Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Saturday Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: Sunday 1st Mass 6:30 - 8:30 Arabic & English 2nd Mass.8:30 - 10:30 English - St Mary’s Church 3rd Mass 8:30 - 10:30 Arabic - St John’s Chrysostom Church Family Meeting fortnightly 11:30am Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm Church Priests: Priests Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros
:مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء
:األثنين صباحا١١ - ٩ القداس اإللهي صباحا7 - 5:30 ::اإللهي القداس اإللهي:الثالثاء )(انجليزي ذا واى- مساء أجتماع للكبار باإلنجليزي7:30 صباحا11 – 9 القداس اإللهي:األربعاء األربعاء :الخميس انجليزي- صباحا١١ - ٩ القداس اإللهي مساء7:30 انجليزي- تسبحة نصف الليل مساء7:30 انجليزي- درس الكتاب المقدس صباحا11 – 9 القداس اإللهي:الجمعة الجمعة سنة فأكثر25 مساء الشباب9 – 7 انجليزي- مساء أجتماع إعداد الخدمة8:30 - 7 صباحا١١ – 8,30 القداس اإللهي:السبت السبت 5,30 – 4 مدارس األحد مساء انجليزي٨:٣٠ –٧ العشية واجتماع الشباب مساء عربي7 - 5:30 العشية ودرس كتاب :األحد األحد ص عربي وانجليزي٨:٣٠ - ٦:٣٠ القداس األول ص – إنجليزي كنيسة١٠:٣٠ - ٨:٣٠القداس الثاني القديسة العذراء مريم ص عربي كنيسة١٠:٣٠ – ٨:٣٠ القداس الثالث القديس يوحنا فم الذهب صباحا١١:٣٠ كل أسبوعين- أجتماع ألسرة مساء12:30 - 11:45 انجليزي- فصل ألحان :األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم 0414251251 Email: :األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان 94498871 - 0401238177 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com 0422431821 :األب القس مايكل صليب Email: Epsom Rd, 3031:عنوان الكنيسة 93766651 : تليفون5 Kensington Vic األب القس كيرلس تاوضروس ٠٤١١٥١٨٣٩٩
New Year celebration starts at 8:30pm Tuesday 31st of December at St Mary’s Church ending with Divine Liturgy after midnight. Get ready and come in celebrate the start of the New Year away from the vanities of this world.
تبدأ أحتفاالت نهاية العام واستقبال العام الجديد فى كنيسة العذراء مريم يوم الثالثاء تعال أنت وأفراد أسرتك. مساء يتبعها القداس اإللهي بعد منصف الليل8:30 يناير٣١ لتستقبل.. لتستقبل العام الجديد في جو روحي بعيدا عن أباطيل هذا العالم..
نياحة القديس برنابا أحد السبعني رسوال The Martyrdom of St. Barnabas, One of the Seventy Apostles. كيهك٢١ - ديسمرب٣٠ 30th December - 21st Keiahk يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس برنابا On this day also, St. Barnabas, one of the seventy apos، أحد السبعني رسوال وهو من سبط الوي tles, was martyred. He was from the tribe of Levi. His وقد نزح مقدمو عائلته منذ زمن بعيد من ancestors left Judea long before he was born and moved كان، وأقاموا يف جزيرة قربص، بالد اليهودية to the island of Cyprus. His name was Joses. Our Lord, اسمه أوال يوسف فدعاه رينا له املجد عند to Whom is the glory, gave him the name “Barnabas”, انتخابه رسوال باسم برنابا الذي يرتجم يف which means son of “encouragement” or “consolation”, وقد نال نعمة الروح، اإلنجيل بابن الوعظ when He called him to become an apostle. He received وبرش، املعزي يف علية صهيون مع التالميذ the gift of the Holy Spirit in the upper room with the dis وكان له حقل، معهم وكرز باسم املسيح ciples. He preached the gospel with them and witnessed ( الرسل باعه وأىت بثمنه ووضعه عند أرجل to the Name of Christ. لكرثة يجلونه الذين كانوا، ) 37 – 36 : 4 أع He had a field which he sold and brought the price and الرسول آمن وملا، فضائله وحسن أمانته placed it at the feet of the apostles. (Acts 4:36-37) The أحرضه إيل الرسل، بولس بالسيد املسيح apostles honored him for his many virtues and for his يف أورشليم وحدثهم كيف ابرص الرب يف honesty. دمشق الطريق وانه كلمه وكيف جاهر يف When St. Paul believed in the Lord Christ, St. Barnabas ) وشهد له أمامهم27 : 9 باسم يسوع (أع presented him to the rest of the disciples in Jerusalem, وبعد ثالث، بغريته حتى قبلوه يف رشكتهم three years after his conversion. St. Barnabas told the سنوات خرج برنابا إيل طرسوس ليطلب apostles how the Lord appeared to St. Paul near Damas11 شاول وملا وجده جاء به إيل إنطاكية (أع cus and attested to his zeal before them. The apostles « : وقال الروح القدس للتالميذ، ، )25 : accepted St. Paul in their fellowship. The Holy Spirit said to the disciples, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul افرزوا يل برنابا وشاول للعمل الذي دعوتهام for the work to which I have called them.” (Acts 13:2) وقد طاف الرسوالن.)2 : 13 إليه « (أع St. Paul and St. Barnabas travelled together to many بولس وبرنابا معا بالدا كثرية يكرزان بالسيد countries preaching the Name of the Lord Christ. When وملا دخال لسرتة وأبرا الرسول بولس، املسيح they entered Lystra and St. Paul healed the man who ظن أهلها انهام آلهة ة، اإلنسان املقعد was crippled from his mother’s womb (Acts 14:8-18), فلم يقبال مجد،تقدموا ليك يذبحوا لهام the people of Lystra thought that they were gods, and بل مزقا ثيابهام معرتفني بأنهام، الناس they brought oxen and garlands to the gates intending to و،)18 - 8 : 14 برش تحت اآلالم مثلهم (أع sacrifice them at the feet of the apostles. St. Paul and St. بعد إن طاف مع بولس الرسول بالدا كثرية Barnabas forbade them and rejected the glory of men. فاخذ الرسول، انفصل الرسوالن عن بعضهام They tore their clothes saying that they were men with ، برنابا معه القديس مرقس ومضيا إيل قربص the same nature as they. وبرشا فيها وردا كثريين من أهلها إيل اإلميان After they travelled together to many cities, they were اليهود فحنق، ثم عمداهم، بالسيد املسيح separated from each other. St. Barnabas took with him فامسكوا، وحرضوا عليهام الوايل واملشايخ St. Mark and went to Cyprus. They preached there and converted many people to the faith of the Lord Christ and ثم رجموه،الرسول برنابا ورضبوه رضبا أليام ، وبعد ذلك احرقوا جسده بالنار، بالحجارة baptized them. The Jews resented them. So they falsely ، فتم بذلك جهاده ونال إكليل الشهادة accused them before the governor. They seized St. Barnabas and brutally beat him, then they stoned him and final- وبعد انرصاف القوم تقدم القديس مرقس ly burnt his body with fire. Thus, his strife was completed ولفه بلفائف ووضعه يف، وحمل الجسد and he received the crown of martyrdom. After the people أما مرقس الرسول فانه،مغارة خارج قربص ، اتجه إيل اإلسكندرية ليكرز بها had left, St. Mark came and carried the body, wrapped it, and placed it in a cave in Cyprus. ولربنا، صالة هذين الرسولني تكون معنا St. Mark then went to Alexandria to preach there. . املجد دامئا أبديا آمني The prayers of these two apostles be with us and Glory be تذكار املالك الجليل غربيال املبرش to our God forever. Amen. كيهك٢٢ - ديسمرب٣١ ديسمرب٣١ The Commemoration of the Archangel Gabriel. يف هذا اليوم تذكار رئيس املالئكة غربيال 30th December - 22nd Keiahk وتكريس كنيسته يف مدينة قيسارية، املبرش This day marks the commemoration of the honorable هذا املالك هو الذي. وظهور العجائب بها archangel Gabriel, the announcer, the consecration of his
وملا، أرسل إىل العذراء بالبشارة الكرمية church in Caesaria and the appearance of many miracles in it. آيت إليها قال لها « السالم لك أيتها املمتلئة He was the angel who was sent to the Virgin Mary to نعمة الرب معك» وهو الذي برش زكريا announce her with the glorious birth of our Lord Jesus فبمقدار ما لهذه.بوالدة يوحنا املعمدان Christ. He came to her and said, “Rejoice, highly favored البرشي من فرح ورسور كذلك يجب علينا one, the Lord is with you.” (Luke 1:28) He also an متوسلني، إن نجتمع يف عيده بنية صالحة nounced the birth of John the Baptist to Zacharias. (Luke إليه إن يشفع فينا أمام الله ليحفظنا من 1: 11-22) وينعم علينا بالخالص من. فخاخ الشيطان As much as this announcement has of great joy and glad- شفاعة هذا املالك الجليل تكون. خطايانا ness, we should also rejoice in his feast and pray intently . امني. معنا with supplications, asking for his intercession before God, نياحة داود النبى وامللك to preserve us from being ensnared by the devil and to كيهك٢٣ - يناير١ grant us salvation from our sins. The intercession of this للعامل 2990 يف مثل هذا اليوم من سنة honored angel be with us. Amen. تنيح امللك العظيم النبي القديس الكريم The Departure of David, the Prophet and King. وهو ثاين ملك عيل بني، داود بن يىس 1st January - 23rd Keiahk الفاضلة وأول من سار السرية، إرسائيل On this day, of the year 2990 of the world, the great King وكان من، العادلة الكاملة من ملوكهم and the saintly honored prophet David, the son of Jesse, فأنتخبه الله، سبط يهوذا من بيت لحم departed. شاول ملكا عيل بني إرسائيل عندما خالف He was the second king over the children of Israel and the فأمر الله صموئيل، بن قيس آمر الله first among their kings to walk in virtue and in justice. He النبي إن ميسح له واحدا من أوالد يىس was from the tribe of Judah from Bethlehem. God chose ، فاختار صموئيل االبن األكرب، ملكا him to be a king over Israel, when Saul, the son of Kish, disobeyed the commandment of God. غري إن، القوي الجسم، الحسن الوجه God commanded the Prophet Samuel to anoint for Him الله مل يقبله وقال لصموئيل « ال تنظر إىل one of the children of Jesse, a king over Israel. Samuel ألنه، منظره وطول قامته ألين قد رفضته chose the eldest son who had a good appearance and was الن اإلنسان ينظر، ليس كام ينظر اإلنسان tall in stature, but God rejected him and said to Samuel, إىل العينني وأما الرب فانه ينظر إىل القلب “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, ) فعرض يىس أوالده7 : 16 صم1 ( « because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as أمام صموئيل فاختار داود ومسحه ملكا man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but ولطهارة، وكان الله معه يف كل أموره، the Lord looks at the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7) قلبه ووداعته تغلب عيل شاول امللك الذي Jesse called all his sons and showed them to Samuel and ومن ذلك إن شاول خرج، حاول قتله مرارا he chose David and anointed him king. God was with him فجاء،مرة طالبا قتله فأدركه املساء ونام in all his ways, for his purity of heart and his meekness. داود النبي إليه وهو نائم وقطع طرف He overcame Saul who wanted to kill him on several ocوأبقاه جبته رسا ليعرفه بأنه قد ظفر به casions. Once Saul went out to kill David and he went into مرة وجده ثم. ) 22 - 1 : 24 صم1 ( حيا a cave to attend to his needs. David came to him secretly and cut off a corner of Saul’s robe (I Samuel 24:4) to show أخرى نامئا ايضا فاخذ داود رمحه وكوز him that he wouldn’t stretch his hand to kill him. Another صم1 (املاء الذي كان عند رأسه ومل يرضه time David found him sleeping and he took his spear and ) وملا حرضه إخوانه عيل قتله25 - 1 : 26 قال “« حاشا يل من قبل الرب إن أمد a jug of water that was by his head and did not hurt him and spared his life for the second time. (I Samuel 26:1-25) ) 11 : 16 صم1 ( « يدي إىل مسيح الرب وملا برشه إنسان بقتل شاول عدوه قائال When David’s men told him to destroy Saul, David said, “The Lord forbid that I should stretch out my hand against « وقفت عليه وقتلته « حزن داود ومزق the Lord’s anointed.” (I Samuel 26:11) ودعا واحدا من الغلامن وقال له، ثيابه When a man announced to David the news about the death صم2 ( « أوقع به فرضبه فامت، « تقدم of his rival Saul saying, “I stood over him and killed him,” وقد رشف الله هذا النبي. ) 15 - 1 : 1 David took hold of his own clothes and tore them and he عن سائر البرش إذ جمع فيه فضائل كثرية mourned him. David called one of the young men and فانه كان نبيا وصديقا، كفضيلة اإلتضاع، said, “Go near and execute him,” (2 Samuel 1: 11-15) and ومع كل ذلك كان، كامال وملكا عادال he struck the man so that he died. 24 صم1 ( يدعو ذاته كلبا ميتا وبرغوثا God honored this Prophet over all mankind, for he had وقد مدحه الله بقوله، ) وغري ذلك14 :
« وجدت داود بن يىس رجال حسب many virtues. Besides the virtue of humility, he was a prophet, a righteous man, and a just king. In spite of that, he وحرس، ) 22 : 13 صم1 ( « قلبي called himself a “dead dog” and a “flea”. (I Samuel 24:14) الله أورشليم من اجله يف حياته وبعد God praised him by saying, “I have found David, the son of مامته وجعل ملوك الشعب من نسله Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.” وتنبأ بسفر املزامري، ودعا ذاته ابنه، (Acts 13:22; Psalms 89:20; 1 Samuel 13:14) God protect وهو سفر مملوء من كل، املنسوب له ed Jerusalem for his sake during his lifetime and after his وكان داود، قول حسن وتعليم مفيد death, and He made the kings of the people of Israel from وذلك، يف قوته ذا باس مؤيدا من الله his seed, and He called Himself “his Son.” He prophesied in انه ملا كان صبيا صغريا يرعى غنم أبيه the Book of Psalms, which is a book full of useful teachهجم عليه تارة ذئب وتارة أسد ليفرتسا ings and good instructions. David’s might and power were فقتل الذئب وفسخ فيك األسد، الغنم supported by God. When he was young and guarding his وحدث ملا تقابل جيش شاول بجيش، father’s sheep, once a bear and another time a lion attacked وخرج جليات الجبار، الفلسطينيني his sheep and David killed both the bear and the lion. وهو، الذي كان طوله ستة اذرع وشرب When the army of Israel faced the army of the Philistines وبيده رمح يف سمك، متسلح بالحديد and Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, whose height شاقل وسنان رمحه ستامئة، نول النساج was six cubits and a span, and who was armored with a ومكث يجول بني عسكر الفلسطينيني، bronze helmet on his head and a coat weighing five thou ويفتخر عيل بني إرسائيل مدة أربعني، sand shekels of bronze, and he had bronze grieves on his legs and a bronze javelin between his shoulders and the staff ومل يجرس أحد من العساكر إن، يوما وكان داود قد جاء ليفتقد اخوته، يبارزه of his spear was like a weaver’s beam and his iron spear فلام رآه وسمع كالمه غار غرية إلهية، head weighed six hundred shekels; Goliath went out, stood وتقدم إليه وبيده مقالعه وخمسة up and cried out to the armies of Israel, “I defy the armies of Israel this day; give us a man that we may fight together.” فضحك منه جليات وافرتي، حجارة The Philistine presented himself for forty days, morning and عيل الله فأجابه داود قائال « أنت تأىت evening. All of Israel heard these words and were dismayed وانا أىت إليك باسم، إليك بسيف ورمح and greatly afraid. اله صفوف إرسائيل الذين، رب الجنود When David came to visit his brothers and brought provi- عريتهم « ثم وضع داود الحجر يف املقالع sions to their camp, he saw and heard Goliath. David was فارتز الحجر يف، ورضب به جليات moved with divine zeal and said to him, “You come to me ، جبهته وسقط عيل وجهه إىل األرض with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to وأزال العار، فجرد سيفه وقطع به رأسه you in the Name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies وكانت، ) 17 صم1 ( عن بني إرسائيل of Israel, whom you have defied.” David took out a stone منها ثالثني قبل، حياة داود سبعني سنة and he slung it and he struck the Philistine in his forehead, إن ميسح ملكا وقد كان مولده قبل ميالد so that the stone sank in his forehead and he fell on his face to the ground. David ran and stood over the Philistine, took السيد املسيح بآلف ومائة وعرشين سنة . صالته تكون معنا امني، his sword and cut off his head and removed the reproach of اغناطيوس استشهاد القديس Israel. (I Samuel 17) يناير٢ الثيئوفوروس بطريرك انطاكيه David lived 70 years, 30 years of which were before he كيهك٢٤ became a king. He was born one thousand, one hundred القديس استشهد يف مثل هذا اليوم and twenty years before Christ. His prayers be with us all. الجليل أغناطيوس بطريرك مدينة Amen. وكان تلميذا للقديس يوحنا، إنطاكية The Martyrdom of St. Ignatius, Patriarch of Antioch. ، وطاف معه بالدا كثرية، اإلنجييل 2nd January - 24th Keiahk On this day, the honorable St. Ignatius, Patriarch of Antioch, فبرش فيها، فقدمه بطريركا عيل إنطاكية was martyred. He was a disciple of St. John the Evangelist ورد كثريين إىل معرفة، بالبشارة املحيية and travelled with him to many cities. St. John ordained وبني، ثم عمدهم وأنارهم بالعلم، الله him Patriarch of Antioch where he preached the life giving فاغتاظ منه، لهم ضاللة عبادة االوثان Gospel, converted many to the knowledge of God, baptized الوثنيون وامسكوه وعذبوه بجميع انواع them, illumined them, and showed them the error of wor منها انهم وضعوا يف يده جمرة، العذاب shipping idols. وضغطوا عليها بالكلبتني مقدار ساعتني The pagans were enraged, they seized him and tortured him ثم احرقوا جنبيه بكربيت وزيت مشتعل، with various tortures. They put burning coals in his hands ومشطوا جسده بامشاط من، بالنار
and pressed his hands for about two hours. Then they burnt وملا حاروا يف تعذيبه طرحوه، حديد وملا، يف السجن أقام به زمانا طويال his side with red hot pitch and burning oil. They combed تذكروه أخرجوه ووعدوه مبواعيد his body with iron combs. When they became tired of وإذ مل يتزعزع، جزيلة ثم توعدوه torturing him, they cast him in prison where he stayed for a long time. When they remembered him, they brought him عن إميانه طرحوه للوحوش فمزقته out and promised him great rewards and then threatened واسلم روحه الطاهرة بيد، متزيقا him. As he was steadfast in his faith, they threw him to the صالته تكون معنا، الرب الذي احبه wild beasts and they devoured him and rendered him into .امني pieces. He delivered up his pure spirit in the hand of the استشهاد القديسة انسطاسيه Lord Whom he loved. His prayers be with us. Amen. كيهك٢٦ - يناير٤ The Martyrdom of St. Anastasia. م34 يف مثل هذا اليوم من سنة 4th January - 26th Keiahk وقد، استشهدت القديسة أنسطاسية On this day, of the year 34 A.D., St. Anastasia, was ولدت هذه املجاهدة مبدينة رومية martyred. She was born in the city of Rome in the year 275 م من أب وثني واسمه275 سنة A.D., to a pagan father whose name was “Britastanos” and ، بريتاسطانوس وأم مسيحية اسمها فالفيا a Christian mother whose name was “Flavia”. Her mother وهذه كانت قد عمدت ابنتها خفية عن baptized her secretly without her father’s knowledge and وكانت، ثم ربتها تربية حسنة، والدها she brought her up in the teachings of the Christian faith. ، تغذيها كل يوم بالتعاليم املسيحية She was steadfast in her faith and no one was able to حتى ثبتت فيها ثباتا يعرس معه انتزاعها dissuade her. وملا بلغت سن الزواج زوجها، منها When she was of marriage age, her father gave her والدها رغم أرادتها من شاب وثني wishes. her in marriage to a pagan youth, against فكانت تصيل إىل السيد املسيح، مثله St. Anastasia prayed to the Lord Christ with fervent بحرارة وترضع إن يفرق بينها وبني هذا supplications, asking Him to separate her from this pagan وكانت عند، الشاب البعيد عن اإلميان faith. the from away youth who was تخرج هي، خروجه من البيت إىل عمله When her husband left to go to his work, she also left to ايضا فتزور املحبوسني يف سبيل اإلميان visit those who were imprisoned for their faith and she ministered to them, comforted them, and offered them وتقدم لهم ما، وتخدمهم وتعزيهم whatever they needed. When her husband learned about وملا عرف زوجها ذلك، يحتاجون إليه this, he shut her up in the house and placed guards over حبسها يف املنزل وجعل عليها حراسا her. She continued to pray and ask God with tears and فكانت تداوم عيل الطلب إىل الله، supplications to save her from the hands of her husband. والترضع بالبكاء واالنسحاق إن ينقذها God answered her prayer and speeded up his death. She فاستجاب الله طلبتها وقبل، من يده distributed her wealth among the poor and those who were وللحال أرسعت، ترضعها وعجل مبوته in prison, the confessors and the strivers, for the sake of the يف توزيع مالها عيل املساكني واملحبوسني faith. When her fame reached “Florus”, the Governor, he من املعرتفني واملجاهدين ألجل اإلميان brought her before him to inquire about her religion. She وملا وصل خربها إىل فلورس الحاكم، confessed that she was a Christian. He tried to entice her استحرضها واستفرس منها عن دينها ، to leave her faith by promising her many precious gifts. فتحدث، فأقرت انها مسيحية معها كث ري ا When she did not listen to his promises, he punished her ، ووعدها بعطايا جزيلة، محاوال إن became he when and tortures various with her by torturing وإذ مل، تعدل عن رأيها تذعن له عاقبها weary of her he ordered her to be drowned. She came out وملا، بعقوبات كثرية حار يف آمرها أمر from the sea unharmed with the grace of God. When the ولكهنا صعدت منه، بإغراقها يف البحر governor learned that she was still alive, he ordered that وملا علم األمري بذلك، ساملة بعناية الرب she be tied up to four pegs on the ground and be beaten أمر بان توثق بني أربعة أوتاد وترضب so did They fire. ferociously, then be thrown into a pit of ثم تطرح يف حفرة مملوءة، رضبا مؤملا until she gave up her pure soul and received the crown of ففعلوا بها كام أمر حتى أسلمت، نارا martyrdom. ، ونالت إكليل الشهادة، روحها الطاهرة Her prayers be with us. Amen. . صالتها تكون معنا امني
Meditations on the Eucharist bible reading تأمالت في أنجيل القداس Third Sunday of the blessed month of Keiahk األحد الثالث من شهر كيهك Luke 1: 39-56 ٥٦ – ٣٩ ::١ ١ لوقا “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the « مباركة أنت في النساء ومباركة ثمرة fruit of your womb” Luke 1:42 ٤٢ :بطنك» لوقا The virgin Mary heard the annunciation of the angel ... سمعت العذراء مريم بشارة المالك … that The Holy Spirit will come upon her, and the أن الروح القدس سوف يحل عليها power of the Highest will overshadow her; therefore والقدوس المولود... وقوة العلى تظللها … that Holy One who is to be born will be called the ... منها يدعى إبن هللا Son of God (Luke 1:35) ... أخبرها... وبعد هذه البشارة العجيبة After this amazing annunciation … the angel told her أن أليصابا ت نسيبتها حبلى... المالك … Elizabeth her relative has also conceived a son in وهوذا الشهر... بابن فى شيخوختها her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her ... السادس لتلك المدعوة عاقرا who was called barren (Luke 1:36) … Anyone in the same position, will be able to rememكم إنسان فى مثل هذا الموقف يستطيع ber the second annunciation, specially after being told أن يتذكر الخبر الثاني خصوصا بعد أن the first annunciation … ... بسمع خبرا مثل هذا الخبر األول Anyone after hearing the annunciation of the birth of كم انسان بعد أن يسمع بشارة بوالدة the Saviour of all humanity would be able to compreمخلص البشرية يستطيع أن يسمع خبرا hend the news of another human, regardless of how عن انسان مهما كان هذا االنسان ودرجة important that human is in relationship, position or ... قرابته أو مركزه status … ... بل ام الملك... العذراء صارت ملكة For, the virgin has become a queen … but the moth.. ولكنها لم تنسى انها خادمة er of the King … but she did not forget that she is a ... وبمجرد أن مضى من عندها المالك servant … قامت مريم وذهبت بسرعة الى الجبال As soon as the angel departed … Mary went speedily وذهبت الى بيت... الى مدينة يهوذا to the hill country, to the city of Judah … to the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth (Luke 1:40) … ان ام... زكريا وسلمت على أليصابات the mother of the King … the mother of My Lord has ام ربى قد اتت لتخدم ام خادم... الملك come to serve the servant of the King … ... الملك The virgin offered a humble service …. With joy … فيها... قدمت العذراء خدمة فيها إتضاع and full of solace … فيها عزاء... فرح + why is this granted to me, that the mother of my من اين لى هذا ان تاتى ام ربى الى+ Lord should come to me +++ +++ A humble service … does not recognise sects, poمذاهب تعرف ال ... اتضاع فيها خدمة sitions or status … and the Lord Jesus has given us وقد اعطى الرب يسوع... وال مراكز the greatest examples of this service … for He was a فكان... اروع مثال في هذه الخدمة servant among His disciples … for He is the One who washed their feet teaching them the greatest lesson in وهو الذى غسل... كخادم وسط تالميذه ارجلهم معلما لهم اعظم الدروس في humility and self-denial … ... االتضاع وإنكار الذات God’s children, never practiced as masters who subjugate others and make slaves of them … but, they اوالد هللا لم يعرفوا ابدا أن يكونوا سادة always practiced being servants to others regardless يذلون االخرين ويجعلون من اآلخرين of their status or positions …. Moses the prophet بل تعودوا دائما ان يصيروا... خداما لهم among his people, strived as a servant (for all) with an خداما مهما كانت مناصبهم ومهما كانت amazing love, long-suffering and patience, accepting ... مراكزهم the defiant attitudes of the Israelites and their many النبى كان موسى يسعى ببته كل فى problems … كخادم فى طول أناة عجيبة ومحبة كبيرة Moses had chosen seventy elders of the Israelites to يحتمل help him in his services Numbers (11:16-25) … and تمرد شعب بنى إسرائيل ومتاعبهم he brought them before the Lord … and the Lord ... الكثيرة filled them with His Spirit and gave them all the اختار موسى سبعين شيخا من شيوخ بنى wisdom to become judges for the Israelites … and it وأتى... اسرائيل ليساعدوه في الخدمة so happened there were two men in the camp … and the Spirit of the Lord descended so they started to ومألهم هللا بروحه... بهم امام الرب prophesies … and Joshua, Moses’s assistant became
over zealous for his teacher … and said to Moses … وأعطاهم كل حكمة ليصيروا قضاة لبنى my lord, forbid them … and Moses answered … are وتصادف ان كان هناك اثنان.. اسرائبل you zealous for my sake … Oh I wish that all the وحل روح الرب فصارا.. منهم فى المحله LORD’s people were prophets (Numbers 11:26-29) وغار يشوع تلميذ موسي ألجل... يتنبآن …. ياسيدى اردعهما... وقال لموسى....سيده Another time (Moses’) sister Meriam insulted him ياليت.. أتغار لي... وكان رد موسى... … so, the Lord inflected leprosy upon her … and ...كل شعب هللا انبياء Moses became sad for her sake … and he prayed for فضربها... ومرة اخرى أهانته اخته مريم her … Lord please heal her … and the Lord replied وحزن موسى ألجلها... الرب بالبرص to have her confined out side the camp for seven ... وصار يصلى ألجلها... جدا days, then she can be brought back healed (Num وامر الرب بحجزها سبعة...يارب اشفها bers 11:10-15) … ... ايام في المحلة ثم شفيت St Paul the apostle says of his service … But in .. ويقول القديس بولس الرسول عن خدمته all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God: in much patience, in tribulations, in needs, in لسنا نجعل عثرة في شىء لئال تالم الخدمة distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, بل فى كل شىء نظهر أنفدسنا كخدام هللا فى in labours, in sleeplessness, in fasting; by purity, by ضرورات. فى.. شدائد, فى.. صبر كثير knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the فى ضيقات في ضربات فى سجون فى.. Holy Spirit, by sincere love, by the word of truth, اضطرابات في اتعاب في اسهار فى اصوام by the power of God, by the armour of righteousفى طهارة في علم فى أناة فى لطف فى ness on the right hand and on the left, by honour فى ... فى محبة بال رياء... الروح القدس and dis-honour, by evil report and good report; as كالم الحق فى قوة هللا بسالح البر لليمين deceivers, and yet true; as unknown, and yet well بمجد وهوان بصيت ردى... ولليسار known; as dying, and behold we live; as chastened, .. وصيت حسن and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always re كمجهولين... كمضلين ونحن صادقون joicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things (2 Corinthians .. نحيا.ونحن معروفون كمائتين وها نحن 6: 4-10) … كان ال شىء.. كفقراء ونحن نغنى كثيرين This is the constitution of serving (God) which is ... )٤ :٦ كو٢ ( لنا ونحن نملك كل شىء followed by God’s children and still being followed هذا هو دستور الخدمة الذي أتبعه أوالد هللا … a service full of sacrifices and self-denial … خدمة كلها تضحية... ومازالوا يتبعونه In the letter to Philemon St Paul established the ... إنكار ذات Christian relationships between a master and a وفى الرسالة الى فليمون القديس يضع slave. St Paul written this letter to Philemon, interبولس الصورة المسيحية للعالقة بين السيد ceding on behalf of the runaway salve Onesimus والعبد ويكتب هذه الرسالة الى فليمون … requesting from Philemon to accept him on his ... متشفعا من أجل عبده الهارب انسيمس return … “therefore, receive him, that is, my own راجيا من فليمون أن يقبله عند عودته اليه heart, that you might receive him forever, no longer فاقبله الذى هو احشائى.. ... as a slave but more than a slave … a beloved broth- .. ال كعبد فيما بعد بل أفضل من عبد أخا er … much more to you, both in the flesh and in the والسيما الى فكم بالحرى اليك في.. محبوبا Lord … If then you count me as a partner, receive him as you would me … brother, let me have joy فإن كنت تحسبني... الجسد والرب جميعا from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in the Lord نعم ايها االخ ليكن.. شريكا فاقبله نظيرى … having confidence in your obedience (Philemon أرح احشائى فى.. لى فرح بك فى الرب 1: 12-21) … ... إذ انا واثق بإطاعتك... الرب The Lord Jesus, says of this service … “whoever ... ويقول الرب يسوع فى هذه الخدمة desires to become great among you, let him be your من اراد ان يكون عظيما فليكن لكم خادما servant” (Matthew 20:26) ... “to be first among you, ( وأكبركم يكون خادما... )٦ :٢٢(متى let him be your slave” Matthew 20:27) … .. )١١ :٢٢ متى Our fathers the patriarchs were and still true living وآباؤنا البطاركة كانوا ومازالوا هم امثلة examples of the servants who have denied themحية للخدام الذين أنكروا انفسهم ويضحون selves and sacrificed all in their service … ... بكل شىء فى خدمتهم And you beloved, have you learned the humble وأنت أيها الحبيب هل تعلمت خدمة service among your brethren … and those you know or you don’t know … وبين من تعرفهم... االتضاع بين أحباءك
Serving with humility not the same as the serving to .. أو ال تعرفهم complement (others) … for serving for complements خدمة االتضاع ليست هى خدمة … does not offer any (true service) … and cannot be فأنت في خدمة المجامالت... المجامالت considered a service … because, you expect a reward ال تقدم.. for your services … ... وال تفعل شىء يعتبر خدمة... جديد ا The service of humility not the same as the services ... ألنك تتوقع مقابل فى خدمتك for complements … which is a service void of love … المصالح خدمة اإلتضاع ليست هى خدمة but it is associated with the world with all its pleasures بل.. وهى خدمة تخلو من المحبة.. and physical rewards which is spiritually destructive ويدخل فيها العالم بشهواته وملذاته for the body and soul …. Also, it is a service with ومادياته المهلكة للنفس والجسد والروح profit … even, if it had struggles and pains … رغم... ثم أيضا انها خدمة فيها فرح... + My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has re... أن فيها آالم وجهاد joiced in God my Saviour +++ تعظم نفسى الرب وتبتهج روحى باهلل+ When, one serves the world, one feels that he or she is carrying a heavy weight … one counts the hours +++ مخلصى and minutes to finalise … then one feels tired and عندما تخدم العالم فأنت تشعر أنك تؤدى burdened … where one is forced to act … thus, it is a تعد الساعات متى تنتهى... واجبا ثقيال service of sweat and tears full of sadness … but, when مضطر... إنك نشعر انك متعب... منه one carry out the services of love … one does not feel ولذلك فهى خدمة عرق... لهذا العمل fatigued or weary … but one feels joy … the seven خدمة اما عندما تخدم... وتعب واحزان years that Jacob spent working for Rachael … in his بل ... فأنت ال تشعر بتعب... المحبة eyes were like a few days because of his abundant ... تشعر بفرح love to Rachael (Genesis 29:20) … يعقوب خدمها التى سنوات كانت السبعة Ruth had forgotten her estrangement (from her فى عينه كأيام قليلة... من أجل راحيل homeland) and being a widow because of her love to ٢٩ : ( تكوين... من فرط محبتة لراحيل her mother-in-law Naomi (Ruth 1-4) … and all the )٢٠ : tribulations and hard work as if it was nothing … and by this Ruth the Moabite a source of blessing to all of نسيت راعوث غربتها وترملها وتعبها Israel … وصار.. بسب محبتها لحماتها نعمى They compelled Simon of Cyrene to carry the Cross وهكذا... كل تعب تتعبه كأنه ال شىء of the Lord Jesus … and some (of the church fathers) صارت راعوث الموآبية سبب بركة لكل meditated on this saying … Simon of Cyrene would .. اسرائيل have wished if the road place of crucifixion had been سخروا سمعان القيروانى صليب ليحمل endless so that he can continue in carrying the Cross of the Lord and walking behind Him in joy … for he ويتأمل بعضهم ويقول ان... الرب يسوع سمعان القيروانى كان يتمني ان يطول has forgotten the heaviness of the Cross because of his love of the Lord Jesus … (again) in the dark cruel طريق الصليب الى ما ال نهاية حتى يظل حامال صليب الرب ويسير خلفه فى فرح prison of Philippi … Paul and Silas were tied down with chains and singing hymns in the darkness of the فقد نسى ثقل الصليب فى محبته للرب... ..يسوع prison (Acts 16:24) … (Also) Peter had slept com... فى سجن فيلبى المظلم الموحش forted in joy and peace … rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for the Lord Jesus كان بولس وسيال يرتالن وهما مقيدان (Acts 5:41) بالسالسل They were true honest servants … serving with joy … نام بطرس مطمئنا... فى ظلمة السجن even, if the service is full of labour, tribulations and حاسبا اياه كل فرح... فى فرح وسالم being shamed. It is a service of joy and the service of ... أن يتألم ويهان ألجل الرب يسوع walking the second mile … the mile of love … whoفرح ويخدمون فى... أنهم خدام أمناء ever compels you to go one mile, go with him two … حتى لو كانت الخدمة فيها تعب.... anyone wants your tunic … let him have your cloak .ومشقة وإهانة also (Matthew 5:40-41). ... خدمة الفرح هى خدمة الميل الثانى The service of joy … is without objections … many فمن سخرك ميال أمش... ميل المحبة cannot accept others demands … nor accept to continأعطه... ومن طلب ثوبك... معه ميلين ue in perusing the services … specially if the service .. الرداء أيضا exceeded the required or expected actions … and here objections starts … and gradually instead of word of كثيرون.. ليس فيها تذمر.. خدمة الفرح
love and cordiality, one hears other new words … وال يحتملون... ال يحتملون طلبات اآلخرين (like) exploitation … lack of appreciation … خصوصا إذا تعدى... االستمرار فى الخدمة Where (then) the service of love … which starts هنا يبدأ التذمر... األمر من خدمة الواجب with words of gratitude and gratefulness … and وتدريجيا بدل كلمات المحبة والمجاملة تبدأ... continues in joyful appreciation after the first mile ... تسمع كلمات اخرى من نوع جديد … in great happiness into the second mile … and ... عدم تقدير... استغالل whoever rejoices in the service … will seek it … بكلمة تبدأ التى .. اين هى خدمة الفرح and will not avoid it … wishing to be a servant to وتستمر فى فرح بعد... االمتنان والتقدير all … and desiring to put a smile on every mouth … wiping the tears from every eye … longing to ... وفى سعادة بعد الميل الثانى... الميل االول يسعى وراءها... والذى يفرح بالخدمة be a brother and a friend to all the those in need يتمنى ان يصير خادما... وال يهرب منها... … with happiness and joy … accepting for the sake of the service all hardships that one will meet يتمنى ان يضع ابتسامة على كل فم. . . للكل يشتاق أن.. ويمسح الدموع من كل عين... on the way … and there always be hardships in a world full of troubles … ... فى فرح... يصير أخا صديقا لكل محتاج + He has filled the hungry with good things ويتحمل فى سبيل خدمته كل تعب يقابله فى A service full of solace … full of satisfaction … والبد من المتاعب فى عالم.. الطريق full of joy … for when the Virgin Mary visited .. بالمتاعب٠ملى Elizabeth … the Holy Spirit descended on Eliza+++ اشبع الجياع خبرات+ beth … فيها فرح... فيها إمتالء.. خدمة فهها تعزية When St Anthony (the great) visited St Paula (the ... فعند زيارة العذراء مريم ألليصابات.. hermit) … both sat down from morning to night ... أمتألت أليصابات من الروح القدس speaking of God’s wonders … and the evening a للقديس وعند زيارة القديس االنبا أنطونيوس crow came carrying a full loaf of bread and not جلسا من الصباح الى المساء... االنبا بوال half a loaf as it did every day … it was a visit full وفى المساء أتى... يتحدثان بعجائب هللا of comfort … and fulfilment … When the Lord entered Zacchaeus’s house … the الغراب حامال خبزة كاملة على غير عادته من whole house hold was redeemed (Luke 19:1-10) زيارة... ان يأتي بنصف خبزه فقط كل يوم … ... فيها شبع... فيها تعزية When Peter visited Cornelius’s house … everyone حدث خالص... عندما دخل الرب بيت زكا gathered (in the house) was filled by the Holy وعندما دخل بطرس بيت... ألهل هذا البيت Spirit (Acts 10) because the and service of the امتالء المجتمعون كلهم من... كرنيليوس saints are full of satisfaction and fulfilment … وشبع الروح القدس ففى خدمة القديسين إمتالء but service of people of the world … are full of حزن فيها... أما فى خدمة أهل العالم... sadness, tribulations and hardship … the service ا الخدمة ... وتعب وشقاء ومشاكل which involves God … is a source of happiness, joy and fulfilment … therefore, is your services to تكون سبب فرح وامتالء... لتى يدخل فيها هللا فهل انت خدماتك لآلخرين يدخل فيها... others involves the Lord Jesus … or the world is أم يدخل فيها العالم... الرب يسوع involved in it …. Are your services being to God’s ... أم نصائح أهل... هل خدماتك بها وصايا هللا commandments … or is it according to the world هل فيها استشاره الكتاب.. العالم وإرشاداتهم people’s advice and directions … is it guided by the Holy Bible and your spiritual guides (your أم إستشاره... المقدس والمرشدين الروحيين confessional father the priest) … or it is guided by .. المحامين واهل القانون legal councils and lawyers … هل خدماتك فيها تعزية لنفسك ولمن تخدمهم Are your services a source of comfort and solace ام انك تفقد سالمك ويفقد اآلخرين سالمهم.. to your self and those you serve … or you lose .. الخدمة،سبب هذ your (inner) peace and others lose their peace العذزاء السيدة خدمة كمثال إجعل خدماتك because of such service … فيها خدمة اتضاع.. مريم للقديسة أليصابات Make your services similar to the services of the خدمة فيها تعزية وإمتالء.. وفيها خدمة فرح Virgin (St Mary) to St Elizabeth … a service full .. of humility and joy … a service full of comfort, solace and fulfilment. (Amen) …
2024 Events 2024 (MMXXIV) is the current year, year and is a leap year starting on Monday of the Gregorian calendar, the 2024th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 24th year of the 3rd millennium and the 21st century, and the 5th year of the 2020s decade. The year has seen the continuation of major armed conflicts, including the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Myanmar civil war, the Sudanese civil war, and the Islamist insurgency in the Sahel. In November, heavy fighting resumed in the Syrian civil war, leading to the toppling of Ba’athist Syria, with Bashar al-Assad fleeing Syria in December. The ongoing Israel–Hamas war has led to spillover into numerous countries, most notably Lebanon, who Israel invaded in October. This followed an intensification of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. In the preceding month, Israel escalated an offensive against the group, including an attack using explosives-laden communication devices, and carrying out a bombing of its headquarters which resulted in the killing of the Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah.[1] Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, had already been assassinated in the Iranian capital Tehran in July. The year also saw a rise in activity by the Houthi movement which has contributed to a crisis in the Red Sea that has impacted global shipping. The ongoing conflict has sparked widespread protests against the war.[2][3][4] Approximately 80 countries, representing around four billion people, are expected to conduct national elections throughout the course of the year,[5][6][7][8][9] including eight out of ten of the world’s most populous countries (Bangladesh, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, India, Mexico, Indonesia, and the United States)[5] as well as France, the United Kingdom and Japan.[10] The European Parliament also held elections.[11] Among democracies, over 80 percent saw the incumbent party lose support compared to the last election.[12][13] Many of these incumbent losses were historic.[14][15] In countries like Japan, Botswana and South Africa, incumbent parties that had dominated domestic politics for decades lost their majorities and have either relinquished power or are holding on through cobbled-together coalitions with minor parties.[16][17][18] Bassirou Diomaye Faye won the 2024 Senegalese presidential election, becoming the first opposition candidate to win in the first round since independence in 1960.[19] In Sri Lanka, voters delivered a landslide win to the National People’s Power, previously a minor party.[20] Republican Donald Trump won the 2024 United States presidential election, becoming the first U.S. president to be elected to a non-consecutive second term in 132 years, when Grover Cleveland won the 1892 election. [21][22] A total solar eclipse wowed North American viewers Scientists unveiled the first-ever complete map of an adult fruit fly’s brain 2024 marked the hottest year on record An ambitious space mission launched to search for signs of life on a moon Bird flu infected cows and dairy workers Colorful auroras dazzled viewers across the planet 6 global conflicts and crises to watch in 2024 • The world is currently experiencing a record number of conflicts and crises since the end of World War II. From the war in Gaza, which is hitting civilians particularly hard, to the fighting in Sudan, which has caused a catastrophic humanitarian crisis, to the problems caused by drought and water scarcity in many countries. In 2024, up to 300 million people will need humanitarian aid. What conflicts and crises should we be watching in 2024? 1. Gaza • Gaza is currently the deadliest place for civilians in the world. Since the escalation of the conflict began last October, over 42,000 people have died in the Gaza Strip and more than 99,000 others have been injured. Over 60% of the casualties are civilians. Some 1.9 million people have been forced to leave their homes, almost the entire population of Gaza. • People do not have access to even basic needs such as drinking water, food or healthcare, and there is a risk of famine in the area. “People are huddled in inhumane conditions in overcrowded alternative accommodation, right on the streets or in makeshift tent camps, where even basic facilities such as shelters or sanitation are not available,” explains Lenka Pipkova,
Manager of Foreign Communication at Caritas Czech Republic. • Caritas is helping directly in Gaza. Caritas is also calling for an immediate ceasefire. The conflict in Gaza is raising tensions in the Middle East and risks a major regional crisis. 2. Sudan • One of the most serious current conflicts in the world is taking place in Sudan. Fighting between the Sudanese army (Sudanese Armed Forces, SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) caused an enormous humanitarian crisis. Fighting broke out first in the capital Khartoum and quickly spread throughout the country. More than 18 000 people have lost their lives and more than 33 000 others have been injured as a result of the fighting. It is also currently the largest displacement crisis in the world. Up to 12 million people have had to leave their homes, the vast majority - over 10 million people - remain within Sudan. This includes 4,6 million children, making Sudan the country with the highest number of displaced children in the world. The conflict has closed thousands of schools and left 19 million children without education. • 24.8 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, half of the country’s nearly 49 million inhabitants. The need for aid has skyrocketed from 15.8 million people at the start of the conflict in April 2023. • Human rights organisations warn of the risk of genocide in the West Darfur region, due to mass killings and forced displacement of the population. Violence from Sudan may spread beyond its borders to neighbouring countries such as Egypt, Libya, Chad, the Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Eritrea and South Sudan, which are already facing an unstable political situation or have themselves experienced violent civil wars. • In Sudan, there has been massive destruction of critical infrastructure, resulting in a complete breakdown of systems, leaving millions of people without enough food and without access to healthcare and other services. 3. Ukraine Two years passed since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine at the end of February. Attacks on civilians and infrastructure have intensified in the country, leaving 14.6 million in Ukraine still in need of humanitarian assistance. A further 3.6 million people remain displaced in safer areas of the country. Caritas Czech Republic is providing decent accommodation in modular houses for the displaced people so that they do not have to stay in overcrowded mass accommodation. Caritas Czech Republic also helped people in Ukraine to prepare for freezing weather. Together with our partner organisation New Dawn, we provided heating for the homes of residents of Kherson and Mykolaiv regions. 4. Syria In March this year, the war in Syria entered its fourteenth year. The situation in the country remains dire, with up to 70 per cent of all Syrians in need of humanitarian aid. The country is suffering from a widespread economic crisis and is facing food shortages due to a long-standing drought. The crisis in Syria was exacerbated by the devastating earthquake last February. This affected areas in the north-west of the country that were already suffering a huge humanitarian crisis before the earthquake as there are internally displaced people who have fled from other parts of the country to escape the fighting. Caritas Czech Republic has provided immediate assistance to the people affected by the earthquake and continues to provide aid that remains desperately needed. The crisis in Syria is further exacerbated by the attacks from Israel on Lebanon which have forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee to Syria. The situation in Syria is also complicated by uncertainty over cross-border aid deliveries. While humanitarian needs remain high, humanitarian assistance is chronically underfunded and limited. The UN and the Syrian government have agreed to continue cross-border aid deliveries, but the future of this agreement is uncertain and failure to extend it would cut millions off from critically important aid. In recent years, humanitarian aid has been increasingly combined with development aid in Syria, in partnership with local NGOs. To help Syrian organisations get involved in the reconstruction of their country, Caritas Czech Republic is organising a series of training sessions on how to deliver aid properly and effectively. We are motivating young Syrians to become active in society so that they can participate in the future of their country. This year, we will also provide access to clean water and support women at risk of gender-based violence in Northwest Syria.
+ The Advent Fasting: : صوم الميالد المجيد+ Sunday 25th November the Advent Fasting نوفمبر يبدأ صوم الميالد المجيد٢٥ يوم األثنين started. It continues for 43 days and ends by يوما وينتهي يوم عيد الميالد المجيد٤٣ ومدته the Feast of Holy Nativity at 7th January. It is وهذا الصوم من األصوام التي.. يناير القادم7 allowed to eat fish during this fasting except يسمح فيها بأكل األسماك ماعدا أيام األربعاء on Wednesdays and Fridays and usually we والجمعة ويصام فيها انقطاعيا حتى الساعة abstain from food until 3pm. For those who الثالثة بعد الظهر وفى حاالت المرض يستشار got health reasons they can consult their وصوم الميالد هو أستعداد لعيد.أب االعتراف father of confession. The Advent Fasting is التجسد اإللهي الستقبال الرب الكلمة المتجسد a preparation for the Feast of Incarnation of ويصام أربعين يوما كمثال صوم الرب األربعيني our Lord. We fast 40 days taking an examوكمثال صوم موسى أربعين يوما قبل تسلمه ple of the Lord’s Fasting and from Moses الوصايا والناموس ويصام أيضا ثالثة أيام أضافية Fasting for 40 days before receiving the Law كمثال صوم الكنيسة في أيام البابا أبرآم ابن زرعة and Commandments. We fast also extra three من أجل أتمام معجزة نقل الجبل62 البطريرك days in commemoration of the days fasted ويتخلل هذا.المقطم أيام الخليفة المعز الفاطمي by people during the time of St Abraam the الصوم أيضا شهر كيهك الذي تركز فيه الكنيسة 62th Pope of Alexandria for the miracle of على القراءات الخاصة بقصة تجسد الرب يسوع moving the mountain. The blessed month of وتسبح فيه الكنيسة التسابيح الخاصة بالتجسد Keiahk falls during the Advent days in which الرب.. وبوالدة األله القديسة العذراء مريم we sing and read all about the Incarnation of المحب يعطينا بركة هذا الصوم المقدس فنصومه the Lord. Let us all pursue fasting in humilبطهارة وبر وخشوع ونقدم فيه صوما روحيا ity and repentance and offer our hearts to be ممزوجا بدموع التوبة ومعدين قلوبنا لتكون هيكال holy sanctuary for our Lord the Child of the مقدسا لطفل المزود الرب المتجسد Manager the Incarnated Lord. 5. Democratic Republic of Congo The Democratic Republic of Congo is facing one of the world’s most protracted crises, caused by armed conflict, economic crisis, climate shocks and disease epidemics. In the east of the country, a renewed offensive by the M23 rebel group is increasing the intensity of the conflict and the humanitarian needs. Last year also saw rising political tensions ahead of the presidential elections in December. Humanitarian needs are estimated at 25.4 million people, the highest of any country globally. Moreover, Congo is among the countries with the highest number of internally displaced people in the world. Refugee camps are overcrowded and their inhabitants are at risk of epidemics of deadly diseases. The unstable situation and armed conflict in Congo have long led local people to flee to safety across the country’s borders. Caritas Czech Republic supports refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Zambia. We have supported both refugee students to study at university and other refugees to open their own businesses and make a living in their new country. Thanks to our support, for example, a tailor’s shop or a refrigerator repair workshop was created. 6. Drought and water scarcity For several years now, the climate crisis has been one of the biggest crises of our time.It is particularly hard on the Middle East and North Africa, but water shortages are affecting many other countries, from Peru to Kenya, Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia. Climate change is expected to continue to worsen the situation in these areas and lead to massive displacement. Millions of people will move from rapidly drying up areas, due to the impossibility of making a living, to cities in search of jobs that are virtually non-existent. Water shortages can cause crises even in peaceful countries. Three decades ago, 44 % of all conflicts took place in climate-vulnerable states. Today, the figure is 67 %. Water scarcity hits children particularly hard. UNICEF reports that one in three children in the world (739 million) live in areas exposed to high or very high water scarcity. It is expected that by 2040, roughly 1 in 4 children worldwide will be living in areas of extremely high water stress. Water scarcity linked to climate change also increases the risk for children in Gaza. Caritas Czech Republic has long supported smallholder farmers in disadvantaged regions to be able to effectively cope with drought and associated crop failure caused by climate change.
Coptic Hope Charity Announcement “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 Dearest Congregation, Coptic Hope Charity is pleased and excited to announce that we once again will be running our Annual Christmas Appeal to support our brothers and sisters in Egypt. With your love, support, and generosity this appeal allows us to send much needed food hampers containing day to day needs for the less fortunate in all regions of Egypt. Our aim this year is to send 4850 Christmas food hampers. Each food hamper will cost $70, which provides enough food for up to a family of 4. Larger families will receive multiple hampers. Please assist us in sending the less fortunate in Egypt a Christmas message of hope and most importantly Christ’s love. Whether you can donate one hamper, or ten hampers, they all count. You can join us by donating to the below bank account (a tax deductable receipt will be provided to all donors) Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Number: 10 686 722 Please use the reference ‘Food Hamper’ At Coptic Hope Charity we sponsor more than 1000 families on an ongoing basis. We would love to increase this support to many more families. This cannot be done without your ongoing support. If you would like to become a regular donor and sponsor a family for as little as $60 per month, please fill in our sponsorship form on our Facebook page (a tax-deductible receipt will be provided to all donors). For any further information please contact Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 / May our Lord reward you all, wishing you all a blessed fast of the Holy Nativity.
+ Doxologies of Keiahk : تسبحة شهر كيهك+ Doxologies and Praises of the blessed فى كنيسة العذراء مريم تقام تسبحة شهر كيهك month of Keiahk starts at St. Mary’s church أى سبع- (المعروفة أيضا بسبعة وأربعة every Saturday 7 - 11 pm. During the week 7 ئيؤطوكيات وأربعة تسابيح) كل يوم سبت . مساء11 it will be held on Tuesdays & Thursday كما تقام التسبحة خالل األسبوع يومي الثالثاء every week 6:30 - 9 pm. مساء9 - 6:30 والخميس Opening St Mary’s Bookshop Sunday 29th December 2024 The nwely refurbished Bookshop at St Mary’s Church will be starting next Sunday 2024 at the new location at the church new building. Servants of the book shop: Deacons Nabil Shehata & Nashaat Gundy مكتبة كنيسة القديسة العذراء مريم تبدأ المكتبة خدمتها فى كنيسة القديسة العذراء مريم ديسمبر فى موقعها بمبنى الخدمات٢٩ يوم األحد الجديد بالكنيسة يشرف عليها كل من الشماس نبيل شحاتة والشماس نشأت جندى
New Church, New Building and Car Park are ready
We started to use the New Building and church last on Lazarus Saturday 27th April 2024. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. We thank Our Lord for this great Gift
Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated. بدأنا أستعمال الكنيسة الجديدة والمبنى وأماكن أنتظار السيارات خدمات الكنيسة تتم حسب. أبريل٢٧ بدأنا أستعمال المبنى الجديد من يوم سبت لعازر .المعتاد حسب الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة . مليون دوالرا١٣ تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى يمكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب البنكي الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها من خالل مركز الكنيسة اإللكتروني الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المباني أضغط على الرابط (Copy & Paste on Web Browser)