, 6’4” black man 4 a good time. Pals are also available! Call (323) 273-2137 [165SC0909]

[175SC0909] P05328

THE ULTIMATE MALE! MASCULINE, GOOD LOOKS, AND BUILT! TEXAN BODY BUILDER/CONSTRUCTION WORKER 6’3 245LBS. of Pure Natural Muscle. 36y/o. Dirty Blond Hair/Blue Eyed Hot White Male. Big, solid and rock Hard From Head to Toe...All of it! over 12 yrs Experience. Erotic Massage/Safe Fantasy by the Best Kenny 818-9088888 [165SC0813] P05266



**College Boy Collge Looks** 5’9 32w cool nice attractive Top Escort. $200 Jr 310-720-2835 [165SC0912]

SHOWER SCRUBS!!!! DAVE 323/460-4071. [175SC0816]

Sexy Dom Japanese Masseur 8I8-3I49699 [165SC2221]

714-401-2712 34 y/o. Blond Hair/blue eyes. 5’8” 140Lbs. Vers. Call Josh [165SC0809]

HOT N SEXY GO-GO DANCER Massage and More 26 155,Latn/White 5’11 Masc n Hung 8 n Thick, Vers, Friendly. IN/Out 24/7 call for rates Roy 310-384-7179 [165SC0909] P05353

WHAT U WANT2 Fullbody massage+more by handsome all Italian guy 5’11 168 81/2” Versatile /fun. 323-874-5762 [175SC0909]

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BLACK TOP 4 WHITE BOTTOMS Hi I’m Gene handsome, 40 year old Gay American Guy, 135 lbs 5’9 Nice body, Shoulder Length, Dread locks certified Masseur in Various techniques including injury and accident therapy and Hot Sex Sessions. Im a Dominant top with a big Juicy black cock that loves being deep - throated as I relax you to complete relief. Gene 323-875-0535 noon - 10pm Serious only. Koreatown

NUDE EROTIC Hung 9”+, Very hndsm, masc 6’ 220. Treat yourself to deep tissue body rub W/Incredible release. In/Out 24/7 Mark 323 540-0930 [175SC0909] P00541


WOW ONLY $50 UNIQUE PERSIAN STYLE By Esan Praised as “Excellent” 323449-0894 Try & Feel it thx [175SC0109]


Musc/masc Irish athlete, pro-trained, focuses on yr specific needs. DT, Swedish, erotic. WeHo Ez park Discreet No attitude Sean 323 658-8860. Late OK! [175SC0909] P03733

HELLO GUY My name is Johnny. Please say what you like the best in a massage, or with your massage? I work with athletes and everyday men who know great massage. I am licensed 3 yrs. in Calif. Incall only. Enjoy your day. 323-599-1153

SPA PACKAGES!!! DAVE 323/460-4071 [175SC0909]


[175SC0909] P05370

From New York Vglkg Hunk 6’2 230 lbs, Musclr, very Masculine 9”inches. Great full body deep tissue erotic Nude. 646-517-1997 Mike. [175SC0909]

$5OFF M4M YOUNG THAIBOYPRIVATE ROOMS.. 4903W PICO BLVD., LA. CA. 90019 (323)-937-5183/323-836-4017

[175SC0909] T02368

[175SC0909] P05293

Pro massage by Ray (818) 503-0453 [175SC0309]

NUDE MASSAGE Masculine, worked out, muscle jock offers a combination of Thai, Swedish, Deep tissue & erotic styles for your pleasure. Very high number of repeat clients. San Fernando Valley and LA areas. Tim (818) 625-8094. [175SC0909] P05368

Masseurmeister big strong German hands will do the job. $45/hr. $70/1.5hr. (818) 997-7972 [175SC0715]

SPICY LATIN MIX Sensual Nude Massage. Miguel 10% Off 1st Appt - Say Frontiers. Call or Text 323-982-8119 [175SC0909] P05361

SPA PACKAGES!!! DAVE 323/460-4071 [175SC0809]

[175SC0909] T02400

Certified Asian Therapist in Hollywood. Swedish, Deep Tissue and Erotic/Sensual. Athletic smooth body,very good looking and friendly with no attitude. Host in private place in Hollywood. Very Discreet for Bi, Curious and Married. Kevin 323-600-5022 [175SC0909] P05366


PERENEAL MASSAGE!! 323-460-4071. Awsome.


MEN’S HEALTH SPA Jacuzzi Dry & Steam Sauna Shiatsu & Fullbody massage 8a-10pm. Out calls also In the South Bay 310-707-3248. Pain Clinic Doctor Available. [175SC2111]

MUSCULAR LATIN Very Relaxing Massage with great touch. 5’10 165 lbs, 34 yrs. 323-513-8875 [175SC0909]

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Classy, Fun 6’2 220 Blk muscle Husky & Older guys preferred Host or Travel. (818) 738-3578 [175SC0909] P05195

[175SC0909] T02307

YOUNG 23 YO 23 6’1 Thin and tone Enjoy a healing sensual massage 831-713-8957 incall/outcall [175SC0909] P05371


SENSUAL SALT BATH Jonathan (323)460-4071


Naked Full Body Massage Release in LB/OC Area 760-552-1713. [175SC0811]


SILVER DAD ATHLETIC G/L LATIN Swedish Full body massage Relax and release your sore muscles with my strong gentle hands. Located in SGV. In or Outcalls. Hour or 1/2 hrs. available. Men 35+ I’m 54 yrs in shape Masseur Steve 626-407-1390


NEW HOT MUSCLE Xtra Hung Nude Erotic Strong Hands Great touch Vglkg can Host 24/7 Matt 310-967-2033 [175SC0910] P05287

[175SC0712] T02290


Fullbody sensual massage nude. Handsome masc. br/bl - Jackson In/Out weho 310-749-8532 thx [175SC0909] P05369

Let this Greek Italian give you a massage the way you like it. (818) 2055766. [175SC0909]

Black masseur 5F4 130# lean muscular Handsome face Smooth Oceanview Massage Michael 562 714 4270 MCVisa [175SC0909]

TREAT YOURSELF You deserve it. Relax, let me take you on an hour journey w. my tension relieving touch. Andy: 323-360-1040 Release stress w/VGL model, masseur/healer. (323) 533-4775 [175SC0909] T02439


[175SC0909] P05264

[175SC0909] P04822

NUDE MASSAGE Masculine, worked out, muscle jock offers a combination of Thai, Swedish, Deep tissue & erotic styles for your pleasure. Very high number of repeat clients. San Fernando Valley and LA areas. Tim (818) 625-8094. [175SC0909] P05254

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BIKER SINGS THE BLUES BY JIM LARKINS It would be hard to pin down a hobby, pastime or other pleasure of the modern man that doesn’t come with some inherent side-effect. We weigh the pros of our pleasures with the prospective repercussions and try to choose wisely. But when the consequences of our actions hit below the belt, we really take notice. Such could be the case for anyone who spends a great deal of time riding either motorcycles or bicycles. Unfortunately, the guy who takes long rides straddling the saddle could be headed for destination Droopdickville. A preliminary investigation into the relationship between erectile dysfunction and motorcycling has concluded those who like to raise heavy metal thunder on a regular basis could someday experience sexual dysfunction. As reported in Men’s Health Newsletter, the survey, which involved 234 motorcyclists, revealed that 69 percent of them were diagnosed with ED. This incidence increased by age, with numbers ranging from 58 percent for those age 20-29 to 93 percent for those in the 50-59 age group. But take the motor out of motorcycle and you could still be looking at bad news in the bedroom. Guys who just can’t get enough of the pedalpumping cardio that long distance bicycling delivers could also end up with some degree of ED. The problem is that unlike sitting in a chair where your weight is distributed evenly across both buttocks, bike-riding 84


puts more pressure on the perineum, which runs from the anus to the sex organs. The perineum contains nerves and arteries that make the penis fully functional, and the pressure from biking can lead to a loss of sensation and other problems. Researchers have concluded that a narrow bike seat can reduce penile blood flow by as much as 66 percent, and even a broad seat may reduce flow by 25 percent. But don’t mothball the bike just yet. With a few simple precautions, the vicious cycle of biking and sexual dysfunction can be all but eliminated. • Try swapping your narrow seat for a wide one, or better yet, consider one of the hollow centered seats that are designed specifically for avoiding damage. • Avoid tilting your seat upward, as this increases pressure on the perineum. • Make sure your seat is at the correct height. You don’t want your legs to be fully extended at the bottom of your pedal stroke. • For increased protection, consider wearing padded biking pants. • Extend the handle bars upward so that you’re sitting more upright. • Shift your position and hop off the bike occasionally during long rides. Most important is that you watch for early warning symptoms. If any numbness or tingling sets in, it’s time to take a break from the bike.

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M4M Sex Date: 877-577-4897. 18+

MANLY MSG + 5’9” 180 Friendly Discreet Masc Deep Sensual Full Body Contact 8yrs exp Table In $60 Out $85 Str8 Married Gay Bi Welc Shower EZ park 323-3099881 [175SC0909]




Telesex: S&M 800-507-7843. 18+



Will give you a full-body massage in the nude, by goodlking GM 35y. 5’11” 185# $40in/$60+out Eric 714 8795293 24/7 [175SC0912]




I Will massage you in the nude 81/2 Uncut top. Call 310-854-3521 [175SC0909]

MATURE & SEXY Hung European Hard Big U/C Gives Nude Full Body Mass&More Jack 323661-1720 [175SC0909]

Kinky Japanese Muscle Master 8I8-3I4-9699 [195SC2221]

BONDAGE EXPERT Arthur Sire. BDSM, Simple/Sexy 2 hvy dty. Hoods/gags/bodybags. Unique CBT/OTK. OUTCALL only. / 323-228-0802


MAN FETISH KINKVIDEO.COM Boot Sock Foot Tickle Trample Cock Rim Spank Fuck BDSM! Free broch DVD/VHS/VOD 415-436-9840 KV-FR, POB 14108, SF, CA 94114 [245SC0909]




WANT TO MEET SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Massage With Release Muscular Guys. $25 1Hr 323-313-8821 [215SC0909]


I want someone to clean apartment. Don 310-472-9449 [215SC0909]

6ft4 Musc Smooth Swedish Deep tissue on table In-calls only Central Hollwood Total nude Total release Handsome Friendly guy 323 252 3412 [175SC0909] P01300

GWM 53 6’180LBS MASC Seeks Slim - Trim Man No Fems No Fats Mas/Rubdown 424-832-4220 Am only. [215SC0910]

MASSAGE + MORE From Italy Versatile n fun for awesome good time! 323-874-5762 [175SC0909]


AWESOME MSG Cert pro Strong/sensitive touch Erotic/relaxing Nice guy/body Spiritual 7am-11pm Chuck 714 743 8275 No calls after 11pm [175OC0715]

G/W/M 38 Laid back surfer Door unlocked come in strip down Cum to bed please be in decent shape white or Latino guys from Hawaii Cool too. 9:00 pm to 2:30am 323-466-3784 [215SC0909]

WHERE LOCAL MEN MEET!! Send Messages FREE! (323) 648-3999, (213) 316-1006 Use Free Code 7927, 18+ [215SC0909]

[235SC0909] T02443


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#32.09 #32.10 #32.11 #32.12

!!! MARKET EW K 120 Weddings N K Announcements / Services K 10 Jobs K 20 Rentals


ADULT K 160 Models/Escorts K 170 Massage/Body Rubs K 180 S&M

K 190 S&M Models K 200 Relationships K 210 Want to meet

30 40 50 60 70

Real Estate Roommates Health Services Massage Therapy Personal Services


08/07/13 08/21/13 09/04/13 09/18/13

08/21/13 09/04/13 09/18/13 10/02/13

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K 220 Mail Order K 230 Websites K 240 Videos



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#32.10 #32.11 #32.12 #32.13

!!! MARKET EW K 120 Weddings N K Announcements / Services K 10 Jobs K 20 Rentals


ADULT K 160 Models/Escorts K 170 Massage/Body Rubs K 180 S&M

K 190 S&M Models K 200 Relationships K 210 Want to meet

30 40 50 60 70

Real Estate Roommates Health Services Massage Therapy Personal Services


08/21/13 09/04/13 09/18/13 10/02/13

09/04/13 09/18/13 10/02/13 10/16/13

80 Business Services 90 Travel 100 Announcements 110 For Sale 130 Organizations

K 220 Mail Order K 230 Websites K 240 Videos



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