Front Row Monthly | October 2011

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October 2011


Pamela Anderson MJ Whalen Noon by Noor Autumn in Laguna Beach FRM Radar

FASHION 5 8 14 28 29 38

FRM Style Picks Runway Reviews Little Black Dress Trend Watch, New Zealand Battle of the Brands Accessories

COLUMNS 54 I Don’t Mean to Be Rude, But... 55 Save the Drama 66 The Domestic Dandy 67 TRAIN WRECK FUN Adam’s Deal Breakers


pg. 14 S e p t e mber 2011


The Academy Awards

70 Take One Down

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Gina Hussar MANAGING DIRECTOR Edwin Shaw PRODUCTION MANAGER Isabella LaQuatra SPECIAL PROJECTS MANAGER Shaylee Capatolla SENIOR FASHION EDITOR Nicole Myers ART DIRECTOR Rob Soltis ACCESSORIES EDITOR Kaitlyn McCall Pieri BEAUTY EDITOR Bethany Montecalvo SENIOR MARKET EDITOR Charissa Livingston GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Kasia Mano and Kim Kessler FEATURED WRITERS Matt Caruso, Adam Hornyak, Jeffrey Clouser, Ashley Abraham, Aaron Valentic, Shaylee Capatolla, Charissa Livingston, Rob Soltis, Allison O’Connor, Cortny Booth, Elisa Llera, Leigh Morrow Calhoun, Dana Vogel, David Waselkow, Ryan Bunker WEST COAST CORRESPONDENTS LOS ANGELES Gina Tomassone SEATTLE Leigh Morrow Calhoun DENVER Sarah Ewalt MIAMI Marie Colom WASHINGTON D.C. Jeffrey Clouser NEW YORK CITY Julienne Shaw INTERNATIONAL LONDON Sara Antes Rigg NEW ZEALAND Rahat Chaudry CONTRIBUTORS Randy Smith, Amber Asaly, Christine Wertman Stickle, Jordan Beckham, Dan Landoni, Mindi Harkless, Heather Harris, Natosha Lynn, Angie Candell, Mark Brosius COVER Pamela Anderson Photo by EMMA Front Row Monthly is a publication of Front Row Monthly Inc. 412.585.1445

FRM Stylist Picks FRM style.

As the nights get colder, keep warm with these hot fall essentials.

Longchamp pouch $288 Longchamp pouch - $288

as the nights get colder, keep warm with these hot fall essentials

by Cortny Booth

Plastic Torque Plastic Torque Chocker $30 chocker -$30

1960 Sunglasses - $125 1960 Sunglasses $125

Prada Snakeskin Prada Snakeskin Pumps $890 Pumps- $890 Pressed PressedDetail Detail Knuckle ringRing $3.80-3.80 Knuckle

Juicy Couture Parka $380 Juicy couture

Parka - $380

Chloe Black Button Boot - $369 Chloe Black Button Boot $369

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J.CrewJ.Crew sequined sequined silk-crepe dresssilk-crepe dress $600 $600 | FrM |



Season Finale RED CARPET EVENT What’s better than anticipating the finale of your favorite HBO series? How about watching it WITH your favorite star of the show! Well, that’s just what Front Row Monthly’s very own Shaylee Capatolla and Charissa Livingston did during the wrap up of HBO’s True Blood on September 11, 2011. That’s right True Blood fans! Alcide was in the building! Mixx Pittsburgh ( hosted an exclusive Red Carpet event featuring True Blood star Joe Manganiello during the premiere, which at the end of the evening raised over $15,000 for Children’s Hospital Pediatric Cancers and Blood Disorders. So, there you have it! The ultimate way to watch T.V. . . . At a premiere lounge, having a few drinks, hanging with celebs, and doing it all for a great cause! Photos by A.J. Brach, Creative Visions Multi Media Services


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October 2011

FRM’s Shaylee Capatolla had a few words with Joe AKA Alcide on the red carpet after the premiere; here’s what he had to say: Shaylee: So, we just watched the finale of True Blood, how did it feel to premiere it here in your hometown of Pittsburgh: Joe: It’s great. It was great to come down here and feel the love, and then also raise a lot of money for a great cause. Shaylee: So, I have a really important question for you. Joe: Okay. (nervous grin) Shaylee: Are you a werewolf in real life? Joe: (Laughs) There was a full moon last night… Shaylee: Uh-oh Joe: And, all I’m saying is that I went unaccounted for between the hours of noon and 6:00 (smirks) Werewolf or not Joe was a pleasure to meet and a true sport in the art of celebrity guest appearances. Not to mention easy on the eyes. ;)

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Take it or Leave it

FRM takes on your trickiest dilemmas. (Notice we didn’t say that we solve them. In fact, we may make it worse.) A few words of wisdom from two polar opposite pools of thought.


Dear FRM, I need some advice. I am a guy who seems to have problems approaching women. My first instinct is to walk up to them, put out my hand, and in a gentlemanly demeanor, introduce myself. The problem is that when I watch my friends hit on women, they tend to make lewd comments and act like jackasses. I just don’t have that kind of personality in me. Those guys end up going home with the women, while I seem to always head back home alone. What am I doing wrong?

Dear Reader, Look, I don’t know where you are going to meet these people, but if your friends are involved, I would assume that it’s a bar. If that’s the case, you have to remember that groups of single women at bars are looking to be wooed a little. A lot of females aren’t going out for a night on the town to simply sidle up next to their friends, or dance the night away. They have their eye on you as much as you do on them, assuming that you don’t weigh 600 pounds and/or have a misshapen uni-brow. I’ve found that women tend to be attracted to good looks and financial stability, but more importantly to a sense of humor. The next time that you are out, grow a set and stagger your way toward a table of women and use a line like “Got two nipples for a dime?”, or “Hi, I’m an astronaut and my next mission is to explore Uranus.” Surprisingly, both of those lines have worked for me in the past, but I’m kind of a stud, and you are obviously in need of some work. (One last tip; don’t use the phrase “gentlemanly demeanor” ever again. It makes you sound like a pussy.)

Dear Reader, First of all, let me just say that jackasses never take me home. So, please, avoid that approach. I will give Adam some credit, though. (Now there’s a sentence I never thought I’d write.) Women do in fact like to be “wooed” a respectful manner. Of course we get all dolled up to impress! But, those crude and obscene “cat calls” make me want to vom! You are on the right track with remaining a gentleman, but don’t forget that swag! Gentlemen are allowed to be sexy too! Keep it classy and confident. Confidence is KEY. Swag is confidence and confidence is swag! Don’t be a nerd or a jackass. Be a man! And please, refrain from using those lines from Adam. Those things wouldn’t work on a REAL woman, and may even get you a black eye or two. Do you WANT the type of woman who would respond to an x-rated one-liner? (Oh shut up Adam.) !


My next favorite from NY was from Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen’s brainchild, The Row. This high-end, luxury brand takes RTW fashion back to the basics using a mono-chromatic pallet. The entire collection, done all in white, is clean cut, crisp, and elegant and so fashion forward for the sheer fact that is not complicated in colors or patterns. The critics may say that this collection is boring or dull, but I find it refreshing to see such ambitious designers redefine the essentials, and succeed in creating this line which is purely “Elegant Luxury 101.”

Written by Ryan Bunker

With temperatures dropping and spring still months away, you may be wondering, “Why should I care about the Spring/Summer 2012 fashion shows?” Well that answer is a very simple, “It is never too early to start planning your wardrobe.” Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week for next year’s Spring and Summer collections took place this September with amazing line’s that will have every woman jetting to their nearest Saks, Nordstroms, Neiman’s, and designer flagship store, and camping out to secure their spots in line for Spring essentials. This season, two distinctive shows caught my eye for very different reasons- BCBGMAXAZRIA and The Row.

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While these lines were my favorite, NYC Fashion week, as usual, was full of extraordinary and chic lines from Nicholas K, Vivienne Tam, Peter Som, and the more commercial Lacoste. Here’s to a speedy winter and a fabulous Spring! This sophisticated, Asian-fusion dress from The Row is the perfect blend of Kimono and Gown; A definite win from the Olsen twins! Without being revealing, this dress, by the ever so marvelous BCBGMAXZRIA, is both conservative and sexy at the same time. Any woman wearing this youthful garment sends off a message of reservation, with a hidden animal inside waiting to be unleashed! Kudos to you, Max and Lubov!

Photos from

First up, the ever so talented Max and Lubov Azria designing for the house of BCBGMAXAZRIA. Following last season’s designs, this dynamic duo has yet again gone out of the box and brought us a stunning collection that is very modern and lively. With vibrant colors and an abundance of geometric shapes and patters, the flowing fabrics and sleek designs make this collection stand out with a seamless marriage of BoHo and Urban elements. Once again, this house continues to deliver the standard of excellence we have come to expect from BCBGMAXAZARIA.



October 2011

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October 2011

FRM Radar’s Artist to Watch

CALEB LOVELY A talented musician and songwriter from Pittsburgh, PA, Caleb Lovely is gaining national attention for his emotionally fueled lyrics and a knack for sincerely connecting to his audience. FRM Radar predicts that with the perfect balance of pop idol looks and artistic depth, Caleb Lovely just might be the next big thing. FRM: Your love of music began at a pretty young age. At what point did you realize that you would make a career out of it, when so many others keep it as a hobby. Was there a defining moment at which you knew you were meant to take it further? CL: I grew up around music. Both of my parents were singers, both performing around the world in a traveling group of entertainers. My father did some back up work for Natalie Cole, and had sparked my interest when I was very young. I picked up a guitar at 12 and started writing songs when I was 18. The rest is history. I think I realized this was very real when strangers were contacting me via email telling me how my songs had heavily impacted their life. That was the moment when I knew I had made it. When the music is healing emotional wounds-that is what success means to me. FRM: Describe your musical style in your own words. CL: My musical style definitely has its own theme. I am a sucker for a strong hook. I love pop music, not cheesy pop, but something so infectious and so right, that the melody takes you away to the place you want to be. I have my own guitar voicing. A style not matched by others, some technique with some sloppy, some open tunings, some strong chords. FRM: What inspires you? CL: Love. This world runs on Love. It’s the center being of our universe and we can’t live without it. It’s intangible to grasp and everyone has a different belief of what love is or what it should be. It’s something we all crave.

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FRM: Are there any other musicians who have influenced your style? CL: I’ve been heavily influenced by a few artists, The Goo Goo Dolls came to me at an early age of 9, and a few of my first records were by Lenny Kravitz, Hanson, and the ever so lovely, Britney Spears. I think that’s where my pop sensibility was born. FRM: Your fan base has grown incredibly in the past few years. Has your music changed and evolved as your popularity has grown? CL: I truly believe that I’ve grown as a lyricist and songwriter. And I believe I’ve grown how I was meant to. I haven’t changed who I am as a person or a writer, and the “fame” hasn’t impacted me. I’m still that goofy kid that writes songs because it’s the only way I can say what I really need to say without sounding goofy! It’s one thing to be manipulated, but when you’re real and honest with yourself as an artist, that’s when you pull the greatest, most sincere music out of yourself. FRM: Your videos on YouTube have drawn nearly 2 million views and you now have fans all over the world. Are there any comparisons being made? CL: The YouTube fan base and video collection has been an AMAZING opportunity for me. Early videos show my quirks and insecurities, while more recent videos show my growth as an artist and development. It’s crazy to see how my look has changed and there haven’t been a lot of comparisons. A lot of people are seeing that I’m different and that my music is different. I’m happy to achieve such a thing. I don’t want to be anyone else. FRM: Do you write all of your own music? CL: I’ve never co-written with anyone before. All of my words, melodies, arrangements and primary instrumentation have been written by me. I’m excited that I’ve been able to accomplish such a task, but I’m really looking forward to diving into a writing situation with a big time writer or producer. | FrM |


NEXT BIG THING FRM: At the risk of sounding like a 12 year old, our female staffers want to know if you’re single. CL: It depends on the day :) (hmmm, an unexpected naughty side… We like.) FRM: You have opened for some pretty big names including Edwin McCain and Dashboard Confessional. Is there anyone you would really like to play with? (Why are these questions starting to sound dirty? =) CL: Oh man. I’ve played with others like Hanson, Rooney, Marc Broussard and Amos Lee, but I Would love to tour with Parachute, or The Kings of Leon. FRM: Can we come? CL: (laughs) Sure.

FRM: Before this interview takes a completely inappropriate turn, what can we expect from you in the next few years? CL: This is going to be an awesome year for me! I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m releasing a single on the 6th of every month until the end of 2011, and that makes 6 new songs! Creating a steady buzz, more YouTube videos, more shows, more tours. You can expect real songs, with real meaning, from a real artist. I want to reach as many people as I can. Everyone could use a little Lovely in their life. We agree. And we’ll take ours right now ;) For more on Caleb Lovely, visit ◆

FRM Radar’s Hot Read

FEED BY MIRA GRANT Recently I downloaded some inexpensive e-books that seemed interesting. In the batch of books I’d downloaded, there was Feed by Mira Grant. I actually passed it up a few times. After all, it’s a zombie book. I love zombie movies. Good ones, that is. I’m not a Return of the Living Dead chick. I prefer my Romero and 28 “somethings” Later movies. The idea of a zombie book being any good seemed unlikely to me. I’m not big on the zombie books. At least, I wasn’t. Until Feed. It’s supposed to be a contemporary zombie novel, full of technology and bloggers and Romero-esque fun. What author can possibly deliver on that promise? As it turns out, Mira Grant can. (Before I go further, Mira Grant is the nom de plume for one Seanan McGuire.) This is an action-packed zombie novel with heart and intelligence. The brother-sister team of George and Shaun Mason are dedicated to bringing accurate reporting of the news and live zombie action to their audience. As professional bloggers, they spend their time working with a small staff of Irwins (action-seeking thrill junkies who poke zombies with sticks), fictionals (self-explanatory…they tell stories and write poetry and stuff), and Newsies (news journalists who try to tell the truth and stay as objective as possible.) Buffy (Georgette Meissonier) is their head fictional and techie guru who keeps all the equipment working smoothly and gets the data where it needs to go. Shaun Mason is an unapologetic Irwin whose coffee-fueled zest for zombie poking and charismatic nature makes him a ratings magnet and a fan-favorite on their site. Georgia Mason, though, is the serious-minded newshound who anchors them all by bringing the unadulterated truth to their blogging audience every day.


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Reviewed by Allison O’Connor

After two miracle-cure viruses combine in an un-deadly fashion, Kellis-Amberlee (zombie virus) is unleashed on an unsuspecting world. Suddenly the dead begin to rise and only bloggers and fanatics seem to realize what is actually happening. By the time the CDC and government get involved, the infection has spread and everyone has to fight to keep the infected at bay. Years later, when society has resumed some degree of a normal life, the bloggers are who people turn to for news. They are the ones who told the truth during the Rising. They are the ones that people turn to twenty-six years after the undead first began to shamble into their lives. When George and Shaun get hired to cover the presidential hopeful Senator Peter Ryman, they are launched into a new sphere of responsibility and chaos. No longer ‘betas’ in the blogging world, they now get a much larger staff and it’s sink or swim as full-blown professionals. I won’t spoil the end for anyone, but I will say that I cried. By the end I didn’t know who could be trusted or who would live or die. This is, in my opinion, the hallmark of a truly great author. When you know that even your most beloved characters may not make it out alive, you are writing with all your heart. That’s what Mira Grant does. The book was fast-paced, adrenaline packed, and delivered on its promise of zombie-poking fun. But wait, there’s more! Deadline is next in the Newsflesh trilogy. I read it and it’s equally awesome. Now I await the final book, Blackout. “Feed” gets a 5 out of 5 Go out and buy a copy, buy one for a friend, then download it for your e-reader. Now. ◆ October 2011



Named for two of New York City’s most famous and stylish streets, Park Avenue and Bond Street, this website is a fabulous, all-inclusive online men’s store. If you’re a guy who loves to look hot, can appreciate a well-made watch and have a taste for the finer things in life, Park and Bond is your place. It’s hip, it’s happening and it combines everything you could possibly need for your wardrobe with relevant and witty editorial content. Buy some sunglasses while you read about the best new sipping Rums. Snag yourself a suit while you learn how to create a “swashbuckling signature.” (Don’t you want to feel cool the next time you sign a guest book?) Whether you are fiercely formal or comfy and casual, Park and Bond’s got it. Check it out.

On our Radar - Artist

HUNT SLONEM Hunt Slonem is an artist known for his abstract expressionism and representational imagery. He also happens to be one of my idols. His work emphasizes spirituality. When he paints, he paints a dream world.

by Charissa Livingston

His work is breathtaking, to say the least. Slonem’s mystical works demonstrate his love for animals. He was quoted in New York’s Social Diary as having said, “I think they’re here to comfort us, and it’s amazing though in my work with different psychics and mystics and stuff, they actually do speak and have voices. They are here to help us”. A lot of his pieces are tropical and bright and ethnic, paying tribute to his cultured upbringing. Slonem now lives and works in New York City, but caught the Southern Bug while attending Tulane University, and as a result now owns several homes in the south. He’s an eccentric for sure, with an affinity for Victorian houses, architecture, animals, dream analogy and ghosts and displays all of these interests in his artwork! He’s a genius, and just may have been my soul- mate in another life! For my fellow geeks interested in reading up on Hunt Slonem, check out Vincent Katz’s book Pleasure Palaces: The Art and Homes of Hunt Slonem, it’s a must read. And I’d never steer you wrong. O c tober 2011

On our Radar - Actress


Ashley Benson’s acting career began at a very young age. Previously known for her role as “Abigail” on Days of Our Lives and the lead role in the movie Bring It On; In It To Win It, Benson has now solidified her place as an “it” girl with her role as “Hanna Marin” on the ABC Family hit series Pretty Little Liars. Having recently landed the cover of 17 Magazine’s September issue, Benson is quickly becoming one of the paparazzi’s favorite fashionistas. If you love the fashion of Gossip Girl, check out Pretty Little Liars. Described by some as a Desperate Housewives for teens, the clothes are as hot as the mystery surrounded the four lead characters. With a depth beyond her years and a knack for staying grounded, we predict a long and fabulous career that will extend well beyond the popular series. Keep your eyes on Ashley Benson. She is well on her way to the A-list. | FrM |



little black dress classic with an edge

If you don’t yet know of Diana Misetic, then it’s time you do. Aside from her genuine warmth and striking looks, Diana is a noteworthy designer, passionate about continuing the art of custom design. Her attention to detail is evident in her dresses, which have walked the red carpet at the Oscars, as well as graced television screens on TLC’s A Makeover Story. Her comprehensive client base is impressive, and includes Her Royal Highness, Princess Mary of Denmark. Born and raised in central Bosnia, Diana attended school for textile and pattern design. After escaping the war torn country of her birth, Misetic settled in the United States. For Misetic, everything is an inspiration. “Creativity can’t be controlled,” she says, “because you don’t choose to be creative, creativity chooses you.” This mind set is what has kept her in business for more than a decade at her east coast showroom Little Black Dress, and what keeps Neiman Marcus interested in her collections. The inspiration for this current collection is HUNT- the modern huntress in particular, hunting for love, lust, a career. “I design for confident women who take care of themselves, who are fully engaged in life, and not afraid to stand out in a crowd.” Not surprisingly, these very same traits are unmistakable in the designer herself.


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October 2011

Photography by Dan Landoni, Modeled by Ashley Elizabeth Styled and written by Nicole Myers, FRM Senior Fashion Editor Hair and Makeup by Natosha Lynn

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October 2011

Could Pamela Anderson possibly have anything in common with Kate Middleton? You bet. Kate Middleton, and several other young celebs, have recently been photographed wearing hosiery. The bloggers are calling it a “come-back” and the more demure characters of the fashion industry are singing the praises of a return to the lady-like glamour of Old Hollywood. But Pam Anderson knows a thing or two about sex appeal, and stockings have always been a part of her wardrobe. Now, Anderson has teamed up with celebrity favorite Secrets In Lace, one of the world’s premier suppliers of stockings and elegant lingerie. FRM Editor-in-Chief Gina Hussar chatted with Pam about the collaboration and found that Ms. Anderson is every bit as sexy and alluring as her new hosiery collection.

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All Photos EMMA

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October 2011

FRM: No doubt that you have been asked many times to lend your name to products and campaigns. Why hosiery? What is it about the Secrets in Lace brand that drew you to the collaboration? Anderson: They seemed trustworthy and we collaborate very well together. They are the premiere company in the stocking industry. I wanted to start small and eventually add lingerie. I love lingerie and everything about setting the romantic scene. FRM: Do you see hosiery coming out as less of an under garment and more of an accessory? Anderson: These aren’t every day panty hose. These are a tease. Stockings are so sexy, so you know if you’re wearing stockings, there must be a garter attached and sometimes a panty and bra to go along with the fantasy. It’s all about bringing the fantasy to life. FRM: Lately, a few stars making red carpet appearances wearing nude hose made a splash with the fashion bloggers. They are calling it a “come back.” But for you, has hosiery always been a staple? Anderson: Yes. And these stockings are pure sex— enticing— and meant for fun. They are so extremely sheer that they will (most likely) run, if put to proper use. They are a throwback to the glamorous days when all ladies wore sexy stockings. FRM: You have been called one of the sexiest women of all time. And you rock it! Do you have any advice for women who are hesitant to embrace their sexuality? Anderson: That’s funny. Being a mom really lets you know how unsexy you are a times. (In my opinion), a single mom puts her stockings on, dances around her bedroom with the door shut, catches a glance in the mirror, and dreams of one day blowing the postman’s mind! Fantasy gets us through the tough times and lingerie is part of that. Blow your man’s mind! Dance to Joe Cocker’s, “You Can Leave Your Hat On.” Go for it! Let your inhibitions go! I’m a big encourager of that. Why not? Someone else out there is doing it, so can you! FRM: Your hosiery line is incredibly hot, of course. It makes us wish that you also designed lingerie! Any plans for some type of fashion line? Anderson: It’s in the works. Dan Whitsett from Secrets in Lace has a very retro line— which is a bit “industrial strength” for me. I love skimpy, fluffy, more sixty’s inspired baby dolls that are sheer, have thin straps, and ruffled panties— I’m all over that— old French meets Malibu… He’s working on this with me. FRM: Many people have no idea that you are a committed philanthropist, most notably working with PETA. What prompted you to become so involved with PETA? Anderson: Animals were my friends first. We had so many stray cats— my dad would never admit it and he complained all the time— but he was the one putting bowls of food and milk out for them. I was always the one that people brought wounded animals to for as long as I can remember. Learning about the cruelty O c tober 2011

that goes into anything made with an animal product burns me to the core. I’m happy that I’ve been able to lend my support. Once I had kids, I decided I like kids and animals equally— adults I’m still not so sure of… (Laughs) FRM: If we were to drop by your house unannounced, what would we see? (Other than the back of a police car ;) What is your go-to every day style? Anderson: I finally finished my house on the beach. It took me four years of politics, permits, construction drama, and lawsuits- which I’m happy to say are behind me. I move in this week and I believe I have the prettiest, sexiest house in Malibu. It’s all teak and white linen with some old crusted ship lights, hand painted signs, and a little concrete. My favorite part is my sauna in my bedroom. So the style of the house matches my personal style. As for clothes— I’m not a fan—If you drop by, I’ll be in a gauzy RVCA t-shirt my youngest son Dylan gave me— he’s sponsored by them in surfing— but with a fabulous Agent Provocateur set underneath. My mom taught me when I was young to always wear matching lingerie in case you’re ever in a car accident. (Laughs) FRM: Ha! My mom wouldn’t care about my lingerie, but she’s constantly appalled by the number of shoes, handbags and latte cups in my car! You have remained ageless. Any beauty secrets you care to share? Anderson: Well I haven’t dabbled in any of those face filler shots as of yet— but I could do with a good sanding. I am a sun worshipper— but I want to age gracefully. I don’t want to chase youth, though youth chases me, so I guess I’m holding in there. I think if you worry about age, you get old-- let it slide, BUT put the brownie down. FRM: You have one of the best bodies in the biz. Do you have a favorite work-out regimen? Anderson: I’d like to say I do Kundalini yoga regularly, but that would be a lie. I’ve done it about 10 times in my lifetime. I love the chanting, the mind, body, and spirit. It’s not enough to just work out your body; all three parts have to be nourished. I also walk my dogs— I talk to them a lot and they give me perfect advice. FRM: Recently we got to see your dancing debut on ABC’s Dancing With the Stars. Can you tell us a little about your experience? Will we get to see more of you on TV? Anderson: I loved being on that show for crazy reasons. I’ve never danced—and I like being scared— it was a challenge. I finally got to express myself and play characters. Now I have been asked to play Roxy in Chicago! Three months in New York while my kids are in school. How would that work? We’ll see. I am still trying to juggle a miracle. FRM: What’s next? Anderson: Products, products, products… | FrM |




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FRM FEATURE I have a few TV shows in the works- one for animals, one for activists… I’m doing a coffee table book of poetry and photos. I’m also working on bed linens (that are) sexy and “beachy.” Then, I am working on perfume, yummy body oils, fragrances and lotions. I’m really looking at a home décor creation as well, that mixes woods and whites- a little sparkle but it is all chic. I’m creating only what I want and love. I have finally found great partners through friends in my community that know me well, love my style and want to see this happen. I feel like Malibu’s Mascot. I’m very flattered. FRM: The Breakdown In my handbag Anderson: All I have in my handbag right now is an OB tampon and a black Amex card. I have no idea what women carry around in their purses. I feel if I have those two things I’m ready for any issue that could come up. Couldn’t live without Anderson: My children or my dogs Baby and Ol’ Joe Celebrity Crush Anderson: Gael Garcia— The Motorcycle Diaries Fans would be surprised to know that… Anderson: I have a form in my room and I’m desperately trying to learn to sew. I’m trying to design the perfect flower dress that accents your boobs and rib cage— (something that would look good on) Sophia Loren and Raquel Welch. I dream that I will live in Capri one day. I will be in a low cut flower dress running barefoot down the rocky beach and some sexy older man will find me and love me forever- and I’ll never have to wear shoes again… (Laughs) FRM: LOVE that dream. I’m totally borrowing it! Last night I… Anderson: Last night got a little crazy. I was in court all day dealing with a construction fiasco. It was excruciating. I’m happy it was resolved. I just felt like it was another opportunity to walk with grace and dignity, no matter how unfair it was. It’s an expensive lesson! The anxiety and anticipation was the worst, but a celebration was definitely in order! So I had a bubble bath, a glass or two of red wine and raged a bit - bad idea when your boyfriend comes over and is doing an intestinal cleanse… It doesn’t all go together, so it didn’t go as well as planned. He put his ear plugs in and I watched Mudhoney (Russ Meyer films are my favorite) and we fell asleep. We made up for it in the morning. :) FRM: Of course! Thanks so much Pam. Best of luck with all of the great things happening for you. And you can bet we’ll be the first in line for the lingerie!


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October 2011


Are you wearing

your armor?

by Bethany Montecalvo


he very thing that warms our bones, gives us vitamin D, and makes us want to roll down our windows in the car and jam out is the very thing that can harm us beyond repair- a total frenemy. You guessed it; the sun! Each year there are more and more cases of skin cancer. In fact, there are more cases of skin cancer being reported than of any other kind including prostate, breast, and lung cancer. Despite the fact that we are more educated than ever on the dangers of sun-worshipping, the cases of malignant skin cancers continue to rise. But Summer is over. You live in the North and its 20 degrees in October, so surely you can skip the sunscreen right? Wrong! The sun’s damaging rays are present all year long. While our fair-skinned friends are at the greatest risk, the naturally bronzed are certainly not in the clear! Most people don’t understand what a tan really is. You might feel like you’re lookin’ hot, but a tan is actually your body’s attempt at protecting itself from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Crazy, right? The rays react with the epidermis and darken the skin’s surface. The tan acts as a piece of armor to protect the skin’s DNA from further sun damage. And when the DNA cells are damaged and infected, they become cancerous. The two most common skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These cancers are slow growing and tend to stay in one spot. The silent killer which is less common but way scarier is melanoma. Melanoma tends to grow at the bottom of our skin (epidermis). It can actually get into our bloodstream and then into our organs if it’s not caught early enough. If you’ve had any bad sunburns or severe blistering, you are at risk. But it’s fall. You’re living sweaters and white as a ghost so you must be ok, right? Nope. Any place that the sun touches you is a potential problem in the making.

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So how do we protect ourselves? First and foremost, know that skin cancer is one of the easiest cancers to prevent and detect if you know your crap. When you’re in the sun for a long period of time, whether in June at the beach or in March on the ski slope, put on your armor! Cover up. I know it’s not the “cool” thing to do and you worked hard for that bod, but isn’t living cancer free more important? Get a good, organic, physical sunscreen. “Physical” means that it doesn’t enter your bloodstream like chemical sunscreens do. Physical sunscreens lay on top of your skin acting as a mirror which repels the sun back. Go to your favorite doc periodically and get a

skin check. If you see something that looks a little sketchy, don’t wait! Better to be safe than sorry. Physical sunscreen- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Life is way too short already. Don’t make it shorter. There are so many ways to rock out a sexy, gorgeous tan! Try an organic spray tan and some great bronzing powder. Treat your body right. You’ll stay healthy and look younger. And that’s a lot hotter than a short-lived tan. | FrM |



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October 2011

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27 photo by Angie Candell | FrM |

Chocolate Rockets

THUNDERWEAR? by Rahat Chaudry

Stripey Owls, my personal favorite

Love and Robots


hile the rest of the world is getting ready for the Rugby World Cup, which is being held in my (new) home country this month, the fashionobsessed (i.e. me. Although I am also slightly All Blacks obsessed, particularly Sonny Bill Williams. Look him up, he won’t disappoint.) are much more intensely anticipating New Zealand’s Fashion Week. So on that note, I thought I would use this month to focus on something a little different…something that likely won’t hit the runways next week but very well could. Thunderpants. Yeah that’s right, I said Thunderpants. Many of you are already familiar with the “quirky” personality associated with New Zealanders (I feel like I am in a never ending Flight of the Conchords episode), and in true kiwi style, the quirkiness runs deep. I’m talking about underwear people. But this isn’t any old underwear, they’re Thunderpants. Thunderpants is an iconic NZ brand that everyone should check out, and own at least one pair. I mean, who wants to be serious all the time?! Just imagine the look on your significant other’s face when they see these puppies pop out in the bedroom….come on, live a little! You know what they say, frisky on the inside, frisky on the outside…. Rahat Chaudry, FRM New Zealand Correspondent, is a former NYC fashionista, now residing in Auckland, NZ and falling in love with the kooky chic style of the kiwis.


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Specs – for your inner nerd. Well, ok, all of these are for your inner nerd! There are tons of patterns to choose from. Candy, florals, fruit salad and even more absurd options such as the “big bug” pattern. However odd your preferences may be, Thunderpants has something for you. Who doesn’t want a bunch of Salsa Babooshka Dolls splashed across their nether region? Come on. We’re guessing stranger things than that have been near your underwear. ;)

October 2011

BATTLE OF THE BRANDS Young at Heart, Wise at Art:

by Charissa Livingston

After great success with her summer 2010 collection, new designer Katie Coleman made her New Zealand Fashion Week debut at summer’s end with her label, Katie-Maree Cole. The awardwinning designer adds a spark of modernity to the runways. With a touch of wit and a dash of whimsy, her very feminine brand displays a sense of romanticism for a new generation. Her Autumn/Winter 2011 line, creatively named ‘Bonnie. Be good,’ is making waves. The collection is trans-seasonal, perfect for any woman, whatever country. Her heart-stopping, vintage-inspired pieces take you back in time through fashion and through the arts. Growing up as a dancer, Katie describes her fashion sense as an inspirational adventure, “Each day I open my wardrobe and ask myself ‘What part do I want to play today?’” Katie-Maree Cole is a perfect mix of beauty, glamour, and simplicity seamlessly wrapped up in one brand. Since 2009, Coleman has been solidifying her place in the fashion industry. Although most popular in New Zealand, the designer anticipates a growing international audience. And so do we. Coleman is in the process of producing her Summer 2012 and Winter 2012 collections. For more on Katie Coleman or to view her current collections, visit

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*Photos from

KatieMaree Cole

As promised, Front Row Monthly keeps you up to speed with fashion around the globe. This month, we’re headed to New Zealand, where springtime never ends, and the clothes are flawless. | FrM |



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October 2011

It’s autumn at last. Ladies on both coasts are tucking away the bikinis and diving into fall fashion. g. marie boutique in Laguna Beach keeps the California girls looking fab all year long. Owner Gina Tomassone is a fashion forward “it” girl whose closet we’d love to rampage. Here are her picks for top Fall Trends that work from east to west.

ABOUT THE BUYER Gina Tomassone, 25, who is originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, moved to California in September 2009 and followed her dreams of opening her own clothing boutique. It is called G. Marie Boutique and is located in Laguna Beach. It’s doors opened on November 1, 2009. Styling is a huge part of her life and here she has shared some of her fall fashion tips for the upcoming season. Enjoy!

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Wild prints are a great trend to follow. This tight mini dress would look great under a classic leather bomber jacket or blazer. And of course, boots are always a great addition to complete this look.

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One great pair of nice fitting trousers are a must for this fall. I love the sophistication of the high waist. Always flattering as well.

A pair of wide leg jeans is something every woman should have in her closet. When you put them on with a great pair of wood wedges combined with the longer length of the pant, it creates an illusion of length and slenderness. Tuck in a baggy blouse and accessorize with a large belt to complete the look. Always a g. marie favorite.

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White blazers are all the rage. Put one on with a graphic tee and some jeans, tights, skirts, or shorts and your good to go. We love this look.

Mix bright and bold colors together. Don’t overdo it with accessories. The headband is a great way to tie everything together.


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October 2011

Faux fur is a must. Whether it is a vest or jacket, it adds an edgy punch to your outfit. Wear with jeans or a bright color short or skirt.

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Show off your legs! Long sleeve dresses are very flattering, especially with a small shoulder pad as shown with this dress. Pair with a very high bootie or boots.

Chunky sweaters are your friend for Fall. It is important to remember proportions when wearing these large sweaters. Make sure to wear something more tight fitting on the bottom such as a tight or skinny jean. Throw on some flat boots and your good to go. 36

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October 2011

Mix textures. Lace is still very “in�, and when paired with this knit skirt it makes for a feminine but sexy combination.

Why should the Laguna girls have all the fun? To shop visit Please visit us on Facebook to check for new updates daily! Photography by Amber Asaly Hair and makeup by Heather Harris Modeled by Heather Harris, Dylan Barmore and Jaimie Sullivan O c tober 2011 | FrM |


Accessories Editor KAITLYN MCCALL PIERI Shares the Top 6 Ring Trends where to get them and how to wear them!


e all ‘put a ring on it’ when we followed the oversized ring trend and purchased our first huge, obnoxious, sparkling flower ring. But styles have changed and in this case, bigger is not always better. Everything from spikes, skulls, animals, armor, stones and multiple finger rings are trending for the Fall season. I have chosen some of my favorites for each of these trends, all of which can be easily purchased online. Now for the beloved animal look. Lately I have seen everything from elephants to tarantulas, but I can’t get enough of this adorable $20 Topshop Snail Ring. There is just something about having a tiny pet on my finger that makes my day a little brighter.

The first is an Asos Double Spike Through Finger Ring which is $14.64. I love this spiked ring because the spikes do not stand straight up. Meaning I have less chance of injuring myself or someone near me. Also it’s rock and roll while not being too over the top.

The second trend that has exploded recently in every accessory possible is the skull. Alexander McQueen has done it again with his Enameled Brass Skull Ring running at $125. First it was his skull scarves and now it’s his skull bracelets and rings. I love the contrast of pink and purple.

The last two, stone and multiple fingered rings, are not new to the mix, but I can’t help but love Topshop’s modern take on both of the trends. The $25 Hand with Ball and the $40 Love Word Rings are both unique and stylish for fall. As you probably can tell, I can never have too many rings, or wear too many at one time. Now you can finally take your oversized sparkling flower ring to your little cousin to play dress up with so you can make room for your new additions.

Armor is also a huge ring trend right now. This Forever21 Rhinestone Hinge Knuckle Ring at $8.30 covers the entire length of the finger and bends with each move which combines both comfort and fashion forward style.


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Additional photos from October


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42 | Frby M Mark | Photo Brosius

October 2011

Your Face L

ooking to go green and natural with your skincare routine? Head to the kitchen and feed your face! If a food is healthy for your body, it is excellent for your skin as well. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins and antioxidants that are wonderful for the health of your skin. Don’t let clever marketing fool you into thinking that you have to spend a fortune on brand name creams and treatments. You’ll be surprised how amazing your skin will look and feel after a healthy dose of natural ingredients. Masks are meant to cleanse, nourish and stimulate the skin. Using fresh fruits and veggies will do exactly that. Who knew, right? A quick trip to the produce aisle and you’ve got a multitude of inexpensive beauty treatments that produce real, visible results.

properties. Honey attracts dirt from pores, and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin STRAWBERRIES- contain salicylic acid an vitamin c and will leave the skin looking fresh and bright while reducing puffiness and acne Greek style plain yogurt- (my favorite face mask) this yogurt has lactic acid in it that gently exfoliates and lightens the skin Bananas- moisturizing and nourishing, bananas contain potassium, magnesium, vitamins A, B, E and F Vegetables that are wonderful for the skin include carrots, pumpkin and yams. Each of these is full of beta carotene and vitamin A, which are skin healing, and Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. Pumpkin will act as a carrier and assists other mask ingredients to absorb deeper into the skin. These vegetables are wonderful for any skin type, especially environmentally damaged or sensitive. Placed warm on the skin, they increase blood flow and oxygen, producing a healthy and luminous glow!

MILK- a skin cleanser, containing vitamin D, calcium and lactic acid

Combine the fruits or veggies of your choice in a bowl and mix or mash up, starting with a tablespoon of your main ingredient. Stir until you achieve a custard-like paste. You can always add oatmeal or green tea leaves to thicken your mask, or add honey, green tea, cream, or yogurt to thin it out. Simply apply the mask mixture to your face for 15 to 20 minutes and relax! It’s an incredible cocktail straight from nature. Your face will thank you, and you’ll save a bunch of money by doing away with unnecessary anti-aging creams. Wouldn’t you rather spend it on shoes anyway?

HONEY- wonderful for relieving acne and for moisturizing, as it hydrates the skin and has antibacterial and antiseptic

Carrie Sullivan is a Holistic Esthetician and Makeup Artist. She can be reached at Hair 2 Sole Beauty Studio at 412.221.4416.

Below are some staples you will need to start making your own products at home. Keep it simple! EGGS- the yolks restore the lipid barrier and the whites are used as a traditional lifting mask

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With Love

by Sara Antes Rigg


hh Fashion Week. Last month, the always fabulous London Fashion Week included a bevy of emerging designers making their exhibition debuts on the runway. Three of my favorites were Brooke Roberts, Charlotte Taylor and Lucas Nascimento. Notebooks out? It won’t be long before these three names are filling your closet. Make room.

Brooke Roberts



Charlotte Taylor- Print-heavy designs are a staple for Taylor, who creates for the woman who celebrates individuality and strength. The pieces are unique and whimsical and transition easily from the runway to the rack. Look for her diffusion line in Anthropologie stores in the United States this month! Lucas Nascimento- If you insist on high fashion but prefer pajama-like comfort, look no further than Lucas Nascimento. Knits. Nascimento is a magician who uses knits to create body-skimming must-haves as well as unique, fantastic silhouettes often reserved for other fabrics. Photos from

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Charlotte Taylor

Lucas Nascimento

Brooke Roberts- A former student of applied science, this cutting edge designer, who hails from Australia, produces amazing textile designs inspired by her knowledge of x-rays and CT Scans. Roberts gives new meaning to the science of design.

October 2011

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NOON by NOOR By Charissa Livingston


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Noon By Noor splashed onto the fashion scene this year, and has taken the A-listers by storm with their stunning but practical collection of readyto-wear. A July launch in Los Angeles drew some of the biggest names in Hollywood. Designers Noor Al Kalifa and Haya Al Kalifa have created a feminine and luxurious collection that speaks to modern, independent women. FRM chatted with these amazingly talented ladies to find out what has made NBN the new “it� label.

October 2011

FRM: Noon By Noor is an inspiring line that admirably sets off a very important feminist statement to strong and independent women. Was this the intent? Why did you choose to target these women? Noor & Haya: We have always envisioned our target customer as both sophisticated and independent because we feel that these qualities are necessary to experiment adventurously with our unique looks. Our designs and collections represent dynamism and individuality and so should our women! FRM: I’m curious if fashion was always an “end goal.” When we think of fashion capitals, we don’t often think of the Middle East when in fact, some of the most amazing fashion resides there and Kuwait is a huge epicenter for fashion. Are you designing for the world at large, but also re-directing our attention to the stylesavvy Middle East?

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Noor & Haya: Our label is best described as “East meets West.” This vision obviously transcends cultural and geographic boundaries. Although we’ve always wanted to design a contemporary line for the modern woman, we still wanted to pay tribute to our Bahraini heritage by incorporating cultural elements into our designs. Bahrain has a cosmopolitan vibe that can be felt throughout its fashion conscious society. You will spot a woman in glamorous traditional clothing, walking side by side with a woman sporting a trendy, “off the runway” look. So recognizing Bahrain and the Middle East as a fashion hub is not only of interest to us, but failing to do so would be overlooking the truth. FRM: This line is brand new, but the buzz is amazing and the L.A. Launch in July drew huge, A-list celebrities. It seems to be happening so fast. Is it? Or has the company been years in the making? | FrM |


Noor & Haya: We must admit that the road to Noon By Noor’s success was fairly short and sweet, but the dream itself has certainly been life-long. We’re extremely proud of what we’ve achieved so far. We must say that seeing all these celebrities in our garments was a moment of pure bliss.

combined classic Arabic patterns with structured yet practical modern design. Our palette was comprised of vivacious colors and rich fabrics, and the result was a sophisticated yet exotic collection.

FRM: What inspires you?

FRM: The headpieces are truly a standout accessory. Any plans to branch out into handbags and accessories?

Noor & Haya: Just about anything and everything! Our inspirations are derived from architecture or culture, travels or current events, or even friends and family. As designers, we always keep a watchful eye on our surroundings. Our most influential inspirations come from our personal stories.

Noor & Haya: Our headpieces have definitely gained unbelievable popularity. As for handbags, our Resort 2012 collection includes a limited selection, but accessories have always been a part of Noon By Noor. As for a full-fledged NBN handbag and accessory line, you never know. Stay tuned!

FRM: The Fall 2011 collection is stunning! With strong shoulders and loose, draping harem pants, there is a wonderful juxtaposition of structure with comfort. What was the mind-set behind that?

We certainly will! Noon by Noor combines all of the best elements of couture, but balanced with an understanding of the modern woman’s need for wearable pieces. We’re officially hooked!

Noor & Haya: Drawing inspiration from both the Middle East’s vibrant culture and the Western world’s forward-thinking, we

To view more of the collection visit


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October 2011


A zero calorie guilt free brew of fashion, food & lifestyle served to you by your own personal Fashionista Barista Elisa! No skimming on the milk and plenty of caffeinated fashion fuel. Welcome to your online cafe!

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Something very important to me when planning my future, which I do often, is the focus on living not working. I treasure the idea of spending my mornings sipping tea on my balcony, catching up on the latest fashion news and current events, before I start my day. I feel gitty anticipating the nights surrounded by friends and family sipping wine and indulging in delicious foods, whether at home or the local bistro. I can’t wait to escape home to the man I love and the house I cherish, wrapped in layers of sweaters and throws, relaxing and just enjoying each other’s company. Funny part is, I am a college student, utterly busy and practically poor, but I find ways to bring these ideals into my life now... grabbing tea and 52

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reading my blogs during my class breaks, having family dinners and cookouts, sipping champagne with the lovely best friends, watching movies and cuddling with my handsome man. It’s all quite beautiful you know. I think when it comes down to it, I’ll measure my life in laughter, in good meals, in nights spent in conversation, in bottles of aged wine and in the numbers of lives I’ve touched. So while I lay back to relax tonight, indulging in the casual decadence of life [sipping tea and polishing my nails], I hope you feel just as content as I do and the world still seems just as wondrous for you, as it does for me.

I am a college student, utterly busy and practically poor, but I find ways to bring these ideals into my life... October 2011

Fall 2011 Shopping Guide ...things to help you cherish your life this autumn.

Excerpt from FashBar on keeping perspective. Here are some great fall pieces to help you cherish special moments! O c tober 2011 | FrM |




As students of all ages begin to settle into the back-to-school routine, weeks are consumed with meetings, rehearsals, classes and study groups. This second month of the academic year seems to be the time that wardrobes begin to slide from the preppy and nice, to dismal and bleak. I get it. You’re busy. Boo hoo. Enter the sweats, hoodies, and the most awful of all, yoga pants. I do not know what has happened to the students of today, but it’s ugly. I don’t mean to be rude, but active-wear as ready-towear?! I’ve seen the exposed stomachs with yoga pants and Ugg boots with sweat pants, and I have to wonder who determined that this awful “trend” was acceptable for any place outside of one’s living room.


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Who doesn’t want to slip into something comfortable to take on a long day? But do we really have to sacrifice good looks for comfort? I admit there are days when I feel like attending class all sloppy and uncoordinated, but no, I snap back into my fashion brain and I opt for casual chic. You can be glam and comfortable at the same time. This season, sportswear has gone glamorous, with unique baroque detailing and elaborate designs. My favorites are Versace’s fluorescent baroque detailing and Jason Wu’s laced sweatshirt (which every girl should own). These posh details add a pop of sophistication on the most boring and dreary of days. Not ready to go baroque? Wear a great pair of skinny jeans with flats and an over-sized sweater. This look is huge for fall. Another great item that can add a lot to an outfit is a pair of Toms shoes; they come in a variety of colors and fabrics and are amazingly comfortable! In this day and age, there is simply no excuse to be sloppy in public. There are many options that allow you to be comfy and chic. It may take a little more effort than you’re in the mood for, but wouldn’t you rather get those second glances for the right reasons? Just sayin’.

October 2011



Be a Little Nicer to Yourself by Shaylee Capatolla “You’re crazy; your legs are not fat! I wish I had your legs!” This is just a tidbit of the conversation I’m overhearing from the only two occupied stalls in the women’s locker room. I patiently wait my turn as my bladder is pressing (and as I do some sort of bizarre rendition of “The Twist”) but anxiously anticipate a visual of these so called “fat legs.” As I hear the lock to the door release, I see a pair of smokin’ hot legs slowly walk towards the sink. And I’m totally straight! But, this girl was crazy to think that her legs were “fat.” Stick figure legs? No. Toned? Yes. Fat? Absolutely not! This little incident in the ladies room got me thinking about body images. How many of us actually see reality when we look in the mirror? Has society officially conformed to the saying “image is everything?” Are we so focused on perfection that we don’t even recognize a hot body when we see one? WHAT IS IT PEOPLE!? I for one believe that many of us suffer from distorted body images. The first step to overcoming this problem is to acknowledge that we have the problem. So, I’ll go first. My name is Shaylee Capatolla and I too wish I had nicer legs. That felt good. Now it’s your turn… And while you’re at it, jot this down on a post-it and stick it someplace you see every day. “I had the blues, cause I had no shoes, until I saw a man who had no feet.” Think about it. Here’s the thing. No one has a perfect body. You may be saying to yourself, “what about Gisele, Shaylee?” or “hey Advice Column Lady, what about Stacey Dash?” But, that’s just it! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Whoever thinks Gisele has a body of pure perfection, certainly wouldn’t consider Stacy Dash to have the same. Giselle is a tall and beautiful blonde goddess. Stacy on the other hand, is a hot curvy, sexy vixen of a bod! Same goes for Justin Timberlake and The Rock! Random

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comparisons, I know, but I am trying to make a point here! Both hot, but totally different. When it comes to distorted body images, you have a few options: 1.You can continue to live on hating your body. 2. You can do something about it (if you really need to). 3. You can SAVE THE DRAMA and get some body confidence. So, let’s start with from the beginning...

Option # 1

Go ahead. Continue to stand in front of the mirror daily, eyeing up that cellulite, ladies; or those guns you wish were bigger, gentlemen. Beat yourself up about how much you wish your body looked like “that one guy at the gym” or “what’s her name with the flat stomach and killer arms.” Now we’re making some progress. NOT! And, let me tell you, this will get you NO WHERE fast! If you chose this option you’re a dipshit. I only included it to prove how dumb it really is. Moving along...

Option # 2

If you truly are overweight, or if that one “problem area” is really starting to take its toll, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Step away from the mirror and more importantly, stop the negative thoughts. The first thing you need to do is set a goal; a realistic one. Grab a calendar and choose a date. How long will you give yourself to reach your goal? Okay, have that date? Good. Now, decide how you would like to reach it. Research a HEALTHY diet and exercise plan that will work with your lifestyle. Here are a few of my own personal tips in no particular order: Swap out all white carbs for wheat. Drink lots of water. Green tea in the a.m. Avoid fried food at all costs. Cut back on sugar. Anything under 12 grams is reasonable. READ NUTRITIONAL FACTS!

Include protein with every meal. Eat breakfast! It gets your metabolism going! I am not talking about donuts and pancakes. Choose egg whites and veggies, wheat toast with reduced fat peanut butter, or fruit and granola. Lots of tasty options. And, finally- EXERCISE! Discover a fun way to become active. Find a gym partner; they say if you have someone to depend on (or someone who is depending on you), you have a better success rate. Go for scenic walks outdoors, try a new class at the gym--do what it takes to become and remain active!

Option #3

Own your shape! We all have our own shapes and sizes. And, even though some of us may eat healthy and work hard at the gym, the body we desire isn’t always within reach. Therefore, we must work with what we’ve got! First, become familiar with your shape. I for one realize that in order to add some height to my petite frame, I should opt for higher waisted bottoms in order to elongate. Those who have “love handles” should also stick to the higher waist option. Low rise jeans will NOT work in your favor! The only place I want to see a muffin top is in a bakery! Sorry--couldn’t resist! But there is hope, simply refer back to option #2! ;) Owning your shape is all about confidence. If you feel good about what you are working with, then you will always look hot! Don’t worry so much about what others think or how others look. If you feel confident, they can never bring you down. Find one thing you love about your body and celebrate it! Embrace the beauty of being fit and healthy and you will naturally fall into loving your shape. So there you have it. Get rid of those negative beliefs in Option #1 and work with #2 and #3 in perfect harmony! Your body is yours to rock! And the perfect bod may be just a few positive thoughts away. | FrM |



MJ WHALEN A ball gown made of weaved rope. A couture piece made from repurposed materials and held together with nails. A runway show that looks straight out of a Tim Burton masterpiece. This is Mj Whalen. Whalen is a fiercely talented emerging designer with the imagination of Alexander McQueen and the drive of a young Gaultier. She has garnered a great deal of media attention in her hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and finally, the rest of the world is taking notice. Her pieces are edgy, sometimes mind-boggling, yet always unique and astonishing. “I am inspired by anything that has to do with fashion,” says Whalen, “and I love to take an object and transform it into something it shouldn’t be.” Headpieces sprinkled with pawns from a chessboard. The train of a gown looped through a flowering tree branch. For the client who prefers to be one of a kind, Mj Whalen is the go-to choice. Remember her name. Because someday it will be on the label you’re dying to own.


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October 2011

PHOTOGRAPHY BY JORDANBECKHAM.COM HAIR AND MAKEUP BY Christine Wertman-Stickle Shot on location at Used Store Fixtures, 1819 Boulevard of the Allies Pittsburgh, 15219 p 412.281.9966

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From Left: Photographer Jordan Beckham, Designer Mj Whalen, Model 58

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Knit With

BALLS! by Jeffrey Clouser

A couple of years ago, I had the opportunity of learning how to knit from a group of church ladies, who had a lot of patience and a lot of fun teaching me the art of knitting. Since then, I’ve enjoyed discovering a myriad of patterns to knit as well as coming up with new ideas for knitting projects. I’ve knitted everything from scarves, throws, hats, yoga bags, gift bags and even tiny winter accessories for wine bottles (much to the amusement of my knitting mentors). I love the calm that knitting brings to my day and the satisfaction of gifting something handmade.

Books I recommend: Knitting With Balls by Michael del Vecchio Son of Stitch’n Bitch by Debbie Stoller ◆

Although you might not necessarily think so, there is a long history of male knitters. According to Michael del Vecchio, author of Knitting with Balls, men have been knitting for ages. In fact, he states, “knitting first traveled to Europe at the end of the first millennium via sailors aboard fishing boats from the Middle East.” This masculine tradition of the craft continued into the two World Wars as knitting provided a valuable skill for soldiers who supplied themselves with socks and other needed garments in the field and as a rehabilitation treatment in the hospital for those who were wounded. Del Vecchio explains that the tradition continues in the modern age as male surgeons, “…began knitting in the twentieth century because the handiwork helped to keep their fingers from getting stiff.” Thankfully, one does not have to be fighting a war or conducting surgery to enjoy the art of knitting. Recently, I gathered together a group of friends who were interested in learning how to knit and created a weekly event we cheekily refer to as “Needle Night.” As we get together at our respective homes, we enjoy a fun evening of wine, laughter, and shared stories of our daily adventures or more commonly our mis-adventures. The gatherings ended up being so much fun that our significant others decided that they wanted to join in as well. Now, we not only have knitters in our group but also needlepoint enthusiasts. As we meet in the evenings, we enjoy the community that we’ve created and feel a real connection in our neighborhood. If you’ve been interested in the art of knitting or simply looking for something fun and interesting to do, try it! To begin, find a class in your area or better yet, search for a group to connect with! There are several groups out there to join. Here in DC, Gene Throw coordinates the group DC Men Knit, a group of male knitters that get together four times a month in various locations in DC and VA. As Gene related to me, the guys who join DC Men Knit are interested in learning the skills, connecting with other knitters and enjoying a creative outlet that results in something you can wear with pride! So, gentleman, why not become a part of a rich and rewarding tradition! It takes balls to pick up a needle and knit a sweater. Are you man enough?


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October 2011


I’m Not a Proud Man by Adam Hornyak


know that I’m categorized in the humor section, but all joking aside… I steal food. Please allow me to explain. I live alone in the middle of nowhere, and work out of my house, so occasionally I feel the need to get out of my place, very often to buy alcohol or hit on women, but mostly to keep myself sane by interacting with real people rather than the voices in my head. Every now and then, I enjoy the finer things in life, which is why I have recently been spending most of my mornings eating breakfast in local hotel lobbies. It all started a year ago. I was driving to a client’s office when I had a sudden, extreme intestinal predicament, forcing me to find a place to take care of business. I have spent many years of travelling for my job, living out of suitcases, so I have developed a keen instinct for knowing where the best bathrooms are. For instance, the C terminal of the Denver International Airport has a very private restroom on the third floor. Trust me. I know what I’m doing. But if you don’t happen to find yourself in the Denver airport when you have a gastro-emergency, I would suggest that you use any random hotel lobby. They are clean, easily accessible, and the Springhill Suites in Wheeling, West Virginia offers up an extraordinary level of additional service that I wasn’t expecting. All I wanted to do was to use the facilities and get back on the road, but a lovely woman working the breakfast station approached me as I was ready to leave and said, “Come grab a bite. We have bacon, eggs, coffee…” “Sure”, I thought. I hadn’t eaten yet. I could certainly go for some bacon and eggs, and I’m running early anyway. I might as well indulge. I mean, look at me. Do I look like someone who would spend any time in Wheeling, West Virginia unless it would have constituted an underwear/car seat emergency? I might as well take advantage of this woman’s lack of observation skills and grab a USA Today while I’m at it. It then dawned on me that I should do this more often at home. When I am on the road three weeks a month, I hate it. The long days without the comforts of my house are dreadful, but for some reason, free breakfast was the one perk that I always looked forward to. Since work has slowed down, I haven’t been travelling as much. I had to somehow get that feeling back, and there was only one way to do it. Steal.

Guess what I did? First, I enjoyed a very hearty breakfast. Then I went to the front desk to inquire about what the disgusting things I just ate would have cost me. As a shit-hole hotel aficionado, I am well aware of who has good breakfasts, and who are simply kidding themselves. I’ve always said that the closest I’ve ever come to camping is staying at a Holiday Inn Express, predominately because of their breakfasts. The one near my house may have the worst food of them all, so I had to find out what kind of conceited number they could arbitrarily throw at something that I wouldn’t serve to a dog. At this particular hotel, the number was staggering. $14. Yup, $14. I’ve had better food crashing homeless shelters and they don’t charge anything. What a rip off. There is no way in hell that I’m dropping $14 on a high class Red Lobster dinner much less on the day-old gruel oozing out of a dumpy hotel’s overheated steam trays. I needed to make a statement and head on back to continue to prove my point. The next morning, I showered, shaved, and dressed like any Holiday Inn Express customer would, (shoeless, wearing a tank top) and decided to give it another shot only to see if I could get away with it once again. I confidently nodded to the woman at the front desk and proceeded to the dining area to see what was on the menu for that day. Substandard biscuits and gravy awaited my arrival as I helped myself to a free crappy meal. I even brought a Ziploc bag to take home leftovers of the stolen $14 garbage that I force fed myself. I am in a zone and have yet to be caught. So please don’t tell anyone that you read this. Editor’s Note: FRM does not condone the stealing of breakfast items. While we are glad that Adam has put on some clothes and gotten up off of the garage floor, we are strongly opposed to his morally questionable actions. In fact, Adam who? If the authorities are reading this, we don’t know where he is, though we did receive a tip that he can most likely be found at smoke-filled trashy bars on karaoke night. Adam Hornyak is FRMs resident cynic and self-described “train wreck,” regularly offering a brief glance into his cough syrupfueled, usedcondomriddled world. Dont say you werent warned!

There is an area near my home where three major hotel chains all reside in the same small space. Don’t get me wrong. I am not proud of what I am about to say, but I can’t live with this embarrassing secret any longer. When the mood strikes, I will head on out and steal a nice cup of coffee, lousy sausage patties, and free business center facilities from the hotel chains that I once called home. Is it morally reprehensible to walk into a hotel lobby pretending to be a guest, and walk out with a full belly of powdered eggs? Who gives a shit? On the other hand, is it borderline illegal? At my Holiday Inn Express it kind of is. On a recent jaunt to the hotel, I noticed a sign in the lobby stating “Breakfast is complimentary for guests staying at the hotel. Those not staying can purchase food. Please see front desk for details.” O c tober 2011 | FrM |



Pound for pound and word for word, the best there is...


VS. THE ACADEMY AWARDS I, like most Americans, watch the Oscars each year with tepid enthusiasm. Happily, the invention of TiVo affords me the ability to fast forward through the shitty parts such as the witless, scripted banter between the two B-list celebs presenting the award, and the mindnumbing ass-kissing that begins as soon as the golden statuette is passed off to the winner. Unlike years past in which the nominees for Best Picture featured such bore-fests and chick-flicks as “Shakespeare in Love”, “Life is Beautiful”, “The English Patient” and “Chocolat”, 2011 actually featured a healthy helping of films that I either saw or wouldn’t have minded shelling out the fifty or so dollars that it now costs to see a movie. HBO recently aired “Inception”, which I also saw at the cinema, and “The Kids are All Right”, both of which got me thinking back to this year’s list. “The Social Network” was entertaining and well-acted, but I didn’t think it quite had what it takes to win the Oscar. “Inception” was fun and brilliant, but didn’t really fit the Oscar “mold”, if you will. “Toy Story 3” was good, but I’m still a bit perplexed as to how a cartoon (and a sequel, no less) received such a prestigious nomination. Of the nominated movies that I saw, “The Fighter” really stood out. Marky Mark was poignant and convincing as boxer Micky Ward, and Melissa Leo and Amy Adams both absolutely deserved their nominations for Supporting Actress. And had Christian Bale not won the Oscar for Supporting Actor, the entire balance of the universe would have been sent off-kilter and life as we know it would have ceased to exist! [writer’s note: I just changed into a new outfit to type the remainder of this article.] The clear winner, however, at not only the Academy Awards, but also the SAG and BAFTA, was “The King’s Speech”. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I had no interest whatsoever in seeing this film. Movies about the British Monarchy excite me about as much as, well, movies about the British Monarchy. The


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trailer did little to sway my opinion, though it did make me realize that the film took place in the 1930’s, as opposed to several thousand years ago when people actually gave a shit about the Royal Family. The cast, who themselves were either nominees or winners in most relevant categories, consisted of a who’s who of actors that I had only fringe knowledge of. First there was Geoffrey Rush, an Australian Actor who is only a Grammy short of winning the fabled ETOG (Emmy, Tony, Oscar, Grammy), entertainment’s version of baseball’s Triple Crown. Rush, I learned, has won the Oscar (and received three other nominations), three BAFTAs, two Golden Globe and three SAG Awards.

Next up is Helena Bonham Carter, who always seems to look less like Tim Burton’s girlfriend and more like something that he created for one of his movies. I’m a little more familiar with her work, thanks mainly to “Fight Club”, “Big Fish” and “Planet of the Apes”, though she sort of creeped me out in all three. Helena’s first on-screen acclaim came in 1997’s “The Wings of the Dove”. Set in turn-of-thecentury London, “The Wings of the Dove” features secret engagements, terminal illnesses, moral choices involving marriage and other plot techniques designed to make the average guy like myself run in the other direction.

Not having the stomach to even attempt to learn the plot to “The Heart of Me” or “Enid”, I decided to turn my attention to Hollywood’s How is it that I have no idea who this bloke is? man of the year, Colin Firth. That’s it….to the internet! OK, let’s see. Rush’s first highly acclaimed film was 1996’s “Shine”. “Shine” tells the story of Australian concert pianist, David Helfgott (played by Rush), who suffers a mental breakdown and spends years in various institutions and…. I’m bored just reading the plot synopsis on Wikipedia! Next was 1998’s “Elizabeth”. I can already tell I’m not going to like this one, but here goes. “Elizabeth” chronicles the reign, during the 1560’s, of the voluntarily celibate Queen Elizabeth the First.

I just threw up a little. 1998 also brought us the aforementioned “Shakespeare in Love”. I actually remember fast-forwarding through this movie on HBO, only to get to the topless scenes featuring Gweneth Paltrow, but still no Rush. The next film was called “Quills” and also featured characters dressed in clothing from hundreds of years before anything I would possibly find interesting. I give up.

For his role as King George VI, Firth received the award for outstanding actor from nearly every organization and media outlet on the planet. Firth has a lengthy resume that spans several decades, yet I know I hadn’t seen him in anything to speak of. It was only upon watching his Oscar acceptance speech, that I realized that I had seen once him before, starring alongside Amanda Bynes in the trainwreck called “What a Girl Wants” (what this says about me, I don’t want to know). I guess I just assumed that taking second billing on that piece of shit got him blackballed from Hollywood. Turns out, however, that his repertoire is quite extensive. Firth’s filmography reads like a list of movies that I wouldn’t make my worst enemy watch (and yes, I have several enemies, one of which could be considered the “worst”). There was a lot of made-for-TV stuff (out of Britain, no less), followed in no particular order by “Pride and Prejudice”, “The English Patient”, “Shakespeare in Love” (there it is again), “Bridget Jones’ Diary” (the original and the sequel, before you ask), “The Girl with the Pearl Earring”, “Love Actually”, “Nanny McPhee”,

October 2011

“Mamma Mia”, “The Accidental Husband” and “A Single Man”. Jesus Christ! Does this guy not want men to know he even exists? My first thought was that the Academy was up to its old tricks. That is, bestowing praise upon only the most god-awful, artsy, feel-good bullshit, then having the audacity to complain that movie-goers just don’t care anymore. Something about “The King’s Speech” just felt different though. Still having no idea what it was about, I did a quick web search. The result is as follows: Colin Firth plays King George VI, who, to overcome his stammer, sees Lionel Logue, an unorthodox Australian speech therapist played by Geoffrey Rush. The two men become friends as they work together, and after his brother Edward VIII abdicates, the new king relies on Logue to help him make a radio broadcast at the beginning of World War II. Good God, Magnum! I’d rather watch my grandmother be gang-raped!

There was only one thing left to do. Yep. I had to watch this movie! I wasn’t certain when it was scheduled to air on HBO (and my wife, wise to my shenanigans, cancelled by subscription to “Skin-oMax”) and therefore decided that the only way that I would have time to watch it (assuming of course that even one long evening will not be sufficient) and prepare a fitting critique, would be to go through Netflix. I informed my editor of my plans and moved “The King’s Speech” up to number one on my Netflix queue. I was worried that a message would appear that read “People who like this movie also like pediatric AIDs!” but thankfully none did. Now all that was left to do was wait. I nearly abandoned my plans after watching a trailer for the movie that included a small British girl referring to Firth as “pa-PAH”, but I held fast. And midway through August, my adversary arrived. I decided to use my pending task as an opportunity to invite my wife to join me. Our taste in television is vastly different, meaning she spends most nights in the family room watching “Dancing with the Stars” and “Army Wives” while I sit in the basement flipping be-

O c tober 2011

“Wanna watch “The King’s Speech”?” I asked. “Is that the movie that won all those Oscars?” Tracy replied. “Sure is!” I beamed, proudly waving the disc in front of her. “That movie looked stupid!” Touché! Looks like I was flying solo on this mission. Finally, with the kids tucked away and no preseason football to distract me, I took to my task. The film, I am pleasantly surprised to say, was indeed quite good. Whether it deserved all of the accolades heaped upon it, I will say, is debatable. I didn’t find it to be as uplifting or moving as “The Fighter” and it wasn’t nearly as entertaining as “The Social Network” or “Inception” (all due respect to the other nominated films of 2010 that I didn’t see). “The King’s Speech” was, however, very interesting and did a fine job of keeping my attention. And the wellwritten dialogue even produced a few unexpected laughs. For me, the best part about it was the fact that it was a true story and opened my eyes to many historical facts that I never knew. Aside from appearances by Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill, prior to their respective reigns as Prime Minister, and a pre-pubescent Queen Elizabeth II, most of the historical figures, including Kings George VI and Edward VIII, were unknown to me. Also, given the buzz around the monarchy, thanks to Will and Kate’s recent nuptials, I found it interesting to garner a little more insight into the role that the Royals play in British society, as well as their relationship with the English government. Firth was good, but I wouldn’t chalk this up as one of the most memorable performances ever given. Rush, in fact, stole the show, in my opinion. His performance was great and deserving of the Best Supporting Actor nomination (or award, according to the Central Ohio Film Critics Association), and he shouldn’t feel bad about finishing second to Bale. To me, the sign of a really great film is that I find myself still thinking about it; still drawn back to it; several days later. “The King’s Speech” was good, but fell a bit short in this regard. Instead, rent “Lost in Translation” or “Synecdoche, New York”.

Firth’s performance was well done, for but the finest of all time, check out Ben Kingsley in “Sexy Beast”. Or, if you’re a sucker for an actor doing someone with a disability, Billy Bob Thornton’s “Sling Blade”. And I love me some Brits! But instead of the Royals, give me Mike Leigh’s poor working class in “All or Nothing” or Guy Ritchie’s wonderful underworld of “Snatch”. I dropped “The King’s Speech” back into its postage-paid envelope and went on-line to see what Netflix had in store for me next. A message on my account read “You’ve rented “The King’s Speech”, here are some other movies that you may enjoy!” As I eagerly scanned the list, one film in particular jumped out at me. It was scheduled to be delivered next. “Shakespeare in Love”. Fine. But I’m fast-forwarding to the nudity!!◆ Matt Caruso, Front Row Monthly’s hammerin’ humorist, levies literary jabs and written uppercuts at any and all subjects.

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Now I was really perplexed. How could something that sounded so awful, with actors who have all-but-defined the genre that I refer to as “worse than Hitler”, have received such critical acclaim?

tween “Lizard Lick Towing” and the Rockies/ Padres game. This movie, however, may have what it takes to unite us. | FrM |



Take One Down I’ve never read a book, took a class or really care about the fine art/science of actual beer tasting. I’m just a guy from Pittsburgh that loves drinking draft beer and saw a need for a non-snobby, relatable guide for the average beer drinker…. Actually this is really just a way to justify to my wife all the expensive beer I drink. If you’re interested in “real” but not nearly as cool reviews, a simple google search will get you all kinds of lame sites.

Austral Calafate

3002 Chilean Pesos - 350ml. Bottle - 5% ABV What they say

Calafate Ale es una cerveza elaborada 100% de malta, de sabor amargo con cinco grados de alcohol. Visualmente, se distingue por su tonalidad, un rojizo profundo dado principalmente por la incorporación del berry (Calafate). Esta cerveza fue lanzada al mercado en el año 2006, siendo parte de la linea premium junto a la Patagona y Yagan.

What I say

The Rating System

WOW! Top score. This beer is freakin amazing, give me another to

drink on the way to the distributor and call in sick tomorrow, I’m buying a keg MMMMM! Almost amazing, I’d totally spend the money on a case. Eh. Not bad, I’d order it again if there wasn’t anything else better. Bleh. It pretty much sucks, I’ll finish it but won’t ever buy it again. Bluuuck! Thats the best word I can come up with to describe the sound I make while puking.


| FrM |

On a recent flight to Argentina I got loaded on $8 Heinekens, passed out and woke up in Chile. Before that I didn’t even know where Chile was, but because of a volcanic ash cloud I’d be spending an indefinite amount of time there. So like any American stranded at a shady airport in a third world country I started slamming local beers and organizing a giant game of hide-n-seek. Most of the cervezas tasted like highly carbonated Coors Light someone dumped a shit ton of sugar in. The light bodied, tart and tangy Austral Calafate was an exception. The ale is brewed with calafate berries, which taste like the bastard berry child of a blueberry and a raspberry. You get a good taste of the berry but it’s not overpowering or syrupy. If you’re into fruity beers and you can find this stuff it’s a nice change of pace.


Looks pretty much like every other lame beer label in Latin America. Don’t these companies know I’ve been known to pick new beer based solely on the label?

Overall mmmmm October 2011 | FrM |

Photo by Andie Candell

S e p t e mber 2011



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October 2011

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