A Monthly Publication of Federal Road Safety Commission September, 2014
Subconscious Driving: How Common?
FLYING Examination Malpractice As The Foundation Of Corrupt Societies:
Uses of Cucumbers That
Will Amaze You
facts did you know…… That Nigeria has the largest diversity of butterflies in the world?
Nigeria boasts of being the most suitable habitat for the world’s teeming butterfly population. Areas around Calabar in Cross River State harbour the largest diversity of butterflies in the world. Some of these butterfly species cannot be found anywhere else on earth.
FRSC Insight, September 2014
From the Editor-In-Chief
Have you ever wondered why people get frightened?. But why should people get afraid. What is in fear that makes people to be concerned? The fear response arises from perception from danger we are either confronted with or just narrowly escaped. In worst scenario, fright could lead to death or paralysis. It is rather amusing that for some people, factors like loneliness, speaking in the public or rejection from a loved one could be a source of fear, and this may even be similar to what others feared when faced with imminent death from a road crash or terrorist attack. This causes a situation whereby the more a person acquires, the more he has to loose. Similarly the more a person mean to us, the more fearful we become in losing that person. Thus when we are loved, we are not only petrified, but become conscious of our impermanence. This makes life to become more valuable to the point that mere thought of losing it becomes more frightening But the fear of the unknown most times limits accomplishments. In any case, if humans can see tomorrow, their reactions to today’s predicaments may actually be different.
Incidentally fear is common to all mammals. Perhaps the single worst thing you could do to an animal emotionally is to make it feel afraid. Fear is so bad for animals and in variance to humans, it may actually be more excruciating when you make animals afraid than making them feel pain. Nevertheless it is surprising that from the perspective of fear, all babies and toddlers do not fear that which does not cause pain. Robert Bolles (1970) a University of Washington Researcher, found that most creatures have some intrinsic set of fears, which help to assure survival of the species. Thus rats will run away from any shocking event and pigeons will flap their wings harder when threatened. In this month edition of FRSC Insight, we examine what fear is and what causes fright in people, include why some people are afraid of flying. You may not know, but phobia for flying is also suffered by some celebrities. There is this story around Libya’s strong man, late Moammar Gaddafi, whose intense dislike for flying was borne out of a fear of flying over water - a near obsession which made him not reside in any building above the first floor as he feared climbing more than 35 steps. His fear of flying was noted to create logistical headaches for his staff, who make great attempts to avoid long flights over water as Gadhafi does not like to fly more than eight hours at a time and usually plan overnight layovers to accommodate his rest. Gadhafi is not alone as Kirsten Dunst the famous Spiderman actress admitted that she has a fear of flying and cannot relax easily when air borne. She however developed a coping mechanism by using her noise cancelling Bose headphones which drowns out the sounds of the plane, to help her focus on getting to her next destination without panicking. Colin Farrell, the Irish actor who played roles in both Daredevil and Minority Report has a reported fear of flying and had in the past resorted to pills to calm his nerves, to overcome the phobia for flying in an aircraft. Jennifer Aniston and Ben Affleck are also known celebrities with phobia for flying. Do you have phobia anytime you fly in the aircraft? You will also read stories like overcoming the fear with sleep, driving without awareness as well as all the regular stories in this month’s edition. We have migrated the FRSC Insight from to where you can read this edition and all legacy editions of your darling FRSC Insight, including the debut edition of 2010. Corps Commander Clement Oladele Head, Planning Advisory Editor – In – Chief
FRSC Insight, September 2014
Editor in Chief
Editor T S. Oladoke (DRC)
BO Oyeyemi, MFR, mni Corps Marshal/Chief Executive
OC Oladele (CC)
Graphic designer IA Tijani (DRC)
Members VO Ogunnupebi AR Obagbemiro CB Nwokolo S Yusuf FO Armah IS Abali
Editorial Team Copyright & Disclaimer The information contained in this Newsletter has been compiled by Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC). It provides general information only. Some photographs and graphics contained therein are only for dramatization (i.e may not represent any member, client, partner, facilities, employee etc of FRSC). No responsibility is accepted for the correctness and completeness of the given information. Copyright© Federal Road Safety Commission. All right reserved.
Federal Road Safety Corps National Headquarters 4, Maputo Street, Wuse Zone III, Abuja, Nigeria. Email: Website:
(ACC) (CRC) (RC) (RC) (RC) (ARC)
ERASING FEARS WITH SLEEP ………….Pg 13 FEAR OF FLYING ………. Pg 15 The Officers’ Mess – A Place to Promote Camaraderie ……. 18
FRSC Insight, September 2014
he first examination malpractice in Nigeria was reported in 1914, when there was a leakage of question paper in senior Cambridge local examination. The most pronounce malpractice in Nigerian was in the examination that was conducted in 1964, it was so wide spread that it was tagged ‘expo’. Shonekan view examination malpractices as act of omission or commission that contravenes the rules and regulations set for an examination to the extents of undermining the validity and reliability of the test and ultimately the integrity of the certificates issued, Shonekan (1996).
Examination malpractice in Nigeria is as old as the amalgamation of Nigeria in 1914.
Examination malpractice is not a new phenomenon in Nigeria, like any part of the world. The fight against corruption cannot be won without first fighting this menace called malpractice in our educational system because education is the foundation of every nation and if the foundation is not solid then we are only chasing shadows. Examination malpractice has become an accepted “norm” in our society today; students, teachers, parents and guardians no longer see it as a wrongdoing but normality. It’s even seen as one of the characteristics of “viable” schools that students rush to just to excel in their examinations. Examination malpractice today in our society is gradually becoming a culture since culture can be defined as generally accepted norm and today cheating in examinations has been institutionalized in most schools in Nigeria, thus it’s now a culture. Examination malpractice can only give a nation one sure product; corrupt and immoral citizens because malpractice cannot be separated from bribery and bribery cannot be separated from corruption. Once a student indulges in examination malpractice, such student accepts shortcut as a means of excelling in life and corruption only teaches you, shortcut to success. If u can cheat to pass an examination then you can cheat to become rich, it’s as simple as that.
FRSC Insight, September 2014
The nation Nigeria is witnessing an educational system where corruption, in form of cheating, and injustice is the most acceptable parlance and norm, and anyone who dares to stand against corruption and cheating in an examination is seen as a novice. The increasing trend of examination malpractices at all levels of the Nigeria education sector in the nation has a severe negative consequence on the nation’s educational system and national development.
But it seems as if the nation Nigeria has failed to look at this malady, she failed to realize that any nation that does not take its education system seriously is doing so at its peril and generations yet to come may live to regret.
FRSC Insight, September 2014
Examination bodies have their blames, the larger blame and decision lies with the students and their parents. That our successive governments has not done enough is a known fact, that most parents encourage their children is also a fact but the truth is, the students have the final decision to make and I enjoin parents to say no to
examination malpractice, by teaching children the need for honesty and integrity so that tomorrow our children can proudly defend their results and achievements in life. The consequence of lack of integrity and honesty in our educational system is catastrophic to not just the individual and institution but the society at large.
FRSC Insight, September 2014
8 o you remember any time where you drove home from work and arrived at the driveway and then realised you could not remember the journey home? You had just probably engaged in “subconscious driving” or also called “Driving without awareness” (DWA). It is the sense of driving with little or no conscious attention to the surrounding traffic, with the conscious mind actively engaged in other thoughts while the subconscious takes over the driving. Our subconscious brain is rather powerful and enables us to do some pretty remarkable things. It is probably more powerful than the conscious brain in many respects. For example, if you try to suppress your subconscious brain playing sport, making your conscious brain do all the work, suddenly your sporting ability drops right off. However, elite athletes work to get themselves "into the zone", which is where the conscious and subconscious are in harmony and the conscious is trusting of the subconscious. There are very few previous studies of this phenomenon and those that do exist often focused on long highway journeys and used simulators that deviate from the actual driving experience and methods that involved asking drivers directly about their driving experiences. Nevertheless, Audi Motors decided to carry out research on the prevalence of driving in the subconscious, they tracked the drivers’ eye movements and attention span with specialised glasses and came to the conclusion that subconscious driving is likely to occur in the following scenarios:
ARC Ifeoma Abali
PARALLEL TASKS AND THINKING The study showed that DWA is more likely to occur when the driving is done in combination with other tasks. All participants who had experienced phases of subconscious driving on the regular intercity road said that they had been thinking about or concentrating on other things not related to their driving; organizing their work day, decisions they had to make, and so on
FRSC Insight, September 2014
DWA is more likely to occur on familiar routes, where participants said they can drive in a more relaxed way and need to pay less attention to stimuli along the road.
The study concludes that DWA reduces attention to the act of driving, but not necessarily general security and road safety. Should something occur that is perceived as dangerous, subconscious driving disappears and most drivers can perform normally in most cases. However, it was also observed that DWA significantly slows down ‘reaction time’ which can considerably increase the probability of the driver losing control of the car, hence, a car crash.
LESS NUMBER OF STIMULI ON THE ROAD Few stimuli on the road seems to be yet another factor that promotes the occurrence of DWA, which is more likely to occur on highways and other monotonous roads with few stimuli.
REFERENCE TobiiPro (2014), “Eye tracking brings clarity to ‘driving without awareness’” Available at:
FRSC Insight, September 2014
MI-II RN Ejiogu
ucumber is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae. It is a creeping vine that bears cylindrical fruits that are used as culinary vegetables. There are three main varieties of cucumber: slicing, pickling, and burpless Cucumbers are very easy to grow and make for a delicious treat. But did you know they can prevent hangovers, or clean the kitchen sink? Below is a list of tips and tricks you can do with cucumbers that you do not want to miss!
FRSC Insight, September 2014
Feeling tired in the afternoon? Put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B vitamins and carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-meup that can last for hours, not to mention the extra water.
Un-Fog Mirrors With Cucumber for a Spa-like Fragrance Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.
Emergency Shoe Polish Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don’t have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water. This obviously works better on high-gloss shoes akin to the ones pictured -- more porous surfaces won't shine -- and you'll need to be sure to wipe away the seeds!
FRSC Insight, September 2014
Cucumbers to Curb Hunger
Hangover cure
Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation.
Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache-free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins, and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache. On top of that, they're 90% water, something your body will need after a little too much celebrating.
The Secret Super Cleaning Powers of the Mighty Cucumber
Looking for a ‘green’ way to clean your faucets, sinks, or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean; not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but it won’t leave streaks, and won’t harm your fingers or fingernails while you clean. Freshen Your Breath (When There is No Mint in Sight) Just finish a business lunch and realize you don’t have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath.
Steam Away Stress Stressed out and don’t have time for massage, facial, or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water; the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown to reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.
FRSC Insight, September 2014
DRC Tijani Ismail
ear keeps us alive, but it can also ruin our lives: Survivors of traumatic accidents or attacks may be haunted by terrifying memories, and those with phobias are tormented by irrational fears. Exposure therapy, in which a patient repeatedly relives a painful memory or confronts a fear, may eventually help to reduce or extinguish symptoms — but can be so gruelling that people quit before finding relief. A recent study from neuroscientists at North-western University's medical school found that the fearful memories brought up by a specific odour could be
reduced by exposing participants to that odour repeatedly as they snoozed. The researchers induced fear, as measured through sweat and fMRI scans, by giving people mild electric shocks. While they were being shocked, the participants saw two different faces and smelled a specific odour for each. The experiment, led Katherina Hauner, assistant director of the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory of the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago at the North-western University Feinberg School of Medicine.
FRSC Insight, September 2014
That’s a standard method of “fear conditioning,” teaching somebody to be afraid of something. But Hauner added another cue: scent. For example, “Face 1” might always be accompanied by the odour of mint while “Face 2” was always accompanied by lemon. So, each person received two fear contextual cues: pictures of faces and the aromas that accompanied them. And the conditioning worked. The skin conductance measures and fMRI images showed that the test subjects did indeed learn to fear the faces and aromas that often came with a shock. Next, test subjects were asked to take a nap while still attached to the skin conductance device as well as an EEG machine, which measured their brain waves. As soon as they entered slow wave sleep, Hauner exposed them to one of the two smells associated with the fear conditioning – only lemon, say, or only mint. At first, even though they were asleep, skin conductance measures showed a strong fear response. But the longer they slept in a slow wave state and the longer they smelled the odour, fear decreased. After the test subjects woke up, they were again exposed to the pictures of faces in the same set up as before, in the fMRI machine. This time, however, their fear of the specific face associated with the odour they’d been given while asleep was diminished. The longer they slept in slow wave mode, and the longer they smelled the aroma, the more powerful the effect. Their fear of the other face, on the other hand, remained unchanged.
14 What’s the significance of this research? Phobias are usually treated with “exposure therapy” which involves exposing somebody to what they’re afraid of over and over again until they finally learn not to fear it. It’s not erasing the fear; it’s creating a new memory stronger than the memory of the fear. The process is known as fear extinction. Research has shown that sleep helps consolidate new memories and some studies of standard fear extinction treatment have indicated that sleeping after therapy can produce a strong effect. “But to my knowledge specific emotional memories in humans have never been modulated during sleep before,” Hauner said in an interview, adding that her study was small, with just 15 people who did not have a fear disorder, and that more work needs to be done before applying her findings to actual patients. Others were more enthusiastic about the results, though. “This is extremely exciting,” Edward Pace-Schott, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School who often uses spiders to study fear acquisition and extinction, told NBC News. “While it’s hard to interpret, it suggests that if you can get contextual information into the brain during sleep, some sort of learning process can take place. The fact that it gets into the brain during sleep is remarkable.” Incorporating this technique into any kind of therapy may be a long way off, but Pace-Schott suggested it eventually may be possible to use odours as a supplement to waking exposure therapy to boost fear extinction memory. Hauner added that people undergoing exposure therapy may find napping after a session helps enhance the extinction memory.
FRSC Insight, September 2014
Fear of Flying CC Clement Oladele
pproximately 60 per cent of the population has a fear or unease of flying, this is otherwise known as Aviophobia. For most people it comes down to feeling as though they have no control over the situation, and claustrophobia. Miki Katz, a pilot for El Al Israel Airlines is an
international expert in fear of flying and stress advises anyone with a fear of flying to sit next to the window. "I know it might seem silly, but try it and feel the difference in sitting at a window and looking out as much as possible" he says. "Sitting in the aisle can increase the feeling of crowdedness because you see all the rows and all the passengers;
you can see the windows and your subconscious can raise the feeling of enclosure and density. Looking out a window reveals infinite open spaces and a feeling of abundant air". Many airlines and external operators offer fear of flying courses. There are also many apps for smartphones that can provide help. Some airlines have a fear of flying video with accompanying noises as a part of their in-flight entertainment, watching and listening to these is highly recommended. Airline ratings recommends Fear of Flying or links to
FRSC Insight, September 2014
online courses and apps or Fear of Flying Help for a free online course. Below we have answered the most common fears. If there is anything else that worries you about flying please contact the Airline Ratings team.
During this pre-flight routine they double-check the door is locked, and doors that were open for boarding are double-checked by two crew members. The door will never open mid-flight. Turbulence - it just scares me
Can the door open mid flight? Quite simply, no. Some people worry that if the door was not "locked properly" before take-off it could open mid-flight. First of all, the doors cannot be opened in flight as they act as a plug when the cabin is pressurized. The difference in pressure between the air outside and in the cabin means it is impossible for the door to be pushed out, or for it to "fly open". The pressure holds the door tightly against its doorjamb seal. Secondly, you might have heard the flight attendants go through the "cross check all doors" procedure prior to take-off.
Planes are tested rigorously for structural integrity and are subjected to a veritable torture chamber to simulate three lifetimes worth of stresses. While some severe turbulence can be upsetting, rest assured the aircraft can take enormous punishment. The aircraft's wings are designed to flex and any movement of the wings is not a sign of weakness. Turbulence is simply a disruption in regular airflow, just as a rock in a stream will disturb the flow of water.
FRSC Insight, September 2014
Can the engines stop working? Engine failure today is an incredibly rare event and the failure of two engines is almost unheard of. In fact, Airbus says you would have to fly back in time to the Ice Age before two engines would fail for different reasons. What's more, most engine failures occur within 10 minutes of take-off, so a return to the airport is a simple matter. Aircraft with two engines are designed and certified to fly on one. Today's jet engines are designed for the worst possible conditions and are thoroughly and rigorously tested before being certified.
17 clunk, followed by a jolt and a "windy" sound. This is the landing gear coming down and again it is another sound you most certainly want to hear. There are lots of mechanical sounds, especially just after take-off and during much of the descent - a whirring sound mainly. Are these the sign of a malfunctioning aircraft? These are great sounds to hear. The sound comes from the deployment or retracting of the wing flaps, or leading edge slats. These devices create more lift, and also slow the aircraft. Next time you fly, sit in a window seat that overlooks the back of the wing and you can see the changes in the wing and the noises that correspond with it. What is the "bing" sound I hear during the flight? It always sounds after takeoff, too. I feel like it might be signalling an emergency This sound is the "ring", if you like, of
The engines seem to lose power just after take off This is the result of Air Traffic Control asking the pilots to pull back on the engine power to reduce noise, or to stay at a lower flight level until they are out of an area of traffic. You may also hear the engine power change multiple times during the flight. This is simply the pilots changing flight levels, and may happen numerous times during a flight. After take-off there is a clunking sound. What is that? This is simply the landing gear retracting into the body of the plane. You want to hear this sound! Prior to landing you will hear another
the flight attendant phones to get their attention. If you press your call button you will likely hear this sound. During take-off and landing the cockpit has a period of no interruption then, at about 10,000 feet after take-off, the pilots will notify the cabin crew that they are no longer in this zone by ringing the flight attendant phones (a "bing" sound). A nominated cabin crew member will answer and signal to the other cabin crew they can commence service. When you hear multiple "bings" during flight it is not signalling an emergency, it's purely a lot of people wanting something from the cabin crew.
FRSC Insight, September 2014
The Officers’ Mess – A Place to Promote Camaraderie By RC CHUKWUDI B. NWOKOLO
The Federal Road Safety Commission, as a Paramilitary Agency, established its own Officers Mess in 1996, for Officers to meet, interact, relax and socialise after the days work.
Literally, the Officers Mess is the second home of all Officers in all Military and Paramilitary Agencies where officers socialize, eat, and (in some cases) live.
FRSC Insight, September 2014
MESS AND RANK The acronym MESS is the short form for Maintenance of Equal Social Status. Long back, during a party, It’s a popular saying about the mess that “All Officers have equal social status. Ranks are for administrative purposes only”. That’s why in an Officers’ Mess, all members are equal and have the same social status, irrespective of the ranks and positions they hold outside the Mess. Yes, Rank Has Its Privileges (RHIP) but that is outside the Mess. Inside the Mess it is all about comradeship, friendship and fellowship. THE MESS COMMITTEE The FRSC Officers’ mess is run by the Mess Committee, a group democratically elected by the members of the mess. One exception is, the president of the officers’ mess who is appointed by the Patron/COMACE.
The Committee members are generally the same as those of their Military and Paramilitary counterparts, with the addition of special representatives for such things as sports, entertainment, tombola, garden, property, provost, etc. These positions are normally spelled out in the mess constitution, which sets out the bylaws, regulations, and guidelines for such things as conduct of mess meetings, honorary memberships, associate memberships, dress regulations within the mess, or booking of the mess by civilian organizations. The constitution and any amendments are voted upon by the members of the mess. The Mess Committee is responsible for the effective and efficient management of the Mess, having proper regard to the supervision of the Mess catering services as well as:
FRSC Insight, September 2014
20 a. The proper control of the accounts of Mess income and expenditure b. The maintenance of the Mess property, furniture and fittings and the proper expenditure of capital sum for Mess maintenance and improvement. c. The discipline of Mess Staff. d.
recommendations to the Patron on the expenditure of capital sum for Mess depending on the market fluctuations. e. The adjustment of the price to be
charged for meals supplied to members in the Mess depending on the market fluctuations. f. The fixing of the Mess Bar tariff. g. The promotion and organization of Mess functions among others. COMPOSITION OF MESS COMMITTEE 1. President of the Mess Committee (PMC) - (Officers' Mess) 2.
Secretary of the Mess Committee is also the Vice President usually called (Mr Vice), who is responsible for toasts during Mess Dinners. He is also responsible for records and minutes, etc.
FRSC Insight, September 2014
As in the Military Forces, there are normally
maintenance of Mess accounts, safekeeping and
banking of monies, etc.
commissioned officers and officer cadets; the
4. Wines Member, who is responsible for
Warrant Officers' and Sergeants' Mess, for senior
keeping the bar stocked.
non-commissioned officers and warrant officers;
5. Property Member, who is responsible for
and the Junior Ranks Mess, for junior non-
furniture, infrastructure and accommodation.
commissioned officers, privates, and other
6. Food Member who is responsible for the
organization and provision of food for dinning-
Soldiers, sailors, air personnel or Para military
in members as well as catering arrangements
agencies are welcome in any Mess for their rank
for all Mess functions.
or equivalent, should they be away from their
7. Entertainments (Ents) Member, for any
home unit, as long as they are paying dues in at
special events or parties in the mess.
least one mess. For the Warrant Officers' and
8. Financial Secretary who is responsible for
Sergeants' Mess the highest ranking (normally
preparing all payments and disbursement of
the RSM) member is known as the Presiding
9. Garden Member who is responsible for the
Mess dress is the military term for the formal
beautification and neatness of the Mess
evening dress worn in the mess or at other
formal occasions. It is also known as mess kit.
10. Tombola Member
Mess dress would be worn at occasions
11. Sports Member who is responsible for
requiring white tie or black tie.
organizing and coordinating sporting activities
within the mess
FRSC Insight, September 2014
Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life. Marilu Henner
Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. Thomas Dekker
Health is not valued till sickness comes. Thomas Fuller
Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health and is as friendly to the mind as to the body. Joseph Addison
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” John F. Kennedy
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones..” Proverbs 17:22
“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools. Spanish Proverb
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