hello Ç◊
April 2nd 2017
welcome to Frontline Church NEW HERE?
Stories “My mate went to Audacious church in Chester and there was a visiting evangelist from Australia; who gave a call for prayer for people with Arthritis at the end. He is in his late 30’s, has Arthritis in both hips and it causes him a lot of pain in his quite active job. So he stood up and went to the front, along with a load of more elderly people than him. The guy prayed for him and he was totally healed in the more painful one of his two hips.” “Recently we had our Elevation youth relaunch - it was epic and in one week our attendance of young people went from 32 to 65. We had worship and a preach about how God loves us (using the 4Points as a theme). Around 25 people had never been to Elevation youth before, and of those, around 20 gave their lives to Jesus”
We love to celebrate special occasions as an extended church family
Happy Birthday to... Ken Allen Kim Chen Maliha Finch Priyanka George Tiruwork Woldetsadik Jonathan Kent Isabelle MacauleyJames • Tillie Seddon • Sharon Edmundson • • • • • • •
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Jamie Watson John Gibson Alastair Leeuwangh Freya Birch Nat Connell Lorcan Wilson Dan Rogers Aidyn Ridley Selease Ameko Ruth Waldron
To include something please email emmam@frontline.org.uk
city wide meeting
We'reand a church have kids that work aims to to be more of an extended family than an organisation. We’re so pleased you came along, the next step is to connect to a missional community; they are the heart beat of our church.
c’mon and Celebrate!
whole city prayer meeting John Wesley once said “God does nothing but in answer to prayer... Every new victory which a soul gains is the effect of a new prayer”. Each month we have a special prayer gathering on the Tuesday evening before our ‘scattered Sunday’. This month we have invited churches from across our city region to join with us and pray for the success of the city wide 4points Easter Campaign. This will be on Tues 4th April 8pm at Wavertree site.
At Frontline, we love hearing stories of everyday things God is doing. To include a story, please email Emma at emmam@frontline.org.uk
Frontline Central To keep up to date with Frontline day in day out then connect to our social media
The Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Street, L3 5UL Starts at 5pm
Frontline Wavertree 147 Lawrence Rd, Wavertree, L15 3HA Starts at 10:30am