September 24th 2017
Welcome to Frontline Church New Here? We're a church that aims to be more of an extended family than an organisation. We’re so pleased you came along! The next step is to connect to a missional community; they are the heartbeat of our church.
Welcome Students A MASSIVE welcome to you if you’re a student here for the first time or if you’ve been a student here for a few years. I’m so excited and expectant for the year ahead; for the friendships, for the community that will form, for God to move, for the impact we will have across Liverpool, especially among the student bodies as we boldly embody and express the Kingdom of God. It’s going to be wild. The plans for this term are shaped to create space and build relationships. Relationships among students, between students and the wider church family - and it starts with a meal straight after the service.
Let’s Celebrate our family news Happy Birthday to... • • • • • • • • • •
Isobel Macdonald Dumisani Mswelanto Joely Davidson Rueben Ravens Jemima Ross-Williams Elias Sopwith Elizabeth Achidago Hannah Jackson Asher Arora Harry Clare
• • • • • • • • • •
Dave Connolly Estelle I’Anson Emma Morris Melissa Watson Adam Broadley Jo Drury Miriam Hogg Ashley Guidera Anne Liu Julie Prince
We would love to celebrate any family news - to include something please email
New Member Welcome If you’ve joined Frontline in the last 12-18 months, we’d love to officially welcome you into the Frontline Family!! We’ll be doing this during the service next week (1st October) please let us know if you’d like to take up this opportunity - email Michaela Edwards (
Form Internship Year Our Form internship started this week, with a bunch of amazing people who have given this year to God. During this year they will learn more about who God is and his plans for their lives! It’s not too late to join us for a life changing year of teaching, worship, mission and discipleship. If you are interested, or want more info email
See you there! Danny - Our student worker
Frontline Wavertree
147 Lawrence Rd, L15 3HA Starts at 10:30am
To keep up to date with Frontline connect to our social media
Transformed by Grace Imagine If - Nursery Our Sticky Fingers Day Nursery is running really well; we have 22/23 children a week. We aim to support all our children to play together, to teach them in a fun and interesting way and help them to respect and appreciate each other. This term we are learning all about ourselves, then we are doing a book topic where we choose a book and each child then gets to take the book home; we will base all our activities around the book. To finish off our term, we will learn about autumn. We had our first OFSTED inspection recently; please pray that went well and praise Nursery staff for all the hard work they do.
Christmas Meal Fundraiser Our annual Christmas Meal Fundraiser is back! This year we’ve booked the Devonshire House Hotel on Friday 24th November, for an evening of food, festive cheer and fun to raise money for our Christmas Day Meal. Tickets are £20 per head, or £180 for a table of 10 - why not get your friends, family, communities and work colleagues together for a great evening to kick off the festive season, and support this worthy cause to help put on our best Christmas Day Celebration yet. To book please go to
Church Planting Meeting If you are interested in either leading or being part of a church planting team then please join us at a meeting on Sunday 15th October 12:30pm at Frontline Centre for information, discussion and prayer about church planting. We anticipate that from this meeting, a number of prayer meetings will be established which will be focussing on praying for a particular location e.g. the city centre. Lunch will be provided please email if you are coming and any dietary requirements.
Spring Harvest Harrogate 2018 We would love for as many of the Frontline church family as possible to head to Spring Harvest Harrogate 2018. The conference will have inspiring teaching, great worship and amazing kids and youth work; but also an opportunity for us to hang out as extended family together. As a church we have relationship with many of those running this new Spring Harvest in the North and Pastor John has been asked to be part of the team so we are hoping it will feel like family. Spring Harvest will take place on the 3-7th April 2018 and for more info / to book on please go to Early bird tickets are available until 31st October and it’s quite a saving so book on as soon as you can. You only need to pay 20% deposit now and the rest by January 2018. Accommodation is arrange separate at Harrogate - you can book their indoor camping or arrange your own accommodation at a local campsite, B&B or hotel - see you there!
Kids and Youth
We love families here at Frontline and they are always welcome. We have regular kids / youth work during our services.
We love being in community together! Which is why we have missional communities.
Sign your child up at the registration point, ask one of our stewards to point you in the right direction. For anything kids related e: We also have some awesome youth groups during the week. e:
If you would like to find out more about communities, there are a few things you can do. You could: -Speak to one of our stewards -Fill in a pink ‘Connect‘ card found in the welcome bag. -e:
t: 0151 733 3373 | e: |