Weekly Bulletin 11th June 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng-


2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens-

ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Departure of St. James of the East.

12th June - 5th Baouna

On this day, St. James of the East (Oriental), the confessor, departed. He lived and worshipped in one of the monasteries of the East. He was a contemporary of Emperor Constantine the Great, Julian the Infidel, and Jovianus the Believer. When the latter was killed, Valens, his brother, reigned in his stead. He was an arian and he closed the Orthodox churches and allowed the Arians to open their churches. The grace of God moved this Saint and he went to the city of Constantinia. He met the Emperor on his way to war. He stood before the Emperor and said, “I ask you to open the churches of the believers, that they may pray for you, so may God make you victorious against your enemies, otherwise God will forsake you and you will be defeated before your enemies.” The Emperor became angry at what St. James said and commanded to beat and imprison him. The Saint told him; “Know that you shall be defeated before your enemies, and you shall die by burning.” The Emperor became enraged and ordered to keep him under guard until he should return from war. The Saint told him, “If you return safely, then God has not spoken by my mouth.”

The Emperor went on to fight his enemies. When the two armies faced each other, the Lord forsake him, so he was defeated before his enemies. They pursued him until he came to a certain village to which they set fire. Its people escaped, but he and some of his men remained and they were burned. Those of his soldiers who returned to the city of Constantinia told the believers what had happened. Thus the prophecy of the holy man was fulfilled. The believers assembled, and brought him out of prison with great honor. The Arians knew that the divine grace and the spirit of prophecy dwelt in him, as they believed in the accuracy of his faith. Many turned from their error, confessing that the Son of God is equal with the Father in essence.

This saint spent the rest of the days of his life in devotion to the ascetic life, and in fighting the spiritual fight until he departed in peace. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Abaskhiroun the Soldier.

14th June - 7th Baouna

On this day, the honorable St. Abaskhiroun, who was from the city of Qalin, was martyred. He was one of the soldiers of Arianus, governor of Ansena (Antinoe). When the Edict of Diocletian to worship the idols was issued, this Saint arose in the middle of the people present, exposed the infidelity of the Emperor, and cursed his idols. They seized him and shut him up in the prison, which was in the palace of the Governor, in Asyut. Five other soldiers agreed with him to shed their blood in the Name of Christ. Their names were: Alfius, Armanius, Arkias, Peter, and Cranius. When they came before the Governor, he cut off their girdles, tortured them, crucified some and cut off the heads of the others.

As for St. Abaskhiroun, the Governor tortured him with different kinds of tortures, but the Lord comforted

ىقرشملا بوقعي سيدقلا داهشتسا ةنوؤب 5 - ةينوي ١2 يقرشملا بوقعي سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم يف قرشملا تارايد دحأ يف دبعتي ناك . فرتعملا ريبكلا نيطنطسق نب سونيطسق رصاع دقو امل يذلا نمؤملا سونايبويو دناعملا سنايلويو بهذملا يسويرأ ناكو زنلاف هوخأ كلمت لتق سئانك قلاغإو مهسئانك حتفب نييسويرلال نذأف ةيهللإا ةمعنلاب سيدقلا اذه كرحتف نييسكذوثرلأا جراخ وهو كلملاب يقتلاف ةينيطنطسقلا ىلإ يتأو حتفت نأ كلأسأ انأ هل لاقو همامأ فقوف برحلل يلع الله كرصنيل كنع ةلاصلل نينمؤملا سئانك كنع ىلختيس الله ناف كلذ لعفت مل ناو كئادعأ رمأو كلذ نم كلملا بضغف كئادعأ مامأ مزهتف مزهتس كنأ ملعا سيدقلا هل لاقف . هسبحو هبرضب ابضغ كلملا دادزاف . اقرح تومتو كئادعأ مامأ هل لاقف برحلا نم دوعي نأ ىلإ هلاقتعاب رمأو ملكت دق برلا نوكي لاف املاس تدع نا سيدقلا يقتلا املو هئادعأ ةبراحمل كلملا راسو يمف يلع هئادعأ مامأ مزهناف هنع برلا يلخت ناشيجلا نارينلا اولعشأف ىرقلا ىدحإ لخد نأ ىلإ هوعبتتو هتصاخ ضعبو وه يقبو اهلهأ برهف اهلوح ةنيدم ىلإ هدنج نم ايح يقب نم داعو مهوقرحأف كلذبو ز ثدح امب نينمؤملا اوربخأو ةينيطنطسقلا نم هوجرخأو نونمؤملا عمتجاف سيدقلا ةوبن تمت حور نأب نويسويرلأا ققحتو ليزج ماركإب نجسلا اوعجرف هناميإ ةحص اوقدص امك هيلع تناك الله هيبأ عم الله نبا ةاواسمب نيفرتعم مهللاض نع ادهاجم همايأ ةيقب سيدقلا اذه يضقو رهوجلا يف . ملاسب حينت ىتح اكسان نيمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص ىنيلقلا ىدنجلا نوريخسبا سيدقلا داهشتسا ةنوؤب 7 - ةينوي ١4 ليلجلا سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم يف دنج نم تناكو . نيلق نم يذلا يدنجلا نوريخسبأ سونايدلقد رماوأ تردص املو . انصنأ يلاو انايرأ عمجلا طسو يف سيدقلا اذه زرب ناثولأا ةدابعب اوضبقف هناثوأ انعلا كلملا للاض انيبم رضاحلا يلاولا رصق يف ناك يذلا نجسلا هوعدوأو هيلع سويفلأ ( دونجلا نم ةسمخ هعم قفتاف طويسأب يلع ) نوياريقو سرطبو سايكرأو سوينامرأو مامأ اولثم املف حيسملا مسا يلع مهمد اوكفسي نأ بلصو مهبيذعتو مهقطانم عيطقتب رمأ يلاولا سيدقلا امأو ، نيرخلآا سوؤر عطقو مهضعب تاباذعلا فلتخمب يلاولا هبذع دقف نوريخسبأ نم هيفشيو هربصيو هيوقي ناك برلا نكلو ، ردنكسا يمسي ارحاس رضحتسا و ، هتاحارج سيئر اي لائاق ، لتاقلا مسلا نم ائيش سيدقلل مدقيل لوانتف ، كتوق يحيسملا اذه يف رهظا نيطايشلا هبرشو بيلصلا ةملاع هيلع مسرو مسلا سيدقلا هلإب نمآو رحاسلا بجعتف , ىذآ يأ هلني ملف لانو رحاسلا سأر يلاولا عطقف نوريخسبأ سيدقلا ابضغ يلاولا دادزا دقف سيدقلا امأ . ةداهشلا ليلكإ اضيأ هسأر عطقب رمأ اريثك هبذع نأ دعبو هيلع ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانف نيمآ .امئاد دجملا انبرلو . انعم نوكت هتلاص ةنوؤب ٩ - ةينوي ١6 ىبنلا ليئومص ةحاين

him, strengthened him, and healed his wounds. The Governor brought a sorcerer, whose name was Alexander. He gave the Saint some deadly poison, saying; “O master of the powers of darkness, manifest in this Christian your powers.” The Saint took the poison, made the sign of the cross over it, and drank it, but no harm came upon him. The sorcerer marvelled, and he believed in the God of St. Abaskhiroun. The Governor cut off the head of the sorcerer, and he received the crown of martyrdom. The Governor became more enraged with the Saint. He tortured him extensively, then he ordered to cut off his head, and he received the crown of martyrdom. May his prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

Departure of St. Samuel the Prophet

16th June - 9th Baouna

On this day, of the year 2947 of the world, the upright and great, Samuel the Prophet, departed. This righteous man was born in Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim. His father›s name was Elkanah and his mother was Hannah. She was barren, and by continual supplication, the Lord gave her Samuel. She raised him in her house for three years, and then she offered him to the temple of God as she vowed before she conceived him. He served Eli the priest until he grew up. Eli›s two sons had behaved badly and defiled the temple. While Samuel was lying down to sleep, the LORD called Samuel. And he answered, «Here I am!» So he ran to Eli and said, «Here I am, for you called me.» And Eli said, «I did not call; lie down again.» And he went and lay down. And the LORD called yet again, «Samuel!» So Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said, «Here I am, for you called me.» And Eli answered, «I did not call, my son; lie down again.» Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, nor was the word of the LORD yet revealed to him. And the LORD called Samuel again a third time. Then Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said, «Here I am, for you did call me.» Then Eli perceived that the LORD had called the boy. Therefore Eli said to Samuel, «Go, lie down; and it shall be, if He calls you, that you must say, ‹Speak, LORD, for Your servant hears.› « So Samuel went and lay down in his place. Then the LORD came and stood and called as at other times, «Samuel! Samuel!» And Samuel answered, «Speak, for Your servant hears.» Then the LORD said to Samuel: «Behold, I will do something in Israel at which both ears of everyone who hears it will tingle. «In that day I will perform against Eli all that I have spoken concerning his house, from beginning to end. For I have told him that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity which he knows, because his sons made themselves vile, and he did not restrain them. And therefore I have sworn to the house of Eli that the iniquity of Eli›s house shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever.» )1 Samuel 3:1-14)

Afterward, the Lord commanded Samuel to anoint Saul the son of Kish, a king for Israel. When Saul disobeyed the Lord Samuel anointed David, the son of Jesse, a king by the command of the Lord. He prophesied and judged for the people of Israel for twenty years.

May his prayer be with us. Amen.

The Departure of St. Yoannis the 16th, the 103rd Pope of Alexandria.

17th June - 10th Baouna

ملاعلل 2٩47 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف . يبنلا ليئومص ميظعلا قيدصلا حينت ميفوص مياتمار يف رابلا اذه دلو دقو همأو اناقلأ هيبأ مساو ميارفأ ليج نم ةبلطلا اهتموادمبو ، ارقاع تناكو . ةنح اهتيب يف هتبرف . ليئومص الله اهقزر الله لكيه ىلإ هتمدق مث تاونس ثلاث مدخف . هب لبحلا لبق ترذن نأ قبس امك ادلو ناكو ، ربك نأ ىلإ نهاكلا يلاع برلا اعدف ايدر اكولس اكلس دق يلاع نظف مئان وه يلايللا ىدحإ يف ليئومص لاقو هيلإ بهذف هوعدي يذلا وه يلاع نأ عجرا لا هباجأف يديس اي ينتوعد له هل ةيناث برلا هاعد يضم املف . عجطضأ ىلإ بهذيو موقي ةرم لك يف وهو ةثلاثو يذلا وه برلا نأ يلاع ملعف . يلاع اذإو عجطضا عجرا . هل لاقف هوعدي عماس كدبع نلأ براي ملكت لوقت كاعد يلاع هملع امك هباجأو برلا هاعد املو . لك ارمأ لعاف انأ اذوه » : برلا هل لاق مويلا كلذ يف . هانذأ نطت هب عمس نم هتيب يلع هب تملكت ام لك يلاع يلع ميقأ يضقأ ينأب هتربخأ دقو لمكأو ئدتبا . يذلا رشلا لجأ نم دبلأا ىلإ هتيب يلع يلع ةنعللا هب اوبجوأ دق هينب نأ ملعي تيبل تمسقأ كلذلو . مهعدري ملو مهسفنأ يلاع تيب رش نع رفكي لا هنأ يلاع 3 مص ١( » دبلأا ىلإ همدقتب وأ ةحيبذب (١4 – ١ : نب لواش حسمي نأ برلا رمأ اذه دعبو فلاخ املو . ليئارسإ يلع اكلم سيق دواد ليئومص حسم برلا رماوأ لواش ينب مكحو أبنتو برلا رمأب اكلم ىسي نب . ةنس نيرشع ليئارسإ نيمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص نم ١03 لأ سنأوي ابابلا سيدقلا ةحاين ةيردنكسلإا تاواباب ةنوؤب ١0 0 - ةينوي ١7 7 ١434 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف ١7١8 ةنس ةينوي ١5 ( راربلأا ءادهشلل رشع سداسلا سنأوي ابابلا حينت ) م اذه فرعبو . ةئاملا دعب ثلاثلا كريرطبلا هادلاو ناكو يخوطلا سنأوي مساب ابابلا يسركب ىراصنلا خوط نم نييحيسم يعدي ناكو امهلجن ايبرف ، ةيفونملا ةفرعم لكب هادوزو ةيبرت نسحأ ميهاربا ةمعن تناكو ميلعت نسحأ هاملعو بدأو عرعرتو أشنف هابص ذنم هيلع ةلاح الله حينت املو . ةرهاطلا ةايحلاو ةليضفلا يف ةنبهرلا ةايحل قاتشاو ملاعلا دهز هدلاو ةيربب سوينوطنأ سيدقلا ريد ىلإ يضمف ينابهرلا يزلا سبلو هيف بهرتو ةبرعلا لضافت املف . سدقملا ميكسلااب حشتاو نابهرلا ءابلآا هراتخا كسنلاو ةدابعلا يف ةديسلا ةسينكب عبارلا سواتم ابابلا همسرف ريدلا يلع اسق هليوز ةراحب ءارذعلا لاضف ةديدجلا هتبتر يف دادزاف روكذملا

Today also, of the year 1434 A.M. (June 15, 1718 A.D.), Pope Yoannis the Sixteenth, the 103rd Patriarch of Alexandria, departed. This Pope was known by the name “Yoannis El-Tokhi”. His parents were Christians from Tokh El-Nasara, the diocese of El-Menoufia. They brought their son, whose name was Ibrahim, with the best of care. They provided him with the best of education. God blessed him from his youth, thus he grew up in virtue and in a chaste life.

When his father departed, he forsake the world and desired the monastic life. He went to the monastery of St. Antony in the wilderness of Araba, and became a monk there. He put on the garb of the monk and attired with the holy Eskeem. When he showed his dedication in worship and asceticism, the fathers the monks chose him to be a priest. Pope Mattheos, the Fourth, ordained him a priest for the monastery, in the church of the Virgin Lady in Haret Zeewailah. He became more righteous in his new priestly rank, and increased his worship, until his godliness, humility and meekness became well known.

When Pope Mattheos departed, the bishops, priests and lay leaders, met to choose a good shepherd. They elected a number of priests and monks, among whom was this father. They casted an altar lot after they had celebrated the holy liturgy for three consecutive days, asking God to guide them to the one who is fit to shepherd His people. When the lot was made, it fell on this father. They knew and realized that God had chosen him for this office. He was ordained on Sunday, the ninth of Baramhat, 1392 A.M. (May 5th, 1676 A.D.). He was called Yoannis the 16th. The celebration of his enthronement was splendid and the joy prevailed everywhere in Egypt.

He gave his attention to the restoration of the monasteries and the churches. He restored the holy places in Jerusalem and paid off its debts. He renovated many churches and monasteries which he consecrated by his blessed hands. He gave special attention to the monastery of St. Paul, the first hermit, in mount Nemra. The monastery was desolate for a period of more than one hundred years. He opened it, restored it, reestablished the monastic life in it, and made it better than before. He prepared books, veils, altar accessories, and relics of saints for it, and consecrated it himself. He ordained many priests, deacons and monks for it on Sunday the 19th of Bashans, 1421 A.M. (May 25, 1705 A.D.). He visited the monastery of the great St. Antony, the father of the monks, in mount El-Kalzam, four times: the first was in the month of Kiahk, 1395 A.M. (1678 A.D.), accompanied by the head of the monastery, and some monks. The second was in the 20th day of Baramouda, 1411 A.M. (1695 A.D.) at the end of the holy fast. He was accompanied by Fr. John the Virgin, the priest of the church of the Virgin in Haret El-Room and the honorable deacon El-Moallem Girgis El-Toukhy Abu Mansour, and El-Moallem Soliman El-Sarraf El-Shenrawi. The third time was in Misra 1417 A.M. (1701 A.D.), and the fourth time was in 1421 A.M. (1705 A.D.) to consecrate the monastery of St. Paul. In the blessed month of Abib, 1417 A.M., a great tribulation befell the Orthodox Christians of Egypt, during the reign of the governor Mohammed Pasha. An accusation had reached him that the Coptic Christians had built new buildings in

هتعدو هعاضتاو هعرو ركذ عاش ىتح ادهزو لاخو شوانم كريرطبلا ابابلا حينت املو . ةنهكلاو ةفقاسلأا ءابلأا عمتجا هدعب يسركلا اوبختناف حلاصلا يعارلا رايتخلا هنخارلأاو نم بلأا اذه ناكو نابهرلاو ةنهكلا نم اددع اوماقأ نأ دعب ةيلكيه ةعرق اولمعو مهتلمج هناحبس الله نم نوبلطي مهو مايأ ةثلاث تاسادقلا هبعش ةياعرل حلصي نم ىلإ مهدشري نأ يلاعتو اوملع ةعرقلا يف بلأا اذه مسا بحس املو ةبترلا هذه هيلإ هراتخا يذلا وه الله نأ اوققحتو قفاوملا كرابملا دحلأا موي يف هتماسر تمتو . ةنس ويام 5 ( ش ١3٩2 ةنس تاهمرب ٩ ناكو ، رشع سداسلا سنأوي يعدو ) م ١676 حرفلا هيف مع اميظع امخف هتماسرب لافتحلاا . ةيرصملا راطقلأا عيمج ماق دقف سئانكلاو ةريدلأا ريمعتب متها دقو ددسو فيرشلا سدقلاب ةنئاكلا تلاحملا ريمعتب ينابم ددجو ةريثكلا نويدلا نم اهيلع ناك ام ، ةكرابملا هديب اهسركو ةريدلأاو سئانكلا لوأ لاوب ابنأ سيدقلا ريدب اصيصخ متهأو ةنس ةئاملا يلع ديزت ةدم ابرخ ناكو حاوسلا ناك امم نسحأ ىلإ هداعأو هرمعو هحتفو هددجف رئاخذو اروتسو ابتكو يناوأ هل زهجو هيلع مسرو ةسدقملا هديب هسركو هسفنب هيلا يضمو ١٩ دحلأا موي يف انابهرو ةسمامشو اسوسق هل م ١705 ةنس ويام 25 ( ش ١42١ ةنس سنشب بأ سوينوطنأ ميظعلا سيدقلا ريد راز دقو . ) عبرأ مزلقلا لبجب برعلاب فورعملا نابهرلا ( ش ١3٩5 ةنس كهيك رهش يف يلولأا تاعفد بتاكو ريدلا سيئر هتبحصب ناكو ) م ١678 يف ةيناثلاو ، نابهرلا ضعبو قباسلا ةيلاقلا يف ) م ١6٩5 ( ش ١4١١ ةنس ةدومرب 20 انحوي سقلا هعم ناكو سدقملا موصلا ماتخ مورلا ةراحب ءارذعلا ةسينك ةعيب مداخ لوتبلا ملعملا لجبملا نخرلأاو مركملا سامشلاو ناميلس ملعملاو روصنم وبأ يخوطلا سجرج ةنس ىرسم يف ةثلاثلاو ، يوارنشلا فارصلا ةنس يف ةعبارلاو ، ) م١70١ ( ش ١4١7 سيدقلا ريد سيركتل ) م ١705 ( ش ١42١ .لاوب ابنأ عقو ش ١4١7 ةنس كرابملا بيبأ رهش يفو رصمب يسكذوثرلأا بعشلا يلع داهطضا ببسب اشاب دمحم يلاولا نمز يف ةسورحملا طابقلأا ىراصنلا ةفئاط نأب هتلصو ةياشو يلع نيعف مهسئانك يف ةديدج ينابم اوثدحأ ةاضقو رامعملا لاجرو هلبق نم اغأ سئانكلا اولزنف سئانكلا يلع فشكلاب مايقلل عرشلا نكلو اديدج ءانب سئانكلا يف نأ اوتبثأو اوفشكو تاولصب هبعش نع لختت مل يلاعت الله ةيانع بولق ةيطبقلا هتمأ يلع ننحف رهاطلا ابابلا اوعفشتو ةلودلا رباكأو رصم ءارمأ نم ةعامج ابابلا عمتجاف ةمارغ مهيلع ررقف يلاولا دنع يرصم وبأ انحوي ملعملا هنخارلأا ةداسلاب ميهاربإ ملعملاو روصنم وبأ سجرج ملعملاو فوطي نأ يلع مهنيب يأرلا قفتاو ضوع وبأ تويبلا روزيو ىراصنلا تاراح مركملا ابابلا ةمارغلا هذه ليصحت نكمي ام اهنم لصحيو

their churches. The Governor appointed an Agha, architects, and judges to go and investigate the accusation. They came back with the evidence that there were many new constructions in the churches. However, God did not forsake His people by the prayers of this godly Pope. Many honorable people in Egypt went to the Governor to intercede on behalf of the Christians. The Governor ordered that a fine be paid as a penalty. The Pope met with the lay leaders El-Moallem Youhanna Abu Masri, El-Moallem Girgis Abu Mansour, and El-Moallem Ibrahim Abu Awad. They agreed unanimously that the Pope would visit the Christians in their homes, and collect what needed to be collected. The penalty was collected and paid to the Governor. The lay leaders were able to pay it back to the people and every one rejoiced. The churches were opened, and there was peace. The Pope took it hard going to the homes of the believers asking for money, so he went to the monastery of St. Antony on the 7th of the month of Misra, 1417 A.M. for a retreat.

In 1419 A.M., the Pope desired to make the Holy Oil (Myron). The Lord answered his request, and moved the heart of a Christian, the great lay leader, El-Moallem Girgis Abu Mansour, the administrator of the churches of El-Muallakah and Haret El-Roum. He was charitable to the poor and the needy, cared for the places of the saints and martyrs. He participated in every good deed with the Pope. He prepared what was needed (oil, spices, perfumes), and the Holy Myron was cooked and consecrated by the Pope in the Church of the Virgin in Haret El-Roum. The Myron had not been made for a period of two hundred and forty seven years, during which, 18 Popes sat on the throne of St. Mark. He was also the first to build the Patriarchate residence in Haret El-Roum, and dedicated properties and revenue for it.

In 1425 A.M. (179 A.D.), this Pope visited Jerusalem, with some of the bishops, many archpriests, priests, and laymen.

The honored deacon El-Moallem Girgis Abu Mansour ElToukhy, paid all the expenses of this trip. He also paid all the expenses for the renovation of the church of the Virgin known as El-Muallakah in Old Cairo.

The Pope visited the churches, and monasteries. He also visited St. Mark church in Alexandria. He traveled everywhere in both Lower and Upper Egypt. In his time, he allowed the Holy Elements (the Body and the Blood of Christ) to be taken to the sick and those who could not come to the church. This Pope was loved by everyone, and he was honored and respected for his humility, meekness, and his love for the poor. His door was always open to everyone who would call upon him. The days of his papacy were quiet. The Lord was with him, and delivered him from all his sorrows. He accepted his prayers and supplications and he lived to a good old age. When he completed his course, he became sick for a short time. Then he departed in peace, with his friend the honorable lay leader Girgis Abu Mansour within one week. Many mourned him, and the bishops, the priests, and the lay leaders attended the prayers on his body. They carried him with great honor, and placed the body in the tomb of the Patriarchs in the church of St. Mercurius Abu Saifain in Old Cairo, in the 10th of Baounah, 1434 A.M., after he had been on the throne of St. Mark for forty two years and three months. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

اهبابرلأ اهديدستب هنخارلأا ةداسلا ماق ةسدقملا ةعيبلا يف ميظع حرف لصحو ملاسلا ءودهلا فرفرو سئانكلا تحتفو نم رثأت ابابلا نكلو ةرهاطلا عيبلا رئاس يف سيدقلا ريد ىلإ هجوتف لزانملا يلع هفاوط ش ١4١7 ةنس ىرسم 7 يف سوينوطنأ . هسفن نع حيورتلل لمعي نأ ابابلا قاتشا ش ١4١٩ ةنس يفو كرحو هتبلط برلا باجأف سدقملا نوريملا ملعملا ريبكلا نخرلأا وه ايحيسم اناسنأ ةقلعملا يتسينك رظان روصنم وبأ سجرج نيكاسملاو ءارقفلل ابحم ناكو مورلا ةراحو ناكو ، نيسيدقلاو ءادهشلا عضاومب امتهم ، زهجف حلاص لمع لك يف ابابلا عم اكرتشم نوريملا لمع هيلإ جاتحي ام ابابلا ةسادق عم يف ةميركلا هديب ابابلا هسركو هخبط متو كرتشاو مورلا ةراحب ءارذعلا ةديسلا ةعيب ةفقاسلأا ءابلأا ميظعلا لافتحلاا اذه يف دق نكي مل نوريملا نلأ خويشلاو نابهرلاو يلوت ةنس نيعبرأو عبسو نيتئام ذنم خبط وهو . اكريرطب رشع ةينامث يسركلا اهيف ةراحب ةيكريرطبلا ةيلاقلا ءانبب ماق نم لوأ . افاقوأو تاداريإ اهل صصخو مورلا ماق ) م ١7٩ ةنس ( ش ١425 ةنس يفو هعمو فيرشلا سدقلا ةرايزب ابابلا اذه ةصمامقلا نم ريثكو ةفقاسلأا ضعب ربلا قيرط نع هنخارلأاو سوسقلاو ةسدقملا ةرايزلا هذه ةقفنب ماق دقو يناطلسلا خيشلا لجبملا نخرلأاو مركملا سامشلا يخوطلا روصنم وبأ سجرج ملعملا نيكملا ةعيب ةنايصو ميمرت ةقفنب لفكت نأ دعب .رصمب ةقلعملاب ةريهشلا ءارذعلا ةديسلا تارايدلا روزيو سئانكلا دقتفي ابابلا ناكو يليجنلإا سقرم رام ةعيب راز امك عيبلاو يرحبلا نيهجولا فاطو ةيردنكسلإاب متهي ناكو امهسئانكو امهتريدأو يلبقلاو هتسائر ةدم يف بترو امهعجشيو امهلاوحأب دسج يهو ةسينكلا يف ةسدقملا ةريخذلا نيحورطملاو يضرملا لجلأ همدو حيسملا سئانكلا ىلإ روضحلا يلع نوردقي لا نيذلا تناكو سانلا عيمج نم ابوبحم ابابلا ناكو. ناك امك هنم كرابتتو هيلا يتأت فئاوطلا ناك هنلأ مهمارتحاو مهميركت عضوم نيكاسملا يلع اموحر ابحم اعيدو اعضاوتم نيدصاقلل أجلمو نيرئازلل احوتفم هباب ناكو ةئداه هتسائر مايأ عيمج تناكو نيددرتملاو هنازحأ عيمج نم هصلخف هعم الله ناكو يف شاعو هتاوعد لبقو هتابلط باجأو . ةيضرم ةحلاص ةخوخيش ملاسب حينتو لايلق ضرم هيعس لمكا املو وبأ سجرج ميركلا نخرلأا هبيبحو وه هيلع نزحف دحاو عوبسأ يف روصنم ةنهكلاو ةفقاسلأا ةعامج رضحو عيمجلا ةميظع ةماركب هدسج اولمحو هنخارلأاو ةكراطبلا ةربقم يف هونفدو هيلع اولصو رصمب نيفيس يبأ سويروقرم ةسينكب ش ١434 ةنس هنوؤب ١0 يف ةميدقلا

Contemplation on First Sunday of the Holy month of Baouna

“ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”)Luke 11:9)

How powerful…How comforting…Is the life of prayers… It is the strong bond between God and man…. The righteous finds in it joy, peace and power… enjoyment and amazing happiness… The sinner finds in it a refuge to pour out himself and wash away his sins with tears and receive true comfort (in repentance)… the weary, tired and hated by others seek in it refuge…laying his heavy loads (of sins) in the hands of the Loving God… complaining hardship of life and it’s bitterness and the hardship the world places on them, feel the loving hands of God tending to his wounds and fulfilling his heart content and giving him solace. It (Prayers) lifts man from the earthly to the heavenly….It is the secrete of success for Gods children….It is the source peace, joy and solace. Poor is the man who neglects prayers….he loses great power and support in his life….many problems and life matters become more complicated when we try to solve them according to human logic and the only way is prayers….often we put the human logic ahead of prayers….then we spend long hours and time looking for solutions wit no success….and after much efforts still no benefit. How many matters become like puzzles (for us) and we are lost for solutions…Prayers is the only key to all our troubles and problems….for us to benefit from and for our prayer to be effective… there are essential elements which has be evident….consistency and insistence in prayers. Absolute submission to God’s will

+ Ask, and it will be given

How can it be given without asking?? How can a door open without knocking???

Father Abraham; father of fathers for many years persisted in asking (God) to give him an offspring…And God gave him a promise that his offspring will be like the sand of the sea in numbers…and Abraham was patient awaiting the fulfillment of this promise till his old age when Isaac was born when he was an old man at the age of 100 years.

ول ( كرابلما ةنوؤب رهش نم لولأا دحلأا ) 13-1:11 اوعرقأ .. اودجت اوبلطأ .. اوطعت اولأسأ »« ) 9:11 ول ( »« مكل حتفي ىه .. ةيزعم ىه مك .. ةيوق ىه مك هللا ينب ةيوقلا هلصلا اهنأ .. ةلاصلا ةايح املاسو احرف رابلا اهيف دجي .. ناسنلإاو دجي ... ةبيجع ةداعسو ةذلو .. ةوقو هسفن اهيف بكسي اسفنتم ئطاخلا اهيف اهنم لانيو هعومد فى هاياطخ لسغيو بعتلما اهيلإ أجلي ... ةيقيقح ةحار هلماحأ عضي ... بوركلماو قهرلماو هل وكشي .. بحلما هللا ىدي ينب ةليقثلا لماعلا دئادشو اهترارمو ةايحلا ةوسق هيفتك نع عفرُت هلماحأب رعشيف هبعاتمو بعاتلماو دئادشلا قوف هسفن دجيو بلقلا روسكلماو نيزحلا اهب ذولي ... هبلق بيطت ةنونحلا هللا ديب رعشيف .. ... املاسو ءازع لأتيمو هحارج دمضتو ءماسلا لىإ ضرلأا نم ناسنلإا عفرت اهنأ ردصم اهنأ ... هللا دلاوأ حاجن سر اهنأ ... ... ءازعو ملاسو حرف ةلاصلا فى لمهي ىذلا ناسنلإا وه ينكسم فى مايظع ا دنسو ةوق دقفي هنأ ... دقعتت رومأو لكاشم نم مك ... هتايح قرطلاب اهلح لواحن مالك دقعتتو ... ةلاصلا وه ديحولا اهجلاعو ةيشربلا ةلاصلا لىع ىشربلا ركفلا مدقن ام ايرثك نع ثحبن ةليوط اتاقوأ ضىقن كلذلو ... ةيرثك ادوهج لذبنو ... دجن لاف لولحلا ... ةدئاف نودب راتحنو زاغللأا لثم يرصت رومأ نم مك بعاتلما لكل حاتفم ةلاصلا فى ... اهلح فى ةلاصلا نم ديفتست كىلو ... لكاشلماو صرانع كانه ... ةلاعف كتلاص نوكت كىلو ةموادلما ... اهرفاوت نم دبلا ةيساسأ ... ةلاصلا فى حاحللإاو ةيشلم لماكلا ميلستلا ....... هللا اوـــــــطعت اوـــــــلأسأ + حتفي فيك ؟؟ لأست نأ نودب ذخأت فيك ؟؟؟ عرقي نلم بابلا تاونسل بلطي ءابلآا بأ ميهاربأ لظ دقل هللا هقزري نأ لجأ نم حاحلإبو ةليوط لعجي نأب ادعو هللا هاطعأو ... لاسن لظو ... ةثركلا فى رحبلا لمر لثم هلسن قيقحت ةيادب رظتني برص فى ميهاربأ فى قحسإ برلا هاطعأ ىتح دعولا اذه ... ةنس ةئم هرمعو هتخوخيش هتجوزو نهاكلا ايركز اضيأ اذكهو لأسيو بلطي ةليوط تاونس تاباصيلا داكيو ... لاسن برلا هيطعي نأ لجأ نم ةجردل هبلط قيقحت نم سأيي نأ ايركز اشربم كلالما هل رهظ امدنع قدصي لم هنأ .. هتلاص عمس دق برلا نأب

Also, Zachariah the priest and his wife Elizabeth for many years asked God to give them am offspring….and Zachariah almost gave up hope for the fulfillment of his request to the extent that when the angel appeared to him pronouncing God heard his pleas; he did not believe it! We also find Cornelius the centurion, the pure man who feared God, then God hears his prayers and sends His angel to tell him, his payers and alms have been received well by God. Henna, mother of Samuel )the profit( stood praying with tears and insistence before God asking for an offspring…to the extent that Eli the high priest thought she was drunk when she prayed with tears for long time and her lips were moving without utterable sound…. when Eli knew her request, he blessed her and prayed for God to give her request which she asked from God.

Also, Manasseh the king who aggrieved God with his idolatry for many years, then repented and offered his powerful prayer of repentance (2kings 21) (recorded in the 2nd Canonical books). Also, the prayer of Hezekiah the king (2kings 19: 14-19) for the words of reproach of the commander of the army of Assyria. The Lord responded and sent his Angel destroying 185 thousand of the army soldiers. The prayer of the three young men in the fire furnace is a part of the church mid-night doxologies. There is also a notable prayer for Hezekiah the king when he fell sick and how the Lord accepted his prayers (Isaiah 31). The prayer of Habakkuk (Ch 3). The prayer of Solomon on inaugurating the Temple (1Kings 8). It is a wonderful prayer which shows the power of congregational prayers in the time of hardships. The supplications, prayers, fasting and tears of the people of Nineveh has made the Lord to relent from the disaster that He said (Jonah 3: 10).

After 430 years of bitter slavery in Egypt the Lord listed to the prayers and looked at the sufferings of His people (Exodus 2: 23-24). The Lord planned for their rescue and release of the slavery and to send a leader to take them out of Egypt.

Prayers in Christianity are nor mandatory decrees. They are not also just movements or ways of submission which slaves offer to their hard-mighty masters. Prayers are communications of love

ىقتلا ناسنلإا ةئلما دئاق سويلينرك دجنو لسريو هتاولص هللا ركذي هللا فئاخلا دق هتاقدصو هتاولص نأب هبرخي اكلام هل هللا مامأ اراكذت تدعص كىبت ةرارم فى ليئومص مأ ةنح تفقو نم هللا مامأ بلطلا فى حلتو عومدب نأ ىتح ... لاسن برلا اهيطعي نأ لجأ تلاطأ امدنع ىركس اهنأ نظ نهاكلا لىاع ناكرحتت طقف اهاتفش تناكو ادج ةلاصلا نهاكلا لىاع ملع امدنعو .. توص نودب اهيطعي نأ لجأ نم لىصو اهكراب اهبلطب برلا نم هتلأس ىذلا اهلاءوس برلا ليئومص اهاطعأو برلا باجتسأو .. باتكلا فى ةروهشم تاولص كانهو .. اهتحيبست فى ةسينكلا اهددرتو سدقلما برلا بضغأ ىذلا كللما سىنم لثم ... بات مث هاياطخو هتايدعتب لايوط انامز ... ةبوتلا لجأ نم ةيوق ةلاص مدقو دري نأ لجأ نم كللما ايقزح ةلاص لثمو فقو ىذلا روشأ شيج مهنع برلا بيجتسيو ... هللا بعش يرعي هدئاق ةسمخو ةئم لتقي اكلام لسريو برلا لثمو .. روشأ دونج نم افلأ ينناثمو نوتأ فى مهتلاصو ةثلاثلا ةيتفلا ةحبست فى رارمتسأب ةسينكلا اهددرتو رانلا .. ليللا فصن ةحبست ماقو ضرم ينح كللما ايقزح ةلاص اضيأو قوقبح ةلاصو .. ) 38شأ ( هضرم نم كللما ةلاصو ... ) 3 قوقبح ( ىبنلا لولأا كولم ( لكيهلا ينشدت دنع نمايلس ىتلا ةعئارلا تاولصلا نم ىهو .. ) 8 دئادشلا تقو فى ةلاصلا ةميق رهظُت لكيه فى ةعماجلا تاولص تاذلابو ىتلا ةيوقلا تاولصلا ةلثمأ نمو ... برلا لهأ ةلاص .. هدصاقم يرغي هللا تلعج ةلاص اومدق ... برلا مامأ مهخاصرو ىونين تلعج موصب ةبوحصم ةبوتو عومدب باتكلا لوقي لب ... مهل قري هللا بلق ىذلا شرلا لىع مدن هللا نأ سدقلما ... مهب هعنصي نأ لاق اوخصر .. صرم ضرأ فى ليئاسرأ اونب ىتلا .. ةيساقلا ةيدوبعلا نم هللا لىإ دعصو ... ةنس 430 ةدم ترمتسأ باجتسأف دونجلا بر نىذأ لىإ مهخاصر نم مهجرخأو مهصلاخل ربدي أدبو مهل ... صرم ضرأ اضرف تسيل ةيحيسلما فى ةلاصلا نأ درجم تسيلو ... ةيساقلا ضورفلا نم درجم تسيلو ... تانكسمو تاكرح دبعلا اهمدقي ةعاطلا بوضر نم بضر ىه لب ... فيخلما رابجلا هلل ليلذلا دنتسي اهيف .. هللاو ناسنلإا ينب بح ةقلاع تبثي بحلما هللا ردص لىع ناسنلإا نع اهيف برعي ... هتاقيضو هبعاتم ةيلإ .. هللا ديعاوم فى هتقثو هنايمإو هتبحم

between human and God. Prayer for us is very joyful. As sons and daughters of God we look for prayer as we feel like children who lean on the shoulder of their father to get comfort, peace and inner happiness. That is way children of God love prayers and wish to spend all their life if prayer. David the Psalmist and King says, “I give myself unto prayer” Psalm 109:4. They also train themselves for the life of permanent prayer as St Paul says: “Pray all the time” (Thessalonian 5:17). Your tongue, heart and mind are praying. It is a lifelong passionate relationship with the Loving Lord.

Did you learn to pray with persistence and continuity. Make prayers to be a fixed part of your daily programme. There are many things to help you pray and make it a permeant habit such as Psalms (Agpia) prayers. It charges your mind and heart and elevate your thoughts with very deep contemplations which can suit your life and circumstances. The Word of God is always a main lifting and encouraging source for prayer. Also, the stories of the saints carry a great motive for prayers as you take example of their conduct and saintly life. Sayings of the Saints and Fathers give a lot of nourishments for your prayers and open your mind for new holy deep experiences in prayers.

The Divine Liturgy with all inspiring hymns can give you deep, warm and fulfilling spiritual life. + Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive:

One of the reasons why your prayer is lukewarm and makes your words as vain and shallow that you carry grudges against someone. Mere feeing that you do not love a person, do not accept or do not want to forgive makes your prayer boring and has no feeling or depth. That is why the Lord tells us that “Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has anything against you; Leave there your gift before the altar, and go your way; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift” (Math 5:23-24). If you do not forgive others how can you dare to ask for forgiveness or mercy.

A saint was called once to take part in trial for

نوقاتشيو ةلاصلاب هللا دلاوأ حرفي كلذلو ... مهتايح لك اهيف اوضقي نأ نونمتيو اهيلإ امأو »« هسفن نع لوقي ىبنلا دواد نأ ىتح مهسفنأ هللا دلاوأ برديو .. »« ةلاصف انأ »« ةيصولل اذيفنت ةئمادلا ةلاصلا ةايح لىع ةلاص هلك ناسنلإا يرصيو .. »« ينح لك اولص اهنأ لىصي هركفو لىصي هبلقو لىصي هناسل ... بحلما هللا عم ةيزعم ةحرفم ةئماد ةشرع ... حاحللإا تملعت له ... بيبحلا اهيأ تنأو ةلاصلا فى كسفن بكست نأ ؟؟ لىصت نأ ةلاصلا فى حاحللإا تملعت له .. ؟؟ هللا مامأ ءزج ةلاصلا لعجأ ... ةبلطلا لىع ةموادلماو كانهو ... كتايح جمانرب نم أزجتي لا مئاد ةموادلماو ةلاصلا لىع كدعاست ةيرثك ءايشأ ةنحش اهنأ .. يرمازلما تاولص اهنمو ... اهيلع لىإ كبلق عفرت .. بلقلاو ركفلل ةسدقم بسانت ةعئار ةيحور تلامأت فى قوف ... كفورظ بسحو ةيحورلا كتايح ةلاصلا فى ادج ةعجشم امومع هللا ةملكو ًلااثم ىطعتو ةيرغ ىطعت ينسيدقلا يرسو ... ناسنلإا لقع حتفت ينسيدقلا لاوقأو اعجشم ةلاصلا ةايح فى ةقيمع ةديدج تابرخ لىع ... ةليمجلا ةيزعلما هناحلأب ىهللأا سادقلاو ناسنلإا حنتم ةيحورلا ةقيمعلا هتاولصو فى ىوقو بيجع ىحور ئفدو ةيحور ةبوصخ ... ةلاصلا اـــمك ++ اــــــنبونذ انل رفغأو + ++++ رــــــفغن ةرتاف ةلاصلا لعجت ىتلا بابسلأا نم نم جرخت لا داكت كتمالك نأك رعشت كلعجتو رخآ ناسنإ دض ائيش لمحي كبلق نأ كمف ... هبحت لا ناسنإ كانه نأ روعشلا درجم ... ُلعجي ... هل رفغت نأ ديرت لا وأ ... هلبقت لا وأ ةليقث ةلمم ةلاصلا حبصتو ةيلعاف لاب كتلاص سدقلما باتكلا انيصوي كلذلو ... كفتك لىع ائيش كيخأ لىع كل نأ تركذت اذإ ... هنأ ... لاوأ بهذأو حبذلما لىع كنابرق كرتأف ... .. كيخأ عم حلطصأ عتمتي فيك ... بحي لا ىذلا ناسنلإاف ىهو هللاو ناسنلإا ينب بح ةقلاع قمعأب ... ةلاصلا فيك ... نيرخلآا حماسي لا ىذلا ناسنلإاو نارفغلا وأ هسفنل ةمحرلا بلطيو أرجتي .. هتاطقسو هتايدعت لىع نيرخلآا تاجايتحأب لىابي لا ىذلا ناسنلإاو هللا لىابي نأ بلطي فيك ... مهبعاتمو هبعاتمو هتاجايتحأب ةوخلأا دحأ ةمكاحلم ىعد ينسيدقلا ءابلآا دحأ عمتجأ امدنعو تايدعتلا ضعب فى طقس يذلا اذه فقو خلأا مكاحي فوس ىذلا عمجلما لاو لوقي راص ةينابرلا ةلاصلا فىو لىصي بلأا ... انيلإ ئسي نلم رفغن لا اننلأ انبونذ انل رفغت أطخأ دق هونظو هملاك نم ةوخلأا بجعتو

one of the brethren. When they assembled he stood there praying the Lord’s Prayer until he reached to the part “forgive us .. as we forgive ..”and he said instead: “do not forgive .. as we do not forgive ..”. They thought that said it in error but he repeated it again and they understood that we cannot ask for forgiveness if we do not forgive first. You can always feel that your prayers on the day you backstab others or judge them are very cool and senseless or even you feel you talking to yourself. Forgiveness will fill your heart with peace and gives great power and warmness to your prayers.

St. Stephen forgave those who were stoning him (Acts 7:60) and he was able to see the Heavens open and see the Son of Man at the right hand of God.

The hard-cruel heart cannot pray while prayers pours out in power and depth of the loving heart.

+ Let it be Your Will:

One of the reasons we feel that our prayers are not accepted is that we ask for what we want only not as according to God’s Will. You look as if you want to impose your own will which may contradict God’s plan for your life and benefit. It is good to be urgent in your prayers but in full submission for God’s Will. When you fully submit you even may not ask for personal needs. God will like to talk your thoughts freely to Him but leaving thing fully for God’s Plan. St. Paul asked three time for the Lord to remove a thorn in his flesh )sickness( )2Cor 12: 7-10( but the Lord answered: “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness”. St Paul accepted God’s Will fully. David also prayed that God can heal his son. The Lord Will was that the son dies and David in full submission said: “I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me” (2Sam 12: 22).

Submission to God is not mere words but deep inner feeling full of peace, confidence and trust that the Lord is always planning what is good and useful for us and that the Lord will always grant us in the right time the good gift. “How much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him” (13).

ىرخأ ةرم اهداعأ هنكلو .. ةلاصلا ةولات فى لا هنأ نوضراحلا مهف اذكهو ... ةقيرطلا سفنب ةلاصلا نأو ناسنإ لىع ادقح لمحن نأ قيلي ىذلا بحلما بلقلا نم جرخت ةلوبقلما ... لاوأ نيرخلآا حماسي كستم ىذلا مويلا نأ ظحلات لاأ ... بيبحلا اهيأ كسفن دجت ... مهيلع ملكتتو نيرخلآا ةيرس هيف .. لىصت نأ ردقت لا داكت لاأ ناسنإ روعش هيف حرجت ىذلا مويلا فى ةوق يرغب ةرتاف كتلاص دجت لاأ ... ناسنإ نم هيف رخست ىذلا مويلا فى ... كسفن ملكت كنأك كتلاص فى رعشت ةبحبم كبلق لأتمو حماست نأ برجت لمأ نكلو فى ةبيجع ةرارحب رعشت فوس ذئدنعو نيرخلآا كتلاص نأ عاطتسأ ... هيمجار حماس ىذلا سونافتسأ تايوماسلا دجم نياعيو ةحوتفم ءماسلا ىري لىصي فيك فرعي لا سىاقلا دحاجلا بلقلا ... فى ةلاصلا هنم بكسنت بحلما بلقلا نكلو ... ... قمعو ةوق +++++ كـــــــــــتئيشم نــــــكتل + لا انتاولص نأب رعشن انلعجت ىتلا بابسلأا نم سيلو ... طقف هديرن ام بلطن اننأ ... باجتست نكلو ةلاصلا فى حلت ةرم مك ... هللا هديري ام ؟؟؟ ةصاخلا كضارغأ لجأ نم كتقيرطب تنأ اهديرت ىتلا ءايشلأا لعجأ ةرم مك لب .. طقف صاخلا كموهفبمو ةصاخلا اهديري لا دق ابيلاسأو لاولح هللا لىع ضرفت ؟؟ هللا كترت نأ نكلو ... ةلاصلا فى حلت نأ ليمجلا نم ةئيشلم لماك ميلست ... هيدي ينب لاماك رملأا ... هللا ام بلطت لا نأ لماكلا ميلستلا فى اضيأو لك هل فشكت نأب حرفي هللاو ... هيلإ جاتحت طقف ... اهضرفت نأ نودب نكلو ... ... كراكفأ ... ) كتئيشم نكتل ( لقو هللا ىدي ينب اهكرتأ برلا هنع عفري نأ حاحلإب بلطي سلوب ناك ديري لم هللا نكلو ... هيف ىتلا دسجلا ةكوش سلوب رمذتي لمو ... ) ىتمعن كيفكت ( هل لاقو ... هللا ةئيشم لبق لماك ميلست فى لب .. هنبأ هللا ىفشي نأ حاحلإب لىصي اضيأ دواد ناك رمذتي لمو ... لبقي لم برلا نكلو ... ضيرلما لمع لبق لماك ميلست فى لب ... اضيأ دواد وه امأ هيلإ بهاذ1 انأ ( .. هلوح نلم لاقو هللا ... ) 12 نىاثلا ليئومص (( ... ) لى عجري لا ... تمالك درجم وه سيل هلل ةدارلإا ميلست نأ نانمأطلإاو ةحارلاب قيمع لىخاد روعش وه لب وه ام انل ربدي برلا نأ ... ةلماكلا ةقثلاو هيطعي برلا نأو ... بسانم وه امو يرخ .. ةحلاصلا ةيطعلا نم لزن ىذلا ىوماسلا بلآا ىرحلاب مك »« »« هنولأسي نيذلل سدقلا حورلا ىطعي ءماسلا

+Holy Apostles Fasting:

Tomorrow Monday 5th June the Holy Apostles tasting starts directly after we celebrate the Holy Feast of Pentecost. The Fasting is continuing until 12th July which is the east of Martyrdom of St Peter and Paul- the feast of the Holy Apostles. This fasting has been ordered by the Lord Himself when He was asked by the Pharisees why His disciples do not fast as St John’s disciples. The Lord told them that when the Bridegroom is taken from them they will fast. This was pointing to the Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord. The Lord also ordered His disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they are filled with the Holy Spirit. So, the day of Pentecost is truly the day of a start for the new church. The Birthday of the church of New Testament. That is why the church who feels as stranger in this world is carrying the Cross following the Lord. Fasting is also a sign of carrying the Cross in rejection to the world pleasures. We have also witnessed His Resurrection and Ascension and looking forward for His Second Coming. Let us follow the steps of our Lord declaring and witnessing for His Salvation on the Cross on the way to get united with her Bridegroom.

Saturday 10th June

On his Altar at St Mary’s Church:

Vespers: Friday 9th June 6:30pm

Divine Liturgy: Saturday 10th June 9 - 11am

May the Lord benefit us all through his prayers and the blessings of his blessed life.

Voulanteers Required for St Mary’s Church For making Ourban, Cleaning, Kitchen and Maintenance ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةنايصلاو خبطملاو ةفاظنلا لامعلأو نابرقلا لمعل نيعوطتم بولطم ناميلس نيفين /ةديسلا وأ ىشبح داؤف /ديسلاب لاصتلأا ءاجرلا Please contact Fouad Habashy 0404886346 Or Mrs Nevien Soliman 0414395538 لسرلأ ءابلآا موص ينسيدقلا لسرلا ءابلآأ موص هينوي ٥ يننثلاأ ادغ أدبي ..ىتسقيطنبلا ديع دعب ةشرابم موصلا اذه أدبي ةداعو )٥ ( ةيلوي 12 موي ىتح رمتسيو ينسيدقلا دأهشتسأ ديع وهو )بيبأ .. لسرلا ديع – سلوبو سرطب عوسي برلأ هب رمأ دق موصلا اذهو اذالم نويسيرفلا هلأس امدنع هتاذ لا كذيملات مانيب انحوي ذيملات موصي عفري امدنع مهنأ مهل لاقف نوموصي ..نوموصي ذئنيحف مهنع سيرعلأ ةمايق لىأ ةراشأ ناك سيرعلأ عفرو دقو تأومسلأ لىا هدوعصو برلأ اوحبري لا نأ هذيملات برلا صىوأ لبق عمجأ لماعلل اوزركيل ميلشروأ دق اذهو لىاعلأأ نم ةوق اوسبلي نأ حبصأ كلدبو ينسمخلأ موب فى مت لمعلأ فى ءدبلل ابسانمو ائيهم وجلأ نم راص كلدبو لماعلأ اذه فى ةبرغلأ ةلحرو ىزاركلا نأ ىح نلاعأ وهو موصلاب ةسينكلأ أدبت نأ ادج بسانلمأ ىعست لاو ثحبت لا اهنأو لماعلأ أده نع ةبرغتم ةسينكلأ زمر اضبأ اده موصلأ .. هتاذلمو هتاسرمو لماعلأ أده ۶ ارو هعبتنو بيلصلأ لمحن نأ برلأ بلط دقو بيلصلأ لمحل اضيأ اهو تاوملأا نم مئاقلأ برلاب انحرف دق نحن اهو اضيأ اهو نياثلا هئيجم دعو اضبأ انلنو هدوعص انياع دق فى ضىنمو هبيلص أذأ لمحنلف ٠.لىاعلأأ نم ةوق انسبل دق لىع مت يذلا بيجعلا سلاخلأ نع يننلعم انتبرغ قيرط وه لسرلأ موص .. عمجأ لماعلل صلاخلاب نيدانم بيلصلأ ءاقل لىأ اهقيرط فى ةدهاجلمأ ةسينكلأ ةيرسم نع نلاعأ اهسيرع
مآربأ ابنلأا سيدقلا هحاين راكذت ةينوي ١0 0 تبسلا راكذت ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينك ميقت ةسينكب هحبذم ىلع مآربأ ابنلأا سيدقلا ةحاين :ةيلاتلا ديعاوملا بسح ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةيشعلا ةلص ءاسم 6:30 ةينوي ٩ ةعمجلا ديجمتلاو ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا ةينوي ١0 تبسلا احابص عفتننو هتعافشو هتاولص ةكرب انحنمي برلا ةكرابملا هتريسب
Commemoration of the Departure of Saint Anba Abraam

The gifts of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit gives many meanings to which the Old Apostles spoke (1Cor 12: 8-10): Words of Wisdom - Words of knowledge - Faith - Gifts of Healing - Works of miracles - Prophecy – Discerning of spirits – different kinds of tongues – Interpretation of tongues

1 - Words of Wisdom: How much man needs the words of wisdom in every understanding and daily work in his life. And the words of wisdom are opposite to the words of humour and words of salaciousness. Who accompanies the wise become wise How much becomes of this who lives with the real wisdom represented in the Holy Spirit, which works in him. Who accompanies the foolish gets a lot of his characters. Many who spend long hours listening to the words of humour and salaciousness for recreation and passing time do not know that they sadden the Holy Spirit of God in them and that they may extinguish the work of the Holy Spirit in them. What are your sources of wisdom, beloved? Do you think that the long hours you spend in front of the television (or social media) will give you wisdom? Someone argued to explain and give himself an excuse to watch films and movies as giving him an understanding of the family problems that occur and how to treat them. Woe to those who seek the wisdom of those who have lost wisdom. Who is this one who wrote these movies and directed them? Was his purpose to teach you wisdom? Definitely not. His only purpose is to get money from you and others, so he was keen to put forward exciting things and fancy views. He attracted you not through your mind and understanding but through your desires. Someone told me that every time he looked at one of these films he felt he despised himself after watching it. One of the nobles of Rome came once to the wilderness and asked to visit Saint Arsanius, the teacher of the kings’ sons. When they brought him to Arsanius, he found him sitting under the feet of one of the elders to learn from him. He marvelled very much, and said to Arsanius, How are you, the teacher of the sons of kings, sitting under the feet of this illiterate monk, to learn from him? And Arsanius answered that the Aloha Beta, which this monk knows (meaning the principals of Spiritual wisdom), Arsanius have not yet learned So did one day Rehoboam son of Solomon (1Kings 11) when the people of Israel came to him after the death of his father, asking him to relieve them of their burdens, Rehoboam consulted the elders and wise people who advised him if he lighten the burden of the people they will become servants to him all the days and then he consulted his friends who have been brought up with him. He loved the

سدقلا حورلا بهاوم اهنع ثدحت ةديدع بهاوم ىطعي سدقلا حورلا :١2 ىلولأا سوثنروك( لوسرلا سلوب سيدقلا - ناميأ - ملع ملاك - ةمكح ملاك : )١0 – 8 حاورأ زييمت - ةوبن - تاوق لمع - ءافش بهاوم ةنسلأ ةمجرت – ةنسلأ عاونأ:ةمكح ملاك )١ مهافت لك يف ةمكحلا ملاك يلإ ناسنلإا جاتحي مك هسكع ةمكحلا ملاكو . هتايح يف يموي لمعو بحاصي يذلا .. ةهافسلا ملاكو لزهلا ملاك شيعي نم حبصي مكف اميكح ريصي ءامكحلا يذلا سدقلا حورلا يف ةلثمم اهتاذ ةمكحلا عم بستكي لهاجلا بحاصي يذلاو .. كيف لمعي ةمكحلا ميدع سلاجي يذلا . هعابط نم ريثكلا نوريثك .. همهفو هتمكح نم ريثكلا اضيأ دقفي لزهلا ملاك يلأ نوعمتسي ةليوط تاعاس نوضقي تقولا ءاضقو سفنلا نع حيورتلا ةجحب ةهافسلاو سودقلا الله حور اونزحي امنأ مهنأ نوردي لاو مهيف حورلا لمع نوئفطي امبر مهنأو مهيف ىذلا دقتعت له ؟؟بيبحلا اهيأ كتمكح رداصم يهام . نويزفيلتلا مامأ اهيضقت يتلا ةليوطلا تاعاسلا نأ كيطعت فوس )يعامتجلاا لصاوتلا لئاسو وأ( هسن ىطعيو للعي نأ مهدحأ لواح دقو ةمكح اهناب تلاسلسملاو ملافلأا ىلع ةجرفلل ارذع ةيفيكو ثدحت يتلا ةيلئاعلا لكاشملل امهف هيطعت ىدل ةمكحلا نع ثحبي نمل ابجع .اهجلاع ةصقلا هذه فلأ يذلا اذه وه نمف .ةمكحلا يدفاف . ةمكحلا كميلعت هضرغ ناك له ؟اهجرخأو لاملا ىلع لوصحلا ديحولا هضرغ .لا عبطلاب عضو ىلع اصيرح ناك كلذلو كريغ نمو كنم سيل كبذجي .. ةرثعملا رظانملاو ةريثملا ءايشلأا كزئارغ قيرط نع لب كمهفو كلقع قيرط نع دحأ ىلع جرفتي ةرم لك هنأ ىل لاق مهدحأ .. غرفي نأ دعب هسفن رقتحي هنأ رعشي ملافلأا هذه نم فدهلا بايغو ةهافتلا ببسب اهتدهاشم نم ةرم امور ءامظع دحأ ىتأ .. اهلك ةصقلاو صنلا سويناسرأ سدقلا روزي نأ بلطو ةيربلا ىلا سويناسرلأ هولصوأ امدنعو كولملا دلاوأ ملعم ملعتي خويشلا ءابلآا دحأ يمدق تحت اسلاج هدجو تنأو فيك سويناسرلأ لاقو ادج بجعتف .هنم بهارلا اذه يمدق تحت سلجت كولملا دلاوأ ملعم اطيف افللاا نأ سويناسرأ باجأف هنم ملعتت يملأا سويناسرأ اهملعتي مل بهارلا اذه اهديجي يتلا ..ةيحورلا ةمكحلا ملاك اطيف افللأاب دصقيو دعب ضفرت ام اريثك - كدنع ةمكحلا رداصم يهام ةيلاخلا كءاقدصأ ةروشم لبقتو ءامكحلا ةروشم ناميلس نبا ماعبحر اموي لعف اذكه ..ةمكحلا نم هيبأ ةافو دعب هوكلميل ليئارسأ ونب هيلا ىتأ امدنع ماعبحر راشتساف رينلا مهنع ففخي نأ هنم نيبلاط بعشلا لاقثأ ففخي نأ هوصوأف ءامكحلاو خويشلا اضيأ راشتسأو مايلأا لك اديبع هل اوريصيف

words of his friends who told him to treat them with more cruelty. Perhaps this type of speech gave him a false sense of strength and pride and greatness and he left the advice of the wise elders and told them the unwise words of his friends and as a result Rehoboam had lost ten tribes of his kingdom, and the great kingdom that he inherited from Solomon his father was torn apart because he did not listen to the words of wisdom. Are your friends of the kind who gives words of wisdom? The words of wisdom may seem difficult but here the Holy Spirit works and gives the grace of understanding, recognition and success. When St Paul stood in the Areopagus (Acts 17) in the heart of Athens, the Holy Spirit gave him the wisdom to show the falsehood of their gods. He used words of their philosophers and poets, saying to them that, as your poets says, we are the offspring of God, so how can we see the image of God whom we are his descendants in the form of stone, gold or animals. Although some of them mocked him when he spoke about the resurrection of the dead, some of them stuck to him, including the philosopher Dionysius the Areopagite, the words of heavenly wisdom entered into his heart and opened his eyes to the true spiritual knowledge. And you beloved do you hear the words of wisdom? Beware of those who claim to be wise, but their purpose is to remove the wisdom that is in you, such as the heretics, like Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others who defy true faith. Their leaders did not show fruits of wisdom. They cannot do good work for a strange person or for a hungry world. They wear the dress of wisdom but deny its power and deceive the simple people with the words of false philosophy. The Holy Spirit in you motivates you and gives you a spirit of understanding and recognition as well. Do not go to a strange well polluted to draw water from it. Drink water from your well. From your strong faithful church that has not been contaminated with philosophies and vanity of this world. I sit under the feet of the shepherds, the teachers of wisdom. I look for their homes. That is, the straight-minded church which, though it looks black and strange from the world, but in the eyes of its Heavenly Father it is His beautiful heavenly bride, decorated with wisdom. We live in a world of pollution with chemicals and poisons. Thus, the colour of things changed and the man was deceived. Did you know that the devil today wants to mislead if possible also elect? Really how much we need the words of wisdom. The word of God which can save yourself.

نأ هوصوأف هعم اوبرت نيذلا ثادحلأا هءاقدصأ نم ظلغأ يرصنخ نإ لائاق ملاكلا يف مهعم ظلغي براقعلاب مكبدؤأ انأو طايسلاب مكبدأ ىبأ ..ىبأ ينتم اذه هاطعأ امبر .. هؤاقدصأ ملاكب ماعبحر بجعأو. كرتو ةمظعلاو وهزلاو ةوقلاب فيزم روعش ملاكلا ءاقدصأ ملاك مهل لاقو ةميكحلا خويشلا ةروشم دقف ماعبحر نا ةجيتنلا تناكو ةمكحلا نم نيلاخلا ةميظعلا ةكلمملا تتفتو هتكلمم نم طابسأ ةرشع عمتسي مل هنأ ببسب هببأ ناميلس نم اهثرو يتلا ىطعي ىذلا عونلا نم كؤاقدصأ له ..ةمكحلا ملاكل انه نكلو ابعص ةمكحلا ملاك ودبي دق . ةمكح ملاك زييمتلاو مهفلا ةمعن ىطعيو سدقلا حورلا لمعي سويرلأا ىف سلوب سيدقلا فقو امدنع . ذيفنتلاو اهتفسلفب ةخفتنملا ةينثولا انيثأ بلق ىف سوغاب مهتدابع هب دنفي ةمكح ملاك سدقلا حورلا هاطعأ مهئارعشو مهئامكح ملاك عقاو نم ةلطابلا ةينثولا كلذلو الله ةيرذ اننأ مكئارعش لوقي امك هنأ مهل لائاق ىلع هتيرذ نحن يذلا الله ةروص روصتن فيكف .ةقطان ريغ تاناويح وأ بهذ وأ رجح ةروص نأ مغرو ..هنولهجي مهو هنودبعي يذلا هللإاب مهرشب لاإ تاوملأا ةمايق نع ملكت امدنع هب أزهتسأ مهضعب سوسينويد فوسليفلا مهنمو هب قصتلا مهضعب نأ ىلا ةيوامسلا ةمكحلا ملاك لخد يذلا ىغابويرلاا تنأو ..ةقحلا ةيحورلا ةفرعملا ينيع هل حتفو هبلق اضيأ سرتحأ .. ةمكح ملاك عمست لم بيبحلا اهيأ ملاكب كيلا نوتأي نم كانهف .. ةمكحلا ىعدم نم ةمكحلا عزن وه مهضرغ نكلو ةمكح هنأ نوعدي ةوهي دوهشك عدبلا باحصأ لثم كيف يتلا ةيلصلأا رمث نع اضيأ ثحبأ ..ناميلإا يفرحنم نم مهريغو مل مهتعدب يسسؤمو مهتداق ناك اذإ .. مهيف ةمكحلا قلق ببس اوناك سكعلا ىلع لب ةمكح يأب اورمثي اومدقي نأ نكمي لاو نيناوقلاو مظنلل رسكو بغشو مهنأ ..عئاج ملاعل وأ بيرغ ناسنلإ ريخ لمع نوبسيو اهتوق نوركني مهنكلو ةمكحلا بوث نوسبلي حورلا .. لطابلا ةفسلفلا ملاكب ءاطسبلا راكفأ زييمتو مهف حور كيطعيو ككرحي كيف يذلا سدقلا . ةمكحلا ردصم نم عبني ةمكحلا ملاك .. اضيأ ..ءام اهنم يقتستل ةثولم ةبيرغ رئب ىلا بهذت لا ةيوقلا ةنيملأا كتسينك نم .. كرئب نم ءام برشأ سلجأ .ملاعلا اذه رورغو تافسلفب ثولتت مل يتلا نع ثحبأ ..ةمكحلاب نيملعملا ةاعرلا يمدق تحت يتلا يأرلا ةميقتسملا ةسينكلا نع ىأ . مهنكاسم اهنكلو ملاعلا نع ةبيرغو ءادوس ودبت تناك ناو ..ةمكحلاب ةنيزم ةليمج ىوامسلا اهسيرع ينيع يف مومسلاو تايواميكلاب ثولت ملاع ىف شيعن نحن مكو ناسنلإا عدخنأو ءايشلأا نول ريغت اذكهو .. لا ىتح ةيقيقحلا ةمكحلا ملاك يلإ مويلا ناسنإ جاتحي نأ ديري مويلا ناطيشلا نأ ملعت له .. كلهيو عدخني جاتحن مك اقح .. اضيأ نيراتخملا نكمأ ولو لضي صلخت نأ ةرداقلا الله ةملك .. ةمكحلا ملاك ىلا .كسفن

Official Recognition of Archangel Michael Monastery for Nuns by the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church

Through the grace and blessings of God, it is with great joy that our Diocese thanks His Holiness Pope Tawadros II and the Holy Synod for officially recognising Archangel Michael Monastery for Nuns in Woodend, Victoria as an inhabited and functional monastery. Established in 2015, Archangel Michael Monastery was the first monastery for Nuns on Australian soil. Through the continued blessings of God, Campaspe House in Woodend, Victoria was purchased in 2017 to be a dedicated and permanent place for the Monastery where it continues to flourish. In September of 2017, the Monastery was blessed and visited by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II during his inaugural visit to Australia. Through the dedicated service of Mother Antonia and Novices, the Monastery provides a spiritual and serene environment for our female parishioners to enjoy and benefit from. The Diocese Management Committee encourages the blessed congregation of the Diocese to continue to support the Monastery with prayers and their generous givings so they may continue to do their good work.

We thank His Holiness Pope Tawadros II and the Holy Synod for their ongoing love, care and shepherdhood.

May Christ continue to bless and flourish Archangel Michael Monastery for Nuns!

Blessed New Born Baby Abigail Eve daughter of Samuel & Monique Farag
May the Lord bless the baby to be a source of blessings for the family and the church.


18th June 2023

Dear friends. We are excited to offer

Samak Mashwi on Sunday 18th June


Fish & tahini only $20

Fish & tahini with your choice of salad or rice $25

Fish & tahini with rice & salad $30

WHITING FILLETS (grilled or fried)

Fish & tahini only $20 (3 pc)

Fish & tahini with your choice of salad or rice $25

Fish & tahini with rice & salad $30

Text the following details

Name Order Time of pick up

Text to Nevine Soliman 0414 395 538


**We will also have foul, falafel, Koshari, fish burgers and mixed seafood packs for sale

Family Day

Monday 12th June 2023

Starting with Liturgy 7 - 9am

To participate please fill the form:

Reminder : Family Day on Mon 12-Jun-2023

Please book your place ASAP.

Link: https://forms.gle/AYXgbuHRpiNBEdbE7

New Church Project Financial Report as on 20th May 2023 Paid by Church Inc. GST $4,315,279 Paid by NAB Loan $1,823,867 GST Paid by church on NAB Loan payments $182,387 Forecast payments To the Builder up to Sep-23 $5,219,659 Delayed work So far ) Assumed for Oct / Nov 23 ) $1,488,516 Total Project Inc. GST $13,029,708
at St. Mary’s Church تلائاعلل موي 2023 ةينوي ١2 نينثلأا احابص ٩ - 7 ىهللأا سادقلاب أدبي ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينكب
نينثلاا موي تلائاعلل موي مكركفن 2023-وينوي-١2 ةعرسب زجحن و ضعب عجشن ءاجرلا

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 6 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .روهش 6 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
Special Thanks
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate
(Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Current Building Site 30th May 2023 Ready for the Roofings

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