2 minute read
“I Have A Friend” put spring in your step
By Laurie Black
physically active, 4) help others, 5) get enough sleep, 6) create joy and satisfaction, 7) eat well, 8) take care of your spirit, 9) deal better with hard times, and 10) get professional help if you need it. (For each of these tools, visit Mental Health America's website for easy, specific tips. www.mhanational.org/ten-tools) sliding glass door and I can hear the birds and hear the bell I have hanging on my balcony ringing in the breeze. I love watching the trees leaf out and blossom. It is like everything is awakening from a winter sleep."
As I was contemplating these tools for my personal wellness inventory, I received a lovely note from a senior in our program which inspired me to ask several of our program participants how they "create joy and satisfaction" or in other words "What puts a spring in your step?"
Lin shared, "Spring means time for fishing! [My volunteer] and I love fishing and we are looking forward to going soon. I also love flowers and blooms coming alive again from winter. I'm a gardener, so I automatically love spring!"
Spring has arrived and brought with it blossoms, sunshine, and renewed energy. For many people, spring is a time for those deep house cleaning projects and sprucing up the yard. It can also be a great time to take inventory of our overall health and wellness.

Our physical and mental health are connected, and we need to take care of both. Mental Health America's national organization suggests ten tools for feeling stronger and more hopeful: 1) Connect with others, 2) stay positive, 3) get

Mona wrote to me, "The other day I saw 6 bright red cardinal birds. They were across the street; in the yard and in the tree. I so enjoyed just watching them for a while until they flew away. It was a lovely sight! For the past couple of evenings, I see this cute little rabbit in my yard, just being so still for about 10 minutes, then he hops away. He must like the grass. Nature is so amazing!"
Sylvia said, "I enjoy putting away my winter coat and opening the windows. As the temperatures start rising I start think of excuses to go out in the community."

Micki said, "I live on the fifth floor above the tree line. I have a different perspective up here. I enjoy seeing the sky, the trees, and birds. I know spring is here when I open my
"I have already bought plants and seeds," said Doris. "I'm planning to grow tomatoes and other things with my roommate. I love spring! I love that all of the pear trees are blooming. I love being outside and gardening. I used to work as a florist and an interior designer, so I really love the blooms. Spring is like a new beginning every year. It is time to start something fresh and new."
If you know a senior who could benefit from having a weekly, friendly visit or if you would like to volunteer to visit a senior, call the Senior Visitors Program at (540) 371-22704 or visit our website at mhafred org Refer a senior or sign up to be a volunteer! The Senior Visitors Program is a free community service program of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg
As I write this, we have been in the midst of seasons of changes within a single week of March, in which cloudcloaked days of continual rain and piercing