The Infrastructural Beach

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The Infrastructural Beach The Bay Ring Project Cesare Albergoni Sara Alonso Marina Durán Milan Radivojevic Jaime Pagés Edited by Pablo Oriol Fernando Rodríguez Jaime Pagés

Design Studio IV IE University - Bachelor of Architecture Program Prof. Pablo Oriol & Fernando Rodríguez 2012

The Infrastructural Beach The Bay Ring Project Cesare Albergoni Sara Alonso Marina Durán Milan Radivojevic Jaime Pagés Edited by Pablo Oriol Fernando Rodríguez Jaime Pagés

Design Studio IV IE University - Bachelor of Architecture Program Prof. Pablo Oriol & Fernando Rodríguez 2012

The Infrastructural Beach Intro Design Studio IV is proposed as an intermediate workshop between the more experimental studios of the first years and the final studios which lead to the Thesis Project. Thus, from this mid-position, the work developed during these months aims to connect the students with the real world, as a kind of simulation of professional practice. The Studio is mainly focused on a student’s wide approach to the different aspects of the architectural project (such as scale, program, technology, politics or image) and the development of coherent architectural strategies that eventually would allow establishing an intellectually complex process. Among the main objectives to be developed, we may list these three ones: Implement own design strategies. Students have to develop and test their own strategies of design, which must be understood as general tools to face reality from an architectural approach. Strategies ask for coherence, flexibility and ability to adapt any process. Intervene in real world. Students are expected to express concerns about present challenges relating economic, cultural and political issues which may be needing an architectural approach. Ability to enhance reality through architecture is central to the understanding of the course. Communicate architecture. Communication at every different level becomes key to both the success of the project and the total understanding and control of the proposed methodology, and a coherent discourse helps to proper communication.

Tourism as key topic and the Bay of Cadiz in southern Spain as a general and particular context are selected to develop all these strategies, starting from its relationship with touristic flows and its economic capacity to host a major intervention within this field. It is not about new resorts, but about re-thinking a territory within both its discovered and unveiled potentials. The Infrastructural Beach is the proposed exercise to be developed through the Studio. Borrowing those 1970’s projects on sustainable development of the Mediterranean west coast that Candilis compiles in his wonderful Planning and Design for Leisure as cultural reference, we encourage the students to really engage with the real place to find out what it could become. Anything but already knew programs and uses is allowed:; it is part of the aim of the course to implement a new concept for the territory which should work together with the whole group work. This book gathers together texts from the studio professors, selected references, pedagogical strategies and projects developed by the students in order to show how the academic, critical and professional approaches should merge within a Studio Course. Fernando Rodríguez & Pablo Oriol


Credits of the Publication Edit: IE University Editors: Pablo Oriol, Fernando Rodríguez Coordination and Graphic Design: Jaime Pagés © of the edition © of the text, its authors © of the images, its authors All rights reserved Printed and bounded in the European Union 1st edition, Madrid 2012 ISBN 978-1-291-27211-6

The Infrastructural Beach program The Infrastructural Beach. The Bay Ring Project Design Studio IV Spring semester 2012 Bachelor of Architecture Program IE University Professors: Pablo Oriol & Fernando Rodríguez Students : Cesare Albergoni, Sara Alonso, Marina Durán, Milan Radivojevic and Jaime Pagés


Index Intro Transformation Strategies in the Inherited Cityscape The Infrastructural Beach Module M1 Territory Statement Five Explorations Module M2 System Statement Five Explorations Module M3 Technology Statement Five Explorations Module M4 The Bay Ring Project Statement Analysis Five Explorations Conclusions


Intro Transformation strategies in the inherited cityscape Design Studio IV is organized within a broader Research Project called Transformation strategies in the inherited cityscape which, along several semester studios and seminars, aims to define strategies of suburbanization, counterurbanization and infrastructuralization of the inherited 20th century cities. Exercises within this general topic always refer to an existing reality, whether a future possibility, a breaking new or a detected need. Working with present situations helps us to establish measurable conditions to deal with and a variety of fields to operate on. First Studio took place in Spring Semester 2011 and the main topic was Cultural densification. Using as starting point the settlement of the IE School of Architecture in the middle of IE Maria de Molina Campus in Madrid, students had to approach an architectural intervention in the existing city from very different points of view, regarding the way a piece of the inherited city would be reloaded and thus changed through such a programmatic intensification. Design Studio IV Spring Semester 2011 focuses on TOURSIM as a key industry within the general context of economic crisis, enhancing the relationships between architecture and tourism as a key way to achieve a new concept for the development of already existing destinations. ‘Once the idea of the resort was to provide a momentary escape from everyday hardships; an earthly preview of paradise for temporary consumption... but now (…), where the resort has become the ubiquitous condition, everywhere and ever present, it is the resort itself that is beginning to inspire escape’.

George Candilis ‘Planning and Design for Leisure’ 1973

Andreas Gursky ‘Rimini’ 2003

MVRDV ‘Costa Ibérica’ 1998


The Infrastructural Beach Design Studio IV Spring Semester 2011 focuses on TOURISM as a key industry within the general context of economic crisis, enhancing the relationships between architecture and tourism as a key way to achieve a new concept for the development of already mature destinations. It is intended to define strategies which might reload the inherited hotel and services infrastructures of the touristic boom in the 1960s and 70s along Spanish coasts. Recent events around the Mediterranean Sea have raised the number of incoming visitants to the Spanish coasts, as a result of the growing instability of other countries providing holiday services in the same market niche. This situation has recently showed that the specific weakness of our national economy may find a recovery way paying attention to the former touristic vocation of the whole country. Spain claimed once against becoming Europe’s Florida, but nowadays perhaps it is a kind of needed specialization. Tourism is a key movement within seasonal human behavior. In 1841 Thomas Cook launches the first ‘Pleasure Train’ between Lancaster and Loughborough, beginning a quite profitable activity until today: helping people move for precise lapses of time to enjoy different climates or, at least, different ways of doing the same and feeling a real holiday. Since then, touristic commuting and stays have become a key phenomenon which can order or disorder whole territories along countries. Tourism is politics, economic science, publishing, sociology and architecture. Since the ‘Grand Tour’ in the 19th century and first ‘social holiday’ in 1936, this phenomenon has done nothing but grow, catching architects’ and urban planners’ attention in the last century and a half. We will specially mention the work done by George Candilis in the 1970’s summarized in the book ‘Planning and Design for Leisure’ and the proposals launched by MVRDV Dutch architects in the book ‘Costa Ibérica’ a decade ago. Fernando Rodríguez & Pablo Oriol


Methodology The course exercise was organized at different scales, all of them relating a real location: a former hot spot within the Spanish touristic sector will be re-thought to propose a strategic plan for its current development. The course work is organized as a workshop, sharing a common target as project exercise. This situation allows establishing team-work dynamics which may take advantage of both the on-site and the on-line period of the course. EXERCISE The Infrastructural Beach The Infrastructural Beach is a 24/7 Touristic Infrastructure operating as a catalyst for the regeneration of the area in economic and sustainability terms through the tourism industry. It has to work throughout the whole day and during the different seasons of the year, allowing change and flexibility. Proposing new ways of leisure would be central to the success of the project. The following programs should be taken into account. A variation of the related percentages is allowed: Accommodation 35% Sports & Leisure 20% Commercial 20% Water activities 20% Transportation Hub 05%  


Content   Module 1 Context Study, describe and modify a selected fragment of territory to fit the new Infrastructure program. Module 2 System Study, describe and modify a selected existing architecture to fit the new Infrastructure program. Module 3 Technology Study, describe and modify a selected material and structure to fit the new Infrastructure program. Module 4 Strategic proposal Each student works on a project within a wider strategic plan for the area. This strategic plan is presented as a whole by the work team. A communication campaign should be elaborated, along with a touristic map of the region once the whole plan would be implemented.






Territory Module_M1 Study, describe and modify a selected fragment of territory to fit the new Infrastructure program. As a first approach to the specific site the course is working on, the students will get some abstract in-put relating with the geographic nature of the context. It is intended to understand the context both as a potential catalyst for an architectural project and as a precise and real site.


Module M1 Sara Alonso

Selected area and analysus of the external agents

View of the different parts of the program

Plan and programatic distribution of the infrastructural beach

Different sketches with views of the area


Ideas and thoughts on the intervention area This plot located in the south of the city of Cadiz offered a lot of possibilities given the nature of the site: Including the mouth of a river and part of the coast, the area is in a continious change due to the climatology and the tides creating different and surprising situations. A first analysis was done to interpretate the reactions of the site to the extern agents, studying the tides and the communications and fluxes derivated from them (second and third photo).

Distribution of the program The distribution of the spaces follows a hierarchy in which the intensity is the main factor: The most accesible area, which would take us to Cadiz, is the area in which the more dynamic activities are done: shopping malls, restaurants, bars and pubs. Following the crosswalk there is a private area, which houses a hotel, spa and gyms.

Different Areas The crosswalk, made on wood, floats from side to side without interfering with the landscapespots. Some natural swimming pools are anexed to the crosswalk, remaining hidden when the tide comes in and appearing as a natural formation when the tide goes out.

Analysis of fluxes Based on the existing fluxes to avoid unnecesary interventions in this wild area, the project was a network composed by different parts adapted to the terrain and specificities of the area. This network consists on a main crosswalk traversing the nature, leading the visitor through different buildings


Module M1 Marina Durรกn

Aereal view of the area

Model of the Area Different views of the area


Ideas and thoughts on the intervention area Within this module we were given an image of an area we didn’t know where in order to develop an intervention by relaying on just the context. The idea of the intervention carried out in this area is preserving the natural resources while taking advantage of the water flow and the natural shapes and geometries created by the same. Focusing in the two water edges and the connection among them, the water flow traversing the forest area, it was reach the idea of developing the project among those water flows allowing the connection of the different programs and activities. Therefore, both water edges would host the different programs while being connected by a platform along the water flow. View of the platform that connects the different elements of the program inspired and shaped by the surrounding landscape. The created platform distributes the program in different levels on order to take better profit of the surrounding landscape. Also the materials reflect the existing nature and landscape.


Module M1 Cesare Albergoni



Module M1 Milan Radivojevic

Mood images Site Plan



Module M1 Jaime PagĂŠs

Plan of the different infrastructures

Image of the birds watch point

Different mood images of the infrastructure


Ecoturism. The Wall Project. The Project of the Wall aims to regenerate the existing area of the salt works in the Cadiz bay respecting at the same time the biological richness of the area. The project is based on the reuse of one of these existing infrastructure that is was abandoned due to the lack of productivity of the system, and in where several species such as the pelican or the flamingo. In order to do so the project is implanted on the existing area in a micro scale following the main canals of the salt works. With this micro scale a type of barrier is created in order to separate the “inside” of the island with the “outside”, the wetland from the sea. The barrier is also accented by the implementation of a “ring sidewalk” that elevates on the existing landscape creating a series of specific sight seen points for bird watch. The proposed new program will be a series of infrastructures that will be spread along the edge of the coast in order to reduce the impact. Together with the accommodations and the walkway it will create the ring of separation. The accommodations and the infrastructure will be also created as contemplation points, the landscape and the biological richness of the area will appear on the accommodations through the creation of large windows that look both to the salt works and to the canals/sea. With this characteristic the room will be the perfect contemplation point, since it will be able to see the flamingos from the shower or the bed.






System Module_M2 Study, describe and modify a selected existing architecture to fit the new Infrastructure program. The aim of this exercise is to avoid starting opver again and again. We will use past architecture as a tool for getting higher knowledge of the dimensions, relations and scale of a single project.


Module M2 Sara Alonso. The Seattle Public Library

The given building and its placement in Cadiz Bay

Analysis of the communication and programatic elements The given building with the new program

Image of the New Structure in the beach


Intro and Placement In the second module I developed my project focusing on one specific spot of the network. My reference building was the Seattle library, which I modified and transformed to create my new infrastructural beach. This new infrastructural beach would have a priviledged situation, in a middle point between the river, the sea and the wetlands, and would include most of the programs on it.

Analysis and First Ideas An analysis of the different programs, the vertical communications and the voids and spaces of the Seattle library was done in order to reorganize it towards our new building. The complex configuration of the library’s wrapping and the voids created in between were the points that I chosed to develop my idea. The library has a very complex structure, in which different volumes communicated vertically though ramps, stairs or elevators are wrapped creating new spontaneous spaces in between Based on this structure, some first modifications were done playing with the different volumes and the wrapping, and modifying the communications between them.

New Programs, New Complexity The program includes a wide variety of leisure activities. In the basement, the most public acitivities as shopping are developped. As we go higher in the building, more private and specific activities are taking place, starting with a hotel and one spa and finishing with a cinema, a gym and a football courtyard. An interior green courtyard connects all the volumes, unifying the independent volumes and voids into one big mass.


Module M2 Marina Durรกn. The Tate Modern

Different Analysis of the current state of the Tate Modern

New Placement in Cadiz Bay

The new section of the Tate Modern


Intro and Analysis Here we were dealing with gallery space that has to be transformed into an Infrastructural Beach. One of the most interesting points of this building is that it already suffered a transformation, from being a factory to become the actual gallery. The main idea is to learn from the past transformation, understanding the actual building and finding the way in which to introduce the new program. Program- the Tate Modern can be understood as a process of stacking programs one on top of the other. The connection with the exterior breaking the boundaries between the void and the surrounding parks and enhancing the presence of the tower. Open Spaces- The proposal would create a more direct relation with the outside by bringing the street towards the interior of the building and creating a direct contact with the waterfront. CirculationThere is a linear circulation accessing the building through the main faรงade. The new circulation would provide diagonal connections among the different floors as well as access to the interior by any of the faรงades.

New placement of the building This module developed within two parts. The first one shown was the understanding of the original building by means of the cross section and adapting it in order to host the Infrastructural Beach program. The second one would be again the adaptation of the building, this time to a new environment by bringing it to the site of the first module and incorporate it to this new site. The action would be done by breaking the main volume leaving the tower as the element allowing the recognition of the building in which the void would be substitute by the water flow of the area that would divide the building in different parts.


Module M2 Cesare Albergoni. The Pompidou Centre

Paris I

Paris II




Analysis depending on the different situations

View of the Proposal in Cadiz Bay

Interior-Exterior Limits



Module M2 Milan Radivojevic. The Rolex Center

Site Plan

View on site and new program




Module M2 Jaime PagĂŠs. Euskalduna Auditorium

Programatic Section of the exisisting

New Programatic Section

Final Program distribution

Final Section

Site plan in Cadiz

Model Analysis of the existing building

Model Analysis of first Proposal


Intro first analysis On this module we had to change the program of an existing building in order to better understand the logic behind it. The given building was the Euskalduna Opera and congress palace of Bilbao. The first step was to analyze and understand the current building and program through drawings and models.

Methodology and ideas Once understood the organizational program and the special characteristics of the building, a programmatic change is proposed in order to house the new “infrastructural beach�. For this always working in section and placing the program within the inside of the building, but understanding that a change of program also creates a change in the formal aspect of the building.

Proposal for a new Esukalduna Also during the different placements and organization of program it is understood that this building works with a basis of addition. This means that thanks to its concept and to its formal resolution we can change the program and this will be reflected in the shape both interior and exterior, but still the concept will remain intact and clear. The building has a series of rooms placed on the former backstage while the existing void will remain as entrancelobby area remaining of its previous use, but opening with a brise soleil towards the sky.






Technology Module_ M3 Study, describe and modify a selected material and structure to fit the new Infrastructure program. This approach to the project should focus on specific construction strategies and their abilities to generate space and architectural interests. It is intended to understand the given system and to modify it to design the Infrastructural Beach.


Module M3. Sara Alonso, Valdemingomez Waste St

Site Plan of the intervention

Views of the intervention in context

Plan and elevation of the system in the Bay


Intro and Analysis For the third module, I decided to place the building along the coast providing good views to the sea and making it more accesible from Cadiz. Also this new emplacement would allow a more static project, less influenced by the tides and general climatology. The reference for this part of the project was the recycling plant of Valdemingomez, of which the materials and construction system were taken. The concept was to have a series of articulated structures made of polycarbonate, easily removable and recyclable, supported by some steel beams.

Modularity and Structure The structure, made of polycarbonate, is easily removable and can be adapted to different kind of terrains depending on the necessities. Modular and light, can be combined to create multiple spaces. The material allows transparency or translucency, and by the superposition and combination of them a game of lights and shadows is created modifying the spaces in between.

Distribution and program If we see the structural plan, the project consists on a series of articulated sheets that wave along the line of the coast, following the movement of the sea. A progression is made from the beginning, were the smallest structures are placed. towards a more complex building at the end. In elevation is also notable the difference of size of the buildings, that is also connected to the different intensities through the complex: This intensity would be reduced as we go further in the complex, having the most quiet places at the end of it.


Module M3 Marina Dur谩n. Estaci贸n del Casar

Plan Model of the proposal

View and mood images Analysis and proposal

Section of the Proposal


Intro and Analysis Within the third approach we were prepared to face the project from the technological point of view by understanding and applying a given technology used in a certain building. In this case the concrete adapting to almost any geometry creating spaces that were between becoming interior areas and at the same time exterior spaces. The action will take place in the area of the Module I by developing one of the proposed systems.


Module M3 Cesare Albergoni. Munich O. Stadium

Site Plan

New Section Vs Old Section

Construction System

Proposed Transversal Section



Module M2 Milan Radivojevic. Dymaxion House

View of the new Infrastructural Beach

Programatic Plan of the area Different sections of the new Dymaxion Aplication


Program The utilization of the technologies of the geodesic dome and the “dymaxion house” system are meant to minimize the visual impact of the program on the landscape. The only building in the program meant to draw attention to itself is the accommodation i.e. the hotels made from a geodesic sphere elevated off of the ground with the use of a large-scale “dymaxion house” technology. The rest of the program is meant to be either hidden in the flat, vastly horizontal landscape or to be placed with a minimal footprint on the landscape. The theme of this program is minimalism – not in the sense of visual form but in the use of materials and their impact both visually and ecologically on the surrounding ecosystem. This allows visitors to enjoy the protected natural reserve in a very delicate and evasive way. The commercial centers require a large volume, for which a spherical or dome configuration creates the maximum amount of volume for the minimal amount of materials. To hide its imposing form, the domes of the two commercial centers are partially buried underground while still being open to the sunlight from above. They are connected through and underground tunnel that also connects the two islands on which they reside in a subtle and pleasantly deceptive way.


Module M3 Jaime PagĂŠs. Museo Nacional de Arte Romano de MĂŠrida

First Proposal of promenade and final one

Image of the Proposed Promenade

Section of the Proposed Promenade

Image of the interior bedroom


Analysis and Proposal For this exercise it was said to us to build our infrastructural beach starting from a constructive system or a material. In my case the given material was brick. In order to better understand this material as first approach and trial of the exercise I decided to research on how was this material used on the case of the Museo Nacional de Arte Romano de Merida, in Spain by Rafael Moneo. Trough the reading of this building I got familiarized with the use of the different techniques of the brick such as the different lay-outs of displacement of this material or the use of the arch as main element for the openings. During the development of this third module the first main point was to understand and get into the logic of the material, how and when to use it in order to adapt it to the current specific site and also to think how could we create our new infrastructural beach out of this technology. Once we had the trust on the material, I decided to create a path, a kind of wall on the horizon that would accommodate the different parts of program along it. The placement of the program was thought in order to have the private part at a bigger distance from the city than the public one. In the end, after analyzing the surroundings I came to the conclusion that it would be a good idea to introduce the most public part of the infrastructural beach such as gyms, stores and restaurants to the local public. This idea, together with the idea of the flexibility of the path, and the rounded promenade changed the whole project. Finally we find a round promenade that connects two different points of San Fernando with the new infrastructural beach, in where the most private parts of the programs such as the accommodations are placed further away from the village and looking towards the sea and the salt works.






The Bay Ring Project Module_ M3 The Infrastructural Beach is a 24/7 Touristic Infrastructure operating as a catalyst for the regeneration of the area in economic and sustainability terms through the tourism industry. It has to work throughout the whole day and during the different seasons of the year, allowing change and flexibility. Proposing new ways of leisure will be central to the success of the project.


Analysis_Cadiz_Bay_Infrastructure In order to better understand the needs of the area the class as a team decided to perform an analysis of the Cadiz bay in different fields such as transportations, nature, demographics and program specificities.




Main Access to Cadiz

Main Southern Freeway

Main Freeway

Main around road


All Transportation axis and hotspots




The_Bay_Ring_Project Five_Interactions



Framing_The_Wetlands Marina_Duran

After approaching a project from different points of view, it was time for facing a bigger project that would happen within the area of study. In order to face this Module IV, we were asked to develop a critical and strategic thinking in order to create a system of proposals that would help developing the area of the bay in Cรกdiz. The Bay Ring project, as result of this strategic thinking, would incorporate different proposals placed in strategic areas of the bay. Among the different proposals we can find the following intervention, that is looking for creating unity within the whole Ring at the same time it is also merging with exterior activities and providing an infrastructure for a conflictive area in between one of the most important cities in the Bay and the project itself and the industrial area of the city.


Strategies and Analysis The area of intervention chosen was a “caĂąoâ€? in between the city and an industrial area. The site used to be a very productive saline that nowadays it has been abandoned, becoming a protected area in terms of nature and resources. Within the analysis developed it could be studied the different conditions of the terrain, the tights and the saline areas as well as the wetlands. It is a difficult terrain to work with in terms of natural resources, but it also provide really interesting solutions and context to the overall project. Also, the strategic position of the area itself within the whole Ring project allows for a better interaction between the future intervention within the other proposals and the exterior of the Ring.

Site of Intervention

View of the area


After the preliminary analysis and the possible interventions to carry out within the area, the final proposal would be developed along the line of the coast as a way to enhance the concept of the “caĂąoâ€?, reinforcing the idea that the plot and the project itself are entering the lagoon.

Diagram with distribution of programs

With this approach to the program layout in the intervention, we are setting some guidelines to follow. The percentages and the different spots, would be representing the most striking program within an area, but not the only program happening on it. The areas would be devoted o a certain kind of activity aiming for mixed uses and a complex catalogue of activities.


Development of the proposal Due to the size of the whole intervention, we decided to focus just on detail areas in order to be able to reach a degree of complexity that would made richer the intervention in the area. The detail areas wouldn’t be develop equally but they would be useful in order to find the spot of intervention that could show better the relationships and complexity of the overall proposal.


Programatic Plan






Elevation of Third Approeach

Different Sections of Second Approach


Constructive Section

Interior view of the project




Cesare_Albergoni The plot is located in the southern outskirt of Cadiz within an industrial area. It takes the advantage of being in a sort of fulcrum within three great roads and the Bay. The first idea was to exploit this feature in order to make this visible from far away as the “light house� of the Ring Project, the entrance of the entire strategic area: Cadiz Gate. The city of Cadiz is full of history and traditions to work on: the project wants to gather 32 centuries in one Museum, flanked with an R&D, a school and commercial areas.


Program Influx on the area. From culture to Business

Four Steps that shape the proposal

Perspective view of the project


Fluxes of circulation and main axis

Volumetric Development of the proposal


General Program Distribution

General Section of the Proposal


SIte Plan


View from the Local Street

View from the Road


View of Cadiz Bay from the Development




Milan_Radivojevic In the southernmost node of the Cadiz Bay Ring there is a plot of land, Punta Cantera, that has been almost untouched and off-limits to civilians for almost 300 years and has in it buried remains of cultures that go back to the dawn of civilization. The area looks like it could use some developement, but research showed that the area around the plot has suffered from frivolous real estate speculation and the local people are worried that the historic site will be obscured or demolished to make way for tasteless development. The Fadricas Hetirage Center aims to revivify this historic area and give it back to the local population to treasure as part of their heritage. the placement of “The Whale” next to Punta Cantera is meant to buffer it from encroaching land developement while stimulating pedestrian activity by making a spatial, non-commercial “funnel” that encourages people moving to and from the beach and historic site.



The project aim The whale is meant to stimulate the area between the beach and the historic site by creating a “current� of pedestrian circulation as well as buffering it from the adjacent empty lot. The whale is meant to be as simple as possible. It is conceived as a means to present the user with a space with a directional flow and dynamic narrative that propels them to explore the structure and its surrounding plot.


Selected Plot

The intervention area

Beach next to the intervention area


Top and middle plan of “The Wale”

General Section of the Project


Site plan of “The Wale”


Interior view of the Wale

A Sunset in the intervention Area

View of the Polvorines Area




Cadiz_Leisure_Harbour Sara_Alonso

This project is developped in a big area of the city of Cadiz. This place had an important industrial character that was kept during the construction of the project, trying to mantain the identity of the place. The area was an industrial site where the main buildings were warehouses, industrial shipyards and old buildings. The main idea was to make a reconversion of the area, transforming the old shipyard into a new one revitalizing an important part of Cadiz .


The project aim This project is developped in a big area of the city of Cadiz. This place had an important industrial character that was kept during the construction of the project, trying to mantain the identity of the place. The area was an industrial site where the main buildings were warehouses, industrial shipyards and old buildings. The idea was to make a reconversion of the area, transforming the old shipyard into a new one revitalizing an important part of Cadiz .

The Analysis that gives the shape

Existing Areas and Shapes of warehouses

An analysis of the warehouses and old buildings was made, and after taking them out of context they were replaced and reorganized to create the new spaces for the leisure center. The materials and shapes were also kept to give more strenght to the concept of mantaining the industrial past identity of the place.

Same Shapes, Different distributions

Site Plan Area



General Distribution of program

The Urban Area, a connected leisure hub The program is divided in 3 very different places: urban, water and nature, each of whom with a different purpose. The main activities and intensity is focused in the urban area, while in the water and nature area would be developed the quiest ones. At night, the urban area becomes a hot spot in Cadiz, that connected to the center of the City through the new “La Pepa� bridge attracts the visitors to a new complex of bars, pubs, discos, casinos, restaurants, shops and other leisure spots.

General Night View


The Urban Area, a connected leisure hub The urban area includes all the high-intensity activities such pubs or discos. It consists of concrete blocks opened to the sea with interior courtyards that house the activities. The spaces in between buildings are divided by different pavements, leading the visitor from building to building and giving dynamism and interaction between buildings. Some platforms and green areas in between allow the performance of shows or spountaneous events, as well as fountains or benches.

Main Plan


View of the terraces

The terrace experience above water The transitable terraces allow the visitors to experience the complex in different levels. They open the big scale of the buildings towards the biggest water landscape, transforming the industrial construction into a silent sculpture facing the sea.


The boxes at night

The terrace experience above water In the water area, more quiet activities are developed: the program includes places to rest and viewpoints as the main focus. It consists on several blocks that seem to flotate some meters from the sea, while the connections between them


Building Section

The box experience under water This water area becomes a metamorphic structure, a changing and surpirising network of semiunderwater, floating or underwater blocks. When the tide goes out, the underwater crosswalk and buildings - inhabited by the sea nature - emerge from the river to be hidden again when the tide comes in.

General Overwater view






The project of the BUCC (Business-Unviersity Center of Cadiz) is one of these simple solutions that engages with the context of the Cadiz bay, both programmatically- infrastructural and social scale. In order to revitalize this area one single spot light was not enough. Through the analysis could be seen that the area had to be consideredas a whole and that the solution would pass by a redefinition of the existing industry and the difumination of the existing edges. In order to do so one simple but powerful idea is presented; to redefine the existing landscape in a way that the project erases the edges and adds value to the zone with a change of uses and a better infrastructural distribution. This redefined landscape will be a constant in every decision, and as we go along the development we will see that the concept of landscape, and the definition of this concept is redefined and revisited when creating the inner spaces of the BUCC. The development of the project is done through a series of scales in a decreasing way. From the XL of the master plan to the S scale of the constructive we can appreciate how the project has been fully developed until the smallest detail and how the initial ideas and concepts have been empowered as we reduce the scale.


Extra Large Scale

In order to revitalize the area what we need is a complete reconversion, not only physical but also in terms of program. We find a series of already existing programs that should be empowered with the new set of installations. The future of the area passes by reconverting the decadent naval industry into the R+D industry of clean energy and aviation such as Airbus. This connected with a business center and the new campus of the University of Cadiz will be a catalyst for the urban and social regeneration of this area. What needs to be applied in the area is a center that engages with the current existing industry, that strengths the existing university and that merges both academic with the business and industry world. That is why in the big scale a strong analysis and definition of the surrounding areas was made. Also a clear analysis of the existing infrastructure and the edge situation allowed us to create a master plan completely based on the free pedestrian and bike flow along the area in order to allow total contact between the inner and outer part of the bay. The porosity of the developed area towards the surrounding neighborhoods is also one of the key issues and main ideas to be applied.

Astilleros - Pure industry. No mixed uses.

Barriada - Area developed in order to hold the new expansion of Cadiz and the housing of the workers of Astilleros

Puerto Real - Typical andalusian village composed of low rise buildings.


Site of Intervention


Large Scale

In the large scale a master plan of the area is created in order to better understand the scale of it, giving the needed infrastructure to the area. The master plan aims to revitalize the area and to establish a connection Outer-Inner bay finishing with the current existing edge situation due to the freeway. The free circulation of pedestrians and bicycles together with the creation of quality green spaces for the users are the two main premises of the master plan. In order to and to better understand the complexity of the work to perform a layering process was used, separating the different parts of infrastructure that form the master plan and analyzing them both as a whole and by separated as we can see in the diagrams.

Layers of Complexity Diagram


New Light Train Axis

New Car Axis

Pedestrian Under building Flow

Pedestrian Top building Flow

Overlapping Layers of Circulation


Medium Scale

Once understood the master plan it was time to jump into the detail development in smaller scale. Due to time restrictions it was impossible to develop in such a scale of detail all the master plan, and that is why I decided to focus on the BUCC library. The BUCC library building follows the same logic and concepts from the master plan. It creates an interior landscape defined by the glass partitions that separate and isolate when needed the different parts of the building. These partitions will create a new forest of glass, that will interact with the nature that appears through the glass openings that also provide light and vertical connection, both physical and visual with the upper redefined landscape. Thanks to the different curvatures of the floor slab the circulations will be completely free, but in order to reduce slopes and to mark a certain order, a series of paths will be created. Still if in the master plan we aim for a free circulation of pedestrian, within the building it will be the same. The BUCC library due to its transversal character of knowledge is much more than just a library. It will also house the archive, Computer rooms, the Mediatheque, the co-working spaces, meeting rooms, a restaurant, Cafeteria, an Auditorium, a set of university Offices a series of Classrooms and Seminar rooms and finally some Relax areas and Chill rooms.

Ground Plan of the BUCC Library


General Aereal View

Main Plan of the BUCC Library


Roof Plan With Plot Lines- Redefined Landscape

Main Transversal Section


Constructive Section


View of the Faรงade and the New Park

View of The Opening Section with Materials


View of the Co-Working area



Conclusions Thinking about the systems that form the cityscape allows us to integrate architecture, politics, economic and logistics. Infrastructures show us how big scale operations can provide the intimate and the public realms at the same time. Context, system and technology come together to define strategies that develope themselves along the decades, being felxible enough to be occupied again and again with diferent programs, users and schedules. The Infrastructural Beach is no longer a place but a way to organize a whole region, an excuse to implement those actions needed to redefine the territory.

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