Front Page Magazine April 2013 Issue

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'US@ t16-J98-6776



We had a very serious talk with "Chizzy Bash- Who art some othtt' artists that inspire you ment" about her career during and prior to her in the dance baD sr.eue? photo shoot with Front Page Magazme and we realized that this is not a game to her but is a I was brou2ht up arotmd reggae/dancehall way of life. Chizzy is a 22 year old dance hall music my entire life. Two artists that inspired reggae artist who has a lot of passion for the me the most were Lady Saw and Tanya Stemustc that she creates. We know that if phens. I also love \Ybz Kartel and think he''s she obtains maximum exposure and a mad lyncist and I admire his promonetworks efficiendy. she IS definitely lion of the youn~er ~eneration of upcomsomeone who is gotng to pave the 路 artists wnen ne had the 'Portmore way for the up and coming artists 路. I pr_etty much listen to anyone that will follow in her footsteps.路 n be new schoo~ old schoo~ conscious ..,.;bes or party records. You haw a mixtapt What art some ofthe shows coming out late 2013 do that you haw performed at? von hiw a tide and date for release yet? I have done numerous performances such as Toronto Youth I'm currently w,orkJing 'on~ Day, Uroan Noise Music Festimy mixtape which mcli~dl!s va~ club and songs that touch upon life Private to name a few. experiences such as heartwill break, struggles and success. The nnxtape is entitled 'Bashment Party' and will be releaseci\ midsunm1er 2013.

friends and family would always say that I stand out like a baslunent girlm a dancehall. Now people call me "Chizzy Baslunent"," Chizzy" or "Bashy".

I'm a person that loves consistency and in the begimung of my career I found that a lot of people I worked with were inconsistent. I have been booked for shows or people have appeared to be giving a helping hand but in the end nothing has come of it. I've also How was it being a part of the re~ae dancehall group the Holiday Bros. encountered on many occasions where people have used my name to promote their parties Holiday Bros is like family and everyone is without my consent. Now I ha\路e a mauaw doiru! their thing whether 11be music, cloth- and sbe guides me in terms of meeting ttle iru!. <lesi2DS, multimedia etc. To be a part of right people and helpiru! me focus on the thii is a blessing because I feel the Toronto b1eger picture. I learned'a lot within a shon penoo of time and I'm more aware of the music scene lacks solidarity and Holidays Bros is a group I can definitely count on in people I do business w~th. tenus of1leing there to support and motivate my craft. Ifone of us 'makes it' we all make How do you feel about the danc.eball sc.ene it! in Toronio and does it help or hinder your talent? Now that you have found your sound, how has the uperience been along the way? I feel that if the dj 's in Toronto promoted more Toronto artist then it would help a lot. The experience has been difficult at times There's a few that play mY. music in heavy because everyone seems to have an opinion rotation and others that shUdon't give me a on what my sound should be and what I chance. But I believe everythingwill happen should do next in my career. At times you at the ri~ht time so I stay humbfe and try not can lose focus on what you really want out of to get d1scouraged. I had a collaboration with yourself ~san artist but_!'ve leam~4 by another artist and it got a coup!e spins on . smrounding yom"Self w1th the pos1bve people the rad1o so I feel that my mus1c lias potenhal helps to keep me on track. As well I use to be very successful. negative experiences and people to motivate me to do better. I also had to understar1d What's the meaning behind the name that not every song is going to be. a hit, not cbizzy bashment? every mstrumental I'm gomg to hke and not everyone is goi~ to like my music but out of Everything I know, street but sweet, bashy but a million ifl can mspire one person that is classy, muque and different! I'm not trying what motivates me to keep pushing and fit in, I'mtryna stand out!! making good music. Which reo~ae artist would you like to work What l)'jle of trial and error hal't you with? experienced so far ~ith your caretr? FRONTPAGEMAGAZINE.CA I APRll20 13



of tbt Ytar J?.iango Unchained Silver Linin2s Playbook Ted The Avengers - WINNER The Dark Knight Rises Best f tmalt Ptrformanrt Anne Hatlla\\"ay. teS Miiliables Mila Kunis. Ted Jennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings Playbook WINNER Emma Watson. The Pms of Being a Wallflower Rebel \\ftlson, Pitch Perfect Btsl Malt Ptrformanrt Ben Affieck; Argo Bradltv Coopt~; Silvtr Linings PlaybookWINNER Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln Jamie Foxx, Django Uuchained Channing Taltuu, Magic Mike Breaktbrou¥ Performance Ezra Mrller, lie Perks of Bemg a Wallflower Eddre Redmayne, Les Mtserables Suraj Sharma, Life of Pi Quvenzhane Wallis, Beasts of the Southern Wild Rtbtl Wilson, Pitch Ptrf trt - WTh1\ER Btst Shit1ltsS Ptrformanct ChriStian Bale, The Dark Kliight Rises Daniel Craig, Skyfall Taylor l autntr, Tht T\\iligbt Saga: Brtaking Dawn -Part 2 - "1:'{\'LR Seth MacFarlane as Ted. Ted Channing Tatum, ~agic Mike

Btst fi~ht Jamie foxx vs. Candieland Henclunen. Djaneo Unchained · Daniel Craig vs. Ola Rapace, Skvfall Mark Wahlberg vs. Seth MacFarlane as Ted. Ted Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson and J~y Renner vs. Tom Hiddleston, Tht Anngtrs WINNER Christian J.J• ..h,_The Dark Kni!!ht Rises Bale vs. Tom •=uJ, ~ Best Kiss Kerry Washington and Jamie Foxx, Django Unchamed Kara Hayward and Jared Gilman, Moomise Kinedom Jennifer Lawrtnre and Bradley Cooper Silnr Linings Playbook -WINNER. ' Mila Knnis and Mark Wahlberg, Ted Emma Watson and Logan Lerman The Perks of Being a Wallflower ' Best WTF Moment Jamie Foxx aud Samuel l. Jackson, "Candieland Gtts Smoked" in Django Uurhained m NNER Denzel Washineton- "Final Descent" in Fli!!ht Aru~a Camp - '!Jfack-Appella" in Pitch PerfeCt Ja\1er Bardem - "Oops... There Goes His Face" in Skyfall Seth MacFarlane as Ted- "Ted Gets Saucy" in Ted



Best Villain Jmer Bardem, SkyfaU Leonardo DiCaprio, Djaneo Unchained Marion Cotillard, The Dark Knight Rises Tom Hardv, The Dark Kniebt Rises Tom HidJieston, The Avengers- WINNER

Brul..1hrougb Performance Rebel WilSon, Pitch Perfect- "Th1\t:R Eddie Redmayne, Les Miserables Ezra Miller, The Perks ofBeing a Wallflower Quvenzbane \Valis. Beats of the Sombern \\rud Suraj sbarma , Life of Pi

Best Musical Moment Anne HatJJaway. teS Miserables Cha~ning Tatwn, Matt Bom~. Joe Manganiello. Kevln Kasb and Adam Rodriguez, Mag~c Mtke Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson, Anna Camp, Brit- Best Shirtless Perfomanr.e tany Snow, ~texis Knapp, Ester Dean and Hana Taylor Lautner, The tmlight Saga: Breaking Mae Lee, Pttcb Perfect- WINNER Dawn- Part 2 - Wr.~r ~radley and Jennifer Lawrence, Silver Lin- Cha! Tatwn, Magic Mik~ . mgs Plavboo Christtan Bale, The Dark Knight Rises Emma Watson, Logan Lerman and Ezra Miller, The Daniel Craig, Skyfall Perks of Being a Wallflower Seth MacFariane, Ted


Best Hero ~Iartin Freeman, The Hobbit: An Uun:perted Joumey-WINNER Robett bowuey Jr., The Avengers Kristen Stewart. Snow White and the Huntsman Christian Bale, The Dark Knight Rises Mark Ruffalo, The Avengers Anne Hathaway, The Dark Knight Rises The Trailblaztr Award Emma Watson The Gfneration Award Janue Poxx The Comedic Gfnios Award \\rill Ferrell 16 FRONTPAGEMAGAZINE.CA IAPRIL2013

Best On- Srt路een Duo Mark Wahlberg and Seth ~IarFarlane, Ted Robett Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo, Marvel's The Avengers Will Fenell and Zach Galifianakis, The Campaign Leonardo DiCaprio and Samuel L. Jackson, Djan<>o Unchained Bradfey Cooper and Jellllifer Lawrence, Silver Lining Playbook

Bella Thome

Quvenzhane Wallis





Prsica kase is definitely an artist to lookout for in the near future. Prisca is a very talented individual who takes her music to a whole different level. When speaking with her, you get this sense of enlightenment, then when she states her age (18), you begin to wonder as to what else does this vibrant person have to offer? When I told her that she was going to be on the cover, she was pleased to know that her work ethic is finally paying off for her and with that being said we continue to wish her the best as she moves forward with her career.

You just completed a song with Universal C can yon tell us a little more about the song? I cannot give out too much info about that or mention the label/names yet. .. lol, but what I can say is that I am working on a serious project with bigger production for a speci_fic break throueh son e. It's basically the real deal and an mtroduction to riiy sound & my lane. We are bringina out eve1y element to this one, i~cludine video, photos and mp3.I'm takmg my tune on this trackbecause 1t 1s an mtroduchon of me as an artist so I want it to be as close to perfection as possible for a Ist impression. You mentioned that you are influenced by Aaliyah, Beyonc.e and Keli Hilson if you bad the opportunity to write for one oftbese artists, who would it be? It wouldn't matter which one. It would be an honour to write for any of them because the message that they porh路ay overall is independence and woman power. They are role models. That is eve1ything I want to stand for as well in my own career. However, 1fl really had to choose, I would say . Beyonce because I'd love to see what kmd of creal!ve !hines she would put together, as far as choreography, videos ana style.

How was it working with Sizzla on the track "What You Wauna Do"? It was a wonderful experience. I was forftmate to have hin1on my very Ist collabora bon and I got to experience that whole new way of doing music with someone as great as him. The vibe was so natural and eve1ything just fit so pe1fectly. I would definitely like to do something with him again or even a video for that single.

What is your process when writing a song for your album? There are many different ways to do this but usually I will pick out an inshumental that I like and can vibe wiih, and then I'll write to it. Other times I'll write a song and have a 24


will be music, I · off

My musical style is free. like. My sound has no conunon are the gritty and everybodY. and of comse ent thme that I do. staying open minded IS because you never know '·h ( Wtt ,

you up. ,~ . ... ~"--... ~~

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Did you ever think thal your ea~xeer woulil' be taking off so fast? f/

I had no idea.what i~vL going to take off. I started at a young age and I didn't really know what to expect. All I knew was that I could sing. Over the past year, I have learned everything I need to know in order to be what I want to be. I am blesse<iio have all the opp01tunities that I do have and I thank God that everything is going as plauned. FRONTPAGEMAGAZINE.CAIAPRIL2013 25





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The 20/20 Experience Tracklist: 01. Pusher Love Girl [ Prod. By Timbaland, Timberlake, Harmon] (8:02) 02. Suit & Tie feat. Jay-Z [Prod. By Timbaland, Timberlake, Harmon] (5:26) 03. Don't Hold the Wall [ Prod. ByTimbaland, Timberlake, Ham10n] (7: 10) 04. Strawbeny Bubbleg\Ull [ Prod. ByTimbaland, Timberlake, Harmon] (7:59) 05. Tmmel Vision [ Prod. ByTimbaland, Timberlake, Hannon] (6:46) 06. Spaceship Coup [Prod. ByTimbaland, Timberlake, Harmon] (7:17) 07. That Girl [ Prod. By Timbaland, Timberlake, Hannon, The Tenneddee Kids] (4:47) 08. Let the Groove Get In [ Prod. ByTimbaland, Timberlake, Ham10n] (7:11) 09. Mi1rors [ Prod. ByTimbaland, Timberlake, Hannon] ( 8:05) 10. Blue Ocean Roar [ Prod. ByTimbaland, Timberlake, Harmon] (7: 19)

Deluxe Edition Bonus Tracks: 11. Dress On [ Prod. By Timberlake, Rob Knox (4:39) 12. Body Count [ Prod. By imberlake, Rob Knox] (4:42) FRONTPAGEMAGAZINE.CAI APRIL2013




Tile wave of tile fi.Iftu·e is upon us, witl1 tl1e all!lotmcement of two powerfi.Jl airlines starting tl1eir owJJnew discotmt leisure an1ines wlucl1 is set to latmclJ in mid 2013. the s\UlUller close approaching and with the This is not the first rodeo that Air Canada consumer ~!ways on tlie look out_fo1· g~eat flight has been on , they have attempted to dfals, bustnfSS should bf boomm~. Air launch two other aulmes, both Tango Canada Rougf announcfd back m Dfc.embfr, (2001) and Zip (2002) but the both that ~~fr \\'ill be off~1ing " spftial inii'Odu~tory . fail~d.This time arolll_ld they plan on fares ngbt now which are avatlable to Vem~e, Edin: cap1tahzmg on the mJStakes of the past to burgh, Athens, Cuba, The Domm1can Repubhc, Jamal· ensure therr success. ca and Costa Rica. Along with the leap into the leisure airline business is WestJetAirlines Ltd., as they get ready for their Air~e _Encore launch mWestern Canada beguuung on ....._ June 24th. The launch will take place a few days before Air Canada Rouge. The base for.this a~line wi.Jl be Calgary . Internanonal A1rport, mwh1ch ihey wtll use the fleet of about 45 Bombardier Dash Q400s.


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Air Canada's chief commercial officer, Ben '£!.....~·-.' Smith had this to say about his undertaking "The • creation of this earner is to assist us in servin2 many destinations that our existing model does not work on a competitive basis," This bold move from Air Canada will create roul!hly 200 new jobs for pilots and attendants. It looks like they are on their way to meeting his quota as they just closed their first hirin2 wave. It does help to have the backing of a brancf name like Air Cana~ ~nd its 75 - year reputation for safety and reliabi11ty, along w1th the1r 30 plus years with traveling excellence.


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Unlike their counterpart, WestJet Encore !Jlans on proving service exclusively to ihe Western half of Canada before expaJ!ding, with hor:s t~ have a second base mToronto whtch w1ll serve as 1ts eastern base. FRONTPAGEMAGAZINE.CAI APRIL20 13 31

Its cllJTent base will include daily flights between Fort St. John, B.C., to Vancouver Fort St. John to Calgary, along with Vancouver to Victoria and N~imo, B.C., to Calgary. The airline plans on adding five more planes liy the end of1013. Of course the news that all travelers love is that WestJet Encore is priced at a reduced rate, about 50 per cent lower. With introductory fares on the Fort St. John route ranging from$ 109 to 拢181 plus taxes.

our award-winning guest experience to Canadians in smaller communities while connecting to our network of 85 destinations in 18 countries," With more and more families willing to take more vacations, this expansion will generate a lucrative profit for botli companies.

It seems that the two new carriers are already 2oing to be having some friendly competition. Although Air Canada's Rouge may take the lead with its destination flying, Westlet Encore rules with the domestic flights which are priced well below what Air Canada Rouge offers. Westlet executive vice- president, Fe1io Pugliese, had this to say about therr statgery "As Canada's low-fare leader, we look fonvard to introducing

Introducing Air Canada's new leisure airline.

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> ....,_, ENTERTAINMENT c:!

inner parties are a great e.~cuse to see close Many people think that throwin2 a kick ass friends, enjoy delicious meal all willie dinner party means they have to-spend lots of <:::> engaging m some great conversation. What money, create this full course dimier, invite a ......... c.v many eager hosts seemly forget is that lot of people. All of this is simply '"Tong you plarming the perfect soiree can be stressful and will no longer be hosting an intermediate JUS! plam time consumina with no real se~e of dinner party but an actual party. direction. The amo1111t ofthings that could go . .. . wrong can be endless, from burnt food, a host ~ere JS our rrum crash course on p~nmng a that is too busy flllllling aro1111d to be the perfect dnmer paJ!y. Get these baste essentJals do\1~1 host, and of course guest that ultinl3tely have pack and rt wrll be safe to say your guest \\~U nothing to say or anYthing to do. Not to fear , it think that you hired a professronal. all comes down to planning where by the end of the night your guest will be singing your D3llle With a pen and paper ask yourself? 1vith praises. 1. Are you planning a casual or formal party? Throughout the night it is important to remember 2. Be realistic with what is your budget? thM the night is supposed to be fun, and there is 3. How many guests will you be entertainnothing wrong with giving yourself a friendly ing? reminder ofjust why you are throwing this 2ath4. How '11111 you be sending out your ering of friends. Although true in theory, there in1itatious? are a lot of ways that friends can get together, but 5. What i)l>e of entertainment will you there is nothing as intinl3te where friends can be han? friends as a .eroup at the same tin1e. t1:-.J



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Whe er you are a fi!st-time host or a senai . Now that you have covered your bases you are hostest, there are qmte a few elements to keep m on the right track to having an easy sailing rni_nd when planning a successful dinner party. . party. Plan ahead, keep calm and most of all Wtth ru~y new venture th~e nught be some pamc enjoy the proc.ess. Even on a budget there are se~mg m, a notmally feehng oFcourse , your ways to be creative with your menu, so do not nund st~rts to wonder abou! what wrll you make? over spend thinking that the food will magically be better because it cost more. 1who will be on the ~est list? , and of course now will you pull it together.





=~H~E~A~LT~H~~~~~========~ here is nothine more devastatina to ~ an athlete who competes at the " professional or amateur level than D. being injured and sidelined for the 111: remainder of a season. No one knows this more than sophomore guard Kevin Ware of Lousiville who sustained a.compound fracture to his right leg on March 31, 2013 in the first half of the 2013 Ehte Eight game against Duke. N


soon from an injmy, or is an tmaggressive enough player.

We have come to see a massive change in the way athletes train, one of the main changes was the introduction to spotts speAt~letes constantly push their bodies to the linut in the cific training and conditioning wetght room; not JUSt to be faster and stroneer for an edge against their OPP.Onents. They see ~is as a way of regintens. An athletes edee is protecbon agamst.ant~JlllY that can der~il a season or a. 90 percent mental and 10-percareer but, the.mam flung to remember IS that yom body cent talent, once an athlete gets injured they risk the chance of can only sustam so mucli pressure. Once an athlete starts t? wony about gett~1g injured they begin to play losine that edge. The same edee that tliey once had is used tm~td, I? hopes ofprote~tmg themselves from injury. Tins nund state often anses when an athlete returns too against them now, and it becomes a psychological warfare to cripple them. One of the best ways to preven~ ~is fr?m gettmg out of hand IS hstenmg to thetr doctors, trainer and coaches and especially listenine to their bodies. Oakland Raidei'S head trainer Rod Martin once said "Athletes are extremely motivated people, and they know they must train properly to lower their chance for injmy."



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We have seen it cow1tless times where athletes who are at the top of their game, 20 through serious injuries and never regain their athleticism . Prime examples of injured athletes are Grant Hill, who suffered an ankle injmy after his sixth season in his NBA career, Anfernee "Pelllly" Hardaway of the Orland Magic 1997 suffered a left knee injwy , wh1ch hindered his path to greatness. Sports injuries come in different forn1s from a hieh ankle sprain to a tom ACL with recovery times ranging from a. few weeks to months leaving an athlete on the disabled list. Some of the NBA's top players have tom their ACLs and came back stron~er than ever. ( Chicago Bulls point euara Derrick Rose, suffered a left knee ACL tear an was set to miss 812months; Tin1berwolves point guard Ricky Rubio, suffered an ACLtear and his lateral collateral ligament defending Kobe B1yant: Denver fonvard AI Harrington ACL'tore side tracked the Indiana Pacers in 2002; and lets not forget about New York Nicks Baron Davis who ._______________ tore his ACL prior to coming into the NBAas a freshman at UCLA). When an athlete first gets injured many emotions begin to surface, as the fear of not being able to pe1f~Illl at !hell' top levellmeers 111 the back of !herr mmds. Many athletes fight through the lllJlllY for a greater eoo<l;bemg the best of the best secunne a place on the worlcf~tage; Dominique p awes-placed.4th in the.J992 Oly111pi~ trials to ~ spot on the Umtea States Oly111p1c team, she did all of tlus willie suffenng from tendimhs mboth ankles and Osgood - Schlatter disease; Tennis players like Rafael Nadal who havee suffered shoulder,groin an abdominal and knee injwies; Novak Djokovic who has suffered back, hip, shoulder and ankle injuries ; Serena WilliaiiiS whom has been faced with many injwies like the stomach muscle injwy in 2003 and her left knee injuries in 2004 and again at the Acura Classic in2010. FRONTPAGEMAGAZINE.CA I APRIL2013 43

One illing for sure is that goveming bodies frOm different sports orgaruza路 lions have made drastic changes to the way in which athletes eet the protection that they need. Let's take a look at the NFL where in 2010 were faced with roughly 154 concussions by the half way mark of the season, a number that increased by 21 percent from the prevwus year. Athletes who have suffered concussions

Athletes such as Troy Aikman, who lead the Dallas Cowboys to three Super Bowl victories in the 1990's suffered 10 concussions throughout his 12 seasons , Brett Favre of the Green Bay Packers who suffered a concussion in 2004, after takine a hit fi路om310- pound Gaints defensive tackle Williams Joseph, Also Concussions have kept Canadian All- Star Sidney Crosby, fonvard for the Pittsburgh Penguins out of20 games mthe 201 1-12 NHL season.

Prevention is the key, first off a solid warm-up~ogram, followed by sports specific 路c stretches and of course wearing e right gear. The main thing is to strengthen muscles, take breaks so that the body can repair itself on its O\W.


Top Right Model Karlie Kloss- dress by Michael Kors, Lower left; singer Asbnati • dress by Tony Ward Couture, Lower Ri2ht Esteele dress by Genele Brooks x Love collins

2013 Grammy Awards FRONTPAGEMAGAZINE.CA L".PRIL2013 47

TREND: BLACK AND WHITE Black and White paii1ngs are an ' It lok for spring路. Tilis year many top designer such as Marc Jacobs, Calvin Klein, Alexander Wang and Balenciaga and Givenchy, showcased black- andwhite looks from res01t and spring wear to magazine ready.










JAbove- Louisville players celebrate after winning the 2013 NCAA March Yladness Championships Below-The injured Kevin Ware got help to cut down the net after the backboard was lowered.


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e Fans of UCowl womeos baske!OOII sland along a ~route through~ as a double d«ker bus catl}'lOg the team mnl!S ro attend 1M rally celebranng.

fam•liar faces highliglu the 2013 Dl Women's Basketball Championship field a> Baylor, No~re Dame, Stanford and UConn each take No. 1 seeds again, after holding the >ame spots in 2012. Baylor team advances to the Sweet 16

It was Michigan State vs Maryland



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