Frontline News 16th November 2014

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nov 2014

Welcome to Frontline Church and the Gathering! We are so happy that you could be here this morning. The Gathering is about us coming together as one family, in one place, at one time, to worship and fellowship together. Practicalities - In case of a fire alarm everyone gathers in the main lounge to the left of our meeting room. If it is a real fire a second alarm will sound and we will make our way out of the building. Our gathering point will be outside the side entrance where you came in. All children in Kids Zone will be taken to the lounge and then out by the Kids Zone helpers. For toilets exit the back doors of the hall, forward to the Derby Terrace and to the left. The ladies are up the stairs and a disabled toilet and the gents are on the ground floor. If you have any questions please ask a steward in a bright blue t-shirt. To continue this time of fellowship why not get together with your Community and go for lunch in town after the service?

Kids Zone

Youth Church

Kids Zone activities start at 10.30am and children for all groups need to register at the registration desk on the way in

E2 - 11-14 year olds will be joining us in the main meeting today

• Twinkles, Explorers and Sparklers will be in the Derby Room (Reception school year and below)

Youth Communities meet Friday evenings and full details of them and youth plans for the year are available via the Frontline facebook page or the Youth church website

• Transformers and All Stars (school years 1-6) will be escorted to their activity from the foyer outside our meeting room and collected from there at the end

CHRISTMAS SERVICES 4pm @ Central 2014 6pm @ Wavertree

7th dec

Candlelit Carol Services Wear your Christmas jumpers and come ready to sing as we remember the Christmas story through traditional carols and readings

Christmas Play @ Wavertree Join the shepherds Pete and Tom on the journey of a life time as they seek to find the King. A production full of song, laughter and joy for you, your friends and family to enjoy this Christmas

21st dec

10.30am @ Wavertree 2014 3pm @ Toxteth

12th 14th

dec @ 7pm dec @ 10.30am

Traditional Carol Services Remembering the Christmas story through carols and readings - with a brass band and choir and a Kids Zone Christmas party at Wavertree and a family carol service at FL Toxteth

Contact Details: 0151 733 3373 | | iTunes: Frontline Church Liverpool | Facebook: FrontlineUK | Twitter: FrontlineUK

Breakthrough Course


nov 2014

Breakthrough is a course for all adults who have a desire to live a life of freedom. It includes teaching and prayer to help you to understand your identity as a child of God and find freedom from old beliefs, actions and habits which prevent us from being the people God created us to be. At Frontline Centre on Thurs 27th & Fri 28th, 7.30pm - 10pm, Sat 29th, 9am - 4.30pm. Refreshments, breakfast and lunch provided. There is no cost for the course. To book a place email

Family News Birthdays • Nathan Agboado • James Sloan • Kimberley Teare • Darren Stephens • Rosa Jahani • Judith Pegram

• Charlotte Seal • James Gilbert • Akmola Olayuha • Ann Pendray • John Farrington • Nonye Konkwo • Melodi Ghui

We like to celebrate special occasions as a church family! If

Money Management Course

19 & 26th nov


you’d like to include something, please pop a note in the Feedback box or send it to

This simple two week course will give you great tips on how to budget, how to maximise your income and minimise your expenditure and help if things aren’t balancing as well as you’d

A Generous Life

like them to. Wed 19th & 26th, 7.30-9pm at Frontline Centre, Wavertree. For info or to book email

Prayer for the Nations


nov 2014

To be truly generous we need to be good stewards. Our current preaching series focuses on the question of what is consuming us. If you’ve missed either of the talks then why not catch up by listening to the podcasts before the series continues next week

Come and join us to pray for the nations. We are meeting at 7.45pm on Thursday 20th November and Thursday 18th December at 45 Wellington Avenue, L15 0EH. For further details

contact or

Safeguarding Training

Christmas Play: help needed We still need some help with filming / preparing visuals for the play as well as someone to source items for the set. We’re also looking for Christmas trees and toy sheep and dogs that we can borrow. Please email to let us know

nov 18th 2014

If you are involved in ministries working with children or vulnerable adults (at Frontline or Imagine If Trust) and you haven’t already attended Safeguarding Training, you need to attend the upcoming training evening. The session runs 8-9pm on Tuesday 18th November at Frontline Centre. For more information email

WELCOME STUDENTS! We want to give you a particularly warm welcome if you are new! Check out our student website or contact us at if we can do anything to help you settle in (or see facebook/studentchurchuk)

Frontline Wavertree

Frontline Central

Frontline Toxteth

Frontline Wavertree events at Frontline

Frontline Central meets at 4pm at

Frontline Toxteth meets at 3pm at

Centre, corner of Lawrence and Wellington Road, Wavertree, L15 0HY

the Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Street, L3 5UL in the city centre

Toxteth Tabernacle, Park Road, Toxteth, Liverpool, L8 8AN

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