Church News Welcome to Frontline Church!
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13th April 2014
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Services today 9am
Wavertree service
Wavertree service
Farsi service
Toxteth service
Central service
Wavertree service
First time here? Our friendly Stewards (in the bright blue t-shirts) are on hand throughout the service if you need any help. You can find out more about church activities at the Welcome Point or on our website
Sunday Kids Zone
Join us to celebrate Easter together at one of our services next Sunday. Please be praying about inviting friends and family. Invitations are available on the Welcome table. Frontline Wavertree: 9am - Reflective Service with Communion 10.30am - Easter Celebration - Kids Zone will run for part of this service 6pm - Worship and Communion service with soup after - all welcome Frontline Toxteth: Family Easter service at 3pm
Youth Church
Kids Zone activities start at 10.45am and children for all groups need to register in the foyer before 10.45am
Hawks 11-14 year old boys are meeting at Harthill Youth Centre today. They leave as a group at 10:45 returning at 12 noon (parental permission slip required)
• Explorers (ages 1-3) • Sparklers (ages 3-5)
Cookies 10-14 year olds girls are staying in the service today
• Transformers (school years 1-2) • All Stars (school years 3-6)
Example 14-18 year olds are encouraged to come to Example community on Fridays at Frontline Wavertree. For more information email
Parents Room is open from 10.30am with a live video feed of the meeting. Please use this if your child becomes restless during the service. Thank You
Youth Church website -
Contact Details: 0151 733 3373 | | iTunes: Frontline Church Liverpool | Facebook: FrontlineUK | Twitter: FrontlineUK
Church Notices
Family News
Pastor’s surgery day: 16th April
Pastors Dave and Julie Connolly hold regular surgery days where you can book a time to pop in to see them. This is a great opportunity to have some time with them, whether it's just to chat, or to ask for some advice or prayer. Contact to book a time or to find out future dates.
Foodbank: apprentice position open Central Liverpool Foodbank is experiencing high demand and is looking for a young person with the appropriate skills and desire to support Foodbank whilst gaining an NVQ qualification in Distribution and Storage Logistics. 12 month contract, 30 hours per week, £2.73 per hour. Email for more information
Alpha Course: starts Tuesday 29th April, 8pm From 29th April to 3rd June we're running an Alpha course in the coffee shop at Frontline Wavertree for anyone wanting to explore the Christian faith in a friendly, honest and informal environment. Invitations are available on the Welcome desk if you would like to invite anyone. For more information email
Investing in the Nations God has given us such a privilege as a church to invest in the nations. That may be by serving internationals on our doorstep, by sending short term teams, by giving financially, by prayer support, or by sending Christian workers into other countries.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Sarah Williams Elisabeth Campbell Elizabeth Elson Matt Edmundson Samuel Burch Iris Berridge Anna Kettle Andy Uddin Babu Kunadian Emilian Staniak Rachel Gillard Jan Burch Ben James Elvin Eduardo Lisa Gilligan Lucy Keighley Dan Paton Lindy Rogers Jenny Gibson Nick Evans Cerys Burch Lydia Kenbata Caleb Beaumont
Thank you for whatever part you are playing in helping us see this calling to the nations realised in practical ways. Attached to this notice sheet are a few brief highlights of Frontline family members following their call to fulfill the great commission in other countries. As you read it, please accept their thanks for your support.
We like to celebrate births,
If you’d like to find out more contact Lydia Palmer
include something, please pop a
marriages, anniversaries, engagements, birthdays etc. as a church family! If you’d like to note in the Feedback box or send it
Connect... with the Frontline family: starts May 7th
If you are new to Frontline, unfamiliar with our story so far and interested in our hopes for the future, please join us for 'Connect' - a 3 week course, on Wednesday evenings, starting on May 7th. The evenings will be held 8:00pm-9:30pm in the Frontline Coffee Shop with tasty treats, drinks, videos, discussions and hopefully lots of fun included! Please email for more information or if you are planning to come, Thank you
A Generous Life Through your generous living and generous giving the Frontline Family is investing on our doorstep and around the world! Thank you!
Frontline Wavertree
Frontline Central
Frontline Toxteth
Frontline Wavertree events at Frontline
Frontline Central meets at 4pm at
Frontline Toxteth meets at 3pm at
Centre, corner of Lawrence and Wellington Road, Wavertree, L15 0HY
the Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Street, L3 5UL in the city centre
Toxteth Tabernacle, Park Road, Toxteth, Liverpool, L8 8AN