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frrresh visual arts magazine


mmm :) summer... Summer is here and it’s time for the monthly dose of freshness! Cold winter scenes, snow, Christmas trees and warm sweaters are some of the things you won’t find in this issue of Frrresh magazine. On the other hand you will most definitely see some bright colors, playful creatures and some fruity juicy summer vibes in the images of some awesome artists. We’ll wait for you here- go fix yourself a refreshing drink and put you favorite hammock in the shade before you start. Are you all set? Ok, go on then, you can continue reading the magazine now.

artists featured in issue 28 are: Gio Pistone Guy Shield So Youn Lee Loulou & Tummie Jadranka Lackovic

IS ANIMAS a solo exhibition in Ravenna, Italy. I drew the fear. the fear of the people who become a legend, a little oral story and then Monsters. “He that fight with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.� -Friedrich Nietzche e Gio Pistone

Stanze Reinventing Renaissance Rooms an exposition in Rome Gio Pistone’s Sala dell’Astrologia, the social center of the palazzo, toys with concepts of power and influence. Her strong illustrative style, which has gained her widespread recognition in and out of Italy, combines with Renaissance symbolism to bring the viewer into an interactive game reflecting the power politics that allow certain winners to rise to the top and impose their legitimacy into others. the idea of my room is explained very well by my friend ... “I have of late—but wherefore I know not— lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises, and indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air—look you, this brave o’erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire—why, it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapors. What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world. The paragon of animals. And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me. No, nor woman neither, though by your smiling you seem to say so.” Hamlet, Act II, Scene II - William Shakespeare


Guy S


Hi there. I am a Melbourne-based illustrator with a passion for colour, light, ink and narrative. I’ve been drawing since my hand was capable of holding a pencil and have no intention of ever stopping!

So Youn Lee

Hi! My name is So Youn. I’m an art explorer. Glad (sort of) to meet you! Painting is my passion, drawing is my second nature. I practice happiness everyday.

Cheerful and colourful characters that reside in cities, machines and imaginative naiveté populate the world of Loulou & Tummie. Although the illustrations may look simple, they are well thought through and no detail is left to coincedence. The multitude of detail is reduced by the use of matching colours, creating a quieting result. Laurens and Chantal are an illustrator duo. Working together since 2004, the pair discovered they formed nice additions to each other’s work through living and sharing an apartment together. At first glance their individual work comes across as contradictory: Chantal works with cute characters and graceful patterns, while Laurens’ work is sleek and geometric. But they found a symbiosis and have since contin-

ued to work together under the name of Loulou & Tummie. When they began their clients were mainly newspapers, magazines and children’s books. In the meantime their portfolio has broadened to include designs for mobile apps, advertising campaigns, cuddly toys, murals, character designs for games and patterns for bags. Their clients include small local magazines as well as major international brands such as Virgin, Vodafone, Google, IBM and Mercedes Benz-Smart. Besides commisioned projects the couple develop self-initiated projects, characterized with having no or little restrictions and what often results in new knowledge, which they can then use in commissioned projects.

Jadranka Lacković is an artist from Rijeka, Croatia. After getting her MSc degree in Applied Arts, she decided to start her own unique jewelry brand called ojoMAGico. At first glance you will notice her peculiar drawing style, inspired by Art Noveau and Croatian, Turkish and Arabic folk art. Her lines, thick and thin, wide and narrow, curved and straight, colorful or monochrome, create a strong, dynamic energy, almost a whirlwind that draws us into her own world. The pieces are all hand drawn on wood with ink and acrylic

paint, and protected with varnish. Since they are hand drawn, even those meant to be a pair are always a little bit different. Each piece or pair is unique, so if you have it, you will be the only one in the world with it!

Editors: Rafael MilÄ?ić and pekmezmed Contact:

Photos and text: courtesy of each author unless stated otherwise

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