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Astrology & You
sedna: big things, small packages
By Dianne Bachman
of her existence has expanded our perspectives on our solar system. It may also be instrumental in understanding ourselves and our relationship with nature.
March 7 Full Moon in Virgo. With the excellent critical thinking skills that Virgo offers, time to take a deep dive into your needs and emotions. Journal any insights as taking a look back will come in handy at some point in the future.
Though we don't hear a lot about her, Sedna is an important player in our current and future astrological weather. Sedna is a dwarf planet that was discovered on November 14, 2003, from Mount Palomar observatory. Located beyond the Kuyper Belt in the Ort Cloud, her orbit around the Sun takes about 11,530 years to complete. She was named for the Inuit goddess of the sea and all marine animals. Certainly, the discovery
When a planet or asteroid is discovered, its name is thought to reflect the essence of the planet's qualities, thus, creating an archetype. Sedna's energies are deep and watery. As Alan Clay, humanistic astrologer has proposed, "And from the myth we get the idea that it relates to various unconscious experiences which come from our heredity, that will push us to a painful crisis of transcendence, where we are forced to let go of our old spiritual framework and rise to a new consciousness."
On a collective level, this could point to the balance between humans and nature. Though she was detected in 2003, her discovery was announced in March 2004. December of that year a tsunami in the Indian Ocean killed over a quarter of a million people. Not long after, Katrina hit the US. It is not that planets cause these events, but rather they can be seen as messengers and warnings arising from our own unconscious; as above, so below, and vice-versa. There are connections that we do not fully understand, but it appears that Sedna is a timely messenger, reminding us of the fragility of nature and our responsibilities of stewardship. Sedna has been in earthy Taurus since 1966 and will enter the sign of Gemini in June, though will travel back and forth in retrograde until 2024. Stay tuned for June 2023 for a more detailed dive into Sedna.
And now, here is what the astrological weather looks like for March. It is a month of new beginnings, with so many personal planets changing signs!
March 2 Mercury enters Pisces. Allow yourself to dream and imagine all the possibilities. Intuition is high, so practice listening. It is most likely more accurate than you give it credit. The next few days can be dreamy, creative and are supported by a Venus conjunction to Jupiter.
March 7 Saturn enters the sign of Pisces, giving us a nudge to be consistent with our creativity or spiritual practices. There is wisdom to call upon as we gain life experience through time.
March 16 Venus enters the sign of Taurus and squares Pluto. Focus is on relationships to others or ourselves. Pluto asks us to be honest, assess what is working and to do away with what is no longer relevant in our lives. The difficulty with this Pluto transit is equal to the degree in which we hang on to people and things we have outgrown.
March 19 Mercury enters Aires. Independence, courage to try something new is favored. New ideas can be popping, but be mindful of possible tension created by a semisquare with Uranus. Pay attention to flashes of intuition or new thoughts.
March 20 Sun enters Aries. Time to honor the warrior spirit. Courage, independence, new pathways are favored, but temper impulsivity with bouncing new ideas off others you trust. Maybe good to slow down, be mindful of any movement forward. If you feel tired, rest!
March 21 New Moon in Aries. What a wonderful time to plant the seeds for initiating something new! The full moon in Libra in April brings forth the creative and harmonious energies to manifest those Aries seeds.
March 25 Mars enters the sign of Cancer. Emotions can take charge, so take life slowly over the next few days. Check any tendency to be reactive. Instead, step back, take a breath, and move forward only when your emotions and intuitions are grounded and stable..
Dianne Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at FourwindsastrologyLLC@gmail.com
"Sedna" by Germaine Arnaktauyok, circa 1998