Cover: “My Front Porch” By Paula Raudenbush contents 14BencloseupsCulwell provides good eats at maggie’s 25alicia austin costume designer 27 catherinerenownedhilliswatercolorist Porch talk 4 on the in fredericksburg Messages 5 really not goodbye 6Around Town: italian station at the museum: bomba in the square 7everything greens: love letter 8In the Garden: fall season begins 9growing & crawling:startling stinkhorn 10i have a friend: jade & gwen 11authentic self-care: medication 12tidbits...small bites of local news 13 season’s bounty: maine state of mind 15vino: food friendly wines 16-17Calendar of Events 18history’s stories: fxbg fair what’s in A tower? germania mill elevator 19History in our backyard: women in the path of war 20mental health: gun violence 21emancipated patients: indigent medicine 22 eat mindfully say goodbye to excess weight 23auto known better: karman ghia? 24art in the burg ...galleries in September 26 amelia carr & shelby press: outstanding educators 28companions: mosquitoes 29astrology & you poetryman: coastal imagery 30fredericksburg...Andsketches More! 3fxbg4ukraine:sister cities joint fundraiser 23stepva provides jared boxes for sick kids 31b101.5 care-a-thon 23 24 2 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg 14

OngoingSponsorsoutreach is being made to individuals and businesses in the community who would support the event as sponsors at one of four levels, whose generosity would greatly augment the support that is given to the people of Ukraine. Sponsors will be acknowledged at the reception and in publicity material.
Lisa Durham 's vast experience with fundraising events and community service has been an invaluable asset to the effort, as was the committed dedication of Doris Mullis In addition, Mats Jerndal of OddBox Studios and Robert Meunier of HiVibe Audio Productions
fxbg4ukraine a Sister cities fundraiser By collette caprara
As plans for the fund-raiser developed, the sister city folks enthusiastically took on tasks ranging from marketing and messaging and securing artists and performers to set-up and clean-up at the reception. Husband and wife teams of Chip and Kathryn Willis took on roles of Treasurer and Communications facilitator, and Lynn and Ernie Ackermann offered their experience with fundraising, auction coordination, and Internet and computer science.
Enthusiastic Volunteers
sponsorships will reach the people of Ukraine through three established nonprofits that have been serving effectively in the country: Doctors Without Borders, World Central Kitchen, and Save the Children Those wishing to serve as sponsors or volunteers should contact FXBG4Ukraine@gmail com "Friendship and compassion do not recognize miles or time zones. As always, our generous Fredericksburg community is reaching out to those in distress," said Mayor Greenlaw. "What we all witnessed at the beginning of this horrific war in the Ukraine and continue to see today has touched all of us," said Doris Mullis. "It is heart-wrenching to see the destruction, the heartache of people dying, and the displacement of families and mothers fleeing with their children to neighboring countries with nothing but the clothes on their backs, without knowing whether or not the country they have loved and lived in their whole lives will continue to exist."
"Every day we hear of the continued battle going on in Ukraine as they bravely fight off the aggression brought by Russia through no fault of their own. It stirs my compassion and admiration in equal measure. I'm happy to have an opportunity to help in some small way," said Lisa Durham. "I hope everyone will come and join us for a fun evening together as one community to help our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and show, once again, Fredericksburg's heart and generosity.
FXBG 4 UKRAINE Art Auction and Reception Artwork can be viewed and bids can be made from October 16 through October 23 4:00 pm http://www fxbg4ukraine org Reception: Sunday, October 23, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Reception tickets are $50 and can be purchased at http://www fxbg4ukraine org email fxbg4ukraine@gmail com front porch fredericksburg
"I was, of course, drawn by human empathy to the Ukrainians, but the need truly came home when I visited our sister city, Este, Italy, this April." said Kathryn Willis. "Este holds a large Flower Festival annually, and there was a Ukrainian family selling hanging baskets of flowers and geraniums ornamented with blue and yellow ribbons. This extended family had been uprooted from a village in eastern Ukraine, and were staying in a second home of an Este family in the mountains near Italy's Hungarian border. The family, slumped and preoccupied, seemed listless. But what truly moved me was a young teenage boy, his fresh face with tiny pimples and a wisp of fine beard. He sat in the back of the booth, with sagging shoulders, looking out with glazed eyes and an out-of-focus stare, and seemed so lost. It moved me to tears."
September 2022 3
Collette Caprara is a local writer and artist and, with her husband David is a founding member of the FredericksburgKathmandu sister city.
As news reports vividly described the horrific toll that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was taking on its citizens, members of Fredericksburg's four Sister City Associations felt called to do what they could to help. Representatives of cityto-city partnerships with Este, Italy, Schwetzingen, Germany, and Kathmandu, Nepal, readily responded when Craig Vasey, president of the Fréjus (France) Sister City proposed a collaborative fundraiser that would address the critical needs of the Ukrainian people for medical care, food, and children's welfare Art Auction and Reception Since June, sister-city representatives have met with Mayor Mary Katherine Greenlaw and special assistant Brenda Martin to develop a detailed plan for the benefit, which would include an online auction of artwork donated by a spectrum of Fredericksburg talented and compassionate artists. The auction would climax with a reception at the Fredericksburg Library, including a concert featuring local and Ukrainian musicians on Sunday, October 23 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The featured musicians at the reception will be Fredericksburg's beloved Harry Wilson and artist/musician Steve Kuzma whose parents were born in Ukraine and carried the lifelong trauma of the Russian occupation, which Steve says was palpable throughout his boyhood. His deep compassion for the people of Ukraine and commitment to address their plight motivated his creation of 75 paintings whose proceeds he dedicated to address their medical needs. One of these will be contributed to
flightsaysofauction-theFredericksburgtheimageadovewhichheconnotesatowardlight and peace and out of chaos. Tickets for the reception are $50, with all proceeds going to support the Ukrainian people. Online and early ticket purchase is encouraged, as the library's theater has a limited capacity of 300. The artists' works could be viewed throughout the preceding week and will conclude at 4:00 pm on the day of reception where winning bids will be announced and celebrated.
Craig's wife Wendy Vasey and fellow Liberty Town artist Betsy Glassie volunteered to contact artists who might donate one of their creations.

Before I called Fredericksburg my home, I worked in Richmond on a TV series called Swagger. Swagger was one of four major film and television productions in Virginia for 18 months; the others were The Walking Dead: World Beyond, Raymond and Ray, and Dopesick. According to the Virginia Film Office, the total direct spend of these productions, to the state and local economy, was $160 million. I was fortunate enough to witness the spend of these productions, as every day, the production team behind Swagger poured money into caterers, tent and generator rentals, and locations. I witnessed firsthand the economic impact of production in Virginia. When I arrived in Fredericksburg last year, I fell in love with the history and possibilities of this gorgeous city. As I began writing about local businesses, economic development, and upcoming events, I recognized the achievements of Fredericksburg, as well as its potential. Fredericksburg is a proud city. There is so much we can accomplish here, including establishing the city as a destination for film production. You heard me right: we can bring, and are bringing, film to Fredericksburg.Locations for productions are not only determined by which settings serve the best look. Locations are mainly determined by the financial incentives granted by each state Georgia for instance, offers approximately $800 million per year to production companies to shoot in the state. The economic impact from film production in Georgia has been up to $9.2 billion in a single year. Contrast the economic impact in Georgia with Virginia, whose impact in 2019 was $862 million. Does Virginia's economic impact seem low compared to Georgia's? It is low, as Virginia's film incentives are capped at $10.5 million. It has set our commonwealth behind in regard to the benefits, from an economic and tourism standpoint, compared to not just Georgia, but states such as New York ($420 million/year), Louisiana ($150 million/year), and North Carolina ($31/year). I have been a staunch proponent of raising the Virginia incentives, having met with countless state delegates to pass through legislation that will raise the cap. And while the cap for incentives has not been raised, I have received the support of many delegates who agree on this issue. How, though, does this involve our city of Fredericksburg? What does Fredericksburg have to do with film incentives? In May, I spoke before the E c o n o m i c D e v e l o p m e n t Authority (EDA) about the previously mentioned economic impact of four productions in Virginia: $160 million. If Fredericksburg had hosted 5% of that production, the local economy would have seen an impact of $8 million. That is my goal. I want to bring 5% of yearly Virginia production to our wonderful city. That is why, back in May, the EDA approved a Film Incentives Program that offers financial reimbursements to eligible productions that shoot, and spend money, in Fredericksburg.1Why did I launch this Film Incentives Program in Fredericksburg? Because I believe in this city. I believe that bringing film production here will stimulate our already growing economy, and support countless local businesses. If a production is in need of food options, so many of our delicious, renowned restaurants can cater for them. If a production needs lodging for cast and crew, our hotels can provide those rooms. Locations will be paid for their time and business, and permits will be bought. There are so many businesses that will benefit from film production in Fredericksburg, and I am excited for them to thrive.I also believe that Fredericksburg will benefit from Film Tourism Film Tourism occurs when people visit the locations of their favorite films and TV shows. For instance, if a film were to hypothetically shoot at Foode, perhaps people, while visiting Fredericksburg, will swing by to take photos after the film is released. Perhaps they will have lunch at Foode as well. Foode, in this scenario, has been directly impacted by Film Tourism. Many localities in Virginia have experienced 150% economic growth from Film Tourism alone. With potential from the Film Incentives Program, locations in Fredericksburg can experience this growth as well. In the past year, I have been thrilled to witness such vast economic expansion in Fredericksburg. I know that under the Film Incentives Program, Fredericksburg will grow even further in its economy and tourism. I cannot wait to see how we can bring film to Fredericksburg, and cannot wait to witness the impact it will bring to our beloved town.
4 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg ON THE PORCH fxbg destination for film production by ryan
Bill FreehlingDaniel
Black Dianne
Douberly Betty
Ryan J. CudahyJanet EmreyFrank Fratoe
That's a wrap! Front Porch cover-to-cover
Rita Sally Cooney
Ryan J. Cudahy
H. Gillison Ralph “Tuffy” Hicks Jon GerlachDavid C. Kennedy Jill LaiaconaAnne-Tilley Melson Ray MikulaVanessaLauraMoncureMoyer Pete MorelewiczPatrick Neustatter ML PowerGerri Reid Paula SuzanneRaudenbushCarrRossiRob Rudick Savannah Steblein Mandy Smith Tim TalbottAnne Timpano Christine ThompsonRim Vining Tina WillNorma Woodward Front Porch Fredericksburg is a free circulation magazine published monthly by Olde Towne Publishing Co. Virginia Bigenwald Grogan, Publisher. The mission of Front Porch Fredericksburg is to connect the diverse citizenry of Fredericksburg with lively features and informative columns of interest to our community’s greatest resource, its people. Messages from our readers are welcome. All article submissions must be received by e-mail by the 16th & calendar items the 19th of the month preceding publication. Writers / Artists / Photographers are welcome to request Guidelines and query the Publisher by e-mail. Front FredericksburgPorch PO Box Thewww.frontporchfredericksburg.comFredericksburg,9203VA22403AdSales:E-Mail:frntprch@aol.comWebSite:Facebook:@FrontPorchFredericksburgopinionsexpressedinFrontPorchFredericksburgarethoseofthecontributingwritersanddonotnecessarilyreflecttheopinionofFrontPorchFredericksburgoritsadvertisers.Copyright2022FrontPorchFredericksburgMagazineAllrightsreserved.
Amy BayneLaurie BachmanSonja Cramer
Cantu Collette CapraraTheresa
Ryan J. Cudahy is the Marketing Assistant for FXBG Dept of Economic Development & Tourism j. cudahy
Guest Porch Editorial Contributing Writers & Artists

By 9:15 in the morning, resident advisor Max Steinbaum had already introduced himself a few dozen times, greeting the first-year students moving into Randolph Hall, their parents and a few wide-eyed younger siblings.
Across campus at Westmoreland Hall, Jimetra and Sylvester Davis of Chesterfield kept their game faces as they saw off son Dorian. With Dorian's younger sister, Madison, they'd already unloaded and broken down a pile of boxes by about 10:30 a.m. They planned to stick around till afternoon, but they had no doubt their son was ready to take this step on his own.
Charlotte is a Mary Washington legacy - her grandmother Helen Callahan Hutter '67 had reminisced with her about listening to the Beatles on the radio and dancing with her roommates. Charlotte's mother, Margaret Niblett, predicted that her daughter would find similar joys in college life, since she's independent and excited to figure things out on her own.
The parental goodbyes were bound to come later in the day for new Randolph roommates Charlotte Niblett of Lynchburg and Caroline Jacobson of Lovettsville. Among other activities Wednesday were a resource fair, a first-in-family social, a first-letter campaign and the president's welcome. But for the moment, Charlotte and Caroline were focused on the practical, setting up beds and finding space for toiletries, clothes and that ubiquitous food of residence hall living, boxes of instant mac-'n'cheese. While the roommates unpacked and got to know each other, their parents helped as needed and coped as necessary.
Laura Moyer is the Editor of University Relations & Communications Photos by Suzanne Carr Rossi front porch
"I said, 'Let me get out of the way and let you all do your thing,' " he said. Besides, they can always call him. Or he can call them. It's not really goodbye.
Dorian comes to UMW with two years of college credit already, having completed a community college associate degree via a dual enrollment at his high school. He's excited about taking chemistry this fall. He played guard on his high school's state championship basketball team, and he plans to play at Mary Washington too. His parents know they'll come to plenty of his games. So no, it's not really goodbye.Back at Randolph Hall, it wasn't really goodbye for first-year student Alex Pineda Bautista , younger sibling Shroom Pineda-BBautista , and mother Sandra Bautista of Falls Church. That didn't mean this day was easy. The three shared hugs, laughter and encouragement, and Alex was in no rush to see them leave.
If a key lesson of college is efficiency, Max taught it by example on the University of Mary Washington's first move-in morning - giving directions, answering questions and offering friendly encouragement as needed, all without breaking a sweat. Wednesday's event was specifically for the more than 1,000 incoming students UMW welcomes this fall, including about 300 transfers; movein for other students continued through the move-in weekend in August Things went smoothly as carloads of families parked on the grass near the Randolph front door, unloaded bins and bags, then swept out of the way to make room for the next wave. Blue-shirted move-in helpers were there to lend muscle and knowhow.President Troy Paino and wife Kelly greeted new Eagles, starting at Randolph and moving on to Westmoreland, Willard and Virginia halls. It helped that August was on its best behavior, offering sunshine and 70s instead of the typical sweaty 90s.
Caroline's parents, Claudia and Jay Jacobson, were confident as well. She's the last of their three children to leave for college, and they're thrilled that she chose Mary Washington. The anticipation of Caroline's college departure was the focus of summer, the family said, but now the day was finally here. And it was all going to be just fine.
"She's going to want to stay around for a while," Alex said with a smile toward their mother, "so I'll let her."
fredericksburg September 2022 5
Benjamin Hamlett of Richmond, right, gets some bike help from dad Watt Hamlett on Ball Circle
Still, dad Clinton Jones of Stafford County was happy to stand in the shade for a few minutes after unloading a vanful of possessions for daughters Chloe and Paris. While the Jones sisters and their mom, Blythe, made beds and arranged belongings in the Willard Hall room, Clinton Jones reflected on the occasion.Chloe, a sophomore transferring to UMW after a year of community college, and Paris, a first-year, are best friends and good influences on each other. So Jones was not misty-eyed about their shared step toward independence and adulthood.
Kylie Mead of Toms Brook maneuvers a boxload of belongings into Virginia Hall
Really Not Goodbye umw students move-in by laura moyer
WhereGetsFredericksburgEngaged 1992-2022 606 Caroline373-7847Street Thank you for 30 magical years! We love you!

6 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg
Around Town italian station Italian Station Bakery and Cafe 620 Caroline Street
In the Square is a family-friendly event, and all are welcomed! Please wear comfortable shoes and be ready to move. Instruments are provided but feel free to bring drums, cuás (wooden sticks), and/or maracas. In the case of inclement weather, the program will be rescheduled to Sunday, September 25th.
Enjoy an authentic slice of Italy right on the corner of Caroline Street in the historic district of downtown Fredericksburg, Virginia. From the décor to the recipes Italian Station is entirely Italian!
The Fredericksburg Area Museum (FAM) in partnership with Semilla Cultural celebrates the start of Hispanic Heritage Month with Bomba In The Square. This program is an introduction to the traditional Afro-Puerto Rican dance and music style, bomba. Dating back to the seventeenth century, bomba is a percussion driven artform consisting of drums, maracas, and wooden sticks called cuás, for banging the sides of the drums. Dancers improvise movement that the lead drummer follows and interprets simultaneously as the drum beats.
Bomba In the Square will take place at the FAM in historic Market Square (907 Princess Anne Street) on Saturday, September 24th. This FREE event starts with a bomba class with live music from 4pm - 4:45pm and concludes with a 4:45pm-6pm bomba jam session where drum music will be played, and participants are encouraged to dance and Bombasing!
And of course "Pup Cups" (This is Spudzy's favorite stop when delivering Front Porch) Make it your to-go spot for breakfast, lunch, mid-day snacks and dinner.
Theresa Cramer is the Education and Public Programs Coordinator for FAM
Anita Crossfield, owner is a firm believer in community. She and her staff makes strangers feel like old friends. She participates in many local charities & community organizations She also was the center of the "Pay-it-forward" Movement spreading joy during the pandemic in 2021, facebook:italianstation
At The Museum bomba in the square
By theresa cramer
Friendly staff, nice atmosphere, and a good variety of tasty treats is their hallmark.!" Italian Station serves great coffee, flaky croissants, variety of Gelato flavors, unique desserts and sandwiches, and delicious desserts.

The other day I climbed into the rafters of our Green Shed looking for the first ripe Scuppernong Grapes of the season. And when I found and popped one into my mouth I felt its tart, golden hull split open and release the sweet flavors that swept me back to my first few weeks working at Downtown Greens. I reminisced upon snacking on these grapes as I met our garden neighbors at the Free Farm Stand I remembered playing with the neighborhood children and showing them where to pick more of these delicious little treasures. And now, a year into my time at Downtown Greens, not only have I taught these children, but they taught me. My mom says the first year at a job is largely orientation whereas the second year is where experience and skills align to make a real impact. I am about to start my second year teaching Garden Sprouts And as our education team prepares to start leading these in-person lessons, we are feeling more excited than anxious! When we started last winter, our garden was a mystery of potential. Now we know what to expect with microclimates, volunteer plants, pests, and beneficial crop placements. And through our knowledge and work throughout the past year, we will reap the Septemberbenefits. is something to behold. And September in our gardens is magic. Late summer/early fall flowers flood Downtown Greens' garden in rainbows and sweeps of color. Native blooms paint the garden in lovely contrast before the deep, autumnal reds, golds, and browns hit the spotlight in October. A year after first witnessing these blooms and their delightful parade into autumn, I'm still enraptured by their fall greetings and await the beauty of the seasons to come.
Savannah Steblein is the Education Coordinator and lover of all things related to both native plants and/or food at Downtown Greens. If you want to know more about youth programs at Downtown Greens, visit our website or email Savannah Hope we see you soon!
front porch fredericksburg September 2022 7
Mondays at 6pm, Upper Garden, Yoga in the Garden Wednesdays at 7pm, Upper Garden, Hip Hop Step Aerobics Sundays at 10:30am, [Upper Garden Story Time in the Garden Re-WWilding of Daffodil Hill: Thursday, September 8 from 3-66pm, Plant Removal Saturday, September 10 from 9am-nnoon, Plant Removal Thursday, September 15 from 3-66pm, Planting Saturday, September 17 from 9am-nnoon, Planting Saturday, September 24 from 1pm-22pm, Lion's Mane Mushroom Growing Class, $25 per kit anniversary love letter to downtown greens By Savannah steblein One VA22407
This month will be my one year anniversary since starting as Education Coordinator at Downtown Greens September heralds the end of the dog days of summer and the start of autumn campfires, cooler nights, and fall flowers blooming in abundance. And this new anniversary is another point to add to my long list of reasons why September is the best month of all.
Ever since I started my time with Downtown Greens in September, I have cataloged my time by the plants I harvested, the programs I started, and even the flowers that I admired. They have served as milestones marking different memories and seasons of my time here.
Where Customer Service and Title Insurance Become
540-907-0574 SUZY Please join with me and continue to support our Local FXBG small businesses in 2022 PlasteringDean’sServices Plaster, Stucco, Drywall, Art luckyluckydean@aol.com540.419.8878540.656.2399
Everything Greens an
12225 Amos Lane, Ste 204 Fredericksburg,

8 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg
September is the month for relief from summers blistering heat and heralds the new Fall season. Some of the earliest leaves, like those from the Black Gum Tree will start to change and many of the flowering plants are nearing their end. But our bee population still needs flowers for a food source. Fall flowers are not as numerous as Spring and Summer flowers but make sure you have them on hand for the pollina-tors.Ilove the beauty of Pineapple Sage Tall spires of small bright red trumpets are triggered to bloom by the autumnal equinox producing a bright show for the end of September and October. Tickseed Sun-FFlower, a self seeding annual, adorn the roadsides when the matching yellow school busses start ferrying our children to and from school. ( If you grab some seed heads from them in October and sprinkle the seed in an open garden space you can have some in your yard next fall). Some bulbs like Saffron Crocus or Colchicum will brighten a garden patch as well as Toad Lilly Japanese Anemone start their bloom period now as well as aster and Chrysanthemum. Annuals like Marigold and Zinnia can reach their peak bloom in fall. Cosmos , Thai Ginge r and Curcuma Ginger show off there fragrant flowers now as well.
For some indoor plants, this is also the time when equal days and nights make Poinsettias and Christmas Cactus begin the budding process for indoor winter splendor if kept in a room with only natural light. Our hummingbird population will hang around most of September until every one of their offspring have left on their migration. Then the last parent will leave. It's a little crazy that you would send your kids off on the biggest journey of their lives without you or a map, but they do it successfully each year. It's good to leave your feeders out for a couple weeks after they leave to provide for late travelers.On a different note, Guy Mussey, the extension agent in Stafford county, is retiring and we wish him well. His many years of experience and vast knowledge of plants and insects have been of great value to our community. He has trained most of the Master Gardeners in the Rappahannock area as well as Master Naturalist, Tree Stewards, and Lawn program workers. He has been there for support and answered so many of our questions about plants. His teaching style and wit made learning easy. He will truly be missed.Correspondingly, the Master Gardener training class, which usually begins in September, will not take place until a replacement agent can be found. Until then contact the help desk at VCEStafford helpdesk@gmail com or call (540)658-800 ext. 1056 and Lisa Ellis can help answer your questions on plants. You can also find some enlightening garden talks from Master Gardeners by check-ing out the calendar at next time, enjoy your Garden. RayMikula is a Master Gardener.He has several acres of garden space & has been gardening for 62 years. Before retiring Ray was a Earth Science & Astronomy Teacher
In the Garden fall season begins By ray mikula

front porch fredericksburg September 2022 9
With the rain and the heat, our mulched areas have been bursting with fungi! And while we delight in them all, the stinkhorn is the one that makes us giggle theTheremost.are many different types of stinkhorn but they all have one thing in common, their smell. Stinkhorns are often described as smelling like garbage, dog poop, or rotting flesh among other delightful things. The reason for the malodor is one of survival. Once flies get a whiff of what they perceive as an excellent meal, they flock to the stinkhorn and crawl all over it, consuming the fetid slime excreted by the mushroom and picking up spores as they do so. Once the fly has had its fill they take off, spreading the spores as they land thus promoting the formation of more stinkhorns.
Janet Douberly is an employee often described as smelling like garbage at Downtown Greens.
Growing & Crawling The Startling stinkhorn By janet douberly
Unlike many mushrooms, stinkhorns actually sprout from "eggs" that have formed underground If you were to find one of these eggs while digging in the garden and cut into it you would be treated to a sticky, goopy, foul smelling substance. What fun!As with all fungus, stinkhorns do serve an important purpose in our ecosystem by helping break down organic matter in the soil. If you are lucky enough to spot one of these putrid smelling and suggestive looking mushrooms, take pictures quickly! Stinkhorns do not last long and will quickly melt away within hours.

10 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg
As I meet with the volunteers and participants of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg's Senior Visitors Program, I always gain some new perspective or insight. I love learning about their experiences and hearing about how their friendship has a positive impact on their lives. I recently talked with volunteer, Jade and her friend, Gwen Though they have only been visiting with each other for a few months, they are already wonderful friends. Jade explained, "I was new to the area and wanted to get involved and give back. I thought volunteering would be a good way to get invested in the community. I found the Senior Visitors Program online and felt that volunteering with older adults would give me a chance to work with an age group I might not otherwise interact with."
The Senior Visitors Program is a free community service program of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg each other: jade & gwen
Gwen said of the program, "The Senior Visitors Program and Jade are a blessing. God put Jade and I together. She is younger than my grandchildren, but we have a great connection. We have found we have a lot in common. We laugh and talk. We both love the outdoors. With Jade I have been able to walk a little outside or sit on my deck. We both love butterflies. We also both love movie classics. Jade has a beautiful spirit. The more we get to know each other, the more I can see I am learning from her, and she learns from me."
Laurie Black is the Senior Visitors Program Coordinator at Mental Health America of Fredericksburg. If you know a senior who could benefit from having a weekly, friendly visit or if you would like to volunteer to visit a senior, call the Senior Visitors Program at (540) 371-22704 or visit our website at mhafred org to download volunteer or senior applications
By Laurie Black
Donate to a Cancer Organization Let’s Find a Cure!
"It has been great to be around someone at a different stage in life from me and who has a different perspective. I have learned so much from Gwen. On paper it may look like we have nothing in common, but we have a lot to offer each other. Gwen is great! She is funny and cheerful. We always have a good time together. We go on walks and sharememories and photos."
“I Have A Friend” learning from
Gwen laughed, "My grandson knows if it is Tuesday, Jade is visiting, and it is a good day!"
To potential community volunteers Jade said, "I would tell anyone thinking of volunteering - without hesitation, do it! When you volunteer, you feel more involved and part of the community. You can learn so much."
Gwen went on to say, "Older adults need people to interact with other than family. My family is good to me, but sometimes if I feel sad or lonely, it's nice to have a friend to talk to. That one-on-one friendship is a blessing. Having Jade in my life is so helpful. I tell other people about the Senior Visitors Program all the time. The Lord knows my heart and He knew I needed this program; I needed Jade. My grandson has even noticed the difference in me. He says I am more chatty and cheerful."

Bradbury provides psychiatric assessments and medication management services, so I wanted to get her perspective about the role of medication in mental health care. "All members of the mental health care team are extremely important," Bradbury emphasized. Taking medication is just one of many treatments that people with mental health challenges can try. When I asked about her view of psychiatric medication, she shared, "There are some conditions that you need medication for and there should be no stigma attached to it."
anne-Tillery Melson
There are many ways to treat mental health conditions and everyone's journey is unique. Most people benefit from a combination of treatments, such as therapy and medication. As we continue to destigmatize self-care and going to therapy, let us not exclude medication from theMconversation.HAfredmaintains an extensive list of local mental health providers that we call the HELPLINE. We keep track of the services offered in the area, insurances accepted, and new client availability. If you are looking for a local mental health provider or want to learn more about MHAfred's programs, call Mental Health America of Fredericksburg at (540) 3712704 or visit our website at
Starting medication doesn't mean you will be on it forever. Bradbury explains, "Some people need medication for a period of time and then their coping mechanisms take over and they no longer need the medication."
Yoga, journaling, and rest are all ways we can practice self-care. Going to therapy is a form of self-care. But how often do we think of taking medication as a way to care for ourselves?
is another story in a series in which I delve into what authentic self-care is by having conversations with local mental health professionals listed in Mental Health America of Fredericksburg's HELPLINE directory.
Authentic the medication conversation
One of several ways to take care of our mental health is taking medication to manage symptoms. Yet medication is often surrounded by stigma and doubt for those who have never used it. Those who take medication for mental health reasons are often familiar with how frustrating it can be to find the right type and dosageit is certainly not a one-size-fits-all situation.This
Recently I spoke with Marisa Bradbury, a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner listed in Mental Health America of Fredericksburg's HELPLINE directory. She practices at the new Ruther Glen location of Grace Health Services LLC You can learn more about their services at the same way I always do - by asking how she defines self-care. Bradbury believes that one must know their self before they can truly care for it. She said this often involves a challenging component: "Sometimes you have to be brutally honest with yourself about what you need and what you don't need, including people." Letting go of things and people that we once thought were good for us is difficult, but often necessary.
Anne-Tillery Melson is the Suicide Prevention Education Coordinator at Mental Health America of Fredericksburg Mental Health America of Fredericksburg (540) 371-22704 visit our Helpline website at mhafred org front porch fredericksburg
September 2022 11

In April, the back dining room of Brock's Riverside Grill was gorgeously renovated. Views of the river led to an uptick in business over the summer, and soon they will be hosting weddings in the back dining room. Now, Brock's is undergoing even more renovations, this time of their outdoor seating. Brock's is building a roof above one of their outdoor bars, as well as an outdoor veranda with a stunning riverside view. These outdoor projects are intended to provide guests with weather-proof options for events, including weddings and corporate gatherings; as well as beautiful outdoor seating. For guests who want to sit outside, the veranda will be ventilated with heat for the winter months. It will also have windows that can be opened, if guests would like a breeze as well. Veranda will be completed by the fall.
Bill Freehling, Fredericksburg's director of economic development and tourism bites of News
By Bill Freehling
Red Dragon Brewery was recently named one of the best breweries in Virginia by The brewery, which is at 1419 Princess Anne Street, placed 12th in the state. .In addition, Water's End Brewery and Strangeways Brewing recently received recognition through the Virginia Craft Beer Cup. Water's End, which recently opened a location at 525 Caroline Street in downtown Fredericksburg, won third place in the "Strong Ale" competition. Strangeways, which has a location at 350 Lansdowne Road in Fredericksburg, received first place in the "European Sour" category. Congrats to all three! Be sure to check them out, as well as the other wonderful breweries in the Fredericksburg Beer
Fredericksburg Breweries Racking Up Fredericksburg'sAccolades
Gemstone Celebrates 30th Aniversary
Littlepage Animal Hospital Now Open Littlepage Animal Hospital opened last week in a building near Sunken Well Tavern in Fredericksburg. The new veterinary clinic is at 712 Littlepage St.
Council Approves Sale of Visitor Center Building FXBG City Council approved the sale of the Visitor Center property, which will lead to the City opening a dynamic new Visitor Center at 601 Caroline Street (ExecutiveThePlaza).property at 706 Caroline Street and the adjacent parking lot will be sold to the Fredericksburg Economic Development Authority later this year. The City will lease it back for at least a year while it plans and builds out the new center on the first floor of the Executive Plaza. The EDA will evaluate what to do with the property after the Visitor Center and Department of Economic Development and Tourism relocate to Executive Plaza. (Rendering above) More Renovations Underway at Brock's Riverside Grill
Serving Up Local “Good” News For a Quarter Century Front Porch Fredericksburg WELCOME TO OUR GREAT OUTDOORS It’s Beautiful ~ Night and Day! until11amMon-Thurs11am-9pmFri&Sat11am-10pmSun-9pmBaropen2ameveryday Locally Owned Irish Pub and Restaurant 200 Hanover St. ~ 373-0738
Fredtoberfest Coming to Stadium 6 Bears & A Goat Brewing Company will host an authentic, Germanstyle Oktoberfest celebration at the Virginia Credit Union Stadium on Saturday, Oct.1.More than 5,000 people are expected to attend. Get your lederhosen and dirndls ready because Fredtoberfest will be a communityoriented event filled with great Virginia craft beer, delicious food, fun activities for all ages, and amazing music. Check out the details at
Since 1992 Gemstone Creations has been delighting FXBG with their gorgeous custom design jewelry, an elegant line of jewelry and repair work of all types. Stop by and wish owner Linda Happy Anniversary Artist Completes Mural At River Rock Artist Jennifer Manfre. recently completed a beautiful adventure-themed mural inside River Rock Outfitter. Images in the mural will inspire you to take advantage of adventure opportunities on both the Rapidan and Rappahannock rivers and remember many Fredericksburg natural resources
12 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg TidBits small

The Soup & Etc.Taco, 813 Caroline Fredericksburg,St.VAServingTraditionalMexican,Tex-MexFoodandSomethingMore!! The Sunken Well Tavern Eat Well Drink Well Live Well 720 sunkenwelltavern.comLittlepage540-370-0911
Have a hankering for some lobster rolls and blueberry muffins?When the weather here in Virginia is approaching three digits - along with an 85% + humidity percentage - I wish I could just click the heels of my LL Bean boat shoes and find myself on thewindy, rocky shoreline of the North Atlantic in beautiful Maine. Dotted along the roughly 228-mile coastline (along with 3500 miles of tidal coastline) are some 65 lighthouses - the history of Maine is inextricably entwined with the sea. Deep ports and a multitude of bays make commercial fishing and sea transportation out of Portland idealnaval and industrial shipbuilding is still a prime industry, along with paper and wood pulp products, food (the US number one producer of low-bbush blueberries)tourism and outdoor recreation help to drive the economy.The “Pine Tree State” is America’s least densely populated state east of the Mississippi River, with over 80% of its land forested or in unorganized territories.Its unique land formations of massive rock are glacial legacies - Acadia National Park near Bar Harbor is the state’s only national park, although there are many other state parks. And did I mention lobster rolls and blueberry muffins? The state is wellknown for its robust lobstering and groundfishing - besides blueberries, its major agricultural products are potatoes, maple syrup and maple sugar, apples, eggs and dairy products. Maine’s first colony was formed in 1607 by the Plymouth Colony at Popham Colony, the same year that Jamestown, Virginia was settled, although they left after fourteen lean months. We spent a refreshing and humidity-free (although if not sitting in a brisk breeze, the mosquitoes would attack) week at Prout’s Neck, a coastal peninsula located within Scarborough in southern Maine. Known as the home and studio location of artist Winslow Homer, it is within easy driving distance to Kennebunkport , Portland , and the amazing Monhegan Island, a ferry ride away to incredible cliff walks, an active artists’ colony and a walk back in time, where there are only fifty year-round inhabitants, including seven students in the K-8 grade one-room schoolhouse. I did come home with a supply of blueberries, maple sugar and an urge to make Maine an annual
Lobster rolls are the simplest and most delicious way (I think) to enjoy fresh lobster. The price per roll is usually determined by “Market Price” on local menus and signboards for restaurants. They seem to taste even better when purchased at a walk-up lobster shack - and this summer I had the most delicious bowl of lobster bisque I’d ever tasted, I think because of its freshness and simplicityjust butter, milk, cream, lobster, salt, white pepper and paprika. No thickener, no preservatives.Boilone lobster per personremove the tail and claw meat - arrange on a that is split open on top.Squirt about a tablespoon of mayonnaise onto one end of the bun (homemade is best! But Hellman’s comes in second), then sprinkle with paprika. That’s it. If you mix the mayonnaise with the lobster meat ahead of time, it will draw moisture from the lobster and make it a bit watery (think some tuna or chicken salads).The best side order to a lobster roll is a large order of fried belly clams and some french fries. Then add a slice of fresh butter-and-lard crust strawberry-rhubarb pie.Or maybe a scoop of fresh-made Maine ice cream from a roadside dairy stand.And that’s a Maine state of mind!
Mix together 2 ½ cups flour (half regular flour, half cake flour for lighter muffins, reserving a tablespoon to toss with the blueberries), dash of salt, 1/3cup sugar, 2 ½ teaspoons baking powder and ½ teaspoon baking soda. Set aside. Mix together one-half cup melted butter plus two tablespoons canola oil, two beaten eggs and one cup of whole-milk buttermilk (low- or nonfat are easier to find, but the whole milk is so much better!).
Vanessa serves up yummy recipes from all kinds of places & for all seasons
front porch fredericksburg September 2022 13
Preheat oven to 400F and either grease muffin tins or line with paper liners. Mix 1 ½ - 2 cups fresh blueberries with the reserved flour. Turn the wet ingredients into the dry, and stir only until combined, then fold in the blueberries. (½ teaspoon of vanilla can be added if desired). Spoon 2/3 full into cupcake tins, then sprinkle with coarse sanding sugar if desired, or add a streusel topping.Bake20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Serve hot, with plenty of butter or (even better) fresh maple syrup.
S e a s o n ’ s B o u n t y A maine state of mind vanessa moncure

The menu is extensive as far as sandwiches go, a little bit of everything you can combine on a panini or a sub. They have a fun list of specialty sandwiches that all have names with specific meanings. I tried the Bromo which was named after a Bromo Seltzer bottle they discovered while excavating the concrete in the back garden. The sandwich was a hearty amount of London Broil on a kaiser roll with a Tiger sauce and condiments that could fill any meat lover's cravings. I also tried the Lobster Bisque which was as good as anywhere I have tried it in the past. My friend who stays away from the meats tried the Caprese Panini made with mozzarella, tomato and basil that is grown in the outdoor garden. She was thrilled with the different choices for vegetarian options. I wanted to try Maggie's Baklava, but I was quite full from my choices. I'll be sure to get some next time. Check their website or just stop in for a satisfying lunch!
One of the most recent additions to Frederickburg's food scene is Maggie's, a sub and sandwich shop located at 820 Caroline Street. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Ben Culwell who co-owns the shop with his father Matthew They opened just before New Year's and proceeded to dazzle us with the work they have done on the space, as well as, and not secondary, to this, the extensive list of great sandwiches. The shop is named after Ben's mom who does most of the baking and homemade recipes that were passed down through the generations. Ben is a self taught entrepreneur who has worked different related jobs downtown. One job as a bartender, where he learned about the brewing process enabling him to create the home made Root Beer and Creme Soda that they offer. He spoke highly of his staff which he has maintained since they opened. The shop is designed with a vintage feel that the family created virtually from scratch. Some of the wood walls are remnants of the prior owners but the rest they built themselves from the wood floors to the cement work in the outdoor patio area. The walls are covered with memorabilia, of both local and family history. Matt is a retired Army vet, and there are many items that reflect his time in the service. Both father and son consider themselves history buffs which is reflected in the myriad of prints and photographs displayed throughout the eatery. Much of the decor is explained on the website.There are only a couple of tables inside, as they are focusing on downtown folks who need to grab a little sustenance and head back to work. They are fast and efficient, and oh, so delicious! There is an outdoor space which will be a pleasure to enjoy once this little heat wave passes. For us who live outside the area, it's easy to order online, run in and pick the food up on our way home from work, or when we really don't feel like the old cooking routine.
14 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg Olde Towne Butcher 401 William St - Fredericksburg 540-370-4105 - Traditional Butchery - Fresh Perspective Clean, local, sustainable, humane foods prepared fresh. Better for you and your family, better for our planet, better for local economy, better food! Our Store is Open 320 Emancipation Hwy Open every Sat 7am-22pm Rain/Shine @Hurkamp Park masks & gloves recommended
Maggie’s by Mary Lynn powers
Mary Lynn enjoys meeting and writing about interesting people in the 'burg. Maggie’s Sub & Sandwich Shop 820 Caroline Street maggiesubs com; facebook@maggiesubs va

GreatestTown’sTour 35 Monuments, Markers, & Shop Local Welcome to Downtown Fredericksburg’s Main Street District Join Us on the Rooftop for Chill VIbes, Tasty Eats, & Cold Drinks 314 William 540-373-8300 ~540-373-8300 ~ 620 Caroline St. FXBG, VA620 Caroline St. FXBG, VA Join Us for Breakfast Now Serving Lunch $6 11amLunchWeekdaySpecials-2pmDaily
2021 Selva Sangiovese Bianco, which is a white wine made from 100 percent Sangiovese. This wine has aromas and flavors of rose petals, grapefruit, and citrus zest.
What makes a wine "foodfriendly"? According to Dave McIntyre of the Washington Post, in his article titled "What does it mean for a wine to be 'food-friendly'?Here's what to look for.", Dave states "A truly food-friendly wine plays nicely with a wide variety of foods, from sweet to savory to spicy, from meat to fish to veggies - not a unicorn wine for a 'perfect pairing' with a specific dish."
Dave directly notes that rosé, riesling, pinot noir, and barbera fit the category for having high acidity levels that make the wine versatile with food. McIntyre's second factor that makes wine pair with food is bubbles. "go for bubbles, the second characteristic that defines food-friendly wines. As I'm fond of saying, bubbles go with everything. The effervescence of a sparkling wine effectively scrubs your mouth and readies you for the next bite of food or sip of wine. Sparkling wines also tend to be refreshingly acidic. We do ourselves an injustice by relegating champagne and other bubblies, such as Italian prosecco or Spanish cava, to celebratory toasts or pre-meal aperitifs."
City Vino is located at 810 Caroline St. You can find owner Rita Allan on-site to provide answers toall your wine questions. porch fredericksburg food friendly wine by Rita Allan
Personally, I recently enjoyed a lovely steak with a glass of Louis Roederer champagne, and they were perfect partners for my palate. Matt Stamp, a Master Sommelier, is quoted in McIntyre's article saying "Food-friendly wines are those that don't bulldoze the food. They tend to be thirstquenching, and they drive with acidity-a refreshing quality and brightnessinstead of the weight and heat of alcohol. They can work well with a broad range of dishes, because acid in wine gives life to the palate, much like a spritz of lemon gives life to a dish."
September 2022 15 Vino
2021 Delea Marengo Bianco , from Ticino, in Switzerland. The wine is 60 percent Chasselas, blended with 40 percent Merlot. It has aromas and flavors of white blossoms, mango, red cherries, and lemon.
The Enofylz Wine Blog, in their article "What Are The Most Food Friendly Wines?", author Martin Redmond states that he considers food-friendly wines to have the following characteristics, "1) Palate-cleansing acidity, 2) Lots of fruitiness with low tannins, and 3) Balanced components (i.e. fruit, acidity, and tannins)." Redmond suggests wines like beaujolais, riesling, rosé, and sparkling wines, among others, for their foodfriendly characteristics.CityVino'sfood-friendly wines:
2021 Casale del Giglio Viognier, from the Lazio region in Italy, and is 100 percent Viognier. Yes, this is a Viognier from Italy, not France or Virginia. Who knew? This wine has aromas of apricots, grapefruit zest, white flowers, honeysuckle, and chamomile.
Cheers to food-friendly wines!
McIntyre points out that "Two factors make wines versatile with food. The first is acidity A wine with pronounced acidity (which is different from wine being sour) will cleanse your palate and leave you wanting more. A tart yet fruity rosé will cut through garlicky, briny and spicy dishes with equal aplomb."
2021 Azienda Agricola 499 Grela Freisa, from the Piedmont, in Italy, and is 100 percent Freisa. The grape is a relative of Nebbiolo, and has notes of bright strawberry, tart cherry, spice, and earth.

Interested in Germanna? Tour the center, get your questions answered, and all Germanna has to offer , 10000 Germanna Point Dr
Wednesday September 7 Spotsy Regional Medical Center Farmers Market, 2-6p, FCCA Lecture Series: Toulouse-Lautrec, 7-9p, 813 Sophia St
you b vendors. Check
Farmers Market,
Live Music Shree & James @Highmark
Wednesday September 14 Mother Goose Time, Specially train activities that lay the foundation yo Ages 2 and under with a caregiver Cuiisine by Gene Launch Party guest which includes dessert. The theme Turf" , Hat Gallery & Lounge, 1409 Live Music Chromatic Static@Cour Caroline ST
Army Women's Aux featuring FXBG
Live Music the
Electric Slide
FCCA Lecture Series: Vincent Van Go Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm Friday September 16 Join us at Highmark Brewery 5- 10 Foundation for Suicide Prevention 3
Sunday September 11 Grandparent Day.. Sunken Well Tavern Sunday Brunch, 720 Littlepage til 1p Sunday Brunch @ Billiken's Smokehouse @The Chimneys, 623 Caroline Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm Downtown Greens Join us in the upper garden for…Storytime in the Garden - 10:30am; Monday September 12 Possum Storytime, Awesome Possum-bilities fun storytime, animal experience and craft , 10-11a, 211 William St
Farmers Market 9am-1pm
Live Music @Adventure Brewing,
Rd 32nd Annual Music by Moonlight Concert co-sponsored
Come and get
First Friday September 2 "Autumn Inspiration", All Member Show, Brush Strokes Gallery, 824 Caroline St, Opening Reception, 5-9p "Spaces & Places" & "Northern Neck Artists" in Memb er Gallery, FCCA, 813 Sophia St "Virginia On My Mind", collection of new works by Judy Green, Opening Reception 6-9p, 824 Caroline St "Second Chances", works by Patrick Andrews, Artful Dimensions, 922 Caroline Street, opening reception, 6-9p Self- Care & Wellness Open House , DermaEnVie,Learn how massage, yoga, facials, and food can help heal, de-stress, and recharge your mind and body. 600 Caroline St Live Music @Adventure Brewing North, 3 Exits to Memohis, 6-9p
Saturday September 3 Art in the Park At the Fredericksburg Farmers Market 9am - 1pm Hurkamp Park Free Admission Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2p, T Bowling Green Farmers Market 9am-1pm 211 N Main St. Spotsy Farmers Market season: 8am - 1pm 12150 Gordon Rd Busy Bee Comedy Show, Haley's Honey Meadery, , food, drinks & laughs, 7:30-9p, 1600 Princess Anne Live Music the Phenomenal Conundrum @Adventure Brewing North, 7p Come try our boozy cupcakes paired with different meads for a fun Saturday afternoon!! 12-2p, Haley's Honey Meadery, 1600 Princess Anne History at Sunset, Tunes of the Civil War vocalists and string musicians as they perform and share stories about popular Civil War period. Park at the FXBG Battlefield Visitor Center. 1013 Lafayette Bvd, 6:30p Sunday September 4 Sunken Well Tavern Sunday Brunch, 720 Littlepage til 1p Sunday Brunch @ Billiken's Smokehouse @The Chimneys, 623 Caroline Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm Downtown Greens upper garden for…Storytime 10:30am; Annual Community Fireworks Celebration 5:30PM live band, food trucks, games. Salem Chursh Fields Center, 11120 Gordon Rd
Friday September 9 Works ny Marcia Chaves & "Art for Your Bathroom" Exhibit, Artist Alliance, Opening 5-9p, 100 Taylor St, Colonial Beach FXBG Ducks Unlimited Crab & Beef Feast, FXBG Fairgrounds, 3p Soggy Dog Swim, When dogs rule the Doris E. Buffett Pool! Open to dogs 12 weeks and older , 12-8p, 1300 Dixon St Phenomenal Conundrum The Colonial Tavern 7-10p , 406 Lafayette Blvd Brewery, 10p, 390 Kings Hwy September 10 Hurkamp Park,7a-2p, Green 211 N Main St. Gordon by the Salvation Big Band 7 p.m. at Hurkamp Park Marc Allfred, 6-9p Live Music @Adventure Brewing Eagle Village, Suzie & Stephen, 7-9p
!? live @
, local vndors &
The Fredericksburg Area Museum (FAM)and Semilla Cultural celebrates the start of Hispanic Heritage Month with Bomba In The Square , 46p,Market Square
Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm 720 Littlepage Monday September 5 Labor Day
Saturday September 17th Art in the Park At the FXBG Farmers Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2 Bowling Green Farmers Market 9am Spotsy Farmers Market Gord Riverfest Annual Friends of Rappahh City Dock and the adjacent Riverfro Music: Moch Pryderi,Red Dragon music and pub songs. Sip & Shop Experience, Fred Expo Ce 7th Annual Oktoberfest, Adventur trucks of Cider Cider Rappahannock Model 406 Hudgins Rd #H, 10a-4p Starting with a 9:30 A Brock's Riverside Grill, join other morning power walk through downt Movie on the Lawn 1776 on the law 1776, starring William Daniels. This American.Revolution, 3:30-5:30p 12 Fall Thrift World Expo, Grab a drink friends and family as out the high waisted Expo 10a-6p
16 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg september 2022...Let the Fall Begin! 540~479~4116 1013 Princess Anne St , FXBG Become a Friend Advocate ~ Donate ~ Volunteer CALEND
Thurday September 8 Food Co-Op Book Group reading American Fire: Love, Arson, and Life in a Vanishing Land by Monica Hesse 1-2p 320 Emancipation Hwy
course BE Sample Hard
Spotsy Farmers Market 12150
Railroaders Fa layouts,

814 Sophia St Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm Match wits with the 'Burgs finest minds. Prize! 720 Littlepage Thursday September 29 The Original Sewing & Quilt Expo,3 full days of ALL things sewing, quilting, machine embroidery and more! Enjoy classes from our expert instructors from around the industry, shopping from your favorite vendors FXBG Expo Center 10a If you are reading this 302nd issue of FPF, thank an advertiser as we begin our 26th year of continuous publication! List your events email frntprch@aol com: subject Calendar Deadline for October 2022 issue is September 19th front porch fredericksburg September 2022 17 DAR of events Helping Caroline,Fredericksburg,childrenhomelessandfamiliesinCityofCountiesofStafford&Spotsylvania5403710831Open every Sat 7a-22p Rain/Shine @Hurkamp ParkFB FABeerTrail@
Live Music @Adventure Brewiing North, Radar Theory, 7-9p Live Music @Adventure Brewing Eagle Village, Shree, 7-9p Sunday September 25 Sunken Well Tavern Sunday Brunch, Dine-In, Take-Out, & Delivery. 720 Littlepage til 1p Sunday Brunch @ Billiken's Smokehouse @The Chimneys, 623 Caroline BluegrassST on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm Downtown Greens Join us in the upper garden for…Storytime in the Garden - 10:30am; Wednesday September 28 Fredericksburg Center for Creative Arts Lecture Series: Picasso, 7-9p,
CRRL FXBG Branch, 9:30-9:45a ts will be servered a 3 course tasting of this dinner is "Elavated Surf and vPrincess Anne 6-8:30p rtyard Mariott Atrium, 6-9p, 620 ogh, 7-9p, 813 Sophia St m 720 Littlepage 0PM. We'll be tabling with American 390 Kings Hwy s Market 9a-1pm Hurkamp Park m-1pm2p, 211 N Main St. don hannockRd annual Crabfest 3 - 7 pm at ont Property at 133 Sophia Street. Brewery favorite traditional Irish your Éirinn go Brách 5- 7pm enter, 9-4p (see coupon in this issue) re Brewing North, live music, food ER.Festival,12n-10pFCBG Fairgrounds, 11-4P all Open House, see trains & various AMp registration in the parking lot of walkers for a leisurely stroll or a town Fredericksburg 9:30a-12noon wn at Historic Kenmore as we screen s movie musical is a retelling of the 201 Washington Ave, k and shop down memory lane with rowse through the racks of 100+ jeans your mom used to wear FXBG Knights of Pythias car show Fredericksburg Lodge 22 to raise Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention , 1-7p, 330 Wallace Lane History at Sunset Guinea Station During the Civil War Uncover the full story of Guinea Station early development, connections to the railroad and the Chandler plantation, role in an 1864 cavalry skirmish, and its use in transporting U.S. prisoners of war. Meet at the Stonewall Jackson Death Site, 12019 Stonewall Jackson Road, Woodford. 6:30p Sunday September 18 Sip & Shop Experience, Fred Expo Center, 10-3p (coupon in this issue)
ed staff present stories, songs, and our child needs to get ready to read.
Thursday September 22 First Day of Autumn Italian Station Paint Night w/ Art by Meech, a relaxing evening painting pictures with coffee and treats. 6p, 622 Caroline St Live Music: FXBG Blues Society Jam, Colonial Tavern, 7p 406 Lafatte Blvd
Friday September 23 "Whiskey Business" Gwyneth's Gift Foundation's annual fundraiser. includes premium whiskeys available for tastings The Silk Mill, 1707 Princess Anne , 7-10p 63rd , Coin, Currency & Stamp Show, hosted by the VA Numismatic Association, FXBG Expo Center , 10a Live Music @Advneture Brewing North, Will DaBaldo, 7-9p Saturday September 24 Farmers Market, Hurkamp Park,7a-2p, Bowling Green Farmers Market 9am-1pm 211 N Main St. Spotsy Farmers Market 12150 Gordon Rd disAbility Resource Center Fall Festival, games, music, food & family fun, FXBG Fairgrounds, 11a-6p 7th annual 65 Roses Car, Truck, Bike Show, Spotswood Baptist Church, Learn9a-3p with Me Day: A Bird's Eye View of the 18th. Century, What was life like in the 18th century? What clothes would people have worn? What foods did they eat? Were there chores for children? Learn the answers to these questions and more, Kenmore, 1201 Washiington Ave, 9a-3:30p Everything but the Garage Sale, Where else can you shop hundreds of garage sales all under ine roof? FXBG Expo Canter 8a-4p 40th Anniversary Open House, FXBG Regional Food Bank, 10a-3p, 3631 Lee Hill Dr.
Wednesday September 21 Myth of the Nice Girl, Book discussion of Frn Hauser's award winning book on Women's Career Success. Cooper Branch CRRL, 6:30-7:30p FCCA Lecture Series: Andrew & James Wyeth, 7-9p, 813 Sophia Sr Trivia Night, Sunken Well at 6:30pm M720 Littlepage Downtown Greens Hip Hop Step Aerobics 7pm No sign-up required!
Sunken Well Tavern Sunday Brunch, 720 Littlepage til 1p Sunday Brunch @ Billiken's Smokehouse @The Chimneys, 623 Caroline Bluegrass on the Patio, Sunken Well Tavern 6-8pm Downtown Greens upper garden Storytime in the Garden - 10:30am; Latin American Festival, DJ Ellie Jay, food trucks, 11a-4p, FXBG Fairgrounds

By Ralph
The Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair was originally established to be held twice a year for the sale of all kinds of merchandise and livestock. The original site was chosen near the river above Old Mill Park in the area of Woodford Street and Hanson Avenue. There was plenty entertainment with performers coming from Williamsburg. Fredericksburg was famous for Horse Racing during the Colonial period and there was a track at the Fair where racing and betting was very popular. During the 1880's the there were very few fairs organized and it did not pick up until the early 1900's with the large attendance at circuses and the popularity of the hot air balloons. The fair struggled thru the 1920's and the Depression, thru the war years until 1948, when a group of farmers with help from the local Jaycees started the operation with a large tent. It was. In 1954 Gene Rowell took over the job as President of the Fair a job that would last for the next 47 years in which he attended fifty-two fairs the Commercial Building is dedicated to his memory. Writing about the Fair is difficult because so many people are important to its operation. Kay Jenks Davies along with Mary Carson started the Miss Fredericksburg Beauty pageant, which has always been a highlight of the Fair. The 2010 Miss Fredericksburg Fair Caressa Cameron was also Miss America 2010.
Dedicated to:Ronnie Herndon, Ernest Brooks, Margie Sullivan, Jack Willis, Doris Cooper, & Sully Sullivan Tuffy is Front Porch’s Resident Historian
“Tuffy” Hicks What’s in A Tower? Germania Mills Elevator By jon gerlach
18 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg storieshistory’s “ T H E F A I R ”
An attorney and retired archaeologist, Jon Gerlach serves on Fredericksburg's City Council, Ward Two. Photo by Jon Gerlach My longtime friend John Wayne Edwards recently reminded me that "THE FAIR" was special this year. I knew that Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair is the oldest in the nation having been established in 1738 by the Virginia House of Burgess, which makes this its 284th year in existence with a few breaks in the 1880's and 1920,'s .It struggled along until the 1940's when it began to build into the major event it is today. John Wayne went on to tell me that the big attraction "SHOWWISE" was the Steve Jarrell Band Steve Jarrell celebrated 60 years playing music at "THE FAIR". Jonny "Glitter" Edwars (stage name) along with several other musicians such as Rob Spratt, Hal Rivercomb, Leon Frazier, Tom Waite, Mack Marshall, Susan Branum, Pat Moore, Gary Ferguson, Tina Fortunate, Rick Mason, Mike Shiflett and Carey Leitch and others played with him on August 6. It was a wonderful event to have seen so many old friends. It was 1962 when Steve first played music at the fair. Stephanie Pollard (Hicks) was crowned Miss Fredericksburg Fair My mother always liked the fair because of the HOMEMAKING entries. There is always contest in making canned goods, crafts, baked goods etc. The younger children enjoy the many different rides and of course the ice cream, candy apples and cotton candy. Many different organizations have displays of items they sell or build and services they offer. The livestock is a favorite of many families are all the animals on exhibit.
It all goes back to the river. For many years the Rappahannock River was the sole source of water supply for powering the energy needs of local industries in Fredericksburg.River water was diverted into a canal system that ran through town. Gristmills located along its way were among the earliest industries to get a firm foothold in the area. By the mid 1800s, mechanized agriculture began to appear, which tremendously increased the productivity of local farms and led to a new "cash crop" on the impressive scale of mass production. This led to extensive modernization of the gristmill industry in Fredericksburg, which continued in operation through the early 1900s. One interesting survivor of the gristmill era still stands like a lone sentinel, proud and tall, along Caroline Street near Old Mill Park. It's the Germania Mills Grain Elevator (pictured). Its purpose was rather simple: to store grains. Local farmers would haul their produce here by horse and wagon. Grain was offloaded and lifted into the grain elevator where it would reside until being processed in the adjacent Germania Mills. Germania Mills was a grist mill for grinding wheat and corn, which produced flour, meal and livestock feed, which in turn was sold on the wholesale and retail market, both locally and afar. Shipped in wooden barrels or cloth bags, the Fredericksburg product ended up being sold not only locally, but also to endusers in South America, New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia. J.H. Myer and F. Brulle owned and operated the mill, starting in the mid 1800s. A fire in 1876 largely destroyed the mill, but it was rebuilt as a four-story brick structure. A metal roof was added for more fire protection. Rebuilt, the mill used eight mill stones that were turned by three water-driven turbines power by the canal water, producing around 50 horsepower. Running at full capacity, each day the mill could produce a lot of flour (150 barrels) and meal (200 bushels). Within a few years, a new roller system replaced the mills stones. The Germania Mills Grain Elevator was built of reinforced concrete in 1917. Up to 45,000 bushels of grain could fit inside. It's working life was rather short, however, as the mill ceased operating a few years later. Why concreate? This was typical for the times: concrete buildings resisted fire, and eventually replaced old wood grain elevators that were prone to burning down. Early in the 20th Century, mills started to rely less on water power and more on electricity. This allowed industries to be located anywhere electric lines could be strung, which in turn caused the eventual demise of water-powered mills in Fredericksburg. Shortly after 1910, water from the canal was diverted to the Embry Power Station which generated electricity for all of Fredericksburg (see last month's article "What's in a RemnantsLight").of the canal still exist today. Countless walkers, joggers and bicyclists trace its lovely route along the Canal Path Trail. None of the gristmills are standing today, but the stone ruins of the original Germania Mills complex can still be seen where the Heritage Trail drops down from Princess Anne Street to Caroline Street. Check out this great writeup about the mill industry in asites-and-water-power/…what'sinaTower?Here…lonesentinelofabygoneera.
The Homemaking exhibits was started in the 1950's with Kathleen Howard and Elinor Dickinson with help from Shirley Boggs Richard Limerick who the Homemaker's Building is named after worked with DuVal Dickinson for over 40 years at the Thefair.Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair is an example of the entire region working together to create an event for everyone. In closing I will mention a few names of those passed that were important to the organization: Butch Wimmer, Bill Orrock, W Wilkinson Russ Noland, Jimmy Pates Tommy Goodloe, Kathleen Goodloe, Bill Ramey, L Garrett, Lucy Samuel, Sam Gaggett, Eleanor Deichman and Togo Graves

The Central Rappahannock Heritage Center is a non-profit, all-volunteer archives whose mission is to preserve historically valuable material ofthe region and make it available to the public for research 900 Barton St #111, Fredericksburg, VA of documents and photographs
Civil War battles had little regard for where they occurred. Places of peace and tranquility only days before almost instantly became the scenes of devastation, carnage, and suffering. Military necessity ruled the day, all other considerations came after. In the battles that occurred in Spotsylvania County in 1862, 1863, and 1864, civilian women often got caught up in the tide of fighting.
By tim talbott
On May 7, 1864, the scene of battle shifted from the Wilderness to Spotsylvania Court House. The Couse sisters and Laurel Hill were soon overrun with soldiers from the nearby fights at Todd's Tavern on May 7, and the extended fighting around Spotsylvania Court House, which began in earnest on May 8. Kate Couse recorded some of the sisters' tumultuous happenings. On May, 7 Kate wrote, "Calmer this morning, we are choked with smoke-from camp fires-and woods fires." Much of the blazing fuel came their farm's fence rails. Still as battle raged she noted, "It is soul sickening to listen to the continual crack of small arms, then the loud resounding cannon, shell whizzing balls whistling, soldiers yelling and hollowing as they rush on
fredericksburg September 2022 19
On May 12, Kate wrote, "Oh! God there is now the most murderous battle raging. The continuous roar of cannons and the still more terrific musketry sounds awful indeed." To her it felt as if "the very earth was breaking up. . . ."
The Fifth Corps hospital at Laurel Hill by Edwin Forbes Kate Couse recorded that Forbes ate dinner at her house on May 12, the date of this image
Another daughter, Ann, who lived at Laurel Hill during the Civil War does not appear on the census. Their real estate was valued at $12,000, a substantial sum. When the tensions of sectionalism tore the country in two, their unionism set them apart from most of their Spotsylvania County neighbors. Elizabeth Couse died in 1861, and Peter's unionist sympathies led to his arrest by Confederate authorities in 1862. By the spring of 1864, only three Couse sisters still lived at Laurel Hill: Kate, Ann, and Sarah. Being known unionists kept the sisters somewhat isolated, and thus vulnerable to theft. In the spring of 1864, Kate wrote: "We raised sweet potatoes and watermelons but enjoyed none of the benefits. They disappeared soon as fit for use. This winter some hungry rogues stole part of our small supply of meat out of the cellar. . .”
Kate mentions the wounded: "the poor wounded heroes are now coming in ambulances, they stand with stretchers ready to remove them to the tents, on the amputation tables. I can see them laying stretched out ready to be operated on." She also commented seeing sketch artist Edwin Forbes from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. Forbes captured the Couse farm in a sketch as it served as the Army of the Potomac's Fifth Corps hospital.Ifdoctors needed doors and barrels to create improvised operating tables, they did not ask, they just took them. If boards from the family sawmill and sidings of buildings were needed to build coffins, they just pulled them off and nailed them together. No one took the time to wipe their muddy boots before entering the Couse house, there was not time to consider courtesies. When the armies moved on to fight other battles, the Couses tried to pick up the shattered pieces. The farm was devastated. It was "dotted over with graves, [soldiers'] clothing scattered in every direction, dead horses lying around, and a general destruction of everything."
After the war Peter returned, and in the 1870s, he filed a claim with the Federal government for damages to their farm property. Having proved the Couses' steadfast loyalty, he received a $2,223 payment for damages done by Federal troops to the farm. However, no compensation could repay the anxiety and trauma the Couse sisters experienced when war came their way.
A perfect example is the Couse family Originally from New Jersey, William Couse, his wife Elizabeth, and their children settled in Spotsylvania County at "Laurel Hill" around 1840. William Couse went to work farming and operating a sawmill. William's death about six years before the Civil War left the property in the care of his adult son Peter. The 1860 census shows Elizabeth (60), Peter (39), Sarah (31), Cornelia (29), and Kate (26) all residing in the household at that time.
To learn more about this grassroots preservation non-pprofit, which has saved over 1,700 acres of hallowed ground, please visit: www cvbt org porch
History in OurBackyard civilian women in path of war
Tim Talbott is the Chief Administrative Officer for the Central Virginia Battlefields Trust. The mission of CVBT is to preserve land associated with the four major campaigns of: Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, the Wilderness, and Spotsylvania

Terrorism is not a mental illness Hate is not a mental illness There is no reliable psychiatric cure for angry, often young, men with access to guns who are committed to perpetrating violence (according to the Washington Post, 98% of mass shooters are men and almost half are between the ages of 18 and 29). The mental health system cannot prevent mass shootings because mental illness is not the problem.
According to the CDC, firearms have now surpassed car accidents as the No 1 killer of children and adolescents It defies not just statistics, but also common sense, to keep placing the blame for this uniquely American problem elsewhere.
There have been more than 200 mass shootings in the U.S. just this year, an average of one per day. That already horrific number is roughly equal to the number of mass shootings in the first five months of 2021, which itself was up 55% over the same time period the previous year. There have been at least four mass shootings every single week of 2022. How many more lives must be lost, how many more families and communities must be traumatized, until we finally act as a nation to implement sensible solutions that put a stop to these avoidable acts of terror?
Investing in our mental health resources as a nation is more important now than ever - not because doing so is the overriding solution to preventing gun violence, but because the trauma of gun violence isOnfar-rreachinganindividual level, we must commit to our own self-care and seek support as we try to cope with the vicarious trauma spurred on by the constant news coverage of these terrible tragedies. We must commit to checking in with the people around us, who may be struggling in ways far beyond what we could ever imagine. We must commit to hope where there are feelings of helplessness, love where there is hate, and action where there is apathy.
20 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg Donate to a Cancer Organization Let’s Find a Cure!
The time for meaningful change is long overdue. Lack of action by legislators is literally killing us.
Coping With Vicarious Trauma
By daniel H. gillison
The Real Issues At Hand
Hate Is Not A Mental Illness
Texas State Sen. Roland Gutierrez , there is only one psychiatrist for all of Uvalde. A lack of providers in rural areas like Uvalde has always been a huge issue, but in the aftermath of tragedy, these disparities in access to mental health care become even more devastating as communities grapple with the lack of providers to address trauma.
To learn more about NAMI programs, visit Website namirapp com
Available Amazon.comat
B l a m i n g mental illness for gun violence only serves to further stigmatize and d i s c r i m i n a t e against people with mental health conditions - who are more often the victims of violence than the cause of violence - a nd further distracts from the real issues at hand in addressing this national crisisRadicalism is not a mental illness
Mental Health gun violence & mental health
I was attending a mental health conference in Louisiana when I learned about the shooting in Uvalde, Texas. I immediately rushed to my hotel room to turn on the TV and kept hoping somehow by changing the channels the story was not true… that it was just a bad dream.
Let's be clear: It is incorrect and harmful to link mental illness with gun violence
We have to address the real issues at hand - such as the fact that it's easier in our country to get a gun than to get mental health care, and the unfortunate reality that self-directed gun violence is fueling our nation's suicide epidemic: The majority of firearm deaths each year are suicides, and firearms are the most common method used for suicide.
Daniel H. Gillison, Jr. is the chief executive officer of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Prior to his work at NAMI, he served He is passionate about making inclusive, culturally competent mental health resources available to all people, spending time with his family, and of course playing tennis. You can follow him on Twitter at @DanGillison.
We have to stop using mental illness as a scapegoat and instead focus on evidence-bbased risk factors for gun violence, like impulsivity and a history of violence Mental health conditions are common around the globe, yet no other country comes close to the level of gun violence our country experiences.
In the aftermath of traumatic events like school shootings, the gaps in our current systems of mental health care are
Over the next couple of weeks as more unsettling details continued to emerge, like many, I've continued to wrestle with feelings of denial, sadness, anger, fear. Truthfully, I've been at a loss for words.As a parent, I can't imagine having to endure the pain of losing my child in this way. I am heartbroken thinking about the horrors these students had to endure and the lifelong trauma they will have to navigate as a result. I am grieving deeply with all who have been impacted by this devastating tragedy - and for all who continue to be impacted by senseless acts of gun violence across the country.

People paralyzed, and unable to talk or swallow (and need a feeding tube) due to a stroke because their high blood pressure hasn't been treated. People with mental illness finishing up homelessness because it'sTheuncontrolled.listgoeson - and people so often suffer these disasters for the lack of a few pennies worth of medicine.
September 2022 21 Have You Tried Acupuncture? Call Now to Schedule 540.847.6985
Being a wildly profitable industry, healthcare has lots of money to pay lobbyists and to contribute to political campaigns - $498.9 million in 2021 according to Opensecrets org - on average twice as much as the next leading spender - the insurance industry.
But why is America so resistant?
By Patrick Neustatter, MD
and Personal
I am particularly focused on this because, together with Karen Dulaney, the Executive Director of the Moss Free Clinic, we did a service at the Unitarian Fellowship of Fredericksburg about the medically indigent.UpClose
Where There's a Will There's a Way Although it's hard to get any kind of major policy through our impotent congress, if there was really the political will, universal healthcare, or a government run option could be implemented - like every other "civilized" country.
The Lloyd Moss Free Clinic is part of a nationwide network of "safety net" clinics that cater to the medically indigent. We see the ravages of people who have had no preventive care. People with diabetic retinopathy and vision loss. Diabetic nephropathy and kidney failure. Vasculopathy and neuropathy leading to classic diabetic foot problems often needing total or partial amputations.
Lynda B , who was being worked up for chest pain for example, ran an engineering company with her husband till he died of a heart attack Then she lost her husband, her job and her health insurance in one fell swoop I hear many stories of people quitting their job - and therefor losing their health insurance, and often times any money they have saved - to look after a sick relative or a loved one. So I'm still trying to figure out why America takes this hard-ass attitude. Can anyone explain this to me? Your answers please, on a postcard, to me at Moss Free Clinic.
When I came to the US I was introduced to the concept of "American Exceptionalism." A notion people usually seem to be proud of. But I would question exceptionalism when it comes to healthcare.Having worked in England under the NHS where there are no "medically indigent" (people who don't have health insurance and who cannot afford to pay for healthcare) I find the exceptional nature of US healthcare, where, in the richest country in the world, some 30 million people - or about 10 percent of the population - are medically indigent, somewhat perplexing.
Patrick Neustatter, MD is the Medical Director of the Moss Free Clinic front porch fredericksburg
E m a n c i p a t e d P a t i e n t s indigent medicine
recording of "Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine."
The US is recognized as the only developed country in the world without universalAttemptshealthcareat reform have been stridently opposed by the industry - for example, when President Johnson was trying to introduce Medicare and Medicaid in 1965 the AMA organized a fiendish campaign - "Operation Coffee Cup" where "doctors wives hosted living room discussions about the danger of socialized medicine." They also distributed a diatribe by that "get the government off our backs" proponent - a
Americans show a "stubborn individualism and a philosophy of selfreliance." And "any programs of public good are often seen as welfare handouts to people who are just too lazy to do it for themselves" they told me. This idea that you can avoid sickness if your smart is a key issue. It's true doctors are always harping-on about doing things to keep yourself healthy. But so often people get sick, or don't have insurance through no fault of their own.
This is a question I put to this bunch of old farts I go and have coffee with once a week (The "Coffee Klatsch").
An Outlier

of how much food it takes to make you feel satisfied without becoming overly full. Eat without distractions. Find other ways to handle stressors other than turning to food for comfort. Christine Thompson is a Doctor of Chiropractic. She is the CEO & Founder of Whole Health Solutions Inc. 434 Bridgewater www.whole-health.netStreet
foods advertised as 'healthy' such as low-fat options are processed. When consuming foods that are low- or no-ffat, other ingredients are added to the food to make it taste like its full-ffat counterpart. This causes your body to miss out on vital nutrients, which is why it continues to crave more. The need for cardio has been drilled into our heads. Unfortunately, cardio isn't enough! High-intensity interval and strength training workouts to build muscle are also essential for weight loss. Cortisol is the stress hormone. Chronic stress leaves a steady stream of cortisol in the bloodstream Cortisol prevents the body from burning off fat Decreasing stress is a great place to start with weight-loss efforts. In addition to avoiding unhealthy fats, processed foods, refined grains, and added sugar, eating mindfully will go a long way.Here's how to eat more mindfully:Eatslowly to avoid eating too much, tooBequickly.aware
22 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg
in particular, tend to struggle to lose weight. This is often compounded by eating the wrong foods, doing the wrong exercises, and hormonal imbalances.Many
If you're frustrated with your weight and repeatedly fail at attempts to improve, you're not alone! Approximately 70 percent of Americans are overweight or obese.The problem is, this extra weight may lead to health problems, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and strokes, certain types of cancer, andWomen,more.
Eat Mindfully say goodbye to excess weight By christine thompson,dc 907 Princess Anne Street, Downtown Fredericksburg

front porch fredericksburg September 2022 23 Wow!
Rim Vining, humorist, friend and a devoted community volunteer
The stars and planets have aligned. In the twenty some years I've written Autoknown I admit I have gone down some silly rabbit holes. I wrote about whether or not cars have gender identification, how many baloney sandwiches it takes to build a Mustang and what Santa Claus drives the other 364 days of the year… but now I have a higher calling. The Astral Plane!
For more information about Jared Boxes, visit https://thejaredbox org Brigid O’Leary is a Step Va parent advocate & Media Contact
Yes ladies and gentlemen, we are now going to try to establish the link between your astrological sign and the "sign" your car was born under I would not be doing this except my lovely bride asked what my topic might be since it is September? Kathy and I are both September babies with her being a fullfledged Virgo and me being very late on the cusp of Libra. Those in the know might be asking how we managed 43 years of marital bliss as Virgo / Libras but that's a discussion for another time and place. However, since Kathy planted the seed I had to start looking at the cars I've owned since we met. I'm claiming to be a Virgo in these relationships so let's look at the two examples I currently drive:
Auto Known Better KARMAN GHIA? By Rim Vining STEP VA jared boxes gifted to hospitals by brigid o’leary
"The goal was for the group to take their unique perspective and put a box together that would have helped them as a younger individual in the hospital. Our participants typically have a high sensory need so this was our focus to produce and collect sensory-friendly items and boxes. We tied this to our yearly Musical as a vehicle for collecting and sharing information on the Jared Box project.
Adult participants in STEPVA, the local 501(c)3 nonprofit that "empowers people with disabilities, and their families, through creative expression and sensory exploration," have started giving back to the local community with the creation an distribution of 23 Jared Boxes specifically for patients with different sensory needs. The first set of Jared Boxes were delivered to Mary Washington Hospital (picture below) Jared Boxes are plastic storage box filled with gifts, toys, games, and activities that are given to children in the hospital to lift their spirits. They were first created in 2001 by the children of Our Lady of Victory School in State College, Pa., to honor their classmate and friend, Jared, who was frequently hospitalized for cancer later, more than more than 986,000 Jared Boxes have been delivered to 400+ hospitals across the United States. Boxes filled with the "gift of play" are given to young patients in emergency rooms, hospital rooms, surgical centers and clinics. Each box contains small gifts, toys, games, crayons, coloring books and fun activities. A STEP VA volunteer pitched the idea of sensoryfriendly Jared Boxes to the STEP VA adults connect group, who embraced the project.
1992 Ford F150 - The Pickup Truck - Build Date 1/92 - Capricorn. "they form a solid union based firmly in reality!" Yep, it's a truck. It goes from point A to point B and does a specific job. You don't ask a pickup truck to win Lemans you just want it to get you to the dump and back or move a piece of furniture for a friend without breaking down. Wonderful relationship.
1971 MGB GT - Sports CarBuild Date 7/71 - Cancer. "no lightweight love here - slow start but over time bonds grow stronger." Six MGB GT's over 45 years and this is the keeper. Lots of work and a few set-backs but now it has most of the things I thought about adding to a GT in the tens of thousands of miles I've spent behind the wheel of a car you can out run with a Pinto.I'm just beginning to build the data base for all the cars I've owned to see how many conform to the descriptions found on Astrology com (hence the quotes) Go check the build date on your ride and run it through a star chart. If you have had too many wrecks or tickets it may be you're driving a car with an incompatible astrological sign Which brings us to the wonderful words of Mike Cross, North Carolina songwriter and entertainer who wrote My Karma Broke Down I was driving along on a sunny day I was makin' good time on the Life
STEP VA, Inc is a 501c3 non-pprofit organization that provides sensory-bbased theater and arts programs for individuals with disabilities Its vision is to transform the world by offering each individual the opportunity to flourish in the community
We againtoboxesitemscollectedsuccessfullyenoughtomake23andweplandothisprojectsoon," said Kelly Nelson, a STEP VA parent coordinator whose son, Jaredsensory-friendlycreationparticipatedRaymond,intheoftheBoxes.Formoreinformationortodonate,visitwwwstepvaorg
Speaking of that astral plane… I have to say a few words of thanks to all those friends and folks in the Front Porch family who have been following my personal journey down life's highway for the past five years with various cancers and I am truly grateful to report my docs and the other outstanding health care providers in our area have set me free from treatments for throat cancer. No words can express how eternally grateful I am for all the support and kindness shown to me and my family on this Life Highway. It's all about attitude and you guys make it ~autoknownbetter@gmail.comhappen!
WhenHighwayIsaw a sign saying "Rough Road MyAhead"wheel started shakin' and the engine went dead My Karma Broke down on the road to Myglory.Karma broke down, ain't that a MyshameKarma broke down - I'm in AndpurgatoryIcan't get a ticket on the astral plane

Opening , First Friday, September 2 Opening reception 5-99p Brush Strokes Gallery, 824 Caroline St "Autumn Inspiration," features artwork with images that convey the change of seasons as well as the hope and possibilities of this time of transformation in nature.Kimberly Zook's "Sunmist Atop Mountains," Seija Martin's "Time for the Harvest," Stacy Gerise's "California Oak," and Shawn Pilj's "Wind Across a Red Sky" feature the hallmark red, orange, and golden hues that cascade over beloved natural features during the season. Nancy Williams' "Steeple and Sky" and Megan Lee Crockett's "Look Out at Night" connote sources of stability and guidance during times of transition. Marianna Smith's "Rabbit Beside Window" may remind us of the transforming power of love that was depicted in the children's beloved tale of "The Velveteen Rabbit," while Collette Caprara's "Together Forever" conveys the enduring quality of love. Meanwhile, the thought-provoking and innovative photographic artistry of Penny A Parrish's "Stealth" and Taylor Cullar 's "Street Reflections" may bring viewers to a moment of musing about the potential and power that transitions in technology may have in our lives.
24 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg Art in Burg Art Galleries in September
Feature Artist
Marcia Chaves, “Spilt Milk Maid @Artist Alliance Pat Andrews, @Artful Dimensions
"Virginia On My Mind" A collection of new artworks by Judy Green Opening Reception, 6-99pm Art First, 824 Caroline ST ."Virginia On My Mind" is a collection of new oil and acrylic paintings that bring to life the beauty of the state of Virginia. Judy uses a unique approach to detail and realism in her paintings of various scenic subjects, such as the Blue Ridge Mountain Vineyards, fresh picked lavender, and floral blooms. Also included in the exhibition are iconic views of Fredericksburg landmarks, such as the Falmouth Bridge, Hyperion Café, Carl's Ice Cream, and Chatham Manor. Anne Timpano
New Work by Pete Morelewicz and Caroline Q Murphy LibertyTown Arts Workshop 916 Liberty Street
The Artists' Alliance Opening , Friday, Sept 9 5-99p 100 Taylor St, Suite 101 Colonial Beach Gallery open Sat-SSun, 11a -55p
“Autumn Inspirations”
Collette Caprara Patrick Andrews, “Second Chance” Opening Reception
Judy Green, “Chatham Manor”@ Art First 810 Caroline Street, Downtown 540 371 4099 Artist on Site FSaturdays lamingos Beverley Coates Winter Trees Gulf of Finland , Penny A Parrish Sunrise Princess Anne St , Lynn Abbott
Lois Baird “Morning Light” @Brushstrokes Gallery
Jeannie Ellis Candy-CCoated Dreams
New Studio Canal Street Quarter Art Studio Opening Recption First Fridy, Sept 2, 5-88P 1517 Princess Anne Hillis is a nationally renowned watercolor artist. She'll be offering workshops in between teaching across the country and traveling the national plein air circuit
Marcia Chaves & “Art for Your Bathroom” Exhibit
Sally Cooney Anderson Catherine Hillis
First Friday, Sept 2 , 6-99pm Artful Dimensions, 922 Caroline Pat Andrews uses re-purposed, recycled material and makes it into art. He is most known for the old fire extinguishers and scuba tanks he turns into bells, and for using pieces of scrap metal originally destined for the dumpster. Say Pat, "The material I use is just like people; it deserves a second chance."
The Artists' Alliance (AA) at Jarrett Thor Fine Arts is excited to feature painter Marcia Chaves in September. Marcia has been working on paintings stimulated by family memories and photos. She put to good use, her covid isolation time. She said, "I pored through boxes of family photos from the 40's, 50's and 60's and found inspiration for many paintings." The accompanying picture of her work, the Spilt Milk Maid, is from the family farm in King Additionally,George.AAhas welcomed back its popular exhibit, “Art for Your Bathroom”, in the bathroom gallery. .~ Rob Rudick

It's a success story she's been stitching together a little at a time.
Alicia Austin costume designer bY Jill Laiacona & Betty EMrey
Alicia Austin (UMW'16) had never even attended a play before coming to the University of Mary Washington. But after her first costume design course, she realized theatre was the perfect fit.
Running her own business helped Austin set the stage for the pressures of doubling up on classes, while also creating costumes for UMW Theatre productions like Frozen and Assistance.
Now she's putting those sartorial skills to work. After earning a bachelor's degree in theatre from Mary Washington, Austin completed an MFA at Yale University Graduating just before COVID shuttered Broadway, she made a leap from stage to screen, joining design teams for remakes of HBO's Sex and the City and Steven Spielberg's West Side Story, as well as the Hulu hit Only Murders in the Building, which just began its second season.
She sold funky jackets and floral frocks, designer jeans and buttery leather boots at Madeline Ruth and later Forage With a prime location in a college town, Austin's small business was booming. But she still wanted to earn a college degree, so she returned to Mary Washington. Choosing from an ensemble of electives, Austin discovered fabric modification, patterning and costume design. She had no idea what these courses entailed, she said, "but they sounded very cool." So she reached out to Department of Theatre and Dance Chair Gregg Stull about switching majors and fast-tracking the next two years of her degree.
If you're ambitious and can figure out what you want," she said, "there will always be someone at UMW to guide you and help you reach those goals."JillLaiacona is the Media Manager, University Relations & Communications at UMW Betty Emrey of Mindpower Inc. contributed to the reporting and writing of this story.
"Alicia brought both intention and passion to everything she did - every class, production and project," Stull said. "She's a remarkable and gifted artist, and I'm eager to see the great work in her future."
"It was so interesting to me that I changed my major," said Austin, who planned to study psychology but found elements of that in her new field. "I discovered that costuming could be a visual language to express each character's personality."
"I grew up sewing out of utility, because it was cheaper to buy fabric and make clothes myself," said Austin, who began coursework at Mary Washington, but took a break from her studies to open an upscale consignment shop in downtown Fredericksburg. "I'm not someone who goes around saying 'I love fashion,' but clothing always held a deeper meaning for me."
"The caliber of education I had at Mary Washington prepared me to seek the same level of academic experience at Yale," Austin said. She thrived in the notoriously rigorous three-year theatre program at the Ivy League school, earning the prestigious Princess Grace Award for budding theatre, dance and film artists in 2019. Now based in Brooklyn, Austin still loves the stage, but her work on Only Murders, a streaming show about three amateur podcasters who attempt to solve a homicide in their fancy New York apartment building, allows her talent to reach a wider audience. Her team's dapper designsincluding Selena Gomez's marigold fauxfur coat, Martin Short's royal purple attire and Steve Martin's dashing fedora - have landed in the likes of Elle, InStyle and Buzzfeed But Austin said the real stars are the leaders of the all-female costume crew. "They've taught me so much about the kinds of clothes you put on characters to represent who they are," said Austin, who might not have captured her current role without the education she found at Mary Washington.“
front porch fredericksburg September 2022 25

That was a really hard time. I'm so thankful we had each other. It was very helpful," Press said. Now both women have two years of teaching under their belt, and they're excited to continue their work with students in the same community that raised them. "We both really care about our community. Especially since we were born here and went to these schools and our family is here. That adds an extra piece to it," PressAmeliasaid. added, "We know how important it is to make sure students know they matter. We are both really silly and love to have fun. I love teaching because kids are the best. They bring us so much joy. We're really lucky." This story was contributed by the Fairfax County Public Schools' Office of Communication and Relations.Community
Shelby Press & Amelia Carr Outstanding Educators Path to Success at UMW
26 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg
Both Press and Carr were set to walk across the stage to graduate from their master's program in the spring of 2020, but that ceremony was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Months later, the two started their teaching careers at FCPS, both having to navigate virtual instruction as the pandemic raged on. Through all the challenges, they leaned on one another for support and encouragement."
"I was bawling! It was really special," Carr said, describing the moment she watched her friend win the same award one year later. "I wasn't surprised Shelby got it. I live with her and I see how hard she works on a daily basis. We both come home late all the time and work so hard. We've known each other since we were 18 and we've both wanted to be teachers the entire time. It's really nice for Shelby to be honored for all her hard work."
Seven years later, Press and Carr, who are still roommates, now have something else in common. They've both been recognized at Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Honors as the Outstanding Elementary New Teacher. Press, a secondgrade teacher at Riverside Elementary School in Alexandria, received the honor this year. Carr, a kindergarten teacher at Bucknell Elementary School in Alexandria, received the award in 2021. "I think you could hear us outside Jiffy Lube Arena where the awards were held. We were cheering so loud," Press said about watching her friend win. "The excitement was so powerful. And then she got to go back to school and tell her students. That was the most special, I think."
Formed Friendship,
When Shelby Press and Amelia Carr walked into their first ever college class at 9 a.m. Monday morning of their freshman fall semester at UMW, little did they know they were about to embark on a lasting Asfriendship.theybegan talking, they realized they had a lot in common. They had both played field hockey, they both wanted to be teachers and they graduated from rival schools in Fairfax County: Edison High School and Hayfield Secondary School The two became so close over the next few months, they decided to become roommates their sophomore year. The pair pursued the same path at the University of Mary Washington, both earning a master's degree through UMW's College of Education

I began focusing on watercolor painting in my mid-30s. I'd been involved in the arts all my life, majoring in Theatre in college and working as an actress and costume designer. I initially selected watercolors as my medium because it's clean and generally nontoxic, and I could paint in my home, but it didn't take long for me to understand I had a natural affinity for it. I've always exhibited a talent for drawing, too, and watercolors and drawing go hand in hand.
“ Within a few years, I was entering local competitions in the Washington, DC metro area and winning awards and that encouraged me to enter national competitions. I eventually earned eight signature memberships in watercolor organizations around the country, concurrently teaching, writing articles and entering plein air events. Of course, I was selling my work, too.
How Do You Find Inspiration?,
Catherine Hillis was selected to paint in Telluride Plein Air, Grand Traverse, Laguna Plein Air Invitational and En Plein Air Texas during 2022 Studio/Classroom at Canal Street Quarter Arts, 1517 Princess Anne Street
front porch fredericksburg September 2022 27
How Would You Describe Your Work?
“It's important to note that I approach my career as a business and try very hard to commit to good business practices. I paint every day and dedicate part of those days to other businessrelated needs.”
American Watercolor Weekly contributed to this article
and healthy when I paint and if I'm working outdoors, the sun shining, birds singing and breezes blowing, I cannot be happier.
Catherine Hillis
“I paint both en plein air and in the studio but I cannot tell you which I prefer. I only know that whatever piece I'm working on at the time is the one I am meant to create.
Painting on the national plein air circuit for the past several years has only enticed me to travel further and wider.
“I am a constant observer, watching the world around me. I feel an overflowing of emotion wash over me when I spot a scene to paint. When I experience that overwhelming feeling, I stop, put up my easel and get to work or I point my camera and shoot. A typical scene for me is usually an ordinary spot or moment that most people pass by without noticing; it's something that tells me it must be painted. I enjoy working both in the studio and in the field.”
What Artists Do You Admire? “Throughout my career, I have admired, studied and found inspiration in past masters of my medium, Winslow Homer, who tells stories with paint, John Singer Sargent with his marvelous technical ability, Edward Hopper and his brooding landscapes and the masterful Andrew Wyeth. I greatly admire and follow the work of contemporary painters Joseph Zvisbuk and Andy Evansen.”
“White boats become abstracted shapes of bouncing color. The marsh is a complex tapestry of woven grasses and the seashore is almost too large for me to confine
“Our daily lives are hectic. I like to think my work can slow the pace, and make a troubled world feel better as I take a wide view of the chaos and bring focus and order
“My paintings can be described as traditional landscapes, still lifes and figures, but I try to use my unique perspective to draw the viewer into the world as I see it, incorporating humor or beauty whenever possible in unexpected places. As an eager traveler, and perhaps even a bit of a gypsy, I try to view everyday subjects with fresh eyes.
How Did You Get Started?

to find some clients will not do heartworm prevention during the winter months. They tend to think that mosquitoes are no longer around or have died off. But this is simply not true. With some of our days in the Fall or Winter being warm at times, mosquitoes will continue to thrive. Therefore, it is highly recommended to give heartworm prevention all year Heartwormlong.disease is a common parasitic disease that occurs with a bite of a mosquito. Transmission is only from mosquito to dog not from dog to dog. Heartworm disease is treatable but is also preventable. With the Fall & Winter Seasons coming, be prepared for those pesky little mosquitoes to be lurking around ready to spread disease. Remember, it is as simple as giving your dog a pill once a month to prevent a fatal disease like Heartworm disease. Consult with your Veterinarian for more information on Heartworm Disease. Dr. Gerri S. Reid is the Owner/Veterinarian of Reid Mobile Veterinary Services. She can be reached at 540-623-3029 or or hates mosquitoes by gerri reid, dvm
@ReidMobileVetServicesafacebook 28 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg C o m p a n i o n s who
With Summer coming to a close, it's time to buckle down for the crisp cool days of Fall. Fall is the best time off the year to me. Less heat, less humidity and more time to enjoy the outdoors more. Time for Pumpkin Spice and everything nice! But with the change of seasons doesn't mean there is any change with the care of our pets. What continues to lurks outside are BUGS especially our favorite flying foes…Mosquitoes!Peoplehavethe misconception that when the cold weather hits, all the bugs such as mosquitoes, fleas and ticks die off. This is simply not true. Bugs and parasites are very clever at the game of survival They are able to thrive in any weather or conditions Fleas and ticks carry diseases which our pets can get but the silent killer out there are mosquitoes Mosquitoes have been around for ages. I have always wondered why Noah let them on Ark and didn't leave them behind? They have survived by mastering the art of breeding and feeding on warmblooded animals such as our pets. They are notorious for transmitting diseases such as Malaria in humans and Heartworm disease in dogs.
Heartworm disease is a severe and potentially fatal disease transmitted by the bite of a mosquito. Mosquitoes transmit a blood-borne parasite known as DirofilariaThisimmitis.parasite will travel to the heart where it will develop into adult worms. Clinical signs of heartworm disease include a dry cough, shortness of breath, exercise intolerance and lethargy.
Heartworm disease occurs all over the world and is found in most regions of the United States. Diagnosing heartworm disease involves a simple blood test which is performed at your pet's yearly visit to the Veterinarian. Once a negative results is obtained, your pet will be prescribed heartworm prevention such as Interceptor or Sentinel. This prevention is to be given every 30 days to aide in the prevention of heartworm disease.Whathappens if your dog tests positive for heartworm disease? Additional tests such as chest radiographs and bloodwork will be performed. Treatment involves some risks but over the years has become a bit more safe with less fatalities. An injectable drug, melarsomine or Immiticide, is given to kill adult heartworms The drug is given in a series of injections. Complete rest is essential after your pet receives heartworm treatment. During treatment, your pet will be given heartworm prevention. It is recommended that continue with the heartworm prevention year-round.Itend
What is Heartworm Disease?

The equinox is a wonderful time to take stock of your plans or goals, to get back on track if you have lost your mojo over the summer. Mercury will still be in Virgo, so planning and efficiency are strongly supported along with an preservingfirewood,tofallTraditionally,planetwithrelationshiprecalibrateopportunityperiodsofstaysteadfastnessearthytothecourse.IliketothinktheequinoxasantoourourdearEarth.wasatimegatherthefinishthe
September 10th Full Moon in Pisces brings a mystical, open feel to the next day or so. Creativity can be at a high point, so write, paint, sing, make music and enjoy this powerfully gentle and open energy.
By Frank Fratoe
Coastal ImageryCoastal
And we become starfish near the methodical sea where life first began washed ashore eons past. Frank Fratoe lives & writes in the city.he loves.
& You
Astrology threshold of fall season
Virgo season has arrived! The days are growing shorter, and we can begin to prepare for the fall equinox as the Sun reaches the last few degrees of Virgo and moves into Libra on the 23rd.
Fins of fish are wings going through the water just as a seagull rides current through the air. Winds arouse whitecaps across waves that flare their spindrift gleaming under the prominent sky. Shells along the beach are accumulation of gems which the sand provides sculpting a jewel-chest.
By Dianne Bachman
Mercury stations retrograde in Libra and will travel back to 24 degrees of Virgo by October 1 when it stations direct. This retrograde gives the full moon a boost in a back handed way. The retrograde is a review time, a time to check in with your thoughts and your actions. In this way, our intuition and spiritual selves could deepen, brining greater awareness.September 23rd Mercury retrograde reaches its cazimi. A cazimi is when a planet makes an exact conjunction with the Sun, super activating its energies. This Mercury cazimi will help us look at balance in our relationships and how we express ourselves. Because Libra is an air sign, there can be a measure of anxiety associated with this Sun/Mercury combo, so know it will pass quickly.
front porch fredericksburg September 2022 29 T H ET H E P O E T R Y M A NP O E T R Y M A N
Dianne Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached “ViewFourwindsastrologyLLC@gmail.comatoftheHeavens”fromasetofengravingscirca1825
harvest, and making one last sweep of the house to bolster against the coming cold winds. Nowadays many of us live in a modern, high-tech bubble and not required to struggle as hard to survive the winter. So, this year it might be a good experiment to connect more closely to the Earth and the season, to appreciate Mother Nature for all the blessings she has to offer us. After all, if it were not for her, we would not be here! Now, here is a look at the rest of September:September starts with a grand cross in the fixed signs - Moon in Scorpio opposes the Uranus/NN conjunction in Taurus and makes a T-square with Venus in Leo. Add an opposition between Venus and Saturn and you have a Fixed grand cross. This can leave you feeling a bit stuck, but it invites us to contemplate our relationships on a deeper level. Relationship energy could be shaken up a bit, perhaps it leaves you feeling like you have self-doubt about your ability to let your natural beauty and talents shine. Focusing less on fears of personal lacking and more on the outer world, the collective, will help put things in perspective Mercury will be trining Mars, so be careful to pause and take a breath if feeling angry or Mercuryfrustrated.opposes Jupiter, bringing greater assertiveness and energy to express one's true feelings. The next two or three days are a suitable time for balanced and sincere communication. By evening on September 2nd, the Moon enters Sagittarius, helping us look at the situation through a more philosophical lens.
September 9th Saturn has been drawing closer to a square with Uranus, creating tension in the collective. These planetary energies tend to impact all of us in some way, though if you have strong fixed energies in your chart (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), you may feel this on a more personal level. Saturn wants to hold on, needs a plan, and narrows the focus. Uranus is restless, highly charged, thunderclap kind of energy that comes in and shakes things up. This energy will be with us for the rest of the year, being most intense toward the end of September and continuing to the middle of October as these planets will be within a half of a degree.
September 25th New Moon in Libra is an excellent opportunity to focus on what you would like to grow in your relationships. Jupiter is at 3 degrees Aries and in opposition to this New Moon. This can bring in qualities of courage, optimism, and faith.
September 5th Venus enters the sign of Virgo. Health routines, self-care, health check-ups, home budget maintenance, sprucing up the garden or focusing on details related to your appearance are a few of the circumstances favored by this ingress.

A visual Celebration of our community
810 Caroline Street (540) 371-5684
Give a Books,ThinkSomethingChildtoAboutGames,AmusingNovelties
M-Sat. 10am-6pm; Sun. 1pm-4pm
By Paula Raudenbush
Mercer Street
30 September 2022 Front porch fredericksburg
Fredericksburg Sketches
I live on a wonderful street near downtown Fredericksburg. We sit on our front porches a lot on this block. I've always been intrigued by the "tunnel" the porches make as you look through them up and down the street but the perspective has intimidated me a bit. I finally decided to give it a go and sketched a pair looking from my porch in each direction. The one looking west is on the cover of this edition. The one below is looking east. Drawing the perspective was challenging but I took it slowly and did the first pass in pencil so I could make corrections. I needed to a few times. I then drew it more carefully in ink and added a bit of water color. It's a nice reminder of warm summer days spent reading or chatting with neighbors and enjoying all the dogs that get walked by my house. I hope you've had a good summer and have taken the time to sit a spell. Cheers!
Paula Raudenbush is a local artist & member of the Urban Sketchers

"First of all, I love theater," she says. "I love developing characters and experiencing things unlike real life I like playing a villain or casting magic spells." Maddie lives in Woodbridge, Virginia. She says it can be stressful to be onstage. But when the audience and other cast members respond, she feels a sense of purpose, security and togetherness.
For more information, email Mandy Smith is the Promotions & Marketing Director for B101.5. AKA "AJ"Weekend Air Personality front porch fredericksburg
*Gastroenterology, in office and via telehealth *Hematology/Infusion, in office and via telehealth
"It was insanely fun," she says. "People at Children's National, from the lady at registration to Dr. Chapman and everyone in between have always inspired me to live the best life I can. I hope I have a long life. Children's National gives me hope that I might."
Building Impact for Families in Our Community
B101.5 Care-AA-TThon Helping Maddie to live life to the fullest
B101.5's 9th annual Care-AA-TThon will take place Thursday, Sept 22 and Friday, Sept 23 Donate at B1015 com using the keyword "donate" or text "Buzzy" to 51555.
Your Support Helps Children Up Stronger Maddie, 16, says she's an extrovert.
"My family moved to the D.C. area when I was 5," Maddie says. "Going to the hospital used to scare me, but not after starting at Children's National. The doctors talk directly to me. They want to know about me and what I want to do in life, not just about what is wrong with me."
September 2022 31
By Mandy Smith Maddie in the Healing Garden at Children's National Hospital Rare Disease Institute
"If you have kids, at some point during their childhood you will probably use a medical service from Children's National," says Chuck Archer, Operations Manager at B101.5 and a father of three. "Twice we needed the help of a Children's National specialist. Years ago, the nephrology team treated out son. Currently, our youngest daughter receives care from the electrophysiology team in pediatric cardiology. To me, it's so amazing to have this incredible level of care close to home."
*Endocrinology, in office and via telehealth *.Neurology, in office and via telehealth *Physical Therapy, in office
Care providers at Children's National Hospital Rare Disease Institute gave Maddie a similar feeling. She's been in and out of the hospital her whole life, with conditions from severe reflux to fructose intolerance to sleep apnea. As a younger child she experienced balance issues and difficulty regulating her temperature, swallowing and chewing.
Doctors explained what they knew and what they didn't. The details of her disease often were confusing and frightening. She could express her worries. "That gave me a kind of normalcy, which helped me stay calm," she says. "Also, I knew my team would always try to help."
Maddie saw a wide variety of pediatric specialists. Over the years, she weakened and relied heavily on medical supports, such as a wheelchair and an IV pump for fluids and nutrition. Doctors diagnosed her with an undefined mitochondrial disorder. Then, she began seeing Dr Kim Chapman , a medical geneticist. Maddie and other members of her family also participated in a research study that would help uncover clues through their DNA. Doctors could customize Maddie's treatment and In high school, this led to big improvements. Now, she has more energy and no longer needs her wheelchair.Theyoung actress soon had three major roles in a high-energy school play.
The B101.5 Care-A-Thon supports care for children and families in the community every year. In 2020, generous radio listeners helped launch our Fredericksburg location, conveniently located on the campus of Mary Washington Healthcare. It includes pediatric specialists such as:
*Cardiology, in office *Comprehensive Sickle Cell Disease Program, in office
"This can't happen without the support of generous donors like those who give during the B101.5 Care-A-Thon," Chuck says. "My wife and I have contributed for years because we know firsthand that Children's National makes miracles happen every day."