Services at St Mary’s Church
Mass 9 - 11 am
Liturgy 5:30 - 7am
7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages
Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults
Mass 9 - 11 am - English
English Midnight Praises 7:30pm
English Bible Study 7:30pm
Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am
Youth 25 and above 7-9pm
Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm
Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am
Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm
Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English
Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm
Scouts 1:30 - 3pm
School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm
1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English
2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English
3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic
Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm
Church Priests:
Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251
Email: frtadros@me.com
Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871
Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com
Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821
Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au
Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington
Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651
Fr Kerillos Tawadros
0411 518 399
Fr John Makary
0433 445 636
Liturgies during the Holy Lent
11th March - 26th April 2024
Additional Liturgies
Tuesday 12 - 3pm
Thursday 5 - 7pm
The Departure of Pope Yoannis the Seventeenth, the 105th. Patriarch of Alexandria.
21st April - 13th Baramouda
On this day also, the distinguished Pope and prudent pontiff, Anba Yoannis the seventeenth, 105th Patriarch of Alexandria, departed. The parents of this father were pious Christians from the city of Mallawy, in Upper Egypt.
When he was 25 years old, he left this futile world and went to the monastery of St. Antonios. He became a monk there and his name was Abdel Sayed. Then he went to the monastery of Anba Paula, after its renovation. He exerted himself in worship, and educated himself. He learned reading and writing, for he was illiterate, then he thoroughly studied the holy books. After he exerted himself in asceticism and a virtuous life, studying the church subjects and its books, the fathers the monks chose him as a priest for them. Pope Yoannis, 13rd Patriarch ordained him along with his fellow Mourgan El-Assuity, who became, later on, Pope Petros VI, 104th Patriarch.
When Pope Petros VI, 104th Patriarch departed, the fathers the bishops, priests, and lay leaders discussed who would be fit for the Patriarchal Chair. They chose this father among others, and brought them from the monasteries to Cairo. After they prayed the Divine Liturgy for three days, they cast the lot, which fell on this father.
He was ordained a Patriarch in the church of the martyr Mercurius Abu Saifain, in Old Cairo, on Sunday, the sixth of Tubah, 1443 A.M. (January 12th., 1727 A.D.(. After his ordination and before the reading of the Gospel, they opened the door to the tomb of the fathers the Patriarchs, as the custom, for the newly elected Pope to go down and take the cross and staff from the hand of his departed predecessor. After he went down and took the cross, the bones in the tomb crepitated, and he was terrified, so he ordered to stop this practice, saying that the crosses and staffs were in abundance. The purpose of this custom was that the successor will take a lesson from his departed predecessor, so he would not be deceived by the position and become arrogant, and seeing the fate of his predecessor would be a lesson and example before him always. The Pope stayed after his enthronement a week in Old Cairo, then went to the Patriarchal residence in Haret El-Rum.
This Pope dedicated himself to building churches and monasteries, their renovation and consecration. During his Papacy, a wonderful church was built in the monastery of Anba Paula, the first hermit in the Nemr Mount, and consecrated it himself. He was accompanied by Anba Ebraam, Bishop of El-Bahnasa, and an assembly of the notables. Among them was the archon Girgis El-Sourogy, who paid for the building of this
After that, Pope Youannis built a church, refectory, and other buildings in the monastery of the honorable saint Anba Antonios, the father of all monks. He consecrated it by his blessed hands and ordained there hegumens, priests, and deacons. The honorable archon Girgis El-Sourogy also paid for these buildings.
In the ninth year of his Papacy, in 1451 A.M., the Sultan ordered to raise the taxes for the Christians and Jews three folds. Later, these taxes were raised more and imposed over the monks, priests, children, poor, and beggars without exempting anyone, so the time of this father was difficult and sorrowful for the poor, professionals and trade workers.
During his time, there was also a great increase in prices and a severe earthquake shook Cairo in the middle of the night, which lasted for about an hour. The foundation of the earth violently shook, houses were destroyed, and people trembled then God Had mercy on his people and removed from them these bitter tribulations.
When Anba Khristozolo III, 12nd Metropolitan of the Chair of Ethiopia, departed, a group of Ethiopian lay leaders came to Pope Yoannis, in the 17th year of his Papacy, in 1460 A.M. )1744 AD.(, and asked him to ordain for them a Metropolitan. He ordained for them the monk John )Youhanna(, one of the priests of the monastery of our great father Anba Antonios, and called him Youannis XIV, and returned with joy with him.
This Pope lived long and lived until a good old age shepherding his flock with the best of care. When he finished his strife, he fell sick for a short illness and then departed in peace on the Monday of the Paschal week, the thirteenth of Baramoudah, year 1461 A.M. )April 20th., 1745 A.D.(. He sat on the Chair 18 years, 3 months, and 8 days, and was buried in the tomb of the Patriarchs in the church of St. Mercurius Abu-Saifain in Old Cairo. He was contemporary to the Sultan Ahmed III and the Sultan Mahmoud I. The Chair remained vacant one month and ten days after his departure.
His blessings be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.
The Departure of the Holy Father Anba Maximus
The Fifteenth Pope of Alexandria.
22nd April - 14th Baramoda
On this day, that coincides with the ninth of April, 282 A.D., the holy father Anba Maximus, 15th Pope of Alexandria, departed. This father was born in Alexandria from Christian parents who raised and educated him well. He excelled in the Greek language. Then he learned the doctrine of the church and was a man that feared God. Pope Heraclas, 13th Pope, ordained him deacon on
the church of Alexandria. Then Pope Dionysius, 14th Pope, ordained him priest. Because of his advancement in virtues and knowledge, the fathers the bishops chose him for the Episcopal Chair after the departure of Pope Dionysius, and he was ordained on the twelfth of Hatour )November 9th., 264 A.D.(.
Shortly after his enthronement, he received a letter from the council of Antioch, which included the grounds for excommunicating Paul of Samosata and his followers. He read it to the priests of Alexandria and issued a letter and sent it along with the letter of the council to all the cities of Egypt, Ethiopia, and Nuba. This was to warn them from the heresy of Paul of Samosata, which was abolished by the death of this heretic.
Pope Maximus fought and guarded his flock, confirmed them in the faith with sermons and admonitions for seventeen years and five days, then departed in peace.
His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.
The Departure of St. Alexandra, the Empress. 23rd April - 15th Baramoda
On this day also, St. Alexandra, the Empress, Emperor Diocletian’s wife, departed. When the great martyr, St. George deluded Emperor Diocletian that he would worship his idols, the Emperor embraced his head and brought him into his royal palace.
The Saint prayed and read some of the Psalms before Empress Alexandra and interpreted to her what he read. He explained to her the Divinity of the Lord Christ. His words entered her heart and she believed in the Lord Christ, to Whom is the glory.
When the Saint stood before the idols, he called the Name of the Lord Christ, and the idols were destroyed. The Emperor and those with him were humiliated. When the Emperor returned to the palace and told the Empress what had happened, she told him: “Did I not tell you not to set yourself against the Galilean, for their God is strong and powerful?” Diocletian became extremely raged, tortured her severely, then threw her in prison where she departed in peace. Her prayers be with us. Amen.
The Martyrdom of St. Antipas, Bishop of Pergamos. 24th April - 16th Baramoda
On this day, St. Antipas, bishop of Pergamos, was martyred. He was a disciple of St. John the evangelist )Rev. 2(.
Domitianus started persecuting and killing the Christians because he heard, that they were saying, that Christ was their God and King. This Saint was one of them. He was tortured severely, but adhered more to the faith. During his imprisonment, St. John the evangelist sent him a message to comfort and strengthen him. In his message, he called him faithful priest and
good shepherd.
Finally, the Emperor placed him in a bull of brass and lighted fire under him until he delivered up his soul in the hand of the Lord. The believers took his body and placed it with great honor in the church.
His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.
The Martyrdom of St. James the Apostle Brother of St. John the Apostle.
25th April - 17th Paramouda
On this day, St. James the Apostle, the son of Zebedee, and the brother of St. John, the Apostle, was martyred. After he had preached the Gospel in Judea and Samaria, he went to Spain. He preached the Gospel there, and its people believed in the Lord Christ. He returned to Jerusalem and pursued his ministry. He always advised his flock to give alms to the poor, the needy, and the weak. They accused him before Herod who called him and asked him: «Are you the one that instigating the people not to give the taxes to Caesar but to give it to the poor and the churches?» Then he smote him with the sword, cutting off his head, and St. James received the crown of martyrdom.
Clement of Alexandria, from the fathers of the second century, said: «The soldier that seized the Saint, when he saw his courage, he realized that there must be a better life and asked the Saint for his forgiveness. Then the soldier confessed Christianity and received the crown of martyrdom )Acts 12:1,2( along with the Apostle in the year 44 A.D.»
Because Herod saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to seize Peter also. So when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him, intending to bring him before the people after Passover. )Acts 12:3-4(
So on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. And the people kept shouting, «The voice of a god and not of a man!» Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died. )Acts 12:21-23(
As of the body of St. James, the believers took it, shrouded it, and buried it by the Temple. It was said that the body of St. James was translated to Spain, where James the elder considered to be its Apostle.
His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.
Meditation on Liturgy’s Gospel
The sixth Sunday of the great Lent
John 9: 1- 41
Since the world began it has been unheard of that anyone opened the eyes of one who was born blind )John 9: 32( ( Pool of Siloam:
A Hebrew name meaning sending forth and it is a name for a pool near Jerusalem, which was called Shiloh )Isaiah 8: 6(, and today is called the Pool of Siloam.
In their celebrations of the last day of the Feast of Tabernacle (the dedicatory of their lives in the wilderness after the Exodus from Egypt( the Jews used to go with golden jug to the pool of Siloam and fill it three times, then return with the jug filled to the great temple, passing the water gate, then pouring the water into a silver bowl on the side of the western Altar in the midst of hymns saying: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good and his mercy is forever. See more details about a pond of Siloam in the English article on the pond. This pool represents baptism; just as the pool that lies inside the walls of Jerusalem was a source of survival and life for the people of Jerusalem, especially at time of war that surrounded the walls and there is no other source of water, thus baptism is the source of our salvation from the captivity and servitude of Satan. From it we obtain the mystery of eternal life, and the Holy Spirit descends upon us, who quenches our thirst and supports us in this world. Just as the blind washed and returned back seeing. Thus through baptism our inner insight opens and we see the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. Today, on the banks of a pool of Siloam, we meet a blind person who has been blind since his birth. His eyes have been anointed with mud and then he goes to wash from this pool. He has been blind since his birth and did not see light all his life, but his heart was full of faith that the Word of the Lord suffices to see the light again. But there are other blind people who see the light but do not like it. They are blind by their will and not by birth. The blind at birth needs to be baptized in order to see. But the sighted blind, needs repentance in order to see.
“Who sinned, this man or his parents?”
Sin is the source of blindness for many. There is blind from anger, and there is blind from desire, blind man of fame, and a blind from love of money. Cain was blind from envy and killed his brother.
Saul was blind from anger and he almost killed his son and plotted to kill David. Never think that anger is caused by others, anger is a sin that is inside you and blinds your eyes and drives you to evil. One of the monks used to get angry sometimes and to treat anger, he thought to live in the wilderness, and he actually dwelt in a solitary cave, and one day he filled a pot of water and put it on the ground, and at that time it rolled over and spilled the water, so he took it and filled it again. This happened for three times, after which he got very angry and hit it on the ground, and was destroyed. After he had a quiet time and returned to himself, he knew that the devil mocked him and then understood that his anger is from inside him and not those around him. Anger is very painful and blinds a person’s eyes so he does not see anything or listens to anything but thinks only on destruction and ruin. Truly, the apostle says about anger “for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God” )James 1:20(. And Solomon ) . says “A stone is heavy and sand is weighty, but a fool’s wrath is heavier than both of them”
)Prov. 3:27( (
There is blindness from desire; it is a difficult type of blindness that harms the inner soul of the person while he does not know that lust made a holy person, like David, to forget himself, forget his kingdom, and forget everything and fall into sin. Moreover, he killed to cover his sin. However, the good thing about David is that he knew the way of repentance and tears; an attribute that many lustful people do not know. The same lust made a great and strong man like Samson forget himself and forget his position as a judge of Israel and rush after an evil woman to destroy him, and wasted all his life. Learn, beloved, to close your eyes willingly before your eyes got blind against
There are those who are blinded in their eyes due to lust for food. How many sick people are prohibited from eating certain foods, but at the time of lust their eyes are blinded and they rush after the lust of their eyes and so they kill themselves. How many sighted people can read but they close their eyes to the warning written on cigarette packs and go on smoking. How many sighted girls know well and advised by others about the harms of corrupt friendships, imprudent relationships and inappropriate clothes. But she closes her eyes and goes to perdition. How many people are sighted but blind; they blinded themselves and rushed towards the trap set in front of them without sight or awareness. How can money blind many? Money blinded Balaam son of Beor, the Prophet, despite his desire to carry out God’s commands, but his love for money was stronger. There are many who are willing to sell their Master not only for thirty silver coins, but perhaps for much less, maybe for the price of a tram ticket, or maybe for trivial things that have no value. To all of these blind people there is only one treatment. + Go, wash in the pool of Siloam + There are steps you must follow in order to get insight.
First Come, admit that you have become blind because of sin. The problem is that not all blind people want to admit that they are blind. There are those who love sin and want to live in darkness.
The perception of the prodigal son of his poor condition was the key to his repentance and his return. Also, Nebuchadnezzar the king did not return his mind until he raised his eyes to the top and realized the bad condition that sin had brought to him, so he ate grass like animals. Saint Moses the Black’s confession of his ignorance and that he had not known yet God was the fact behind his repentance and the transform from a bandit to a great saint. The Church today asks for his prayers. Come, beloved, today, confess your sinful situation and the bitterness of your soul that lie within you.
Second carry the mud in your eyes. It is a symbol of contempt and humiliation. The person who realizes that this beautiful, attractive eye that he uses in his desires without controls is just mud and dirt, and without the touch of the hand of the Lord and blowing it into it, mud remains trampled upon by feet. This thought alone makes his eyes full of tears, regretting the times of ignorance he spent in sin. O sinner, put your eyes in dust, fills them with tears and weeps because of your sins.
The sinful woman melted the heart of God with her tears, with which she washed his feet. The tears of David, which he made his food day and night, with which he drenched his couch with his tears, was the key to accepting his repentance. Put your head in the hands of God and say to him ‘Lord, open my eyes, to see Your light. It is enough living in darkness. Lord, make to me eyes that see the true light; eyes that love others and do not see faults, eyes that seek purity, and simplicity.
Third, go take a wash in Siloam pool. Go cleanse yourself with the blood of Christ, who alone is able to cleanse you from all sin. There is no hope for you without repentance, confession, and communion from the body and blood of Christ. If you think that you will attain salvation without the blood of Christ, then you are wrong.
And here is the blood of Jesus Christ offered to you freely. Just have true repentance and real confession of your sins and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanse you from every sin. And here the heavenly table is stretched out in front of you in the church. Will you approach O penitent and purify yourself?
Fourth you will come back sighted. How sweet is the life of light? He who sees the true light in the life of repentance will regret the time he spent far from God in the life of darkness. He will rejoice in the light, love it and desire to live in it forever. As for those who love darkness, the Lord Jesus says to them: “f you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say, ‘We see.’ Therefore your sin remains”

Where Is the Original Siloam Pool from the Bible?
Ref: https://www.biblicalarchaeology. org/daily/biblical-sites-places/biblical-archaeology-sites/siloam-pool/ Hunting for the Biblical Pool of Siloam from Hezekiah’s time
BAS Staff July 16, 2019 0 Comments 16342 views Share Siloampool
Is the original Siloam Pool—the water pool fed by Jerusalem’s Gihon Spring during the First Temple period—beneath the Second Temple-period Pool of Siloam )pictured here(, perhaps underneath the orchard in the left of this photo? Photo: “Picture Time at the Pool of Siloam” by Ian Scott is licensed under CC-by-SA-2.0.

Where is the original Siloam Pool, the water pool that fed Jerusalem in the First Temple period and is mentioned in the Bible (2 Kings 20:20; 2 Chronicles 32:2–4(? Although the Second Temple-period Siloam Pool—which appears in John 9 where Jesus heals a blind man—was discovered in 2004, the earlier Siloam Pool remains unknown. BAR Editor Hershel Shanks investigated a possible location for the Biblical Pool of Siloam from King Hezekiah’s time in the article “The Pool of Siloam Has Been Found, but Where Is the Pool of Siloam?” published in the January/February 2017 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review.
What do we know about the original Siloam Pool? In the Bible, we see that this pool was constructed during King Hezekiah’s reign in the late eighth century B.C.E. It sat inside the city’s walls at the end of the Siloam Tunnel, which is also attributed to Hezekiah in the Bible )2 Kings 20:20(. The tunnel connected the Siloam Pool with the Gihon Spring, Jerusalem’s main water source that was outside the city’s walls. Hezekiah built the tunnel and pool in response to the threat of an attack by the Assyrian monarch Sennacherib )2 Chronicles 32:2–4(. The new water system brought water from the Gihon Spring safely inside the city, so that the inhabitants of Jerusalem would have ready access to water even during a siege.
Services Friday 26th April - Sunday 28th April
End Lent Friday
Friday 26th April
8am Early Morning Prayer
8:30 Unction of the Sick
10am - 12:30pm Divine Liturgy
Lazarus Saturday
Saturday 27th April
8:30am Early Morning Prayer
9-11am Divine Liturgy
Palm Sunday
Vespers Saturday Evening 27th
5:30 - 7 pm
Early Morning Prayer and Palm Procession:
6 - 8am Sunday 28th April
8 - 11am Divine Liturgy
11:30am General Funeral Prayers
5:30 - 8pm Monday Eve Pascha
Passion Week starts Sunday 28th
April Evening. Follow the daily sevices in next week Bulletin

St Mary’s Church representative to make a reservation is Mrs Mona Amin, mobile 0423473630

Subject to final inspection and obtaining the Ocuppency Permit which is expected during the week starting 22nd April Sercices for the period starting Lazarus Saturday:
Lazarua Saturday 27th April 8:30 - 11am
Palm Sunday 28th April 6am - 12 noon

English Services will be in the new St John Chrysostom Church until Feast of Resurrection
Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal - 2024
«Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.» Psalm 41:1
Beloved congregation ot the Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions,

As we begin the blessed season of The Great Holy lent and the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection, Coptic Hope Charity Is pleased to announce the Easter Hamper Appeal2024.
With the love and generosity of the Coptic Orthodox congregation, Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal supports our less fortunate brothers and sisters across the poorest villages and provinces throughout Egypt.
Our aim this year Is to present 4500 Easter Hampers where your gift of $65 for each Easter Hamper Includes Meat, rice, flour, butter, milk, sugar etc. to make celebrating the Feast of Resurrection a special time for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Coptic Hope Charity confirms that all donations collected for the Easter Hamper Appeal Is to provide hampers to be distributed amongst as many families as possible. Including the 1400 families in our Family-to-Family program. lo contribute to Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal or assist with ongoing support please donate with reference «Easter Hamper Appeal» to the following bank account or via our Paypal account at www.coptichope.org.au
Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity limited AIF
BSB: 063-159
Account Name: 10686722
Tax deductible receipts for all donations ab.ve $2 will be Issued upon receipt.
All funds raised by Coptic H.pe Charity are for the sole purposes 0f the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need.
On behalf of Coptic Hope Charity, we would like to thank you for your love, generosity and support.
For further information please call Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or email: info@coptichope.org.au

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April
The new Building is expected to be ready Mid April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website.
Cost of building works is around $13,000,000.
Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link