2 minute read
i have a friend: steve & tim
take me out to the ball game
By Laurie Black

I recently had the pleasure of meeting with Steve D'Lugos and his friend, Tim, as they sat down to their weekly visit and card game.
Steve volunteers with Mental Health America of Fredericksburg ' s Senior Visitors Program. Steve was introduced to the Senior Visitors Program through his wife and daughter who also volunteer with the program. Steve began visiting with Tim last autumn.
Steve said of his volunteer service, "It's all about giving of yourself to another person. We all need "a buddy". It is nice to have someone to give time to and I have time to give. I get a lot of satisfaction out of volunteering. I learn a lot from Tim and Tim has a lot to share." Tim said of Steve,"He is the first real person I've met who treats people right. He is a good, generous person who tells the truth." Tim then joked, "That's why I haven't thrown him out yet."
"Tim has a great personality. He loves to joke and kid me," Steve replied. "He teases me that I cheat at cards, but really, I have to keep my eye on him."

Steve went on to say, "Tim is a veteran who served his country well and deserves the best. Tim is fun to spend time with and a pleasure to visit." As it turns out, both Tim and Steve are veterans. Tim served in the Army and Steve served in the Marines. Regarding their service in different military branches, there was some goodnatured teasing before they both assured me, "We don't let that bother us. We enjoy visiting and sharing our experiences [from our service]."
Tim and Steve meet weekly, usually playing a game of hearts. Occasionally they like to go for a drive. Once they went for a drive out to the Tappahannock area. They are hoping this spring to attend a baseball game.
Tim showed me his Fred Nats Game Schedule and explained, "I'm trying to walk more and prepare myself so Steve can take me to a game."
I hope these friends will soon get their day at the ballpark, and I hope they can continue to enjoy their card games and visits for a long time to come.
Laurie Black is the Senior Visitors Program Coordinator at Mental Health America of Fredericksburg.
If you know a senior who could benefit from having a weekly, friendly visit or if you would like to volunteer to visit a senior, call the Senior Visitors Program at (540) 371-2 2704 or visit our website at mhafred.org to download volunteer or senior applications. The Senior Visitors Program is a free community service program of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg.
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