Weekly Bulleyin 16th July 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng-


2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens-

ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ يهللإا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا يبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Martyrdom of St. Simon Cleophas, the Apostle.

16th July - 9th Abib

On this day, St. Simon, the Apostle, was martyred. He was the son of Cleophas, brother of Joseph the Just, to whom the Virgin Mary was betrothed. He received the grace of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room of Zion, and was ordained bishop for Jerusalem succeeding St. James the Apostle. He converted many of the Jews to the faith in the Lord Christ. The Lord wrought many wonders in his hands, and he urged the people for chastity and purity. When Emperor Trajan heard about him, he brought him, tortured him much, and then cut off his head. He was one hundred twenty years old.

May his prayers be with us, Amen.

The Departure of St. Pisentius, Bishop of Qift.

20th July - 13th Abib

On this day, the holy father, Anba Pisentius, Bishop of Qift, departed. This Saint became a monk in his early years, devoted himself to the ascetic life, and learned the church books. He never looked upon the face of a woman. Once a woman, who had a serious sickness, waited until he came out of the church, and drew near him to kiss his hand, for her belief was that she would be healed. But when he saw that she was getting close to him, he walked faster. Since she was unable to catch him, she took a handful of the dust upon which his feet had trodden, and placed it on the site of the pain and she was healed.

When he was ordained a bishop, he used to see the angels fluttering their wings around the altar while he was celebrating the Divine Liturgy. He was eloquent in his sermons; no one became weary of listening to his teachings.

When the Lord informed him that his departure drew near, he gathered his people, taught them, and strengthened them in the Faith. Then, he departed in peace. God manifested many miracles from his body. His disciple took a piece of his shroud which healed many of the sick.

May his prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Procopius )Proconius) of Jerusalem.

21st July - 14th Abib

On this day, of the year 33 A.D. )July 8th), St. Procopius )Proconius), was martyred. He was born in the city of Jerusalem, his father was a Christian whose name was Christophorus, which means “Bearer of Christ.” His mother’s name was Theodosia, and she was a worshipper of idols. When his father died, Theodosia took her son, and went to Antioch. She presented much money and expensive gifts to the Emperor Diocletian, and asked him to make her son a

نيعبسلا دحأ ابولك ناعمس سيدقلا داهشتسا لاوسر بيبأ 9 - ةيلوي 16 ناعمس سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم يف رابلا فسوي قيقش ابولك نبا وهو لوسرلا يف يزعملا ةمعن لان . ءارذعلا ميرم بيطخ . ميلشروأ يلع افقسأ مسرو نويهص ةيلع نيريثك بذجف لوسرلا بوقعي سيدقلا دعب عنصو حيسملا ديسلاب ناميلإا ىلإ دوهيلا نم يلع ضحي ناكو ةريثك تايآ هيدي يلع الله هرضحتساف نايارت هب عمسو ، ةراهطلاو ةفعلا رمعلا نم هل ناكو هسأر عطق مث اريثك هبذعو . ةنس نورشعو ةئام نيمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص طفق فقسأ سؤاتنسب سيدقلا ةحاين بيبأ ١3 3 - ةيلوي 20 ابنلأا سيدقلا بلأا حينت مويلا اذه لثم يف ذنم بهرت دق ناك طقف فقسأ سوؤاتنسب باتكلا سردو ةريثك تادابعب ماقو هتثادح بتك سرد امك هرافسأ بلغأ ظفحو سدقملا اقلطم ةأرما هجو ىلإ رظني لا ناكو ةسينكلا هترظتنا لاضع ءادب هباصم ةأرما نأ ثدحو لبقتل هنم تبرتقاو ةسينكلا نم جرخ ىتح امنيح هنكلو ءافشلا لانتس اهنأ اهناميلأ هدي هقحلت مل ذأو ، هاطخ يف عرسأ هنم اوندت اهآر هيمدقب ةأطو يذلا بارتلا نم لايلق تذخأ . لاحلل لازف مللأا ناكم يلع هتعضوو ةكئلاملا رظني سدقي وهو ناك افقسأ مسر املو اذه ناكو لكيهلا يف اهتحنجأب فرفرت دحأ لمي لا هظعو يف قطنملا نسح فقسلأا برقب برلا هملعأ املو . هميلعت عامس نم يلع مهتبثو مهظعوو هبعش عمج هتحاين ديب هحور ملسا مث اريثك مهاصوأو ناميلإا ةريثك تايآ هدسج نم الله رهظأ دقو . برلا اهعضوو هنفك نم هعطق ذخأ هذيملت نأ ىتح . اوفشف يضرملا يلع نيمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص سويبوكورب سيدقلا داهشتسا بيبأ 14 - ةيلوي 21 ةيلوي 8 ( م 33 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف يفوت املو . سويبوكورب سيدقلا دهشتسا ) ىلإ تبهذو اهنبا ةيسودؤاث تذخأ هدلاو كلملا ىلإ ةرخاف اياده تمدقو ةيكاطنإ ةيلاو اهدلو دلقي نا هنم تبلطو سونايدلقد اهتبلط باجأ و اهتيده لبقف ندملا ىدحإ هاصوأو ندملا ىدحلإ ايلاو اهدلو نيعو املف كلذب ارمأ هاطعأو نييحيسملا بيذعتب ءلاعلا نم اتوص عمس ةيكاطنإ نع لايلق دعتبا هنلأ توملاب هددهتيو هلعف مذيو همساب هيداني لاقف الله رمأ فلاخي ام لمعي نأ لبقو رساجت كتاذ ينيرت نأ كلأسأ يديس اي تنأ نم « : هل لوقي اتوص عمسو رون نم بيلص هل رهظف « ميلشروأب بولصملا هلا نبا عوسي انأ « : هل

governor for one of the cities. He accepted her gift, answered her request, and appointed her son the governor of the city of Alexandria. He commanded that Procopius torture the Christians.

When the Saint had gone a little way from the City of Antioch, he heard a voice from heaven calling him by his name, and censured his deed. The voice also threatened him by death because he dared and accepted to do what was against the command of God. Procopius asked, “Who are you, O my Lord? I beseech you to show me yourself.” A cross of light appeared to him, and he heard a voice which said to him, “I am Jesus , the Son of the Living God, Who was crucified in Jerusalem.” He was afraid and trembled, and he turned to the city of Bit-Shaan )Bisan). He made for himself a cross of gold like the cross that appeared to him.

On his way to Alexandria, some of the bedouins attacked him to plunder whatever he had. But he overcame them by the cross that he had. His mother told him, “You must offer sacrifices to the gods who delivered you from your enemies.” The Saint replied, “Rather, I will offer the sacrifice to Jesus Christ, Who helped me by the power of His cross.” When his mother heard his words, she became angry, and sent to Diocletian to inform him about that. The Emperor sent to the Governor of Caesarea, Palestine, to investigate the matter, and to handle his torture. When the Governor brought him, Procopius confessed his faith in the Lord Christ. The governor beat him so severely that he was close to death, then he cast him in prison. The Lord Christ appeared to him, surrounded by His angels, released him from his bonds, and healed his wounds. The next morning, the Governor asked about the Saint, and they told him that they found him free and sound. He had him brought to the temple of the idols, where the Governor was going to pray. When the Saint came, and the people saw him whole, they all marvelled, and they all cried out in the name of Christ saying, “We are Christians, and we believe in the God of Procopius.” Among them were two prefects, twelve women, and St. Theodosia, mother of St. Proconius. They cut off their heads, and they received the crown of martyrdom. That was on the 6th day of Abib. The Governor ordered the return of the Saint to prison, until he could determine what to do with him. He brought him back three days later and told him, “Behold, I have waited three days for you to return to your mind, to have mercy on yourself, and to offer sacrifice for the gods.” The Saint replied, “The Lord Christ is the only true God. As for these

تيب ىلإ داعو بعتراو ادج فاخف « يلع بهذ نم ابيلص هل لمعو ناش .هل رهظ يذلا بيلصلا لاثم ىلإ هقيرط يف وهو هل ثدحو ضعب هيلع مجه نأ ةيردنكسلإا بلغتف . هيديل ام بلسل برعلا ذئدنعو هعم يذلا بيلصلاب مهيلع نأ كيلع بجي نلآا « : هملأ لاق يذلا حيسملا عوسيل ةيحضلا مدقت تعمس املف « هبيلص ةوقب يندضع ىلإ تلسرأو تبضغ ملاكلا اذه همأ ىلإ لسرأف . كلذب هملعت سونايدلقد اذه ققحتي نأ نيطسلف ةيرصيق يلاو هرضحتسا املف . هبيذعت يلوتيو رملأا هبرض حيسملاب فرتعاو يلاولا ابرض اعجوم ىتح فرشأ يلع مث توملا يف هجز نجسلا رهظف . ديسلا هل حيسملا اطاحم هتكئلامب نم هلح مث هافشو هقاثو هحارج نم يفو . حابصلا هودجو مهنا هل ليقف يلاولا هنع لأس ىلإ هرضحتساف . اميلس اكوكفم ىلإ ادصاق ناك ثيح مانصلأا تيب سيدقلا رضح املف . يلصيل كانه مهلك اوبجعت احيحص عيمجلا هآرو نحن « : نيلئاق حيسملا مساب اودانو سويبوكورب هلاب نونمؤم نويحيسم ةرشع اتنثاو ناريمأ مهنيب ناكو « تبرضف همأ ةيسودؤاثو ةأرما . ةداهشلا ليلكإ اولانو اعيمج مهقانعأ رهش نم سداسلا مويلا يف كلذ ناكو ىلإ سيدقلا ةداعإب يلاولا رمأو بيبأ ةثلاث دعبو هرمأ يف رظنيل نجسلا كتيقبأ انأ « : هل لاقو هرضحتسا مايأ محرتو كلقع ىلإ عجرتل ةدملا هذه هباجأف « ةهللآل ةيحضلا مدقتو كتاذ وه حيسملا ديسلا نا « : سيدقلا ليثامتلا هذه امأ ، يقيقحلا هللإا هدحو باشخلأاو ةراجحلا نم ةعونصملا « عفنت لاو رضت لا يهو ةهلآ تسيلف هابنج قشي نأ رمأو ريملأا بضغف

statues, which are made of stone and wood, they are not gods and can neither harm nor help.” The Governor became angry and ordered the soldiers to cut his sides with swords. A swordsman, whose name was Archelaus, stretched out his hand to cut the sides of the Saint, whereupon his hand dried up, and fell down dead. The Governor ordered to stab him with knives and pour vinegar in his wounds. Then they dragged him by his feet to the prison, where he stayed for three days. The Governor was wondering what he should do with him. Then he threw him into a pit filled with fire, but the Lord delivered him and no harm came upon him. Finally, the Governor ordered to cut off his head and he received the crown of martyrdom. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of St. Ephraem El-Soriani

)The Syrian) 22nd July - 15th Abib

On this day, of the year 379 A.D., the holy father, St. Ephraem (Ephraim) the Syrian, departed. He was born in the city of Nissibis, in the beginning of the fourth century to pagan parents, during the days of the righteous Emperor Constantine. It happened that he met with St. James bishop of Nissibis, who preached to him and taught him the particulars of the Christian Faith. Ephraem believed on his hands. St. James baptized him and Ephraim stayed with him. He excelled in his worship that surpassed his contemporaries. He debated the pagans and overcame them by the grace that was within him. When the council of Nicea convened, he went with his teacher St. James to attend the council.

One day, it happened that while St. Ephraem was praying, he saw a pillar of light which extended from earth to heaven. When he marvelled at what he saw, he heard a voice saying to him, “That what you saw is St. Basil, Bishop of Caesaria.” St. Ephraem longed to see St. Basil and he went to Caesaria. He entered the church and stood in a corner of it. He saw St. Basil in his priestly vestments embroidered with gold. St. Ephraim doubted the holiness of St. Basil. The Lord showed him a white dove that alighted over St. Basil’s head. God then inspired St. Basil of the presence of St. Ephraem. St. Basil called him by his name, and St. Ephraem marvelled at how he knew him. They greeted each other, and St. Basil ordained him a deacon.

St. Ephraem increased his asceticism, and many great virtues were manifested through him that surpass descrip-

سؤلاشرا همسا فايس دمف فيسلاب اتيم طقسو لاحلل تسبيف فيسلاب هدي عضوو نيكاكسلاب هنعطب يلاولا رمأف هوبحس مث . تانعطلا ناكم يف لخلا ةثلاث هيف ثكمف نجسلا ىلإ هيلجر نم مث . هبيذعت رمأ يف رئاح ريملأاو مايأ برلا هاجنف . ران اهب ةرفح يف هاقلأ عطقب ريملأا رمأ اريخأو ىذأ هلني ملو . ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانف هسأر امئاد دجملا انبرلو . انعم نوكت هتلاص نيمآ . مارفا ابنلاا سيدقلا ةحاين ىنايرسلا بيبأ 15 - ةيلوي 22 حينت م 37٩ ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف ينايرسلا مآرفا ابنلأا سيدقلا بلأا لئاوأ يف نيبيصن ةنيدم يف دلو . يف نيينثو نيوبأ نم عبارلا ليجلا نيطنطسق رابلا كلملا مايأ سيدقلاب عمتجا نأ هل قفتاو يذلا نيبيصن نارطم بوقعي ناميلإا قئاقح هملعو هظعو هيدي يلع مأرفأ نمأف يحيسملا ذخأو هدنع ثبلو هنم دمعتو لهأ قاف ىتح دئازلا دبعتلا يف نييمملأا لداجي راصو هنامز يتلا ةمعنلاب مهيلع بلغتيو ةيقين عمجم عمتجا املو هيف ىلإ بوقعي رام هملعم بحص كانه سيدقلاو مايلأا دحأ يف ثدحو يأر نأ ةلاصلا يف مئاق نم ادتمم رون نم ادومع املف ءامسلا ىلإ ضرلأا اتوص عمس كلذ نم بجعت هتيأر يذلا اذه « : هل لوقي ةيرصيق فقسأ سويليساب سيدقلا وه ةيرصيق ىلإ بهذو هاري نأ قاتشاف « اهنم ةيواز يف فقوو ةسينكلا لخدو دترم وهو سويليساب سيدقلا يأرف كشف ، بهذلاب ةاشوم تونهكلا هتلدب ءاضيب ةمامح برلا هارأف هتسادق يف سيدقلا الله مهلأ مث هسأر يلع تلح مأرفأ سيدقلا دوجوب سويليساب مأرفأ ابنلأا بجعف همساب هاعدتساف مث امهضعب ىلع املسو هفرع فيك دازف اسامش سويليساب سيدقلا همسر ةميظع لئاضف هنم ترهظو هكسن يف ءاسنلا ىدحإ نأ اهنم . فصولا قوفت سيدقلل فرتعت نأ تحتسا تامشتحملا اهاياطخ تبتكف . ةهفاشم سويليساب هتطعأو ساطرق يف اهابص ذنم فرعو هلوانت املف سويليساب سيدقلا

tion. Among which was that of an honorable woman, who was ashamed to confess her sins orally to St. Basil. She wrote on a paper her sins which she had committed since her youth, and gave it to St. Basil. When he received it and knew what was written in it, he prayed for her. The piece of paper became blank except for only one great sin. The woman wept, and entreated him to pray for her that God might forgive this sin for her. St. Basil told her, “Go to the wilderness where St. Ephraem is and he will pray for you.” The woman went to him and told him what had happened. He said to her, “I am not worthy of this honor, go back to St. Basil for he is a high priest. Go now quickly before he departs from this world.” When the woman returned, she found that St. Basil had departed, and was carried on the heads of the priests. She wept, and threw the piece of paper on his coffin. She prayed to God interceding through the saint. Then, she took the piece of paper, and she found it completely blank. St. Ephraem had performed many miracles. In his days, Ebn-Disan the Infidel appeared. This father debated with him until he overcame his erroneous opinions. He wrote many articles and discourses. When he completed his strife, he departed to the Lord. May his prayers be with us. Amen. The Martyrdom of St. Cyriacus and St. Julietta His Mother.

22nd July - 15th Abib

On this day also, St. Cyriacus (Qyriacus) and St. Julietta, his mother, were martyred. When Cyriacus was three years old, his mother left Iconium, her native land, taking her son with her. She went to Tarsus, fleeing from the Governor that was persecuting the Christians. However, she found the Governor there in Tarsus. Some had laid accusation against her before the Governor. He brought her and ordered her to worship the idols. She answered him, »What you say to me cannot be accepted by a three year-old child.« The governor said to her, »We can ask your child.« God then made the child talk, who cried out saying, »Your gods are made of stone and wood by the hands of men, there is no other True God except my Lord Jesus Christ.« Those who heard the child were amazed, and the Governor was exposed. For that reason, he inflicted pain over the child that surpassed his age. He also tortured his mother with many kinds of tortures. But the Lord God delivered them safely each time. Many saw this and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and received the crown of martyrdom. Finally, the Governor ordered to cut the heads off of St. Cyriacus (Qyriacus) and St. Julietta, his mother, and they received the crown of martyrdom. May their prayers be with us. Amen

ضيباف اهلجأ نم يلص هيف ام تناك ةدحاو ةيطخ نم لاإ ساطرقلا هيلإ تعرضتو ةأرملا تكبف ةميظع اهتيطخ الله اهل رفغيل اهنع يلصي نأ ةيربلا ىلإ يبهذا « : اهل لاقف هذه يلصي وهو مأرفأ سيدقلا ثيح هتملعأو هيلا تبهذف « كلجأ نم لهأ ريغ لجر انأ »: اهل لاقف كلذب سيدقلا ىلإ يدوعف ةجردلا هذهل يعرسأو ةنهك سيئر هنلأ سوليساب املو . « ملاعلا اذه نم هجورخ لبق وهو حينت دق هتدجو ةأرملا تعجر تكبف ةنهكلا سوؤر يلع لومحم راص دق هتدجوف ساطرقلا تقلأو . ضيبأ ةريثك تايآ مأرفأ سيدقلا عنص دقو ناكو ناصيد نبا رهظ همايأ يف ، و بلغت ىتح بلأا اذه هلداجف ارفاك رمايمو تلااقم عضو دقو هيلع لقتنا هداهج لمكأ املو ، ادج ةريثك برلا ىلإ نيمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص سوكايرك سيدقلا داهشتسا ةطيلوي همأو بيبأ 15 - ةيلوي 22 سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم يف امدنع . همأ ةطيلويو سوقايرق ، تاونس ثلاث سوقايرق رمع ناك اهعمو اهنطوم ةينوقيأ همأ تحراب نم ابره سوسرط ىلإ اهدلو نييحيسملا بذعي ناك يذلا يلاولا هيدل اهب اوعسف كانه هتدجو اهنكلو ةدابع اهيلع ضرعو اهرضحتساف . اذه كلوق نأ « : هل تلاقف ناثولأا ثلاث نبا لفط هلبقي لا « : اهل لاقف « تاونس قطناف « اذه كلفط لأسن : لائاق حاصو لفطلا الله ةراجح كتادوبعم نأ « « يديلأا ةعنص باشخأو يديس لاإ هلا سيلو شهدناف « حيسملا عوسي حضتفاو نورضاحلا اباذع هبذع كلذلو يلاولا همأ بذعو هنس قوفي ناكو ةريثك عاونأب اضيأ نيملاس امهميقي برلا نوريثك سانأ كلذ دهاشو حيسملا ديسلاب اونمآف . ةداهشلا ليلكإ اولانو امهيسأر عطقب يلاولا رمأ اريخأو نوكت هتلاص . ةايحلا ليلكإ لاانو نيمآ . انعم

Reflections on the Holy Bible reading

Second Sunday of the blessed month of Abib

Matthew 18:1-9

unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven Matthew 18:3. How troubling is self-pride … how many souls are broken because of pride … for God resists the arrogant … and how great is humility … humility opens before man the closed doors … but (indeed) it opens the gates to the kingdom of heavens … for humility breaks the conceit of the evil ones and destroys the sting of their arrogance.

The Lord Jesus wanted to emphasize to His disciples the greatness of humility … so He gave them a parable about humility;

The children (or to be like the children) … for their thoughts were focused on who is the greatest in the kingdom of heavens …. They (the disciples) wanted to know the way to true greatness … so, the Lord uncovered the secrets to greatness which is humbleness … and self-pride has many forms which destroys the spiritual life of man … of these is the love of prominence in the first place … love of controlling )others( and being in control … also haughtiness and arrogance … or contempt of the young … and another form which is even more dangerous, is self-righteousness and in such one is content with his or her own personal behaviours … and ones self-righteousness and depending ones own for salvation.

+ Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven Ambition is good and desirable … there is no burden for one to seek a better status and specially in one’s spiritual life, but the danger is for one to seek the first place or prominence being driven by self-pride and the will for prominence … the desire of praise by others and vanity.

King Saul could not bear the women praising David more than him when David killed Goliath the giant (1 Samuel 18) …. He was very resentful just from the words of those praising (David) and forgot what David has done. Also he forgotten that it was him who promised who ever overcome Goliath, to receive gifts and prized grants … for Saul was, the type who cannot bear that another person be praised more than him … and because of this, he decided to destroy David … and he kept this resentment all his life towards David … Saul destroyed himself with his self-pride (and arrogance) … and because of this self-pride his eyes were blinded to the correct vision and only saw his-self … he forgot his kingdom and people and forgot his responsibilities and only remembered his enmity to David … he became only concerned with plotting against David.

How serious for man to love the first place and praise of others … it is the same problem with the pharisees

سادقلا ليجنا فى تلامأت كرابلما بيبأ رهش نم نىاثلا دحلاا 9- 1 :1٨ تم اولخدت نلف دلاولاا لثم اوبرصتو اوعجرت لم نأ 3 :١٨ ىتم باومسلا توكلم ةيرثك سوفن نم مك ... ءايبركلا بعصأ ام مواقي هللا نا ... ءاببركلا ببسب مطحتن حتفي هنا ... عاضتلاا مظعأ امو ... نيبركتسلما حتفي هنأ لب ... ةقلغلما باويلاا ناسنلاا مامأ مطحي عاضتلاا ... تاومسلا توكلم باوبا هل ... مهءايبرك ةكوش سركيو ينطايشلا رخف ةمظع هذيملاتل دكؤي نا عوسي برلا دارأ عاضتلأا نع لااثم مهاطعاف ... عاضتلاا نبم لاوغشم مهركف ناك دقل ... لافطلاا نأ اودارأ .... تاومسلا توكلم فى مظعا وه فشكف ... .ةيقيقحلا ةمظعلا قيرط اوفرعي ... عاضتلاا وهو .. ةمظعلا سر برلا مهل ةيحورلا ةايحلا رمدت ةيرثك روص هل ءايبركلاو ةبحم ... لولاا زكرلما ةبحم اهنم ... ناسنلال خماشتلاو ةفرجعلا اهنمو .. طلستلاو ةسائرلا ةروص اضيأ اهنمو .. راغصلا راقتحإ وأ .. فى ةقثلا وهو تىاذلا برلا ىهو ادج ةيرطخ لاكتلااو تىاذلا كربو ... ةيصخشلا كلماعأ سفنلا صلاخ لجأ نم طقف هيلع تاومسلا توكلم فى مظعأ وه نم + كانه سيلف ... نسحو ليمج ء شى حومطلا يرصي نا لجا نم ناسنلاا ىعسي نا بيع روملاا فى اصوصخ عبطلابو لضفا زكرم فى ناسنلاا دهجي نأ ةروطخلا نكلو ةيحورلا اعوفدم لضفلاا زكرلما نع اثحب هسفن لولاا زكرلما فىو ةسائرلأ فى ةبغرلا ... ءايبركلاب .. نيرخلآا حيدمو ةماركلا فى ةبغرلا .. ةوسنلل عمتسي نأ لمتحي لم كللما لواش دواد لتق نأ دعب هنمثركأ دواد نحديم نهو ملاك درجم نم ادج ظاتغا ... رابجلا تايلج وه هنا سىنو دواد هلعف ام سىنو ينحدالما تايلج لىع صرتني نم دعو ىذلا هسفن عونلا نم ناك لواشف .. ةنيثم زئاوجو ايادهب ثركا رخا ناسنا حديم نأ هيف لمتحي لا ىذلا لظو ... دواد كلهي نا ررق كلذلو ... هنم دقحلا أذه لمحي كلذ دعي هرمع لوط ... ءايبركلاب هسفن لواش مطح دقل ... دوادل ةيؤرلا نع هانيع تيمع ءايبركلا اذه ببسبو سىن ... هسفن لاإ ىري لا حبصاف ةحيحصلا ركذتو هتايلوئسم سىنو هبعش سىنو هتكلمم ىوس هل مه لا حبصا ... دوادل هتوادع طقف ... دواد دض تارماؤلماو ططخلا يربدت زكرملل ابحم ناسنلاا نوكي نا بعصا ام ةلكشم سفن اهنا ... نيرخلاا حيدلمو لولاا اودجو امدنع ... ينيسيرفلاو ةنهكلا ءاسؤر مهميلعت لىعو مهيلع قوفتي عوسي برلا مهاوكش ناكو هودسح ... مهائاير فشكيو

and the chief priests (of the Jews) … when they recognised that the Lord Jesus excelled above them and their teachings and He has uncovered their hypocrisy … they were envious and resented Him … here is the whole people following Him … they could not bear it and conspired to kill Him … such person also, cannot accept criticism and rebuke …even if it was from the priest Korah, Dathan and Abiram … they were Levites, the tribe God dedicated to serving before the Altar … also, they were lovers of prominence and first places … they could not accept that the priesthood is only for Aaron and his sons and they wanted the priesthood too … they could not take the rebuke from Moses and Aaron for their transgressions … so, they said to the congregation (of the Israelites); enough of Moses and Aaron … the whole congregation is holy … and they assumed the priesthood for themselves and made censers to offer incense (Numbers 16) … and naturally the results was very devastating ... the Lord could not tolerate their arrogance and transgression against the priesthood … the earth opened up it mouth and swallowed them with all their families (and belongings) … but the humble person will accept criticism with joy … One of those was the Elder Ibrahim El-Gohery … he was in attendance at one of the churches (of Cairo) and the serving priest took too much time in praying the holy liturgy … so, Ibrahim El-Gohery sent a note to the priest to hurry up so that he can go on to his work at the government offices … but the serving priest sent back message saying … he is serving before God and a human … and if the times of service does not suit him, then he should build for himself another church … perhaps such an answer would have irritated anyone in the status of Ibrahim El-Gohery and he was in the status of a minister of the government at that time … but (Ibrahim El-Gohery) accepted this advice with pleasure and joy … and indeed he took the advice of the priest seriously … and built a church and considered the advice of the priest as a command from heaven and fulfilled it accurately and gladly.

The person who loves prominence, will always seek the first place … tries by all means to attract peoples’ vision to his works and words and all his great achievements … and woe to anyone who criticise him or her or even interrupt his self-talk to another some one else (other than him or her) … or to praise another person more that he or she is praised.

This type of self-pride (and vanity) is very troubling indeed … for it makes one to be preoccupied with ones self only and cannot think of anything but how to exceed others … and maybe because of this, he or she will search how to belittle others or annoy them and reveal their mistakes … but even sometime will seek to create problems and troubles for others … he or she try to make others naughts to be prominent above them

ملف .. هءارو بهاذ هلك بعشلا اذوه .. لثم .. هوكلهي كىل هيلع اورمآتو اولمتحي خيبوتلاو دقنلا لمتحي لا اضيا ناسنلاا اذه حروقف ... نهاكلا بلاا نم ناك ولو ىتح ... طبسلا ىولا ىنب نم مهو ... مايرباو ناثادو اوناك ... لكيهلا فى ةمدخلل برلا هسدق ىذلا نا اولمتحي لم ... لولاا زكرلماو ةسائرلل ينبحم نوره ىنبل طقف صصخم تونهكلا اودجي اولمتحي لم ... هنهك اونوكي نا اضيا مه اودرأ تايدعت ليع مهل نورهو سيوم خيبوت سىوماي ماكافك ماهل اولاقف .. ةيرثكلا بعشلا .. ةسدقم اهسرأب ةعماجلا نا .. نورهو مهسفنلا اوعنصو تونهكلا لىع اولواطتو ةجيتنلا تناك اعبطو .. اهب اورخبيل رماجم مهءايبرك برلا لمتحي لم ذا ... ادج ةلمؤم ضرلاا تحتفف .. تونهكلا ليع مهيدعتو ... مهسرا دأرفا لكب اعيمج مهتعلتياو اهاف خيبوتلا وأ دقنلا لبقيف عضتلما ناسنلاا نكلو ... حرف فى ناك ... ىرهوجلا ميهاربا ملعلما ءلاؤه نمو بلاا لاطأو.. سئانكلا ىدحا فى ةرم اضراح ميهاربا ملعلما لسراف ... سادقلا فى نهاكلا كى سادقلا فى عسري كى نهاكل ا بلال ةقرو ... ةموكحلا ناويد في هلمع ديعاوبم قحلي مدخب هنأ .. لائاق نهاكلا بلاا هل لسراف لم اذا هنأو ... ناسنأ مامأ سيلو هللا مامأ هذه فى ةمدخلا ديعاولم احاترم ملعلما نكي ... ىرخا ةسينك هسفنل بنيلف ةسينكلا ناسنا ىا بضغي ناك درلا اذه لثم ابمر ريزو ماقم فى وهو ميهاربا ملعلما زكرم فى ملاكلا لبق هنكلو ... تقولا كلذ فى ناطلسلا ... نهاكلا بلاا داشراب لاعف لمع .. حرفب نهاكلا بلاأ ةملك برتعاو ىرخا ةسينك ىنبو حرفو ةقد لكب هذفنف ءماسلا نم هل رما ... تحبي ائماد هدجت ةسائرلل بحلما ناسنلاا لكب لواحي .. لولاا زكرلماو بصنلما نع لىاو هيلا سانلا راظنا هجوي نا ةليسو داجما نم هققح ام لىاو هلأوقأ لىاو هلماعا لواحي نلم ليولا لك ليولاو .. تاراصتناو ثيدح لىا هثيدح ىرجم يرغي وأ هدقني نا ثركأ رخآ صخش حديم وأ ... رخآ صخش نع ادج بعتم ءايبركلا نم عونلا اذهو ... هنم لاو هتاذ لوح لصوحتي ناسنلاأ لعجي هنلا .. ابمرو ... نيرحلآا ىط عفتري فيك فى لاا ركفي نيرخلاا بعتي فيك ثحبي ا ذه لجا نم ثحبي ايمر لب ... مهتافعض رهظيو مهبضغيو هنا ... بعاتلماو بلاقلما مهل ربدي فيك ىتح ارافصا نيرخلاا نم لعجي نا لواحي رافصلاا نا ينكسلما اذه ىردي لاو .. وهرهظي ... ماقرلاأ ءارو تعضو اذا ائيش ىواست لا تمضو اذا يربك ىنعم وذ يرصت ماقرلاا نكلو

… poor person indeed, not aware that naughts mean nothing when put after the numbers … but naughts will have great meaning when put before the numbers.

+ But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck … The other type of self-pride is very troubling … that is contempt of the young (or the lesser ones) … haughtiness and conceit above others … in the flow of this haughtiness and conceit, one will trample upon others feelings and ignoring them and even putting stumbling blocks in their way and brings destruction to them.

The Jews looked down upon the Galileans (those who dwelt in Galilee) … specially Galilee was adjacent to the areas of the gentiles … maybe they were influenced by their traditions and worship … to the extent that when Nathanial heard of the Lord Jesus was from Nazareth in Galilee, he said can anything good come out of Nazareth (John 1:46) … and the Lord Jesus wanted to teach him a lesson in humility, respect of others and no arrogance … so He allowed him to see in the Lord Jesus who knows what is hidden in the heart and the deepest secrets and He knew his secrets of childhood which no one else knows … “under the fig tree, I saw you” and paised his zealousness “an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit” (John 1: 46-48). The pharisees despised tax-collectors … this was evident from the pharisee praying “I am not like … this tax collector” (Luke 18:11) … so, his prayers were lukewarm and didn’t show true repentance or an open and lifted heart before God … so the prayer of the repentant contrite tax collector was accepted and not the haughty conceited pharisee.

The Jews disrespected women and belittled of her status … to the extent that the disciples were amazed when they saw the Lord Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman but the Lord Jesus showed them the honour of womanhood … and He lifted the status of women … it more than enough He was born of the Virgin (Mary) and she received the highest status among all people but even the heavenly too … How greatly troubling for man to feel that he or she better than others … or other are less than him or her … beloved, don’t forget a human like Hitler planted in the German people, the idea of being superior before the second world war and that they are better than other nations and with this feeling, he instilled hate for others in his people and with this hate he fuelled the worst war known to mankind where millions of people were killed … and you beloved; do you feel superior to others because of knowledge and degrees … do you know the Lord has chosen ignorant of the world to defeat the knowledgeable … is your

.. اهماما رافصلاا قلعي نا هل يرخف راغصلا ءلاؤه دحأ ثرعأ نم + ... ىحرلا رجح هقنع فى ..راغصلا راقتحا وهو .. ءايبركلا وه رخلاا عونلا هذه رايت فىو ... نيرخلآا لىع لىاعتلاو ةفرجعلا نيرخلاا رعاشم لىع سودي لىاعتلاو ةفرجعلا ببستيو مهقيرط فى ةثرعلا عضيو لب مهلمهيو ... مهكلاه في )ليلجلا ناكس( نويليلجلا نورقتحي اوناك دوهيلا ةقصلام تناك ليلجلا ةقطنم نلأ ةصاخ ... مهتأدابعو مهتاداعي اورثأت ابمرو ... مملاا بوعشل هنا عوسي برلا نع ليئانثن عمس امدنع كلذلو ... ةصرانلا نم لهو لاق ليلجلا فى ىتلا ةصرانلأ نم هملعي نأ عوسي برلا دارأو ... حلاص ءشى جرخي لياعتلا مدعو نيرخلآا ماترحأو عاضتلاا فى اسرد عوسي برلا فى ىيرل هينيع نع فشكف .. مهيلع فشك ذا راسرلاا لكو بولقلا ايابخ فراعلا برلا دحا اهفرعي لا ىتلا هتلوفط راسرأ فرعي هنا هل حدمو .. كتفرع انا ةنيتلا تحت تنأو« ... رخآ .. « هيف شغ لا اقح لىيئأسرا اذه« .. هتيرغ هراقتحأ رهظأو .. راشعلا سىيرفلا ناسنلأا رقتحأ اذه لثم تسل ىننلأ « .. لىصي وهو ىتح هل لا ةرتاف هتلاص تجرخ كلذلو ... « راشعلا تلبقو ... هللا مامأ عوفرم بلق وأ ةبوت نعبرعت سىيرغلا ة لاص نع عشاخلا بئاتلا راشعلا ةلاص ... فرجعتلماو بركتلما ةجردل ... اهنأش نم اوللقو ةأرلما دوهيلا رقتحأ عوسي برلا اودجو امدنع اوبجعت هذيملات نا عوسي برلا نكلو ةيرماسلا ةأرلما عم ثدحتي ىفكيو ... اهنأش عفرو ... ةأرلما ةمارك مهل رهظا ينب ةناكم مظعأ هدنع تلان ءارذع نم دلو هنا ... اضيا ينيئماسلا مامأ لب اعيمج شربلا نم لضفا هنا ناسنلاا رعشي نا بعصا ام سىنت لا .. هنم لقا نيرخلآا نا وا ... نيرخلآا سفن فى عرز رلته لثم اناسنا نا بيبحلا اهيا مهنا ةيناثلا ةيلماعلا برحلا لبق نىالملاا بعشلا روعشلا اذهبو ىرخلاا بوعشلا نم لضفا بعش نم لعجو نيرخلآل ةيهاركلا نم هبعش لأم اهتفرع برح عظفاو رطخلا ادوقو ةيهاركلا هذه ... شربلا نحن ينيلالما اهيف لتق ةبشربلا نيرخلآا لىع لىاعتت له بيبحلا اهيأ تناو برلا نأ فرعت لهف ... كتاداهشو كملع ببسب له .. ءماكحلا مهب ىزخيل لماعلا لاهج راتخا فى كعضت فوس كتمكحو كملعو كتاداهش ملعا ؟؟؟ ةنونيدلا موي هللا ماما لضفا عضوم ايرثك هنم بلطي فوس ابرثك فرعي ىذلا نا اديج عسرتو نبرخلآا بحتو عضتت نأ ىغبني ناك ... ... مهتدعاسلم ... كتورث وأ كانغ وأ كزكرم ببسب اضيأ ابمر ىنغلل ... عيمجلل ةدحاو ةياهن اهنا سىنت نأ كايأ قلطنا ينكسلما رزاعل نا سىنت نا كايا ... برقفلاو دجب لمو ميحجلا فى ىنغلا كله مانبب سودرفلا لىا

degree and knowledge and wisdom puts you in a better stand before God on the day of judgement???

Therefore, know this very well, those who know a lot will be asked a lot … one must humble him one’s self and sprint to help others.

Maybe, it is because of your status (in the community) or richness or wealth … don’t forget that the end is the same for all … rich and poor … never forget that poor Lazarus went to paradise while the rich went to hades and could not find even Lazarus to wet the tip of his tongue because of the heat in hades Luke 16:23-24).

Maybe, because of your country or place of birth … it is not nice to joke about others and talk demeaning them because of their place of birth … remember, you too were very much troubled in Australia when the Australians treated you with less respect because you are a migrant or because of your original place of birth … be aware not to demean or degrade any human being because of his or her appearance, the way they speak or his or her ways and traditions … remember the Lord Jesus died for them just as He died for you … they are very valuable souls the Lord Jesus Christ seeks her or his salvation … remember, that the Lord is searching for the one lost sheep more than the ninety nine who are in the barn. + woe to that man by whom the offense comes … Do you know because of your self-righteousness you cause others to sin?? You are proud of your spiritual status … or with your status in the church … or with your friendship with our fathers the bishops or priests … or your level of knowledge in the holy bible or church rituals and traditions … but you do not live to the spirit of this traditions and teachings and because of this knowledge you became bloated and criticising others without any regards … judging the action of others … therefore, you are exactly like the pharisee who criticised the Lord Jesus for allowing a sinful woman to wash His feeet with her tears, thinking that the Lord doesn’t know she was a sinner … or like the other pharisee who judged the Lord Jesus for eating with the tax collectors and sinners … or sitting with them and visiting their houses … Indeed, woe to this man who is bloated with his own self-righteousness and created from his works and knowledge a mental wall hiding behind it all his transgressions, sins and many short comings

Beloved, learn to place yourself behind everyone … at the last row … learn to say to yourself that you are the first among sinners and more sinful than all … learn to respect others and love them and give them preference over yourself regardless of their gender, colour or work or status … learn to be a servant not a master … train yourself to return and become like little children … and by this you will have a share in the heavenly kingdom.

وهو هناسل فرط رزاعل لبي نأ ىتح ... بيهللا فى بذعم ... كدلوم ناكم وا كنطوم ببسب ابمر ثيداحلااو تكنلا هذه ادباسريلا ءشى ببسب نبرخلاا اهب رقتحت ىتلا فيك ركذت ... مهدلوم ناكم ناكم امدنع ايلاترسا فى ايرثك لمأتت اضيا تنا ببسب ماترحا نودب ينيلاترسلاا كلماعب ... لىصلاا كنطوم ببسب وا رجاهم كنأ ببسب ناسنا رفتحت نا نم ادج سترحأ وا هتاداع وا هملاك ةقيرط وأ هرهظم تام عوسب برلا نا ركذت ... هتافصرت هنا ... كلجلا تام مالثم اضيا وه هلجلا لجلا حيسلما ديسلا ىعسي ةنيثم سفن لجلا ىعسي برلا نا ركذت .. اهصلاخ ةعستلا نم ثركأ لاضلا دحاولا فورخلأ ... ةيرظحلا فى نيدوجولما ينعستلاو ... ةثرعلا هب تىات ىذلا ناسنلال ليو + تنا تىاذلا كرب ببسب هنا ملعت له تنا ؟؟ نيرخلآا ثرعت ثرعت كزكربم وأ ... ىحورلا كاوتسبم رختفت ءابلاا عم كتاقادص وأ ... ةسينكلا فى كتفرعم رادقم وا ... ةنهكلا وأ ةفقاسلاا ... ةسينكلا سوقط وا سدقلما باتكلا فى وا سقطلا اذه حور فى شيعت لا كنكل تحبصأ ةفرعلما هذه ببسبو ميلاعتلا ... باسح لاب نيرخلآا دقتنت اخفتنم لثم اماتم كنا ... نيرخلآا تافصرت نيدت عوسي برلا نادأ ىذلا سىيرفلا اذه لسغت نأ ةئطاخلا ةأرملل حمس هنلا فرعي لإ برلا نا اناظ اهعومدب هيمدق سىيرفلا كللذ لثم وا ... هئطاخ اهنأ عم لكأي هنلا عوسي برلا نيدي ىذلا مهعم سلجي وأ ... ةاطخلا و نيراشعلا ... مهتويب فى مهروزيو هبرب خفتنا ىذلا ناسنلاا كلذل ليو اقح هتفرعم وأ هلئاضف نم لعجو تىاذلا هءارو ىفخي اعينم اطئاح ةيلقعلا ... ةيرثكلا هتايرصقتو هاياطخو هتاساجن رخآ كسفن عضت نأ ملعت بيبحلا اهيأ لوقت نأ مهلعت ... فرفصلا رخآ ... لكلا عيمجلا ثركاو ةاطخلا لوأ كنأ كسفنل مهبحتو نيرخلآا مترحت نا ملعت ... اشر مهسنج ناك ماهم كسفن لىع مهمدقتو ملعت ... مهزكارم وأ مهلمع وا مهنول وا كسفن برد ... اديس لا امداخ نوكت نأ اذهبو ... لافطلاا لثم يرصتو دوعت نا تاومسلا توكلم فى بيصنلا كل نوكي
ويلوي 20 بيبأ 13 مويلا راسكنس ✥ طفق فقسأ سؤاتنسب سيدقلا ةحاين ✥ دلو طفق فقسأ سؤاتنسب ابنلأا حينت مويلا اذه لثم يف 284 ةنس وحن تنمرلأ ةعباتلا ريمش ةدلبب سيدقلا اذه يليجنإ ركفب هايبر نييقت نييحيسم نيوبأ نم م 568 ش نم ريثكلا ظفحو هابص ذنم ةيسنكلا مولعلا فرع دقو بهرتو ىضمف ةينابهرلا ةريسلا بحا ةيهللإا بتكلا ةيقاب ريدلا اذه للاطأ تلازام ( ةماش لبجب ماف يبأ ريدب برغ توسبشتح دبعم يرحبلا ريدلا دبعم راوجب هيف ىضماو ريبكلا ايليإ ابنلأا سيدقلا ىلع ذملتتو ) رصقلأا كلس . ساسلأا لبج يف ةيريدلا هتايح نم ريبكلا رطشلا ةلاصلاب امتهم ةيدجب ينابهرلا هداهج يف سيدقلا اذه ةرم لكأي ناكف ماوصأ عم سدقملا باتكلا ظفحو ةمئادلا ناكو عوبسأ لك وأ مايأ ةثلاث لك انايحاو نيموي لك امدنعو ةئيضم حيباصمك هعباصأ دقتت ىلصي امدنع رفسلا بحاص يبنلا هيلا رضحي ءايبنلأا رافسأ يف أرقي لاقف احوتفم اهباب دجوف هتيلاق ىلإ ةوخلأا دحا رضح. هنظ هبجي مل ذاو يبأ اي ىلع كراب : نابهرلا ةداعك هبتاعف رخأ صخش عم ملكتي هدجوو ةيلاقلا لخدف اضيرم اي يل رفغا : خلأا لاقف نذأ نودب انيلع لخدت نا نابهرلا نوناق اذه سيل يخأ اي: لائاق سؤاتنسب سيدقلا كدقتفلأ لوخدلا ىلع ترساجتف مايقلا عيطتست لاو ابعتم نوكت كلعل يسفن يف تركف ينلأ تأطخأ دقف يبأ خلأا ذخا تقوللو ةحلاصلا هلامعأ لجلأ انملاسل اقحتسم هلعج برلا نلأ هعد : فيضلا هل لاق ذئدنع مسا ينفرعت نأ يبأ اي كلأسأ : لائاق سؤاتنسب سيدقلا خلأا لأسف فيضلا فرصنا مث اهلبقو فيضلا دي يسفن ىلع تلح ةميظع ةوقب تسسحأ يهجو ىلع اهتعضوو اهتلبقو هدي تكسمأ امدنع يناف سيدقلا اذه ناك ذا يتدحوو يبعتو يفعض ىلإ رظن برلا : سؤاتنسب ابنلأا هباجأ يبلق لاخد حرفو ةجهبو يدسجو هئايفصأ دحا ىلإ لسرأف مكتقراف ذنم سانلا نم ادحأ ىرأ ملو ضرملا ىلع دتشاو ادج افيعض يدسج ىرجا. يتافو موي ىلإ دحلأ اذه رهظت لاا كلأسا يننإو يهللإا هملاكب ينازع يبنلا يتيبستلا ايليإ سيدقلا نأ ةوخلأا داك لبجلا يف وهو هايملا نم ةيعولأا تغرف امل هنا اهنم تازجعملا نم اريثك هيدي ىلع برلا ةبوعص دجوو ةيربلا لخد املو الله اودجمف ءام ةءولمم ةيعولأا اودجوف سيدقلا ىلصف شطعلا نم اوتومي افقسا هتماسرب سونايمد ابابلا ماق . بذع ءام رئب هل برلا عبنأف ىلصي مايأ ةعبرأ ىقب ءام داجيإ يف ريغ نوكأ نأ ىشخا مل ول: ةيشرابيلإا ةنهكل لاقو ةيهلا ةوعد ىلع ءانب اهلبقف م 5٩8 ةنس وحن طفق ىلع امتهم ارهاس ايعار ناك دقو يسأر ينيع متعزن ولو رملأا اذه يف مكنم عمسا تنك امل ينرما يذلل عئاط هتشاشب نم مغرلاب ههجو ىلإ علطتي نأ دحا عيطتسي لاف هتباهمب فرعو ءاطعلل ابحم سفن لك صلاخب هبعش اياطخ همامأ فشكتتو رانلاك ههجو لألأتي ىلصيل حبذملا ىلإ دعص اذا ناك هعم ثيدحلا ةبوذعو عيمجلل احوتفم هتيلاق باب ناكو ةوبنلا ةبهوم الله هبهو ةسدقملا نيبارقلا ىلع لااح سدقلا حورلا رظنيو هونفكي لاأ مهلأس اريخأو مهظعوو بعشلا عمج مث هربخاو انحوي هذيملت ىعدتسا هتحاين تقو برق املو نيمآ .انعم نكتلف هتاولص ةكرب . ملاسب حينتو لايلق ضرم مث اهيدتري يتلا هبايثب لب ةرخاف بايثب.

The sixth commemoration for the Departure of Fr Mina Rizkalla

of good memory

Departed 9th July 2017

May the Lord repose his soul and bless us through his prayers

Childhood in Christ: Fr Tadros Yacoub Malaty

The Lord is eager to have his disciples blessed by a return to childhood. They would then have the spirit of humility, for this is a royal quality that supports the soul when crossing over to the heavenly life. When the Lord speaks of children, he presents them as the ones to carry his name, for he says, )Matt 18:5) “Whoever receives one little child like this in my name receive me.”

Let no one grudge the return to the modesty of children, for the Lord is transfigured in the life of children, and He considers those who accept them in His name, only accept him. This is how the Lord uplifts childhood that is disregarded by people in every race and tongue. The Lord has honoured man by means of His incarnation, and He has honoured the poor by considering them his younger brothers, and whatever is done to them is offered for His account. Here He is honouring childhood; he, who accepts a child in His name, accepts Him. I wonder who would not be eager enough to embody the nature of ‘modest childhood’ carrying the name of the Messiah, the king? Indeed, the Lord has sanctified childhood for he himself has become a child. He still does sanctify it, for His name is carried by the little children.

St. Ambrosios says, “Who is this child whose example is to be followed by Jesus’ disciples other than the one about whom Isaiah said, (Is 9:6)

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…” It is he who said, “Carry your cross and follow me” (Matt 16:24). Also it is he (1 Peter 2:23) “Who, when he was reviled, did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten.” Here you find absolute righteousness in childhood, where it has the old and honorable matters, and where old age has the innocence of children.”

بيط حينتملل سداسلا ةيونسلا ىركذلا للهاقزر انيم صمقلا بلأا ركذلا هتاولص ةكرب انحنميو هسفن حيني برلا 2017 ةيلوي 9 موي حينت

Blessed Baptism

Baby Isaac

son of Mr Mina Zakhary and his wife Dalia

Sunday 9th July 2023

St Mary’s Church

Blessed Baptism

Baby Sobhi )Mina)

Baby Waheed )George)

sons of Dr Ashraf Kelada and his wife Irada

Saturday 8th July 2023

St Mary’s Church

Thank for all for your prayers and support. May the Lord reward you all.

اريخ مكضوعي برلا مكديضعتو مكتاولص لكل بلقلا نم اركش
Building site facing St Mary’s Church Tuesday 4th July 2023

Current Building Site 4th July 2023 Ready for the Roofings

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 6 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .روهش 6 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
Special Thanks
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate
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