2021 Belize Specials 3 Great Destinations, 1 Great Offer
The first angler pays the single rate and the companion goes for free (shared room and guide) El Pescador
Belize River Lodge
Blue Horizon
June 15–December 15, 2021 The first angler pays the single room/single guide rate, and the fishing or nonfishing companion goes free (shared room and guide).
El Pescador
7-night/6-day single rate is $7,075 Shorter packages available.
Belize River Lodge
7-night/6-day single rate is $6,325 Shorter packages available.
Blue Horizon
7-night/6-day single rate is $6,825 Shorter packages available.
1-800-245-1950 | frontierstravel.com
Contact: Joe Linscott: jlinscott@frontierstravel.com Denise Schreiber: dschreiber@frontierstravel.com